Components and Strategies For Personalized Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Components and Strategies For Personalized Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Components and Strategies For Personalized Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction
Disruptive technology has influenced education around the world. Notably, the rapid
change occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many educators have evolved their
to enhance mastery and lets learners control how, what, when, and where they learn.
Groff (2017, in [11]) considers personalized learning to be an umbrella phrase that
encompasses other educational ideas, such as learning analytics, differentiated learning,
and adaptive learning. Individualization, student-centeredness, and a dynamic learning
environment are closely allied with these educational tenets. A distinguishing charac-
teristic of customized learning is its emphasis on student autonomy and choice. This
worldview ultimately transforms the higher education system, as observed by Ryan and
Tilbury (2013, referenced in [4]), who note that pedagogical notions modify teaching
and learning and produce a more flexible, technologically advanced higher education
This systematic review aims to understand how personalized learning components
and strategies are applied in online higher education by analyzing empirical investiga-
tions done within the recent decade. Specifically, this review investigates personalized
learning components and strategies in online higher education environments. Moreover,
the systematic review adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses standards.
2 Literature Review
learning styles and digital availability, and fosters student-driven engagement. There-
fore, students can improve the learning process, diverse learning environments, access
to technology, teacher and parent development programs, and curriculum selection.
Shemshack, Kinshuk, and Spector [21] portray personalized learning components which
thus comply with Peng et al.’s depiction [6].
systems asserts that learning is a cyclical process comprised of various dynamic phases
that involve goal formulation, planning, activating goals, and executing performance
places and spaces we seamlessly navigate [42]. He explicates that future students will
be able to transition between spaces without difficulty because they will be able to adapt
to and utilize the affordances of the learning spaces with their mobile devices. The evo-
lution toward personalizing education has influenced the location and environment of
education. This way, students must be digital citizens with sophisticated literacies in
embracing ubiquitous learning spaces. Consequently, there is a growing need to educate
university instructors and students on leveraging the use of diverse learning environ-
ments. Moreover, addressing learning needs, preferences, and interests play a pivotal
role in personalized learning. This way, the instruction is tailored to those different
Higher education has recently witnessed a proliferation of personalized learning. The
implementation of personalized learning has improved students’ learning and retention
(Foss, Foss, Paynton, & Hahn, 2014, cited in [44]). When designing online courses
for higher education, they comply with the principle of personalized learning while
considering students’ basic needs, which affects their intrinsic motivation and learning.
Some universities and colleges have developed various models and platforms to promote
personalized learning. In this case, the role of technology is badly needed to enhance
personalized learning for different learners, such as the emergence of MOOCs, mobile
learning applications, and software. Markedly, PL in Higher Education seeks to promote
each student’s academic success by identifying his or her interests, needs, and aspirations
and then aiding the planning and implementation of personalized academic plans [45].
3 Methods
This systematic review undertook a literature review to answer a question by applying a
replicable search strategy. This study included or excluded studies according to explicit
criteria (Gough, Oliver, & Thomas, 2012, cited in [46]). This multi-phase study ana-
lyzes peer-reviewed research publications on personalized learning in higher education
throughout the past decade. Multiple searches and selections were conducted to identify
publications eligible for comprehensive analyses.
To meet the predetermined goals of the research, a set of selection criteria was established
and used. Only English-language, peer-reviewed journal articles reporting empirical,
theoretical, or conceptual, evidence-based studies were selected for further analysis.
The following were excluded: (a) non-English publications, (b) conference proceedings
or presentations, (c) reports of personal user experiences, (d) articles reporting no data
or without enough data, and (e) studies not related to higher education, educational
technology, learning, and instruction, technology integration.
In addition, the screening and selection process strictly adhere to the following cri-
teria: (1). Research must focus on personalized learning in higher education settings.
(2). Research must be empirical, evidence-based studies. Theoretical, conceptual, and
literature review papers were meticulously read to enhance foundational knowledge and
broaden empirical support for a more comprehensive grasp of personalized education.
Subjective views and anecdotes articles were disqualified. The researchers analyzed all
search results and agreed on whether each article should be included or excluded. After
careful screenings and preliminary analyses, 40 research articles were chosen for an in-
depth examination. The journals are various, such as Language Learning and Technol-
ogy, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Teaching Education,
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher
Education, Journal of Online Learning Research, Educational Technology, and Soci-
ety, Education and Information Technologies, Journal of Personalized Learning, IEEE
280 I. Yuyun and D. Suherdi
Content analysis has bridged the gap between quantitative and qualitative literature
review methods (e.g., [47]). Thus, inductive content analysis was conducted in this study.
The researchers analyzed each admissible article to determine the following: research
foci, theoretical frameworks, research designs, participants, and research contexts. Then,
key findings were identified to generate the emerged themes and patterns. In the final
step, all reviewed papers were coded for each theme.
learners’ needs, interests, and goals (e.g. [44, 45, 48–57]), the pace of learning [44,
49, 57–59], competencies [48], role [60], characteristics [50, 56], the promotion of self-
realization [61], aspirations [45], learning styles [53–55, 62, 63], knowledge background
and self-directed learning ability [53, 58], motivation [54, 56], self-initiated, self-directed
or self-prioritized [64, 65], and participation [66].
Overall, the definition of personalized learning in the reviewed studies has consis-
tently pinpointed the learners’ aspects seen from a diverse point of view. This student-
centered learning fosters individual learners’ learning capacities and conforms to per-
spectives made by Järvelä [9] and to some definitions cited in Stephens [12]. Signifi-
cantly, the majority of definitions focusing on learners’ interests, strengths, and needs
investigated in the reviewed studies are comparable with previous studies conducted by
Patrick, Kennedy, and Powell (2013, cited in [10]) to promote mastery of skills and con-
tent and provide flexibility and support [18, 19]. In addition, some definitions emphasize
competency-based education or learner autonomy, whereas others emphasize individu-
alized pacing or learning preferences consistent with Lokey-Vega and Stephens’ theories
The personalized learning components occurred in the reviewed studies. However, all
components were not available in the respective study. They were scattered in different
studies. The most significant personalized learning components in the reviewed studies
were tools and systems, documented in 25 studies (63%). Then, the learning styles
component was reported in 23 studies (53%). In comparison, other components were
distributed over the reviewed studies, such as self-reflection or self-regulated learning (n
= 13, 33%), cognitive styles (n = 12, 30%), flexible pacing (n = 6, 15%), data mining
and learning analytics (n = 8, 20%), wearable devices (n = 7, 18%), and smart learning
environment (n = 6, 15%), and intelligent tutoring systems (n = 4, 10%).
The employment of nine components of personalized learning varied in each study,
as seen in Table 2. The most significant number of components discussed in reviewed
studies was two components. The studies conducted by Chaichumpa et al. [60]; Liman-
Kaban [58]; Troussas et al. [59]; Hariyanto et al. [52]; Salinas and De-Benito [74]; Tsai
et al. [31]; Sarwar et al. [75]; Hallman, [51]; Mudrák [54]; Turvey and Hayler [76];
Rahmani [64]; Gómez [50]; and Godwin-Jones [77], for instance, only investigated
two of nine personalized learning components. Meanwhile, seven of nine components
were revealed in one study by Nandigam et al. [73], and no study covered eight or
nine components of personalized learning. This result indicates that all components of
personalized learning proposed by Shemshack, Kinshuk, and Spector [21] and Peng
et al. [6] have not yet been investigated in one study. This gap is beneficial for future
studies investigating personalized learning components.
Most studies in this corpus (n = 18, 45%) elaborated on student engagement as a per-
sonalized learning strategy. Then, the learning-oriented assessment was employed in
twelve studies (30%). Some studies (n = 5, 13%) revealed that digital citizenship is an
essential strategy. Meanwhile, seamless learning and desire paths showed in an equal
number of studies (n = 4, 10%, respectively)—finally, only one study (3%) investigated
lifelong and life-wide learning as a personalized learning strategy, which was conducted
by Hughes [78].
Various emergence was found in all reviewed studies, as seen in Table 3. The study’s
most prevalent (n = 14, 35%) investigated one personalized learning strategy. Inter-
estingly, twelve studies (30%) did not reveal any strategies for personalized learning,
and no study investigated five or six personalized learning strategies. The other studies
examined two personalized learning strategies (n = 8, 20%), three personalized learning
strategies (n = 5, 13%), and four personalized learning strategies (n = 1, 3%).
The result shown in Table 3 demonstrates that the personalized learning strategies
proposed by Keppell [37] have not yet been examined entirely in the reviewed studies.
The limited personalized learning strategies explored in the reviewed studies demonstrate
that in-depth analysis has not yet been investigated in higher education.
Components and Strategies for Personalized Learning 283
Characteristics N %
Publication Year
2011 2 5%
2012 2 5%
2013 3 8%
2014 2 5%
2015 4 10%
2016 1 3%
2017 3 8%
2018 4 10%
2019 5 13%
2020 7 18%
2021 7 18%
Research Design
Case Study 14 35%
Comparative 1 3%
Descriptive 1 3%
Narrative 1 3%
Action Research 1 3%
Design-based 6 15%
Ethnography 1 3%
Phenomenology 1 3%
Experimental 8 20%
Correlation 2 5%
Quasi-Experimental 4 10%
Students 27 67,5%
Teachers 8 20,0%
System 5 12,5%
EFL 13 32,5%
Non-EFL 27 67,5%
284 I. Yuyun and D. Suherdi
Table 3. The frequency of personalized learning strategies in reviewed studies (Studies n = 40)
5 Limitations
6 Recommendations
In light of the study’s limitations, this study identifies several areas that warrant further
investigation. Although this study utilized the framework proposed by previous research
to understand prior learning in higher education as a multifaceted construct with greater
depth and breadth, it did so to comprehend previous learning as a complex phenomenon
better. It implies that it is not sufficient to focus solely on measurable indicators of
personalized learning but that a more complex effort must be made to uncover and
investigate these indicators. Therefore, additional research is encouraged into other facets
of personalized learning in higher education, especially in the context of EFL, which is
still limited.
This analysis demonstrates the existence of research gaps concerning specific compo-
nents and personalized learning strategies, which are not entirely applied in all reviewed
studies. This finding encourages educators within higher education institutions to design
or conduct the practice of personalized learning by applying all components and strate-
gies. Notably, revealing new components and strategies will contribute more to the
Acknowledgments. The study was presented at a joint conference of the 20th AsiaTEFL,
68th TEFLIN, and 5th iNELTAL Hybrid International Conference 2022 Indonesia, organized
and hosted by Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, on August 5–7, 2022. We appreciate the
comments, which we have integrated into this article.
Authors’ Contributions. In addition to performing the systematic review search and data extrac-
tion, IY reviewed the literature on personalized learning, drafted the review’s method, findings,
discussion, and conclusion sections, and created all graphs and tables. The article was revised and
proofread by DS. The final manuscript has been read and approved by all writers.
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