Exp SC 7 - Chapter 05
Exp SC 7 - Chapter 05
Exp SC 7 - Chapter 05
Knowledge to be gained: •Acids and bases •Natural and synthetic indicators •Properties and uses
of acids •Properties and uses of bases • Salts
Skill to be developed: •Testing the acidic or basic nature of substances using indicators.
Attitude to be inculcated: •Mineral acids and bases should be handled with extreme care
•Excessive pollution can cause acid rains
We all are familiar with the sour, bitter and salty We nd that some of these substances taste sour,
tastes of different edible substances. Let us list some taste bitter, some taste salty and some taste
some of these common substances and their sweet.
tastes in the table given below. e sour, bitter and salty tastes of these
Substances Taste substances are due to the acidic, basic and salty
Lemon juice nature of these substances. Many of these
Orange juice substances are sour in taste; that is because they
Vinegar contain some form of acid in them. Many acids
occur naturally in sour substances, like curd,
Tamarind (imli)
citrus fruits, tamarind, etc. On the other hand,
Common salt
substances that taste bitter generally contain
Baking soda
bases in them. For example: Baking soda tastes
Unripen mango bitter and is basic, whereas lime juice tastes sour
Sugar and is acidic.
Grapes In this chapter, we will study about acids, bases
Cucumber and salts. ese are three important groups of
62 Exploring Science-7
chemical substances which are useful to us in generally weak acids.
many ways. In our everyday life, we use a base Apart from the acidic taste (sour), some
like baking soda to make bread, common salt to substances taste bitter. For example: The taste of
add taste to our food, and acid like lemon juice baking soda is bitter. On rubbing the aqueous
to make lemonade. solution of baking soda between ngers, we feel
ACIDS AND BASES soapy. ese types of substances which are bitter
e word ‘acid’ comes from the Latin word, in taste and feel soapy on touching are called
‘acere’, which means ‘sour’. All sour-tasting bases. us, substances which taste bitter and
materials contain acids. e chemical nature of feel soapy on touching are basic in nature.
these substances is said to be acidic. us, Examples of substances containing bases are:
substances having a sour taste are acidic in Soap, baking soda, etc. e chemical nature of
nature. Examples of substances containing these substances is said to be basic. Some of the
acids are: curd, lemon juice, orange juice, common bases and the substances which
vinegar, etc. e acids found in these substances contain these bases are listed below.
are natural acids. e table below lists some of Names of bases Found in substances
the common natural acids and the substances Sodium hydroxide and
which contain these acids. Soap
Potassium hydroxide
Name of acids Found in substances
Calcium hydroxide Limewater
Formic acid Ant’s sting Magnesium hydroxide Milk of magnesia
Acetic acid Vinegar Ammonium hydroxide Window-cleaner
Citric acid Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, etc.) INDICATORS: TESTING FOR ACIDS
Lactic acid Milk, curd AND BASES
Ascorbic acid Amla We cannot taste every substance as all
Tartaric acid Unripen mango, tamarind, etc. substances are not edible. In such cases, the
nature of substances can be determined by the
Oxalic acid Spinach, guava, tomato
use of special type of substances called
Natural Acids (Organic acids) can be found in indicators. An indicator is a substance which
nature. ey are the acids obtained from living tells whether a solution is acidic or basic, by
things such as animals and plants. On the other changing its colour. For example: Litmus paper
hand, Mineral acids (Inorganic acids) are the acts as an indicator by changing its colour to
acids formed using minerals. For example: either red or blue, when it comes in contact with
sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄), hydrochloric acid an acid or a base.
(HCl), nitric acid (HNO₃), etc., are mineral Indicators can be natural or synthetic.
acids. Turmeric, Litmus, China rose petals (Gudhal),
Mineral acids are generally strong acids. etc., are some of the naturally occurring
Some acids can be so strong that they can indicators. Phenolphthalein is a synthetic
burn our skin, if touched. Organic acids are indicator.
Acids, Bases and Salts 63
Natural Indicators Around Us litmus paper and red litmus paper.
Litmus: A natural dye u Blue litmus paper turns red when dipped in
u Litmus is the most commonly used natural an acidic solution and red litmus paper
indicator. turns blue when dipped in a basic solution.
u It is extracted from lichens.
u It has a purple colour in distilled water
(neutral water).
u It is available in the form of a solution, or in the
form of strips of paper, known as litmus paper. Fig.1 Red and blue litmus papers
u Litmus paper is made by drying litmus Let us perform the following activity to test the
solution on neutral paper. acidic or basic nature of various solutions using
u It is generally, available in two colours: Blue litmus paper.
Aim: To test the acidic or basic nature of various solutions.
Materials required: Solutions mentioned in the table below, glass tumblers, pieces of red litmus
and blue litmus paper, and a dropper.
Procedure: Put drops of solutions given below in the table on the strips of red and blue litmus
paper, with the help of a dropper.
Observation: Observe the change in colours of the blue and red litmus papers when various
solutions are dropped onto them.
Record your observations in the table given below.
Solutions Red litmus strip Blue litmus strip Conclusion
Detergent solution Turns blue No change Basic
Aerated drinks
Soap solution
Common salt solution
Sugar solution
Baking soda solution
Milk of magnesia
Washing soda solution
Lime water
Lemon juice No change Turns red Acidic
Acid Base
Fig.2 Acids turn blue litmus paper red Fig.3 Bases turn red litmus paper blue
Answer the following
1. Write any two properties of acids.
2. Write any two properties of bases.
3. What is known as milk of magnesia? What is it used for?
For example: Sodium chloride (salt) is formed (vi) Salts of carbonic acid (H2CO3) are called
by the reaction of sodium hydroxide (base) and carbonates.
hydrochloric acid. Chemical names of some salts with their
common names chemical formulae the acids
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H₂O from which they are obtained (parent acid) and
chloride) (Water) their uses in daily life are given in the table
Write True or False
1. Salts are formed by the reaction between acids and bases. ______________
2. Salts are mostly liquid and have high melting points. ______________
3. Salts are usually soluble in water. ______________
Most Basic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Acids Neutral Bases
Fig.8 Various items can be arranged on a pH scale based on their acidic and basic levels
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Acid : A type of chemical substance that has a sour taste.
Base : A type of chemical substance which feels soapy when touched, and is bitter to
Alkalies : Water soluble bases.
Indicators : Chemicals that change their colours in acidic or basic medium.
Litmus : A dye which turns red in acid and blue in base.
Neutral : A substance which does not have an acidic or basic nature.
Neutralisation : The reaction of an acid with a base to form salt and water.
Salt : A substance formed when acids and bases react with each other.
Points to Remember
u Acids are sour in taste.
u Bases are bitter in taste and soapy to the touch.
u Acid turns blue litmus paper red. Bases turn red litmus paper blue.
u Substances which are neither acidic nor basic are called neutral substances.
u An indicator is a substance which tells whether a solution is acidic or basic by changing its
u Indicators could be natural or synthetic.
u Litmus, turmeric and china rose are examples of natural indicators; whereas methyl orange
and phenolphthalein are synthetic indicators.
u Concentrated solutions of acids or bases can be very strong. ey can cause serious skin burns
if we come in contact with them directly.
u Acids and bases are diluted by adding them to water.
u An acid and a base neutralise each other to form a salt.
u e process by which an acid reacts with a base to form only salt and water is known as
u Salts can be classi ed into three types: acidic salts, basic salts and neutral salts.
u Solutions of salts conduct electricity.
u e rain becomes acidic because carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
dissolve in raindrops to form carbonic acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid respectively.
74 Exploring Science-7
7. Which chemical is also known as caustic potash? Is it an acid or a base?
8. What is the use of milk of magnesia?
9. Which chemical can be used to remove ink spots from clothes?
10. Which acid is used to make carbonate salt?
D. Short-Answer-Type Questions
1. Differentiate between natural and mineral acids.
2. Write the names of three mineral acids and three organic acids.
3. What are indicators? Give an example of a natural indicator and a synthetic indicator.
4. Write the names and chemical formulas of two strong and weak bases and two strong and
weak acids.
5. Why are acids not stored in metal containers?
6. What is a neutralisation reaction? What are its end products?
E. Long-Answer-Type Questions
1. Make a list of all the indicators you have studied. Draw a table to show how they change
their colour on being brought in contact with acidic, basic and neutral solutions.
2. Explain in detail the various ways in which acids can be classi ed.
3. Write three physical properties of each of the following:
(a) Acids (b) Bases (c) Salt
4. How are salts made? Give an example.
5. Describe three applications of neutralisation in daily life.
6. Describe how salts are named. Give examples of salts made from various acids.
7. Write three uses of the following acids:
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Sulphuric acid (c) Nitric acid
8. Write the uses of the following bases:
(a) Sodium hydroxide (b) Magnesium hydroxide (c) Calcium hydroxide
1. You are given solutions of an acid and a base. How will the colour of red litmus change if
you start adding base into the acid solution? What will its colour become when you have
added excess base?
2. Acids derived from plants and animal products are weak. What do you think is the reason
for that?
3. Pickles are never stored in metal containers. What could be the reason for this?
A. Take some onion peels and red cabbage from the kitchen and boil them separately in water.
Collect the coloured water in two different glasses. Now make solutions of lemon juice,
baking soda and vinegar. Take a small amount of each solution and add to it two drops of
onion peel solution. Observe the change in colours. Repeat with the red cabbage juice. Write
your observation in the form of a table.
B. Collect some China rose (Gudhal) petals and place them in a beaker. Add some warm water.
Keep the mixture for some time till the water becomes coloured. Use the coloured water as an
indicator. Add ve drops of the indicator to each of the solutions given in the table below.
Project Work
C. Soaps are salts of fatty acids. Find out how soaps are made. Also, nd out the various types of
soaps. Make a presentation of your ndings.
Science Excursion
D. Visit a few farms in your locality. Bring the soil samples of those farms and nd out, which is
acidic, basic, or neutral soil. Discuss with the farmers if they treat the soil in any manner. Find
out the effect on crop cultivation if the soil is too acidic or too basic.
76 Exploring Science-7
Memory Map
Turn red litmus blue
Soluble in water
Conduct electricity
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