JS3 3rd Term Social Studies Note

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3rd Term Scheme of Work.

1. Revision Of Second Term work

2. World Transportation System I
3. World Transportation System II
4. Global International Cooperation I
5. Global International Cooperation II.
6. Revision and Examination

World Transportation System I
Transportation refers to the process of moving people,
goods and services from one destination to another through
various means.

Methods/Mode of Transportation
1. Traditional methods include:
a. Human porter age and trekking
b. Beasts of burden—use of animals like ass, camel horse, etc.
c. Use of canoes, calabashes and logs common in riverside

2. Modern methods of transportation

a Land transportation
b Water transportation
c Air transportation
d Pipeline transportation
Land transportation is divided into:
a. Road transportation
b. Rail transportation
Road transportation involves the use of vehicles (cars, lorries,
buses, trucks, motorcycles etc).
In Nigeria, the first road was built in 1904 by the British,
around Zungeru in the present Niger state.
Road transport in Nigeria can be divided into 3
i. Trunk A roads: constructed and maintained by the federal
government, linking major cities in Nigeria.
ii. Trunk B roads: constructed and maintained by the state
government linking major towns in a state.
iii. Trunk C roads: constructed and maintained by local
Advantages of Road transportation
1. It is affordable to many people
2. It is the most accessible form of transport in Nigeria
3. It provides door to door services i.e it is more flexible than
other means of transportation
4. It is cheaper than railway to construct
5. It compliments other types of transportation
1. Good roads are always expensive to construct and maintain
1 Differentiate between beast of burden and human porterage
2 In what year was the first road constructed in Nigeria and in
which state?
Water Transportation
This involves the movement of goods and people on
water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans etc, from one
place to another with the use of ships, boats, canoe.
Types Of water transportation
There are two types of water transport
1. Inland river navigation
2. Ocean transport(or navigation)
1. Inland river navigation(water ways): involves
transportation on rivers, lakes, lagoon to move people and
goods from one place to another within the country using
boats, canoes, and small vessels
2. Ocean Navigation: involves transportation on oceans and
seas using ships and ocean vessels to move people and
goods from one country to another. Ships that are very
large and vital raw materials and manufactured goods are
exported or imported through this means of transport.
1. Water transportation is the cheapest means of transport.
2. It is the best means of moving bulky goods from one
country to another, it is vital for international trade.
3. There is no cost of construction and maintenance as the
ocean is a free gift of nature.
4. It is relatively safe.
1. It requires huge amount of capital to acquire a ship.
2. It is the slowest means of transportation. It is not as fast
as air transportation
3. The cost of port construction and maintenance is high.
4. There is problem of lack of technical know-how in ship
construction and maintenance.
Air transportation
This involves the use of helicopters, jets, aero planes to
move people and light goods from one place to another. It is
the fastest and most expensive means of transportation.
1. Internal Air Transport involves movement of aircraft
through regular routes within a country e.g Lagos to Kano
2. International Air transport: It is the movement of an
aircraft from one country to another
1. It is the fastest means of transport.
2. No part of the earth is inaccessible to air transport as
aircrafts can cross mountains, forests and even large
oceans easily.
3. It can reach any part of the world so far there are landing
4. Medical products, machines parts that are needed
urgently can easily be transported by air
1. The cost of operating and maintaining air transport is
2. There are problems of safety in cases of plane crash and
plane hijacking
3. It is a very expensive means of transportation
4. It is easily affected by bad weather. This makes visibility
Pipeline Transportation
This is the newest means of transportation. It is used to
transport oil, gas and water from producing areas to
where they are utilized. e.g Warri to Kaduna Refinery in
Impact of Science and Technology on World’s
Transportation System
1. Science and technology has led to the construction of
roads and railway lines etc.
2. It has made the manufacturing of cars, Lorries, ships,
boats and aero planes possible
3. Science and technology has helped in the construction of
air and sea ports.
4. It has made transportation and communication possible in
all areas of human endeavor
5. It has promoted and greatly encouraged commercial
activities within the countries and between countries
6. It has contributed to marketing, production and
distribution of goods and services
1 Which of the type of transportation favours the movement of
people and bulky goods across world countries? 2marks
2 The best way for transporting liquids and gas products across
the globe is through 1mark
3 List the types of roads 2marks
vbv bWEEK 4
Global International cooperation I
It is asystem in which different countries team up or work
together with the sole aim of using their resources
judiciously and exchanging their goods and services for the
satisfaction of human wants. No country can satisfy all its
needs for food, shelter, clothing, without interacting with the
other countries
Reasons for Global International Cooperation
1. Commerce and trade
2. To promote world peace and security
3. To promote interdependence
4. To increase the distribution of world’s resources
5. To encourage cultural exchange
6. To promote world economic growth and development
7. To solve world’s common problem
8. To promote healthy relationship between countries.
i. Bilateral cooperation i.e between one country and another
ii. Multilateral cooperation i.e involving more than two
Strategies for Achieving Global International
1. Treaty: is a formally concluded and ratified agreement
between states e.g two presidents signing a ten year treaty
of solidarity, the treaty of Paris as an example of peace
agreement; this treaty ended the revolutionary war, NAFTA-
is a treaty between the United States, Canada and Mexico.
A treaty requires at least two parties, once executed/signed
it becomes a law. A treaty can be used to formalize
agreements and policies, international issues like peace, land
dispute, human rights, immigration etc.
2. International Conference: Global issues are discussed and
resolved at different international summits, conferences or
meetings e.g A world conference on COVID 19 pandemic.
3. International trade: is a trade between two or more
countries and this brings foreign earnings or exchange to the
countries. e.g GATT- General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
are concessions given to Africa to expand their trade.
4. International Organizations: also helps in facilitating
international cooperation e,g AU, ECOWAS, UN, OPEC etc.
5. Controlling the acquisition of Nuclear Weapons: Measure
should be put in place to deter countries from developing
weapons of mass destructions and to control its usage by those
that already have them. This can be achieved through the
instrument of organizations like the International Atomic
Energy Agency(IAEA)
6. Promoting social, cultural and sporting Contacts: Many
international events are designed to bring citizens of the
world together to interact and create more avenues for
friendship across national boundaries e.g Olympic games,
7. Coordinating International Economic Relations: government
should make policies that will make expansion of the scope
of international activities to touch the lives of human kind
wherever they live, e.g International Monetary fund(IMF),
World bank, International Labour Organization (ILO), etc
8. Coordinating peace, progress and development of human
kind: through the instrument of UN, governments can
achieve global international cooperation by promoting peace
and progress.
1 Write out the full meaning of the following
FESTAC ii ECOWAS iii GATT iv IMF V UN 5marks
Global International cooperation II
Consequences of Global International Cooperation
Positive Consequences
1. It helps in promoting world peace and security.
2. It helps in the development of international trade.
3. It encourages developmental issues such as prevention and
spread of HIV/AIDS, promoting literacy, advocacy in women
and children trafficking, terrorism, piracy etc.
4. Technology transfer through exchange programs between
5. It has helped in promoting democracy and fundamental
human rights.
6. It helps in promoting sporting activities e.g FIFA, Olympic
Games etc.
7. Checking Crimes: efforts are jointly made to fight crimes like
money laundering, internet fraud, drug trafficking etc.
Leaders also gets to answer for their crimes against
humanity the International Criminal Court (ICC).
8. Improves standard of living: Nations are able to reap the full
benefits from their economic relations. For example, the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries makes sure
that all producers of crude oil that are members of the
organization get adequate price for their crude oil in the
international market. Poor countries also have access to
various loans used in providing social amenities and
necessary infrastructures that improves standard of living.
Negative Consequences
1. It has made developing countries to over depend on
developed countries.
2. Developing countries like Nigeria may become dumping
ground for foreign goods especially fairly used goods.
3. It may lead to importation of dangerous goods, negative
foreign ideas and cultures.
4. Too much dependence on foreign goods would affect local
industries thereby slowing industrialization.
5. It brings heavy debt on poor nations
6. Young industries dies naturally due to competition with
international firms.
The Continents of the World
There are seven continents in the world
1. Asia.
2. Africa
3. North America
4. South America
5. Antarctica
6. Europe
7. Australia
1 List three positive consequences of international cooperation
among world nations 3marks
2 List any four continents of the world 2marks

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