Tutorial Letter 101/1/2024: Literature and Society A Perspective On African Literature

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Tutorial Letter 101/1/2024

Literature and Society

A perspective on African Literature


Semester 1

Department of African Languages

This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ............................................................................................ 6
4 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 6
4.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 University ........................................................................................................................................ 7
5 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Prescribed book(s) .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Recommended book(s)................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ..................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Library services and resources ....................................................................................................... 9
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ............................................................................................... 10
6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme .............................................................................. 11
7 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 12
8 PRACTICAL WORK ..................................................................................................................... 12
9 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 12
9.1 Assessment criteria....................................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 12
9.3 Assessment due dates.................................................................................................................. 12
9.4 Submission of assessments ......................................................................................................... 13
9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions ........................................................................................ 14
9.5 The assessments .......................................................................................................................... 15
9.5.1 First Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 17
9.5.2 Second Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 37
9.6 Other assessment methods .......................................................................................................... 57
9.7 The examination ........................................................................................................................... 57
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring .................................................................................................................... 57
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY .......................................................................................................... 58
10.1 Plagiarism ..................................................................................................................................... 58
10.2 Cheating ....................................................................................................................................... 58


10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below: ...................................................... 58
11 STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES ................................................................................... 58
12 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 59
13 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................. 59
14 IN CLOSING ................................................................................................................................. 59
15 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................. 59



Dear Student

Unisa is a comprehensive open distance e-learning (CODeL) higher education institution. The
comprehensiveness of our curricula encapsulates a range of offerings, from strictly vocational to
strictly academic certificates, diplomas, and degrees. Unisa's "openness" and its distance
eLearning character result in many students registering at Unisa who may not have had an
opportunity to enrol in higher education. Our CODeL character implies that our programmes are
carefully planned and structured to ensure success for students ranging from the under-prepared
but with potential to the sufficiently prepared.

Teaching and learning in a CODeL context involve multiple modes of delivery ranging from
blended learning to fully online. As a default position, all post graduate programmes are offered
fully online with no printed study materials, while undergraduate programmes are offered in a
blended mode of delivery where printed study materials are augmented with online teaching and
learning via the learner management system myUnisa. In some instances, undergraduate
programmes are offered fully online as well.

Furthermore, our programmes are aligned with the vision, mission, and values of the University.
Unisa's commitment to serve humanity and shape futures combined with a clear appreciation of
our location on the African continent, Unisa's graduates have distinctive graduate qualities which
• independent, resilient, responsible, and caring citizens who can fulfil and serve in
multiple roles in their immediate and future local, national, and global communities.
• having a critical understanding of their location on the African continent with its histories,
challenges, and potential in relation to globally diverse contexts
• the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the credibility and usefulness of information
and data from multiple sources in a globalised world with its ever-increasing information
and data flows and competing worldviews.
• how to apply their discipline-specific knowledges competently, ethically, and creatively
to solve real-life problems.
• an awareness of their own learning and developmental needs and future potential.

Whether a module is offered either as blended (meaning that we use a combination of printed
and online material to engage with you) or online (all information is available via the internet), we
use myUnisa as our virtual campus. This is an online system that is used to administer, document,
and deliver educational material to you and support engagement with you.


Look out for information from your lecturer as well as other Unisa platforms to determine how to
access the virtual myUnisa module site. Information on the tools that will be available to engage
with the lecturer and fellow students to support your learning will also be communicated via
various platforms.

You are encouraged to log into the module site on myUnisa regularly (that is, at least twice per

Because this is a fully online module, you will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this module. Visit the website for AFL2603 on myUnisa frequently. The
website for your module is AFL 2603-24-S1/S2.


During the year, you will receive a number of tutorial letters. A tutorial letter is our way of
communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessments. Tutorial Letter 101, i.e.,
contains important information about the scheme of work, resources, and assignments for this
module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study
material, preparing the assignment(s), preparing for the examination, and addressing questions
to your lecturers.

Please read my Studies @ Unisa brochure, in combination with Tutorial Letter 101 as it gives you
an idea of generally important information when studying at a distance and within a particular

In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find some of your assignments and assessment criteria as well as
instructions on the preparation and submission of all assignments. We have also included certain
general and administrative information about this module. Please study this section of the tutorial
letter very carefully.

Pay careful attention to the correct numbering of your language specific assignment.

We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you every success with your studies!

We wish you every success with your studies!


2.1 Purpose

This module will be useful to students who want to develop competencies in interacting
successfully in a multi-cultural society. These competencies include the ability to demonstrate
their sensitivity to their own language usage and that of others and interact across cultures with
knowledge and respect.


2.2 Outcomes

• Demonstrate linguistic and cultural diversity awareness and sensitivity in

order to enhance personal relations in day-to-day situations.
• Demonstrate respect for diversity as concerns language and culture within.
• A multi-cultural society.
• Interact across cultures in a respectful way.
• Appreciate own cultural background in relation to the cultures of others,
within a multi-cultural society.


Unisa has implemented a transformation charter, in terms of which the university has placed
curriculum transformation high on the teaching and learning agenda. Curriculum transformation
includes student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment
practices, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies
and philosophies. All of these will be phased in at both programme and module levels, and as a
result of this you will notice a marked change in the teaching and learning strategy implemented
by Unisa, together with the way in which the content is conceptualised in your modules. We
encourage you to embrace these changes during your studies at Unisa in a responsive way within
the framework of transformation.


4.1 Lecturer(s)

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module
should be directed to the primary lecturer. Only contact the secondary lecturers when the
primary lecturer is not available. Please have your study material and student number with you
when you contact us.

The lecturers responsible for this module are as follows:

Ms CS Mabena (Coordinator) Dr MC Myeza

isiNdebele and English IsiZulu
WMM – Building, 7-106 WMM-Building, 7-043
mabencs@unisa.ac.za myezamc@unisa.ac.za
012 429 4048 012 429 644


Ms N Nyakambi Mr TB Ngomane (Deputy coordinator)

IsiXhosa Siswati
WMM Building, 7-046 WMM – Building Room 7-45
enyakan@unisa.ac.za engomatb@unisa.ac.za
012 352 4114 012 433 4788

Dr SM Tembane (Deputy coordinator) Dr ML Mudau

Sesotho sa Leboa Tshivenda
etembasm@unisa.ac.za WMM Building, Room 7-118
012 429 6648 mudauml@unisa.ac.za
WMM Building, 7-041 012 429 6815

Dr FM Kanyane Ms TBP Matshwisa

Sesotho sa Leboa Setswana
WMM Building 7-124 WMM Building 7-053
kanyafm@unisa.ac.za matshtb@unisa.ac.za
012 429 6970 012 429 8016

Dr TM Monyakane Mr EM Baloyi
Sesotho Xitsonga and English
WMM Building Room 7-123 WMM-Building, Room 7-043
monyatm@unisa.ac.za baloyem@unisa.ac.za
012 429 3935 012 429 4609

4.2 Department

The Department of African Languages could be contacted as follows:

Telephone number: 0124298060
E-mail: masilpe@unisa.ac.za

Address: AFL2603
Department of African Languages
P O Box 392

4.3 University

Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:
Please include the student number in all correspondence.

5.1 Prescribed book(s)

There are prescribed books for every language. Where there is NO prescribed books, please
contact the lecturer concerned. The following textbooks should be bought and studied, quoted,
and applied where necessary.


1. Ndlovu, M.M. 2007. Amathonsi Abanzi. Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town.
2. Kheswa, A.T. & Mthiyane, E.T.Z. 1993. Imibengo. Shuter and Shooter:
3. Madlala, N.P. 2009. Inzima Le Ndlela. Shuter & Shooter: Cape Town.


1. Shasha, W. 2008. Zihlabana nje Ziyalamba. Bard Publishers: Pretoria.

2. Putumo-Jaxa, N.P. 2012. Inje Intlalo Yethu. Bard Publishers: Pretoria.
3. Saule, N. 2010. Inkululeko Isentabeni. Bard Publishers: Pretoria.

Sesotho sa Leboa

1. Mminele, S.P.P. 2008. Ngwana wa Mobu. Sharp Shoot Publishing: Polokwane.

2. Kgobe, D.M. 2008. Direto tṡa Sesotho sa Leboa. Nasou Afrika: Cape Town.


1. Lobelo, O.M. 2016. Basadi lwa Reng? Maskew Miller Longman, Pearson South Africa:


1. Moleleki,M.M., Xaba,D.L., Makappa, M.M., Matla,T.M., Nhlapo, N.J., Mophethe,C.L.T.

2008. Makatolle. Kagiso Education, Pearson South Africa: Cape Town.
2. Mofokeng, S.M. 2014. Pelong ya ka. Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
3. Mofolo, T.M. 1962. Chaka. Morija Sesuto Book Depot: Lesotho.


1. Shongwe, J.P. 2010. Bangani. Shuter & Shooter: Pietermaritzburg.



1. Ntuli, M.S. 2006. Itsengo 5. Maskew Miller Longman, Pearson South Africa: Midrand.
2. Skhosana, P.B. 2008. Mbala Ngubaba. Actua Press, Pearson South Africa: Midrand.


1. Marhanele MM, Mbhombhela, Timbila Publishers, Elim.

2. Magayisa TP, Rivala ra tsutsuma, TP Magaisa Publishers, Polokwane.
3. Hon’wana Malphia. Xivutla na Mindzheko. Mnisley Media Publishers: Irene.

5.2 Recommended book(s)

There are no recommended books for AFL2603.

Recommended books can be requested online, via the library catalogue.

5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

E-reserves can be downloaded from the library webpage.

Find e-reserves. More information is available at: http://oasis.unisa.ac.za/search/r

5.4 Library services and resources

The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources. The library has created
numerous library guides, available at http://libguides.unisa.ac.za

Recommended guides:

• For brief information on the library, go to https://www.unisa.ac.za/library/libatglance

• For more detailed library information, go to
• Frequently Asked Questions, visit
• For research support and services such as the Personal Librarian service and the
Information Search Librarian's Literature
Search Request (on your research topic) service, visit
• For library training for undergraduate students, visit
• Lending Services

• Services for Postgraduate students -

• Support and Services for students with disabilities
• Library Technology Support -https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/techsupport
• Finding and using library resources and tools -
• A–Z list of library databases – https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/az.php
Important contact information:
• Technical problems encountered in accessing library online services:
• General library-related queries: Library-enquiries@unisa.ac.za
• Queries related to library fines and payments: Library-fines@unisa.ac.za
• interlibrary loan service for postgraduate students: libr-ill@unisa.ac.za
• Literature Search Service: Lib-search@unisa.ac.za
• Social media channels: Facebook: Unisa Library and Twitter: @UnisaLibrary


The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa: www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies

This brochure contains important information and guidelines for successful studies through Unisa.
If you need assistance regarding the myModules system, you are welcome to use the following
contact details:
• Toll-free landline: 0800 00 1870 (Select option 07 for myModules)
• E-mail: mymodule22@unisa.ac.za or myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za

You can access and view short videos on topics such as how to view your calendar, how to
access module content, how to view announcements for modules, how to submit assessment
and how to participate in forum activities via the following link:

Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices and
updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for
your account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after
registering at Unisa, by following this link: myLifeHelp@unisa.ac.za

Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official correspondence
with the university and will remain the official primary e-mail address on record at Unisa. You
remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.


6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme

Many students find the transition from school education to tertiary education stressful. This is also
true in the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open distance
and e-learning institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is a mega
university, and all our programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online
learning. It is for this reason that we thought it necessary to offer first-time students
additional/extended support to help them seamlessly navigate the Unisa teaching and learning
journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We therefore offer a specialised student support
programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time this is Unisa’s First-Year Experience
(FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and helpful information about services
that the institution offers and how you can access information. The following FYE services are
currently offered:

FYE Website Email Support


Registration myUnisa; Study
Orientation Referrals to Skills; Academic &
other support Digital Literacies;
services i.e. etc
Reading & Writing

To ensure that you do not miss out on important academic and support communication from
the SRU, please check your myLife inbox regularly.



Use your Study @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills.

However, please take note of the following when you study for this module:
In this module there is a move away from some of the traditional ways of knowledge acquisition
and language study:


There are no module practical work and work integrated learning for this module.


9.1 Assessment criteria

The students should display the ability to read different texts and analyse them as per the
questions. Student should be able to read poetry, interpret questions and answer questions
related to the structure, types of poems, diction, etc. students should also learn to read children’s
literature, know the flows in children’s literature and how they can solve those short falls.

9.2 Assessment plan

• To complete this module, you will be required to submit two (2) assessments.
• All information about when and where to submit your assessments will be made available
to you via the myModules site for your module.
• Due dates for assessments, as well as the actual assessments are available on the
myModules site for this module.
• To gain admission to the examination, you will be required to submit TWO assignment/s.
• To gain admission to the examination, you need to obtain a year mark average of 20%
for the assignments.
• The assignment weighting for the module is 20%.
• You will receive examination information via the myModules sites. Please watch out for
announcements on how examinations for the modules for which you are registered will
be conducted.
• The examination will count 80% towards the final module mark.

9.3 Assessment due dates

• There are no assignment due dates included in this tutorial letter.

• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the myUnisa landing page for this
module. We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon registration.

• Please start working on your assessments as soon as you register for the module.
• Log on to the myUnisa site for this module to obtain more information on the due dates for
the submission of the assessments.

9.4 Submission of assessments

• Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving

towards becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study material,
assessments and engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will take place
online. We use myUnisa as our virtual campus.
• The myUnisa virtual campus will offer students access to the myModules site, where
learning material will be available online and where assessments should be completed.
This is an online system that is used to administer, document, and deliver educational
material to students and support engagement between academics and students.
• The myUnisa platform can be accessed via https://my.unisa.ac.za. Click on the
myModules 2024 button to access the online sites for the modules that you are
registered for.
• The university undertakes to communicate clearly and as frequently as is necessary to
ensure that you obtain the greatest benefit from the use of the myModules learning
management system. Please access the announcements on your myModules site
regularly, as this is where your lecturer will post important information to be shared with
• When you access your myModules site for the module/s you are registered for, you will
see a welcome message posted by your lecturer. Below the welcome message you will
see the assessment shells for the assessments that you need to complete. Some
assessments may be multiple choice, some tests, others written assessments, some
forum discussions, and so on. All assessments must be completed on the assessment
shells available on the respective module platforms.
• To complete quiz assessments, please log on to the module site where you need to
complete the assessment. Click on the relevant assessment shell (Assessment 1,
Assessment 2, etc.). There will be a date on which the assessment will open for you.
When the assessment is open, access the quiz online and complete it within the time
available to you. Quiz assessment questions are not included in this tutorial letter
(Tutorial Letter 101) and are only made available online. You must therefore access the
quiz online and complete it online where the quiz has been created.
• It is not advisable to use a cell phone to complete the quiz. Please use a desktop
computer, tablet or laptop when completing the quiz. Students who use a cell phone find
it difficult to navigate the Online Assessment tool on the small screen and often struggle
to navigate between questions and successfully complete the quizzes. In addition, cell
phones are more vulnerable to dropped internet connections than other devices. If
possible, please do not use a cell phone for this assessment type.


• For written assessments, please note the due date by which the assessment must be
submitted. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your lecturer to complete the
assessment. Click on the submission button on the relevant assessment shell on
myModules You will then be able to upload your written assessment on the myModules
site of the modules that you are registered for. Before you finalise the upload, double
check that you have selected the correct file for upload. Remember, no marks can be
allocated for incorrectly submitted assessments.

9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions

All assignments are defined as either optional, mandatory, compulsory, or elective.

• Elective assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
- The best of the required submissions will count.
• Mandatory assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
• Compulsory assignments
- If not submitted, the result on the student’s academic record will be absent.
• Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional assignment
so that it may benefit your learning.

I. Elective assignments
a. the student is given a choice of which assignments within an identified group to
submit, only the best result(-s), the number of which is specified in advance, will
contribute towards the year mark.
b. elective assignments must also be grouped into an elective group.
c. for the student to select which assignment to submit, the elective assignments must
be grouped together. For such an elective group, relevant information must be
provided to the student, such as how many of the assignments must be submitted
and how many of the assignment marks should be combined into the year mark.
d. The selection criteria define how marks received for assignments in an elective
group are to be combined into the year mark. Three different criteria may be used
for calculating the year mark:
• The best mark should be used, or
• If the student submits fewer than the required number of assignments per group
or no assignment in a group, a mark of 0% will be used.
• 0% is awarded to all non-submitted or unmarked assessments. A best mark is
then calculated from all items.


II. Mandatory assignments

a. contributes to the year mark.
b. If a student fails to submit a mandatory assignment, no mark is awarded and the year
mark is calculated accordingly. The student will therefore forfeit the marks attached
to this assignment when the final mark for the module is calculated.

III. Compulsory Assessment

a. when not submitted, the student will fail a Continuous Assessment module but will be
shown as absent from the examination in the case of other modules.

IV. Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional assignment so

that it may benefit your learning.

9.5 The assessments

As indicated in section 9.2, you need to complete 2 assessments for this module. You may submit
written assignments electronically via myUnisa or myModules depending on what will be
accessible to you. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail.

For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the Study @ Unisa brochure, which
you received with your study package. To submit an assignment via myUnisa:
• Go to myUnisa.
• Log in with your student number and password.
• Select the module.
• Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
• Click on the assignment number you wish to submit.
• Follow the instructions.

VERY IMPORTANT: Note that each student must submit only TWO assignments for this
module. The first digit refers to the assignment number, i.e., 1 or 2 and the second digit of the
assignment number refers to the language in which you choose to answer the assignment. Each
language has been allocated a number as follows:

You are expected to submit both the first and second assignments as they both contribute
equally towards the year mark.

English: 10
isiZulu: 11
isiXhosa: 12
Sesotho sa Leboa: 13 etc.


Therefore, Assignment 10 will refer to the first assignment for English, Assignment 11 will refer
to the first assignment for isiZulu, Assignment 12 will refer to the first assignment for isiXhosa,
Assignment 20 will refer to the second assignment for English, Assignment 11 will refer to the
second assignment for isiZulu, Assignment 12 will refer to the second assignment for isiXhosa,



9.5.1 First Assignment



1.1 In the contemporary world of technology, folksongs and praise poems are regarded as
old-fashioned and outdated. Critically discuss your view on the above statement. Support
your argument with suitable examples. (15)
1.2 Do you think children should still be engaged in the game of riddling?
Support your answer with suitable examples. (10)


2.1 Do characters in a novel act like people of ‘flesh and blood’ in real life? Support your
answer by discussing what you understand by ‘Character and Characterization’ in a
novel. (15)
2.2 How does a protagonist differ from an antagonist in a novel? (10)


3.1 Discuss what you understand by the following in a poem, do so while giving suitable
3.1.1 Metaphor (5)
3.1.2 Simile (5)
3.1.3 Personification (5)

3.2 The types of poems in a language are a source of ideas which enables readers to
generate some poetic expressions afresh. To support this statement, compare an Epic
and an Elegy poem. (10)


4.1 List five characteristics of a good story that would appeal to children. (10)
4.2 Explain briefly why children like adults to narrate stories to them. (10)
4.3 What is the educational value of children’s literature? (5)

TOTAL: [100]



Imiyalelo kubafundi:
Leli phepha linemibuzo emine enemiklomelo eyi-25 umbuzo ngamunye.
Phendula yonke imibuzo

Umbuzo 1

1.1 Ngabe isimo senhlalo ngokomnotho sibe namuphi umthelela mayelana nokuphathwa
kwabantu besifazane ngabesilisa ngaphansi kwenqubo yentando yeningi eNingizimu
Afrika. Phendula ngokubhekisa kuZonke, kuPamela nakuZongile. (13)
1.2 Umbhali ubaveze kanjani labalingiswa abalandelayo endabeni, uNkomo noNyoka.


2.1 Indima uQhilika ayishiyele indodana yakhe uMqapheli ibukeka inzima ukuba aqhubeka
nokuyihlakulela ukuze umcebo uqhubeke. Phika/vuma uchaze bese usekela izimpendulo
zakho. (13)
2.2 Ngabe umbhali uyiveze kanjani inyanga uNhliziyombi bashise kulo mdlalo? Chaza
Usekele. (12)


3.1 Funda inkondlo engezansi bese uphendula imibuzo elandelayo ngokugcwele.


Bahamb’abantu 1.
Balibashuza izwe;
Bayaluz’ abantu,
Bephuma bengena,
Bafunana nobuzwe,
Kuvuvukele izinyawo,

Bayahamba abantu 2.
Ngengqondo baqeda izwe
Babukana nempucuko,

Bayazula banomsangano
Sebekhathele baxakekile;
Ubuyaluyalu bomsangano.
Bayahamb’ abantu, 3.
Ngengqondo bayiguduza
Inkolo ngomlomo wabezizwe;
Bayifunda bayiqeketha,
Bayishumayela bayichaza,
Baxabana bazondana,
Babandlululana bethukana;
Badukuza phakathi kwenkolo,

Bayahamb’ abantu, 4.
Ngengqongo bayihlinza
Imfundo yabezizwe;
Bahlomul’ abahlomulayo
Badla bakhuluma isindiki.
Babandlululana bachizelana,
Baxabana kwaphuma izigaxa
Zenhlamba yomsangano.

Zakhanya izindlu zabo, 5.

Lakhanyisa ingaphakathi lazo;
Nabo ubucwebecwebe, ngaphakathi
Bahlala kubona ubucwebecwebe;
Kodw’ abanamakhaya,
Ubucwebecwebe obokulala.

Lezi zindlu zinomsindo 6.

Kuqeketh’ abesifazane.
Alikho iZulu langaneno
Ngaphandle kweKHAYA
Alikho iZulu langale
Ngaphandle kwelaNganeno.

Bayahamb’ abantu 7.
Ngob’ abasenamakhaya.
Dlamini (1988)

3.1 Ngabe ikuphi lokhu kuhamba imbongi ekhuluma ngakho kusitanza sokuqala nesesibili?
3.2 Ngabe imbongi esitanzeni sesithathu nesesine isinikeza mqondo muni? (10)
3.3 Ngabe imbongi idweba isithombe esinjani mayelana nesimo senhlalo sabantu
abansundu esitanzeni 5 no 6? (5)


4.1 Veza umehluko phakathi kobuciko bomlomo obuyingxoxo nezincwadi

zabantwana. (10)
4.2 Ngabe kuhlukene kanjani lokhu okulandelayo?
(a) Iziphicaphicwano
(b) Izaga
(c) Izisho (15)
ISAMBA: [100]




1.1 Imidlalo yabantwana enje ngamaqhina ungathi ibaluleke ngantoni? (5)

1.2 Ngokolwazi lwakho xa kuthethwa ngolwazi lwemveli ungathi kuthethwa ngantoni? (5)
1.3 Iintsomi kwaXhosa ziyinxalenye yoncwadi lwemveni kwaye zibonwa njengenye yeendlela
zokufundisa abantwana. Zeziphi iimfundiso abantwana abangazifumana kwiintsomi? (5)


2.1 Nika iindidi zabalinganiswa zibe ntlanu abafumaneka kwinoveli. (5)

2.2 Chaza umahluko phakathi kwenoveli kunye nedrama, sebenzisa imizekelo ukuxhasa
iimpendulo zakho. (20)


3.1 Xhentsa uzombelela usebenzisa ezi ngongoma zilandelayo ukubhentsisa indlela iincwadi
zabantwana ezibhalwa ngayo.
• Ulwimi olusetyenzisiweyo
• Imifanekiso
• Ubude bebali (15)

3.2 Xa unokunikwa ithuba lokubhala incwadi yabantwana nokuba inye ungabhala ngantoni,
yaye kuba kutheni? (10)


4.1 Ngomphi umahluko obonakalayo phakathi kwemibongo yamandulo neyangoku.

Sebenzisa imibongo oyaziyo ukuxhasa impendulo yakho. (10)
4.2 Chonga nawuphi umbongo owaziyo uwuhlalutye usebenzisa izixhobo zohlalutyo.




1.1 Thuto le go ruta ga di thome matšatšing a lehono. Nke o bolele gore batho ba kgale ba be
ba ruta bjang bana ba bona pele go etla thuto ya dikolong? (12)
1.2 Dikoša tša setšo di ka fediša go tlhaka tša ba tša tloša le bana mekgwaneng ya go utswa
le go šomiša diokobatši. O reng ka kakanyo ye? (10)
1.3 Naa baledi ba selehono ba sa tuduetša goba go opelela bana dikošana tša go ba
homotša? Fahlela karabo ya gago ka mabaka. (3)


2.1 Na molaetša pading ke eng? Hlaloša ka botlalo. (5)

2.2 Bangwadi ba šomiša baanegwa le mekgwa ye e fapanego go tšweletša melaetša ya
bona. Kgetha padi ye nngwe le ye nngwe Sesothong sa Leboa o laetše ka fao mongwadi
a atlegilego tšhomišong ya baanegwa le mekgweng yeo e fapanego go tšweletša
molaetša wa padi yeo. Ngwala leina la padi yeo le mongwadi wa yona. (20)


KHUDUGO – SR Machaka

Moo ke yago ke yo thoma gape,

Ke tla hwetša dihlare tša mehuta,
Gomme ka thoma go ithuta tšona,
Ka fetša ka thoma go di fa maina,
A ntebatša tša mabu a ntetšego.

Moo ke agilego bangwe ba sepetše,

Ke hweditše ba tlogetše mehlala,
Ke lekile go e latela ka imelwa,
Ka palelwa go tseba pele le morago,
Ka se kwešiše ka omanya Khudugo.

Ke thomile go theolla dithaba,

Gape le dinoka ka di fa maina,
Didiba le meboto ka se di lebale;
Ka re wola leina la wona ke lona le,
Sela sona ka re la sona lona ke le.


Ge ke furalela fela dithaba

Le malao a borakgolo ke a tlogetše,
Ke dumile fela ge nka be ke a kuke,
Ke itshepelele le marapo a madi a ka,
Nna ke šohle le ona mašohlošohlong.

3.1 Akaretša sereto se ka mantšu a gago gomme o gatelele seo o se bolelago ka go tsopola
seretong. (15)
3.2 Ahlaahla segalo sa sereto se ka go fahlela mabaka a gago ka ditsopolwa go tšwa
seretong. (5)
3.3 Naa sereti se nyaka go re nyetlela eng seretong se? Fahlela karabo ya gago ka mabaka
a maleba ka go tsopola go tšwa seretong. (5)


4.1 Hlaloša ka fao dipapadi tša bana di nago le mohola go ruteng bana. (10)
4.2 Ke ofe moanegi o a tsebang go anegela bana ditaba gabotse gare ga barutiši le bokoko
bao ba lego gae? Ngwala mabaka a mane go thekga karabo ya gago. (8)
4.3 Ditiragalo tša go tšhoša di ama bjang bana dingwalong tša bona? Efa mabaka. (7)




1.1 Dipina tsa setso le maboko a segologolo di kaiwa di sa tlhole di na le mosola. A o

dumelana le ntlha e? (10)
1.2 Tlhalosa gore mo Nakong ya bogologolo pele ga kgorogo ya bomišinare le dikolo bana le
morafe ba ne ba rutiwa maitshwaro le malepa a botshelo jang. (10)
1.3 Neela ditlhangwa tsa setso di le tlhano. (5)


2.1 Mo pading ya e o itlhophetseng tlhalosa gore mokwadi o dirisitse baanelwa jang go

senola morero wa padi. (15)
2.2 Farologanya moanelwamogolo le bane; lwa ba batlaleletsi (dira jalo o sedifatsa ka dikao
go tswa mo 24adding e o itlhopetseng). (10)


3.1 Tlhalosa gore setlhangwa sa poko ke se se ntseng jang. (4)

3.2 Buisa mela ya leboko le le latelang mme morago o arabe dipotso.

1. Ke bogologolo ke lora
2. Gompieno toro ke tiragalo
3. Randburg wa maloba ke bonnobotlwaelo.
4. Go tloga fa ke ikela badimong ke opela;
5. Pelo ya me e tshweu-tshweu go gaisa bopi.
6. Bagaetsho ditoropong lo fitlhile, dumelang;
7. Letsang dinaka le makope, lo begeleng badimo.
8. Wena o mang Angie?
9. Nna ke moAforikanere o o mokwatla o thata;
10. Ke morwa Verwoerd, Atamoyo o motala.
11. Ke setlogolwane sa mafalola bulala abathakathi;
12. Motshwamoga marumo ka la mogodu.
13. Batho bonang dimakatso. Afrika Borwa o apere mebala,
14. Randburg ke Mokopane mokopantsha ditṧhaba.
15. Baagisane ba ntse meriting o le mongwe;
16. Ba ṧebisana ka kolobe, tlhapi le wa mosola.
17. Fa e le mmopo re setse re jala rotlhe.
18. Kana dithaba di kile tsa bo di etelana,
19. Gompieno tsa ga Mogale le Mmalebogo di kopane,

20. Go runana dinta ke go tlhatswana.

(M.M Malatjie le K.J. Thulare: Poo go bewa ya kgomo)

(i) Tlhalosa diteng tsa leboko le le fa godimo. (8)

(ii) Leboko le le fa godimo le wela mo mofuteng ofe wa maboko. Tshegetsa Karabo ya
gago ka mabaka. (5)
(iii) Tlhagisa maikutlo a mmoki go ya ka diteng tsa leboko. (6)
(iv) Neela leboko le setlhogo sa mafoko a gago. (2)


4.1 Neela metshameko ya bana e le nne le mesola ya yona. (8)

4.2 Neela le go tlhalosa mefuta e le metlhano ya dibuka tsa bana. (10)
4.3 Tlhagisa baanelwa ba le babedi ba ba ratwang ke bana, tlhalosa gore goreng bana ba ba
rata. (4)
4.4 Fa o ka neelwa tšhono ya go kwala dibuka tsa banak e setlhogo se fe se o ka se neelang
buka ya gago. Neela lebaka. (3)




1.1 Ditshomo le dithoko ka mehla di shejwa e le dingolwa tsa batho ba sa tswelang pele. O
dumellana kapa o hanana le maikutlo aa? Tshehetsa karabo ya hao ka mehlala. (10)
1.2 Ka hare ho pale, ho na le baphetwa ba bararo ba etsang hore pale e tswelepele. Bontsha
kamano ya bona. Hlalosa hore na mophetwa wa boraro o baka kgohlano jwang pakeng
tsa baphetwa bana ba babedi. (15)


2.1 Hlalosa mme o fane ka mabaka a o susumeletsang hore o batle ho ngola ka mokakallane
wa setlabotjha (Covid-19) o sebedisa mokgwa wa tshwantshiso kapa pale. /25/


3.1 Bala mme o manolle thothokiso e latelang ya Kemuele E. Ntsane (2011:35) malebana le:
3.1.1 Seo e se phetang (10)
3.1.2 Sehalo le maikemisetso (5)
3.1.3 Mekgabo-puo le karaburetso (10)

HAREHARE, setsing sa Maloti,
BoPhofong, melokoloko ya dithaba,
Ntho tsa ho hlaba mokgosi
Ha tshweu ya maru e atametse,
Ke hona moo o tswang teng,
Mophekapheka towe wa noka,
Ba o tsebang ba reng o mohokare.

Mohloding wa hao ho a tshabeha;

Ekare ho phela teng kganyapahadi,
Ntho a ho kwenya dikgomo le batho!
Ba o bonang ba sa tsebe ha eno moholo,
Ba ka qaputsa metsing a hao ka sebete,
Ba sa tsebe hoba ha eno moholo ho a tshabeha,
Ba kileng ba nyarela teng, mmele e a baleha,
Ba re ba bone dihele hantle!

Ka mona ka Kapa, dinoka le dinokana di a lla,

Hoba metsi a ptjhele, di omme,


Empa wena, molollope o mpa di kgolo,

Ha ho mohlang o robalang o itsosa,
Hoba mmao ke mosadi wa Letebele, o a sisa,
Fubeng sa hae ho nyantse banna,
Tsona kwankwetla tsena: BoSenqu,
BoLethuela le ba bang boramohlongwana;
Re sa bale tshenyane ena boSemena.

Qhaphatsa leng la ipopa, la ikgoloka,

La lopalla, la lekisa motjhotjhonono,
Nokana tsa lelala tsa labella sealolo,
La tla rothela ka hodima Thotana,
Pakeng tsa Hoohlo le Lerotholi.


4.1 Phapano ke efe dipakeng tsa dingolwa tsa batho ba baholo le tsa bana? (2)
4.2 Hlalosa phapano dipakeng tsa mefuta ya dibuka tsa pale le ditshwantsho. (2)
4.3 Phapano ke efe dipakeng tsa dithothokiso tsa bana tsa botjhaba le dithothokiso tsa bana
tsa kajeno. Fana ka tshehetso ya mehlala karabong ya hao. (4)
4.4 Dingolwa tsa ditshwantsho ke dingolwa tsa bana tse nang le tlhakisetso ya taba ka
ditshwantsho. Bolela mefuta e meraro ya dibuka tsa ditshwantsho, ntle le buka ya
ditshwantsho-pale (picture story book). (3)
4.5 Ho bohlokwa ha ka kaang hore bana ba kgothaletswe ho bala? (1)
4.6 Phapano ke efe dipakeng tsa buka ya ditshwantsho le ditshwantsho-pale? (3)
4.7 Fumana tshomo ya Sesotho o be o e bolele.
(i) Ke mang mophetwa wa sehlooho wa tshomo, mme o na le makgabane afe a nang
le ona kapa ao a a tshwangtshang? (2)
(ii) Thuto ya tshomo ye ke efe? (1)
(iii) O nahana hore pale kapa tshomo ye e nepahetse bakeng sa bana? Tshehetsa
maikutlo a hao ka mehlala. (7)



Umbuto 1

Buciko bemlomo

1.1 Yini loyivisisa ngaleligama “buciko bemlomo”? Chaza (5)

1.2 Niketa tibonelo letintsatfu temibhalo yebuciko bemlomo utichaze (5)
1.3 Tibaluleke ngani tinanatelo netibongelelo esiveni seMaswati? (5)
1.4 Veta umehluko ekhatsi kwetinkondlo temdzabu netinkondlo tesimanje. (5)
1.5 Tisita kuphi tiphicaphicwano kulabo labatidlalako? nika kutsatfu. (5)

Umbuto 2

Umbhalo Wesiteko Nemdlalo

2.1 Yini umehluko nalokufanako emkhatsini wendzabambhalo (inoveli) kanye nemdlalo.

Chaza unikete tibonelo letinembako. (6)
2.2 Niketa timphawu tembhalo wendzaba lemfishane, uvete kwehluka kwawo nawucatsniswa
nembhalo wendzabambhalo (inoveli) (6)
3.3 Emibhalweni yetindzabambhalo (emanoveli) netindzaba letimfishane kunemlingisi lobitwa
kutsiwe yimbangi, chaza kutsi ubaluleke ngani lomlingisi futsi uyitfutfukisa njani indzaba
iye iyewufika esicongweni. (8)
2.4 Nawunganiketwa litfuba lekutsi ubhale inoveli, nguyiphi ingcikitsi longakhutsalela kubhala
ngayo, futsi ingaba lusito kuphi esiveni seMaswati. (5)

Umbuto 3

Fundza lenkondlo lelandzelako ubese uphendvula imibuto letawulandzela.

Inshonalanga lenhlekati kuhlwa iyakubika,
Lilanga alishoni lingenatindzaba lelingatibika,
Lilanga lishona libika kutsi litawuphuma,
Lilanga libika lelinye lilanga lelitawuphuma,
Nalelitako ngemuso lilanga liphuma lishone,
Kwembali lebhalasha ichakaze ihhohloke,
Liphuma libhalashe lisifutfumete lishone.
Liphuma libe ligolide lelikhatimulako,
Lishone lisafana neligolide impela,

Silale silindzele kuphuma kwalelisha,

Kanjalo nembali ichakaza kabusha.
Lingikhumbuta imbali lenguNobuhle,
Leyatalwa yaba yinhle yaba lilanga,
Leyashabalala ngasala ngikhala letingomi. (Mdluli SR)

3.1 Ngabe hlobo luni lwenkodlo lolu? Chaza usekele imphendvulo yakho. (3)
3.2 Nguluphi luhlobo lwemsindvo lolutfolakala emugceni wesine? Sekela imphendvulo yakho.
3.3 Shano luhlobo lwesakhiwo sangephandle lesitfolakala ekugcineni kwemugca 10 na-11,
etinhlavini leticindzetelwe. (4)
3.4 Ngusiphi sinongo senkhulumo lesitfolakala emugceni 7? Usho ngani? (3)
3.5 Ngusiphi sinongo senkhulumo lesitfolakala emugceni 14? Sekela imphendvulo yakho.
3.6 Ucabanga kutsi umcambi bekakusiphi simo nakacamba lenkondlo? Sekela
imphendvulo yakho ngemaphuzu lamatsatfu lowatsatsa kuyo inkondlo (8)


Imibhalo Yebantfwana

1.1 Ngewakho emagama ungayichaza utsini imibhalo yebantfwana? (3)

1.2 Niketa umehluko lokhona ekhatsi kwemibhalo yebantfwana yendzabuko kanye nemibhalo
yebantfwana yesimanje. (5)
1.3 Ucanga kutsi imibhalo yebantfwana yetitfombe ibasita kuphi bantfwana labasakhula? (4)
1.4 Labasikati batsatfwa njengalabacoca kancono tindzaba tebantfwana kwengca bacoci
labadvuna. Uyavumelana yini nalombono? Sekela imphendvulo yakho. (6)
1.5 Yini lengakwenta utsi bantfwana bayayijabulela imibhalo yebantfwana kwengca leminye
imibhalo? Chaza. (5)
1.6 Ucabanga kutsi kungani bantfwana bajabulele balingisi betilwane kumibhalo yebantfwana?



Fundisisa umhlahlandlela wakho ngaphambi kokuphendula imibuzo. Elinye ilwazi

elikumhlahlandlela lizokudinga kobana ulisebenzise ngendlela efaneleko. Phendula yoke

Umbuzo 1

1.1 Ngokubona kwakho, ingabe kusaqakathekile kobana eenkolweni kufundiswe

iinganekwana, izaga neengoma zesintu? Sekela iimpendulo zakho ngeembonelo
ezinembako. (12)
1.2 Yini ethi lokha amathosi wezulu nakehlako yona iphakame? (2)
1.3 Mhlobo bani wobuthakgha bomlomo lobu obungehla? (1)
1.4 Tlola sakho isibonelo salobu buthakgha bomlomo obuku-(b) utlole nependulo yabo. (3)
1.5 Abentwana bakade bebadlala njengabentwana banamhlanje. Ucabanga kobana
bebadlala miphi imihlobo yemidlalo begodu kungani bebadlala leyomihlobo yemidlalo.

Umbuzo 2

2.1 Zoke iimpendulo ezimayelana nenovela aziqaliswe enoveleni etlolwe ngelimi

lesiNdebele, egadangisiweko neyaziwako bafundi belimi leli.
2.1.1 Khetha abalingisi abathathu enoveleni oyifundileko bese uyatjho kobana umtloli ingabe
uphumelele na ukusethulela abalingisi abamukelekako ngokuthi asebenzise amaqhinga
athileko lawo.

Umbuzo 3

Fundisisa ikondlo elandelako bese uphendula imibuzo engenzasi.

Saphela Isitjhaba

Nibarholi bakusasa, ikusasa elikhanya bha!

Nisitjhaba sekusasa esisakhele umkhanyo,
Silindele iinkutani kanye nabosolwazi kini,
Silindele, iye abarholi bekusasa elikhanyako.Kodwana singayitjhiya nobani inyawupe:
Abentwana baduda ngaphakathi kwayo,
Amanzi sele aphenduke abososokana nabonosokana elutjheni.
Abentwana balala bayende bajamile: iye bajamile.


Ibange mrhorho otjalwa lilutjha eemvandeni nangemuva kweendlwana.

Ibange litjalwa emacabazini weenkolo, akusese sihlahla samaqhegu.
Siyithini itik efunyanwa lula eendleleni neenkhungweni zefundo ephakemeko.
Umthetho ulawulwa lilutjha, libanjwa liphume icala lingabangwa.

Lutjha zibalekeleni iindakamizwa.

Zibalekeleni nanifuna ikusasa elingenazo iinkhisi.
Iinkhisi ezizokuvala woke amathuba wokuphila ipilo ethe tjha.
Ipilo ezokwamukelwa miphakathi yoke.

Siyaphela isitjhaba, sitjhabalale njengamanzi etjhwabatjhwabeni,

Abentwana bamdoko, iindende ziwuluke ziwulukile.
Abentwana baqedwa lipilisi, ihlanganisela yakho koke ekwaziwako.
Mma Sewula Afrika, vela nentatha erhabako,

3.1 Tlola okutjhiwo yikondlo. (5)

3.2 Ingabe isihloko sekondlo le siyakhambelana nalokho okutjhiwo yikondlo? Vuma/Phikisa
bese usekele ipendulwakho ngemida emithathu. (2)
3.3 Tsenga ingaphandle nengaphandle lekondlo etlolwe ngehla.
Kuqakathekile ukuqala imitlomelo nawuphendula umbuzo lo. (13)
3.4 Tlola isifundo sekondlo engehla, usekele ipendulo yakho. (5)

Umbuzo 4

4.1 Imitlolo yabentwana sele ithuthuke kangangani elimini ofunda ngalo? Sekela
ipendulwakho. (3)
4.2 Ingabe imiraro ekhona emayelana nokuthuthukiswa kwemitlolo yabentwana ingaqedwa
njani emalimini wabantu abanzima? (6)
4.3 Tlola imihlobo emihlanu yemitlolo yabentwana nokuqakatheka kwayo. (10)
4.4 Uyini umehluko hlangana kwemitlolo etlolelwa abadala kanye nemitlolo etlolelwa
abentwana? (6)




Vhalani tshirendo tshi tevhelaho nga vhuronwane uri ni ḓo kona u fhindula mbudziso dzo
ḓisendekaho khatsho.

1.1 Ndi zwifhio zwine murendi a tama u zwi bvisela khagala nga mitaladzi/vese ya 3 na ya 4?
'Ngauri arali zwi zwone … Luaname.' (2)
1.2 Kha mutaladzi/vese ya 21 murendi u shumisa figara-ḓe ya muambo? Tikedzani phindulo
yaṋu. (3)
1.3 Muhumbulo muhulwane wa tshirendo hu ambwa mini? Ndi ufhio muhumbulo muhulwane
une murendi a tama u u bveledza nga tshirendo itshi? (4)
1.4 Thouni ya murendi afha kha ndima/tshitanza tsha 1 i dzumbulula hani vhuḓipfi hawe
tshirendoni itshi? Tikedzani phindulo yaṋu. (3)
1.5 Ni a ima na na zwine murendi a khou amba kha ndima/tshitanza tsha 3? Tikedzani
phindulo yaṋu nga mbuno THARU. (3)
1.6 Nga maipfi a sa paḓiho 300 nga vha nwale maṅweledzo a zwine tshirendo itshi tsha khou
amba zwone. (10)


• Kha vha vhale nganeapfufhi iyi ye vha ṋewa vha ṅwale tsenguluso tsatsaladzo vha tshi
bvisela khagala uri muṅwali o kundelwa kana o swikelela u guma ngafhi kha u bveledza
nganeapfufhi iyi.
• Vha elelwe uri vha tshi fhedza u ita tsenguluso iyo vha ri ṅwalele-vho mihumbulo yavho
uri muṅwali o kona kana u kundelwa u swika ngafhi u bveledza nganeapfufhi iyi.
• Vhulapfu ha maanea avho vhu songo fhira maipfi a 400.
Vha ḓo avhelwa maraga hu tshi tevhelwa zwi tevhelaho kha maanea avho:
• Ṱhoho ya nganeapfufhi,
• Mathomo,
• Vhaanewa,
• Mutumbu,
• Maṱhakheni,
• Thasululo kana magumo,
• U ṱuṱula dzangalelo ḽa vhavhali,
• Luambo lwo shumiswaho,
• Tseiso,

Zwa dzikhishini

I. Ro eḓela

Vele u shuma ha Raḽiwei tshiṱitshini tsha Duvhula. Mushumo wawe ndi wa u tema dzithikhithi
hanefho getheni. Ndi muṱhannga a funaho nga maanḓa u anetshela nga ha u tshenzhela hawe
fhano makhuwani. Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha ro ya khae ri tshi yo ḓimvumvusa. Ri tshi swika ra mbo ḓi ri khae:
“Naa vha ri mini dzikhishini?” Ro ralo nge ra ḓivha uri u na musidzana ane a funaná nae hanengei.
Ene a tshi ri fhindula a thoma nga u: “Hee vhathu badi yanga ni a i pfa naa? Vhanna avha vha
nnyita ndi no shuma ngadeni kana khishini.” A dovha e ene a ri: “Ni khou sokou zwi ita miswaswo,
ndo ṱoḓou vhulawa mani vhanna vha hashu. Ndi musi ni tshi ḓo tou ya u hwala tshitumbu.” Riṋe
ra sea ngauri ro vha ri tshi ḓivha zwiito zwawe. A ri ri ime u ḓo ri vhudza.
Nga murahunyana a thoma a ri : Ndo ṱuwa heḽia ḓuvha ḽe mvula ya vha i khou na nda ri ndi yo
lala makhishini. Ndo tshaisa ḽaṱi nda fara ṱhireni ya thene ya vhusiku. Mvula yo ṱoḓou mmbaisa
ngauri ndo vha ndi si na dzhasi. Fhedzi ndi sa vhilahele nga u ḓivha uri ngei hune nda ya hone
ndi ḓo thakhiwa zwavhuḓi. “Ndi tshi swika iṱali ndi wana ho no eḓelwa. Nda livha henengei nḓuni
ya Fani. Ndi tshi omba-omba ndi tshi khou ita na u vhidzelela. Ndi pfa hu fhindula muthu wa
munna a ri: “Ro eḓela.” Heyi nda pfa ndo ṱangana ṱhoho ngauri na mvula yo vha i tshi vho hulela.
Ni ḓivhe uri nnḓu ya Fani a i na na hune wa nga khuda hone. Nahone ndi khou ofha u yo ima
furannḓani ya mukhuwa ngauri ḽiṅwe ḓuvha a nga ri ndi mbava a nṱhuntsha.


Nda ṱuwa nda yo ima fhasi ha muri houḽa u re phanḓa ha nnḓu ya Fani. Ngoho nda wana ndo
ṱangana ṱhoho ngauri ndo vha ndi nga si tsha huma ngauri ho hu si tshe na bisi na mapholisa na
one o vha a tshi nga vho mpfara. Vhanna iḽo ḓuvha ndo humbula zwithu zwinzhi nga maanḓa.
Nda humbula uri uḽa munna u kha ḓi ḓilugisa u ḓo bva a mpandamedza. Nga mbilu nda sokou
vha matongoni a vha laṱedzi. Nda humbula uri arali a bva a si na tshihali i ḓo farana a no shavha
a vha no shavha. Nga hetshi tshifhinga ndo vha ndi tshi vho ita na u tetemela sa luṱanga nga
phepho. Mvula yo vha yo no ima fhedzi hu na lupepo lu sa iti.

“Ndo ima tshifhinga tshilapfu ndi tshi sokou ri areḓi, ṋamusi ḽi ḓo tsha ndo ima hanefha. Ho no
vha vhusiku ndi wana vothi ḽi a vuliwa. Kana vhathada hu pfi ndo ṱuwa wee. Ndi wana muhali ndi
u bva nga zwa tsini fhedzi vha khou ya u ḓithusa. Heyi baba, ndo gidima heḽo ḓuvha. Ndo ri u
dzhena nda mbo ḓi rembuluwa na khoṋo; thovhela a vho ngo vhuya vha mmbona.
Ndi tshi dzhena Fani a tshe o akhamala nda ri ni songo ita phosho kha ri eḓele, nda dzhena
“Nga murahu tsha vha tshi a vhuya tshivhavhala tsha shango, tshi ḓivha uri tsho sia tshi songo
hoṋa, na u khokhonya a tshi khokhonyi. Ndi hayani musi nahone muḓi ndi watsho, huufha tsho
bva zwezwino.
“Muhali vha fara vothi, vothi vulea zwe vhutoto vhe, “Fani vulani mani ndi nṋe.” Nṋe nda amba
ndi tshi edzisela zwe muthada ya ambisa zwone nda ri: “Ro eḓela.” A thi ḓivhi uri muṱhannga o
ṱuwisa hani nahone nga mini ngauri o vha e fhedzi. Zwiambaro zwawe zwo ḓi vuwa zwi hanefho
Musi a tshi sala a tshi fhedza ro vha ro no fa nga zwiseo.

II. “Uyu ene ndi nnyi?”

“Ni a ḓivha uyu Fani u ḓo tou a mmbulaisa ḽiṅwe ḓuvha.” Ndi ene Vele a tshi khou ḓa na maṅwe.
“Ndo ṱuwa ḽiṅwe ḓuvha hafha nga Mugivhela nga madekwana. Fhedzi ḽi tshi kha ḓi vhonadza. A
thi ḓivhi tshithu-vho. Ndi ri ndi ya tsherini hafhu. Mathina hangei ho no vha na ḽiṅwe ḽiṱhannga ḽo
swikaho phanḓa hanga.
Ḽi tshi swika ḽi wana fani a kha ḓi shuma. A ri ḽi ye ḽi mu lindele nḓuni yawe. Nangoho muṱhannga
wa vhathu a swika a dzula nṱha ha tshidulo. Munna a pfa o neta a ḓilaṱa nṱha ha mmbete. Ḽa
swifhala muṱhannga a sa vhuye a ḓidina nga u funga luvhone. Fani-vho nga ngei yo ombana u ḓi
ndi fhedza linin di ye muenini wanga. Nṋe-vho ndi nḓilani.

“Ndi tshi swika nda vhona uri Fani u tshee mushumoni nda ri a thi vhuyi nda mu dina ndi ḓo ya u
lindela nḓuni. Ndi tshi swika ndi a dzhena, a thi vhuyi nda funga, nga mbilu hu pfi ndi ḓo mu
mangadza a tshi ḓa u ḓo wana ndo ganama nṱha ha mmbete. Ndi tou ṱuwa ndo livha mmbeteni.
Ḽiṱhannga ḽi tshi pfa muthu a tshi dzhena nahone a sa vhuyi a thoma a khokhonya ḽi ndi fani o
tshaisa, ḽi tou vukuluku ḽa nkuvhatedza ḽa ri: “O fedetse mosebetsi wa makgowa dali,” ḽi tshi ralo
ḽa mpha khisi. Hei ndo posa feisi ya hone ḽa ṱuwa ḽa yo rwana na mmbete ḽa mbo ḓi wa nawo
ngauri wo vha wo vhewa nṱha ha zwikoṱikoṱi. Ḽi tshi vuwa ha vha hu uri ndi hone zwo tshinyala.


Buka ḽo vha ḽi na maanḓa heḽo, ni khou mpfa. Ngoho ndo vha ndi sa ḓo luga mani. Mashudu
hezwiḽa ḽi tshi wana mmbete wa ita phosho i pfalaho na hangei nḓuni khulwane. Vhasa na mesisi
vha bva vho tou dubekana na Fani. Vha tshi swika vha tshi funga vha wana yo ṱangana. Vha ri
lamula. Mashudu nṋe hoyu mesisi u a ḓivha uri ndi a pfana na hoyu ṅwananyana ngauri ndo no
ḓa lunzhi a tshi mmbona. Zwino vha tshi vhudzisa musidzana a ri: Hoyu ndi a mu ḓivha ndi
muṱhannga wana (u ralo a tshi sumba nṋe), zwino uyu ene ndi nnyi.” Nda wana muṱhannga a sa
tsha zwi kona. A tshi ri u a ḓiambela vhasa a ri a mbo ḓi ṱuwa a sa athu mu vhidzela mapholisa.
Vhusiku uho a tho ngo lala ndi tshi ri khamusi u ḓo vhuya.
(Maumela, T.N)


3.1 Vha ḓivha mini nga aironi ya ḓirama? A vha ṱalutshedze nga vhuḓalo vha dovhe vha ṋee
tsumbo ya u bva kha bugu ya ḓirama ye vha vhuya vha i vhala. (Vha ṋee dzina ḽa bugu ḽa
ḓirama iyo na muṅwali wayo). /25/


4.1 Kha vha ṱalutshedze uri ndi ngani vhana vha tshi takalela u anetshelwa ngano nga
vhathu vhahulwane.


5.1 Maṅwalwa a vhana a na ndeme. Kha vha ṋee ndeme dza fumi (10) vha dovhe vha
ṱalutshedze vhundeme ha hone.




1.1 Xana wa pfumela kumbe wa kaneta leswaku mitsheketo yi endleriwe vana ntsena ?
Hlamusela hi ku komisa. (6)
1.2 Tsala mitshayilo/switekatekisano swinharhu swa Xitsonga u tlhela u hlamusela mikoka ya
swona. (9)
1.3 Xirungulwana/xihungwana xi na mongo/xiphemu lexi endlaka leswaku vahlayi va sala va
lo nembelela. Hlawula xirungulwana/xihungwana xin’we xa Xitsonga kutani u kombisa
leswaku mutsari u swi kotise ku yini ku fikelela mhaka leyi. (10)


1.2 Ku tala ku va ni xivilelo xa leswaku vatsari va xinuna va humelerisa swimunhuhatwa swa

va xisati hi ndlela yo ka yi nga tsakisi eka mitlangu/tidrama swa vona. Xana wa pfumelelana
kumbe wa kanetana ni mhaka leyi? Hlawula swimunhuhatwa swinharhu swa xisati swo
huma eka tlangu/drama ya Xitsonga kumbe eka tibuku ta wena ta ndzawulelo (vona tibuku
ta ndzawulelo) kutani u boxa mhaka ya wena ku seketela vonele ya wena.


3.1 Xana u twisisa yini hi nongoti wa nkongomelo eka xitlhokovetselo? (5)

3.2 Xana hi swihi leswi hambanisaka xitlhokovetselo xa ndzungulo na marito ya
xitlhokovetselo lama hlamuselaka ko tala ntlhaveko/nyanyuko wa mutsari, hi ku komisa
naswona hi tindzimana. (4)
3.3 Boxa u tlhela u hlamusela mune wa tinxaka ta tindzimana eka vutlhokovetseri. (8)
3.4 Hlamusela ku hambana exikarhi ka vuyelelo na ndzhambalalo (parallelism) hi ku nyika
swikombiso leswi faneleke swo huma eka xitlhokovetselo xa Xitsonga. (8)

4.1 Hlamusela hi ku komisa leswaku hikwalaho ka yini vana va ri na xinghana na

swimunhuhatwa swa swiharhi. (6)
4.2 Loko u ri karhi u anakanya hi tibuku tinharhu ta vana emiehleketweni ya wena, ti boxe no
hlamusela mune wa tindlela leti vana va dyondzaka ku hlaya ha tona. (6)
4.3 Hi ku twisisa ka wena, i mani loyi u ehleketaka leswaku vana va Vantima va nga yima na
yena exikarhi ka Spiderman na Rabbit ? Nyika vonele ra wena u tlhela u hlamusela
leswaku hikwalaho ka yini a va nga ta hlawula loyi un’wana. (7)
4.4 Hlamusela no seketela ku tshemba ka wena ka leswaku hikwalaho ka yini vavasati ku
nga ri vavanuna va tsakeriwa tanihi varunguri va switori swa vana. (6)
NTSENGO: [100]

9.5.2 Second Assignment



1.1 Do you agree or disagree with the view that lullabies are meaningless because they are
sung to babies? Give your own viewpoint. (9)
1.2 Do you have an African name? What is its significance to you? If you do not have one,
which one would you choose and why? (6)
1.3 Do you still remember the folktale that was narrated to you when you were a child?
Explain what it meant to you then and why it still has an impact in your life. (10)


2.1 Most people think that African writers’ novels fail to depict aged characters. Do you agree
or disagree? Explain and support your answer with convincing examples from any novel in
your own African language. /25/


3.1 Mention the types of poetry in which the tone would be bitter, celebratory, and resentful.
3.2 What are the differences between rhyme and rhythm? Support your answer with
examples from a poem in your African language. (6)
3.3 State the similarities between a simile and a metaphor by illustrating with suitable
examples from a poem in your African language. (10)


4.1 What similarities have you identified between children and adult literature? (6)
4.2 Indicate two similarities between children’s oral literature and children’s written literature.
4.3 Children’s literature has values. Mention five of them and explain their relevance.
TOTAL: [100]




INOVELI: Amathonsi Abanzi

Phendula imibuzo elandelayo ngokugcwele.

1.1 Ngabe isimo senhlalo ngokwasemalokishini nangokwezepolitiki sinamuphi umthelela

ezimpilweni zabantu abansundu? Phendula ngokubhekisa kuPamela noNyoka. (12)
1.2 Ukufa kabuhlungu kukaZongile kumayelana nodlame olubhekiswe kubantu besifazane
ngabantu besilisa. Yebo/Cha phendula ngokubhekisa endabeni bese usekela impendulo
yakho. (13)


UMDLALO: Inzima Le Ndlela

Phendula imibuzo elandelayo

2.1 Ukuthwalela ukuceba kuhambisana nemigomo mayelana nezinto okungafanele zenziwe.

Kudlelana kanjani lokhu mayelana nokwenzeka emdlalweni? (13)
2.2 Ngabe uMqapheli uvezwe kanjani kulo mdlalo? (12)



Funda le nkondlo elandelayo bese uphendula imibuzo elandelayo.

Impande Yesono

1. Onezay’ izindodl’ uth’ akanayo,

Ongenayo uyifuna ngoshova konayo,
Nom’ engayisebenzelang’ uyayifuna,
Nonay’ igcwel’ amasak’ uyayifuna.

2. Inamndl’ aqhumis’ amafindo,

Amafind’ emshad’ athekezelweyo
Agqubuk’ izifociya zisale phansi,
Izingane ezizelwayo zisale phansi.

3. Nabathi basebenzel’ imiphefumulo,

Baphefumulela kuyo ibe ngeyabo,
Bath, akunikelelwe imiphefumulo,
Nasebezophumula ilindilwe neyabo.
4. Uyeza umuhla wokuphela!
Kuyophelela khona ukuhlakanipha.

3.1 Ngabe igama impande ngokwenkondlo liqukethe mqondo muni? (5)

3.2 Ngabe imbongi ikhuluma ngani kule nkondlo? Sekela impendulo yakho. (20)



Phendula imibuzo elandelayo ngokugcwele

4.1 Ngabe ulaphi umehluko phakathi kwalokhu okulandelayo:

(i) Iziphicaphicwano
(ii) Izithakazelo? (10)

4.2 Izincwadi zabantwana ziyafundisa ngezindlela ezahlukene. Ngabe zikwenza kanjani

lokho. Khetha izinhlobo ezinhlanu zezincwadi zabantwana maqede ubhale imisebenzi
embili yohlobo ngalunye. (15)
ISAMBA: [100]




1.1 Njengalo naliphi na ibali intsomi inendlela eqala nephela ngayo, Chaza le ndlela
kuthethwa ngayo ukuba ibonakala njani entsomini? (2)
1.2 Intsomi libali elibaliswa ngorhatya, chaza isizathu soku? (3)
1.3 Iintsomi zibaliselwa abantwana oko kusenziwa ngabantu abadala kunabo ingakumbi
oomakhulu. Nika izizathu zibe-5 usebenzisa imizekelo ukuxhasa impendulo yakho. (5)
1.4 Kukho uluvo lokuba iintsomi ziyafundisa, kwintsomi oyaziyo ingaba uyavumelana nolu
luvo? Sebenzisa imizekelo esuka entsomini ukuxhasa impendulo yakho. (15)


2.1 Naliphi ibali linendlela elakheka ngalo enoba yinoveli, idrama okanye ibali elifutshane.
Chaza amanqanaba okwakhiwa kwebali. (5)
2.2 Idrama inendlela ebhalwa ngayo neyahlukileyo kwezinye iindidi zoluncwadi ingakumbi
idrama ebhalelwa irediyo/ unomathotholo. Zinto zini ekufuneka umbhali azivelele?
Sebenzisa naliphi ibali olaziyo lerediyo ukubonisa oku. (12)
2.3 Idrama inendidi eziliqela eziquka idrama elungiselelwe ukudlwalwa eqongeni. Nika igama
le drama oyaziyo yeqonga kunye nombhali wayo. (4)
2.4 Ngubani igama lombhali wokuqala wedrama kweli loMzantsi Afrika, yaye yabhalwa
ngomphi unyaka? (4)


3.1 Khetha inoveli yesiXhosa uze ubonise apho umbhali athe waphumelela okanye wasilela
khona ukuvelisa abalinganiswa abathathu abangabasetyhini ngokusebenzisa amagama
ekuphuhliseni ibali elo. Thatha nayiphi na inoveli othe wayifunda unike isihloko kunye
nombhali wayo. /25/


4.1 Izilwanyana zisetyenziswa kakhulu kwiincwadi zabantwana ukubonakalisa ubukrelekrele,

ubuvila, ukukhuthala, kunye nobudenge. Zeziphi ezi zilwanga kwaye kutheni
kusetyenziswa zona nje ukubonakalisa oku kuxelwe ngasentla? (10)
4.2 Zahluke njani iintsomi kwincwadi zabantwana? (5)
4.3 Nika isizathu esenza ukuba isiNgesi sibe lolona lwimi luhamba phambili elineencwadi
zabantwana ezininzi kunakwilwimi zesiNtu zoMzantsi Afrika. (10)



1.1 Naa batho ba kgale ba be ba fetišetša tsebo le thuto bjang baneng? Thekga karabo ya
gago ka mehlala ya maleba. (15)
1.2 Dikoša tša setšo le dithetotumišo di tšewa bjalo ka dilo tšeo di sa hlwego di šomišwa ebile
e le tša kgale. A o dumelelana goba o ganetšana le taba ye? Thekga karabo ya gago ka
mehlala ya maleba. (10)


2.1 Hlaloša lereo le ‘moanegwa’. (2)

2.2 Bangwadi ba šomiša baanegwa le mekgwa ye e fapanego go tšweletša kgwekgwe. Kgetha
padi ye nngwe le ye nngwe Sesothong sa Leboa o laetše ka fao mongwadi a atlegilego
tšhomišong ya baanegwa le mekgweng yeo e fapanego go tšweletša kgwekgwe ya padi
yeo. Ngwala leina la padi yeo le mongwadi wa yona. Mošomo ge o swaiwa go tla lebelelwa
tšeo di latelago:
• Leina la padi le mongwadi
• Katlego ya mongwadi kgethong ya baanegwa
• Tšweletšo ya kgwekgwe
• Sebopego le peakanyo ya ditaba ka kakaretšo le
• Tšhomišo ya polelo (23)



Ga se mola go duduetšwa mekgolokwane,

Ga se mola go tšhollwa direto go hlahlawetšwa,
Ga se mola pholo le phokwana di ewa ka lefase;
Ke mola o laile pelo, o rokile molomo,
Ke mola o tswaletše mahlo o bona kgauswi,
Ke mola o ripile lenao o badile diema tša Salomo.

Rena re bjalo ka phuthego ya Kgoši Mmopi,

Re eme bjalo go ba dihlatse tša Mangwalo-
Go paka moreronkgotho serotha godimo marung;
Monyadiši ga se sejamolatša ke Ramasedi ka sebele,
Thapelo ke ya Moruti tšhegofatšo ke ya Legodimo,
Lapa ke la lefase, moya ke wa bophelo, lehu ke la badimo.
Ba ikanne ba bantši ba šitilwe ka megokgo,

Kgoro tša tsheko ba di tsene ka mehuta ya tšona,

Ba re ba lota mohlala wa lenyalo,
Tlhame ya boa ka sa yona le mogolodi ka sa wona,
Boikano bjola bja fetoga tshepišo ya maaka,
La tiba madibengmaso leselawatle la lenyalo.

Ka dirokolo le mešunkwane o ka se le rue lenyalo,

Leruoruo la lona ke leratorato la maratorato,
Ge o itseparetše ka mabarebare lago le ka se thupele;
Lapeng o itsenyetša diji le dithubanyametse,
Motse o tlo o hloka lenyalo wa le šupa ka letsikangope,
Lenyalo la mmakgonthe ga le sa le gona go šetše fela lehu.
[NS Puleng : 1983 : 44]

3.1 Bolela ka sebopego sa kantle le sa ka gare sa sereto se. (15)

3.2 Ahlaahla molaetša, maikutlo le gore ke mohuta ofe wa theto. (5)
3.3 Ahlaahla kgwekgwe ya sereto se o be o fahlele ka ditsopolwa go tšwa seretong. (5)

POTŠIŠO 4: Dingwalo tša bana

4.1 Dingwalo tša bana di na le sebopego seo se ikgethilego, dikhwalithi tšeo di itšego le
mehola yeo e fapafapanego kgodišong ya bana ebile di fapana le dingwalo tša batho ba
bagolo. Na diponagalo le bohlokwa bja dingwalo tša bana ke dife kgodišong ya bona?
Ngwala gape le diphapano magareng ga dingwalo tša bana le tša batho ba bagolo.
PALOMOKA : [100]



1.1 Maboko le dipina tsa bogologolo di kaiwa di sa tlhole di le botlhokwa. A o a dumalana le
ntlha e ? tshegetsa Karabo ya gago ka mabaka. (15)
1.2 Farologanya maboko a segologolo le a segompieno. (10)


2.1 Tlhalosa lereo Moanelwamogolo. (3)

2.2 Tlhalosa gore padi ke setlhangwa se se ntseng jang. (2)
2.3 Tlhalosa diponagalo tse di latelang tsa padi :
(i) Maitshetlego. (5)
(ii) Poloto. (5)
(iii) Morero. (5)
(iv) Baanelwa. (5)


3.1 Buisa leboko le le latelang


1. Ngwana o kile a bonwa Aforikaborwa

2. A bonwa ka maikaelelo magolo segolo
3. Bammopi ba mo itumeletse segolo
4. Kgolo ya gagwe e tlisitse kutlobotlhoko.

5. Bangwe ba re o tlile ka Maesemane

6. Bangwe bare o tlile ka Maaferikanere
7. Bantsho bona ba re ga ba na seabe ka ena
8. Ka a tsaletswa go ba kgobola mekwatla.

9. Ngwana o filwe leina –Tlhaolele

10. Leina lebe seromo, ‘ina lebe ga twe le a roma.
11. Lorato ga a ka a lo amogela fa e se kilo
12. Bangwe ba mo tlhoile tsalong go fitlha losong.

13. Bana ba Aforika ba kgaoganngwa digongwana

14. Batho ba ipona jaaka Basweu, Bantsho le MaIntia
15. Dinaga tsa ntle tsa gana seo lebaibai

16. Sebetsa segolo ya nna ikgatoloso le dikeletso.

17. Bokhutlong batsadi ba ngwana ba mo latlha

18. Ba kopa boitshwarelo ka ntlha ya ditiro
19. Ba re ngwana ga a ka a lere boikhutso
20. Tsalo ya gagwe e lerile matlhotlhapelo.
(Motswedi : Melodi ya Poko, R.M Ramagoshi)

(i) Tlhalosa diteng tsa leboko ka mafoko a gago. (9)

(ii) Neela ponagalo ya poko e e dirisitsweng mo moleng wa 5 le 6 le mo moleng 10. (4)
(iii) Ke sakapuo se fe se se renang mo lebokong? (2)
(iv) Tlhalosa maikutlo a mmoki tebang le tlhaolele. (8)
(v) Tlhaolele e fedile ka ngwaga o fe mo Aforika Borwa? (2)


4.1 Neela baanelwa ba le batlhano ba ba ka dirisiwang mo dibukeng tsa bana o be o neele

mabaka. (10)
4.2 Botlhokwa ba dibuka tsa bana ke bofe mo thutong ya bona? (5)
4.3 Neela mefuta ya dibuka tsa bana tsa ditshwantsho. (5)
4.4 A go santse go le botlhokwa gore bana ba rutiwe dinaane kwa dikolong? Tshegetsa
karabo ya gago ka mabaka. (5)




1.1 O utlwisisa eng ka lentswe lee mmole wa botjhaba? (3)

1.2 Ke mang ya binang dipina tsa ho koieetsa ngwana. Ak’u hlalose mabaka a mabedi
a ho di bina. (5)
1.3 Ak’u fane kamelemo e mmedi ya maele mekgweng ya Basotho, o be o hlalose hore na a
thusa ho bopa boitshwaro jwang kgodisong ya ngwana. (7)
1.4 Melemo ya dithoko ke efe botjhabeng ba hao? (5)
1.5 Dingodi tsa kajeno di sebedisa maqheka a feng ho qapa dithoko? (5)


2.1 O kopilwe ho kenela ditlhodisano tsa bongodi ba dibuka mabapi le lefu lena le bohloko la
kwatsi ya bosollahlapi (HIV/AIDS). O ka ikgethela ho ngola pale (novel) kappa moqoqo
(essay)? Hlalosa mabaka a ho kgetha ho qapa mofuta oo wa sengolwa ha o ya o labile lefu
lena. tshehetsa ditaba tsa hao ka mabaka. (20)
2.2 Hlalosa ka bokgutshwanyane hore na o ke ke wa kgetha ho ngola mofuta o mong wa buka
hobaneng. (5)


Bala thothokiso e latelang e ngotsweng ke CD Ntuli.Araba dipotso tse latelang:


Ke naledi ya meso!
Ke tsoha ka matjeke, ho sella bana
Ke besa mollo ke ba fehlele lesheleshele
Tekete ya terene letsohong la ka
Ka titima ho tshwara terene
Ka palama ka sheba botjhabela matlong a majabajaba a Pitori
Bophelo ba ka bohle ka hlwekisa matlo a majabajaba
Bophelo ba ka bohle ka thusa ho otla ba batho ba bang bana
Ke nna mosebeletsi wa malapeng
Empa kajeno ke fumana mofufutso wa phatla
Ke mme ya motlotlo, mor’a ka ke ngaka
Ha ke sa se hlefa ke se na thuso
Ja, ekisniedomnie- ke e hlekihlile ena e tshwarang


Ke mohale ntweng ya tokoloho!

Basadi ha ba lwanele ditokelo tsa bona
Ha monna wa ka a le palehong, ka bina pina ya tshepo
Bophelo bo nthutile ke mosadi ya dikatibatiba

Ha monn’a ka a le ntlwana tshwana

Ka kgwa kgonong ya lerato, merethetho ya lona ya ya
Morethetho oo ke o tsebangketoyi-toyi
Ke nna mosadi!
Ke inatifisetse ke be ke rarolle mathata ha bonolo
Ke ipha menyetla
Ke ipha ditshiu
Ka betsa lejwe, ka tlola mekwallo e phahame

Tshovitsho ! Wa lla wa leharemolodi

Lerole la halefa la lopalla la suna lehodimo
Dikatiba le dik’hafo tsa sala fatshe sa tshepo e hloka bophelo
Ka sidila ka ba ka tapa hodima tompase, ha ke mohlorisi wa ditokelo
Lea ithaba le neng le le teng!
Wa ithaba Makhasana, a lebeletseng ha ngwale e khiba!
Ke tshwere lesokwana, ka ikakgela ka setotswana ntweng ya tokoloho
Wathinta abafazi wathint’ imbokodo!
Wa otla mosadi, wa kgakgatha lefika!

.. .... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... .... .

Ke monate sa mahe a dinotshi.

Keletswai la lefatshe
Hheyi bo! Mamela mona, nkadime ditsebe
Mme, nkgono le wena thope, mme
Nkgono le ngwananyana
Re jetse peo
Ke nako ya kotulo jwale
Ke nako! Sekunjalo!
Ke nako, taba di mosenekeng
Re ithabeng ka boleng ba rona
Re bue ka Masakhane, re ahane
Re bue ka botho
Ha e fele‘pull her down syndrome’ ha e fele!
Viva Masakhane viva!
Pele kamehla mosadi, pele!
Pele ya pele!
(Motsa: (2006)

3.1 (a) Ka mela e mehlano bolela hore na thothokiso e bua ka eng. (5)
(b) Sehalo (tone) sa mantlha sa thothokiso ye ke sefe? Tshetsa karabo ya hao ka
mohlala o tswang thothokisong. (2)
(c) ‘Keletswai la lefatshe’. Bolela mokgabopuo o sebedisitsweng mona, o be o hlalose
papiso e etswang ke oona. (2)
(d) Qotsa papiso (tshwantshanyo) thothokisong ena. (1)

3.2 (a) Qotsa mela kapa mantswe a mararo a bontshang hore thothokiso ena e bua ka ditaba
tsa Aforika Borwa. (3)
(b) Manolla mekgabopuo e sebedisitsweng thothokisong ena. Hlalosa dipapiso tse
entsweng. (12)


4.1 O nahana hore dingolwa tsa bana di qadile neng dipuong tsa Aforika? Hlalosa ka
bokgutshwanyane. (3)
4.2 Dingolwa tsa bana di buakaeng? Fana ka mehlala e mmedi. (4)
4.3 Ho buuwa ka dingolwa tsa bana puong ya Senyesemane ho feta dipuong tsa Aforika.
Hlalosa ha kgutshwanyane. (4)
(a) Ke hobaneng o ka reng bana ba maAforika ba natefelwa ke dingolwa tsa bana ho
feta dingolwa tsohle? (4)
(b) Hlalosa boemo bo ka o dumellang ho ruta ngwana ka seboko sa hae. (2)
(c) Ngolamela e meraro ya dithoko tsa seboko eo o ka e rutang ngwana. (3)
(d) Ka seratswana hlalosa tlhabollo ya tjhadimo (Cartharsis). Ha ngwana a ikakgela ka
setotswana dingolweng, di mo thusa jwang ho tlosa bodutu? (5)



Umbuto 1

Buciko bemlomo

1.1 Ngabe tinganekwane njengencenye yebuciko bemlomo tisenawo yini umsebenti esiveni
seMaswati? Sekela imphendvulo yakho. (5)
1.2 Tiyini tiphicaphicwano? Chaza usho nekutsi tidlawa njani. (4)
1.3 Tisita kuphi tiphicaphicwano kulabo labatidlalako? Nika kubili ukuchaze. (6)
1.4 Tibaluleke ngani tinantelo esiveni seMaswati? Nika kubili uchaze. (6)
1.5 Bala kutsatfu lokwehlukanisa tinkondlo temdzabu etinkondlweni tesimanje. (4)


Umbhalo Wesiteko Nemdlalo

2.1 Imibhalo yetindzaba (letimfishane naletindze) ingasetjentiselwa kukhutsata nekufundzisa

ngemasiko nemihambo yeSiswati. Uyavumelana yini nalombono? Sekela imphendvulo
yakho (unganiketa tibonelo nangemibhalo loyatiko yeSiswati). (9)
2.2 Ucabanga kutsi kungabasita kuphi bafundzi kudlala balingise imibhalo yemdlalo
labayifundza etikolweni? Chaza usekele imphendvulo yakho. (8)
2.3 Uwuhlukanisa ngani umbhalo wendzaba lemfishane kulona wenoveli? Niketa lokune
lokutimphawu ukuchaze. (8)



Fundza lenkondlo lelandzelako ubese uphendvula lemibuto letawulandzela:

Inhlitiyo lengalali namuntfu
bubula ingacedzi namuhla,
Ngitiva tehla nesibibitfwane singasiti,
Idzabuka ingeke iletse mehluko,
Timsitsile tintsaba letikudze Ncamul’ emave,
Namuhla ngikudla kwemizindlo nemicabango,
Ingabe uyawubuya aphila nebakitsi?
Ngubani longakhohlwa ngulesa simomondiya!
Sikhikhikhi lomagadvula sishingishane selucobo,

Uma sekajika ekhoneni kudzela sibukeli,

Abelesele asho ngaleliphasi livi,
Ngimoyitele kancane ngisho ngekutichenya,
Ncamul’ emave tintsaba tiyamdedela!

Uma agezile wapolishwa kudzela botsotsi,

Umkhandza asakhukhumukise emahlombe acunusile,
Ubone ngemehlo kutsi simele kutsintfwa silwane,
Uyalalela akasiye sonkhanise Ncamula,
Ubhukula imincele aye kuleSwatini ngekwetsembeka,
Akakhononi ngisho akhonjwa leya eKZN indlela,
Sifungo sekutsi siyofa silahlane sisacinile,
Sinini sami lesihambe naye namuhla
Sibika kutsi baphetsene kahle eluhambeni.

Nangu achamuka egedeni sebamletsile,

Nangu amandzatela ngebusokati,
Waba lilanga lucobo namuhla!
Ncamul’ emave tintsaba tiyamdedela!

3.1 Yini lena sonkondlo lakhuluma ngayo? Nika umcondvo lofihliwe usekele ngetibonelo
lotikhokha kuyo inkondlo. (4)
3.2 Unjani umoya lotfolakala kulenkondlo? Chaza unikete tibonelo letitfolakala kuyo
lenkondlo. (4)
3.3 Bunkondlo buni lobutfolakala emugceni 20? Usho ngani? (4)
3.4 Bunkondlo buni lobutfolakala emagameni lacindzetelwe emugceni 23 na-24? Usho ani?
3.5 Bunkondlo buni lobutfolakala emagameni lacindzetelwe emugceni 25? Usho ngani? (4)
3.6 Ngemigca lengengci kulemine chaza lokushiwo yinkondlo (umcondvo losebaleni).


Imibhalo Yebantfwana

4.1 Ngewakakho emagama ungayichaza utsi iyini imibhalo yebantfwana? (3)

4.2 Chaza umehluko ekhatsi kwemibhalo yebantfwana yesimanje kanye nemibhalo
yebantfwana yendzabuko, ubese uniketa sibonelo sembhalo ngamunye. (5)
4.3 Nawunganiketwa litfuba lekubhala imibhalo yebantfwana, yini longakhutsalela kubhala
ngayo? Niketa sizatfu. (6)


4.4 Ucabanga kutsi imilolotelo njengemibhalo yebantfwana yendzabuko inamuphi lomunye

umsebenti kubantfwana ngaphandle kwekubathulisa? Chaza. (5)
4.5 Niketa tinhlobo letimbili temibhalo yebantfwana lotatiko ubese uchaza umsebenti letinawo
ekubakhuliseni. (kungaba mibhalo yebantfwana yesimanje noma yendzabuko.




1.1 Uyini umsebenzi omkhulu wemidunduzelo neenganekwana esitjhabeni. Tlola

amaphuzu azwakalako bewusekele ngeembonelo ezinembako. (10)
1.2 Ukuthiywa kwabantu kulandelwe ibizo elithileko ingabe kusaqakathekile
emalangeni esiphila kiwo? Sekela ipendulwakho bewunikele neembonelo. (3)
1.3 Ngokubona kwakho, iingoma zesintu nemidlalo yabentwana iqakathekile
emalangeni esiphila kiwo? Sekela ipendulwakho. (12)


Zoke iimpendulo ezimayelana nenoveli aziqaliswe enovelini etlolwe ngelimi lesiNdebele,

egadangisiweko neyaziwako bafundi belimi leli.

2.1 Kunombono othi abatloli abamadoda bayehluleka ukusethulela abalingisi nabadlali

ababomma nabalupheeko ngendlela efaneleko nenembako. Uthini wena ngalombono?
Sekela ngokunqophisa enoveleni nanyana emdlalweni owufundileko. /25/


Fundisisa ikondlo engenzasi bese uphendula imibuzo elandelako:

Ilizwe loke liyalila ngamaphimbo arhahlawulako lililela phezulu lithi,

Kwanele kwanje ngokubulawa kwabomma abentazana nabentwana.
Kwanele hle umkhosi uzwakale kizo zoke iimfunda zeSewula Afrika.
Bobani abanye-ke kwanje abamele babe ziinhlabelo zababulali.

Bobani kanti ababulali kungasi bobaba, iinini ezitjhidelene nabongazimbi.

Ababulali ngizo iinthandwa zethu ezathi siyokufa silahlane nazo.
Umuntu wesilisa akakhethi; nesana leenyanga liphenduka umfazi kuye.
Kungabangcono wethembe isibandana kunokwethemba indoda.

Umbuso kwanje sewukhuluma ngelizwi elimabhombo uthi

Kwanele maSewula Afrika ngenturhu enqotjhiswe kibomma nabentwana.
Umongameli ukhulumile bewatshwilisa namakhamnbo wakhe wangaphandle.
Kwanele kwanje; wabe waduduza neminye imindeni ebebongazimbi.


Iinhlangano ezingakhambisani nokutlhoriswa nazo zizwakalise imibono.

Iinhlangano ezingenzi inzuzo nazo zingenele amajima wokuveza amazizo.
Neenhlangano zamadoda ezingavumelani nenturhu yabomma ziyakhalima;
Kwanele kwanje ngokubulawa kwabodadwethu, abomma nabentwana bethu.

Ingabe isigwebo sokubula silula kangako na kobana ababulali bangakhanuka

Ukuyokubhadla emajele benze kwangathi batjhugulukile bebatjhathjululwe?
Babulali nineendlebe, ningathalalisi, niyasizwa isililo esizwakako lesi.
Kwanele hle, sese sisesaba nokuphendula nalapho kufaneleko; kwanele.

Kwanele kwanje sesibawa kuSomnini kobana angenelele.

Ngenelela Sokulunga, ngenelela Somandla, ngenelela Baba.
Ukuhlakanipha, amaqhinga nokwazi kuphelile kwanje.
Sesilinde intatha ezokufika ngokwethemba uSomnini, iye kwanele kwanje.

3.1 Ungayinikela siphi isihloko ikondlo engehla begodu kungani? (3)

3.2 Umtloli wekondlo engehla le kwangathi utshwenyekile. Vuma/Phiksa bese
usekela ipendulwakho ngokudzubhula umutjho owodwa ozokusekela lokho ovumelana
nakho. (3)
3.3 Ngemitjho esithandathu, tlola uveze okutjhiwo yikondlo. (6)
3.4 Imbongi kwangathi iyakholwa. Vuma/Phikisa bese usekela ipendulo yakho ngokuthi
udzubhule ekondlweni. (6)
3.5 Tlola ibunjo lekondlo langaphandle. (5)
3.6 Mhlobo bani wekondlo lo ongehla? Sekela ipendulwakho. (2)


4.1 Tlola imihlobo yabalingisi abentwana abathanda ukufunda ngabo bewutjho

nokobana kungani? (6)
4.2 Kungani imitlolo yabentwana itlhayela khulu ngamalimi wabantu abanzima. Tlola iinzathu
eziblili ezizwakalako. (6)
4.3 Tlola imihlobo emihlanu eyahlukeneko yemitlolo yabentwana uveze
Nokuqakatheka kwayo. (10)
4.4 Wena nawunganikelwa ithuba lokutlola imitlolo yabentwana, ungakhetha ukutlola
ngamuphi ummongo-ndaba begodu kungani? (3)



• A vha ḓivhekanye nga zwigwada zwa matshudeni maṱanu maṱanu vha haseledze vha
tshi tenda kana u hanedzana na ḽikumedzwa ḽi tevhelaho.
• Vha ḓo avhelwa maraga zwi tshi bva kha zwi tevhelaho.
• Marangaphanḓa a zwine mbudziso ya khou ṱoḓa zwone.
• U pfesesa zwine mbudziso ya ṱoḓa zwone.
• U dzhia sia ḽithihi vha haseledza vha tshi ima kana u hanedzana na ḽikumedzwa ḽo
• U tikedza phindulo dzavho nga tsumbo dza zwi iteaho vhutshiloni ha ṋamusi.
• Mvalatswinga ya phindulo vha tshi ṋea mihumbulo ya vhina nga zwine vhone vha
vhona zwi tshi tea u itwa malugana na ḽikumnedzwa ḽo ṋewaho.

Ḽikumedzwa ḽa rera ngaḽo:

A vha haseledze vha tshi ima kana u hanedzana na ḽikumedzwa iḽi. Vha nange sia ḽiithihi vha
rere ngaḽo.

1.1 Vhaanewa vha vhana kha ngano vha olwa sa vhaanewa vhane vha tshila. Vha zwiito zwi
tendiseaho kha vhutshilo ha misi na misi.



2.1 Kha tshirendo itshi murendi u pfala e na khumbelo, ngeletshedzo na ṱhuṱhuwedzo dzine
o dzi livhisa kha vhaswa.
Ṅwalani maanea ni tshi sengulusa nḓila ine murendi a shumisa ngayo vese/mitaladzi u
bvisela khagala vhungoho ha ḽikumedzwa iḽi.
Phindulo yaṋu kha i vhe na maipfi a u bva kha 250 u ya kha a 300.


2.1 Khuḓano ndi mbilu ya ḓirama. Kha vha sumbedze vhungoho ha ḽikumedzwa iḽi nga u
sengulusa khuḓano ya bugu ya ḓirama ye vha i vhala vha bvisele dzina ḽa bugu khagala
na muṅwali wayo. Vha senguluse khuḓano iyo fhasi ha zwiteṅwa zwi tevhelaho zwine
vha ḓo avhelwa maraga u bva khazwo:
• Lushaka lwa khuḓano kha ḓirama iyo,
• Vhabvumbedzwa vha kwameaho na tshaka dzavho,
• Tshivhangi tsha khuḓano iyo,
• Zwibveledzwa zwa khuḓano iyo,
• U fhela hayo uri yo fhela hani,
• U tendisea na u sa tendisea ha khuḓano iyo,
• U kundelwa na vhukoni ha muṅwali kha u bveledza khuḓano,



4.1 Ngano dzi ambelwa u mvumvusa vhana. Vhone vha a tenda kana u hanedza iḽi fhungo?
Kha vha haseledze nga u pfufhidza. /15/


5.1 Kha vha bule tshaka ṱhanu dza bugu dza vhana vha ṋee na mishumo yadzo.




1.1 Xana wa pfumelelana kumbe wa kanetana na vonele ra leswaku tinsimu to mbuwetela ti

hava nhlamuselo hikuva ti yimbeleleriwa swihlangi. Nyika vonele ra wena. (9)
1.2 Xana u na vito ra Xintu/Xiafrika? Xana hi wihi nkoka wa rona eka wena? Loko u nga ri na
rona, hi rihi leri a wu ta hlawula rona naswona hikwalaho ka yini? (6)
1.3 Xana wa ha tsundzuka ntsheketo lowu u nga tsheketeriwa wona loko wa ha ri n’wana?
Hlamusela leswi a wu vula swona eka nkarhi wolowuya na leswaku hikwalaho ka yini wa
ha ri ni nkoka evuton’wini bya wena. (10)


2.1 Vanhu vo tala va ehleketa leswaku vatsari va Vantima va tinovhele va tsandzeka ku

vumba swimunhuhatwa swa vadyuhari. Xana wa pfumela kumbe wa kaneta? Hlamusela
no seketela nhlamulo ya wena hi swikombiso leswi khorwisaka swo huma eka novhele
yin’wana na yin’wana ya Xitsonga.


3.1 Boxa tinxaka ta vutlhokovetseri laha thoni yi nga vaka yo vilela, yo tlangela na yo komba
ku nyangatseka. (9)
3.2 Xana hi swihi leswi hambanisaka yelano wa mipfumawulo (rhyme) na ncino (rhythm)?
Seketela nhlamulo ya wena hi swikombiso swo huma eka xitlhokovetselo xa Xitsonga.
3.3 Vula leswi fanaka exikarhi ka xihlambanyiso/xifananiso na xigego hi ku nyika swikombiso
leswi faneleke swo huma eka xitlhokovetselo xa Xitsonga. (9)


4.1 Hi swihi leswi fanaka leswi u nga swi boxaka exikarhi ka matsalwa ya vana ni ya vanhu
lavakulu? (6)
4.2 Boxa swimbirhi leswi fanaka exikarhi ka matsalwa ya nomo/yo runguriwa na matsalwa yo
tsariwa ya vana. (4)
4.3 Matsalwa ya vana ya dyondzisa mahanyelo lamanene. Boxa ntlhanu wa wona u tlhela u
hlamusela nkoka wa wona. (15)
NTSENGO: [100]


9.6 Other assessment methods

There are no any other assessment methods that are used for this module.

9.7 The examination

The examination paper is a four (4) -hour paper. The semester mark obtained for the
assignments counts 20% towards the exam mark.

To help you in your preparation for the examination, you will receive an exam guideline that will
explain the format of the examination paper, give you examples of questions that you may expect
and set out clearly what material you must study for examination purposes.
Please consult the myStudies @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and
examination preparation guidelines.
More examination information and details on the format of the examination will be made available
to you online via the myModules site. Look out for information that will be shared with you by your
lecturer and e-tutors (where relevant) and for communication from the university.

9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring

Since 2020 Unisa conducts all its assessments online. Given stringent requirements from
professional bodies and increased solicitations of Unisa’s students by third parties to unlawfully
assist them with the completion of assignments and examinations, the University is obliged to
assure its assessment integrity through the utilisation of various proctoring tools: Turnitin, Moodle
Proctoring, the Invigilator App and IRIS. These tools will authenticate the student’s identity and
flag suspicious behaviour to assure credibility of students’ responses during assessments. The
description below is for your benefit as you may encounter any or all of these in your registered

Turnitin is a plagiarism software that facilitates checks for originality in students’ submissions
against internal and external sources. Turnitin assists in identifying academic fraud and ghost
writing. Students are expected to submit typed responses for utilisation of the Turnitin software.
The Moodle Proctoring tool is a facial recognition software that authenticates students’ identity
during their Quiz assessments. This tool requires access to a student’s mobile or laptop camera.
Students must ensure their camera is activated in their browser settings prior to their

The Invigilator “mobile application-based service does verification” of the identity of an

assessment participant. The Invigilator Mobile Application detects student dishonesty-by-proxy
and ensures that the assessment participant is the registered student. This invigilation tool
requires students to download the app from their Play Store (Google, Huawei, and Apple) on their
mobile devices (camera enabled) prior to their assessment.


IRIS Invigilation software verifies the identity of a student during assessment and provides for
both manual and automated facial verification. It has the ability to record and review a student’s
assessment session. It flags suspicious behaviour by the students for review by an academic
administrator. IRIS software requires installation on students’ laptop devices that are enabled
with a webcam.

Students who are identified and flagged for suspicious dishonest behaviour arising from the
invigilation and proctoring reports are referred to the disciplinary office for formal proceeding.

Please note:
Students must refer to their module assessment information on their myModule sites to determine
which proctoring or invigilation tool will be utilised for their formative and summative assessments.

10.1 Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them as
your own. It is a form of theft. Plagiarism includes the following forms of academic dishonesty:
• Copying and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source.
• Not including references or deliberately inserting incorrect bibliographic information.
• Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information.

10.2 Cheating

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Completing assessments on behalf of another student, copying the work of another student
during an assessment, or allowing another student to copy your work.
• Using social media (e.g., WhatsApp, Telegram) or other platforms to disseminate
assessment information.
• Submitting corrupt or irrelevant files, this forms part of examination guidelines
• Buying completed answers from so-called “tutors” or internet sites (contract cheating).

10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below:



The Advocacy and Resource Centre for Students with Disabilities (ARCSWiD) provides an
opportunity for staff to interact with first-time and returning students with disabilities.


If you are a student with a disability and would like additional support or need additional time for
assessments, you are invited to contact (Dr Tembane SM, Etembasm@unisa.ac.za) to discuss
the assistance that you need.


For general frequently asked questions you are referred to the Study @ Unisa brochure. It
contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information.


The sources consulted have been acknowledged in the only Study Guide for AFL2603.


We sincerely hope that this module will be instrumental in helping you to gain insight into some
matters of literature and cultural interest and to increase your understanding of the African
language speakers and their way of life. This is especially important for your day-to-day interaction
with African people. We wish you every success with your studies and success in the exams.

Best regards!



No addendum

Unisa 2024


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