Quarter3 Mapeh6 Learner Module

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Orchestra 5. Bassoon- it is the biggest and lowest pitch in the woodwind family.

It can
- the word “orchestra” refers to the area in front of the ancient Greek stage produce a comic and unique sound that is why musicians called it as the
used by both performers and musicians or refers to the group of musicians “clown” of the orchestra.
playing different kinds of instruments. 6. Saxophone- is a woodwind instrument made of brass and played with a
single reed mouthpiece and its sound is in the middle of woodwind and
The Sections of the Orchestra brass sections.

Stringed Instruments Brass Wind Instruments

- are instruments usually played by strumming, plucking or bowing. - they are made of metal and brass, they are also known as lip vibrated
- often referred as the strength of character of the orchestra. instruments they are made of brass, metal, or silver alloys and sounds
produced by blowing air from the mouthpiece different tones produced
1. Violin- it is the smallest but with the highest pitch stringed instrument with either sliding or by pressing their valves.
four strings. It is played by moving the bow across the strings and may
also be plucked it strings by the fingers. The violin is also known as the 1. Trumpet- it is the smallest instrument that plays the highest pitches and it
“heart of orchestra”. is played by blowing air in its cup-shaped mouthpiece and pressing the
2. Viola- it is slightly larger than the violin and has thicker strings. It valve to change the pitch.
produces a warmer and richer sound than violin. 2. Trombone- it is the only sliding instrument that shifts pitch in any key and
3. Cello- the cello is bigger than a viola but smaller than double bass. It its pitch is a little lower than the trumpet.
strings are tuned in perfect fifths. The cello is played by bowing or by 3. French Horn- it is a spiral-shaped instrument with a large bell at its end, it
plucking the strings. It is held in between the knees while seated. produces mellow sound and played by blowing air into its funnel-shaped
4. Double bass- it is the biggest and has lowest pitch in a string family. Its mouthpiece.
strings may be plucked or bowed while the player is standing because of 4. Tuba- it is the biggest and has the lowest pitch in the brass family. Sound
its large body. is produced by vibrating lips into its cup-shaped mouthpiece.
5. Harp- it is made of 47 strings. It has a wide range of pitches and can
produce both very low and very high sounds. Its keys are tuned to the Percussion Instruments
white keys of the piano. - the percussion instruments are essential in terms of adding color to a
musical composition. These instruments produced a variety of sounds that
Woodwind Instruments give special effects in a composition. Some percussion instruments are
- these instruments are played by blowing air through the reed of the played by shaking, striking, tapping or beating.
- Tunes are produced by covering the finger holes. 1. Snare drum- it provides a rattling sound in a composition because of the
metal wires attached diagonally at its bottom head.
1. Piccolo- it is the smallest woodwind instrument and produces pitches that 2. Timpani- is a single drum head that has a definite pitch. It is often called
are an octave higher than the flute. as “kettle drum” because of its shape.
2. Flute- it can produce high pitch sounds in a rapid succession. It can be 3. Bass Drum- the bass drum has the lowest pitch in the percussion family,
made of metal, plastic or wood. It is also known as edge blown wind its low and deep sound is produced by striking its head a stick or mallet.
instrument. 4. Cymbals- are pairs of round plate-like instruments clashed together, or
3. Oboe- it is considered as the most expressive woodwind instrument and played by striking them with a beater.
has two reeds in the mouthpiece. 5. Marimba - are percussion instruments consisting of a set of wooden bars
4. Clarinet- the clarinet is a woodwind instrument with one reed only and it struck with yarn or rubber mallets to produce musical tones. Resonators or
can produce a wide range of low to high notes with versatile sound. pipes are suspended underneath the bars to amplify their sound.

DYNAMICS- element of music which refers to softness and loudness of a song or DYNAMICS- element of music which refers to softness and loudness of a song or
sounds. sounds.
The Basics of Photography The Basics of Photography

The word photography comes from the Greek words that mean “drawing The word photography comes from the Greek words that mean “drawing
with light”. Photographs serve as scientific evidence, conveyors of news, with light”. Photographs serve as scientific evidence, conveyors of news,
historical documents, works of art, and records of family life. historical documents, works of art, and records of family life.

1. Lens - is the part that focuses and directs incoming light. 7. Lens - is the part that focuses and directs incoming light.
2. Viewfinder - a small window in traditional cameras through which you 8. Viewfinder - a small window in traditional cameras through which you
look with one eye to focus on a picture. look with one eye to focus on a picture.
3. Shutter Release - the button or mechanism that is pressed, clicked or 9. Shutter Release - the button or mechanism that is pressed, clicked or
tapped to. tapped to.
4. Image Sensor - converts the optical image to an electronic signal, larger 10. Image Sensor - converts the optical image to an electronic signal, larger
sensors generally are able to produce colors more accurately. sensors generally are able to produce colors more accurately.
5. Memory Card- where the images are stored, comes in different size and 11. Memory Card- where the images are stored, comes in different size and
speed capacity. speed capacity.
6. Flash- used to augment lighting when natural light is low or insufficient. 12. Flash- used to augment lighting when natural light is low or insufficient.

Steps in Making a Photo Essay Steps in Making a Photo Essay

1. Think about a specific theme or topic you would like. Make sure that 1. Think about a specific theme or topic you would like. Make sure that
your chosen topic is relevant or interesting to tell a story. your chosen topic is relevant or interesting to tell a story.
2. Choose your subject matter. Check if it is suitable or related to your 2. Choose your subject matter. Check if it is suitable or related to your
chosen topic or theme. chosen topic or theme.
3. Plan your shoot. List down all the ideas for photo composition and 3. Plan your shoot. List down all the ideas for photo composition and
choose the best one that suited to your topic or theme. You can also create choose the best one that suited to your topic or theme. You can also create
an outline of all the things you need to consider in taking photographs. an outline of all the things you need to consider in taking photographs.
4. Start shooting. Make sure you have a large variety of photos to choose 4. Start shooting. Make sure you have a large variety of photos to choose
from. In taking photographs, you need to apply the different principles and from. In taking photographs, you need to apply the different principles and
elements of art to come up with good pictures. elements of art to come up with good pictures.
5. Choose all your best shots. Make sure that your pictures are connected 5. Choose all your best shots. Make sure that your pictures are connected
visually to each other. visually to each other.
6. Finally, add captions to each picture. Captions are brief explanations 6. Finally, add captions to each picture. Captions are brief explanations
about your photos. about your photos.
SANITATION is the hygienic process of promoting health by keeping the adapting, to make out sensible interpretation through relay to the brain through the
environment free from dirt, infection and diseases. auditory pathway.
The effects of noise can be described as chronic or acute.
Poor Environmental Sanitation causes different illnesses and even premature  Loss of Efficiency. Noise can affect sleeping patterns leading to
deaths especially among the people living in slum and congested areas. These irritability, fatigue and lack of sleep making you less efficient in school
health problems include: and work.
a. Respiratory Diseases  Physical Disorder can raise your blood pressure and heart rate that may
- any of the diseases and disorders of the airways and the lungs that cause cardiovascular
affect human respiration. Acute respiratory infections such as  Trouble in Speech communication may lead to difficulty in understanding
pneumonia and bronchitis are some of the major causes of death. and misunderstanding.
b. Skin Diseases
- Most of the skin infections can be prevented by practicing proper Ways to Control/ Manage Noise Pollution
hygiene. It is usually developed in those who have poor sanitation 1. Control the Source – Turn off the computers, TV, radio, game systems or
because dirty skin becomes an ideal breeding place for different appliances when you are not using them.
microorganisms. 2. Transmission path intervention, sound proofing or silencers –curtains will
c. Gastrointestinal Diseases help in reducing the sound coming from outside or simply shut the door to
- Unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene will lessen the noise coming outside the room.
eventually lead to majority of intestinal infections like Diarrhea, 3. Control the Receptor– You may use an earplugs to decrease the level of
typhoid fever, hepatitis A, and worm infestation. the sound you hear
d. Neurological Diseases 4. Mask the noise – You may create peaceful sounds like hanging wind
- common heavy metals that are highly toxic to your developing chimes.
brain and nervous system are LEAD AND MERCURY. The 5. Plant trees because the absorb sound
longer your exposure, the greater the likelihood of damage.
Poisoning from these metals can lead to learning disabilities, PESTS AND RODENTS are insects or small animals that are harmful and
behavioral problems, mental retardation or worse coma and death. injurious to people.
LEAD can be from toys, clothes or plastic bottles. Water can be Common household pests include insects (cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes,
contaminated by disposed batteries. While MERCUTY can be ants, termites, fleas, bed bugs, and rodents) that causes diseases and health hazards
from burned coal, or disposed fluorescent lights or from nearby in people, problems in plants, animals or in the environment.
industries which contaminates the water. These creatures are the primary carriers of diseases and illnesses that can
be passed on to humans through bits or droppings.
NOISE POLLUTION - can cause serious health conditions and future problems
like: Common diseases brought by pests and rodents
1. Hearing or Auditory problems 1. Malaria-transmitted by a mosquito bite wherein parasites multiply in your
Auditory Fatigue also known as listener/ear fatigue is a phenomenon that liver and infect your red blood cells.
occurs when the ears have been overexposed to an audio stimulus, such as a 2. Dengue Fever- potentially deadly due to mosquito bites causing severe
mixing a track for a long period of time or, a particular sound, such as a high- bleeding and organ impairment
volume snare drum. 3. Typhoid – severe bacterial infection caused by Salmonella deposited by
2. Non-Auditory Problems flies and rodents in the water you drink and food you eat.
Noise simply refers to the undesirable exposure to uncoordinated, 4. Leptospirosis a bacteria disease brought by direct contact to water infected
unrefined sound of frequency higher than what the human ear is capable of by rodents’ urine
5. Rat bite Fever-transmitted by rat bite, scratch or contact with dead rat.

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