Anwar CV

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Arif Anwar

79 Harcourt Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 3S2 Phone: (416) 357 9450 E-Mail:

Ph.D. Sept. 2008 Ongoing: Curriculum, teaching and learning at OISE at the University of Toronto PHD Dissertation: Exploring mobile phone usage in alternatively literate populations in Bangladesh M.A. Jan. 2007 Sept. 2008: Curriculum, teaching and learning at OISE at University of Toronto MA Thesis: Towards a role framework for mobile devices in educational contexts M.A. 3.8 B.A. Jan. 2001 Jan. 2002: Information systems technology at George Washington University, CGPA: Jan. 1997 Aug. 2000: Psychology at George Washington University, CGPA: 3.3

Research Experience
o Youth 4 Health initiative: Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. Devised a Twitter based navigational component for youth health navigators working with Newcomer populations in Toronto Public School Teachers Working with Muslim Students: Opportunities and Challenges. SHHRC funded project on teacher perspectives on education of Muslim students in Canada, conducted in-depth and on-site interviews with teachers, transcribed and analyzed interview data, observed classrooms and developed a website for updating team members and sharing data Developing avenues of cooperation and collaboration on the issues of International Comparative Education, Peace Education and Democratic Citizenship Education between OISE and the University of Birmingham. Updating and maintaining the CIDEC website, videoing seminars and workshops, conducting visits for international scholars, writing a literature review on Citizenship Education Global Climate Exchange Forum: Creating an online forum for discussion of Climate Change Issues between students in China, Sweden and Canada. Designed website design using Drupal, developed climate change issues, coordinated international participation in an online environment, designed a multi-lingual website Designed and developed the Edtech Wiki, an online resource for cataloguing educational technologies 07 2010 to 04 -2011

09 2007 to 06 - 2010

09 2008 to 05 - 2009

09 2008 to 06 - 2009

01 2007 to 05 - 2007

Unmatched writing skills: Currently serving as Writing Don (instructor) at the Trinity College Writing Centre Qualitative research skills: NVIVO, interviewing, meta-ethnography, secondary analysis, literature review, synthesizing large data sets Instrument design, mixed-methods research design, study design

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Network skills, website development: CMS, blogging software, webhosting solutions, Wordpress and Drupal based website development

o Anwar, Kazi Arif. Towards a role framework for mobile devices in education. Paper presented at the IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity, Sept. 26 27, 2009, Toronto. Anwar, Kazi Arif and Islam, Nazmul. BRAC in Afghanistan: Building South-South partnerships in teacher training. PROSPECTS UNESCO Niyozov, Sarfaroz Anwar, Kazi Arif and Khan, Ranya. Public School Teachers Working with Muslim Students: Opportunities and Challenges. SSHRC funded project. Sept. 2009 IEEE Explore TBP 2011 TBP 2011

o o

Conference and other presentations

o Role of Granovetters social ties theory in knowledge network formation in new Canadians Using web 2.0 technologies in the classroom: an introduction OISE Deans Graduate Student Conference March 4 5, 2011, Toronto, ON Pre-field experience program Academic and cultural support centre, OISE October 16, 2010, Toronto, ON State University of Bangladesh Guest Lecture January 5th, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh Comparative and International Education Society conference March 1 - 5 2010, Chicago, IL IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity Sept. 26 - 27, 2009, Toronto, ON o Mlearning: Taking the show on the road OISE University of Toronto special event March 12, 2009, Toronto, ON o Public School Teachers Working with Muslim Students: Opportunities and Challenges (co-presented with first author, Sarfaroz Niyozov) World Council of Comparative Education Societies 2010 June 14 19, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey

Origins of social media: Facebook, Twitter and others, where they came from and where they are going

Towards a role framework for mobile devices in educational contexts

Towards a role framework for mobile devices in education

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Work experience
Writing Don (Writing instructor), Trinity College, University of Toronto Offering writing instruction and critical feedback on essays to undergraduate students at Trinity college, assisting with various student life related activities, mentoring undergraduate students Manager: Management Information Systems Unit, Communications Unit, Monitoring Unit, Illustration and Design Unit, BRAC Education Program, BRAC Bangladesh o Management Information Systems Unit: Managed information flow from 46,000 schools, 565 area offices, and 44 regional offices to Head Office. Responsible for modernizing information technology infrastructure in regional offices and development of new database (migrating from MS Access to SQL Server in Head Office, providing computers to 44 regional offices and training 44 computer operators). Modernizing BEP head office Local Area Network with an integrated solution combining network security, domain and Internet access for 75 users. Designed database update scheme from field to head office and reporting internal data. Communications Unit: Communicated with BRAC donors (CIDA, DFID, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Royal Netherlands Embassy, NOVIB, and UNICEF). Responsible for production of concept papers, proposals, semi-annual progress reports, annual progress reports and Logical Framework Analyses. Finalized and produced a proposal with a total budget of US$ 26 million that was approved by donors. Representing BRAC at annual Donor Consortium meetings for updates on BRACs 5 year, US$ 150 million education programmed (46,000 Primary and Preprimary schools around Bangladesh). Development of BEP website Monitoring Unit: Supervised 44 monitors around Bangladesh covering more than 1,000 schools a month. Set indicators and scheduled monitoring. Developed appropriate monitoring schemes for pre-primary schools, primary schools, union libraries (Gonokendros), Parents Meetings, Teacher Refreshers, Adolescent Reading Centres (Kishori Kendros), Community Schools, Formal Schools, Indigenous Schools and Children with Disabilities. Illustration and Design Unit: Lead group of artists (both computer and hand drawing specialists) in creating original artwork for BRAC Textbooks across five subjects and other publications. 11 - 2002 to 10 - 2003 01 2004 to 01 - 2006 09 2010 - Present

Data Tech, Washington DC, USA Cisco Migration Engineer o Cisco Migration Engineer for Selective Recruiting, sub-contracted for Data Tech, Washington DC. Performed migration of Legacy commercial networks to Cisco routers and switches

Neopost Online, Warrenton, VA, USA Network Operations Technician o Monitored web and database servers, server backup, network administration, working with Cisco 2500 and 2600 routers, and Cisco 1900 switches. VPN Management. Installed hardware and software, troubleshooting, performed cabling. Tested and documented software,

10 2000 to 6 - 2001

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escalated problems. Assisting senior network engineers

o o Professor James Slotta Associate Professor, Curriculum, Teaching Supervisor and Learning Department, OISE University of Toronto Professor Cameron Norman Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto

Primary investigator in last research project

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