Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
8086 16-bit Microprocessor: - 14 Marks
Course Outcome: Analyze the Functional Block of 8086 Microprocessor
➢ Define the functions of different pins
➢ Draw functional block diagram of 8086
➢ Understand the operating modes of 8086
JSPM’S Group of Polytechnics.
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AD14 2 AD15
AD13 3 A16/S3
AD12 4 A17/S4
AD11 5 A18/S5
AD10 6 A19/S6
AD9 7 BHE/S7
AD7 9 RD
AD6 10 RQ/GT0
core 8086 31 HOLD
AD5 11 RQ/GT1
29 WR
AD3 13 S2
28 M/IO
AD2 14 S1
27 DT/R
AD1 15 S0
26 DEN
AD0 16 QS0
25 ALE
17 QS1
CLK 23
GND 22
Maximum Minimum
Mode Signals Mode Signals
These lines are time-multiplexed bi-directional address/data bus. During T1 clock cycle of bus
cycle, they carry lower 16 bit address. During T2, T3 & T4 they carry 16 bit data. Hence AD0-
AD7 lines carry lower order byte of data and AD8 – AD15 carry high order byte of data.
2. A16-A19/S3-S6:
These are time multiplexed address and status lines. During T1 clock cycle, these lines carry upper
four bits address and during I/O operation these lines are low.
During T2, T3 & T4 clock cycle S3 &S4 carry status signal. These signal used to identify memory
S4 S3 Segment Register
0 0 ES(Extra Segment)
0 1 SS(Stack Segment)
1 0 CS(Code Segment)
1 1 DS(Data Segment)
When this signal is low it indicates the transfer of data over higher order bus. BHE pin with A0
determines whether a byte or word will be transferred from or to memory locations.
4. RD(Read):
It is active low read signal used by microprocessor that indicates processor is performing read
operation depending on the status signal M/IO.
It is active high input signal. It indicates that the peripheral device is ready to transfer data.
This pin is used to add wait state. When this pin is activated gives information about 8086 is
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ready and operate normally. When this pin is low it indicates 8086 is in wait state. During wait
state the signals on the buses remaining the same as they at the start of the wait state.
6. REAET: It is used to reset the system. When this signal is high it indicates processor enter
into reset state and terminates current activity and start execution from FFFF0H.
7. INTR (Interrupt Request): It is level triggered interrupt request input. If any interrupt
request is occurred the processor enters into the interrupt acknowledge cycle.
8. NMI (Non- Maskable Interrupt): this interrupt is not avoided by software. It is an edge
triggered input interrupt request.
9. TEST: It is used to test the status of co-processor like 8087. If this pin is low then execution
will continue else the processor remains in an idle state.
10. CLK (Clock input): It provides timing to the processor operations. The range of frequency
for different 8086 versions is from 5MHz to 10MHz.
11. VCC: +5V power supply for the operations of microprocessor.
12. GND: It provides ground for internal circuitry.
13. MN/MX: this pin indicates operating modes of 8086. There are two operating modes as
1. Minimum Mode
2. Maximum Mode
When this pin is high or VCC then processor operates in minimum mode. When this pin is
connected to GND processor operates in maximum mode.
14. DEN (Data Enable): It is an active low signal issued by processor indicating the
availability of valid data over AD0-AD15.
15. DT/R (Data transmit/ receive): This is output signal used to decide the direction of data
flow through 8286 bi-directional buffer. When processor sends data out, this signal is high
and when the processor receives data then this signal is low.
16. M/IO (Memory/Input output): this signal indicates either microprocessor accessing
memory or I/O device. When this signal is high memory is accessed and when signal is
low then I/O device is accessed by microprocessor.
17. WR (Write): It is an active low signal issued by processor to write data to memory or I/O
device depending on the status signal M/IO pin.
18. HLDA (Hold Acknowledge): This is an active high output signal generated by processor
after receiving the HOLD signal.
19. HOLD: This is an active high input signal. When this pin is high the it indicates other
master controller is takes control on address and data buses of microprocessor.
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20. ALE (Address Latch Enable): It is active high pulse issued by processor during T1 state
of bus cycle to indicate availability of valid address on the AD0-Ad15.
21. INTA: It is active low output signal. When processor INTR interrupt, then INTR interrupt
is acknowledge by generating this signal.
22. QS1, QS0 (Queue Status): These lines provide information about the status of instruction
queue during clock cycle after which the queue operation is performed.
23. S0, S1 & S2(Status Signal): These pins indicates different types of operations performed
by microprocessor and required by controller Intel 8288.
24. LOCK: this is an active low output signal used to prevent the bus master from gaining the
system bus. It prevents the HOLD signal.
25. RQ/GT0, RQ/GT1 (Request/Grant): These pins are used by other local bus master in
maximum mode to gain the control of local buses at the end of processor current bus cycle.
These are bi-directional pin which has highest priority.
ii) BHE
iii) INTA
iv) DT / R (summer 14)
(i) ALE
(ii) DT / R
(iii) M / IO
(iv) HOLD (winter 14)
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Memory interface
CS 3
1. Execution Unit:
The execution unit is responsible to perform the execution of instruction by bus interface unit
(BIU). The EU contains the control circuitry to perform various internal operations. The EU
contains of 8 general purpose register, two 16 bit pointer register, 16bit ALU and flag register.
i. ALU (Arithmetical and Logical Unit): The ALU is of 16 bit hence, it is called as 16 bit
microprocessor. The ALU is responsible to perform all arithmetical and logical
operations like addition subtraction, multiplication , division , ANDing, Oring etc.
ii. General Purpose Register: the execution unit has 8 general purpose register
AH,AL,BH,BL,CH,CL,DH,DL. These registers can be used as 8 bit register
individually for temporary storage. The AL register is called Accumulator. These
register can be used in pairs as AH-AL, BH-BL,CH-CL and DH-DL.
The AH-AL referred as AX.
BH-BL referred as BX.
CH-CL referred as CX.
DH-DL referred as DX.
BX (Base Register): For memory related instruction register BX is used to store 16 bit
effective address of the corresponding memory locations.
DX (Data Register): for IN and OUT instruction 16 bit port address is stored in register
DX during certain I/O instruction. If the result of multiplication is more than 16 bits
the lower order16 bit are stored in AX and high order 16 bit stored in DX register.
iii. SP and BP (Pointer Register and Base Pointer): the other register in execution unit are
SP, BP i.e. stack pointer and base pointer which is called pointer register. These register
are used during stack memory related operation and also used to hold 16 bit offset
within the particular segment.
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iv. SI and DI (Source Index and destination index): the 8086 microprocessor has two 16
bit index register as source index (SI) and destination index (DI). These are particularly
used for string manipulation. The SI is generally used to store the offset of source data
or string the date segment. While DI is used to store the offset of the destination in data
or extra segment.
v. Operands: the 8086 microprocessor has 16 bit temporary register as operand register,
these register are only used by microprocessor.
vi. Flag Registers: A flag is a flip flop which indicates some condition produced by the
execution of an instruction or control certain operation of the EU. Flag Register is a 16
bit register.
The flag register consist of the status as well as the control flags as below:
I. Status Flags:
1. Carry Flag
2. Parity Flag
3. Auxiliary carry Flag
4. Zero Flag
5. Sign Flag
6. Overflow Flag
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Overflow Flag
Carry Flag
Direction Flag
Parity Flag
Interrupt Flag
1. Carry Flag (CF): it is set to 1 when carry generated from MSB position either it will reset
to 0.
2. Auxiliary Flag(AF): If an operation performed in ALU generates a carry / borrow from
lower nibble to upper nibble i.e. carry is generated at D3 bit of 8 bit data then this flag will
be set to the 1 either it will reset to 0.
3. Parity Flag (PF): it indicates parity of result. If lower order 8 bit of result of an operation
contains even numbers of 1’s then parity flag will set to the 1 and for odd number of 1’s ,
the parity flag is reset to 0.
4. Zero Flag (ZF): it is set, if the result of arithmetic or logical operation is zero else it will be
5. Sign Flag (SF): it gives magnitude of a number is indicated by MSB bit. If the result of
operation is negative, sign flag is set either it will reset.
6. Overflow Flag (OF): In case of the signed arithmetic operation. The overflow flag is set, if
the result is low large to fit in the number of bits available to accommodate it.
This flag has no significance in unsigned arithmetic operation.
7. Trap Flag (TF): it is used for single step control. When trap flag is set. The program can be
run in single step mode. It allow user to execute one instruction of a program at a time for
8. Interrupt Flag (IF): It is an interrupt enable / disables flag. If it is set, Maskable interrupt
INTR of 8086 is enable and if it is reset the interrupt is disable.
9. Direction Flag (DF): It is used in string in string operation. If DF is set, string bytes are
read or write from higher memory address to lower memory address.
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The BIU is responsible to perform all bus related operation including transferring address on
address line, transferred and receiving data with data line and generating control signals etc.
The BIU consist of four 16 bit segment registers ES,DE,CS,SS and 16 bit instruction pointer (IP).
Address generator unit six 8 bit register in IQ. i.e. Instruction Queue.
While BIU fetches the instruction byte the EU execute previously decoded instruction
concurrently. Hence it is quite fats than sending out an address to the memory and waiting for the
memory to send back the next instruction byte.
To speed up the program execution, the BUS interface Unit (BIU) fetches. Six instruction byte
ahead of time from memory. These perfected instruction byte are held for the execution unit (EU)
in a FIFO group of register called as queue. While BIU fetches the instruction byte, the EU
executes the previously decoded instruction concurrently. Hence, it is quite faster and waiting for
the memory to send back the next instruction byte. In this way, the queue speed up the processing
of 8086.
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BH BL General Purpose
CH CL Register
Pointer Register
Index Register
Segment Register
Instruction pointer and
FLAGS Flag Register
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1. Draw the flag register format of microprocessor 8086 and explain any two flags.(summer
2. Draw the neat labeled functional block diagram of 8086. (Summer 14).
3. State the names of segment registers in 8086 microprocessor (winter 14)
4. List the names of flags in flag register of 8085 microprocessor (winter 14)
5. List & explain the functions of all general purpose registers of 8085 microprocessor.
6. Draw the neat labeled architecture of flag register of 8086 microprocessor (winter 14)
7. Write any four important functions of any two units of 8086 microprocessor (winter 14)
8. List all 16 bit registers in 8086 and write their functions (summer 15)
9. Draw architecture of 8086 and label it. Write the functions of BIU and EU (summer 15).
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Whenever BIU fetches any instruction from code memory segment, it stores it in instruction
queue (IQ).
Clock Cycle I1 I1 I1 I2 I2 I2 I3 I3 I3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
1 1 1 1
D I1 I2 I3 I4
1 1 1 1
E I1 I2 I3
1 1
In non – pipelined processor, nine clock cycles are required for the individual fetch, decode and
execute cycle for the three instruction as shown in fig 7. In a pipelined processor where fetch
decode and execute operations are performed in parallel only five cycles are required as shown
in fig 8. first instruction requires three cycles to complete. So while executing first instruction in
a queue. Processor decodes second instruction and fetch 3rd instruction from memory.
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Advantages of pipelining:
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This 1MB memory is divided into number of logical segments. Each segment is 64k bytes in size
and addressed by one of the segment register.
50000H SEGMENT(64K)
30000H SEGMENT(64K)
2FFFFH Top of DS
0000H Base of DS
The four segment register in the segment register to hold the upper 16 bit of starting address of
four memory segments that the 8086 is working with at a particular time.
The four memory segment are the code segment (CS), the stack segment (SS), Extra segment (ES)
and Data Segment (DS).
The fig shows how these four segments might be positioned in memory at a given time. The four
segments can be separated as shown or for small program which do not need all 64kbytes in each
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segment, they can overlap. Segment register is used to hold the upper 16 bits of the starting address
for each of the segments.
The address of the segment be assigned as 0000H to F000H respectively. The offset address values
are from 0000H to FFFFH. So that the physical address ranges from 0000H to FFFFFH. The
segment register contains the higher order 16 bit of the starting address for four memory segments.
As shown in fig the base address is nothing but the staring address for each segment. For example
the starting address of data segment is 20000H. For code segment base address is 30000H.. for
stack segment 50000H respectively. In other words, a 64kbyte segment can be located anywhere
within the 1Mbytes address space. But the segments will always start at an address with zeros in
the lowest 4 bits.
The 16 bits offset or the displacement is added to the 16 bits segment base register after shifting
the contents of it towards left one digit to get the 20bit physical address.
Advantages of Segmentation:
1. With the use of segmentation the instructions and data is never overlapped.
2. The major advantage of segmentation is dynamic relocability of program which means that
a program can easily be transferred from one code memory segment to another code
memory segment without changing the effective address
3. Segmentation can be used in multi user time shared system.
4. Segmentation allows two processes to share data.
5. Segmentation allows you to extend the addressability of a processor.
6. Program and data can be stored separately from each other in segmentation.
7. Segmentation makes it possible to write program which are position independent or
dynamically relocatable.
1. State the maximum size of memory that can be interfaced (summer 14) with
microprocessor 8086. Why?( summer 14)
2. Describe memory segmentation in 8086 microprocessor and list it’s four advantages.
(Summer 15)
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16 bit offset in IP is added to the 16 bit segment base address in CS to produce the 20 bit physical
Two 16 bit no are not directly added in the line because the CS register contains the only 16 bits
of the base address of the code segment. The BIU automatically inserts zeros for the lowest 4 bit
of the segment base address. If the CS register for example contains 348A i.e. the starting address
or base address of CS register is 348A0.
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When BIU adds the offset of IP 4214H in the IP to this segment base address, the result is 20 bit
physical address.
STEP 1: the CS register contains the upper 16 bits of the starting address of the code segment.
CS register contains:
3 4 8 A
STEP2: the BIU automatically insert zeros for the lowest four bits of the segment base address to
get the 20 bits of the segment base address to get 20 bit physical address for the starting of code
3 4 8 A 0
STEP 3: the IP register contains the offset. The offset here is 4214H
4 2 1 4
STEP 4 : add the starting address of code segment CS from this address (offset) to get the
physical address of the location contain the next code byte as follows,
Starting address of CS 3 4 8 A 0
Offset in IP register 4 2 1 4
Physical address of 3 8 A B 4
the location
containing next code
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Example No.1.
Example No. 2.
Example No. 3.
Example No. 4.
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Example No. 5.
ES = 7A32 H DI = 0038 H
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The 8284A is an ancillary component to the 8086/8088 microprocessor. Without the clock
generator, many additional circuits to generate the clock (CLK in an 8086/8088 based system. The
clock Generator 8284A provides the following basic functions or signals: clock generation,
RESEST synchronization, READY synchronization, and a TTL level peripheral clock signal
Pin Functions: The 8284A is an 18-pin integrated circuit designed specifically for use with the
8086/8088 microprocessors as shown in fig1. The following is a list of each pin and its function.
AEN1 and AEN2: The address enable pins are provided to qualify the ready signals. RDY1 and
RDY2, respectively. Which are used to cause wait states, along with the RDY1 and RDY2
inputs. Wait states are generated by the READY pin of the 8086/8088 microprocessor. This is
controlled by these two inputs.
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RDY1 and RDY2: The bus ready inputs are provided in conjunction with the AEN1and AEN2
pins to cause wait states in an 8086/8088 microprocessor based system.
ASYNC: The ready synchronization selection input selects either one or two stages of
synchronization for the RDY1 and RDY2 inputs.
READY: Ready is an output pin that connects to the 8086/8088 microprocessor READY input.
This signal is synchronized with the RDY1 and RDY2 inputs.
X1 and X2: The Crystal Oscillator pins connect to an external crystal used as the timing source
for the clock generator and all its functions.
F/C: The Frequency/Crystal select input results the clocking source for the 8284A. If this pin is
held high, an external clock is provided to the EFI input pin, and if it is held low, the internal
crystal oscillator provides the timing signal.
EFI: The External Frequency input is used when the F/C is pulled high. EFI supplies the timing
whenever the F/C pin is high.
CLK: The clock output pin provides CLK input signal to the 8086/8088 microprocessors and
other components in the system. The CLK pin has an output signal that is one-third of the crystal
or EFI input frequency and has a 33 percent duty cycle, which is required by the 8086/8088
PCLK: The Peripheral Clock signal is one-sixth the crystal or EFI input frequency and has a 50
percent duty cycle. The PCLK output provides a clock signal to the peripheral equipment in the
OSC: The Oscillator output is a TTL level signal that is at the same frequency as the crystal or
EFI input. (The OSC output provides and EFI input to other 8284A clock generators in some
multiple processor systems).
RES: The reset input is an active-low input to the 8284A. The RES pin is often connected an RC
network that provides power-on resetting.
RESET: The Reset output is connected to the 8086/8088 microprocessors RESET input pin.
CSYNC: The clock synchronization pin is used whenever the EFI input provides
synchronization in systems with multiple processors. When the internal crystal oscillator is used,
this pin must be grounded.
Vcc: This power supply pin connects to + 5.0V with a tolerance of ± 10 percent.
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The 8284 clock generator performs three different functions as given below:
Clock Logic
Ready logic
Reset Logic
A] clock logic:
The clock logic generates 3 different output signals i.e. CLK, OSC AND PCLK. The F/C decides
whether crystal or EFI the clk output signal.
The PCLK is a TTL clock signal whose frequency is half of the CLK signal frequency and not
synchronization signal which synchronizes multiple 82845 in the system.
B] Ready Logic:
This logic generates READY signal for the microprocessor 8086. There are 2 pairs of input signals which
can make READY low.
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The reset logic generates high active RESET signal for microprocessor 8086 when the RES input pin is
X1 +5V
integrator RES 8086
for power
on reset AEN1
AEN2 Clock to the peripheral
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8288 is bus controller IC used to generate different control signals which are necessary for interfacing
memory and I/O devices in maximum mode of 8086.
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Bus control logic accepts signals on S0, S1, S2 and decode these status signals to generate different
control signals. The signals generated by 8288 for different combination of bus status signals are shown
in table.
S0 S1 S2
0 0 0 Interrupt acknowledge
0 0 1 Read I/O port
0 1 0 Write I/O port
0 1 1 Halt
1 0 0 Instruction fetch
1 0 1 Read Memory
1 1 0 Write Memory
1 1 1 Passive
Control signal logic generates signal for controlling the hardware connected to 8086 address and data bus.
The DT/R signal is used to set the direction of data through the data bus transceiver.
DEN signal indicates when data bus has to be active. When DEN is high, the data bus transceiver is
enabled and when DEN is low it is disabled.
ALE is used to demultiplexed address latch. The MCE/ PDEN is a dual function and called master
cascade enable IORD is low.
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Bidirectional bus is used to increase the driving capability of the data bus and also called as octal
bus transreciever. It is used to separate data bus from address / data multiplex lines. 8086
microprocessor has 16 data lines and this is octal bus transceiver so to separate 16 dat lines we
require two octal transreciever.
This octal latch is used to separate the address lines from address/ data multiplex lines. 8086
microprocessor has 20 address lines so to separate 20 address lines we require more than 2 octal
State all the control signals generated by S0, S1, S2 with their functions. (winter 14)
Draw the interfacing of 8284 clock generator with 8086 microprocessor. List and explain
interfacing signals. (Winter 14)
JSPM’S Group of Polytechnics.
In a minimum mode 8086 system, the microprocessor 8086 is operated in minimum mode by
strapping its MN/MX pin to logic1. In this mode, all the control signals are given out by the
microprocessor chip itself. There is a single microprocessor in the minimum mode system. The
remaining components in the system are latches, transreciever, clock generator, memory and I/O
devices. Some type of chip selection logic may be required for selecting memory or I/O devices,
depending upon the address map of the system.
The latches are generally buffered output D-type flip-flops, like, 74LS373 or 8282. They are used
for separating the valid address from the multiplexed address/data signals and are controlled by
the ALE signal generated by 8086. Trans receivers are the bidirectional buffers and sometimes
they are called as data amplifiers. They are required to separate the valid data from the time
multiplexed address/data signal. They are controlled by two signals, namely, DEN and DT/R. The
DEN signal indicates that the valid data is available on the data bus, while DT/R indicates the
direction of data, i.e. from or to the processor. The system contains memory for the monitor and
users program storage. Usually, EPROMS are used for monitor storage, while RAMs for users
program storage. A system may contain I/O devices for communication with the processor as well
as some special purpose I/O devices. The clock generator generates the clock from the crystal
oscillator and then shapes it and divides to make it more precise so that it can be used as an accurate
timing reference for the system. The clock generator also synchronizes some external signals with
the system clock. The general system organization is shown in Fig. Since it has 20 address lines
and 16 data lines, the 8086 CPU requires three octal address latches and two octal data buffers for
the complete address and data separation.
The working of the minimum mode configuration system can be better described in terms of the
timing diagrams rather than qualitatively describing the operations. The opcode fetch and read
cycles are similar. Hence the timing diagram can be categorized in two parts, the first is the timing
diagram for read cycle and the second is the timing diagram for write cycle.
The read cycle begins in T1 with the assertion of the address latch enable (ALE) signal and also
M/IO signal. During the negative going edge of this signal, the valid address is latched on the local
bus. The BHE and A0 signals address low, high or both bytes. From Tl to T4, the M/IO signal
indicates a memory or I/O operation. At T2 the address is removed from the local bus and
is sent to the output. The bus is then tristated. The read (RD) control signal is also activated in T2
.The read (RD) signal causes the addressed device to enable its data bus drivers. After RD goes
low, the valid data is available on the data bus. The addressed 26 device will drive the READY
line high, when the processor returns the read signal to high level, the addressed device will again
tristate its bus drivers.
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A write cycle also begins with the assertion of ALE and the emission of the address. The M/IO
signal is again asserted to indicate a memory or I/O operation. In T2 after sending the address in
Tl the processor sends the data to be written to the addressed location. The data remains on the bus
until middle of T4 state. The WR becomes active at the beginning ofT2 (unlike RD is somewhat
delayed in T2 to provide time for floating). The BHE and A0 signals are used to select the proper
byte or bytes of memory or I/O word to be read or written. The M/IO, RD and WR signals indicate
the types of data transfer as specified in Table
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In the maximum mode, the 8086 is operated by strapping the MN/MX pin to ground. In this
mode, the processor derives the status signals S2, S1 and S0. Another chip called bus controller
derives the control signals using this status information. In the maximum mode, there may be more
than one microprocessor in the system configuration. The other components in the system are the
same as in the minimum mode system. The general system organization is as shown in the fig1.1
The basic functions of the bus controller chip IC8288, is to derive control signals like RD and WR
(for memory and I/O devices), DEN, DT/R, ALE, etc. using the information made available by the
processor on the status lines. The bus controller chip has input lines S2, S1 and S0 and CLK. These
inputs to 8288 are driven by the CPU. It derives the outputs ALE, DEN, DT/R, MWTC, AMWC,
IORC, IOWC and AIOWC. The AEN, IOB and CEN pins are especially useful for multiprocessor
systems. AEN and IOB are generally grounded. CEN pin is usually tied to +5V.
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The significance of the MCE/PDEN output depends upon the status of the IOB pin. If IOB is
grounded, it acts as master cascade enable to control cascaded 8259A; else it acts as peripheral
data enable used in the multiple bus configurations. INTA pin is used to issue two interrupt
acknowledge pulses to the interrupt controller or to an interrupting device. IORC, IOWC are I/O
read command and I/O write command signals respectively. These signals enable an IO interface
to read or write the data from or to the addressed port. The MRDC, MWTC are memory read
command and memory write command signals respectively and may be used as memory read and
write signals. All these command signals instruct the memory to accept or send data from or to the
bus. For both of these write command signals, the advanced signals namely AIOWC and AMWTC
are available. They also serve the same purpose, but are activated one clock cycle earlier than the
IOWC and MWTC signals, respectively. The maximum mode system is shown in fig. The
maximum mode system timing diagrams are also divided in two portions as read (input) and write
(output) timing diagrams. The address/data and address/status timings are similar to the minimum
mode. ALE is asserted in T1, just like minimum mode. The only difference lies in the status signals
used and the available control and advanced command signals. The fig. shows the maximum mode
timings for the read operation while the fig. shows the same for the write operation.
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Control signals M/IO, RD, WR are directly Control signal are generated using S0, S1 and
available. S2.
Control signals IOR, LOW, MEMW, and Control signals are generated using 8288 bus
MEMR are present. controller.
HOLD &HLDA signals are available for RQ/GT0, RQ/GT1 are available for
interfacing interfacing.
Status of instruction queue is not available. Status of instruction queue QS0 and QS1 are
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General purpose registers are of 8 bit General purpose registers are of 16 bit size.
It has five hardware interrupt i.e. Only two hardware interrupt i.e. NMI and
TRAP,RST7.5,RST6.5,RST5.5 and INTR.
Operates only in single mode Operate in two modes
1. Minimum Mode
2. Maximum mode
Instruction queue is not present Instruction queue is present.
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1. Compare maximum mode and minimum mode configurations of 8086 (any four points)
(summer 14)
2. With the neat diagram, describe the maximum mode operation of 8086. List & describe
functions of signals of maximum mode of 8086.(winter 14)
3. Compare microprocessors 8085 and 8086 (any four points) (summer 14)
4. Draw and describe the maximum mode diagram of 8086.(sumer 14)
5. Compare 8085 microprocessor & 8086 microprocessor. (with respect to)