Paper 17 ... Rizwana Faseel Hussain
Paper 17 ... Rizwana Faseel Hussain
Paper 17 ... Rizwana Faseel Hussain
Baber Khan
Teaching Associate,
Department of Education, University of Karachi,
Sindh, Pakistan
The aim of this research study is to find out cause and effect of clinical depression on
academic achievements and performance of students. The Main objective of this
chronic mental illness is to find out the striking depth of stress and depression on
learning outcomes of students. Factors that impact on academic performance caused
by clinical depression were investigated. Literature review indicates that clinical
depression negatively impact on academic performance of students in terms of lack of
confidence, communication problem, time management and trust issues particularly at
university level. Public sector university of Karachi was selected as the population of
the study. This research is based on the quantitative method. Questionnaire has been
set, as a tool for this research. The sample size included 100 students from twenty
departments of eight faculties through simple random sampling. Data analysis has been
done by descriptive statistical techniques using percentage method. Closed ended
questionnaire tool were designed for the collection of data based on five liker scale.
The collected was analyzed and results were at moderate level 33% respondents were
strongly agree, 47% agree, 13% neutral while strongly disagree and disagree
were7%.The findings of this research shows that clinical depression adversely impact
on academic performance of the students at University of Karachi. It affects academic
PJER, Vol 3, Issue 2 (2020) Impact of clinical…
performance as well as it has long term impact on student’s mental performance. The
hypothesis considered for this research is accepted.
Depression, Clinical Depression, Academic Performance, University Students
This millennium is supposed to be the era of competition and acceleration in their fields
no matters by hooks or by crooks. In this speedy and versatile climate it is difficult to
keep itself fit and healthy either physically or mentally. Life is not a bed of roses it is
rough and tough where failure is an option but giving up not. Nature has created every
human with certain strength of sentiments and emotions which we use to cope up it in
crust and trough of competent life. On the other hand if someone fails to face the
hardships and ignorance so, Depressions and stress plough a field of failures. Which
distract the student from their academic strength and productivity and ultimately fallen
in the ditch of sorrow and anxiety.
Student’s life is a collage of emotions and dreams no matter these are realistic or
imaginary. They try their level best to acquire in the scorching heat of struggle and
nerves getting efforts but when they find it all in vain so dead end of clinical depression
halt the accumulated energy and dare. This dead end intoxicates the student’s academic
performance and causes the brain drain of emerging talent either in bad activities or
Academic life is a garden of dreams and hopes where we knit aims and objectives in
the canvas of future and put the shoulders to the wheel in order to achieve to make
track record of success but distant drums sounds well and everyone is not lucky enough
to acquire the desired goals. Learning period of time is supposed to be a golden era of
whole life which leaves deep remarks in our personality and life whether positive or
negative. Motivation is the best pills to reduce the stress and depression in academic
life of every student. It enables us to drain out the depression and rejuvenate our spirits
and hopes.
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Clinical depression puts a hamper to destruct the person’s behavior in all means
especially academic performance. Depression is supposed to be a nightmare in the
dreamland of academic success and achievements. It leaves no sign of hope to rise after
falling in the track of educational process. This research will reveal the effect of clinical
depression on academic performance at University of Karachi. In the current era
everyone believes that knowledge opens the door of success. The whole academic life
is the training of sharpening the skills and knowledge not to secure the degree. This
careful research study is vital and important to highlight the root cause and their impact
to grow clinical depression as an ulcer in the academic achievements of student’s
career and behavior.
Mental uncertainty is a common issue of all and sundry for every age of people.
Pakistan is a country where people never feel itself stable in any part of life just because
of lack of guidance and counseling from every angle of moral support by friend and
family. Ignorance is a blessing in our society because we use our will power not to
accept and beat the illness but to hide and turn a blind eye from consequences. This
study will help the students to evaluate itself after every failure either we are
strengthening ourselves or falling a prey of depression. It is a routine observation that
to hide illness is to suffer illness. Self-evaluation is the best laboratory to nip this evil
mental illness in the bud.
Depression is supposed to be normally exist disorder which lies in different shapes and
frames of behavior, broadening on normality, to critical (psychotic) state which
consists of hallucinations and delusions. Globally it strikes the normal activities to
abnormality and prime root cause of premature death. “Depression is the most
common, mental illness and is said to be a leading cause of dis-functioning and
disability worldwide”. Iasevoli, F., Giordano, S., Balletta, R., Latte, G., Formato, M.
V., Prinzivalli, E., & de Bartolomeis, A. (2016). Treatment resistant schizophrenia is
associated with the worst community functioning among severely-ill highly-disabling
psychiatric conditions and is the most relevant predictor of poorer achievements in
functional milestones. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological
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At university level learners encounter various strange and peculiar hurdles in contrast to
other learning periods.Many young people face many refutations and responsibilities to
succeed5. University students also have to deal with the new experiences and changes
in social aspects, and in behavioral, emotional, academic and economic situation.
Oginni, O. A., Mosaku, K. S., Mapayi, B. M., Akinsulore, A., & Afolabi, T. O. (2018).
Depression and associated factors among gay and heterosexual male university
students in Nigeria. Archives of sexual behavior. The mental health problems are
commonly seen at different levels of education, such as college and university. Ediz,
B., Ozcakir, A., & Bilgel, N. (2017). Depression and anxiety among medical students:
Examining scores of the beck depression and anxiety inventory and the depression
anxiety and stress scale with student characteristics.
The study done by Larson explored both physical and mental health issues. This
study found that mental health issues were significantly and negatively associated with
GPA. The results of the study also showed that physical health issues were often
correlated with mental health issues. Larson, M., Orr, M., & Warne, D. (2016). Using
student health data to understand and promote academic success in higher education
settings. Sometime depression becomes critical if it is not taken serious and mental
illness. Stress and depression causes not only performance downfall of individuals but
also the curse for the closed ones because in some exceptional cases student feels
pleasures and satisfaction to harm and let down others especially bench fellows. In this
state of mind students do not compete the opponent by hard working however put a
hamper in their academic achievements and tries to super cede from them by evil
1. To investigate the factors which develop clinical depression on students at
university level.
2. To show how these factors affects students’ academic performance.
3. Challenges faced by teachers in recognition depression or anxiety in students.
4. To enable the student avoid depression and combat rest of life.
1. Clinical depression has a significant impact on academic performance of
the students at University of Karachi.
2. Through adoption of remedial techniques clinical depression can be reduced and
at certain level it can be eliminated.
3. Clinical depression of different genders (Female and male) has different impact
on student’s academic performance.
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A survey was chosen to practice this research. The population of the study was
University of Karachi in which 8 Faculties were selected. It includes Faculty of Social
Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Law, Faculty of
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Management & Administrative
Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science
The sampling type is random sampling because it is the requirement of the study to
collect data which shows the impact of clinical depression on academic performance
of students at University of Karachi. Total 20 departments were selected from 8
faculties. 5 students of each department were asked to fill the questionnaire. The
overall sampling size is 100. The research instrument for this study is Questionnaire. A
questionnaire is designed comprising of 20 items. Data were collected through visits
from selected 20 departments.
Item 1: Clinical depression of different genders (Female and male) has different impact
on student’s academic performance.
Table 1
Responses From Frequency Percentage
Female 63 63%
Male 37 37%
Total 100 100%
Item 4: What are the challenges faced by students while going through Depression?
Table 4
Challenges faced by students while going through depression
Challenges Percentage
Communication. 19%
Unable to focus on studies. 10%
Time management issues. 16%
Memory issues. 4%
Emotions. 10%
Trust issues. 17%
Relationship issues. 10%
Health issues. 7%
Mood swings. 7%
Total 100%
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proves that Clinical depression of different genders (Female and male) has multiple
impacts on student’s academic performance.
This study shows that Clinical depression has significant negative effects on behaviors
which impact academic performance. Keeping in view the statistics and designed tool
responses it is most evidently seen that depression and stress leaves long lasting
destructive imbalances in behavior and academic output. The factors that causes
clinical depression includes exam pressure, inferiority complex, personal issues,
burden of study, financial issues, response of teachers which also includes favoritism
and gender discrimination, fear of refusal, unexpected outcomes and CGPA,
presentation and report submissions burden. Besides this it is also affected by isolation,
dejection from society and imaginary planning from their grounds. However, through
this research it also reveals that through adoption of remedial techniques clinical
depression can be alleviated and at certain level it can be cured timely. Remedial
techniques include proper sittings and visits in terms of treatment, counseling and peer
support. Communication problem, time management and trust lapses are the most
common challenge faced by students while going through depression. Furthermore, it
is also revealed that majority of the depressed students lost their confidence of
discussion during lecture.
Research study also explores that clinical depression is not an inherited problem which
is transferred from generation to generation it could be an accidental incident which
swallow gradually in brain and take control of whole nervous system and slow down
the performance of every plan and decision. Everything seems near around but difficult
to catch. Academic achievements drop and fall like leaves in autumn ultimately
courage and dare got weak enough to lose all traits of behavior and track records.
Survey also classify that females are most affected gender which is supposed to be an
ideal state to investigate stress and depression. Nature has created female as a
sentimental in every act of life and male stone hearted. It has been observed that
females easily suffer in this mental illness of stress and depression and lost it identity
and feel pleasure to dissolve its personality and set a mind to live in this lost world. On
the contrary some of them gain negative energy from depression and harm other to let
down in their academic downfall it gives them temporary pleasure and satisfaction.
Remedial techniques on time can play vital role to abstain other and itself from wrath
of this negative energy. Although it is a long and time taking process but success ratio
is maximum if guide and counselor is well skilled and experienced. It has been revealed
that confidence is a highly affected trait of behavior in academic performance which is
easily vaporized with in no time and need multiple remedial techniques to develop in
personality again. This is the last building stone of personality which plays a significant
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1. Students should be engaged in different modes of advisory sessions, counseling
and guidance workshops or mental strengthening programs.
2. Physical and mental exercises like meditation and competitive task must be
organized to keep them busy.
3. Students should be allowed to drain out their stress with their friends and family
or loved ones like friends or teachers.
4. Students guide and counselor must great observer and highly skilled.
5. University should provide counselor to each department.
6. Motivational stuff in the forms of stories or movies should be a part of co-
curricular activities.
7. Periodic check and balance chart should be maintained to keep the student on track.
8. Loneliness must be weeded out from the surroundings of students.
9. Friend and family must give moral support to stand it own bottom.
10. The teachers need to be competent enough to keep a close eye on highly
depressed students, because academic performance can be judged and rectify with
in classroom activity.
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