Paola Salardi Thesis

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This issue is tackled further in Heywood and Parent (2009). One important drawback is that it
focuses only on average effects on wage gaps, and the estimation of only average treatment effects
might overlook some key dynamics. In 1987 it accounted, by a large margin, for the largest part of
the unexplained components and, while it has declined significantly over time, it remained strongly
positive in 2006. This classification is harmonized and consistent over the two decades of interest
(from 1987 to 2006) and consists of 80 different occupational categories at 3-digit level of
specification (more details about the classification are provided in Salardi 2011, 2012). Fortin,
Lemieux and Firpo (2011) argue that the assumptions under which the wage structure effect could be
interpreted as a causal effect are ultimately very stringent, for two reasons. Moving to the individual
contributors to the coefficients component, the age variable shows a considerable impact. Even if the
presence in the formal sector is equal to roughly 45-46% over time, only 0.05% in 1987 and 0.008%
in 2006 of formal workers are in the 10% bottom of the wage distribution. When we disaggregate the
analysis into quantiles we see that the impact of both the characteristic and coefficient effects tends
to Page 20. Econometrica 77 (3), 953-973. Fortin, N. M. and T. Lemieux (1998). Rank regressions,
wage distributions, and the gender gap. This suggests the existence of a sticky floor phenomenon for
women working in non-formal sectors, while it suggests the existence of continued glass ceilings in
the formal sector where, despite greater endowments than men, women continue to receive lower
wages. Meanwhile unexplained differences in the wage structure are positive and significant, but
lower than those related to gender based wage differential. To some of these peculiarities legal
regulation has already provided answers, whereas with regard to other aspects a balance among
different principles at stake is needed along with mechanisms set to safeguard their implementation.
In estimating pooled regressions we are assuming that women and men, and non white and white
workers, receive the same returns to characteristics. L’intento critico e, per certi versi, provocatorio
dell’articolo e di riaccendere l’attenzione sugli elementi emergenti dagli spunti riflessivi di Jonas e
dalla visione originaria dello sviluppo sostenibile, che possono essere utili a determinare il
cambiamento di rotta auspicato decenni fa, ma non ancora portato a compimento. We begin with
gender wage gaps, with the results reported in Figure 8a. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 54
(3), 611-618. Juhn, C., K. M. Murphy, and B. Pierce (1993). Wage inequality and the rise in returns
to skill. Although each of these groups of studies tackles different limitations of the original OB
decomposition method, they all rely on the estimation of wage gaps at the mean values. Knowing
that the cumulative distribution function links (unconditional) quantiles to their proportion of
observations below each given quantile, we can obtain quantiles by dividing proportions by the
density. The Review of Economics and Statistics 79 (3), 516-521. Dealing with occupational codes is
more complex, as the PNAD employs a classification of occupations that varies across years and
which, for the majority of years, is not directly comparable with the international classification
provided by the ILO, the ISCO-08. In order to retain the temporal perspective we apply the
methodology to the first year (1987) and the last year (2006) of the period of interest. It is important
to note that we assume that all quantiles of W conditional on X are linear in X. More positively, over
time this gender wage gap has declined considerably, thanks primarily to a decline in the unexplained
components. Melly (2006) demonstrates that if the number of simulations used in the Machado and
Mata (2005) procedure goes to infinity, the decomposition technique by Melly (2006) is numerically
identical. The Regulation is to have a two-year transitional period, meaning it will actually enter into
force in the first half of 2018. The decomposition results produced by the RIF-OLS methodology
broadly coincide with those from the Melly (2006) technique, while adding additional nuance, thus
reinforcing our broad confidence in the results. Although it can be applied to any distributional
statistics of interest for which it is possible to compute an influence function, here we focus on the
changes in the quantiles, denoted, of the marginal unconditional distribution. A second limitation
with most existing studies is that they do not draw clear connections between occupation segregation
and wage discrimination, despite the fact that the two are likely to be closely interconnected. When
we look at female and male workers separately, we find that working in female-dominated jobs
decreases earnings for female workers, particularly at the extremes of the wage distribution, even
after controlling for the effect of occupations. This has included a broad geographic focus, including
work on inequality and discrimination in Brazil, violence and school performance in Mexico,
violence, education and women’s empowerment in Timor Leste, and humanitarian responses to crises
in Kenya, Nepal and the Philippines.
We solve this consistency problem by employing a new harmonized occupational classification
developed by Salardi (2012) and employed to study the evolution of occupational segregation in
Brazil in Salardi (2011). Although each of these groups of studies tackles different limitations of the
original OB decomposition method, they all rely on the estimation of wage gaps at the mean values.
Thus, the U-shape that we notice when looking at gender wage gaps over quantiles for the entire
labour market disguises different patterns in the formal and non formal sectors: greater gender gaps
within low-paid occupations occur primarily in non-formal sectors, while greater gender gaps within
top occupations is a more prominent feature of formal sector activities. Second, it looks at the
evolution of gender and racial wage gaps over time. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Cio significa che ogni
volta che visiti questo sito web dovrai abilitare o disabilitare nuovamente i cookie. In other words,
this methodology estimates proportions that are needed to be inverted back in quantiles. We, also,
choose to distinguish among non-formal activities between employees with no signed labour card
and those who are self-employed, as these two categories show different trends. The continued
importance of differences in returns to characteristics is consistent with the hypothesis of the
existence of glass ceilings for non white workers. 4.3 Empirical findings from RIF-OLS
decomposition In the lower panels of the same set of tables (tables 3a-3b to 6a-6b) we report the
results from the RIF- OLS regression decomposition methodology developed by Fortin, Lemieux
and Firpo (2011). Focusing first on the importance of characteristics, we find, consistent with the
basic OB decomposition, that education is the major contributor to better female characteristics,
while we can now see that this effect is particularly important as we move to the top of the wage
distribution. However, their practical implementation is hindered by low device operational stability,
mostly related to facile degradation of the absorber materials under exposure to light and elevated
temperatures. When women are more productive than men, but yet are paid less than men,
discrimination is greater than the gender wage gap.” Finally it is important to conclude by stressing
that when we decompose wage differentials, we compute the contribution of several factors to
observed outcomes but we are not necessarily identifying causal effects. I curatori e autori dell’opera
sono Hildeliza Lacerda Tinoco Boechat Cabral e Margareth Vetis Zaganelli. They consist of the
proportion of female (or non white) workers in each occupation. Economic Development and
Cultural Change 47 (2), 289-312. Arcand, J.-L. and B. D'Hombres (2004). Racial discrimination in
the Brazilian labour market: Wage, employment and segregation effects. When we look at the
distribution of informality over wage quantiles, we discover an interesting story. Machado and Mata
(2005) provide a detailed decomposition of the wage structure, while the individual contribution of
the binary variables, among the entire effect of the characteristics, is possible in the reweighted
procedure proposed by Di Nardo, Fortin and Lemieux (1996). 2 Examples of Stata ado file to
implement the RIF-OLS methodology are available on Fortin’s website Page 15. Technical report.
Fields, J. and E. N. Wolff (1995). Interindustry wage differentials and the gender wage gap. In
summary, the results from the RIF-OLS methodology indicate that racial wage differentials are
primarily explained by differences in observed characteristics, and particularly by differences in
educational attainments, while these differences tends to widen at higher wage levels. By using our
site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Taken together these
results provide a comparatively nuanced and disaggregated view of wage discrimination in Brazil,
and of the connections between wage discrimination and occupational segregation (the latter of
which is explored in much more detail in Salardi, 2011). Looking first at gender, we see little trend in
the relationship between the two variables, as female dominated occupation are neither better not
worse paid than male dominated professions, although on average male workers earn more than
women independent of the degree of femaleness within occupations. Save to Library Edit Compare
Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. In contrast to the case of gender
wage gaps, non white occupational intensity has a generally negative impact on wages gaps, with a
particularly dramatic effect at lower wage quantiles. Many variables that are commonly employed in
the specification of wage equations, such as work experience, are not present in the earlier years of
this dataset. Third, it links the analysis of wage discrimination with issues related to occupational
segregation by estimating the role of female and non white occupational intensity on wage
differentials. Gender wage differentials tend to show a sort of U-shaped pattern, indicating higher
wage differentials at the extremes of the wage distribution. Drawing on a novel dataset, constructed
by harmonizing occupational classification over twenty years, our analysis particularly focuses on the
evolution of the role played by the female and non white occupational intensity on wage disparities.
A close examination of the ethical dilemmas of non-strictly therapeutic interventions will highlight
characteristic perspectives and specificity of treatments administered to unpatients. Among other
areas, her research has focused on the short- and long-term consequences of conflict on welfare, the
changing role of women in post-conflict countries and on inequality and women’s empowerment.
First, we present a set of quantile regressions, estimated at different quantiles of the wage
distribution, from the pooled samples for the first and the last years of the period of interest. Save to
Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. Finally, the
impact of being an urban worker is positive, and greater at the bottom of the distribution, suggesting
that low- paid workers earn more in urban areas. Sono queste le parole d’ordine al centro della
giornata di studi, promossa dalle cattedre di Filosofia del diritto e di Bioetica del Dipartimento di
Giurisprudenza, con l’intento di portare l’attenzione su questioni e ambiti tematici rispetto ai quali le
sfide, a cui quelle parole rinviano, appaiono, a tutt’oggi, aperte e non facili da vincere. The second
case occurs when individuals can Page 16. Its effect is positive, and higher at the top of wage
distribution, meaning that men’s work experience is rewarded more than that of women, particularly
among high-paid professions. Source: Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 45. In
occasione della pubblicazione del volume di Silvia Salardi, Lo sport come diritto umano nell'era del
post-umano Flyer per Seminario, 2020 “Nello scenario politico-giuridico delineatosi a partire dal
dopoguerra in poi a livello internaz. This avoids problematic definitional challenges, while
nonetheless capturing an empirically important distinction (see more in Salardi, 2012). Section 3
presents the data and provides an overview of gender and racial wage differentials over the wage
distribution. We solve this consistency problem by employing a new harmonized occupational
classification developed by Salardi (2012) and employed to study the evolution of occupational
segregation in Brazil in Salardi (2011). Figure 5 further highlights how female and non white
occupational intensity vary across wage quantiles. International comparison of working hours and
wage disparities. Among other areas, her research has focused on the short- and long-term
consequences of conflict on welfare, the changing role of women in post-conflict countries and on
inequality and women’s empowerment. It is a simple and very powerful tool that allows for
disentangling the contribution of characteristics (the explained component) to the contribution of the
returns to those characteristics (the unexplained component or wage structure effect). Source:
Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 47. The next section presents a brief literature
review, situating the contribution of this paper within the broader literature. West (At the Canadiana
Gallery) Toronto, ON M5S 3K9. The step from uncertainty to the stable world is a long one and can
be classified as a social experiment in need of institutional interventions focused on education of the
final users of AI technologies. Save to Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers
Mentions View Impact. One important drawback is that it focuses only on average effects on wage
gaps, and the estimation of only average treatment effects might overlook some key dynamics. The
decomposition results produced by the RIF-OLS methodology broadly coincide with those from the
Melly (2006) technique, while adding additional nuance, thus reinforcing our broad confidence in the
results. AI maximizes its predictive abilities when it can work in definite, stable situations where
huge amounts of data are available, whereas human intelligence was conceived to work with
instability. The key to the Firpo, Lemieux and Fortin (2009) methodology lies in the fact that the
decomposition of quantiles is achieved by inverting proportions back into quantiles. Save to Library
Download Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. Save to
Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. In general,
decomposition techniques on distributional functions different from the mean can rarely be
employed to get a detailed decomposition. This would seem to be evidence of a glass ceilings
phenomenon affecting non white workers. Differences in wage distributions between Canada and the
united states: An application of a flexible estimator of distribution functions in the presence of
covariates. Alternatively, one should explore instrumental variables or sample selection procedures.
As the OB decomposition approach suffers from the absence of a direct estimation of individual
productivity, an interesting approach that has been proposed is the analysis of wage differentials by
employing employer-employee matching data (see, for example, Hellerstein, Neumark and Troske,
2002; Bayard, Hellerstein, Neumark and Troske, 2003, Hellerstein and Neumark, 2006; Hellerstein
and Neumark, 2007). More positively, over time this gender wage gap has declined considerably,
thanks primarily to a decline in the unexplained components. Again, these differentials are primarily
the result of wage structure effects, which have declined considerably over time. Sociological
Quarterly 44 (1), 17-36. Cotton, J. (1988). On the decomposition of wage differentials. The seminal
work by Brown et al (1980) introduced a modified version of the OB decomposition where the
occupational attachment model is estimating using a multinomial logit, while Miller (1987) proposes
estimation by ordered probit model. Since the relationship between wage differentials and female
and non white occupational intensity is of special interest, we describe patterns in occupations
intensity in somewhat more detail. Save to Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related
Papers Mentions View Impact. A close examination of the ethical dilemmas of non-strictly
therapeutic interventions will highlight characteristic perspectives and specificity of treatments
administered to unpatients. First, it explores the evolution over time of both gender and racial wage
gaps across the entire wage distribution. Looking across the results, it is again clear that both
education and occupational intensity play a crucial role in determining wage differentials, though in
very different ways. The primary advantage of this technique is that it estimates each individual
covariate’s effect at different quantiles of the wage distribution. Going beyond the mean, namely to
focus on more general counterfactual wage distributions, has been the subject of several studies in
recent years (see Fortin, Lemieux and Firpo, 2011). Many variables that are commonly employed in
the specification of wage equations, such as work experience, are not present in the earlier years of
this dataset. Another important set of studies upgrade the OB decomposition technique by
accounting for occupational structure. Save to Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related
Papers Mentions View Impact. Taken together these results provide a comparatively nuanced and
disaggregated view of wage discrimination in Brazil, and of the connections between wage
discrimination and occupational segregation (the latter of which is explored in much more detail in
Salardi, 2011). Established in 1999, VideoRay has worked with technology and mission partners
throughout the world to develop and prove the small ROV tool for a wide range of applications.
Source: Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 51. Then a value of transformed
outcome variable is available for each observation and it can be used to estimate a simple OLS
regression on a vector of covariates.2 In the case of quantiles, the expected value of the RIF-
regression model is viewed as an unconditional quantile regression. Main aim of this paper is to
identify the major ethical and legal aspects concerning this topic today, in order to define the borders
of the map traced with regard to the ethical and legal debate some decades ago. West (At the
Canadiana Gallery) Toronto, ON M5S 3K9. Her research has been published in the Journal of
Development Economics, World Bank Economic Review, World Development, among others.
Finally, in distinguishing workers by race we choose to aggregate the labour force into white and
non-white categories, where the group of non-white workers considers both brown and black
individuals. Econometrica 77 (3), 953-973. Fortin, N. M. and T. Lemieux (1998). Rank regressions,
wage distributions, and the gender gap. These findings are suggestive of key areas of focus for
interventions aimed at reducing wage differentials and of key areas of continued unexplained
differences in wage structure, which are indicative of continuing discrimination in Page 25. Source:
Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 43. First, the binary treatment defining the
two distinct groups cannot, generally, be considered a choice in the case of gender or race. Save to
Library Download Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. In
the formal labour market, we find that the effects of the coefficients are greater as we move toward
the top of the distribution. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
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First steps Tour of Genially Pricing What’s it for. Review of Economic Studies 67 (4), 609-33.
Duarte, A., P. C. Ferreira, and M. Salvato (2003). Disparidades regionais ou educacionais. Sono
queste le parole d’ordine al centro della giornata di studi, promossa dalle cattedre di Filosofia del
diritto e di Bioetica del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, con l’intento di portare l’attenzione su
questioni e ambiti tematici rispetto ai quali le sfide, a cui quelle parole rinviano, appaiono, a
tutt’oggi, aperte e non facili da vincere. We, also, choose to distinguish among non-formal activities
between employees with no signed labour card and those who are self-employed, as these two
categories show different trends. The first case is possible particularly when the criteria that
distinguish group A and group B are gender or race, as in this study. The second case occurs when
individuals can Page 16. Second, we not only analyse the entire labour market but we also
disaggregate the analysis between the formal and non formal sectors. We then add dummies for
living in urban areas, living in each of the five main regions of Brazil and for being a formal worker,
after which we add the variables for female (or, alternatively, non white) occupational intensity.
Since the relationship between wage differentials and female and non white occupational intensity is
of special interest, we describe patterns in occupations intensity in somewhat more detail. Carneiro,
F. G. and A. Henley (2001). Modelling formal vs. As a starting point, the decomposition results at
the mean revealed that gender wage gaps are smaller than racial wage gaps, in large part because
gender wage gaps have declined significantly over the last two decades. Save to Library Edit
Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact. Looking at racial wage
gaps, occupational intensity again plays an important role, though in the opposite direction, as non
white workers receive higher wages in non white-dominated occupations, particularly within low-
paid occupations. The sample consists of workers aged between 15 and 65 years old who declare that
they are working and for whom there are no missing observations for wages and occupational code.
What are its potential impacts on shaping socio-political policies. Nella sessione del pomeriggio il
tema al centro del convegno sara affrontato con riguardo all’allocazione delle risorse in sanita in una
Tavola rotonda che mettera a confronto bioeticisti, giuristi ed esperti di divulgazione scientifica con
soggetti investiti di responsabilita istituzionali. Finally we adopt a temporal perspective to our
analysis, as the period of interest covers two decades (from 1987 to 2006). It is consistently positive,
and follows a sort of U-shape pattern across wage quantiles, as it is greater at the extremes of wage
distribution. More recent advances are provided by Cacciamali and Hirata (2005) and Cacciamali,
Tatei and Rosalino (2009). Page 5. Source: Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 43.
Methods: There were one hunded and eight cases of acute viral hepatitis were included in this study.
We employ mean and quantile regression analysis in order to investigate the role of female and non
white occupational intensity at most selected points of the conditional wage distribution. Finally, the
effect of this last key variable is estimated while also controlling for a set of dummies covering 9
economic sectors, 23 occupations at 2-digit level and the 27 federal states of Brazil. In the second
specification we add the variable for female occupational intensity and occupations’ effects
(dummies for 23 occupations effects at the 2-digit level). Focusing first on the importance of
characteristics, we find, consistent with the basic OB decomposition, that education is the major
contributor to better female characteristics, while we can now see that this effect is particularly
important as we move to the top of the wage distribution. Differences in wage distributions between
Canada and the united states: An application of a flexible estimator of distribution functions in the
presence of covariates. Meanwhile unexplained differences in the wage structure are positive and
significant, but lower than those related to gender based wage differential. Source: Author’s
computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 46. Although it can be applied to any distributional
statistics of interest for which it is possible to compute an influence function, here we focus on the
changes in the quantiles, denoted, of the marginal unconditional distribution. The entire Brazilian
labour force can then be further grouped in three main sectors: formal, informal and self-employed.
The Review of Economics and Statistics 79 (3), 516-521. Herein, we present a derivative of
1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantane, NAdCl, as a promising molecular modifier for lead halide perovskites.
As a starting point, the decomposition results at the mean revealed that gender wage gaps are smaller
than racial wage gaps, in large part because gender wage gaps have declined significantly over the
last two decades. First, we estimate the evolution of gender and racial wage gaps in Brazil over the
last two decades at different quantiles of the wage distribution. Turning to racial wage gaps (panel B
of table 2), education again plays a central role in the explained component, however this time its
contribution is, reflecting better endowments for white workers. The choice of the reference group is
arbitrary and it clearly depends on the structure of the researcher’s problem. Second, within the
decomposition analysis we have drawn on a novel dataset in order to focus attention on connections
between occupational segregation and wage discrimination, focusing on the influence of female and
non white occupational intensity on wage differentials. This is partially explained by the diminishing
returns to work in non white-dominated occupations, as non white workers particularly benefit in
low-paid jobs. In the most comprehensive version of this study we perform the analysis for five years
during the two decades of interest, however here we only report results for the first and last years
due to constraints of space. This paper is a very preliminary (and incomplete) draft and it draws from
my Phd thesis. Massa Products Corporation designs, engineers, and manufactures sonar and
ultrasonic products for use in ocean, air, and fluids. Although it can be applied to any distributional
statistics of interest for which it is possible to compute an influence function, here we focus on the
changes in the quantiles, denoted, of the marginal unconditional distribution. AI maximizes its
predictive abilities when it can work in definite, stable situations where huge amounts of data are
available, whereas human intelligence was conceived to work with instability. First, although gender
or racial wage gaps could be negative in theory, in practice they have almost always been found to be
positive, as men are on average paid more than women as well as white workers more than non
white ones. Along the same lines, people working in the agricultural sector are more numerous at the
bottom of the wage distribution, together with those working in the personal and restaurant services
sector. Advanced Navigation is a global company headquartered in Sydney, Australia. Finally, the
impact of being an urban worker is positive, and greater at the bottom of the distribution, suggesting
that low- paid workers earn more in urban areas. Carneiro, F. G. and A. Henley (2001). Modelling
formal vs. Second, we divide the samples and estimate quantile regressions by gender and by race
separately. Review of Economic Studies 67 (4), 609-33. Duarte, A., P. C. Ferreira, and M. Salvato
(2003). Disparidades regionais ou educacionais. Many variables that are commonly employed in the
specification of wage equations, such as work experience, are not present in the earlier years of this
dataset. Aside from suggesting the importance of policy to improve the endowments of non white
workers, the continued existence of uneven returns supports the hypothesis of the existence of glass
ceilings for non white workers. In Hard-to-Measure Goods and Services: Essays in Honor of Zvi
Griliches, NBER Chapters, pp. 31-71. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. MetOcean
Telematics, headquartered in Dartmouth, NS, Canada, provides complete end-to-end telematics
services, with a focus on niche MetOcean solutions and custom Defence and Security products.
Harvest Technology Group Limited is a global leader in network-optimised remote operations that
deliver real-time remote control, communication, automation, and monitoring capabilities. The step
from uncertainty to the stable world is a long one and can be classified as a social experiment in
need of institutional interventions focused on education of the final users of AI technologies. Even if
the presence in the formal sector is equal to roughly 45-46% over time, only 0.05% in 1987 and
0.008% in 2006 of formal workers are in the 10% bottom of the wage distribution. With respect to
gender disparities, we have defined our research questions as: “what if female workers were paid
according to male wage structure”. The considerable, and relatively constant, size of racial wage
differentials is of obvious concern, while the sharp decline in gender wage gaps is encouraging.
Duarte, Ferreira and Salvato (2003) study earning differentials between the Southeast and Northeast
of Brazil using a semi-parametric approach based on DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux (1996).
This decomposition procedure provides only a first-order approximation of the composition effects
and this approximation is not precise and produces approximation error. This avoids problematic
definitional challenges, while nonetheless capturing an empirically important distinction (see more in
Salardi, 2012). With these two limitations in mind, the main goals of this paper are twofold. The
drawback is that it is computationally demanding. Two different decomposition techniques proposed
by Melly (2006) and by Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux (2009) are applied to investigate the determinants
of differences in distribution using quantile regression. In particular, the proposed methodology is
able to automatically classify whether a given MR image represents a healthy or a diseased brain and
in this latter case, is able to locate the tumor area. Dall'immigrazione agli sviluppi della tecno-scienza
una sguardo al diritto e al suo ruolo nella societa moderna. In occasione della pubblicazione del
volume di Silvia Salardi, Lo sport come diritto umano nell'era del post-umano Flyer per Seminario,
2020 “Nello scenario politico-giuridico delineatosi a partire dal dopoguerra in poi a livello internaz.
As the OB decomposition approach suffers from the absence of a direct estimation of individual
productivity, an interesting approach that has been proposed is the analysis of wage differentials by
employing employer-employee matching data (see, for example, Hellerstein, Neumark and Troske,
2002; Bayard, Hellerstein, Neumark and Troske, 2003, Hellerstein and Neumark, 2006; Hellerstein
and Neumark, 2007). We are thus seeking to compare observed wage structures with counterfactuals,
which capture potential alternative wage structures. In 1987 it accounted, by a large margin, for the
largest part of the unexplained components and, while it has declined significantly over time, it
remained strongly positive in 2006. They consist of the proportion of female (or non white) workers
in each occupation. Finally, by employing the RIF-OLS technique developed by Firpo, Fortin and
Lemieux (2009) we gain additional insight the role of individual variables in accounting for wage
gaps. Save to Library Edit Compare Citation Rank Readers Related Papers Mentions View Impact.
Turning to racial wage gaps, we again see that they are driven largely, but not exclusively, by
differences in characteristics, which are relatively better for white workers. Having thus specified
the identification strategy, there are a variety of empirical methodologies that can be applied in order
to compute the counterfactual of interest. Review of Economic Studies 67 (4), 609-33. Duarte, A., P.
C. Ferreira, and M. Salvato (2003). Disparidades regionais ou educacionais. The decomposition
results produced by the RIF-OLS methodology broadly coincide with those from the Melly (2006)
technique, while adding additional nuance, thus reinforcing our broad confidence in the results.
Looking at racial wage gaps, occupational intensity again plays an important role, though in the
opposite direction, as non white workers receive higher wages in non white-dominated occupations,
particularly within low-paid occupations. As was the case when using the Melly (2006)
decomposition, the impact of female occupational intensity on wage structure effects is greatest for
top-jobs within the formal labour market, while it is greatest for low-paid jobs within the non-formal
sectors. Source: Author’s computations using PNAD 1987-2006. Page 49. Second, while tracing the
pattern of wage differentials, we focus particularly on the role played by the female and non white
occupational intensity on gender and racial wage differentials, respectively. The fellowship is one of
only two awarded each year across the University and provides faculty members in the Teaching
Stream with an opportunity and resources to engage in a two-year pedagogical project that furthers
education in areas related to sustainability, economics or global justice. These very different patterns
suggest that the challenges of reducing wage differentials are quite different depending on whether
the focus is on gender or race. Harvest Technology Group Limited is a global leader in network-
optimised remote operations that deliver real-time remote control, communication, automation, and
monitoring capabilities. We employ mean and quantile regression analysis in order to investigate the
role of female and non white occupational intensity at most selected points of the conditional wage
distribution. A second limitation is that, at least for now, this methodology is built to estimate
unconditional quantile regressions in the presence of exogenous covariates and does not consider the
possible presence of endogeneity (Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux, 2009). Improving the intrinsic stability
of complex lead halides is a big scientific challenge, which might be addressed using various
“molecular modifiers”. There is an extended discussion of the evolution of wage gaps over time by
gender and race, and by formal and non formal sectors, in Salardi (2012), while here the focus is on
adding nuance to this story by focusing our attention to how wage gaps are distributed across the
wage distribution. When we move to returns to characteristics, both non white occupational intensity
and occupations’ effects account for a large portion of the overall pattern.

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