Baharuddin Jufri Appointment Conf
Baharuddin Jufri Appointment Conf
Baharuddin Jufri Appointment Conf
Number of Applicants: 1
Effective August 26, 2019, there will be an additional $220 reciprocity fee for approved F1/F2 student
visa applications. You will only pay this fee if your F1/F2 student visa application is approved.
Please be prepared to pay this additional fee in-person at the Embassy at the conclusion of your
interview. You may pay in Rupiah or with a credit card.
You must arrive at the Embassy no earlier than 15 minutes before your appointment time. If you
arrive at the Embassy 15 minutes after your appointment time, you will not be interviewed and you
will have to reschedule your appointment. Please do not arrive too early or too late.
Please bring the following documents with you to the Embassy for your interview:
Please leave prohibited items at home. Applicants who bring devices on the prohibited list will be
denied entry. Applicants may not bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. This
includes but is not limited to: laptops, iPads, tablet devices, handheld gaming devices, cameras,
digital watches, etc.
Efektif 26 Agustus 2019, untuk warga negara Indonesia akan ada tambahan biaya timbal balik visa
sebesar $220 untuk jenis visa pelajar F1/F2. Anda hanya perlu membayar biaya ini jika visa anda
disetujui. bersiaplah untuk membayar biaya tambahan ini secara langsung di Kedutaan pada akhir
wawancara. Anda dapat membayar dalam Rupiah atau kartu kredit.
Anda harus tiba di Kedutaan 15 menit sebelum jadwal wawancara anda. Jika anda tiba di Kedutaan
15 menit setelah jam wawancara anda, anda tidak akan diwawancara dan harus membuat jadwal
yang baru. Mohon jangan datang terlalu awal atau terlambat.
Harap membawa dokumen-dokumen berikut ini ke Kedutaan Besar untuk wawancara Anda:
Tinggalkan barang terlarang di rumah. Pemohon yang membawa perangkat dalam daftar terlarang
akan ditolak masuk. Pemohon dilarang membawa barang elektronik berukuran besar ke Kedutaan.
Ini termasuk, tapi tidak terbatas, laptop, iPad, tablet, perangkat game genggam, kamera, jam digital,