2022 Data-Protection-Notice English Long
2022 Data-Protection-Notice English Long
2022 Data-Protection-Notice English Long
EXTERNAL EVENTS attendance and/or access badges, as the case may be.
We need to use your Personal Data for these purposes allow us
This Data Protection Notice explains how the International to adequately manage our events. If you do not provide your
Organization for Migration (“IOM”, “we”, “us”), an Personal Data to us for these purposes, we will not be able to
international organization part of the United Nations system, ensure adequate event management.
handles your personal data in the context of your participation (b) Event Follow-up
in our events. To contact you with further news, updates, and developments
Who is responsible for the handling of my personal data? concerning IOM events which you have attended, and to keep
IOM, as the event organizer and the data controller, is you updated on future IOM events in which you may be
responsible for handling any personal data collected about you interested.
as a result of your participation in this event, in accordance the We need to use your Personal Data for these purposes to be
IOM Data Protection Principles and international data able to contact you with the abovementioned information.
However, you can refuse to consent or object to this processing
protection standards. This means that IOM determines the
(see below for more information). If you do, we will not be able
purposes and the means (the why and the how) of the data
to reach out to you with relevant communications concerning
processing activities. IOM enjoys privileges and immunities
its events.
under international law. Nothing in or related to this Data
(c) Event Promotion
Protection Notice may be deemed as a waiver, express or
To publicly promote our work and raise awareness on topics
implied of any of the privileges and immunities of IOM.
discussed / presented at IOM events through different media
In case of online or hybrid IOM events, please note that IOM
channels, including our websites, publications, and social
may be using specific platforms, such as Zoom and Webex, who media. This may include capturing photographs and video
act as IOM data processors. recordings of events for publication through those channels,
If you have any questions or requests concerning this Data making statements and presentations given by speakers
Protection Notice, please reach out to the IOM Office or available through those channels, broadcasting IOM events
Department responsible for the organization of the event through live web-streaming, and making recordings of events
IOMDEOutreach@iom.int, or otherwise contact us at available online.
hq@iom.int. If these activities are carried out at an IOM event, you will be
What Personal Data of mine is being collected? clearly informed about this beforehand (through verbal
For your participation in this event, IOM will collect and process announcements and, where appropriate, notices at the event
information about you (“Personal Data”). premises).
To collect such information, IOM may ask you, for example, to We need to use your Personal Data for these purposes to be
complete a registration form or sign-up on a registration list. able to publish photographs, video recordings and other
Such documents require you to include information about relevant documents concerning an event, with the goal of
yourself, such as your name, signature, job title, employer’s promoting and raising awareness on our activities. However,
name, e-mail address and fixed / mobile phone numbers. you can refuse to consent or object to the processing for these
Please do not include any information in registration forms purposes (see below for more information). In this case, we will
which is not specifically requested in those forms. refrain from including Personal Data related to you in any
Furthermore, you may be captured in photographs and video promotional activities carried out concerning IOM events
recordings taken during IOM events, and we may further collect (whenever technically feasible and provided it is within IOM’s
and use statements and presentations which you make at IOM control) or will otherwise employ reasonable efforts to ensure
events. any disclosure of your Personal Data is limited to the greatest
Why do we collect your Personal Data? extent possible.
We collect and further use your Personal Data for the following (d) Internal Administration
purposes: We may process your Personal Data for Internal Administration
(a) Event Management Purposes in accordance with IOM’s internal policies,
To organize and coordinate this event, including managing regulations and rules. This includes Audits, Investigations, and
attendance. This includes using your Personal Data to allow you Monitoring and Evaluations while it may concern consulting
to take part in events for which you have signed up, to compile
attendance lists and contact information and generating What are my rights? How can I exercise them?
statistics on participants. You are entitled, under the IOM Data Protection Principles, to
We need to use your personal data for these purposes in order request to:
to comply with IOM’s internal policies, regulations and rules as • Access your Personal Data being processed by us, as well as
well as potential contractual commitments. to be provided with information on the processing of your
Personal Data;
How long is my Personal Data kept by IOM?
• Verify, update, or rectify your Personal Data being
In accordance with internationally recognized best practices
processed by us, where it may be inaccurate or incomplete;
and the IOM Data Protection Principles, we will retain your
• Withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal
Personal Data for the purposes (a)-(d) mentioned above for the
Data, where you have previously provided it to us for one or
period which is deemed necessary for those purposes to be
more specific purposes (such as for Event Follow-up and/or
fulfilled (e.g. to allow you to participate in the event, manage
Event Promotion) or to object to its processing;
the event, ensure adequate follow-up).
As soon as your Personal Data are no longer necessary for these • Deletion of your Personal Data when they are no longer
purposes or in case you withdraw your consent or object to the necessary for the specified purposes they were collected
processing, your Personal Data will be deleted or anonymized for, where you withdraw your consent, or where there no
without undue delay (whenever technically feasible and other valid purpose for IOM to process their Personal Data.
provided in its within IOM’s control). Unless you withdraw your Please note that IOM will need to verify your identity to be able
consent or object to the processing, your Personal Data may to assess your request and it may not always be able to comply
also be archived by IOM to fulfill IOM’s mandate in the public with your request, for example for reasons of public interest
interest sphere. (including compliance with IOM’s internal mandatory
requirements, safety and security considerations, prevailing
Who can see your Personal Data, and who will they be shared rights of other individuals, for example). We will assess this on
with? a case-by-case basis; if an exemption or restriction is found to
Internally, within IOM, your Personal Data may be processed by be applicable, you will be informed of our reasoning for this.
IOM personnel who need to carry out tasks strictly related to If you have any questions or concerns about this notice or wish
the purposes (a) – (d) described above and who are subject to to exercise any of the abovementioned rights, please contact
an appropriate obligation of confidentiality. the IOM Office or Department organizing the event, or
Externally, your Personal Data may be shared with: otherwise send a written request to IOM Headquarters at
- Companies or other entities engaged by us, including other hq@iom.int
international organizations, institutions or bodies, and partners
who assist IOM in the organization of IOM external events (e.g.
by providing venues), or who provide other services related to
the management/ organization of IOM external events (e.g.
communication platforms), follow-up and promotion or assist
IOM in its internal administration. Such entities typically
process Personal Data on our behalf;
- Other participants who sign up for an IOM event;
- The general public for photos, videos, participant lists and
other relevant documents posted on the IOM website and
other spaces in the public domain;
- Third party media outlets for communication and event
promotion purposes;
- Certification authorities, where necessary to allow your
attendance to an event to be certified;
All transfers of Personal Data to parties external to IOM (“third
parties”) will be covered by adequate safeguards to protect the
confidentiality of those Personal Data, as well as your rights and