Teks Drama Ambarawa

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Teks Drama

Kisah Nabi Muhammad & Pengemis Buta

Narator: One day in the market of the Madinah Al Munawarah region, there was a blind Jewish
beggar who was always begging. However, what made him unique was that every time someone
passed by him, the beggar would always say negative things about the figure of Prophet

Pengemis buta: “O my brothers, stay away from Muhammad. He is a madman, a liar, and a
sorcerer. If you approach him, you will be influenced by him,"(3X)

Narrator: As time went on, Prophet Muhammad heard the news about the beggar. He then
approached him with a sincere and noble heart .

(Nabi Muhammad mendatangi pengemis dan memberinya koin dan menyuapi nya makanan
dengan lembut)

Blind Beggar: Who are you, sir? You are incredibly generous. Never in my life I found someone
who gave me a golden dinar.

(Nabi Menyuapi Pengemis)

Blind Beggar: This food is delicious. Thank you, sir. I have never met someone who has treated
me so kindly.

Narator: Prophet Muhammad carried out that duty every day, even though criticisms were ever-
present, yet his heart remained patient in attending to the blind beggar.

Narrator: Until one day, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was called by Allah, and he
passed away. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un,After a few days Abu bakar ash shidiq come to his
daughter house Aisyah RA

(Abu Bakar mendatangi rumah Aisyah RA)

Abu Bakar: Assalamualaikum.

Aisyah: Waalaikum salam, What is it, dear father?

Abu Bakar: My child, I want to ask if there's any practice of the Prophet that I haven't followed.

Aisyah: Father, you are the closest companion of the Prophet; there's only one thing he used to
do that you haven't.

Abu Bakar: What is it?

Aisyah: Oh, my father, whenever the Prophet walked through the market, he took the time to
feed a blind Jewish beggar there.

Abu Bakar: Only that? Very well, I will do that.

narator: sasampunipun mirengaken larenipun benjing dintenipun abubakar tindak dhateng peken
papan pengemis yahudi menika

pengemis buta: wonten pundi panjenengan sadherek kula,sampun pinten-pinten dinten

panjenengan mboten rawuh, sampun mboten wonten malih ingkang nyuapinipun kula dhahar

abubakar: mungkin menika tiyangipun

pengemis buta: panjenengan menika sadherek kula ?, sampun dangu panjenengan mboten rawuh

(abu bakar menyuapi pengemis itu)

Pengemis Buta: panjenengan ngertos mboten kabar bab muhammad si pendusta menika kula
mireng pengaruhipun saya wiyar duka, sihir punapa ingkang piyambakipun gadhah

(Abu Bakar Menyuapi pengemis itu)

Pengemis Buta: piyambakipun ngaken rasul? sinten piyambakipun?

(Abu Bakar Pun menjadi geram,dan menyuapi secara kasar)

Pengemis Buta: panjenengan kasar sanget panjenengan sanes lah tiyang ingkang limrahipun
ndulang kula

Abu Bakar: kenging menapa?

Pengemis buta :tiyang ingkang limrahipun dulang kula malah ngalusaken dhaharipun rumiyin
saderengipun dipunsukakaken kalih kula

Abu Bakar: kula estu sanes tiyang ingkang limrah dugi dhateng panjenengan. kula inggih punika
salah setunggaling tiyang sahabatipun , tiyang ingkang mulia puniku sampun mboten wonten..

Pengemis Buta: Napa Leres Mekanten?, punapa tiyang sebecik puniku seda?, asmanipun mawon
kula mboten ngertos

Abu Bakar: Napa panjenengan purun kulo paring ngertos asmanipun?

Pengemis Buta: Panjenengan ngertos?? Sinten?

Abu Bakar: Asmanipun inggih punika Muhammad Rasulullah SAW

Pengemis Buta: Muhammad napa bener niku Muhammad (Ia sontak memeluk Abu bakar dan

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