Thesis Statement Stem Cells

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis Statement on Stem Cells

Crafting a thesis statement on the topic of stem cells can be an intricate and demanding task. Stem
cell research is a complex and evolving field that encompasses a wide range of scientific, ethical, and
social considerations. As such, formulating a clear, concise, and impactful thesis statement requires
in-depth understanding, critical analysis, and meticulous attention to detail.

One of the primary challenges in writing a thesis statement on stem cells is navigating the breadth
and depth of the subject matter. Stem cells hold immense potential for medical advancements,
ranging from regenerative medicine to disease treatment and drug discovery. However, the
multifaceted nature of stem cell research means that writers must carefully define their focus and
narrow down their thesis statement to a specific aspect or argument.

Furthermore, the ethical implications surrounding stem cell research add another layer of complexity
to the writing process. Debates over the use of embryonic stem cells versus adult stem cells, concerns
about cloning and genetic manipulation, and discussions about the rights of the donor and the moral
status of the embryo all contribute to the intricate tapestry of issues that writers must address in their
thesis statements.

In addition to scientific and ethical considerations, writers must also grapple with the ever-evolving
landscape of stem cell research. New discoveries, breakthroughs, and controversies constantly
emerge, requiring writers to stay abreast of the latest developments and incorporate relevant
information into their thesis statements.

Given the challenges inherent in crafting a thesis statement on stem cells, it is essential for
individuals seeking assistance with their academic writing to turn to reliable and experienced
professionals. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support for students and
researchers navigating the complexities of thesis writing. With a team of skilled writers and
researchers, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized, high-quality assistance tailored to the
unique needs of each client.

Whether you're struggling to define your thesis statement, analyze complex scientific data, or
navigate ethical considerations, ⇒ ⇔ is here to help. Trust in our expertise and
experience to guide you through the process of crafting a compelling and impactful thesis statement
on stem cells. Place your order today and take the first step towards academic success.
In Chapter 2, color space features are fed into the modified PCA algorithm. CD13 boyanm?s imgeler
yer gercekligi etiketlerinin olusturulmas. Umbilical Cord Blood Stem CellsUmbilical Cord Blood
Stem Cells. It took you five minutes to draw this!” “No”, Picasso replied, “It took me 40 years plus
five minutes”. In all cases, c2 similarity measure classifies images at low accuracy levels. 57 Page 80.
It performs the best classification in all cases of image classifi- cation among six similarity measures.
Keypoints are mostly found on darker regions as desired. 21 Page 44. The regenerative property of a
stem cell opens new venues to explore and may find permanent cure for diseases like diabetes.
Ethical issues in stem cell research - Is the destruction of preexisting pre-embryos permitted for stem
cell research. Surely you or someone who knows someone who went to school with. Normal) 3-NN
c4 Similarity Measure Based Modified PCA Patient Classification.. 63 4.29 Confusion Matrix of
Two-Class (Grade I vs. Their use is not controversial, as there is no need for the destruction of an
embryo. Recent studies, challenged significant contribution of HSCs in immune reconstitution.
Instead of leave-one- image-out strategy, leave-one-patient-out strategy is used; since each patient
has more than one image. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication.
By: Katie Goss. Overview. What is a embryonic stem cell. Unlike conventional eigenface algorithm,
covariance matrix of color histograms instead of pixel values are fed into the modified PCA
algorithm. The use of abnormal cells in treatment of patients could result in indeterminate
complications. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120(1), 71-75. The scientist are attempting to
fest upon the lives of innocent living being to conduct experiments which show the moral less nature
of the society. Cancerous) 3-NN Modified PCA Patient Classification Using LBP Features..... 36
2.35 Confusion Matrix of Two-Class (Grade I vs. First, features are extracted from Y, H and E
channels and obtained results are compared with the results obtained in single-channel case. The use
of infected lines in patient treatment could have devastating effects. Stem cell is the only solution for
some incurable diseases. Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida
WOW Con. This means that it should be backed up by data, examples, and other supporting
information throughout the essay. Targeting the differentiated cells to the appropriate organ and the
appropriate part of the organ is also a challenge.”. Killing human embryos for science are size
discrimination, pure and simple”. A thorough study of literature has been conducted and analysis and
assessments are drawn accordingly. Stem Cell Research is one of the most hotly debated issue that
involved political, social, religious and moral concerns.
Turns out that expression of this aging marker on T- cells was significantly higher after transplant.
Following the blastocyst stage, the tissues of the embryo start to form and the cells become
multipotent. Remaining two best classification accuracies are achieved 64 Page 87. For life to be
possible, humans obviously need blood, and there is no blood present in embryos at all. This faction
is opposed to embryonic Stem Cell Research which they claim as immoral and characterize as
devaluing human life, much the same as does abortion, drawing a link between the two. Retrieved
from Marzilli, A. (2007). Stem cell research and cloning. A good research question provides purpose
to your research and clarifies the direction. Stem cell research is a social crime From medical ethical
point of view stem cell research can never be justified in any manner as condemnation of life never
should be a door to treatment. One such ethical issue which has raised controversies these days is the
stem cell research. Uses of stem cell In therapy: degenerative diseases are the consequence of cellular
loss or loss of cellular function. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues
or ongoing subscriptions. Cancer is a disease where cells grow out of control and invade, erode and
d. Specific Purpose: To persuade people who are against stem cell research to see the. good in it.
Intended Audiences: People against stem cell research. The admirer was shocked: “How can you ask
for so much. Stem Cell Research involves the human embryonic cells. If the CSC Per- centage is less
than 5%, that region is labeled as Grade I. Grade II) 3-NN c1 Similarity Measure Based Modified
PCA Image Classification... 56 4.12 Confusion Matrix of Two-Class (Grade I vs. Stem cell research
could pave way to a medical world where solution can be sort out for many fatal diseases but the
brutality involved in it cannot be disregarded. Stem cell is the only solution for some incurable
diseases. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Grade II) 3-NN Mod- ified PCA
Image Classification Using Color Space Features.... 19 2.6 Confusion Matrix of Two-Class (Grade I
vs. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. In the process of retrieving the
stem cells the scientists have to destroy the human embryo and in this process a death of a human
being may be caused as believed by the opponents of stem cell research. In his article
(Brahm,2008)mentions that, “Men are generally larger than women, but that doesn’t mean they
deserve more rights. Instead of applying directional convo- lution, directional filters are rotated by.
Since our aim is to speed up the cancer diagnosis process, computation- ally efficient versions of
proposed modified PCA algorithm are also proposed. Three-class patient classification accuracy of
c3 similarity measure (Table 4.20) is very close to the accuracy obtained by the ordinary cosine
similarity measure (Table 2.2). In two-class ’cancerous or not’ classification, c3 similarity measure
produces 91.6% image classification accuracy and 90.7% patient classification accuracy. It is based
on an additive operator whose sign is the same as the mul- tiplication. Our main motivation to
develop a computer-aided diagno- sis (CAD) system is to speed up the cancer diagnosis process,
since time is a very critical issue in cancer diagnosis and treatment. In this case, overall image
classification is 93.0%. Another important point is that cancerous image classification accuracy is
93.3% and normal image classification accuracy is 90.2%. In Tables 2.5 and 2.6, normal images are
excluded from the dataset and clas- sification is performed among cancerous images.
They do not contribute to the extra-embryonic membranes or the placenta. Succinctly, c4 similarity
measure produces results very close to the results obtained by the ordinary cosine similarity measure.
Accelerated aging of immune system after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Digital Sales Sell
your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Stems cells can be used
to induce repair or replacement of diseased or damaged cells thus effectively restoring the functions
of previously damaged organs. These cells are known to be pluripotent, which denotes the ability to
transform into any cell of the body, including gametes. Specific Purpose: To persuade people who are
against stem cell research to see the. good in it. Intended Audiences: People against stem cell
research. Herein, we describe the Cancer Stem Cells Therapeutic Target Database (CSCTT), the first
online database to provide a rich bioinformatics resource for the display, search, and analysis of
structure, function, and related annotation for therapeutic targets of cancer stem cells. Severe heart
damage and Parkinson’s disease benefits appear promising with adult stem cells. The labeled HSCs
rapidly contributed to committed progenitors of all lineages and to mature myeloid cells and
lymphocytes, but not to B- 1a cells or tissue macrophages. These classification accuracies are better
than the accuracies obtained by single-channel SIFT features extracted from Y channel (Tables 2.7
and 2.8) and the same as the previous multi-channel case. 27 Page 50. Grade II) 3-NN Mod- ified
PCA Image Classification Using Color Space Features.... 19 2.6 Confusion Matrix of Two-Class
(Grade I vs. Ahonen’s circular (8, 2) neighborhood LBP model is used in this thesis and it is shown
in Figure 2.19. Figure 2.19: Circular (8, 2) Neighborhood LBP Feature Extraction for one Pixel In
this LBP model, an 8-bit binary number is extracted from each pixel. Examples Here are some
argumentative thesis statement examples with supporting details with three supporting points. But
manipulating an embryo that is a developing infant for the recovering of an adult being is completely
atrocious and cruel act. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital
publishing. If the CSC Per- centage is less than 5%, that region is labeled as Grade I. The working of
stem cell restore supplement is unique, and hence researchers are keen to understand its development
and growth to employ its therapy in different treatment, particularly the lapse of breast and prostate
cancer. It is a shame on society that it nurtures such immoral thought and activities in the name of
science and medicinal advancement. Nutrition World is not a doctor, nor does it claim to be. Only
significant human advances throughout the world have been made on adult stem cells. This two stage
decision mechanism help the pathologist make more correct decisions about the cancer diagnosis and
tissue grading. As a result of these useful characteristics, stem cells come under close scientific
scrutiny. Under right conditions, can become any cell type in our body. Student Of: M.Phil in
BiotecnologyStudent Of: M.Phil in Biotecnology. His- tograms of the image, that of thresholded
image, first and second order discrete derivative of them in various color spaces are used to construct
the feature ma- trix. In this subsection, SIFT features are extracted from various color channels sep-
arately and then extracted SIFT feature matrices are cascaded horizontally to form the feature
matrix. Instead of leave-one- image-out strategy, leave-one-patient-out strategy is used; since each
patient has more than one image. There is substantial opposition from various religious groups on the
ethical issues. ES-derived cardiomyocytes improves contractile function of the.
They present new opportunities to develop new therapies, to treat diseases where the functions of
repair, replacement and regeneration are impeded. Multiplication requires more power than addition
and relational max or min operations. Life is a gift from God and exploiting and manipulating it with
the will of human beings is a shameful and heinous act. Every religion protects and safeguards
human life and human rights as it is considered as a form of divine. Many of the religious leaders
across the world had questioned about the moral and ethical acceptability of the stem cell research
procedure. Scientists are exploring new uses for these stem cells that go beyond diseases of the
blood. CSCTT contains 1. CSCs, with validated experimental evidence manually curated from
existing literatures. I believe we can also stimulate our own production of these cells with proper
nutritional interventions. To think that human embryos have not dignity involves a significant moral
loss. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. A thesis statement is a declarative
sentence that states the primary idea of an essay or a Thesis Statement — An Essential in Thesis
Writing A thesis statement distils the research paper idea into one or two sentences. Human
embryonic stem cell lines, which can be cultured and differentiated into a variety of cells and tissues
paralleling the earliest events in the development of the embryo offer a unique window into human
development. Proposed c1 similarity measure produces the same best result as c4 similarity measure
in two-class Grade I vs. This means that it should not be a statement of fact, but rather a point of
view that can be supported with evidence and reasoning. Grade II) 3-NN c4 Similarity Measure
Based Modified PCA Patient Classification.. 66 Page 23. Every action of a human being should be
virtuous and directed towards the well being and protection of human life. Stem cell cannot be
progressive without the supply of human embryos. Cells Weekly is a digest of the most interesting
news and events in stem cell research, cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Hunter, Philip. 2003.
Differentiating Hope from Embryonic Stem Cells. For example, it has prepared internal guidelines
for experimental clinical methods and for how to deal with whistle- blowers. If it is greater than or
equal to 5%, it is labeled as Grade II. Stem cells are big news in medical and science circles because
they. Therefore, 20 features are extracted from nine different color channels. In 2001, he released
federal funding for research on existing stem cell lines; but said that no additional embryos were to
be destroyed for their stem cells. These features are fed into a modified version of Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm, which is proposed in this thesis. We also utilized the SIFT
algorithm for feature extraction. The test set is circulated to cover all instances and contains one
image at each iteration. He has served the people of Las Vegas as a physician for over two decades.
This paper 'Stem Cell Research' tells that Stem cell research has created more controversies and
debates than any other scientific discovery or invention. If it is possible to extract stem cells from a
fertilized egg then the concept would not be dangerous as it is now.
Stem cells are indeed an origin of life, and destroying it for the sake of another life can in no way be
a justifiable act. We do not have the right to sacrifice a life for the benefit of another as we are not
the giver of life and destroyer of it. Best Result in Each Case is Pre-sented in Bold Fonts. 3 Class 2
Class (Cancerous vs. Thirdly, a thesis statement should be well-supported by evidence from the
paper. According to religious perspective, human beings are bound by ethics and moral conducts. In
this section, we will extract SIFT features from our histopathological image dataset and compare
them with color space histogram features on our three-class texture classification problem. Johansen,
J. (2001, July 26). What's wrong with embryonic stem cell research. Stem cells are different from
other cells present in the body. To effectively help patients, and avoid rejection, clones will need to
be created to treat any person. Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness Introducing amazing
Healthy habits and fitness pediatrics. Any degenerative disease resulting from cellular loss, such as
diabetes, Parkinsons ’, heart disease, vascular diseases, and stroke to name a few, can benefit from
stem cell therapy. The preceding ideas for writing a thesis statement along with the research paper
topic will help you in crafting the main feature of a research paper on stem cell while the rest of the
research paper will be written by you. Topic: Advances In Stem CellTopic: Advances In Stem Cell.
They are used to regenerate and repair organs due to their ability to divide indefinitely. He said,
“Two years ago, I had umbilical cord stem cells injected. However, in H and S channels, pixel values
smaller than 200 are discarded. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can
find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
While most blood stem cells reside in the bone marrow, a small number are present in the
bloodstream. The damage caused by this diseases and conditions is normally irreversible to the
affected cells or organs. This involves simulating the effects of a drug on the targeted cell line to
establish any adverse effects. Undifferentiated stem cells could produce tumors and multiply
unchecked within a patient, causing more problems than providing appropriate therapy. Explain the
ways in which materials move into and out of cells. If you are assigned to write ethical issues in stem
cell research paper, then you have to have a thorough knowledge about the study. The regenerative
property of a stem cell opens new venues to explore and may find permanent cure for diseases like
diabetes. Inducible genetic labeling showed that transgene- expressing HSCs gave rise to other
phenotypic HSCs, confirming their top position in the differentiation hierarchy. As for the invention
itself, some scientists say Pan may not have had the big, award- worthy vision that Deisseroth and
Boyden had. Embryonic stem cells: they are found into the young embryo and provide the initial
pool of cells that will develop into the full organism at birth. The basic unit of stem cell research is the
cell itself. This is a persuasive essay I had to write for school. Mature leukocytes are released into the
bloodstream, where.
And tens of thousands of people receive this therapy treatment each year. Do you have diabetes or a
family history of cancer or heart disease. The stem cells are introduced to the affected organ in a bid
to induce repair or regeneration. The controversies and debate on stem cell research concentrate on
the point whether the embryo is an individual person or not. Role of hematopoietic stem cells in
steady state hematopoiesis. Stem cell research is definitely an act involving destruction of persons
and government or legislative bodies should do everything they can to stop it. Grade II) 3-NN c0
Similarity Measure Based Modified PCA Patient Classification.. 53 Page 20. Dr. Madduru Muni
Haritha Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness Introducing amazing Healthy habits and
fitness Fredrick Amos pediatrics. It is much more likely embryos will be used for research than
transplant, such as the drug testing we carry out on animals and adults.However, the real debate is
not about whether we are compassionate towards embryos, nor is it about whether we should seek to
cure various diseases. For this purpose, 20 features are chosen from nine different color spaces. CSCs
can easily be distinguished in CD13 images, however it is an expensive stain. Ethical issues in stem
cell research - Is the destruction of preexisting pre-embryos permitted for stem cell research.
Keypoints are mostly found on darker regions as desired. 21 Page 44. As a result of these useful
characteristics, stem cells come under close scientific scrutiny. Stem-cells have also been found in all
the tissues found in our bodies such as the brain, pancreas, liver, skin, fat, muscle, blood, bone
marrow, lungs, nose and tooth pulp. Hepatocytes. Blastocyst. Chondrocytes. Osteoblasts. Drug
Discovery. They are used to regenerate and repair organs due to their ability to divide indefinitely. Of
course, it took me 24.5 years plus 9 months to develop my research background and produce this
thesis. Therefore, six color channels are used in the next multi-channel case. It can also be considered
that embryonic research is against the international law. The labeled HSCs rapidly contributed to
committed progenitors of all lineages and to mature myeloid cells and lymphocytes, but not to B- 1a
cells or tissue macrophages. Cancerous) 3-NN Modified PCA Image Classification Using Color
Space Features. 18 2.4 Confusion Matrix of Two-Class (Healthy vs. In 2001, he released federal
funding for research on existing stem cell lines; but said that no additional embryos were to be
destroyed for their stem cells. Another important advantage of using a CAD is that its grading and
classification results are reproducible. Conclusion It is a fact that, embryos do not look like human
being but that does not make it less of a life. While most blood stem cells reside in the bone marrow,
a small number are present in the bloodstream. ES cells are pluripotent and give rise during
development to all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.
Normal) 3-NN c2 Similarity Measure Based Modified PCA Patient Classification.. 58 4.17
Confusion Matrix of Two-Class (Grade I vs. Best Result in Each Case is Pre-sented in Bold Fonts. 3
Class 2 Class (Cancerous vs. They are still young-approximately 5 to 6 days old-and grown in a
culture in some Petri dish; they might even be a few years old, having been stored in some freezer
soon after their manufacture (Fisher 2005).
Anna Vlasists discusses the problem with delaying of publications and crediting scientists for
discoveries. Under right conditions, can become any cell type in our body. The embryos do not feel
pain or possess consciousness but if then killing of a person in coma can also be justified. It is impor-
tant to emphasize that normal image classification accuracy is 89.8%. It is also observed that image
and patient classification accuracies of the same cases may differ significantly due to the majority
voting applied in the patient classification. Each pixel is visited and compared with its eight
neighbors. In the acquisition process first, a sample tissue is taken from a patient and it is sliced in
very thin layers. For example, In the US, a paraplegic woman with a severed spinal cord has been
treated with her own immune cells and regained bladder control and movement of her toes. The
hospital has a big task ahead to ensure patient safety and trust.”Some leadership positions were
suspended. They started working in unison in the 1960s and their research laid an ideal platform for
the others to take it forward from there and that is exactly what the others did. The stem cells are
introduced to the affected organ in a bid to induce repair or regeneration. Karolinska University
Hospital, which investigated ethical research misconduct by tissue engineering pioneer Paolo
Macchiarini, has released report this week. After Boyden’s paper came out, Pan wrote to the editor at
Nature Neuroscience asking how they could have rejected his paper but published Boyden’s. This 8-
bit binary number is converted to decimal and stored in the pattern vector. Proposed c1 similarity
measure produces the same best result as c4 similarity measure in two-class Grade I vs. Such people
lose their sight when the Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells in the retina stop functioning. Please
consult your physician before beginning any health regimen. Life is a gift from God and exploiting
and manipulating it with the will of human beings is a shameful and heinous act. This could also
help in future transplants as the patient receives a tissue or organ from own cell line, thus there are
no chances of rejection during transplantation (Pillai). In the first step, difference-of-Gaussian
function is used to identify potential points that are invariant to scale and orientation. Human life is
sacred and its not to be experimented on, except voluntarily.?? As for the argument that embryos are
not human beings, yes, they are not fully grown human beings, however they came from a human
being and are still classified as human. Of course, it took me 24.5 years plus 9 months to develop my
research background and produce this thesis. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
There are hundreds of clinics worldwide that offer these therapies. Dr. Madduru Muni Haritha
Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness
Fredrick Amos pediatrics. A good research question provides purpose to your research and clarifies
the direction. Tissues and organs can be grown in laboratories from stem cells for use in transplants
since the number organ transplant needs exceeds the number of organs available transplantation. If it
is equal to 0%, it is labeled as normal, meaning that it contains no CSC. The test set is circulated to
cover all instances and contains one image at each iteration. In addition, embryonic Stem Cell
Research was legalized in Missouri in 2006. This means that it should be backed up by data,
examples, and other supporting information throughout the essay.

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