Utilities Specifications and Standards Manual 110118
Utilities Specifications and Standards Manual 110118
Utilities Specifications and Standards Manual 110118
May 2014
This Utilities Manual has been prepared to guide the design and construction of potable water,
non-potable irrigation water (including reclaimed and reuse water), and wastewater system
extensions to City of Naples (City or CITY) utilities; the Manual applies to utilities in new and
existing developments in the City, as well as City Projects involving utilities.
In general, the CITY owns and maintains all potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and
wastewater facilities within the public rights-of-way and CITY utility easements. As Owner of
these public utilities, and as authorized by Federal, State, County, and City statutes and
ordinances, the CITY reviews, approves and inspects all new construction of facilities to extend
or supplement the existing systems.
The following standards shall be included in the design and preparation of plans and
specifications for all utilities construction projects for the City of Naples, including utilities
connected to the CITY’s utilities systems or constructed for future transfer of ownership to the
CITY. These standards are provided for uniformity in utilities construction within the City service
areas, and represent MINIMUM standards acceptable to the CITY. They are not intended to
eliminate, but shall supplement and direct the preparation of technical specifications by private
developers (Developer) and their engineering consultants (Engineer).
The Technical Specifications included in these standards utilize the Construction Specifications
Institute (CSI) Section Format™ and numbering system to present acceptable construction
methods and materials. Not all specification details may apply to an individual project;
however, approval of utilities construction within the CITY will require conformance to
applicable requirements of these specifications.
NOTE: Go to the City website for the latest revision of the Utilities Manual with Detail
02050 Demolition
02110 Site Clearing
02151 Shoring, Sheeting and Bracing
02210 Pipe Removal and Abandonment
02222 Excavation – Earth and Rock
02223 Bedding and Backfilling
02226 Jacking, Augering and Mining
02230 Roadway Crossings by Open Cut
02275 NPDES Requirements for Construction Activities Impacting More
Than One Acre
02276 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
02300 Horizontal Directional Drilling
02400 Restoration by Sodding or Seeding
02523 Sidewalks, Driveways and Curbs
02530 Groundwater Control for Open Cut Excavation
02575 Repair and Restoration of Pavement , Sidewalk, Etc.
02600 Fusible PVC Pipe for Installation by Horiz. Directional Drill (HDD)
02607 Manholes
02608 Concrete Coatings
02620 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe and Fittings
02622 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings
02623 Fusible PVC Pipe
02630 Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) and Fittings
02645 Fire Hydrants
02650 Laying and Jointing Buried Pipelines
02675 Disinfection
02676 Pressure and Leakage Tests
02700 Irrigation Pond Liner
02830 Chain Link Fencing and Gate
02999 Restoration and Miscellaneous Work and Cleanup
01003 Introduction and TOC.doc 3 of 4
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All potable water, non-potable irrigation (including reclaimed or reuse) water and raw water pipe,
material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new, and shall conform to Section 2, Technical
Specifications and Section 3, Utilities Detail Drawings. All material and equipment designed or
used in connection with a potable (drinking) water system shall conform to the requirements of
the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61, “Drinking Water System Components –
Health Effects.”
Potable water and non-potable irrigation water pipelines and fittings, except for service piping,
shall be a minimum of six inches (6”) in diameter, and have a minimum depth of thirty-inches
(30”) and a maximum depth of forty-eight inches (48”) below finished grade. All potable water or
non-potable irrigation water pipelines between six and fourteen inches (6”-14”) in diameter shall
be constructed of PVC or HDPE pipe, and shall utilize pipe meeting the requirements of the
Technical Specifications. Water pipelines between sixteen inches and twenty-four inches (16”-
24”) in diameter may be constructed of ductile iron, HDPE, or PVC pipe. Water pipelines larger
than twenty-four inches (24”) in diameter shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe.
All pipe and pipe fittings shall contain no more than eight percent (8.0%) lead, and any solder or
flux used shall contain no more than two-tenths of a percent (0.2%) lead. All pipe and pipe
fittings installed shall be color coded or marked in accordance with F.A.C. 62-555.320(21)(b)3.
All HDPE and PVC buried pipelines shall be color-coded as described in the Technical
Specifications. Potable water pipelines shall be Federal Safety Blue in color. Raw water
pipelines shall be white in color. Non-potable irrigation, reclaimed and reuse water pipelines
shall be pantone purple 522C in color.
All Ductile Iron, metal and concrete buried water main pipelines shall have blue stripes applied
to the pipe wall. Pipes striped during manufacturing of the pipe shall have continuous stripes
that run parallel to the axis of the pipe, that are located at no greater than 90 degree intervals
around the pipe, and that will remain intact during and after installation of the pipe. If tape or
paint is used to stripe pipe during installation, the tape or paint shall be applied in a continuous
line that runs parallel to the axis of the pipe and that is located along the top of the pipe.
All buried water pipelines and mains, except those installed by horizontal directional drilling or
jack-and-bore methods, shall be marked using plastic locator tape impregnated with metallic
filings for HDPE and PVC pipe and non-magnetic for ductile iron pipe. The locator tape shall be
placed in the pipe trench two feet (2’) below grade or one-half the pipe’s bury, whichever is less,
and labeled “potable water” or “non-potable water” as applicable. Horizontal directional drilling
shall include installation of locating tone wire as described in the Technical Specifications.
All water mains to be maintained by the CITY shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in diameter.
For dead end mains on short (300' or less) single family residential cul-de-sacs, hydraulic
calculations shall show the capability of maintaining 750 gpm fire flow plus potable demand.
Water systems shall be designed to maintain adequate flows and pressures and water quality
standards as established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), using the
following criteria:
A. Designs shall assume: 1) a minimum CITY source pressure under peak hourly flow
conditions of 40 PSI, or system available pressure if less than 40 PSI, or developer shall
make improvements/water main additions to get adequate pressure delivered from the
closest CITY transmission main to the project.; and 2) a minimum CITY source pressure
with fire flow under maximum day conditions of 40 PSI, or system available pressure if
less than 40 PSI, or developer shall make improvements to get adequate fire flow and
pressure delivered from the closest CITY transmission main to the project. Minimum
residual node pressure within a proposed project system shall be 20 psi under peak
hourly flow and maximum day with fire flow conditions.
B. The design Engineer shall model the proposed system, including all dead ends, for
chlorine dissipation assuming a chloramine residual of 2.0 mg/l at the entrance point to
the project.
The following criteria shall be used to analyze model chloramine dissipation unless otherwise
approved by the Public Utilities Water Director upon the submittal of specific case data:
a) Occupancy of fifty percent (50%) to account for seasonal variations with the load evenly
distributed throughout the project.
b) Average occupancy per dwelling of 1.81 for single family and 1.42 for multi-family as
established by the Water Master Plan as amended and adjusted for peak with a factor of 1.2 or
2.2 shall be used when modeling system performance.
c) Consumption rate of 154 gallons per capita for single family and multi-family shall be
used when establishing loading rates for system performance models.
The Project Engineer shall submit an analysis letter to Community Development and
Environmental Services as part of the review package, certifying that all points within the
proposed system shall maintain a minimum level of 0.6 mg/l chlorine/chloramine residual under
the conditions listed above.
Systems unable to meet minimum design requirements or maintain minimum chlorine residual
levels shall not be eligible for ownership and maintenance by the CITY.
Water mains not designed to carry fire flows shall not have fire hydrants connected to them.
Water distribution systems shall be designed so that all systems are located adjacent to, and
are accessible from, paved or unpaved roadways so as to allow access for short and long term
maintenance, repair and/or replacement of such system. Water mains shall not be placed
beneath any existing or proposed building structure.
Generally, new potable water distribution systems shall be designed as “looped” systems to
avoid dead ends. If changes in design during construction result in dead ends to any new or
relocated water mains (except those serving a cul-de-sac), such dead ends shall be connected
to the nearest water main. In cases where no nearby water main is available, dead end mains
shall not exceed 300 feet in length and shall terminate temporarily in a blow-off, be full-bore
flushed, then permanently ended with a hydrant or other flushing device approved by the
Engineer of Record in accordance with F.A.C. Chapter 62-555.
All commercial facilities must be metered separately from residential facilities with the exception
of those commercial facilities that are within a master metered residential development and
designed for the exclusive use of the residents within such development. Master meters (for
domestic or reuse purposes) and the first gate valve after the master meter (the valve between
the meter and the backflow assembly or pressure reducing valve) shall be located within a
minimum 15’X15’ CITY Utility Easement (CUE), which shall be located outside of, but
contiguous to, the road right-of-way (ROW). Any single residential unit domestic or reuse meter
that is not in the ROW shall be located within a minimum 12’X12’ CITY Utility Easement (CUE),
which shall be located outside of, but contiguous to, the ROW. For any 3” and larger
combination fire and domestic meter assembly and 3” and larger compound meter assembly,
the meter and the valve after the meter (the valve between the meter and the backflow
assembly) shall be dedicated to and owned by the CITY, and shall be located within a minimum
15’X15’ City Utility Easement (CUE), which shall be located outside of, but contiguous to, the
ROW. Any fire system detector check assembly on a for-fire-only dedicated line shall have an
isolation valve at the City water main, plus an isolation valve in the ground just preceding the
aboveground detector assembly, and such valves, if not located in the ROW, shall be located
within a minimum 15’X15’ City Utility Easement (CUE), which shall be located outside of, but
contiguous to, the ROW, and which shall encompass the detector assembly as well; the City
Water mains shall have a minimum setback of seven feet and six inches (7’6”) from the
centerline of the pipe to residential roadways, curb and gutters, permanent structures, or
planting not specifically allowed by ordinance.
Water mains shall be designed parallel to accessible roadways and within the setbacks
established herein above. Deviations from these design parameters shall only be approved in
cases where such installations can be shown to be necessary in order to comply with minimum
chlorine residuals or other FDEP quality parameters, unless otherwise approved by the CITY
Manager or designee. In such cases, the water main shall be located within a separate tract of
land or CUE dedicated to the City. Such tracts shall be delineated with fencing, landscaping,
signage, pavement, or other methods determined to be acceptable to the City. All such
installations shall require approval from the City. In addition, an agreement shall be provided
authorizing the CITY to traverse all private property outside of the CUE for the purpose of
access, maintenance, repair and/or replacement of such main. The agreement shall also hold
the CITY harmless for any damage to the private property resulting from the CITY’s
maintenance, repair and/or replacement activities within or outside of the CUE.
Potable water pipelines shall be separated from wastewater lines and /or stormwater lines by a
minimum clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of ten feet
(10’) in accordance with F.A.C. 62-555.314(5). The eighteen inches (18”) minimum vertical
separation distance does not apply to separations of sewer laterals and potable water pipeline
installations. 57 stone shall be utilized for separation between wastewater lines and stormwater
lines. Non-potable irrigation water pipelines 2” and larger shall be separated from potable water
mains, wastewater lines and/or stormwater lines by a minimum clear vertical distance of
eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of five feet (5’) as shown in the Utilities Detail
Drawings. Wastewater lines shall be separated from stormwater lines by a minimum clear
vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of five feet (5’). Water mains
shall preferably pass above storm lines, with an 18” minimum clearance, in which case water
main shall be DR-14 PVC pipe, extended a minimum of 10’ either side of storm line center, or
15’ each side of storm drainage structure center. Any water main that must go under a storm
line shall be ductile iron pipe Class 52 pipe, extended a minimum of 10’ to each side of storm
line center, or 15’ to each side of a storm drainage structure center. All pipeline crossings with
vertical clearance less than eighteen inches (18”) shall be made using a full 20-foot (20’) length
of thickness Class 200 AWWA C900 PVC pipe, Class 235 AWWA C905 PVC pipe, or, if
necessary, Pressure Class 250 ductile iron pipe centered on the crossing. The sewer pipe in
these locations shall be back-filled with bedding stone or sand to a height six inches (6”) above
the crown of the pipe. When this standard cannot be maintained, the sewer line shall be
concrete encased for a distance of ten feet (10’) each way from the water line and any other
conduit, with a minimum vertical clearance of twelve inches (12”) being provided at all times. If
a water line is under a wastewater line, an eighteen inch (18”) minimum separation must be kept
(see Cross Over Detail Drawing). All pipelines shall be successfully pressure tested to 150 psi
after the concrete has properly cured.
Also see the separation requirements in Section 01045,1.3.F (City Damage Prevention Policy -
separation distance from existing CITY Utilities), Section 02650, 3.2.P (Separation from Other
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater pipelines shall be separated from
telephone, power, cable and gas sleeves/lines and any other underground utilities by a
minimum clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and horizontal distance of five feet (5’).
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater lines shall be separated from raw
water mains by a clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of ten
feet (10’). Stormwater lines shall be separated from raw water mains by a clear vertical
distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of five feet (5’).
Wastewater lines shall be separated from public drinking water supply wells by a horizontal
distance of 100 feet. Wastewater lines shall be separated from private drinking water supply
wells by a horizontal distance of 75 feet. CITY approval will be required if the separation
distance cannot be maintained.
Stormwater retention/detention ponds with a bottom elevation lower than the wet weather
season water table shall be located a minimum of 300’ away from raw water wells.
The encasement of potable water mains in concrete shall only be made after review and
approval by the CITY Manager or designee.
Valves shall be provided at all intersections and branches in sufficient numbers as to allow for
zone isolation of distribution areas in order to limit impacts of line breaks and service disruptions
to customers. In-line gate valves shall be provided in accordance with AWWA requirements
and at no greater than one thousand foot (1000’) intervals when no other valves exist within
internal distribution systems. All gate valves 20-inches (20”) and smaller shall be of the
resilient-seated wedge type, conforming to AWWA C509 or C515, or latest revisions thereof. All
valves shall be furnished with valve boxes extending to finished grade as shown in the Utilities
Detail Drawings.
All storm sewer, non-potable irrigation mains and wastewater transmission system conflicts with
water systems or portion(s) thereof that must be crossed shall be performed using AWWA C900
Class 200 or C905 Class 235 PVC with ductile iron fittings. All fittings shall be adequately
restrained using retainer glands, stainless steel rods, EBAA Iron Sales “Megalug,” “Uni-flange,”
Romac Industries “Grip Ring,” or Star restraint. Transitional fittings, when approved by the
Engineer of Record, shall be located as close to the point of conflict as possible. Air release
assemblies shall be provided as specified in Subsection 1.7 herein, below. Gradual deflection
of the water line in lieu of using fittings to clear the conflict shall not be permitted if cover
exceeds five feet (5’-0”). A minimum vertical clearance of eighteen inches (18”) shall be
provided between the water main and bottom of conflict. Wherever the eighteen-inch (18”)
minimum vertical clearance cannot be provided, CITY approval will be required. (City approval
will not be required for separation of sewer laterals and potable water pipeline.)
a) The pipe shall be of special construction (HDPE), having welded (butt fusion) watertight
b) Valves shall be provided at both ends of the subaqueous crossing for isolation, testing or
repair of the line. The valves shall be easily accessible and not subject to flooding. The valve
closest to the supply source shall be in a below grade vault as per FDEP requirements and
constructed to meet FDOT standards. All welding shall be done above ground. Water, reclaimed
water and wastewater lines shall have two (2) air release valves between the two valves;
c) Permanent taps shall be made on each side of the valve within the manhole to allow
insertion of a small meter to determine leakage and for sampling purposes. The taps will allow
for a ¾” meter to be attached;
d) The HPDE pipe shall be encased in HDPE DR11 casing;
e) Pressure test according to Section 02676;
f) Conform to HDPE Specifications, Section 02620.
Warning signs shall be placed along the banks of canals, streams, and rivers clearly identifying
the nature and location of subaqueous crossings. The signs shall state the type of pipeline and
the depth of pipeline below design or natural bottom of the water body. Warning sign shall be
aluminum and have minimum dimensions of 4’ wide by 2’ high with a minimum of 2” lettering.
All private fire service systems for sprinkler systems, wet standpipe systems and privately-
owned or controlled distribution systems shall be metered and shall be installed with an
appropriate back flow prevention device; these systems include any extensions to a
development’s existing fire system, any modifications to any outside of building part of an
existing fire system, as well as any new lines going to new/existing development buildings.
Metering requirements shall be classified by the type of development requiring fire service. The
type of metering device will be specified in the following subsections, shall be sized by the
Developer’s Engineer and shall be purchased, owned and maintained by the private service
owner. The CITY requires all privately-owned backflow devices to be certified at the time of
installation and on an annual basis by a Certified Back Flow Tester (University of Florida,
TREEO Center, or equivalent certification program). The results shall be submitted to the CITY
Manager or designee. The CITY Manager or designee will require all privately owned metering
devices to be certified for accuracy at the time of installation. Fire meter devices using a three
quarter to two inch (¾” to 2”) metering device shall be re-calibrated or replaced every ten (10)
Residential projects such as, but not limited to, single family, multi-family condominiums, trailer
parks, mobile home parks, etc. utilizing a master meter shall pass all fire flow through such
meter. The meter shall be sized to pass the domestic coincident draft plus rated fire flow at the
AWWA pressure loss specifications. On dual water systems with fire and domestic flows in
separate pipelines downstream of the master meter, the fire line shall have a Fire Service rated
meter, approved by the CITY Manager or designee, with appropriate backflow protection.
1.4.2 Fire Service Meters for Commercial and Other Non-Residential Systems
Commercial projects such as, but not limited to, shopping centers, malls, retail, airport airplane
hangers, and industrial buildings, but not including parks, shall have a separate fire service
connection to the water distribution main. A Fire Service rated meter, approved by the CITY
Manager or designee, with appropriate backflow protection shall be installed on the fire line.
The Fire Service meter and isolation valves shall be extended above final grade as shown in the
Utilities Detail Drawings. For meter reading purposes, metering devices shall lie within a CITY
Utility Easement (CUE) that shall be dedicated separately to the City in conjunction with the
easements for any on-site utility system(s).
The Owner shall purchase and install an approved AMR meter and an approved backflow
assembly at no expense to the City.
Steam condensate, cooling water from engine jackets, or water used in conjunction with heat
exchangers shall not be returned to potable water mains.
All water meters larger than two inches (2”) shall be installed above ground. These meters shall
be equipped with a backflow preventer and installed by the Contractor at his expense. The type
of backflow device utilized shall be as shown on the Detail Drawing.
All large potable meters shall be purchased by the owner and installed by the Developer's
Contractor. The systems’ master meter assemblies shall be built in accordance with the current
design details shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. Alternate designs may be permitted upon
submission of design details for review and approval. The location of all meters (potable and
non-potable) shall be clearly shown on the construction plans.
All potable water and/or non-potable irrigation water meters shall be equipped to accept the
CITY’s Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) units shown on the Utilities Detail Drawings. Two-inch
(2”) and smaller meter units will be installed by the CITY. On meters 3-inches and larger
contact the CITY at (239) 213-4717 to determine the necessary AMR equipment for the meters.
All meters shall be turned over to the technician performing the full bore flush prior to the
acceptance of the meter.
Temporary meters may be applied for by phoning or visiting the City Permit Building between
8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, under the conditions provided by the
Temporary meters shall be installed for the purpose of supplying construction water to meet the
CITY requirement for new water line construction as listed below and require a minimum of forty
eight (48) hours advance notice. All backflow devices shall be reduced pressure type and shall
be certified as required by the ordinance, provided by the Contractor, and be of an approved
Any hose bibs connected to the City of Naples reclaimed irrigation water system, whether within
a development or in the ROW, shall have a counter-sunk square nut (FDEP regulation) to open
or close the valve, be a minimum of twelve inches (12”) above grade, and be in accordance with
all FDEP regulations concerning this subject. There shall be a warning sign nearby, preferably
purple, warning hose bib users not to drink the reclaimed irrigation water – the sign shall state
“Do not drink – reuse/recycled/non-potable [use any of these preceding words] water – No
Air release assemblies shall be installed at all high points on transmission mains where air will
not be released through service lines, and on both sides of conflict crossings (unless it can be
demonstrated by hydraulic analysis that air pockets will not accumulate at individual high
points). In cases where reversal of flow is not expected, the air release assembly shall be
provided at high points and on the upstream side of conflict crossings. A high point is defined
by the hydraulic gradient and is considered the upper end of any pipe segment that slopes up to
the hydraulic gradient or runs parallel to it. The design engineer shall review and apply the
pertinent provisions of AWWA-C512 and AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices M51, “Air-
Release, Air Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves.” For potable water or non-potable irrigation
water mains sixteen inches (16”) and greater, the design engineer shall be responsible for air
valve selection and sizing. An isolating valve shall be provided below the air valve to allow
removal of the valve assembly. All air release assemblies shall be installed as shown in the
Utilities Detail Drawings.
All gate valve boxes, air release assembly and permanent sample points outside paved
surfaces shall be provided with a concrete collar set to finish grade. Such collar(s) shall have a
minimum thickness of six inches (6”) and the outside dimension of the pad and the
reinforcement shall be as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. Concrete shall have minimum
compression strength of 3000 psi at twenty eight (28) days.
All water systems or portion(s) thereof shall be subjected to pressure testing and disinfection
conforming to the AWWA Standards C600, C602, C605 and C606, or latest revision(s) thereof.
Under no circumstances shall any person other than an authorized CITY Water Department
employee operate valves, make service taps or otherwise tamper with CITY Distribution system
or portion(s) thereof. Failure to comply with these requirements will place such individual in
jeopardy of legal action by the CITY pursuant to U.S. Code, CITY Ordinances and/or
Resolutions in effect at the time of the violation.
1.9.1 Pigging
All lines larger than twelve inches (12”) in diameter shall be pigged with a new pig to clear
debris prior to flushing. Refer to specifications section 02675, 3.1.
1.9.2 Flushing
Flushing shall be coordinated with CITY Water Distribution personnel and shall require forty
eight (48) hour notice to Water Distribution prior to performance. During flushing the Contractor
will be permitted to install a spool piece to close the gap specified in the jumper as shown in the
Utilities Detail Drawings. Flush velocity shall be at least 2.5 feet per second, with a maximum of
Lines under construction shall be filled utilizing water supplied by the temporary meter and such
filling shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with required procedures including
those outlined herein below.
1.9.4 Chlorination
Line chlorination shall be performed utilizing water supplied by the temporary meter for the
purpose of chlorinating newly constructed potable water lines. Such procedure shall be
performed by the Contractor, and shall require forty eight (48) hour notice to Water Distribution
prior to performance.
The Contractor using the temporary construction meter shall perform Post Chlorination Flushes.
All chlorine injected into the system for disinfection shall be flushed from the system at least
twenty four (24) hours prior to collection of Bacteriological samples.
The initial flush volume equal to the volume of water main being flushed shall be captured and
properly disposed of, such that no chlorinated water enters into a storm water system and/or is
discharged to the ground; all regulatory requirements for the protection of the environment shall
be met.
Bacteriological sample collection shall be performed utilizing water supplied by the temporary
meter in order to supply pressure during sample collection of newly constructed potable water
lines. Such procedure shall require forty eight (48) hour notice to Water Distribution prior to
performance. These procedures shall be performed on Monday through Thursday, excluding
holidays, unless otherwise directed by the CITY Manager or designee.
All new potable and raw water systems shall be subject to bacteriological sample collection and
testing. Sample collection and laboratory analyses shall be performed by CITY certified
laboratory technicians only. The Contractor or his agent shall provide the equipment required in
Section 2, Technical Specifications, to supply a continuous sample at the points indicated on the
engineer’s construction drawings. Sample points having a one (1) day total of two hundred
(200) non-coliform bacteria or greater shall be considered as failed samples. Samples
containing one (1) coliform bacteria or greater shall be considered as a failed sample. All
potable water systems shall pass bacteriological tests within thirty (30) days prior to being
placed in service.
Sample collection and sample laboratory analyses costs shall be borne by the developer. For
Utilities Capital Projects that are run by the CITY for the CITY, one set of tests (including water
costs) are provided by the CITY free of charge and the contractor shall pay for any additional
All wastewater pipe, material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new, and shall conform to
Section 2, Technical Specifications and Section 3, Utilities Detail Drawings.
Wastewater systems shall be designed to maintain adequate flows and pressures and water
quality standards as established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
All wastewater projects shall be designed to preclude the deliberate introduction of storm water,
surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, air
conditioning system condensate water, non-contact cooling water and sources of
uncontaminated wastewater as specified in F.A.C. Chapter 62-610.
Gravity sewer pipe and materials shall conform to Technical Specifications for polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) pipe and fittings. All pipelines shall be green in color.
All gravity sewer mains constructed shall be a minimum of eight inches (8”) in diameter. The
minimum depth of cover over all gravity sewers shall be thirty-six inches (36”). All gravity sewer
designs shall consider buoyancy of sewers, and appropriate construction techniques to prevent
floatation of the pipe where high groundwater conditions are anticipated.
All gravity mains eight inches (8”) or larger are allowed to be core bored into existing manholes.
The manhole must be restored as per Section 02607. An inspector from the Wastewater
Collections Department must be present during manhole restoration. Drop connections will be
required if the invert elevation is greater than two feet (2’).
Hydraulic Design Requirements - All gravity sewers shall be designed to give mean velocities,
when flowing full or half-full of not less than two feet (2.0’) per second, based on Manning’s
formula. When calculating full-flow velocity, use a Manning’s Roughness Coefficient of
n=0.013. Design wastewater system with uniform slope between manholes. The following are
the minimum allowable design slopes that may be provided for each pipe size listed:
Sewer Size Slope (ft/100 ft) Sewer Size Slope (ft/100 ft)
8 inch 0.40 18 inch 0.12
10 inch 0.28 21 inch 0.10
12 inch 0.22 24 inch 0.08
15 inch 0.15
Special attention shall be given to gravity lines that receive flows from wastewater transmission
or re-pumping facilities. Due care shall be taken in these cases to ensure that no surcharge
Sewers to be located on 20% slopes or greater shall be designed with anchors secured into
concrete with anchors spaced as follows:
Pipeline separation criteria and conflict crossings criteria shall conform to the requirements
described in Part 1, Sections 1.2.3 and 1.3.
All main-line extension stubs to future developments and/or parcels shall terminate in a stub-out
if it is part of a phased project. The stub-out shall end with a bell.
Laterals shall be extended to the property line or easement limit for all installations. New
laterals are required for new houses or duplexes that are replacing an existing house or duplex,
and any type of residential, commercial, or industrial development with existing laterals made of
cast iron, asbestos cement, or material other than PVC.
Laterals shall be a minimum of six inches (6”) in diameter, except for houses, which shall be a
minimum of 4” in diameter. Service lines shall be installed at such grades as will adequately
serve the properties, with a minimum of 1% slope for 6” laterals, and 2.1% for 4” diameter
laterals. Lateral shall have a minimum depth of thirty-inches (30”) and a maximum depth of
forty-eight inches (48”) below finished grade. In locations where a minimum depth of thirty
inches (30”) cannot be provided, laterals shall be ductile iron pipe unless the length of lateral is
thirty feet (30’) or less. In such cases the lateral shall be C900, DR 14 PVC pipe. At no time
shall the depth of a lateral be less than twenty-four inches (24”). At no time shall a lateral be
core bored into manholes. Upon installation, all lateral ends shall be plugged. A 6” minimum
cleanout shall be provided at the end of each lateral prior to the end plug. Typical lateral and
cleanout standards are shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. The cleanout riser and cap shall
be set twenty-four inches (24”) above finished grade. All sewer lateral ends shall be provided
with a 3M or Engineer of Record approved equal magnetic marker. Magnetic markers shall be
secured to top of lateral about twenty-four inches (24”) underground, near cleanout, for CITY
inspector to see during final plumbing tie-in inspection. At no time shall the connection to the
lateral be made to the cleanout riser or any part of the vertical assembly. A single lateral shall
be provided to each billable entity or a single lateral with a double wye shall be provided to each
billable entity.
2.1.5 Manholes
Minimum inside diameter of all manholes shall be four feet and zero inches (4’-0”). A drop pipe
shall be provided for a sewer entering a manhole at an elevation of twenty-four inches (24”) or
more above the manhole invert. Drop manholes shall be constructed with an outside drop
connection encased in concrete, as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. See FDEP
Wastewater Checklist Form 62-604.300(8)(a), “Manholes” section, for further design
requirements, as well as Specification Section 02607 and the Detail Drawings.
A master manhole shall be required when constructing a wastewater pumping/lift station. This
manhole shall have only one effluent pipe to the pumping/lift station.
Force main pipelines and fittings shall be a minimum of four inches (4”) in diameter. All force
mains between four and fourteen inches (4”-14”) in diameter shall be constructed of PVC or
HDPE pipe and shall utilize pipe meeting the requirements of the Technical Specifications.
Force mains between sixteen inches and twenty-four inches (16” - 24”) in diameter shall be
constructed of ductile iron, HDPE, or PVC pipe. Force mains larger than twenty-four inches
(24”) in diameter shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe.
Deviations from the minimum 4” diameter pipeline design parameters shall only be approved in
cases where such installations are necessary in order to comply with minimum FDEP velocity
requirements. Whenever the minimum 4” diameter pipeline cannot be provided, CITY approval
will be required. The Owner shall be responsible for maintaining 700 feet of the smaller diameter
force main located within the CITY right of way. No check valve will be required.
Due to minimum velocity requirements as set forth by the FDEP, 1-1/2” diameter force mains
may be required. If so, force mains shall conform to Section 2, Technical Specifications. All
HDPE and PVC buried pipelines shall be color-coded as described in the Technical
Specifications. Force main pipelines shall be green in color.
Buried force mains, except those installed by directional drill or jack-and-bore methods, shall be
marked using plastic locator tape, impregnated with metallic filings for PVC pipe and non-
magnetic for ductile iron pipe. The locator tape shall be placed in the pipe trench at two feet (2’)
below grade or one-half the depth of the pipe’s bury, whichever is less, and labeled
“WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN.” 3M Brand full range wastewater magnetic markers or
Engineer of Record approved equivalent shall be secured onto top of force main no greater than
every two hundred fifty feet (250’) and at all fittings and at any change of direction.
All force main aerial crossings shall be Pressure Class 350 flanged ductile iron pipe and shall be
coated on the exterior using a suitable grade of Safety Green colored, field applied (or factory
applied with field touch-up as required) epoxy coating. Specific color shall be subject to
approval of the CITY Manager or designee. All nuts and bolts used in aerial crossings shall be
stainless steel. All canal, river or creek crossings shall be aerial, unless otherwise approved by
Force mains shall be sized to provide a desired flushing velocity of two and one-half feet (2.5’)
per second with a minimum allowable velocity of two feet (2’) per second. The minimum size
force main conveyed to the City shall be four inches (4”) in diameter. When the Hazen-Williams
formula is used to calculate friction losses through the force main, the value for “C” is 100 for
unlined iron or steel pipes. For other smooth pipe materials, such as PVC, HDPE and lined
ductile iron, the value for “C” shall not exceed 120.
Minimum cover for force mains shall be thirty inches (30”). Maximum cover shall be forty-eight
inches (48”) after final project grading is complete except when dipping under conflicts in which
case the force main shall be returned to normal depth within ten feet (10’) on either side of the
conflict or as soon as possible using a fitting of forty-five degrees (45°) or less.
Force mains shall be interconnected with a gravity sewer system, for transmission purposes
through that system, as shown in the Utility Standard Drawings, unless the connection is made
directly in a terminus, upstream manhole at the manhole invert and the Engineer of Record has
hydraulically demonstrated that connection to an in-line manhole will not cause a surge
condition or disruption to the flow within the gravity sewer system. Connections to any manhole
shall be made using a flexible boot with stainless steel strap. Thrust restraint transitioning to the
manhole shall be designed by the Engineer and detailed on the construction drawings. No force
main laterals shall be core bored into manholes.
Pipeline separation criteria and conflict crossings criteria shall conform to the requirements
described in Part 1, Sections 1.2.3 and 1.3. Force mains shall not be placed beneath any
existing or proposed building structure.
2.2.3 Valves
All connections of privately-owned and maintained wastewater force mains to the Wastewater
Department’s force mains shall be connected through a check valve housed in a structure as
shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings which shall allow performance of required maintenance,
and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner.
Sufficient Resilient Seat Gate Valves shall be provided to allow for zone isolation of wastewater
transmission areas in order to limit the impact of line breaks. In-line gate valves shall be
provided at no greater than one thousand foot (1,000’) intervals per CITY requirements.
All main-line extension stubs to future developments and/or parcels shall terminate in a stub-out
if it is part of a phased project. The stub-out shall end with a valve.
Wastewater pumping stations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with accepted
engineering practices, regulatory requirements, Section 2 Technical Specifications, National
Electrical Code (NEC) Requirements, and in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
Pumping Station sites located within high water tables shall be designed to withstand floatation
forces when empty. The design shall consider the potential for damage or interruption of
operation because of flooding. Pump station structures and electrical and mechanical
equipment shall be designed to be protected from physical damage by the 100-year flood.
Pump stations shall be designed to remain fully operational and accessible during the 25-year
flood unless lesser flood levels are appropriate based on local considerations, but not less than
the 10-year flood.
Pump stations shall be designed to be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles during all
weather conditions. Pump stations shall be designed and located on the site to minimize
adverse effects from odors, noise and lighting.
Pump stations shall be designed to avoid operational problems from the accumulation of grit.
The effective volume of wet wells shall be based on design average flows and a filling time not
to exceed 30 minutes unless the facility is designed to provide flow equalization. The pump
manufacturer’s duty cycle recommendations shall be utilized in selecting the minimum cycling
All projects shall be designed with no physical connections between a public or private potable
water supply system and a sewer or force main and with no water mains passing through or
coming into contact with any part of a sewer manhole.
A. Description of Work
C. Work Sequence
D. City Occupancy
A. General: The Work to be done under this Contract is shown on the drawings and
specified in Contract Documents.
3. Maintaining the Work area and site in a clean and acceptable manner.
1. Coordination of the Work under this CONTRACT with the work of the other
contractors where Work under this CONTRACT encroaches on the Work of
other contractors.
B. Use of Premises: Contractor shall confine all construction equipment, the storage
of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the Project Site and
land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other
lands and areas permitted by law, rights of way, permits and easements, and shall
not unreasonably encumber the Project site with construction equipment or other
material or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage
to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or any land or areas
contiguous thereto, resulting from the performance of the Work.
A. The City will occupy premises during entire period of construction in order to
maintain normal operations. Cooperate with the City's Manager or designee in all
construction operations to minimize conflict, and to facilitate City usage.
Contractor shall locate all existing roadways, railways, drainage facilities and
utility services above, upon, or under the Project site, said roadways, railways,
drainage facilities and utilities being referred to in this Section as the “utilities”.
Contractor shall contact the owners of all Utilities to determine the necessity for
relocating or temporarily interrupting any Utilities during the construction of the
Project. Contractor shall schedule and coordinate its Work around any such
relocation or temporary service interruption. Contractor shall be responsible
for properly shoring, supporting and protecting all Utilities at all times during
the course of the Work. The Contractor shall conduct his work at all times
such that adequate drainage is provided and shall not interfere with or block
existing drainage facilities such as gutters, ditches, storm drains, or other
drainage appurtenances. Existing fire hydrants adjacent to the project shall be
kept accessible for fire apparatus at all times and no material or equipment
shall be placed within 25 feet of any hydrant.
Not Used
A. Starting Work: Start Work within 10 days following the date stated in the Notice to
Proceed and execute with such progress as may be required to prevent delay to
other contractors or to the general completion of the project. Execute Work at
such items and in or on such parts of the project, and with such forces, material
and equipment, as to complete the Work in the time established by the Contract.
At all times, schedule and direct the Work so that it provides an orderly
progression to completion within the specified time for completion. The Contractor
shall obtain all necessary building permits prior to commencement of work. The
Contractor shall become totally familiar with the requirements of all permits prior
to start of work.
Drawings are intended to show general arrangements, design and extent of work
and are not intended to serve as shop drawings. Speficifations are separated into
divisions for convenience of reference only and shall not be interpreted as
establishing divisions for the Work, trades, subcontracts, or extent of any part of
the Work. In the event of a discrepancy between or among the drawings,
specifications or other Contract Document provisions, Contractor shall be required
to comply with the provision which is the more restrictive or stringent requirement
upon the Contractor, as determined by the Engineer. Unless otherwise
specifically mentioned, all anchors, bolts, screws, fittings, fillers, hardware,
accessories, trim and other parts required in connection with any portion of the
Work to make a complete, serviceable, finished and first quality installation shall
be furnished and installed as part of the Work, whether or not called for by the
Contract Documents.
C. Schedule: The Contractor, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the
Notice of Award, shall prepare and submit to the Engineer, for review and
approval, a progress schedule for the Project (herein “Progress Schedule”).
The Progress Schedule shall relate to all Work required by the Contract
Documents and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the
Work within the Contract Time. The Progress Schedule shall indicate the
dates for starting and completing the various stages of the Work.
The Progress Schedule shall be updated monthly by the Contractor. All monthly
updates to the Progress Schedule shall be subject to the Engineer’s review and
approval. Contractor shall submit the updates to the Progress Schedule with its
monthly Applications for Payment noted below. The Engineer’s review and
approval of the submitted Progress Schedule updates shall be a condition
precedent to the City’s obligation to pay Contractor.
The Engineer shall be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each
proposed substitute. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of acceptability, and no
substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without the Engineer’s and the City’s
prior written acceptance which shall be evidenced by either a Change Order or an
approved Shop Drawing. The City may require Contractor to furnish at
Contractor’s expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with
respect to any substitute.
I. Daily Reports, As-Builts and Meetings: Unless waived in writing, the Contractor
shall complete and submit to the Engineer on a weekly basis a daily log of the
Contractors work for the preceding week in a format approved by the Engineer.
The daily log shall document all activities of Contractor at the Project site
including, but not limited to, the following:
The daily log shall not constitute nor take the place of any notice required to be
given by Contractor to the City pursuant to the Contract Documents.
Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Project site one record copy of the
Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, all drawings, specifications,
addenda, amendments, Change Orders, Work Directive Changes and Field
Orders, as well as all written interpretations and clarifications issued by the
Engineer, in good order and annotated to show all changes made during
construction. The annotated drawings shall be continuously updated by the
Contractor throughout the prosecution of the Work to accurately reflect all field
changes that are made to adapt the Work to field conditions, changes resulting
from Change Orders, Work Directive Changes and Field Orders, and all
concealed and buried installations of piping, conduit and utility services. All buried
and concealed items, both inside and outside the Project site, shall be accurately
located on the annotated drawings as to depth and in relationship to not less than
two (2) permanent features (e.g. interior or exterior wall faces). The annotated
drawings shall be clean and all changes, corrections and dimensions shall be
given in a neat and legible manner in a contrasting color. The “As-Built” record
documents, together with all approved samples and a counterpart of all approved
shop drawings shall be available to the Engineer for reference. Upon completion
of the Work and as a condition precedent to the Contractor’s entitlement to final
payment, these “As-Built” record documents, samples and shop drawings shall be
delivered to the Engineer by Contractor.
Contractor shall keep all records and supporting documentation which concern or
relate to the Work hereunder for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of
termination of this Agreement or the date the Project is completed, whichever is
later. The City, or any duly authorized agents or representatives of the City, shall
have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such records and documentation as
often as they deem necessary during the period of this Agreement and during the
five (5) year period noted above; provided, however, such activity shall be
conducted only during normal business hours.
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L. Contract Time and Time Extensions: Should Contractor be obstructed or delayed
in the prosecution of or completion of the Work as a result of unforeseeable
causes beyond the control of the Contractor, and not due to its fault or neglect,
including but not restricted to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of
government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine regulation, strikes or lockouts,
Contractor shall notify the City in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after the
commencement of such delay, stating the cause or causes thereof, or be deemed
to have waived any right which Contractor may have had to request a time
N. Changes in Work: The City shall have the right at any time during the progress of
the Work to increase or decrease the Work. Promptly after being notified of a
change, Contractor shall submit an itemized estimate of any cost or time
increases or savings it foresees as a result of the change. Except in an
emergency endangering life or property, or as expressly set forth herein, no
addition or changes to the Work shall be made except upon written order of the
City, and the City shall not be liable to the Contractor for any increased
compensation without such written order.
The responsibility to substantiate a Claim shall rest with the party making the
Claims by the Contractor shall be made in writing to the City within forty-eight (48)
hours after the first day of the event giving rise to such Claim or else the
Contractor shall be deemed to have waived the Claim. Written supporting data
shall be submitted to the City within fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence
of the event, unless the City grants additional time in writing, or else the
Contractor shall be deemed to have waived the Claim.
P. Other Work: The City may perform other work related to the Project at the site by
the City’s own forces, have other work performed by utility owners or let other
direct contracts. If the fact that such other work is to be performed is not noted in
the Contract Documents, written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to
starting any such other work. If Contractor believes that such performance will
involve additional expense to Contractor or require additional time, Contractor
shall send written notice of that fact to the City within forty-eight (48) hours of
being notified of the other work. If the Contractor fails to send the above required
forty-eight (48) hour notice, the Contractor will be deemed to have waived any
rights it otherwise may have had to seek an extension to the Contract Time or
adjustment to the Contract Amount.
Contractor shall afford each utility owner and other contractor who is a party to
such a direct contract (or the City, if the City is performing the additional work with
the City’s employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable
opportunity for execution of such work and shall properly connect and coordinate
its Work with theirs. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work
that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and
integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work of others
by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their
work with the written consent of the Engineer and the others whose work will be
affected. The duties and responsibilities of Contractor under this paragraph are
for the benefit of such utility owners and other Contractors to the extent that there
are comparable provisions for the benefit of Contractor in said direct contracts
between the City and such utility owners and other contractors.
If any part of Contractor’s Work depends for proper execution or results upon the
work of any other contractor or utility owner (or the City), Contractor shall inspect
and promptly report to the Engineer in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies
in such work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and
results.. Contractor’s failure to report will constitute an acceptance of the other
work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor’s Work.
Q. Compliance with Laws: Contractor agrees to comply, at its own expense, with all
federal, state and local laws, codes, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and
requirements applicable to the Project, including but not limited to those dealing
with taxation, worker’s compensation, equal employment and safety (including, but
not limited to, the Trench Safety Act, Chapter 553, Florida Statutes). If Contractor
observes that the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall promptly
notify the Engineer in writing.
R. Assignment: Contractor shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof,
without the prior consent in writing of the City. If Contractor does, with approval,
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assign this Agreement or any part thereof, it shall require that its assignee be
bound to it and to assume toward Contractor all of the obligations and
responsibilities that Contractor has assumed toward the City.
S. Permits, Licenses and Taxes: Pursuant to Section 218.80, F.S., the City will pay
for all permits and fees, including license fees, permit fees, impact fees or
inspection fees applicable to the work through an internal budget transfer(s).
Contractor is not responsible for paying for permits issued by The City of Naples,
but is responsible for acquiring all permits.
All permits, fees and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the Work which are
not issued by the City shall be acquired and paid for by the Contractor unless
otherwise noted.
The City shall notify Contractor in writing of Contractor’s default(s). If the City
determines that Contractor has not remedied and cured the default(s) within seven
(7) calendar days following receipt by Contractor of said written notice, then the
City, at its option, without releasing or waiving its rights and remedies against the
Contractor’s sureties and without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may be
entitled to hereunder or by law, may terminate Contractor’s right to proceed under
the Agreement, in whole or in part, and take possession of all or any portion of the
Work and any materials, tools, equipment, and appliances of Contractor, take
assignments of any of Contractor’s subcontracts and purchase orders, and
complete all or any portion of Contractor’s Work by whatever means, method or
agency which the City, in its sole discretion, may choose.
If the City deems any of the foregoing remedies necessary, Contractor agrees that
it shall not be entitled to receive any further payments hereunder until after the
Project is completed. All monies expended and all of the costs, losses, damages
and extra expenses (including Engineer and attorney’s fees) or damages incurred
by The City incident to such completion, shall be deducted from the Contract
Amount, Contractor agrees to pay promptly to the City on demand the full amount
(including appeals) and interest thereon at the maximum legal rate of interest until
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paid. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount exceeds all such costs,
expenditures and damages incurred by the City to complete the Work, such
excess shall be paid to the Contractor. The amount to be paid to the Contractor,
shall be approved by the Engineer, upon application, and this obligation for
payment shall survive termination of the Agreement.
The liability of Contractor hereunder shall extend to and include the full amount of
any and all sums paid, expenses and losses incurred, damages sustained, and
obligations assumed by The City in good faith under the belief that such payments
or assumptions were necessary or required, in completing the Work and providing
labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and other items therefore or re-letting the
Work, and in settlement, discharge or compromise of any claims, demands suits,
and judgments pertaining to or arising out of the work hereunder.
U. Termination for Convenience and Right of Suspension: The City shall have the
right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon seven (7) calendar days
written notice to Contractor. In the event of such termination for convenience,
Contractor’s recovery against the City shall be limited to that portion of the
Contract Amount earned through the date of termination, together with any
retainage withheld and reasonable termination expenses incurred, but Contractor
shall not be entitled to any other or further recovery against the City, including, but
not limited to, damages or any anticipated profit on portions of the Work not
The City shall have the right to suspend all or any portions of the Work upon
giving Contractor not less than two (2) calendar days’ prior written notice of such
suspension. If all or any portion of the Work is so suspended, Contractor’s sole
and exclusive remedy shall be to seek an extension of time to its schedule in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the Contract Documents. In no event
shall the Contractor be entitled to any additional compensation or damages.
Provided, however, if the ordered suspension exceeds six (6) months, the
Contractor shall have the right to terminate the Agreement with respect to that
portion of the Work which is subject to the ordered suspension.
V. Completion: When the entire Work (or any portion thereof designated in writing by
the City) is ready for its intended use, Contractor shall notify the Engineer in
writing that the entire Work (or such designated portion) is substantially complete
and request that the Engineer issue a Certificate of Substantial completion (or
Certificate of Partial Substantial Completion). Within a reasonable time thereafter,
the City, Contractor and Engineer shall make an inspection of the Work (or
designated portion thereof) to determine the status of completion. If the City and
Engineer do not consider the Work (or designated portion) substantially complete,
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the Engineer shall notify Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefore. If the
City and Engineer consider the Work (or designated portion) substantially
complete, the Engineer shall prepare and deliver to Contractor a Certificate of
Substantial Completion (or Certificate of Partial Substantial Completion) which
shall fix the date of Substantial Completion for the entire Work (or designated
portion thereof) and include a tentative punchlist of items to be completed or
corrected by Contractor before final payment. The City shall have the right to
exclude Contractor from the Work and Project site (or designated portion thereof)
after the date of Substantial Completion, but the City shall allow Contractor
reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative punchlist.
W. Warranty: Contractor shall obtain and assign to the City all express warranties
given to Contractor or any subcontractors by any materialmen supplying materials,
equipment or fixtures to be incorporated into the project. Contractor warrants to
the City that any materials and equipment furnished under the Contract
Documents shall be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work shall be of
good quality, free from all defects and in conformance with the Contract
Documents. Contractor further warrants to the City that all materials and
equipment furnished under the Contract Documents shall be applied, installed,
connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the
instructions of the applicable manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers or processors
except as otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents. If, within one (1)
year after final completion, any Work is found to be defective or not in
conformance with the Contract Documents, Contractor shall correct it promptly
after receipt of written notice from the City. Contractor shall also be responsible
for and pay for replacement or repair of adjacent materials or Work which may be
damaged as a result of such replacement or repair. These warranties are in
addition to those implied warranties to which the City is entitled as a matter of law.
Y. Protection of Work: Contractor shall fully protect the Work from loss or damage
and shall bear the cost of any such loss or damage until final payment has been
made. If Contractor or any one for whom Contractor is legally liable for is
responsible for any loss or damage to the Work, or other work or materials of the
City or the City’s separate contractors, Contractor shall be charged with the same,
and any monies necessary to replace such loss or damage shall be deducted from
any amounts due Contractor.
Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any
manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of
the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it.
Contractor shall not disturb any benchmark established by the Engineer with
respect to the Project. If Contractor, or its subcontractors, agents or anyone for
whom Contractor is legally liable, disturbs the Engineer’s benchmark, Contractor
shall immediately notify The City and Engineer. The Engineer shall reestablish
the benchmark and Contractor shall be liable for all costs incurred by The City
associated therewith.
Z1. Poject Meetings: Prior to the commencement of Work, the Contractor shall attend
a preconstruction conference with the Engineer and others as appropriate to
discuss the Progress Schedule, procedures for handling shop drawings and other
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submittals, and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a
working understanding among the parties as to the Work. During the prosecution
of the Work, the Contractor shall attend any and all meetings convened by the
Engineer or the City with respect to the Project, when directed to do so.
Contractor shall have its subcontractors and suppliers attend all such meetings
(including the preconstruction conference) as may be directed by the City or
Z2. Traffic Control Plan: A traffic control plan to support the Contractor’s operations
shall be submitted at least 72 hours prior to commencing work that shall conform
to the Florida Department of Transportation’s “Manual on Traffic Control and Safe
Practices” which shall be obtained by the Contractor at his expense.
Z3. Hours of Work: Work within the travelled way of the project shall commence no
earlier than 7:00 a.m. local time and be completed no later than 7:00 p.m. local
time. Hours of work may be altered at any time at the discretion of the City.
Z4. Tax Exemption: The City of Naples is exempt from the payment of sales or use
tax. The tax exemption certificate number is: 85-8012621645C-0.
B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or
property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall
erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection.
Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of underground
structures and improvements and utility-owners when prosecution of the
Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection,
removal, relocation or replacement of their property. Contractor’s duties and
responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until
such time as the Work is completed and final acceptance of same by The City
has occurred.
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C. Contractor shall designate a responsible representative at the Project site
whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be
Contractor’s superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by
Contractor to The City.
Applies only to City of Naples Utilities Projects and Utilities Portions of City of Naples
Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Projects, but not to Private Developments
B. Measurement
C. Payment
D. Schedule of Values
A. The following explanation of the Measurement and Payment for the Bid Schedule
items is made for information and guidance. The omission of reference to any
item in this description shall not, however, alter the intent of the Bid Schedule or
relieve the CONTRACTOR of the necessity of furnishing such as a part of the
Contract. Measurement and payment for all Contract Items shall made be in
accordance with this section or as modified by the Supplemental Terms and
A. The quantities set forth in the Bid Schedule are approximate and are given to
establish a uniform basis for the comparison of bids. The CITY reserves the right
to increase or decrease the quantity of any class or portion of the work during the
progress of construction in accord with the terms of the Contract.
A. Make payment for the items listed on the Bid Schedule on the basis of the work
actually performed and completed, such work including but not limited to, the
furnishing of all necessary labor, materials, equipment, transportation, clean up,
restoration of disturbed areas, and all other appurtenances to complete the
construction and installation of the work as shown on the drawings and described
in the specifications.
B. Unit prices are used as a means of computing the final figures for bid and Contract
purposes, for periodic payments for work performed, for determining value of
additions or deletions and wherever else reasonable.
Not Used
A. Make payment on the basis of work actually performed completing each item in
the Bid, such work including, but not limited to, the furnishing of all necessary
labor, materials, equipment, transportation, cleanup, and all other appurtenances
to complete the construction and installation of the work to the configuration and
extent as shown on the drawings and described in the specifications. Payment
for each item includes compensation for cleanup and restorations. Cost of
cleanup and surface restorations (including pavement replacement) will be
considered as the percentage retained in accordance with the Contract
Documents, and complete payment will not be made until cleanup, restorations
and as-builts are completed.
1. Mobilization: Payment for mobilization will be made for at the Contract lump
sum price.
3. Furnish and Install Utility Pipelines: Payment for furnishing and installing
utility pipelines (various sizes and types) will be made at the Contract unit
price per lineal foot for the pipe in place. This item includes clearing and
disposal of trees and bushes, all necessary fittings, pipe coatings and
linings, connections to existing mains, labor, equipment and materials for the
5. Furnish and Install Outside Drop Manholes: Payment for furnishing and
installing outside drop manholes will be made at the unit price per drop
manhole acceptably installed. This item includes all excavation, backfilling,
compacted gravel or crushed stone bedding, sheeting, shoring, dewatering,
concrete work and reinforcing, drop pipes and pipe connections, plugs for
future connections, protection of adjacent facilities, manhole frames and
covers, coatings and linings, manhole joints, bottom channels and sanitary
sewer connections. Conform all outside drop manholes to the Drop
Manhole detail shown on the Plans. Measure cuts from proposed grade to
the invert elevation of the sewer.
6. Furnish and Install Valves and Boxes: Payment for furnishing and installing
valves will be made at the appropriate Contract unit price per valve
acceptably installed. This item includes the valve, valve box, vault or
housing, concrete work, operators, incidentals, and all necessary labor,
materials and equipment for installation, including valve stem, valve box
extensions and adjustments. This item also includes the installation of base
material below the valve in accordance with the detail shown in the Plans.
7. Furnish and Install Air Release Valves: Payment for furnishing and installing
air release valves will be made at the appropriate Contract unit price per air
release valve acceptably installed. This item includes the valve, valve box,
concrete work, operators, stems, incidentals, and all necessary labor,
materials and equipment for installation including valve box extensions and
8. Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant Assemblies: Payment for the furnishing and
installing of fire hydrant assemblies will be made at the Contract unit price
for each fire hydrant assembly acceptably installed. This item includes the
tee installed on the utility main, all necessary fittings, joint restraint from the
valve to the tee, necessary piping from the tee to the hydrant location with
the installation of barrel section to meet finished grade, control gate valve,
valve box and any concrete work. Be responsible to set the hydrant to
grade in accordance with the detail shown on the Plans.
10. Furnish and Install Temporary Blow-offs: Tapping Sleeve and Valve:
Payment for furnishing and installing temporary blow-offs will be made at the
appropriate Contract unit price per blow-off acceptably installed. This item
includes the reinforced concrete thrust collar, piping, making pipe
connections, valves, meter box, tie rods and all other work for a complete
installation. Conform all temporary blow-offs to the detail shown on the
11. Furnish and Install Tapping Sleeves and Valves: Payment for furnishing and
installing tapping sleeves and valves will be made at the appropriate
Contract unit price per tapping sleeve and valve acceptably installed. This
item includes all piping, making pipe connections, tapping sleeve, valve and
valve box, restrained joints, and all other work for a complete installation.
12. Furnish and Install Bacteriological Sample Points: Payment for furnishing
and installing bacteriological sample points will be made at the appropriate
Contract unit price per bacteriological sample point. This item includes
valve, tubing, fittings, enclosure, all concrete, removal of temporary sample
point, and incidentals necessary for a complete installation as shown on the
drawings and as specified herein.
13. Furnish and Install Pump Station: Payment for the furnishing and installing
the pump station will be made for at the Contract lump sum price for the
pump station acceptably installed. This item includes pumps, wet well
structure, valve vault structure, fence, stainless steel hardware, aluminum
wet well cover, aluminum valve vault cover, coatings, valves, pipe, fittings,
water service, panel, electrical hardware, electrical connection, electrical
controls, telemetry, driveway, culvert, and all necessary materials and labor
to complete the pump station in accordance with the project plans. Also
included is the cost to connect electrical power to the pump station.
14. Furnish and Install Sanitary Sewer Services: Payment for furnishing and
installing sanitary sewer services will be made at the appropriate Contract
unit price per linear foot for P.V.C. and ductile iron pipe sewer service
acceptably installed. This item includes all labor, equipment and materials
for furnishing and installing all necessary pipe, fittings, connections, solids
sleeves and adapters, protection of existing utilities and facilities,
excavation, pipe bedding, sheeting, shoring, dewatering, compaction,
cleanouts, service markers, plugs, removal and replacement of grass, sod,
shrubs, pavement, driveways, culverts and storm sewers, mailboxes,
sidewalks and other surface materials not specifically designated in the Bid,
cleanup, testing, and all other work for a complete installation.
15. Furnish and Install Water Services: Payment for furnishing and installing
water services will be made at the appropriate Contract unit price for each
polyethylene short side and long side service acceptably installed. This item
includes all labor, equipment and materials for furnishing and installing all
necessary pipe, fittings, connections, casing pipes, meter stops, meter box,
tapping sleeves, protection of existing utilities and facilities, excavation, pipe
bedding, dewatering, compaction, removal and replacement of grass, sod,
shrubs, pavement, driveways, culverts and storm sewers, mailboxes,
sidewalks and other surface materials not specifically designated in the Bid,
cleanup, testing and all other work for a complete installation.
16. Remove and Replace Driveway: Payment for removing and replacing
driveway will be made at the appropriate Contract Unit price per square yard
of concrete or asphalt driveway shown on the Plans to be removed and
replaced for water main construction. Replace driveways to match existing
elevations and materials of construction. Include surface restoration
required for driveway removal and replacement in this item.
17. Remove and Replace Street Pavement Surface and Base: Payment for
removing and replacing street pavement surface and base will be made at
the appropriate Contract unit price per square yard for pavement surface
and base installed in the work. Replace all pavement surface and base in
accordance with the City of Naples Standard Details and details shown on
the Plans.
18. Furnish and Install Pipeline Interconnection: Payment for furnishing and
installing the pipeline interconnection will be made at the Contract lump sum
price for the interconnection acceptably installed. This item includes all
labor, equipment and materials to install all necessary pipe, fittings,
connections, tapping sleeve and valve with valve box, field measurements,
protection of existing facilities, excavation, pipe bedding, dewatering,
compaction, surface restoration, testing, cleanup and all other work for a
complete installation.
20. Furnish and Install Additional Fittings: Payment for furnishing and installing
additional fittings will be made at the Contract unit price per ton for additional
fittings installed in the work as ordered in writing by the ENGINEER. All
fittings installed in the work not shown on the plans and not ordered by the
ENGINEER in writing will not be measured for payment.
21. Rock Excavation: Payment for Rock Excavation will be made at the
Contract unit price for the actual volume of rock excavated as defined in the
Technical Specifications, measured in place within the limits outlined below,
or as ordered by the Engineer. The limits for rock excavation for pipes in
open cut will be a horizontal plane 6 inches below the lower outside surface
of the pipe barrel and the surface of the rock and vertical planes passing 2
feet outside the horizontal diameter of the pipe barrel. Notify the Engineer
in writing a sufficient time in advance of the beginning of any rock
excavation, so that sufficient elevations and measurements may be
obtained. No payment will be made for any rock material excavated or
removed before these measurements have been taken.
22. Additional Earth Excavation: Payment for Additional Earth Excavation will
be made at the Contract unit price for the total volume of excavation, as
ordered in writing by the Engineer, beyond and outside the established lines
and grades which would have controlled and been maintained had not the
additional excavation been ordered. Additional earth excavation for
placement of selected fill material other than that for pipe bedding is
included under this item.
23. Additional Fill Material: Payment for Additional Fill Material, obtained from
sources other than excavations in this Contract, will be made at the Contract
unit price for the actual compacted volume of fill material placed within the
payment limits shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer. Order
all Additional Fill Material in writing by the Engineer. This item includes
disposal of surplus excavated material. Fill material used to fill voids
resulting from unauthorized excavation, or where required for dewatering,
will not be measured for payment even though the Engineer orders their
use. Fill material used for pipe bedding is not included under this item.
24. Jack and Bore Crossing: Payment for furnishing and installing jack and bore
crossings will be made at the Contract unit price per linear foot of steel
casing installed including all labor, material, equipment and incidentals
necessary to install one linear foot of steel casing, regardless of depth of
cover in accordance with these specifications. Include price for steel casing
25. Conflict Crossings: Payment for furnishing and installing a complete conflict
crossing will be made at the Contract unit price per conflict crossing
including pipe, fittings, joint restraints, concrete work, and incidentals
necessary for a complete installation as shown on the Drawings and as
specified herein.
26. Utility Locates: Payment for locating utilities will be made at the Contract
unit price for locating utilities including labor, material, equipment and
incidentals necessary to determine the horizontal and vertical location of an
existing utility underground regardless of depth. Price is to also include
potholing, soft dig, excavation locating, backfilling, pavement repair,
cleanup, sodding, and all appurtenances.
27. Irrigations Sleeves: Payment for furnishing and installing various sizes of
conduit will be made at the contract unit price for irrigation sleeves for all
labor, material, and equipment necessary to install complete one linear foot
of conduit. Price is to also include locator discs, trenching, directional
boring under existing pavement, cleanup and all appurtenances.
B. Prior to submitting first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit to
Engineer, for review and approval, a schedule of values based upon the Contract
Price, listing the major elements of the Work and the dollar value for each
element. After its approval by the Engineer, this schedule of values shall be used
as the basis for the Contractor’s monthly Applications for Payment.
C. Prior to submitting first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit to
The City a complete list of all its proposed subcontractors and materialmen,
showing the work and materials involved and the dollar amount of each proposed
subcontract and purchase order. The first Application for Payment shall be
submitted no earlier than thirty (30) days after the Commencement Date.
E. Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of its monthly Application for Payment to the
Engineer on or before the 25th day of each month for work performed during the
previous month. Invoices received after the 25th day of each month shall be
considered for payment as part of the next month’s application. Within ten (10)
calendar days after receipt of each Application for Payment, the Engineer shall
In the event of a total denial and return of the Application for Payment by the
Engineer, the Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the
Application for Payment. The City shall, within thirty (30) calendar days after the
Engineer’s approval of an Application for Payment, pay the Contractor the
amounts so approved. Provided, however, in no event shall the City be obligated
to pay any amount greater than that portion of the Application for Payment
approved by the Engineer.
F. The City shall retain ten (10%) of the gross amount of each monthly payment
request or ten percent (10%) of the portion thereof approved by the Engineer for
payment, whichever is less. Such sum shall be accumulated and not released to
the Contractor until final payment is due.
H. Contractor agrees and understands that funding limitations exist and that the
expenditure of funds must be spread over the duration of the Project at regular
intervals based on the Contract Amount and Progress Schedule. Accordingly,
prior to submitting its first monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall
prepare and submit for the Engineers review and approval, a detailed Project
Funding Schedule, which shall be updated as necessary and approved by the City
to reflect approved adjustments to the Contract Amount and Contract Time. No
voluntary acceleration or early completion of the Work shall modify the time of
payments to Contractor as set forth in the approved Project Funding Schedule.
A. The Engineer may decline to approve any Application for Payment, or portions
thereof, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections.
The Engineer may nullify the whole or any part of any approval for payment
B. If these conditions in Subsection 5.1 are not remedied or removed, the City may,
after three (3) days written notice, rectify the same at Contractor’s expense. The
City also may offset against any sums due Contractor the amount of any
liquidated or unliquidated obligations of Contractor whether relating to or arising
out of this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and the
A. The City shall make final payment to Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days
after the Work is finally inspected and accepted by both the City and the Engineer
in accordance with Section 20.1 herein provided that Contractor first, and as an
explicit condition precedent to the accrual of Contractor’s right to final payment,
shall have furnished the City with any and all documentation that may be required
by the Contract Documents and the City.
B. Contractor’s acceptance of final payment shall constitute a full waiver of any and
all claims by Contractor against the City arising out of this Agreement or otherwise
relating to the Project, except those previously made in writing and identified by
Contractor as unsettled at the time of the final Application for Payment. Neither
the acceptance of the Work nor payment by the City shall be deemed to be a
waiver of the City’s right to enforce any obligations of Contractor hereunder or to
the recovery of damages for defective Work not discovered by the Engineer at the
time of final inspection.
A. General Requirements
B. Submittals
C. Scheduling of Shutdown
A. Be responsible for all connection to existing systems, cutting, fitting and patching,
including attendant excavation and backfill, required to complete the work or to:
B. Coordination: Before connection is performed, verify and provide for any pipe
restraint that may be required for the new connection. Perform all cutting, fitting or
patching of the Work that may be required to make the several parts thereof join in
accordance with the Contract Documents. Perform restoration with competent
workmen skilled in the trade.
F. City of Naples Damage Prevention Policy: This policy has been put in place to avoid
damage to CITY underground utilities. A minimum distance of five feet (5’) horizontally
and eighteen inches (18”) vertically must be maintained away from CITY utilities. Any
and all variations from this order must be approved by the Water or Wastewater
Department. Before commencement of any excavation, the existing underground
utilities in the area affected by the work must be marked by Sunshine State One
Call after proper notification to them by either calling 800/432-4770 or emailing
www.callsunshine.com. Before commencing excavation for the work, potholing
of all potential conflicts must be performed. All lines in conflict must be physically
located by the contractor and verified by CITY Locate Department personnel before
performing work. Utilities under concrete or pavement may require soft dig vacuum
locates which also is the contractor’s responsibility to perform. All utilities will be field
marked per Sunshine State One Call’s statutes and guidelines. For line verification or
any other information concerning locates, please call the Locate Department at
239/213-4717 during normal business hours. For line verification or emergency
locates after hours, call emergency number 239/213-4717. In the event the
potholing and/or vacuum soft dig does not locate the marked utility, work must
be stopped and the affected utility owner contacted. Failure to comply with this
policy and obtain required signature(s) may result in delay or denial of permit.
The Contractor will be required to take every precaution to guard against any or all
damages to existing structures, pipe lines, and equipment of the City water, sewer, or
reuse system from any cause whatsoever in the prosecution of the work. All work
shall be planned and executed in such a manner by the Contractor as to absolutely
insure the regular and continuous operation of the waterworks system insofar as same
may be affected by the Contractor’s operations; and the sequence of operations of the
Contractor in providing for and executing the work shall be at all times subject to the
approval of the Engineer of Record and City, insofar as the operation of the above-
mentioned system may be affected. Such approval of the EOR shall in no way relieve
the Contractor of his responsibility for providing all and adequate means of
guaranteeing the continuous, uninterrupted operation of the City utility systems. Any
damage done to any City main or facility shall be reported to Public Works immediately
by calling (239) 213-4717. Any such damage shall be the direct responsibility of the
Contractor and such damage shall be restored, replaced, or repaired per City direction
by the Contractor at no expense to the City. See also Section 01500, 1.8.B
B. Include in request:
C. Request for Water System Shutdowns: When plans call for connection to existing
water distribution facilities or the CONTRACTOR plans to shut down existing utilities
or where damage to such facilities is likely in order to complete construction of items
under this contract, furnish the CITY Manager or designee with a written request for
connection. The CITY Water Distribution Section will identify the locations of all water
valves needed to isolate the point of connection in the event that the existing facilities
are damaged while making the connection. Identify in the request means which the
CONTRACTOR proposes to use in order to provide effective shutdown of the system.
Include in a connection and shutdown schedule details of shutdown time and duration.
No connections to existing utilities – or construction where shutdown of, or damage to,
existing utilities may occur – shall commence prior to CITY Manager or designee
approval of the connection and shutdown plan and schedule.
D. Request for Wastewater Diversion: Submit a request for each diversion necessary
during construction to the CITY Manager or designee and the ENGINEER sufficiently
in advance of any required diversion. Identify in the request the valves, bypass
piping, portable pumper trucks or any other means which the CONTRACTOR
proposes to use in order to provide effective shutdown of the system. Include in a
connection and shutdown schedule details of shutdown time and duration. No
connections to existing utilities – or construction where shutdown of, or damage to,
existing utilities may occur – shall commence prior to CITY Manager or designee
approval of the connection and shutdown plan and schedule.
A. Comply with specifications and standards for each specific product involved.
C. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of project from damage.
D. Provide protection from elements for that portion of the project that may be
exposed by cutting and patching work, and maintain excavations free from water.
E. Material Removal: Cut and remove all materials to the extent shown or as
required to complete the Work. Remove materials in a careful manner with no
damage to adjacent facilities. Remove materials that are not salvageable from
the site.
A. Execute cutting and demolition by methods that will prevent damage to other
work, and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs.
E. Restore work, which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide
completed work in accord with requirements of contract documents.
F. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through
B. Restore, replace or rebuild existing street paving, including underdrains, if any are
encountered, where damaged, using the same type of construction as was in the
original. Be responsible for restoring all such work, including subgrade, base
courses, curb and gutter or other appurtenances where present. The CITY
Manager or designee will obtain the permits listed in the Contract Documents.
Obtain and pay for at CONTRACTOR’s expense any additional local or other
governmental permits as may be required for the opening of streets and be
satisfied as to any requirements other than those herein set forth which may effect
the type, quality and manner of carrying on the restoration of surfaces by reason
of jurisdiction of such governmental bodies.
C. This section does not describe the construction of new road surfaces or the
complete resurfacing of existing pavements.
E. Perform all the final resurfacing or repaving of streets or roads, over the
excavations made and be responsible for relaying paving surfaces of roads that
have failed or been damaged at any time before the termination of the
maintenance period on account of work done by him. Resurface or repave over
any tunnel jacking, or boring excavation that settles or breaks the surface, repave
A. General
B. Surveys
C. Datum Plane
A. Construct all work in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the
Drawings. Assume full responsibility for keeping all alignment and grade.
A. Reference Points: The CITY will provide reference points for the work as
described in the General Conditions. Base horizontal and vertical control points
will be designated by the ENGINEER and used as datum for the Work. Perform
all additional survey, layout, and measurement work.
A. All datum indicated or specified refer to the North American Datum 1983/1990
(NAD83/90 datum), of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and are
expressed in feet and decimal parts thereof, or in feet and inches.
A. General: Safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, known property corners,
monuments, and benchmarks made or established for the Work. Reestablish
them if disturbed, and bear the entire expense of checking reestablished marks
and rectifying work improperly installed.
B. Records: Keep neat and legible notes of measurements and calculations made in
connection with the layout of the Work. Furnish copies of such data to the
ENGINEER for use in checking the CONTRACTOR's layout. Data considered of
value to the City Manager or designee will be transmitted to the City Manager or
designee by the ENGINEER with other records on completion of the Work.
Not Used
Not Used
A. Reference Abbreviations
B. Abbreviations
C. Reference Standards
D. Definitions
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ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute
AWPA American Wood Preservers Association
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association
BHMA Builders' Hardware Manufacturers Association
BIA Brick Institute of American
CABO Council of American Building Officials
CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute
CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute
CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America
CRD U.S. Corps of Engineers Specifications
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
CTI Cooling Tower Institute
DHI Door and Hardware Institute
DOH Department of Health
DOT Department of Transportation
Fed. Spec. Federal Specifications
FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association
FM Factory Mutual
HMI Hoist Manufacturing Institute
HPVA Hardwood Plywood Veneer Association
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFI Industrial Fasteners Institute
MIL Military Specifications
MSS Manufacturer's Standardization Society
NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
NACM National Association of Chain Manufacturers
NBS National Bureau of Standards, See NIST
NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NETA National Electrical Testing Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NFPA National Forest Products Association
NFPA National Fluid Power Association
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLMA National Lumber Manufacturers Association
NSF National Sanitation Foundation
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute
PDI Plumbing and Drainage Institute
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCPRF Structural Clay Products Research Foundation
SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
SPI Society of the Plastics Industry
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SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council
STI Steel Tank Institute
TCA Tile Council of American
TIMA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers' Association
UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
USBR U. S. Bureau of Reclamation
USBS U. S. Bureau of Standards, See NIST
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L:\Utilities\UtilitiesSpecificationManual\9-29-10 10/08/10
fuel oil return ................................... FOR miles per hour..................................mph
milliampere(s) .................................. mA
gallon(s) .............................................gal milligram(s) ....................................... mg
gallons per day .................................gpd milligrams per liter ......................... mg/L
gallons per day per milliliter(s).......................................... mL
cubic foot ................................gpd/cu ft millimeter(s) ..................................... mm
gallons per day per million gallons .................................. MG
square foot..............................gpd/sq ft million gallons per day .................... mgd
gallons per hour ............................... gph millisecond(s).................................... ms
gallons per minute ...........................gpm millivolt(s)......................................... mV
gallons per second............................gps minute(s).......................................... min
gas chromatography and mixed liquor suspended
mass spectrometry ...................GC-MS solids........................................... MLSS
gauge..................................................ga nephelometric turbidity
grain(s)................................................ gr unit ................................................ NTU
gram(s) .................................................g net positive suction head ..............NPSH
grams per cubic centimeter .......... gm/cc noise criteria ....................................... nc
Heat Transfer Coefficient..................... U noise reduction coefficient .............. NRC
height .................................................hgt number................................................no
Hertz ................................................. Hz
horsepower ........................................ hp ounce(s).............................................. oz
horsepower-hour............................ hp-hr outside air ...........................................oa
hour(s) ............................................... hr outside diameter ............................... OD
humidity, relative................................ rh
hydrogen ion concentration ............... pH parts per billion ................................ ppb
parts per million .............................. ppm
inch(es) ................................................in percent.............................................. pct
inches per second.............................. ips phase (electrical) ........................... . . ph
inside diameter ................................... ID pound(s).............................................. lb
pounds per cubic foot ....................... pcf
Jackson turbidity unit(s) ................... JTU pounds per cubic foot
per hour .......................................pcf/hr
kelvin................................................... K pounds per day........................... lbs/day
kiloamperes ....................................... kA pounds per day per
kilogram(s) ..........................................kg cubic foot .......................... lbs/day/cu ft
kilometer(s) ........................................km pounds per day per
kilovar (kilovolt-amperes square foot........................ lbs/day/sq ft
reactive) .........................................kvar pounds per square foot..................... psf
kilovolt(s)............................................ kV pounds per square foot
kilovolt-ampere(s) ............................ kVA per hour .......................................psf/hr
kilowatt(s).......................................... kW pounds per square inch .................... psi
kilowatt-hour(s) ............................... kWh
pounds per square inch
linear foot (feet)................................ lin ft absolute ......................................... psia
liter(s)....................................................L pounds per square inch
gauge............................................. psig
megavolt-ampere(s)........................MVA power factor ....................................... PF
meter(s) ...............................................m pressure drop or
micrograms per liter ....................... ug/L difference ..........................................dp
01090 References.doc 4 of 8
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pressure, dynamic temperature difference ..................... TD
(velocity) ...........................................vp temperature entering ........................ TE
pressure, vapor.............................vap pr temperature leaving........................... TL
thousand Btu per hour .................... Mbh
quart(s) ................................................qt thousand circular mils................... kcmil
thousand cubic feet ......................... Mcf
Rankine............................................... R threshold limit value........................ TLV
relative humidity.................................. rh tons of refrigeration.......................... tons
resistance ......................................... res torque............................................. TRQ
return air ............................................. ra total dissolved solids....................... TDS
revolution(s) ...................................... rev total dynamic head ........................ TDH
revolutions per minute ..................... rpm total kjeldahl nitrogen...................... TKN
revolutions per second ..................... rps total oxygen demand ..................... TOD
Right of Way………………………..ROW total pressure.................................... TP
root mean squared........................... rms total solids......................................... TS
total suspended solids .................... TSS
safety factor ........................................ sf total volatile solids .......................... TVS
second(s) ......................................... sec vacuum ............................................ vac
shading coefficient ............................ SC viscosity ........................................... visc
sludge density index ........................ SDI volatile organic chemical ............... VOC
volatile solids ..................................... VS
Sound Transmission volatile suspended solids................ VSS
Coefficient.................................... STC volt(s) .................................................. V
specific gravity ............................... sp gr volts-ampere(s)................................. VA
specific volume ........................... Sp Vol volume .............................................. vol
sp ht at constant pressure ................ Cp watt(s) ................................................ W
square................................................ sq watthour(s)....................................... Wh
square centimeter(s)..................... sq cm watt-hour demand.......................... WHD
square foot (feet) .............................sq ft watt-hour demand meter ............ WHDM
square inch (es) .............................. sq in week(s) ............................................. wk
square meter(s) ............................. sq m weight ................................................ wt
square yard(s)................................ sq yd wet-bulb ........................................... WB
standard............................................ std wet bulb temperature..................... WBT
static pressure .................................st pr
supply air ....................................... . . sa yard(s)................................................. yd
suspended solids .............................. SS year(s)..................................................yr
The following publications are incorporated into this Manual and are made a part of this
Manual as is set out verbatim in this Manual. Violations of any provision of every such
publication, latest revision, shall be a violation of City Ordinance.
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B. Water Environment Federation, Manual of Practice No. 9, Design and Construction of
Sanitary and Storm Sewers, W.E.F., 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314-1994.
F. American Water Works Association, Inc., Water Treatment Plant Design, 6666 West
Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado, 80235.
G. American Water Works Association, Inc., Water Treatment Plant Design, AWWA
Standards and Applicable Manuals, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado,
H. Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Handbook, Ductile Iron Pipe/Cast Iron Pipe,
Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, 245 Riverchase Parkway East, Birmingham,
Alabama, 35244.
I. Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association, Handbook of PVC Pipe, Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe
Association, 2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 164, Dallas, Texas, 75234.
K. American Society for Testing and Materials, latest revisions of applicable standards,
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700,
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 19428-2959.
N. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and
Fluid System and Component Reliability, Supplement to the Federal Guidelines for
Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Technical
Bulletin EPA-430-99-74-001, U.S. EPA, Office of Water Program Operations.
01090 References.doc 6 of 8
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O. Florida Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction, Maps & Publications Sales, Mail Station 12, 605 Suwannee
Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450.
Q. National Fire Protection Association, 1995 Edition of NFPA 24 – Standard for the
Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, 1 Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02169.
T. Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Z. National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association, 155 East 44th St., NY, NY 10017.
AA. Occupational Safety and Health Act, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, 299E. Broward Blvd. – Rm 302, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301.
CC. Steel Structures Painting Council, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
DD. Standard Specification for Public Works, Construction Building News, Inc., 3055
Overland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90034.
FF. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 207 East Ohio Street, Chicago, IL 60611.
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A. In these Contract Documents the words furnish, install, and provide are defined as
1. Furnish (Materials): to supply and deliver to the project ready for installation
and in operable condition.
Not Used
Not Used
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A. Submittals
B. Inspection Services
C. Inspection of Materials
D. Quality Control
E. Costs of Inspection
F. Acceptance Tests
A. City's Access: At all times during the progress of the Work, and until the date of
final completion, afford the City Manager or designee and ENGINEER every
reasonable, safe, and proper facility for inspecting the Work at the site. The
observation and inspection of any work will not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any
obligations to perform proper and satisfactory work as specified. Replace work
rejected due to faulty design, inferior, or defective materials, poor workmanship,
improper installation, excessive wear, or nonconformity with the requirements of
the Contract Documents, with satisfactory work at no additional cost to the City.
Replace as directed, finished or unfinished work found not to be in strict
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accordance with the Contract, even though such work may have been previously
approved and payment made therefor.
The City of Naples, its respective representatives, agents and employees, and
governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the Project shall have access at all
time to Work, whether the Work is being performed on or off the Project site, for
their observation, inspection and testing. Contractor shall provide proper, safe
conditions for such access. Contractor shall provide Engineer with timely notice of
readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals.
The City shall charge to Contractor and may deduct from any payments due
Contractor all engineering and inspection expenses incurred by the City in
connection with any overtime work. Such overtime work consisting of any work
during the construction period beyond the regular eight (8) hour day and for any
work performed on Saturday, Sunday or holidays.
Neither observations nor other actions by the Engineer nor inspections, tests or
approvals by others shall relieve Contractor from Contractor’s obligations to
perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
B. Rejection: The City’s Manager or designee has the right to reject materials and
workmanship which are defective or require correction. Promptly remove rejected
work and materials from the site.
C. Inferior Work Discoveries: Failure or neglect on the part of the City Manager or
designee to condemn or reject bad or inferior work or materials does not imply an
acceptance of such work or materials. Neither is it to be construed as barring the
City Manager or designee at any subsequent time from recovering damages or a
sum of money needed to build anew all portions of the Work in which inferior work
or improper materials were used.
If any portion of the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled
workers with suitable materials or equipment, or fails to finish or perform the Work
in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents,
Engineer may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the
cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of the Engineer to
stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the City or Engineer to
exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any other party.
Should the City determine, at its sole opinion, it is in the City’s best interest to
accept defective Work, the City may do so. Contractor shall bear all direct,
indirect and consequential costs attributable to the City’s evaluation of and
determination to accept defective Work. If such determination is rendered prior to
final payment, a Change Order shall be executed evidencing such acceptance of
such defective Work, incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract
Documents and reflecting an appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount. If the
City accepts such defective Work after final payment, Contractor shall promptly
pay the City an appropriate amount to adequately compensate the City for its
acceptance of the defective Work.
If Contractor fails, within a reasonable time after the written notice from the City or
Engineer, to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected defective
Work as required by Engineer, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any
of the provisions of the Contract Documents, the City may, after seven (7) days
written notice to Contract, correct and remedy any such deficiency. To the extent
necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, the City may exclude
Contractor from any or all of the Project site, take possession of all or any part of
the Work, and suspend Contractor’s services related thereto, take possession of
Contractor’s tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the
Project site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the
Project site or for which the City has paid Contractor but which are stored
elsewhere. Contractor shall allow the City and it’s respective representatives,
agents, and employees such access to the Project site as may be necessary to
enable the City to exercise the rights and remedies under the paragraph. All
direct, indirect and consequential costs of the City in exercising such rights and
remedies shall be charged against Contractor, and al Change Order shall be
issued, incorporating the necessary revisions to the Contract Documents,
including an appropriate decrease to the Contract Amount. Such direct, indirect
and consequential costs shall include, but not be limited to, fees and charges of
engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals, all court costs and all
A. Testing
(3) Masonry: Sample and test mortar, bricks, blocks and grout;
inspect brick and block samples and sample panels; inspect
placement of reinforcement and grouting.
(4) Structural Steel: Verify that all welders are certified; visually
inspect all structural steel welds; mechanically test high-tensile
bolted connections.
f. Air Testing: Air testing shall be required if, in the opinion of the City
Manager or designee, conditions are such that infiltration
measurements may be inconclusive. Conduct the test in the presence
of the City Manager or designee and conform to the following
(b) Pressure loss from shall not exceed 0.5 psi during the
required testing time.
B. Reports
c. Tests were performed not more than one year prior to submittal of the
A. CITY's Obligation: Initial inspection and testing of materials furnished under this
Contract will be performed by the City Manager or designee, or inspection
bureaus without cost to the CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise expressly specified.
If subsequent testing is necessary due to failure of the initial tests or because of
rejection for noncompliance, reimburse the CITY for expenditures incurred in
making such tests.
B. CONTRACTOR's Obligation: Include in the Contract Price, the cost of all shop
and field tests of equipment and other tests specifically called for in the Contract
Documents, except those tests described above under “CITY’s Obligation”. The
City Manager or designee may perform tests on any material or equipment
furnished under this Contract at any time during the Contract. If tests performed
by the City Manager or designee result in failure or rejection for noncompliance,
reimburse the CITY for expenditures incurred in making such tests. Tests
performed by the City Manager or designee shall prevail in determining
compliance with Contract requirements.
A. Preliminary Field Tests: As soon as conditions permit, furnish all labor and
materials and services to perform preliminary field tests of all equipment provided
under this Contract. If the preliminary field tests disclose that any equipment
furnished and installed under this Contract does not meet the requirements of the
Contract Documents, make all changes, adjustments and replacements required
prior to the acceptance tests.
B. Final Field Tests: Upon completion of the Work and prior to final payment, subject
all equipment, piping and appliances installed under this Contract to specified
acceptance tests to demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents.
1. Furnish all labor, fuel, energy, water and other materials, equipment,
instruments and services necessary for all acceptance tests.
2. Conduct field tests in the presence of the ENGINEER. Perform the field
tests to demonstrate that under all conditions of operation each equipment
e. Is in proper alignment
j. Operates as intended
Not Used
Not Used
A. General Requirements
B. Related Sections
C. Temporary Utilities
D. Temporary Construction
F. Fences
G. Security
H. Temporary Controls
I. Traffic Regulation
A. Plant and Facilities: Furnish, install, maintain and remove all false work,
scaffolding, ladders, hoistways, braces, pumping plants, shields, trestles,
roadways, sheeting, centering forms, barricades, drains, flumes, and the like, any
of which may be needed in the construction of any part of the Work and which are
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not herein described or specified in detail. Accept responsibility for the safety and
efficiency of such works and for any damage that may result from their failure or
from their improper construction, maintenance or operation.
B. First Aid: Maintain a readily accessible, completely equipped first aid kit at each
location where work is in progress.
C. Safety Responsibility: Accept sole responsibility for safety and security at the site.
Indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and the City’s Manager or designee,
including the ENGINEER, for any safety violation, or noncompliance with
governing bodies and their regulations, and for accidents, deaths, injuries, or
damage at the site during occupancy or partial occupancy of the site by
CONTRACTOR's forces while performing any part of the Work.
A. Water: Provide all necessary and required water without additional cost, unless
otherwise specified. If necessary, provide and lay water lines to the place of use;
secure all necessary permits; pay for all taps to water mains and hydrants and for
all water used at the established rates.
B. Light and Power: Provide without additional cost to the CITY temporary lighting
and power facilities required for the proper construction and inspection of the
Work. If, in the ENGINEER's opinion, these facilities are inadequate, do NOT
proceed with any portion of the Work affected thereby. Maintain temporary
lighting and power until the Work is accepted.
C. Heat: Provide temporary heat, whenever required, for work being performed
during cold weather to prevent freezing of concrete, water pipes, and other
damage to the Work or existing facilities.
A. Bridges: Design and place suitable temporary bridges where necessary for the
maintenance of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Assume responsibility for the
sufficiency and safety of all such temporary work or bridges and for any damage
that may result from their failure or their improper construction, maintenance, or
operation. Indemnify and save harmless the CITY and the CITY's representatives
from all claims, suits or actions, and damages or costs of every description arising
by reason of failure to comply with the above provisions.
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A. Protection of Workmen and Public: Effect and maintain at all times during the
prosecution of the Work, barriers, lights and enclosures necessary for the
protection of workmen and the public. Perform all work within the City right-of-way
in strict accordance with the CITY Maintenance of Traffic Policy and other
applicable statutory requirements.
B. Provide suitable barricades, lights, signs and watchmen at excavation sites and all
other places where the Work causes obstructions to normal traffic or constitutes in
any way a hazard to the public.
B. Restoration: Restore all fences to their original or better condition and to their
original location on completion of the Work.
A. Preservation of Property:
1. Preserve from damage, all property along the line of the Work, in the vicinity
of or in any way affected by the Work, the removal or destruction of which is
not called for by the Drawings. Preserve from damage, public utilities, trees,
lawn areas, building monuments, fences, pipe and underground structures,
and public streets. Note: Normal wear and tear of streets resulting from
legitimate use by the CONTRACTOR are not considered as damage.
Whenever damages occur to such property, immediately restore to its
original condition. Costs for such repairs are incidental to the Contract.
1. Public utility installations and structures include all poles, tracks, pipes,
wires, conduits, vaults, valves, hydrants, manholes, and other
appurtenances and facilities, whether owned or controlled by public bodies
or privately owned individuals, firms or corporations, used to serve the public
with transportation, gas, electricity, telephone, storm and sanitary sewers,
water, or other public or private utility services. Facilities appurtenant to
public or private property that may be affected by the Work are deemed
included hereunder.
3. Before starting construction, identify and mark all existing valves and
maintain access to the valves at all times during construction.
5. If existing utilities are damaged during the Work, immediately notify the
owner of the affected utility. In coordination with or as directed by the
owner, remove, replace, relocate, repair, rebuild, and secure any public
utility installations and structures damaged as a direct or indirect result of the
Work under this Contract. Costs for such work are incidental to the
Contract. Be responsible and liable for any consequential damages done to
or suffered by any public utility installations or structures. Assume and
accept responsibility for any injury, damage, or loss that may result from or
be consequent to interference with, or interruption or discontinuance of, any
public utility service. See Section 01045, 1.3.F for additional information.
C. Work on Private Property: Work on this project will require operations on private
property, rights of way or easements. The City Manager or designee has secured
the appropriate easements or rights of entry from the affected property owners.
Comply with all easement or rights of entry provisions. Conduct operations along
rights-of-way and easements through private property to avoid damage to the
property and to minimize interference with its ordinary use. Upon completion of
the Work through such property, restore the surface and all fences or other
structures disturbed by the construction as nearly as possible to the
preconstruction conditions. Do not remove any material from private property
without the consent of the property owner or responsible party in charge of such
property. Hold the CITY harmless from any claim or damage arising out of or in
connection with the performance of work across and through private property.
1. Protect with boxes, trees and shrubs, except those ordered to be removed.
Do not place excavated material so as to cause injury to such trees or
shrubs. Replace trees or shrubs destroyed by accident or negligence of the
CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's employees with new stock of similar
size and age, at the proper season, at no additional cost to the CITY. If
required by Contract Documents, provide preconstruction audio-video
recording of project in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
2. Leave lawn areas in as good condition as before the start of the Work.
Restore areas where sod has been removed by seeding or sodding.
A. During Construction:
1. Keep the site of the Work and adjacent premises free from construction
materials, debris, and rubbish. Remove this material from any portion of the
site if such material, debris, or rubbish constitutes a nuisance or is
4. Properly store volatile wastes in covered metal containers and remove from
the site daily.
5. Do not bury or burn on the site or dispose of into storm drains, sanitary
sewers, streams, or waterways, any waste material. Remove all wastes
from the site and dispose of in a manner complying with applicable
ordinances and laws.
B. Smoke Prevention:
C. Noises:
D. Hours of Operation:
1. Provide for the drainage of stormwater and any water applied or discharged
on the site in performance of the Work. Provide adequate drainage facilities
to prevent damage to the Work, the site, and adjacent property.
A. Parking: Provide and maintain suitable parking areas for the use of all
construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services in
connection with the Contract, to avoid any need for parking personal vehicles
where they may interfere with public traffic or construction activities.
B. Access: Conduct Work to interfere as little as possible with public travel, whether
vehicular or pedestrian. Provide and maintain suitable and safe bridges, detours,
or other temporary expedients for the accommodation of public and private travel.
Whenever it is necessary to cross, obstruct, or close roads, driveways, and walks,
whether public or private, give reasonable notice to owners of private drives
before interfering with them. Such maintenance of traffic will not be required when
the CONTRACTOR has obtained permission from the owner or tenant of private
property, or from the authority having jurisdiction over the public property involved,
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to obstruct traffic at the designated point. The Contractor may be allowed to
restrict traffic for short periods of time provided that he first contacts the City
Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department, County, and/or Florida DOT for their
restrictions and also provided that adequate traffic control devices are placed in
accordance with applicable City, County, and/or State Ordinances.
Not Used
Not Used
A. The work specified in this section includes the requirements for pre-construction
audio-video recordings necessary to document existing conditions on public and
private property.
A. The Contractor shall provide color videos showing pre-construction site conditions
of all public and private property within the scope of construction. The videos shall
be DVD format indicating on the beginning and front of each disk, the date, job
title and location where the video was taken. The videos shall be clear and shall
thoroughly document all existing structures and landscaping. The construction
recording shall be taken by a responsible commercial firm known to be skilled and
regularly engaged in the business of pre-construction color audio-video
documentation. The audio portion of the recording shall begin with a complete
description of the beginning point of the construction scene, i.e. job name, street,
direction of travel, direction of view. The video portion shall continuously show the
time (hour, minute, and second) and date. All recording shall be done during
daylight hours with sufficient sunlight to properly illuminate the surrounding area.
Recording shall not be done during inclement weather conditions. Recording on
heavily traveled streets or roads may require the use of police escort at the option
of the Engineer. If police escort is required, all costs shall be borne by the
B. Two copies of the disks (including the original) shall be delivered to the City
Manager or designee for review. The construction recording shall be made no
more than 30 calendar days prior to construction start date.
A. Construction on private property shall not commence until the City Manager or
designee has reviewed and approved the audio-video recording.
A. Tape coverage shall include all surface features located within the zone of
influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such
coverage shall include, but not be limited to, existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs,
pavements, ditches, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs and headwalls
within the area covered.
A. General Requirements
B. Traffic Control
C. Public Safety
A. Perform all work within CITY rights-of-way in strict accordance with the City’s
Maintenance of Traffic Policy and other applicable statutory requirements to
protect the public safety. The Maintenance of Traffic Plan shall include but not be
limited to: placement of signs, timing of phases, transition lengths, hours of traffic
interference, and contact person (24 hour availability).
D. The requirements specified herein are in addition to the plan for Maintenance of
Traffic as specified in Section 02230.
B. Provide notice, at least five (5) working days prior to construction, to the State or
City Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department of the necessity to close any
portion of a roadway carrying vehicles or pedestrians so that the final approval of
such closings can be obtained at least 48 hours in advance. At no time will more
than one (1) lane of roadway be closed to vehicles and pedestrians. With any
such closings make adequate provision for the safe expeditious movement of
C. Be responsible for notifying the Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department, and
Police, Fire, and other Emergency Departments at least 48 hours prior to
construction whenever construction is within roadways and of the alternate routes.
F. Be responsible for notifying all residents of any road construction and limited
access at least 72 hours in advance.
A. In areas of high vehicular traffic, provide a safe walkway around the work area.
B. Use barricades or other barriers to prevent any possibility of injury to the public
caused by the CONTRACTOR's work.
C. Keep walk areas around the work areas clean of sand, stones, and any other
material that could cause a pedestrian accident.
D. Barricade work areas left overnight. Install flashing warning lights in areas
required by the CITY.
G. Detours
I. Utilize all necessary signs, flagmen, and other safety devices during
J. Perform all work with the requirements set forth by the Occupational Safety
Health Administration.
A. Description
B. Substitutions
I. Lubrication
A. Proposed Manufacturers List: Within 15 calendar days of the date of the Notice to
Proceed, submit to the ENGINEER a list of the names of proposed manufacturers,
material men, suppliers and subcontractors, obtain approval of this list by the City
Manager or designee prior to submission of any working drawings. Upon request
submit evidence to ENGINEER that each proposed manufacturer has
manufactured a similar product to the one specified and that it has previously
been used for a like purpose for a sufficient length of time to demonstrate its
satisfactory performance.
C. Furnish and install Material and Equipment which meets the following:
g. Working parts are readily accessible for inspection and repair, easily
duplicated and replaced.
5. Use material or equipment only for the purpose for which it is designed or
A. Substitutions:
2. CONTRACTOR'S Options:
2. Protect bright machined surfaces, such as shafts and valve faces, with a
heavy coat of grease prior to shipment.
B. Interior Storage:
G. Surface Damage: Where structural concrete is also the finished surface, take
care to avoid marking or damaging surface.
A. General:
2. Include and pay all costs for suppliers' and manufacturers' services,
including, but not limited to, those specified.
a. Verify that each piece of equipment or system has been checked for
proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, control sequence, or for
other conditions that may cause damage.
B. Time of Delivery: Deliver special tools and lubricating equipment to the CITY
when unit is placed into operation and after operating personnel have been
properly instructed in operation, repair, and maintenance of equipment.
Not Used
Not Used
Specification Section
I hereby certify that the named equipment has been inspected, adjusted and operated by the
Manufacturers' Representative and further certify:
Signature Date
Name (print)
Signature Date
Name (print)
Complete and submit three copies of this form with the detailed report to ENGINEER as
Specification Section
I hereby certify the Manufacturers' Representative has inspected this equipment, made adjustments and
calibrations, and that it is operating in conformance with the design, specifications, and manufacturer's
requirements. Detailed notation of improper operation with corresponding recommendations, if any, are made
and attached to this form.
Signature Date
Name (print)
Signature Date
Name (print)
Signature Date
Name (print)
Complete and submit three copies of this form to the City Manager or designee upon completion
of 6 to 11 months reinspection as required by Specification Section 01600.
A. General Requirements
B. Disposal Requirements
A. Execute cleaning during progress of the work and at completion of the work.
A. Execute daily cleaning to keep the work, the site, and adjacent properties free from
accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and windblown debris, resulting from
construction operations.
B. Provide onsite containers for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish.
All waste materials including containers, food debris and other miscellaneous
materials must be disposed of daily in onsite containers.
C. Remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from the site periodically and dispose
of at legal disposal areas away from the site.
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1. Thoroughly clean, sweep, wash, and polish all work and equipment provided
under the Contract, including finishes. Leave the structures and site in a
complete and finished condition to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER.
3. Remove all temporary structures and all debris, including dirt, sand, gravel,
rubbish and waste material.
4. Should the CONTRACTOR not remove rubbish or debris or not clean the
buildings and site as specified above, the OWNER reserves the right to have
the cleaning done at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
E. Remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, and other foreign materials
from sight-exposed interior and exterior finished surfaces. Polish surfaces so
designated to shine finish.
F. Repair, patch, and touch up marred surfaces to specified finish, to match adjacent
H. Clean ducts, blowers, and coils, if air-handling units were operated without filters
during construction.
K. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants resulting from
cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly-painted surfaces.
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L. Clean interior of all panel cabinets, pull boxes, and other equipment enclosures.
M. Wash and wipe clean all lighting fixtures, lamps, and other electrical equipment
that may have become soiled during installation.
O. Broom clean exterior paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces of the grounds.
Q. Remove and dispose of all water, dirt, rubbish or any other foreign substances.
A. After cleaning is complete the final inspection may be scheduled. The inspection
will be done with the OWNER and ENGINEER.
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A. Description
B. Quality Assurance
A. Scope: Furnish to the ENGINEER three (3) printed copies and one (1) electronic
copy of an Operation and Maintenance Manual for all equipment and associated
control systems furnished and installed.
1. One copy of an equipment data summary (see sample form) for each item of
4. List of electrical relay settings and control and alarm contact settings.
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5. Electrical interconnection wiring diagram for equipment furnished including all
control and lighting systems.
6. One valve schedule giving valve number, location, fluid, and fluid destination
for each valve installed. Group all valves in same piping systems together in
the schedule. Obtain a sample of the valve numbering system from the
C. Leave all operating and maintenance material that comes bound by the equipment
manufacturer in its original bound state. Cross-reference the appropriate sections
of the CONTRACTOR's O&M manual to the manufacturers' bound manuals.
D. Label binders Volume 1, 2, and so on, where more than one binder is required.
Include the table of contents for the entire set, identified by volume number, in each
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Not Used
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City Utilities
Local Representative:
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City Utilities
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B. At Contract close out, two (2) sets of signed and sealed Record Drawings for the
potable water system, non-potable irrigation water system, and/or wastewater system
to be conveyed shall be submitted to the City.
A. Contractor shall maintain at the site for the City one record copy of:
1. Drawings
2. Specifications
3. Addenda
4. Change orders and other modifications to the Contract
5. Design Engineer’s field orders or written instructions
6. Approved shop drawings, working drawings and samples
7. Field test records
B. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not
use record documents for construction purposes.
C. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by the City.
A. General
B. Record Drawings
2. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and
item of equipment actually installed.
D. Shop Drawings
1. Keep one copy of the final, approved shop drawing with the Record
A. Section Includes: All work necessary for the removal and disposal of structures,
foundations, piping, equipment and roadways, or any part thereof including
masonry, steel, reinforced concrete, plain concrete, electrical facilities, and any
other material or equipment shown or specified to be removed.
B. Basic Procedures and Schedule: Carry out demolition so that adjacent structures,
which are to remain, are not endangered. Schedule the work so as not to
interfere with the day-to-day operation of the existing facilities. Do not block
doorways or passageways in existing facilities.
C. Additional Requirements: Provide dust control and make provisions for safety.
B. Site Inspection: Visit the site and inspect all existing structures. Observe and
record any defects that may exist in buildings or structures adjacent to but not
directly affected by the demolition work. Provide the City Manager or designee
with a copy of this inspection record and obtain the ENGINEER's and the City's
Manager or designee approval prior to commencing the demolition.
A. Limits: Exercise care to break concrete well for removal in reasonably small
masses. Where only parts of a structure are to be removed, cut the concrete
along limiting lines with a suitable saw so that damage to the remaining structure
is held to a minimum.
Not Used
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A. General Safety: Provide warning signs, protective barriers, and warning lights as
necessary adjacent to the work as approved or required. Maintain these items
during the demolition period.
C. Hazards: Perform testing and air purging where the presence of hazardous
chemicals, gases, flammable materials or other dangerous substances is apparent
or suspected, and eliminate the hazard before demolition is started.
B. Protection: Carefully protect all mechanical and electrical equipment against dust
and debris.
C. Removal: Remove all debris from the structures during demolition and do not
allow debris to accumulate in piles.
D. Abandoned Pipelines: Fill all abandoned pipelines using grout in accordance with
Section 03310.
E. Access: Provide safe access to and egress from all working areas at all times
with adequate protection from falling material.
H. Closed Areas: Close areas below demolition work to anyone while removal is in
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I. Material Drops: Do not drop any material to any point lying outside the exterior
walls of the structure unless the area is effectively protected.
J. Chemicals: All chemicals used during project construction or furnished for project
operation, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant or of other
classification must show approval of either EPA or USDA. Use of all such
chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in strict conformance with
manufacturer's instructions or government regulations as applicable.
B. Coordinate the shutdown of the AC pipeline with the City Manager or designee in
accordance with Section 01045, including proper notice to the City Manager or
designee and any customers that may be affected by the shutdown as required by
these specifications and/or current Water Department policy. In the event of an
unanticipated encounter with AC pipe, immediately recover and protect the pipe
and notify the CITY Water Department.
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A. Section Includes: Requirements for clearing of all areas within the Contract limits
and other areas shown, including work designated in permits and other
agreements, in accordance with the requirements of Division 1.
A. Clearing: Clearing is the removal from the ground surface and disposal, within the
designated areas, of trees, brush, shrubs, down timber, decayed wood, other
vegetation, rubbish and debris as well as the removal of fences.
B. Grubbing: Grubbing is the removal and disposal of all stumps, buried logs, roots
larger than 1-1/2 inches, matted roots and organic materials.
Not Used
A. Prior to site clearing, locate and mark all existing utilities in coordination with
the CITY and other affected owners. Protect all existing utilities and markings
from damage. In case of damage to existing utilities caused by construction
activities, contact the owner of the utility or appropriate CITY department
(Water or Wastewater) immediately. Repair any damage to existing utilities or
markings caused by construction activities in coordination with or as directed
by the owner of the utility.
A. Tree Removal Within Right-of-Way Limits: Remove trees and shrubs within the
right-of-way unless otherwise indicated.
1. Remove trees and shrubs to avoid damage to trees and shrubs designated
to remain.
2. Grub and remove tree stumps and shrubs felled within the right-of-way to an
authorized disposal site. Fill depressions created by such removal with
material suitable for backfill as specified in Section 02223.
B. Tree Removal Outside Right-of-Way Limits: Do not cut or damage trees outside
the right-of-way unless plans show trees to be removed or unless written
permission has been obtained from the property owner. Furnish three copies of
the written permission before removal operations commence.
C. If the landowner desires the timber or small trees, cut and neatly pile it in 4 ft.
lengths for removal by the owner; otherwise, dispose of it by hauling it away from
the project site. If hauled timber is of merchantable quality, credit shall accrue to
A. Protection: Protect trees and shrubs within the work limits that are so delineated
or are marked in the field to be saved from defacement, injury and destruction.
1. Work within the limits of the tree drip line with extreme care using either
hand tools or equipment that will not cause damage to trees.
3. During working operations, protect the trunk, foliage and root system of all
trees to be saved with boards or other guards placed as shown and as
required to prevent damage, injury and defacement.
a. Do not pile excavated materials within the drip line or adjacent to the
trunk of trees.
d. The use of axes or climbing spurs for trimming will not be permitted.
4. Remove shrubs to be saved, taking a sufficient earth ball with the roots to
maintain the shrub.
5. Have any tree and shrub repair performed by a tree surgeon properly
licensed by the State of Florida and within 24 hours after damage occurred.
A. Clearing: Clear all items specified to the limits shown and remove cleared and
grubbed materials from the site.
B. Grubbing: Clear and grub areas to be excavated, areas receiving less than 3 feet
of fill and areas upon which structures are to be constructed.
1. Remove stumps and root mats in these areas to a depth of not less than 18
inches below the subgrade of sloped surfaces.
2. Fill all depressions made by the removal of stumps or roots with material
suitable for backfill as specified in Section 02223.
C. Limited Clearing: Clear areas receiving more than 3 feet of fill by cutting trees and
shrubs as close as practical to the existing ground. Grubbing will not be required.
D. Dispose of all material and debris from the clearing and grubbing operation by
hauling such material and debris away to an approved dump. The cost of disposal
(including hauling) of cleared and grubbed material and debris shall be considered
A. Stripping: Strip existing topsoil from areas that will be excavated or graded prior
to commencement of excavating or grading and place in well-drained stockpiles in
approved locations.
A. Design: Comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations applying to the
design and construction of shoring, sheeting and bracing.
B. Arrange shoring, sheeting and bracing so as not to place any strain on portions of
completed work until the general construction has proceeded far enough to
provide ample strength.
C. If ENGINEER is of the opinion that at any point the shoring, sheeting or bracing
are inadequate or unsuited for the purpose, resubmission of design calculations
and working drawings for that point may be ordered, taking into consideration the
observed field conditions. If the new calculations show the need for additional
shoring, sheeting and bracing, it should be installed immediately.
E. Accurately locate all underground utilities and take the required measures
necessary to protect them from damage. Keep all underground utilities in service
at all times as specified in Division 1.
F. Driven Sheeting: Drive tight sheet piling in that portion of any excavation in paved
or surface streets City collector and arterial streets and in State, County, and City
2. Do not cut the sheeting until backfill has been placed and compacted to the
top of the pipe.
H. Sheeting Removal: In general, remove sheeting and bracing above the top of the
pipe as the excavation is refilled in a manner to avoid the caving in of the bank or
disturbance to adjacent areas or structures. Remove sheeting as backfilling
progresses so that the sides are always supported or when removal would not
endanger the construction of adjacent structures. When required to eliminate
excessive trench width or other damages, shoring or bracing shall be left in place
and the top cut off at an elevation 2.5 feet below finished grade, unless otherwise
1. Carefully fill voids left by the withdrawal of the sheeting by jetting, ramming
or otherwise.
B. Work on and/or removal of asbestos cementitious pipe shall be performed per OSHA, EPA,
NESHAPS, and State regulations and must be supervised by a person that has
satisfactorily completed an Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor course.
C. If a detour is required, submit a traffic control plan for approval to City Manager or
designee and/or the Florida Department of Transportation as described in Section 01570.
A. General
1. Prior to any work, a proper and approved maintenance of traffic plan (MOT) shall be
submitted to the engineer and the City.
A. Provide temporary fencing, barricades, barriers, piping, valves, pumps, power and
controls, and water necessary to meet the requirements of this Section.
A. Conduct pipe removal and abandonment as shown and specified in the Contract
B. Conduct pipe removal and abandonment so that existing equipment, piping, wiring,
structures, and other improvements to remain are not damaged. Repair or replace
equipment, piping, wiring, structures, and other improvements damaged at no
additional cost to the City.
C. Do not remove equipment, piping, wiring, structures, or other improvements not shown
or specified to be removed. If equipment, piping, wiring, structures, or other
improvements not shown or specified to be removed is removed, replace equipment,
piping, wiring, structures, or other improvements at no additional cost to the City.
A. The Contractor shall, as described on the Drawings and as may be directed by the City,
abandon in place the following existing utility improvements:
1. All water mains, reuse water mains and raw water mains that are designated to be
abandoned shall be filled with grout. Refer to Section 03310 – Concrete, Masonry
Mortar and Grout.
2. All sewer lines, force mains, laterals and services that are designated to be
abandoned shall be flushed clean and filled with grout. Prior to grout fill, sewer lines,
force mains, laterals and services to be abandoned shall be flushed clean to remove
wastewater and solids. Contractor is responsible for securing and providing flushing
water, collection of flush water/wastewater, and disposal. The cleaning of these piping
systems shall comply with all local and DEP requirements.
3. Sewer manholes designated to be abandoned shall have the top two feet removed.
The remainder of each manhole shall be abandoned and filled with grout or flowable
fill. The excavation or pit shall be backfilled with select fill and compacted in
accordance with Section 02223 – Backfilling and the trenching details on the
B. Appurtenances: All water hydrants, ARV valves and other appurtenances on abandoned
lines shall be removed to the main and the fitting at the main shall be capped or plugged.
All valves shall have the valve box, pad and operator removed, with the valve left in the
open position unless specifically noted otherwise.
C. Preparation:
2. Bulkheads shall be spaced at intervals of not more than 1,000 feet. If the line to be
abandoned is longer, bulkheads shall be inserted in the pipe to maintain the required
maximum spacing between bulkheads.
3. Temporary vents shall be installed in the line to be filled at a maximum spacing of 150
ft. The vents shall be capable of being capped to allow further grouting operations.
D. Equipment:
1. The materials shall be mixed or delivered in equipment of sufficient size and capacity
to provide the desired amount of grout material for each stage in a single operation.
The equipment shall be capable of mixing the grout at densities required for the
approved procedure and shall also be capable of changing density as dictated by field
conditions any time during the grouting operation.
2. Mixers and Pumps - The grout shall be delivered to the injection point at a steady
pressure with a non-pulsating centrifugal or triplex pump. Means shall be provided to
increase or decrease the water-cement ratio. The system shall mix the grout to a
homogeneous consistency. Means of accurately measuring grout component
quantities, pumping pressures, and volumes pumped shall be provided.
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3. Pressure Gauges - CONTRACTOR shall provide one pressure gauge at the point
of injection and one pressure gauge at the grout pump. Grouting shall not
proceed without appropriate calibrated gauges in place and in working order.
Pressure gauges shall be equipped with diaphragm seals, have a working range
between 1.5 to 2.0 times the design grout pressure, and have an accuracy within
0.5 percent of full range. Pressure gauges shall be instrument oil filled and
attached to a saddle-type diaphragm seal to prevent clogging with grout.
E. Grouting:
Once grouting operations begin, grouting shall proceed uninterrupted from bulkhead to
bulkhead. Grout placement shall not be terminated until both of the following
conditions have been met, unless otherwise approved by the City: a) The estimated
volume of grout to fill the line has been injected; and, b) grout has been expelled from
the furthest vent or bulkhead. Bulkheads and temporary vents shall not be removed
until the grout has set.
1. Take four test specimens for each 50 cubic yards of grout or for each four hours
of placing.
G. The CONTRACTOR may remove the pipe in accordance with the Paragraph 3.04 in
lieu of abandonment if acceptable to the City. Such removal, however, will be paid at
the same price for pipe abandonment.
H. All work under this Section shall comply with City, City, State and Federal regulations.
A. The Contractor shall, as described on the Drawings and as may be directed by the
City, remove the following existing utility improvements:
1. All water mains, reuse water mains and raw water mains that are designated to be
2. All sewer lines, sewer manholes, force mains, laterals and services that are
designated to be removed shall be flushed clean with water prior to removal.
Contractor is responsible for securing and providing flushing water, collection of
flush water/wastewater, and disposal. The cleaning of these piping systems shall
comply with all local and DEP requirements.
B. The pipe removal and disposal shall include all valves, fittings and appurtenances.
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A. Remove items identified on the drawings or specified to remain the property of the City. Do
not damage equipment, piping, and materials to be salvaged.
Repair structural elements, equipment, piping, conduit, and other improvements to remain
that are damaged during demolition. Use workers specifically qualified in trade, or trades,
involved to repair damaged work.
A. Remove and dispose of all equipment, piping, and materials from the jobsite not
specifically designated to be retained by the City.
B. Contractor shall not accumulate or store debris from demolition on the project site.
C. The disposal of the piping, manholes and appurtenances shall be in accordance with City,
State and Federal laws.
A. Backfill excavations, trenches, and pits resulting from abandonment and removal according
to Section 02223 – Backfilling.
B. Backfill of the pipe trenches shall be according to the City details for pipe trench backfill.
Pipe trenches for removed pipes that were within 3 horizontal feet of the edge of pavement
shall be backfilled according to the detail for the type of roadway.
A. Following pipe abandonment or removal, clean-up areas where other work is to be done as
specified in this Section, or Sections applicable to work to be done.
B. Following pipe abandonment or removal, clean-up areas where no other work is to be done
under this Contract. Remove debris and rubbish, temporary facilities, and equipment.
Level surface irregularities to eliminate depressions. Leave work in a neat and presentable
A. Earth: "Earth" includes all materials which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, do
not require blasting, barring, wedging or special impact tools for their removal from
their original beds, and removal of which can be completed using standard
excavating equipment. Specifically excluded are all ledge and bedrock and
boulders or pieces of masonry larger than one cubic yard in volume.
B. Rock: "Rock" includes all materials which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER,
require blasting, barring, wedging and/or special impact tools such as jack
hammers, sledges, chisels, or similar devices specifically designed for use in
cutting or breaking rock for removal from their original beds and which have
compressive strengths in their natural undisturbed state in excess of 300 psi.
Boulders or masonry larger than one cubic yard in volume are classed as rock
C. If a detour is required, submit a traffic control plan for approval to City Manager or
designee and/or the Florida Department of Transportation as described in Section
1. The geotechnical investigation report may be examined for what ever value
it may be considered to be worth. However, this information is not
guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness.
C. Underground Utilities: Locate and identify all existing underground utilities prior to
the commencement of Work.
Not Used
B. Banks: Shore or slope banks to the angle of repose to prevent slides or cave-ins
in accordance with Section 02151.
E. During excavation and any site work, take storm water pollution prevention
measures to ensure that water quality criteria are not violated in the receiving
water body and all state and local regulatory requirements are met.
A. Excavation Size: Provide excavations of sufficient size and only of sufficient size
to permit the Work to be economically and properly constructed in the manner and
of the size specified.
B. Excavation Shape: Shape and dimension the bottom of the excavation in earth or
rock to the shape and dimensions of the underside of the structure or drainage
blanket wherever the nature of the excavated material permits.
C. Compaction: Before placing foundation slabs, footings or backfill, proof roll the
bottom of the excavations to detect soft spots.
1. For accessible areas, proof roll with a ten wheel tandem axle dump truck
loaded to at least 15 tons or similarly loaded construction equipment.
2. For small areas, proof roll with a smooth-faced steel roller filled with water or
sand, or compact with a mechanical tamper.
A. Preparation: Properly brace and protect trees, shrubs, poles and other structures
which are to be preserved. Unless shown or specified otherwise, preserve all
trees and large shrubs. Hold damage to the root structure to a minimum. Small
shrubs may be preserved or replaced with equivalent specimens.
1. The minimum width of the trench shall be equal to at least 3.5 feet or the
outside diameter of the pipe at the joint plus 8-inches for unsheeted trench
or 12 inches for sheeted trench, whichever is greater. Conform the trench
walls to OSHA Regulations.
2. In sheeted trenches, measure the clear width of the trench at the level of the
top of the pipe to the inside of the sheeting.
C. Depth:
2. Standard trench grade shall be defined as the bottom surface of the utility to
be constructed or placed within the trench. Trench grade for utilities in rock
or other non-cushioning material shall be defined as additional undercuts
backfilled with crushed stone compacted in 6-inch lifts, below the standard
8-inches minimum trench undercut. Backfill excavation below trench grade
not ordered in writing by the ENGINEER with acceptable USCS Class I, II or
III (see Section 02223, 2.1.C) embedment material to trench grade and
compact to density equal to native soil.
3. In stable trenches, where the soil is neither wet, yielding, nor mucky, trench
bottom may be either native undisturbed soils of USCS Class II, III, or IV, or
thoroughly compacted USCS Class I, II, or III material from three inches (3”)
to six inches (6”) depth to provide a stable, continuous support for the pipe
bedding system. In USCS Class V soil areas, foundation bedding is
required. All foundation bedding shall be USCS Class I material. In no case
shall pipe be bedded on solid rock. See Section 02223, subsections 3.2 and
2.4 for more information on bedding.
1. Remove material for the full width of the trench and to the depth required to
reach suitable foundation material.
4. Payment for such trench stabilization will be made under the appropriate
Contract Items or where no such items exist, as a change in the Work.
E. Length of Excavation: Keep the open excavated trench preceding the pipe laying
operation and the unfilled trench, with pipe in place, to a minimum length which
causes the least disturbance. Provide ladders for a means of exit from the trench
as required by applicable safety and health regulations.
G. Water: Allow no water to rise in the trench excavation until sufficient backfill has
been placed to prevent pipe flotation. Provide trench dewatering in accordance
with Section 02530.
A. Rock Excavation: Excavate rock within the boundary lines and grades as shown,
specified or required. Use of explosives will not be permitted unless written
approval is obtained from the Engineer of Record.
B. Structure Depths: For cast-in-place structures, excavate the rock only to the
bottom of the structure, foundation slab, or drainage blanket.
C. Trench Width: Maintain a minimum clear width of the trench at the level of the top
of the pipe of the outside diameter of the pipe barrel plus 2 feet, unless otherwise
E. Manhole Depths: For manhole excavation, excavate the rock to a minimum depth
of 8 inches below the bottom of the manhole base for pipelines 24 inches in
diameter and larger and 6 inches below the bottom manhole base for pipelines
less than 24 inches in diameter. Refill the excavated space with pipe bedding
material in accordance with Section 02223. Include placing, compacting and
shaping pipe bedding material for manhole bases in the appropriate Contract
A. Finish: Provide a reasonably smooth finished surface for all excavations, which is
uniformly compacted and free from irregular surface changes.
B. Finish Methods: Provide a degree of finish that is ordinarily obtainable from blade-
grade operations and in accordance with Section 02223.
A. Traffic and Erosion: Protect newly graded areas from traffic and from erosion.
B. Repair: Repair any settlement or washing away that may occur from any cause,
prior to acceptance. Re-establish grades to the required elevations and slopes.
A. Additional Excavation: Carry the excavation to such additional depth and width as
authorized in writing, for the following reasons:
1. In case the materials encountered at the elevations shown are not suitable.
B. Refill Materials: Refill such excavated space with either authorized 2500 psi
concrete or compacted select fill material, in compliance with the applicable
provisions of Section 02223.
A. Stability: Refill any excavation carried beyond or below the lines and grades
shown, except as specified in the subsection headed "Authorized Additional
Excavation", with such material and in such manner as may be approved in order
to provide for the stability of the various structures.
C. Payment: Refill for unauthorized excavation will not be measured and no payment
will be made therefor.
A. Stockpiling Suitable Materials: Stockpile topsoil suitable for final grading and
landscaping and excavated material suitable for backfilling or embankments
separately on the site in approved locations.
A. Water Removal: At all times during the excavation period and until completion
and acceptance of the WORK at final inspection, provide ample means and
equipment with which to remove promptly and dispose of properly all water
entering any excavation or other parts of the WORK.
B. Dry Excavations: Keep the excavation dry, in accordance with Section 02530.
C. Water Contact: Allow no water to rise over or come in contact with masonry and
concrete until the concrete and mortar have attained a set and, in any event, not
sooner than 12 hours after placing the masonry or concrete.
D. Discharge of Water: Dispose of water pumped or drained from the Work in a safe
and suitable manner without damage to adjacent property or streets or to other
work under construction.
E. Protection: Provide adequate protection for water discharged onto streets. Protect
the street surface at the point of discharge.
G. Storm Sewers: Discharge no water containing settleable solids into storm sewers.
H. Repair: Promptly repair any and all damage caused by dewatering the Work.
A. General Requirements: Backfill all excavation to the original surface of the ground
or to such other grades as may be shown or required. For areas to be covered by
topsoil, leave or stop backfill (12) inches below the finished grade. Obtain
approval for the time elapsing before backfilling against masonry structures.
Remove from all backfill, any compressible, putrescible or destructible rubbish and
refuse and all lumber and braces from the excavated space before backfilling is
started. Leave sheeting and bracing in place or remove as the work progresses.
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B. General Materials Requirements: Conform materials used for backfilling to the
requirements specified. Follow common fill requirements whenever drainage or
select fill is not specified. Determine and obtain the approval of the appropriate
test method where more than one compaction test method is specified.
1. Class I: Angular, 0.25 inch to 1.5 inch (6 to 40 mm) graded stone, including
a number of fill materials that have regional significance such as coral, slag,
cinders, crushed shells and crushed stone. (Note: The size range and
resulting high void ratio of Class I material makes it suitable for use to
dewater trenches during pipe installation. This permeable characteristic
dictates that its use be limited to locations where pipe support will not be lost
by migration of fine grained natural material from the trench walls and
bottom or migration of other embedment materials into the Class I material.
When such migration is possible, the material's minimum size range should
be reduced to finer than 0.25 inch (6 mm) and the gradation properly
designed to limit the size of the voids. An alternative to modifying the
gradation is to use a geotextile fabric as a barrier to migration to fines.)
2. Class II: Coarse sands and gravels with maximum particle size of 1.5
inches (40 mm), including variously graded sands and gravels containing
small percentages of fines, generally granular and non-cohesive, either wet
or dry. Soil Types GW, GP, SW and SP are included in this class. (Note:
Sands and gravels, which are clean or borderline between clean and with
fines, should be included. Coarse-grained soils with less than 12 percent,
but more than 5 percent fines are neglected in ASTM D2487 and the USCS,
but should be included. The gradation of Class II material influences its
density and pipe support strength when loosely placed. The gradation of
Class II material may be critical to the pipe support and stability of the
foundation and embedment, if the material is imported and is not native to
the trench excavation. A gradation other than well graded, such as
uniformly graded or gap graded, may permit loss of support by migration into
void spaces of a finer grained natural material from the trench wall and
bottom. An alternative to modifying the gradation is to use a geotextile fabric
as a barrier to migration of fines.)
3. Class III: Fine sand and clayey (clay filled) gravels, including fine sands,
sand-clay mixtures and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM and
SC are included in this class.
4. Class IV: Silt, silty clays and clays, including inorganic clays and silts of
medium to high plasticity and liquid limits. Soil Types MH, ML, CH and CL
are included in this class. (Note: Use caution in the design and selection of
the degree and method of compaction for Class IV soils because of the
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difficulty in properly controlling the moisture content under field conditions.
Some Class IV soils with medium to high plasticity and with liquid limits
greater than 50 percent (CH, MH, CH-MH) exhibit reduced strength when
wet and should only be used for bedding, haunching and initial backfill in
arid locations where the pipe embedment will not be saturated by
groundwater, rainfall or exfiltration from the pipe. Class IV soils with low to
medium plasticity and with liquid limits lower than 50 percent (CL, ML,
CL-ML) also require careful consideration in design and installation to
control moisture content, but need not be restricted in use to arid locations.)
5. Class V: This class includes the organic soils OL, OH and PT as well as
soils containing frozen earth, debris, rocks larger than 1.5 inches (40 mm) in
diameter and other foreign materials. Do not use these materials for
bedding, haunching or backfill.
A. Materials for Select Backfill: Use clean gravel, crushed stone, washed shell, or
other granular or similar material as approved which can be readily and thoroughly
compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density obtainable by ASTM D
2. Unallowed Materials: Very fine sand, uniformly graded sands and gravels,
sand and silt, soft earth, or other materials that have a tendency to flow
under pressure when wet are unacceptable as select backfill.
A. Materials for Common Backfill: Material from on-site excavation may be used as
common backfill (fill) provided that it can be readily compacted to 90 percent of the
maximum dry density obtainable by ASTM D 1557, and does not contain
unsuitable material. Select fill may be used as common fill at no change in the
Contract Price.
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B. Granular Materials On-Site: Granular on-site material, which is fairly well graded
between the following limits may be used as granular common fill:
C. Cohesive Materials On-Site: Cohesive site material may be used as common fill.
2. Use material having a liquid limit less than or equal to 40 and a plasticity
index less than or equal to 20.
D. Material Approval: All material used as common fill is subject to approval. If there
is insufficient on-site material, import whatever additional off-site material is
required which conforms to the specifications and at no additional cost.
A. Gradation for all Piping: Bedding material shall be FDOT No. 57 stone if below
the seasonal low groundwater table; or FDOT No. 89 stone, FDOT No. 131
screenings, or No. 132 screenings if above the seasonal low groundwater table.
Provide a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material under all piping.
B. Gradation for ductile iron (DIP) piping: For DIP piping provide bedding material up
to the bottom of the pipe.
C. Gradation for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping: For PVC piping provide bedding
material up to the centerline (haunch/springline) of the pipe.
A. Bedding Compaction: Bed all precast manholes in well graded, compacted 12-
inch layer of crushed stone. Compact bedding thickness no less than 6 inches for
precast concrete manhole bases.
B. Concrete Work Mats: Cast cast-in-place manhole bases and other foundations for
structures against a 2500 psi concrete work mat in clean and dry excavations.
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C. Bedding Placement: Place select fill used for bedding beneath precast manhole
bases, in uniform layers not greater than 9 inches in loose thickness. Thoroughly
compact in place with suitable mechanical or pneumatic tools to not less than 95
percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557.
D. Use of Select Fill: Bed existing underground structures, tunnels, conduits and
pipes crossing the excavation with compacted select fill material. Place bedding
material under and around each existing underground structure, tunnel, conduit or
pipe and extend underneath and on each side to a distance equal to the depth of
the trench below the structure, tunnel, conduit or pipe.
A. Placement: Place backfill for initial pipe backfill from top of bedding to 1 foot over
top of pipes in uniform layers not greater than 8 inches in loose thickness. Tamp
under pipe haunches and thoroughly compact in place the backfill with suitable
mechanical or pneumatic tools to not less than 98 percent of the maximum dry
density as determined by ASTM D 1557.
C. Stone Placement: Do not place large stone fragments in the pipe bedding or
backfill within 2 feet over or around pipelines, or nearer than 2 feet at any point
from any casing pipe, conduit or concrete wall.
E. Unallowed Materials: Pipe bedding containing very fine sand, uniformly graded
sands and gravels, sand and silt, soft earth, or other materials that have a
tendency to flow under pressure when wet is unacceptable.
A. General: Backfill trenches from 1 foot over the top of the pipe, from the top of
electrical duct bedding or as shown to the bottom of pavement base course,
subgrade for lawns or lawn replacement, to the top of the existing ground surface
or to such other grades as may be shown or required.
B. Materials: All backfill material shall be acceptable dry materials, and shall be free
from cinders, ashes, refuse, vegetable or organic material, boulders, rocks, or
stones, or other deleterious material which in the opinion of the City Manager or
designee is unsuitable.
C. Depth of Placement - Place trench backfill in uniform layers not greater than 12
inches in loose thickness and that can be thoroughly compacted in place using
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suitable mechanical or pneumatic equipment to not less than 98 percent of the
maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557.
(Mod.) ASTM
Around and 1’ (Min) above top of pipe 98
Remaining Trench 98
Pavement Sub-Grade and Shoulders (Last 3’ of
Base Material and Pavement 98
Adjacent to Structures (Areas not Paved) 98
Under Structures 98
Sub-Base 98
F. Density Tests: Density tests will be made at the request of the City Manager or
designee. Deficiencies will be corrected at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
H. Distribution of Large Materials: Break lumps up and distribute any stones, pieces
of crushed rock or lumps which cannot be readily broken up, throughout the mass
so that all interstices are solidly filled with fine material.
A. Use crushed stone underneath all structures, and adjacent to structures where
pipes, connections and structural foundations are to be located within this fill. Use
crushed stone beneath all pavements, walkways, and railroad tracks, and extend
to the bottom of pavement base course or ballast.
1. Place backfill in uniform layers not greater than 8 inches in loose thickness
and thoroughly compact in place with suitable approved mechanical or
pneumatic equipment.
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2. Compact backfill to not less than 95 percent of the maximum dry density as
determined by ASTM D 1557.
B. Use of Common Fill: Use common granular fill adjacent to structures in all areas
not specified above. Select fill may be used in place of common granular fill at no
additional cost.
1. Extend such backfill from the bottom of the excavation or top of bedding to
the bottom of subgrade for lawns or lawn replacement, the top of previously
existing ground surface or to such other grades as may be shown or
2. Place backfill in uniform layers not greater than 8 inches in loose thickness
and thoroughly compact in place with suitable equipment, as specified
3. Compact backfill to not less than 90 percent of the maximum dry density as
determined by ASTM D 1557.
A. Equipment and Methods: Carry out all compaction with suitable approved
equipment and methods.
1. Compact clay and other cohesive material with sheep's-foot rollers or similar
equipment where practicable. Use hand held pneumatic tampers elsewhere
for compaction of cohesive fill material.
A. Final Contours: Perform finish grading in accordance with the completed contour
elevations and grades shown and blend into conformation with remaining natural
ground surfaces.
2. Bring finish grades to elevations within plus or minus 0.10 foot of elevations
or contours shown.
C. Testing Schedule:
1. Compaction Schedule
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1. Working drawings of the jacking pipe, jacking frame, jacking head, reaction
blocks, sheeting, including design calculations and the complete jacking
A. Deliver, store and handle all products and materials as specified in Division 1.
1. Spiral weld or smooth wall steel pipe, meeting the requirements of ASTM A
139, Grade B. The minimum casing pipe size and wall thickness shall be as
shown in the following table, for the carrier pipe size indicated. For sizes not
included therein, or for special design considerations, obtain approval from
City Utilities.
B. Fill Material: Use fill material consisting of 1-1/4 pounds of Bentonite per gallon of
water during jacking to fill any voids between pipe and the earth.
A. Casing Pipe:
2. The provisions of this section shall represent the minimum standards for the
installation of casing pipe for sewer force main or water main pipeline.
Install steel casing pipe so that carrier pipe can be installed true to line and
3. If jack and bore is specified by the Engineer of Record, install all sewer force
mains and water mains in a casing to be placed under all present and future
City roadways. Conform steel casing procedures to the requirements of the
FDOT. All work and materials shall be subject to inspection by DOT.
Restore the Department’s property and surface conditions to the original
condition in keeping with the Department’s specifications and standards.
4. In general, for jack and bore operations, install all underground sewer force
mains and water mains crossing all existing City and County roadways,
Florida State Highways and railroads within steel casing pipe extending at
least five (5) feet beyond pavement edge. Obtain specific crossing
requirements in advance from the authority having jurisdiction.
6. Locate casing pipes crossing under City and County roadways at suitable
approved alignments in order to eliminate possible conflict with existing or
future utilities and structures with a minimum 30 inches depth of cover
between the top of the casing pipe and the surface of the roadway. Conduct
boring operations in such a manner as not to create hazardous conditions or
impede traffic flow.
7. For casing pipe crossing under roadways, railroads, or other installations not
within the jurisdiction of the City of Naples, comply with the regulations of
said authority in regard to design, specifications and construction. State
Highway casing installations shall be as specified in the FDOT, “Utility
Accommodation Guide”, and for railroads, the American Railway
Engineering Association, Part 5, Section 5.2, “Specifications for Pipelines
Conveying Nonflammable Substances”, shall be applicable. However, in no
case shall the minimum casing pipe diameter and wall thickness, for a
specific carrier pipe size, be less than that specified above.
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8. Use a simultaneous and continuous installation of any dry boring and jacking
operation until the casing pipe is in final position. Maintain correct line and
grade. Use full-ring welded add-on sections of casing pipe, developing
water-tight total pipe strength joints. Use pipe lengths of at least 18 feet.
Casing welders shall be certified welders. A copy of the certification shall be
obtained by the Engineer of Record and given to the City Manager or
designee prior to the welding procedure. Produce no upheaval, settlement,
voids, cracking, movement or distortion of the existing roadbed or other
facilities during the casing installation. Fill any voids with 1:3 portland
cement grout at sufficient pressure for roadway protection. Following
placement of the carrier pipe within the steel casing, install masonry plugs at
each open end. Plugs shall be suitable for restraining the external earth
load, while allowing internal drainage.
9. Mechanically bore casing pipe holes through the soil by a cutting head on a
continuous auger mounted inside the pipe. Extend the auger a maximum of
two inches (2”) beyond the end of the casing pipe to preclude formation of
voids outside the pipe shell. Auger should not be of a greater diameter than
the outside diameter of the encasement.
10. Adequately protect the casing pipe to prevent crushing or other damage
under jacking pressures. Provide backstops for adequately distributing the
jack thrust without causing deformation of the soil or other damage.
Replace damaged casing pipe if not installed; however, if installed, abandon
encasement pipe in place, suitably plug, and install an alternate installation,
as directed by the County Manager or designee.
11. In the event of obstruction, withdraw auger, cut and cap excess pipe and fill
void with 1:3 portland cement grout under sufficient pressure
12. Excavate and maintain required boring or jacking pits or shafts to the
minimum dimension. Adequately barricade, sheet, brace and dewater
excavation as required.
13. Deviation from approved jack and bore methods and above specifications is
grounds for work stoppage and line replacement at the expense of the
B. Casing Spacers:
1. Use Cascade Stainless Steel Casing Spacer being on center and restrained
as the preferred method for installing the carrier pipe. Use skids installed
with 6 ft to 10 ft spacing as recommended by the manufacturer. After the
carrier pipe has been tested for leakage, block the casing ends with either
an 8" wall of brick masonry with a weep hole installed near the bottom of
each wall or Cascade Model CCES End Seals with stainless steel bands.
Upsizing casings may be required for PVC push on pipe with EBAA
restrained bells. No extra payment will be made for this upsizing.
C. Augering: Conduct augering with the proper equipment and procedure such that
the carrier pipe and the casing pipe can be installed to the grades specified
without disturbing the adjacent earth. Submit all equipment and procedures for
prior approval.
D. Hand Mining: Conduct hand mining only in casings that are sufficiently large
enough to permit such operation. Provide adequate fresh air supply within the
casing pipe and conduct all operations in accordance with the requirements of the
U.S. Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 7 1970 (PL-91-596).
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E. Jacking Pit: Make the jacking pit of adequate length to provide room for the
jacking frame, the jacking head, the reaction blocks, the jacks, auger rig, and the
jacking pipe. Make the pit sufficiently wide to allow ample working space on each
side of the jacking frame. Make the depth of the pit such that the invert of the
pipe, when placed on the guide frame, is at the elevation desired for the
completed line. Provide excavation in conformance with Section 02222.
F. Sheeting: Sheet the jacking pit tightly and keep it dry at all times. Conform
sheeting to Section 02151. Have complete design calculation for sheeting the
jacking pit sealed and submitted by a Professional Engineer registered in the
State of Florida.
G. Jacking Frame: Use a jacking frame that applies a uniform pressure over the
entire pipe wall area of the pipe to be jacked.
H. Reaction Blocks: Use reaction blocks designed to carry the thrust of the jacks to
the soil without excessive soil deflection and in such a manner as to avoid any
disturbance of adjacent structures or utilities.
I. Operation: Use hydraulic jacks in the jacking operation. Use extreme care to hold
the pipe to exact line and grade. Advance the excavation at the heading manually
or with an auger. Do not allow the advance to exceed one foot ahead of the
casing pipe. Make every effort to avoid loss of earth outside the casing.
J. Safety Railing: Provide a safety railing all around the top of the pit at all times.
L. Carrier Pipe:
Utilize joint restrained pipe for the entire water main or force main pipe length
inside the casing. Use special supporting of the carrier pipe within the casing with
a design approved by the County Manager or designee.
Note: Open cutting of existing pavement will generally not be allowed, but may be
considered under one or more of the following conditions:
B. Before starting work, submit to the City Stormwater, Streets and Traffic
Department, with copy to the ENGINEER, a detailed schedule of his operations a
minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to beginning work for approval. This shall
include, but not be limited to, type and extent of temporary paving, and drawings
and lists describing materials and traffic control methods to be used. Approval
shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his obligation to provide a safe and proper
C. If a detour is required, submit a traffic control plan for approval to the City
Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department, County, and/or the Florida
Department of Transportation.
D. Submit a plan for maintenance of traffic in accordance with Index 600 through 650
of the Florida Department of Transportation Specifications.
A. Trench dimensions for open cutting of road crossings are shown on the Standard
B. Where possible, limit the completion of the open-cut road crossing to a 24-hour
period. Perform all work in accordance with the approved traffic control plan.
C. Notify City Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department forty-eight (48) hours in
advance of starting construction.
A. Temporary Roadways
1. For temporary roadways required for traffic relocation use materials meeting
the requirements of the FDOT. Use temporary roadways when crossing a
state highway right-of-way or at the direction of the ENGINEER.
3. Maintain drainage through all existing ditches by the use of culvert pipe as
4. Submit drawings indicating the type and location of temporary roadways for
approval prior to beginning work.
5. Provide all necessary barricades and signs where detours are permitted as
required to divert the flow of traffic. Notify Collier County DOT and
ENGINEER in advance of planned detours. While traffic is detoured,
expedite construction operations to minimize the period of detour.
6. Perform and complete all work at the roadway crossing in a manner fully
satisfactory to the City Stormwater, Streets and Traffic Department.
B. Maintenance of Traffic
3. Take precautions to prevent injury to the public due to open trenches. Night
watchmen may be required where special hazards exist, or police protection
provided for traffic while work is in progress. Be fully responsible for
damage or injuries whether or not police protection has been provided.
4. Unless permission to close a City street is received in writing from the proper
authority, place all excavated material so that vehicular and pedestrian traffic
may be maintained at all times. Repair the road surface, provide temporary
ways, erect wheel guards or fences, or take other measures for safety
satisfactory to the ENGINEER if the CONTRACTOR's operations cause
traffic hazards.
6. Maintain at all open cut crossings, a minimum of one-way traffic during the
daylight hours, and two-way traffic at night.
C. Installation of Pipeline
A. ASTM D3786 – Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Bursting Strength for Knitted
Goods and Nonwoven Fabrics
B. ASTM D4632 – Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of
A. Fill out, sign and date a Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Stormwater
Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities, (FDEP Form 62-
621.300(4)(b)). Submit the signed copy of the NOI to the City Manager or
designee. The City Manager or designee will submit the completed form to the
FDEP along with the required permit fee.
A. On the attached OPERATOR’S INFORMATION form, fill out the name, address
and telephone number for the CONTRACTOR, persons or firms responsible for
maintenance and inspection of erosion and sediment control measures, and all
C. The persons or firms responsible for maintenance and inspection of erosion and
sediment control measures shall read, sign and date the attached EROSION
D. Submit all forms to the City Manager or designee before beginning construction.
A. Retain a copy of the SWPPP at the construction site and at the Contractor’s office
from the date that it became effective to the date of project completion.
B. At project closeout, submit to the City Manager or designee all NPDES forms and
certifications, as well as a copy of the SWPPP. Stormwater pollution prevention
records will be retained by the City Manager or designee for a period of three (3)
years from the date of project completion.
A. The following notices shall be posted from the date that the SWPPP goes into
effect until the date of final site stabilization:
General Contractor:
Site Superintendent:
Phone: Phone:
I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of Florida’s National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit that authorizes
storm water discharges associated with activity from the construction site identified as part of
this certification, and that I have received a copy of the SWPPP.
Name: (printed or typed)
Name: (printed or typed)
Name: (printed or typed)
I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of Florida’s National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit that authorizes
storm water discharges associated with activity from the construction site identified as part of
this certification, and that I have received a copy of the SWPPP.
Name: (printed or typed)
B. Temporary erosion controls include, but are not limited to rip rap channels, road
stabilization, grassing, mulching, setting, watering, and reseeding onsite surfaces
and spoil and borrow area surfaces and providing interceptor ditches at ends of
berms and at those locations which will ensure that erosion during construction
will be either eliminated or maintained within acceptable limits as established by
the CITY.
C. Temporary sedimentation controls include, but are not limited to, silt dams, traps,
barriers, public and private on- and off-site storm sewer inlets protectors, and
appurtenances at the foot of sloped surfaces which will ensure that sedimentation
pollution will be either eliminated or maintained within acceptable limits as
established by the CITY.
C. Road Stabilization.
B. Sediment Fence.
1. Scarify slopes to a depth of not less than six inches and remove large clods,
rock, stumps, roots larger than 1/2 inch in diameter and debris.
2. Sow seed within twenty-four (24) hours after the ground is scarified with
either mechanical seed drills or rotary hand seeders.
3. Apply mulch loosely and to a thickness of between 3/4 inch and 1-1/2 inches.
5. Roll and water seeded areas in a manner which will encourage sprouting of
seeds and growing of grass. Reseed areas that exhibit unsatisfactory growth
(less than 70 percent coverage). Backfill and seed eroded areas, removing
eroded material from effected drainage facilities.
2. Excavate the bottom and sides of the channel 30 inches below grade at all
points to allow for the placement of riprap as shown in the typical
cross-section in the Standard Details.
3. Install extra strength filter fabric on the bottom and sides of the channel
foundation, placing the upstream fabric over the downstream fabric with at
least a 1 foot overlap on all joints. The fabric is to be securely held in place
with metal pins.
4. Place riprap evenly to the lines and grades shown on the drawings and
staked in the field. Place riprap immediately following the installation of the
filter fabric.
1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other
objectionable material.
3. Spread 6 inch course of lime rock evenly over the full width of road and
parking area and smooth to avoid depressions.
4. After grading, seed or resod all disturbed areas adjoining roads and parking
areas conforming to existing conditions prior to construction.
A. Install and maintain silt dams, traps, barriers, and appurtenances as required.
Replace deteriorated hay bales and dislodged filter stone.
1. Clear, grub and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and
root mat.
5. Ensure that the spillway crest is level and at least 18 inches below the top of
the dam at all points.
6. Stone used for spillway section - Class "B" erosion control stone.
7. Stone used on inside spillway face to control drainage - #67 washed stone.
8. Extend stone outlet section to vegetated road ditch on zero grade with top
elevation of stone level with bottom of drain.
9. Ensure that the top of the dam at all points is 6 inches above natural
surrounding ground.
10. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed area above the sediment pools
as shown in the vegetation plan.
4. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the fabric at a support post with
overlap to the next post.
A. Should any of the temporary erosion and sediment control measures employed
fail to produce results which comply with the requirements of the State of Florida,
immediately take steps necessary to correct the deficiency at no expense to the
CITY. Sedimentation or turbid water violations to stormwater facilities on or offsite
shall require the contractor to remove all sediment from the affected facilities.
B. Furnish all items necessary to perform the horizontal directional drilling operation
and construct the pipe to the lines and grade shown on the drawings.
E. Utilize small diameter fluid jets to fracture and mechanical cutters to cut and
excavate the soil as the head advances forward.
F. Install an offset section of drill stem that causes the cutter head to turn
eccentrically about its centerline when it is rotating for steering. When steering
adjustments are required, rotate the cutter head offset section toward the desired
direction of travel and advance the drill stem forward without rotation.
G. Drill a 2-inch to 3-inch diameter pilot hole using the mobile drilling system
launched from the surface at an inclined angle. Enlarge the pilot hole with
reamers as required.
A. See Section 02620 for casing and carrier pipe diameter requirements.
A. The ENGINEER will base the review of submitted details and data on the
requirements of the completed work, safety of the work in regards to the public,
potential for damage to public or private utilities and other existing structures and
facilities, and the potential for unnecessary delay in the execution of the Work.
Such review shall not be construed to relieve the CONTRACTOR in any way of
his responsibilities under the contract. Do not commence work on any items
requiring CONTRACTOR’s Construction Drawings or other submittals until the
drawings and submittals are reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER.
D. Safety. Submit procedures including, but not limited to, monitoring for gases
E. Submit hazardous chemical list as well as all MSDS and technical data sheets.
A. Compatibility of Methods.
A. Safety Requirements
B. Air Quality.
A. Obtain any and all other permits required for prosecution of the work.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for his means and methods of directional
drilling construction and shall ensure the safety of the work, the CONTRACTOR’s
employees, the public, and adjacent property, whether public or private.
B. Obtain locations of all existing utilities within the horizontal directional drilling
project area, whether shown on the plans or not, in coordination with the owners
of such utilities. Be responsible for protection of such utilities from damage, and
repair of any utilities damaged during or as a result of construction.
C. Anticipate that portions of the drilled excavation will be below the groundwater
D. Comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations at all times to
prevent pollution of the air, ground and water.
B. Any method or equipment that the CONTRACTOR can demonstrate will produce
the specified results will be considered.
C. Employ equipment that will be capable of handling the various anticipated ground
conditions. In addition, the equipment shall:
D. Provide adequate secondary containment for any and all portable storage tanks.
A. Construction Control.
1. Establish and be fully responsible for the accuracy of control for the
construction of the pipeline to be installed, including structures, tunnel line
and grade.
2. Establish control points sufficiently far from the tunnel operation so as not to
be affected by construction operations.
3. Maintain daily records of alignment and grade and submit three copies of
these records to the ENGINEER. However, the CONTRACTOR remains
fully responsible for the accuracy of his work and the correction of it, as
4. Check control for the bore alignment against an above ground undisturbed
reference at least once each hour and once for each 50 feet of tunnel
constructed, or more often as needed or directed by the ENGINEER.
A. Install all facilities such that their location can be readily determined by
electronic designation after installation. For non-conductive installations,
attach a minimum of two (2) separate and continuous conductive tracking (tone
wire) materials, either externally, internally or integral with the product. Use
either a continuous green-sheathed solid conductor copper wire line (minimum
#12 AWG for external placement or minimum #14 AWG for internal placement
in the conduit/casing) or a coated conductive tape. Conductors must be
located on opposite sides when installed externally. Connect any break in the
conductor line before construction with an electrical clamp, or solder, and coat
the connection with a rubber or plastic insulator to maintain the integrity of the
connection from corrosion. Clamp connections must be made of brass or
copper and of the butt end type with wires secured by compression. Soldered
connections must be made by tight spiral winding of each wire around the
other with a finished length minimum of three (3) inches overlap. Tracking
conductors must extend two (2) feet beyond the bore terminal points. Test
conductors for continuity. Each conductor that passes must be identified as
such by removing the last six (6) inches of the sheath. No deductions are
allowed for failed tracking conductors. Conductor ends must be wound into a
small coil and left for future attachment to isolation valve boxes.
A. Where such effort is necessary, cost for groundwater control during the course of
the tunnel work shall be included in the unit contract price for the work.
B. Dewatering required during the course of the project to lower water table, to
remove standing water, surface drainage seepage, or to protect ongoing work
against rising waters or floods shall be considered incidental to the work being
A. The work in this section consists of furnishing all labor, material and equipment to
restore all areas disturbed during construction to match preconstruction
conditions. Establish a stand of grass within the areas disturbed by furnishing and
placing grass sod where required, or by seeding and mulching areas not requiring
A. Types: Sod may be of either St. Augustine or Argentine Bahia grass or as that
disturbed, as established prior to construction. Use well matted sod with roots.
When replacing sod in areas that are already sodded, use sod of the same type
as the existing sod.
D. Use sod that is sufficiently thick to secure a dense stand of live grass. Use sod
that is live, fresh and uninjured at the time of planting, having a soil mat of
sufficient thickness adhering firmly to the roots to withstand all necessary
handling. It shall be reasonably free of weeds and other grasses. Plant sod as
soon as possible after being dug, and shade and keep moist from the time it is
dug until it is planted.
F. Swales: Place sod to the proper grade and cross section in all flow areas to
ensure the design flow of water in the ditch. In excavating for the placement of
sod, provide a minimum of 3 inches of undercut.
A. Supply chemical fertilizer in suitable bags with the net weight certification of the
shipment. Fertilizer shall be 12-8-8 and comply with Section 982 of the FDOT
Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction.
C. The chemical designation of the fertilizer shall be 12-8-8, with at least 50 percent
of the nitrogen from a nonwater-soluble organic source. The nitrogen source may
be a unreaformaldehyde source provided it is not derived from a waste product of
the plastic industry.
A. Seed all unpaved areas disturbed during construction that do not require sod.
Complete all seeding in conformance with FDOT Specifications Sections 570 and
981. Mulch and fertilize the grassed areas shall be mulched and fertilized in
accordance with FDOT Specifications.
C. All seeds must have been tested within 6 months of planting. Submit a seed bag
tag with final payment requests from each type or mixture of seed used. Seed
mixtures shall be chosen to insure the development of the planting during the
season or planting, and to insure future growth and permanence.
A. Furnish small grain straw mulch. Apply mulch at a rate of 1.5 tons per acre,
corresponding to a depth not less than 1-inch or more than 3-inches according to
texture and moisture content of mulch material. Apply asphalt emulsion at a rate
of 150 gallons per ton of straw to anchor the straw applied.
A. Apply lime at the rate of 1 to 1.5 tons per acre. Apply 10-10-10 commercial
fertilizer at the rate of 800 pounds per acre and work well into the top inch of
A. Clear areas to be sodded and/or seeded of all rough grass, weeds, and debris,
and bring soil to an even grade.
C. Bring area to proper grade, free of sticks, stones, or other foreign matter over 1-
inch in diameter or dimension. The surface shall conform to finish grade, less the
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thickness of sod, free of water-retaining depressions, the soil friable and of
uniformly firm texture.
A. Verify that soil preparation and related preceding work has been completed.
A. During delivery, prior to planting, and during the planting of sod areas, protect the
sod panels at all times from excessive drying and unnecessary exposure of the
roots to the sun. Stack sod during construction and planting so as not to be
damaged by sweating or excessive heat and moisture.
B. After completion of soil conditioning as specified above, lay sod panels tightly
together so as to make a solid sodded lawn area. On mounds and other slopes,
the long dimension of the sod shall be laid perpendicular to the slope.
Immediately following sod laying, roll the lawn areas with a lawn roller customarily
used for such purposes, and then thoroughly water.
C. Place sod at all areas where sod existed prior to construction, on slopes of 3
horizontal to 1 vertical (3:1) or greater, in areas where erosion of soils will occur,
and as directed by the ENGINEER. On areas where the sod may slide, due to
height and slope, the ENGINEER may direct that the sod be pegged, with pegs
driven through the sod blocks into firm earth, at suitable intervals.
A. In accordance with the FDOT District One Standard Practice, establish permanent
green grass at the completion of roadway construction and maintenance work.
The following shall apply to all restoration involving State or City roadways:
1. Use sod in lieu of seed and mulch on all roadways with urban (raised curb)
typical sections.
2. One inch water per week shall be required for a minimum of four (4)
consecutive weeks for the purpose of establishing sod. This can be waived
during construction, if and only if there is a minimum of one inch of rain per
week on all sod on the project.
3. Placed sod on slopes 1:3 or greater. Stake sod on slopes 1:2 or greater.
4. On all curves with superelevation, place sod from the edge of pavement to
the toe of slope on the downhill side(s) for the entire length of the
superelevated roadway. On multi-lane divided rural facilities, place sod in
the median and on the inside of the curve in the superelevated areas. This
does not apply to reverse crowns.
6. On tangent sections and on outside of curves, use sod between the edge of
pavement and a point 4 feet beyond the shoulder break point.
7. The entire width of sod should not exceed 15 feet from the edge of
8. Sod is to be used to eliminate narrow seed and mulch areas. Sod areas
less than 6 feet in width.
9. Place sod around drainage structures as per the standard Indexes and
extend to the edge of pavement.
A. The sod shall produce a dense, well-established growth. Repair and re-sod all
eroded or bare spots until project acceptance. Repair to sodding shall be
accomplished as in the original work.
A. Guarantee a live and vigorous stand of permanent grass at the time of acceptance
of the work consisting of 80 percent minimum coverage for seeded grass areas
with no bare spots greater than 5 square feet.
A. Reference Standards: Conform the work for this Section to the applicable portions
of the following standard Specifications.
A. Reports: Written permission for the use of all local disposal sites Furnish copies
to the ENGINEER.
B. Test Reports:
1. Thickness and Compressive Strength: Provide the ENGINEER with two (2)
certified copies of the test results. Perform the tests by a laboratory
approved by the ENGINEER.
A. Environmental Requirements:
B. Protection:
1. Protection Against Rain: Comply with the requirements for protecting new
work against damage from Rain, as specified under Article 3.3.I of this
C. Water: Use water for mixing and curing concrete reasonably clean and free from
oil, salt, acid, alkali, chlorides, sugar, vegetable, or other substances injurious to
the finished product. Waters from sources approved by the local Health
Department as potable may be used without test. Test water requiring testing in
accordance with the current Method of Test for Quality of Water to be Used in
Concrete, AASHTO T-26.
D. Concrete Curing Compounds: Use white membrane curing compound for curing
concrete that conforms to AASHTO M148, Type 1 clear, or Type 2 while per
FDOT Section 925.
E. Premolded Joint Filler: Use fiber joint filler that conforms to ASTM D1751. Use
filler of the thickness, as specified herein, or as directed by the ENGINEER.
F. Steel Hook Bolts: Use hook bolts that conform to ASTM A706, or for Grade 60 of
ASTM A615, A616, or A617. Use 5/8-inch diameter hook bolts self-tapping.
G. Joint Sealant: Use hot-poured type joint sealant that conforms to ASTM D1190.
A. Excavation and Forming: Prior to the installation of any concrete, examine the
excavation and forms for the proper grades, lines, and levels required to receive
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the new work. Ascertain that all excavation and compacted subgrades are
adequate to receive the concrete to be installed.
1. Correct all defects and deficiencies before proceeding with the work.
1. Making necessary adjustment in line and grade to align the new work with
the existing improvements must be approved by the ENGINEER prior to any
A. Forms: Use wood or metal forms, straight and free from warp, clean, and
sufficient strength to resist springing during the process of depositing concrete
against them.
1. Construct alleys, driveways and approaches six (6) inches thick. Construct
the width of the driveways and driveway approaches as shown on the Plans
or as directed by the ENGINEER.
3. Replace the removed curb and gutter section with materials, equal to what
was removed and seal joint with hot poured rubber asphalt.
C. Install 5/8-inch diameter self-tapping hook bolts, in the existing concrete pavement
as indicated on the Plans prior to placing concrete for the removed curb and gutter
D. Placement of Forms: Use wood forms, straight and free from warp, of nominal
depth for sidewalk sections less than 25 feet in length.
1. Stake forms to line and grade in a manner that will prevent deflection and
2. When unit slab areas are to be poured, place slab division forms such that
the slab division joints will be straight and continuous.
3. Set forms for sidewalk ramps to provide a grade toward the centerline of the
right-of-way in accordance with current standards. Use a uniform grade,
except as may be necessary to eliminate short grade changes.
4. Oil forms before placing concrete. Leave forms in place at least 12 hours
after the concrete is placed. Place forms ahead of the pouring operations to
maintain uninterrupted placement of concrete.
5. The use of slip form pavers can be allowed when approved by the
ENGINEER in lieu of the construction system described above.
1. Place the transverse expansion joints for the full width and depth of the new
work. Use transverse expansion joints placed against an existing pavement
a minimum of six (6) inches deep but no less than the thickness of the
concrete being placed.
3. Construct joints true to line with their faces perpendicular to the surface of
the sidewalk. Install the top slightly below the finished surface of the
sidewalk. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the centerline of the
sidewalk and construct longitudinal joints parallel to the centerline or as
directed by the ENGINEER.
5. Place expansion joints, 1/2-inch thick, between the sidewalk and back of
abutting parallel curb, buildings or other rigid structures, concrete driveways
and driveway approaches. When directed by the ENGINEER, place the
expansion joint between sidewalks and buildings 1-foot from the property
line and parallel to it.
6. Form plane-of-weakness joints every five (5) feet. Form joints by use of slab
divisions forms extending to the full depth of the concrete or by cutting joints
in the concrete, after floating, to a depth equal to 1/4 the thickness on the
sidewalk. Construct cut joints not less than 1/8-inch or more than 1/4-inch in
width and finish smooth and at right angles to the centerline on the sidewalk.
2. Float the surface of the concrete just enough to produce a smooth surface
free from irregularities. Round all edges and joints with an edger having a
1/4-inch radius.
4. Texture the surface of the sidewalk ramps with a coarse broom transversely
to the ramp slope, and coarser roughen than the remainder of the sidewalk.
Contract the ramp slope in color (using a brick-red dye or approved equal)
from the remainder of the sidewalk. Comply with minimum color contract
and slope requirements from FAC, UFAS, ADAAG, Local Government
Standards, or as directed by the ENGINEER.
G. Curing: After finishing operations have been completed and immediately after the
free water has left the surface, completely coat and seal the surface of the
concrete (and sides if slip-forming is used) with a uniform layer of white membrane
curing compound. Do not thin the curing compound. Apply the curing compound
at the rate of one gallon per 200 square feet of surface.
H. Barricades: Place suitable barricades and lights around all newly poured
sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, driveways, driveway approaches and curb and gutter
1. Leave barricades in place for a minimum of two (2) days, except for
driveway approaches and curb and gutter sections. Leave barricades in
place for a minimum of three (3) days.
2. Remove and replace any concrete that suffers surface or structural damage
at no additional cost.
I. Protection:
1. Against Rain: Protect new concrete from the effects of rain before the
concrete has sufficiently hardened. Have available on the job site at all
times enough burlap or 6-mil thick polyurethane film to cover and protect
one day’s work. Stop work and cover completed work when rain appears
eminent. As soon as the rain ceases, uncover the concrete and burlap drag
the surface where necessary. Apply curing compound to any areas where
the compound has been disturbed or washed away.
J. Cleanup: After the concrete has gained sufficient strength, but no sooner than
within 12 hours, remove the fixed forms and backfill the spaces on both sides with
sound earth of topsoil quality. Compact, level and leave backfill in a neat
K. Gutters and Curbs: Construct gutters and curbs in accordance with Section 520
FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition,
including supplements.
A. Concrete Delivery Ticket: Use a ticket system for recording the transportation of
concrete from the batching plant to point of delivery. Issue this ticket to the truck
operator at the point of loading and give to the ENGINEER upon delivery.
B. Concrete Delivery Rejection: Remove concrete not permitted for inclusion in the
work by the ENGINEER from the site. Rejection of concrete will be determined
through Field Quality Control and elapsed time from mixer charging to delivery.
2. Slump Test: Test in accordance with ASTM C143. Use the least slump
possible consistent with workability for proper placing of the various
classifications of concrete.
4. Compressive Strength: Make two (2) strength tests of three (3) samples
each for each 50 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of each mix design of
concrete placed in any one (1) day.
a. Handling Samples: Mold and cure three (3) specimens from each
sample in accordance with Method of Making and Curing Concrete
Test Specimens in the Field, ASTM C31. Record any deviations from
the requirements of this Standard in the test report.
A. This section provides for furnishing all permits, labor, materials, equipment, power
and incidentals for performing all operations necessary to dewater, depressurize,
drain and maintain excavations as described herein and as necessary for
installation of pipeline and appurtenances. Included are installing, maintaining,
operating and removing dewatering systems and other approved devices for the
control of surface and groundwater during the construction of pipelines and
appurtenances, open cut excavations, directional drilling. Included also are
protecting work against rising waters and repair of any resulting damage.
C. Assume sole responsibility for dewatering systems and for all loss or damage
resulting from partial or complete failure of protective measures and any
settlement or resultant damage caused by the dewatering operation.
10. As part of his request for approval of a dewatering system, demonstrate the
adequacy of the proposed system and well point filler sand by means of a
test installation.
A. Select equipment including but not limited to pumps, eductors, well points and
piping and other material desired.
A. Obtain all permits necessary for dewatering operations and file a copy of all such
permits with the City Manager or designee and ENGINEER.
B. Furnish, install, operate and maintain all necessary equipment for dewatering the
various parts of the Work and for maintaining free of water the excavations and
such other parts of the Work as required for Construction operations. Dewatering
system should provide for continuous operation including nights, weekends,
holidays, etc. Provide appropriate backup if electrical power is primary energy
source for dewatering system.
C. Continue dewatering in all required areas, until the involved work is completed,
including the placing and compaction of backfill materials.
D. Provide a uniform diameter for each pipe drain run constructed for dewatering.
Remove the pipe drain when it has served its purpose. If removal of the pipe is
impractical, provide grout connections at 50-foot intervals, and fill the pipe with
clay grout or cement and sand grout when the pipe has served its purpose.
B. Do not lay any pipeline in a trench in the presence of water. Remove all water
from the trench sufficiently ahead of the pipeline placing operation. The
ENGINEER shall have full and final authority to require dewatering of the trench to
ensure a dry, firm bed on which to place the pipeline. As a minimum, maintain
water levels at least 6 inches below the bottom of the trench. Continue to dewater
trench until trench backfilling operations have been completed.
1. If a dry trench bottom has not been obtained with usual methods of trench
dewatering, then the order to excavate below grade and place sufficient
select fill material, crushed stone, or 2500 psi concrete over the trench
bottom may be given.
2. If all efforts fail to obtain a stable dry trench bottom, and it is determined
that the trench bottom is unsuitable for pipe foundation, present an
alternate system for stabilization to the Engineer of Record for approval
by the City Manager or designee on a case-by-case basis.
D. If the soils encountered at the trench grade are suitable for the passage of water,
without destroying the sides or utility foundation of the trench, sumps may be
provided at intervals at the side of the main trench excavation. Use pumps to
lower the water level by taking their suction from said sumps.
A. Eductor, well points or deep wells, where used, must be furnished, installed and
operated by a reputable CONTRACTOR regularly engaged in this business, and
A. In areas where concrete is to be placed, carry out the foundation drainage so that
the required lowering of the water table will be effected prior to placing reinforcing
steel. Keep foundation beds free from water to the same levels for 3 days after
placing concrete.
A. Do not discharge pumped drainage water into the sanitary sewer system or inhibit
pedestrian or vehicular traffic with the groundwater control system.
B. Discharge pumped drainage water into the storm sewer system or drainage ditch
by direct means (i.e., discharge hose to inlet, burying header, etc.). Monitor the
discharged water to determine that soil particles are not being removed.
C. Conform all discharge to current South Florida Water Management District and
City Department of Stormwater, Streets and Traffic rules, regulations, procedures
and regulatory permits and if discharged into receiving waters, shall not exceed 29
N.T.U.’s above background.
A. Assume full responsibility for all loss and damage due to flooding, rising water or
seepage resulting from dewatering operations in any part of the work. Repair any
damage to partially completed work from these or other causes, including the
removal of slides, repair of foundation beds and performance of any other work
necessitated by lack of adequate dewatering or drainage facilities.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and remove and
replace pavements over trenches excavated for installation of pipelines as shown
on the drawings and/or specified herein.
A. Repair all damage, as a result of work under this project, done to existing
pavement, driveways, paved areas, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, shrubbery,
grass, trees, fences, utility poles, utility pipe lines, conduits, drains, catch basins,
or stabilized areas or driveways and including all obstructions not specifically
named herein, in a manner satisfactory to the ENGINEER. Include in the bid
price, the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary
for the cutting, repair, and restoration of the damaged areas unless pay items for
specific types of repair are included in the Bid Form.
B. Keep the surface of the backfilled area of excavation in a safe condition and level
with the remaining pavement until the pavement is restored in the manner
specified herein. All surface irregularities that are dangerous or obstructive to
traffic are to be removed. Conform the repair to applicable CITY or State
requirements for pavement repair and as described herein.
C. The CITY reserves the right to require soil bearing or loading tests or materials
tests, should the adequacy of the foundation or the quality of materials used be
questionable. Costs of these tests shall be the responsibility of the CITY, if found
acceptable; the costs of all failed tests shall be the responsibility of the
D. Make all street and road repair in accordance with the details indicated on the
drawings and in accordance with the applicable requirements of these
Specifications and meeting the permit requirements and approval of the governing
Department of Transportation agencies.
A. Use materials for flexible base pavement and base course as specified in the
latest version of the Florida Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications
for Road and Bridge Construction".
A. Cut and remove pavement to straight edges, 6 inches outside each edge of
proposed trench to avoid pavement damage during installation of the new
pipelines and appurtenances and for making connections to existing pipelines.
B. Before removing pavement, mark the pavement for cuts nearly paralleling
pipelines and existing street lines. Cut asphalt pavement along the markings with
a jackhammer, rotary saw, or other suitable tool.
A. Restore, replace or rebuild existing street paving, driveways, sidewalks, etc., using
the same type of construction as was in the original. Be responsible for restoring
all such work, including sub-grade and base courses where present. Obtain and
pay for such local or other governmental permits as may be necessary for the
opening of streets. Meet any requirements other than those herein set forth which
may affect the type, quality and manner of carrying on the restoration of surfaces
by reason of jurisdiction of such governmental bodies.
C. Complete all the final resurfacing or re-paving of streets or roads, over the
excavations and relay paving surfaces of roadbed that have failed or been
damaged prior to acceptance by the City Manager or designee. Conform
backfilling of trenches and the preparation of sub-grades to the requirements of
Section 02223.
A. Apply bituminous prime and tack coats on the previously prepared base course in
accordance with Section 300 of the FDOT Specifications.
A. After all repair and restoration or paving has been completed, remove all excess
asphalt, dirt, and other debris from the roadways. Check and clean all existing
storm sewers and inlets of any construction debris.
1. This section specifies fusible polyvinylchloride pipe, including standards
for dimensionality, testing, quality, acceptable fusion practice, safe
handling, storage and installation of the pipe by horizontal directional
drilling, directional boring, or guided boring.
1. Contractor shall provide fusible polyvinylchloride pipe conforming to all
standards and procedures, and meeting all testing and material
properties as described in this specification for installation by horizontal
directional drilling.
2. Contractor shall be responsible for all installation processes and
procedures associated with the installation by horizontal directional
drilling in accordance with this specification.
1. Pipe Supplier shall furnish fusible polyvinylchloride pipe conforming to all
standards and procedures, and meeting all testing and material
properties as described in this specification.
2. Pipe shall conform to the following dimensionality and general
characteristics table:
Nominal Pressure Required
Pipe Description Diameter DR Color Class Inner
(in.) (psi) Diameter (in.)
ASTM D1784 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds
ASTM D1785 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120
Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded
ASTM D2152
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion
ASTM D2241 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)
ASTM D2665 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe
and Fittings
ASTM F477 Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe
ASTM F679 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Diameter Plastic
Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings
1. Fusible polyvinylchloride pipe shall be tested at the extrusion facility for
properties required to meet all applicable parameters as outlined in either
AWWA C900, AWWA C905, applicable sections of ASTM D2241, ASTM
D3034, or ASTM F679 . Testing priority shall be in conformance with
AWWA C900 and AWWA C905, except for pipe made to the ASTM
D3034 or ASTM F679 standards, which shall be tested to those
standards. All piping shall be made from a PVC compound conforming to
cell classification 12454 per ASTM D1784.
1. Fusion Technician shall be fully qualified by the pipe supplier to install
fusible polyvinylchloride pipe of the type(s) and size(s) being used.
Qualification shall be current as of the actual date of fusion performance
on the project.
1. Fusible polyvinylchloride pipe shall be used as manufactured under the
trade names Fusible C-900®, Fusible C-905®, and FPVC™, for
Underground Solutions, Inc., Poway, CA, (858) 679-9551. Fusion
process shall be as patented by Underground Solutions, Inc., Poway, CA,
Patent No. 6,982,051. Owner and Engineer are aware of no other
supplier or fusible polyvinylchloride pipe that is an equal to this specified
pipe supplier and product.
1. The pipe shall be warranted for one year per the pipe supplier’s standard
2. In addition to the standard pipe warranty, the fusion services shall be
warranted for one year per the fusion service provider’s standard terms.
A Pipe pull heads shall be utilized that employ a positive through-bolt design
assuring a smooth wall against the pipe cross-section at all times.
B Pipe pull heads shall be specifically designed for use with fusible
polyvinylchloride pipe, and shall be as recommended by the pipe supplier.
A Pipe rollers, if required, shall be of sufficient size to fully support the weight of
the pipe during handling and pullback operations.
B A sufficient quantity of rollers and spacing, per the pipe supplier’s guidelines
shall be used to assure adequate support and excessive sagging of the
product pipe.
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing sewer manholes and all other
appurtenances for a complete installation. Provide precast reinforced concrete
manholes conforming to ASTM C478 in accordance with the Standard Details.
4. ASTM C 443 - Specification for Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and
Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric]
B. Quality Control: Submit shop and field test reports of concrete samples tested in
an approved laboratory.
A. General: Take every precaution to prevent injury to the manhole sections during
transportation and unloading. Unload manhole sections using skids, pipe hooks,
rope slings, or suitable power equipment, if necessary, and keep the sections
under control at all times. Do not allow the manhole sections to be dropped,
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dumped or dragged under any conditions. Follow applicable requirements
specified in Division 1.
B. Manhole Frames and Covers: Provide manhole frames and covers as shown on
the Standard details. Castings for manhole frames, covers and other items shall
conform to the ASTM Designation A48, Class 30. Castings shall be true to pattern
in form and dimensions and free of pouring faults and other defects in positions
which would impair their strength, or otherwise make them unfit for the service
intended. The scating surfaces between frames and covers shall be machined to
fit true so the frames and covers do not shift under traffic conditions or permit
entry of storm water from flooding. Lifting or “pick” holes shall be provided, but
shall not penetrate the cover. The words SANITARY SEWER, as well as CITY
OF NAPLES, FLORIDA shall be cast in all manhole covers except those owned
by a private party. All manhole frames and covers shall be traffic bearing unless
E. Pipeline Connections to Manhole: Provide neoprene boots with type 316 stainless
steel clamps of a design approved by the City Manager or designee for joining
sewers to manhole riser sections equal to OR-N-Seal as manufactured by the
Decker Corporation or Engineer of Record approved equal. Fill the unfilled portion
of the connection with mortar or concrete to guarantee a watertight seal. Where
required or shown on the plans, connection to existing sewer shall be made in a
manner which will maintain existing flow on a continuous basis. Where flow
cannot be maintained, interruption of service shall be minimized such that no by-
pass of sanitary sewage to any natural waterway or storm drain occurs, nor shall
such interruption create a public health hazard by sewage backup or overflows.
F. Doghouse Manholes: Doghouse manholes over existing sanitary sewer pipes are
permitted, and in a number of instances, preferred. Provide a concrete base a
minimum of 8 inches thick, with proper reinforcing rods to prevent cracking. Pour
concrete base upon a 12-inch base of gravel. Precast manhole rings may be set
in the concrete over the existing pipe. Concrete should then be used to form both
the bench and to seal the pipe entrances, both inside and especially outside.
Once dry, remove the top of the pipe in the manhole. Special provisions may be
required at the City Manager’s, or designee’s, discretion.
I. Manhole Inverts: Form manhole inverts from concrete having a minimum 28 day
compressive strength of 2500 psi, and as shown in the Standard Details. Inverts
for "straight-through" manholes may be formed by laying the pipe straight through
the manhole, pouring the concrete invert, and then cutting out the top half of the
pipe, provided that a 0.1 foot drop is maintained across the manhole. Construct
curved inverts of concrete, as shown in the Standard Details, and form a smooth,
even, half pipe section. Precast inverts may be used, however, no large "bowls"
shall be permitted in the center of the manhole. To alleviate this problem, grout
the invert to form a smooth, uniform invert as shown in the Standard Details.
Maintain a 0.1 foot drop across the manhole.
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J. Inflow Protectors: In all manholes, install an inflow protector manufactured from
a high-quality 304 stainless steel with a consistent thickness of not less than
18 gage. The inflow shall have a deep-dish bowl design with no less than 8
inches in depth to allow easy and unobstructed removal of the manhole cover.
The manhole inflow protector is to be manufactured with a one-piece rubber
gasket installed at the factory for a tight, consistent fit. The rubber gasket is to
be designed to securely wrap around the entire leading edge of the inflow
protector at the point where it comes in contact with the manhole frame and
cover. The wrap around rubber gasket is to be manufactured to a width of no
less than 3/8 inches, consistent on top and bottom of the leading edge of the
inflow protector. The gasket shall be no more than 3/32 inches thick. The
insert removal handle shall be manufactured of a high-quality stainless steel
for strength and durability. The handle is installed in such a way that it does
not interfere with the installation or removal of the manhole lid. The insert
handle will be manufactured to withstand a minimum pull force of 500 pounds
before it fails or separates from the insert. The inscription “PROPERTY OF
CITY OF NAPLES UTILITIES” shall be etched, at the base of the handle
frame, to provide a long-lasting identification marker for the CITY. The inflow
protector shall be as manufactured by Sewer Shield, Inc., Maitland, FL, or an
approved equal.
K. Chimney Seals: Install a minimum of two (2) precast concrete riser rings or two
(2) or more precast concrete rings and a layer of brick and mortar or HDPE
riser rings with Cretex (or City approved equal) chimney seals between
manhole and cast iron frame. Each concrete ring shall be set in a bed of
mortar to insure a proper bond and seal between successive concrete rings.
On road overlay projects that raise the elevation of the road grade, the
manhole shall be raised with brick and mortar or concrete of riser rings.
B. The City Manager or designee reserves the right to core manholes either at the
job site or point of delivery to validate strength of concrete and placement of steel.
If cores fail to demonstrate the required strength or indicate incorrect placement of
reinforcing steel, all sections not previously tested will be considered rejected until
sufficient additional cores are tested, at no increase in Contract Amount, to
substantiate conformance to these requirements.
A. Lifting Holes: Grout lifting holes through the structure with non-shrink grout equal
to embeco No. 167 by Master Builders or an Engineer of Record approved equal.
B. Precast Base: Provide a precast base of not less than 8 inches (see Detail Dwg.)
in thickness with a minimum dimension across the precast base of 72 inches
poured monolithically with the bottom section of the manhole walls, reinforced,
with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi.
D. Top Termination: Terminate manhole tops at such elevations as will permit laying
up grade rings under the manhole frame to make allowances for future street
grade adjustments.
F. Internal Protection: Provide internal protection for all manholes by either of the
G. Coal Tar Epoxy Exterior Coating: Coat all manhole, wet well, and valve vault
exteriors with two (2) coats of coal tar epoxy to a minimum thickness of 8 dry mils.
H. Care shall be exercised during construction of the manhole to see that materials
do not enter the sewer line. The invert and shelf of the manhole shall be kept
clean of all mortar, broken brick, sand, or any other materials falling into the
manhole. Such material shall be immediately removed. This condition shall be
maintained until final acceptance of the work. Prior to testing of gravity sanitary
sewer lines, the lines shall be thoroughly cleaned, using standard pressure
rodding techniques. See Section 01400 1.5.A.4. for further information on
gravity sewer line and manhole construction and testing.
A. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the SewperCoat lining
system where shown on the drawings for protection of concrete structures against
hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform installation by workers experienced in the
application of the lining system to be used.
B. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the Integrated
Environmental Technologies (IET) coating system where shown on the drawings
for protection of concrete structures against hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform
installation by workers experienced in the application of the coating to be used.
C. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the Koppers Bitumastic
300-M coating system where shown on the drawings for protection of concrete
structures against hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform installation by workers
experienced in the application of the coating to be used.
B. Pure-fused Calcium Aluminate Cement Lining: The cement lining material shall be
a pure fused calcium aluminate mortar with pure fused calcium aluminate
aggregate equal to SewperCoat as manufactured by Lafarge Calcium Aluminates,
Inc. The material shall be spray applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
2. The material shall form a mechanical and chemical bond to the wetwell
surface with zero shrinkage. The material shall have a minimum 28-day
compressive strength of 9000 psi.
A. For manhole lining using Koppers bitumastic, see Section 02607 “Manholes.” For
wet well (exterior) and valve vault coating using Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M,
see Part 3 “Execution” below.
A. Plug or bypass all pipes in service before any work is started on the structure. No
debris is to be flushed down the line.
B. Anyone entering the structure must conform to all OSHA requirements for
“Confined Space Entry” equipment and permitting.
1. Abrasive-blast “new” structures to remove all oils and patch mud, and to
open pinholes and expose aggregate.
E. Repair all leaks by injecting grout using Avanti Multi-grout AV-202 or equivalent.
Hydraulic cement shall not be used to stop any water leaks.
F. Spray Application: Mix and apply the pure fused calcium aluminate cement liner
system in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions using only
manufacturers approved equipment. This includes the preparation, installation,
curing and finish operation required for the completion of the process.
1. Wet gun: Spray the material directly to the damp wetwell surface in a two-
coat application. Trowel the material smooth after each coat, completely
covering the interior surface of the wetwell from the frame to the invert with a
minimum thickness of 1 inch. Apply a “brushed” finish to the second coat
after troweling.
2. Dry Gun: Spray the material directly to the damp wetwell surface in a one-
coat application. Trowel the material smooth after the application, completely
covering the interior surface of the wetwell from the frame to the invert with a
minimum thickness of 1 inch. Apply a “brushed” finish after troweling.
G. Curing: The material shall cure in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and instructions.
H. Inspect lining system for holidays, cracks and pinholes. Take particular care to
check lining over brick, block, heavy spalled surfaces, and other very rough
surfaces and locate holes in the lining caused by voids in bricks, block, concrete
and structure joints. Fill voids and holidays in accordance with the lining system
manufacturer’s instructions.
I. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products. The
work includes the surface preparation and application of the SewperCoat lining
system, and shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks, and
from failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen
A. Plug or bypass all pipes in service before any work is started on the structure. No
debris is to be flushed down the line.
C. Prepare surface in accordance with the requirements of IET Systems Data Sheets
on Concrete Preparation. Interior surfaces of manhole shall be sound, porous, dry,
and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants prior to application of
D. Dry abrasive-blast Interior surface of structure to remove all loose patching, old
coatings and any contamination in the concrete. Do not use silica sand.
1. Dry abrasive-blast “new” structures to remove all oils and patch mud, and to
open pin holes and expose aggregate.
E. Repair all leaks by injecting grout using Avanti Multi-grout AV-202 or equivalent.
Hydraulic cement shall not be used to stop any water leaks.
F. Clean and remove dust material with pressure washing for maximum adhesion.
Blow dry concrete at 250 cfm with 120 psi.
G. Apply IET Systems Coating by the use of the IET Systems Spray Unit and IET
Systems Spincaster. Apply IET coating at least three different intervals – prime
coat, intermediate coat and finish coat, per IET Systems manufacturer instructions
and specifications. The total thickness of the IET coating shall be at least 125
H. Inspect lining system for holidays, cracks and pinholes. Take particular care to
check lining over brick, block, heavy spalled surfaces, and other very rough
surfaces and locate holes in the lining caused by voids in bricks, block, concrete
and structure joints. Fill voids and holidays in accordance with the lining system
manufacturer’s instructions.
I. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products. The
work includes the surface preparation and application of the IET coating system,
and shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks, and from
failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen
A. Wet well – For brick exterior below ground surfaces exposed during renovation,
clean off dirt and debris with high pressure water cleaning. Patch leaking joints
with hydraulic cement and coat exterior surfaces with a waterproofing cement
coating. For exterior precast concrete below ground surfaces exposed during
renovation, clean off dirt and debris with high pressure water cleaning. Patch
leaking joints with hydraulic cement and coat exterior surfaces with three coats of
Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M bituminous seal coating. Each coat shall have a
minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils per coat, for a total finish coating thickness
of 30 mils dry film thickness. Exterior coating shall be Koppers Bitumastic No.
300-M (bituminous seal coating) or an equal approved by the Engineer of Record.
New precast concrete wet well sections installed as part of the renovation contract
shall be coated at the precast manufacturer’s yard prior to shipment as described
B. Valve Vault – Concrete surfaces shall be clean and dry prior to coating. Surfaces
shall be free of dirt, loose cement, form oil, curing compounds and any other
foreign material. Coatings shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. Exterior below ground surfaces shall be coated with 3 coats of a
bituminous seal coating with a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils per coat, for
a total finish coating thickness of 30 mils dry film thickness of Koppers Bitumastic
No. 300-M.
Interior concrete surfaces of valve vault shall be coated with three coats of a coal
tar epoxy coating with a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils per coat, for a total
finish coating thickness of 30 mils dry film thickness. Subsequent coats to the first
coat shall be applied within 48 hours of the previous coat. The color of the coats
shall be red for the first coat, black for the second coat, and red for the third coat.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to install High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe, fittings, and appurtenances as shown
on the Drawings and specified in the Contract Documents.
B. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – City Utilities has the option of approving the
use of HDPE for pipeline crossings of roadways, ditches, canals, and
environmentally sensitive lands. HDPE mains shall have the same equivalent
internal diameter and equivalent pressure class rating as the corresponding PVC
pipe, unless otherwise approved by the City Manager or designee. For all
roadway crossings requiring casing pipe, a steel or DR 11 HDPE casing pipe must
be provided. The Department of Transportation having jurisdiction of said road
and right-of-way must grant specific approval.
A. All standard specifications, i.e., Federal, ANSI, ASTM, etc., made a portion of
these Specifications by reference, shall be the latest edition and revision thereof.
A. Furnish all HDPE pipe, fittings, and appurtenances by a single manufacturer who
is fully experienced, reputable and qualified in the manufacture of the items to be
C. Submit shop drawings showing installation method and the proposed method and
specialized equipment to be used.
A. All work shall be inspected by the City Manager or designee who shall have
the authority to halt construction if, in his opinion, these specifications or
standard construction practices are not being followed. Whenever any portion
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of these specifications is violated, the City Manager or designee, may order
further construction to cease until all deficiencies are corrected.
A. Warrant all work to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period
of one year from the date of completion of all construction. If work meets these
specifications, a letter of acceptance, subject to the one year warranty period,
shall be given at the time of completion. A final acceptance letter shall be given
upon final inspection at the end of the one year warranty period, provided the work
still complies with these specifications. In the event deficiencies are discovered
during the warranty period, the CONTRACTOR shall correct them without
additional charge to the CITY before final acceptance. During the warranty period,
the ENGINEER will determine if warranty repairs or replacement work shall be
performed by the CONTRACTOR. The decision of the ENGINEER shall be
binding upon the CONTRACTOR.
B. Installer Certification for The CONTRACTOR installing thermal butt fused HDPE
B. The diameter of DR 11 HDPE casing pipe provided for roadway crossings or other
purposes shall conform to the following table:
Inches Inches
2 10
4 14
6 16
8 18
10 20
Inches Inches
8 14
10 16
12 20
15 24
18 26
21 30
24 32
27 36
C. HDPE to HDPE pipe connections shall be by thermal butt fusion. Thermal fusion
shall be accomplished in accordance with the pipe manufacturer and fusion
equipment supplier specifications. The CONTRACTOR installing thermal butt
fused HDPE pipe shall be certified in this type of work and have a minimum of five
years experience performing this type of work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide
certification to the Engineer of Record, who will provide the Engineering Review
Services Department with the certification.
E. Approved Manufacturer: Manufacturers that are qualified and approved are listed
Products from other manufacturers proposed for the work must receive approval
from the City Manager or designee prior to ordering.
F. Materials: Materials used for the manufacture of polyethylene pipe and fittings
shall be PE3408 high density polyethylene meeting cell classification 345434C or
345434E per ASTM D3350; and meeting Type III, Class B or Class C, Category 5,
Grade P34 per ASTM D1248; and shall be listed in the name of the pipe and fitting
manufacturer in PPI (Plastics Pipe Institute) TR-4, Recommended Hydrostatic
Strengths and Design Stresses for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings Compounds,
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with a standard grade rating of 1600 psi at 73°F. The Manufacturer shall certify
that the materials used to manufacture pipe and fittings meet these requirements.
H. Color Identification: HDPE must have at least three equally spaced horizontal
colored marking stripes. Permanent identification of piping service shall be
provided by adhering to the following colors.
K. X-Ray Inspection: The Manufacturer shall submit samples from each molded
fittings production lot to x-ray inspection for voids, and shall certify that voids were
not found.
N. Back-up Rings and Flange Bolts: Flange adapters shall be fitted with lap joint
flanges pressure rated equal to or greater than the mating pipe. The lap joint
flange bore shall be chamfered or radiused to provide clearance to the flange
adapter radius. Flange bolts and nuts shall be Grade 2 or higher.
A. The pipe and fitting manufacturer shall have an established quality control
program responsible for inspecting incoming and outgoing materials. Incoming
polyethylene materials shall be inspected for density, melt flow rate, and
contamination. The cell classification properties of the material shall be certified
by the supplier, and verified by Manufacturer’s Quality Control. Incoming
materials shall be approved by Quality Control before processing into finished
goods. Outgoing materials shall be checked for:
3. Straightness, inside and outside surface finish, markings and end cuts shall be
visually inspected as per ASTM F714 on every length of pipe.
1. Density as per ASTM D1505 at a frequency of at least once per extrusion lot.
2. Melt Index as per ASTM D1238 at a frequency of at least once per extrusion
3. Carbon content as per ASTM D1603 at a frequency of at least once per day per
extrusion line.
4. Quick burst pressure (sizes thru 4-inch) as per ASTM D1599 at a frequency of
at least once per day per line.
5. Ring Tensile Strength (sizes above 4-inch equipment permitting) as per ASTM
D2290 at a frequency of at least once per day per line.
6. ESCR (size permitting) as per ASTM F1248 at a frequency of at least once per
extrusion lot.
A. Install all high density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe by direct bury,
directional bore, or a method approved by the CITY or ENGINEER prior to
construction. If directional bore is used, or if directed by the City Manager or
designee or ENGINEER, surround the entire area of construction by silt barriers.
Install all high density polyethylene pressure pipe and fittings in accordance with
Manufacturer's recommendations, and this specification. Take all necessary
precautions to ensure a safe working environment in accordance with the
applicable codes and standards.
A. Make joints between plain end pipes and fittings by butt fusion, and joints between
the main and saddle branch fittings by using saddle fusion using only procedures
that are recommended by the pipe and fitting Manufacturer. Ensure that persons
making heat fusion joints have received training and certification for heat fusion in
the Manufacturer's recommended procedure. Maintain records of trained
personnel, and shall certify that training was received not more than 12 months
before commencing construction. External and internal beads shall not be
A. Make branch connections to the main with saddle fittings or tees. Saddle fuse
polyethylene saddle fittings to the main pipe.
A. Butt fuse fabricated directional fittings 16" IPS and larger to the end of a pipe.
Make up the flanged directional outlet connections in the trench.
A. Lay pipe on grade and on a stable foundation. Remove unstable or mucky trench
bottom soils, and install a 6-inch foundation or bedding of compacted Class I
material to pipe bottom grade. Remove excess groundwater from the trench
before laying the foundation or bedding and the pipe. A trench cut in rock or stony
soil shall be excavated to 6 inches below pipe bottom grade, and brought back to
grade with compacted Class I bedding. Remove all ledge rock, boulders, and
large stones.
A. When lifting with slings, use only wide fabric choker slings to lift, move, or lower
pipe and fittings. Do not use wire rope or chain. Slings shall be of sufficient
capacity for the load, and shall be inspected before use. Do not use worn or
defective equipment.
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A. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing: Pressure test and flush HDPE pipes after swabbing
in accordance with Section 02675 and 02676.
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing buried PVC pipe, fittings and
1. Provide PVC pipe and fittings complete with all necessary jointing facilities
and materials, specials, adapters and other appurtenances required for
installation in and completion of the pipelines to be constructed.
1. ASTM D3034 - Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and
4. AWWA C901 – Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, ½ In. through
3 In for water service
10. ANSI A21.11 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray Iron
Pressure Pipe and Fittings
A. Gravity Sewer Pipe - PVC pipe shall be of the integral wall bell and spigot joint
type, which meets or exceeds all requirements set forth in ASTM D3034, latest
revision. Minimum wall thickness shall conform to ASTM SDR 26. PVC pipes
used for gravity sewers shall be green in color. Fittings shall be made of PVC
plastic as defined by ASTM SDR 26 1784, latest revision. Flexible gasketed joints
shall be compression type conforming to ASTM D3201, latest revision. Joints
shall have elastomeric joint gaskets and shall conform to ASTM F477, latest
revision. Lubricant and gaskets are to be supplied with the pipe by the
manufacturer of the pipe. Other types of lubricants are prohibited. At all conflict
crossings using 4”-12” substitute C900 PVC, Class 200, DR 14 and for PVC pipe
14” and larger use C905 PVC, Class 235, DR 18.
B. Force Main Pipe – PVC pipe meeting the latest revision of AWWA C900 or AWWA
C905 shall be provided. For installation of 4” – 12” pipe, the pressure class shall
be 235 with a DR of 18. For installation of 14” – 24” pipe, use pressure class 200,
DR 21, meeting or exceeding the requirements of Uni-Bell B-11. PVC pipes used
for force mains shall be green in color. Outside diameters shall be equivalent to
ductile iron pipe of the same nominal size. Pipes shall be marked with the
manufacturer’s name, nominal size, type of plastic, and pressure rating. Joints
between successive lengths of straight PVC pipe shall be compression type using
a single elastomeric gasket, per ASTM C-3139 and F477. Lubricant and gaskets
are to be supplied with the pipe by the manufacturer of the pipe. Other types of
lubricants are prohibited. Fittings shall be ductile iron (see Section 02630, 2.4.B).
Restraint shall be provided for horizontal or vertical alignment changes using uni-
flange type collars, epoxy coated, with high strength, low alloy hardware, and shall
be EBAA “Megalug,” “Uni-flange,” Romac “Grip Ring,” Sigma, Tyler, or Star
restraint. (see also Section 2.1.L.) Fittings above 8 inch shall conform to the
standards in Section 02505, until such time that C900 rated fittings in sizes larger
than 8 inch are available. PVC pipe direct buried beneath roadways, parking lots
or parking lot entrances shall meet AWWA Specification C900 or C905, latest
revision. All 4” to 12” pipe in such locations shall be a minimum of Class 305, DR
14, and all 14” to 24” pipe shall be a minimum of Class 235, DR 18. Pressure
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Class 250 ductile iron pipe may be used instead of PVC in these locations if
approved by the City Manager or designee.
C. Potable, Raw and Non-Potable Irrigation Water Main Pipe - PVC shall conform to
AWWA Specification C900 or C905, latest revision. All 4” to 12” pipe shall be a
minimum of Class 235, DR 18 and all 14” to 24” pipe shall be a minimum of Class
200, DR 21 and shall meet or exceed Uni-Bell B-11. All potable water pipe shall
bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for potable water pipe.
All pipe shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, nominal size, type of
plastic and pressure rating. All PVC pipe used for potable water lines shall be
predominately blue in color. Underground PVC pipes used for potable water lines
shall be solid-wall blue pipe, will have a co-extruded blue external skin, or will be
white or black pipe with blue stripes incorporated into, or applied to, the pipe wall.
PVC pipes used for raw water shall be olive green in color. PVC pipes used for
non-potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water shall be purple in color. Pipe O.D.
shall be equivalent to cast iron pipe of the same nominal size. See Section 2.1.L
for joint restraint information. PVC pipe direct buried beneath roadways, parking
lots or parking lot entrances shall meet AWWA Specification C900 or C905, latest
revision. All 4” to 12” pipe in such locations shall be a minimum of Class 305, DR
14, and all 14” to 24” pipe shall be a minimum of Class 235, DR 18. Pressure
Class 250 ductile iron pipe may be used instead of PVC in these locations if
approved by the City Manager or designee. Fittings shall be ductile iron (see
Section 02630, 2.4.A). Water service lines less than 4” shall be polyethylene
service tubing PE 4710 DR-9 Pressure Class 250. When going under roads,
service lines 2” and smaller shall be encased in schedule 80 PVC a minimum of
twice the nominal outside diameter of the carrirer pipe; for 3” and larger under
roads, use Class 200 6” PVC casing. Water service lines shall be continuous
polyethylene service tubing with no fittings/couplings.
D. Provide pipe of the various sizes and classes as specified in the schedule or
shown. Restrain all pressure pipe joints.
E. Construct concrete encasements only with written permission from the Water
1. Pipe joints, fittings, sleeves and cleanouts. Where special designs or fittings
are required, show the work in large detail and completely describe and
dimension all items.
A. Deliver, store and handle all pipe, fittings and appurtenances as specified in
Division 1 and Section 02650.
A. PVC Pipes and Fabricated Fittings: PVC pipe and fabricated fittings shall be
made from virgin PVC resin that has been compounded to provide physical
and chemical properties that equal or exceed cell class 12454-B as defined in
ASTM D1784, and shall qualify for a hydrostatic design basis of 4,000 psi
(27.58 MPa) at 73.4F (23C) per the requirements of PPI TR-3.
B. Fittings for Pressure Pipe: Provide all fittings meeting the requirements of Section
02630, except for PVC pipe 2 ½” or smaller, in which case use specifications
C. Joints and Fittings for Gravity Sewer Pipe: Provide all fittings meeting the
requirements of ASTM D 3034 and ASTM F 679. Provide joints that are a molded
integral part of the pipe section. Do not use joints or couplings furnished loose.
Provide joints with elastomeric gasket joints.
D. Joints for Pressure Pipe: Provide pipe with bell ends in accordance with AWWA
C900 and AWWA C905. Provide joints with elastomeric gasket joints.
G. Color: Provide pipe made of 100 percent of the color specified. Provide green
sewer or force main pipe. Provide blue potable water pipe. Provide olive green
raw water pipe. Provide purple non-potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water
L. Restraining Devices: Restraining joints shall be placed at all bends, tees, plugs,
reducers, and other fittings to provide lateral support, and shall conform to the City
Standard Details. Concrete thrust blocks shall only be utilized if approved by City
Utilities. Restrained joint shall be capable of deflection during assembly.
Deflection shall not exceed the manufacturer recommendations. Tee head bolts
and nuts for restrained joints shall be manufactured of Corten-A, high strength,
low alloy, corrosion resistant steel.
1. Joint restraint devices for ductile iron mechanical joint fittings to PVC pipe
shall be EBAA Iron Sales, Series 2000PV, Uniflange, Sigma, Star, Tyler,
Lok-Type or Tr-Flex manufactured by U.S. Pipe Co., Lok-Fast or Lok-
Ring manufactured by American Cast Iron Pipe Co., or Romac Industries.
2. Bell joint restraint devices for PVC push joint pipe shall be EBAA Iron Sales,
Series 1600 for C900 pipe and Series 2800 for C905 pipe or approved
A. Install all buried PVC pipe and fittings in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and approved shop drawings and as specified in Division 1 and
Section 02650.
A. General: Disinfect all pipelines that are to carry potable water before they are
placed in service as specified in Section 02675.
A. Refer to the Schedules contained in Section 02650 Laying and Jointing Buried
Pipelines for information on the piping that is to be constructed using the pipe
materials and methods specified herein.
1. This section specifies fusible polyvinylchloride pipe, including standards
for dimensionality, testing, quality, acceptable fusion practice, safe
handling and storage.
1. Pipe Supplier shall furnish fusible polyvinylchloride pipe conforming to all
standards and procedures, and meeting all testing and material
properties as described in this specification.
2. Pipe shall conform to the following dimensionality and general
characteristics table:
Nominal Pressure Required
Pipe Description Diameter DR Color Class Inner
(in.) (psi) Diameter (in.)
ASTM D1784 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds
ASTM D1785 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120
Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded
ASTM D2152
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion
ASTM D2241 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)
ASTM D2665 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe
and Fittings
ASTM F477 Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe
ASTM F679 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Diameter Plastic
Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F1057 Standard Practice for Estimating the Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Pipe by the Heat Reversion Technique
ASTM F1417 Standard Test Method for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer
Lines Using Low-Pressure Air
UNI-PUB-6 Recommended Practice for Low-Pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer Pipe
UNI-PUB-8 Recommended Practice for the Direct Tapping of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Pressure Water Pipe (Nominal Diameters 6-12 Inch)
NSF-14 Plastics Piping System Components and Related Materials
NSF-61 Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects
1. Fusible polyvinylchloride pipe shall be tested at the extrusion facility for
properties required to meet all applicable parameters as outlined in either
AWWA C900, AWWA C905, applicable sections of ASTM D2241, ASTM
D3034, or ASTM F679 . Testing priority shall be in conformance with
AWWA C900 and AWWA C905, except for pipe made to the ASTM
D3034 or ASTM F679 standards, which shall be tested to those
standards. All piping shall be made from a PVC compound conforming to
cell classification 12454 per ASTM D1784.
1. Fusion Technician shall be fully qualified by the pipe supplier to install
fusible polyvinylchloride pipe of the type(s) and size(s) being used.
Qualification shall be current as of the actual date of fusion performance
on the project.
1. Fusible polyvinylchloride pipe shall be used as manufactured under the
trade names Fusible C-900®, Fusible C-905®, and FPVC™, for
Underground Solutions, Inc., Poway, CA, (858) 679-9551. Fusion
process shall be as patented by Underground Solutions, Inc., Poway, CA,
Patent No. 6,982,051. owner and engineer are aware of no other
supplier or fusible polyvinylchloride pipe that is an equal to this specified
pipe supplier and product.
1. The pipe shall be warranted for one year per the pipe supplier’s standard
2. In addition to the standard pipe warranty, the fusion services shall be
warranted for one year per the fusion service provider’s standard terms.
1. The following PRODUCT DATA is required from the pipe supplier and/or
fusion provider:
1) Pipe Size
2) Dimensionality
3) Pressure Class per applicable standard
4) Color
5) Recommended Minimum Bending Radius
6) Recommended Maximum Safe Pull Force
7) Pipe and fusion services warranty information.
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8) Written procedural documentation for piping products including proper
handling and storage, installation, tapping, and testing.
9) Fusion technician qualification indicating conformance with this
1. The following AS-RECORDED DATA is required from the contractor
and/or fusion provider to the Owner or pipe supplier upon request:
1) Fusion report for each fusion joint performed on the project, including
joints that were rejected. Specific requirements of the Fusion
Technician’s joint report shall include:
a) Pipe Size and Thickness
b) Machine Size
c) Fusion Technician Identification
d) Job Identification
e) Fusion Joint Number
f) Fusion, Heating, and Drag Pressure Settings
g) Heat Plate Temperature
h) Time Stamp
i) Heating and Cool Down Time of Fusion
j) Ambient Temperature
A All pipe shall be bundled or packaged in such a manner as to provide
adequate protection of the ends during transportation to the site. Any pipe
damaged in shipment shall be replaced as directed by the owner or engineer.
B Each pipe shipment should be inspected prior to unloading to see if the load
has shifted or otherwise been damaged. Notify owner or engineer
immediately if more than immaterial damage is found. Each pipe shipment
should be checked for quantity and proper pipe size, color and type.
C Pipe should be loaded, off-loaded, and otherwise handled in accordance with
AWWA M23, and all of the pipe supplier’s guidelines shall be followed.
D Off-loading devices such as chains, wire rope, chokers, or other pipe handling
implements that may scratch, nick, cut, or gouge the pipe are strictly
E During removal and handling, be sure that the pipe does not strike anything.
Significant impact could cause damage, particularly during cold weather.
F If appropriate unloading equipment is not available, pipe may be unloaded by
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removing individual pieces. Care should be taken to insure that pipe is not
dropped or damaged. Pipe should be carefully lowered, not dropped, from
A Any length of pipe showing a crack or which has received a blow that may
have caused an incident fracture, even though no such fracture can be seen,
shall be marked as rejected and removed at once from the work. Damaged
areas, or possible areas of damage may be removed by cutting out and
removing the suspected incident fracture area. Limits of the acceptable
length of pipe shall be determined by the owner or engineer.
B Any scratch or gouge greater than 10% of the wall thickness will be
considered significant and can be rejected unless determined acceptable by
the owner or engineer.
C Pipe lengths should be stored and placed on level ground. Pipe should be
stored at the job site in the unit packaging provided by the manufacturer.
Caution should be exercised to avoid compression, damage, or deformation
to the ends of the pipe. The interior of the pipe, as well as all end surfaces,
should be kept free from dirt and foreign matter.
D Pipe shall be handled and supported with the use of woven fiber pipe slings
or approved equal. Care shall be exercised when handling the pipe to not
cut, gouge, scratch or otherwise abrade the piping in any way.
E If pipe is to be stored for periods of 1 year or longer, the pipe should be
shaded or otherwise shielded from direct sunlight. Covering of the pipe which
allows for temperature build-up is strictly prohibited. Pipe should be covered
with an opaque material while permitting adequate air circulation above and
around the pipe as required to prevent excess heat accumulation.
F Pipe shall be stored and stacked per the pipe supplier’s guidelines.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required, and install ductile
iron pipe, fittings and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and as specified
A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of pipe and fittings in accordance with the
requirements in the General Conditions, the requirements of the referenced
standards and the following supplemental requirements as applicable:
2. In all cases, a line layout to indicate the limits of each reach of restrained
joints or of concrete encasement shall be supplied. (NOTE: Obtain CITY
Utilities Department approval of all proposed concrete encasement of ductile
iron pipe.)
B. Certifications: Furnish a certified affidavit of compliance for all pipe and other
products or materials furnished under this Section of the Specifications, which
indicates that all tests have been made and that all results comply with the
requirements of AWWA C151, including but not necessarily limited to the
1. Acceptance Tests.
2. Hydrostatic Tests.
D. All expenses incurred for certification, testing, and data submittal shall be borne by
the CONTRACTOR or the Supplier.
A. Inspection: All pipe shall be available for inspection at the place of manufacture
prior to shipping in accordance with the provisions of the referenced standards.
Notify the ENGINEER in writing not less than 10 calendar days prior to the
shipping of the pipe.
B. The ENGINEER shall be given access to all areas where manufacturing and
testing is performed and shall be permitted to make all inspections necessary to
confirm manufacturer compliance with these Specifications.
C. Tests: Except as modified herein, all materials used in the manufacture of the
pipe shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the referenced
standards as applicable.
A. If specifically approved by City Utilities for use, provide exterior protection for
underground ductile iron pipe and fittings, steel pipe, and pre-stressed concrete
cylinder pipe within areas of severe corrosive conditions (dump areas, swamps,
marshes, alkaline soils, cinder bed, etc.). This shall be accomplished by the
installation of polyethylene encasement (minimum eight (8) millimeters thick)
through the area of concern in accordance with AWWA C105. The soil test
evaluation to determine the necessity for extra protection in suspect areas shall be
those set forth in ANSI Standard A21.5. Additionally, where other existing utilities
are known to be cathodically protected, ductile iron pipe crossing said utility shall
be protected for a distance of 20 feet to each side. If ductile iron pipe is to be
installed parallel to and within 10 feet of cathodically protected pipe, then
protection shall be provided for the entire length. Do not install steel pipe in
severe corrosion areas.
A. Protective Lining for Water Mains: Cement mortar lined ductile iron pipe shall
conform to ANSI/AWWA C151 and C104, subject to the following supplemental
requirements. The pipe shall be of the diameter and class shown, shall be
furnished complete with rubber gaskets as indicated in the Contract Documents,
and all specials and fittings shall be provided as required under the Contract
B. Protective Lining for Force Mains and Sewers: Where lining is shown, specified or
required, for the protection of pipelines carrying sewage from corrosive gases, line
the pipe using protective ceramic epoxy coating or polyethylene lining in
accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. For ceramic epoxy lining,
abrasive blast clean pipe and fittings to a near white surface to SSPC SP-10 and
provide 40 mils minimum of dry film thickness of ceramic epoxy lining using
Protecto 401 coating as manufactured by Vulcan Painters and certified by U.S.
Pipe and Foundry. For polyethylene lining, provide Polybond Plus (60 mils
minimum thickness) as manufactured by American Cast Iron Pipe, or Engineer of
Record approved equal.
C. Handling and Storage: Handle the pipe by using wide slings, padded cradles, or
other devices designed and constructed to prevent damage to the pipe and its
lining. The use of equipment or handling, which might injure the pipe and its
lining, will not be permitted. Stockpiled pipe shall be suitably supported and shall
be secured to prevent accidental rolling. Assure that all other pipe handling
equipment and methods is acceptable to the ENGINEER.
E. Finish: The pipe shall have smooth dense interior surfaces and shall be free from
fractures, excessive interior surface crazing and roughness, in accordance with
A. General: Ductile Iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with the requirements
of ANSI/AWWA C150 as applicable and as modified in this Section.
B. Pipe Wall Thickness for Internal Pressure: The pipe shall be designed with a net
thickness to withstand the design internal pressure in accordance with the hoop
stress formula. In addition to the requirements of the Section, the minimum wall
thickness shall be in accordance with the minimum thickness wall depicted in table
50.5 of ANSI/AWWA C150.
1. Ductile Iron Pipe shall be a minimum pressure Class 250 and will be
accepted in any diameter for use within the water distribution system.
2. All aboveground potable water main pipe shall be painted Federal Safety
Blue. All aboveground raw water main pipe shall be painted white. All
aboveground non-potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water main pipe
shall be painted Pantone Purple 522C. The pipe wall thickness shall not be
less than that required by a working pressure of 250 psi in laying condition
Type 4 “B” with 5-foot cover in conformance with ANSI Standard A21.50.
2. Ductile iron pipe for Gravity Sewer applications is not permitted unless the
ENGINEER can demonstrate that C900 PVC pipe, Class 150 or 200, cannot
be utilized from a structural standpoint.
3. All aboveground force main pipe shall be painted Safety Green. The pipe
wall thickness shall not be less than that required by a working pressure of
150 psi.
C. Water Mains:
1. All water mains shall contain cement for mortar lining conforming to the
requirements of ANSI/AWWA C104. Cement for mortar lining shall be Type
II or V. A fly ash or pozzolan shall not be used.
2. All Ductile Iron buried water main pipelines shall have blue stripes applied to
the pipe wall. Stripe width shall comply with AWWA standards. The stripes
shall be applied by one of the methods described below:
3. All pipe with an internal diameter of 24” or greater, tape or paint shall be
applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the
top of the pipe.
1. All Ductile iron pipe used within the wastewater system shall be lined with
polyethylene in accordance with ASTM D1248. Pipe and fittings shall be
lined as specified herein. Each piece of pipe shall bear a marking denoting
the class to which it belongs. Pipes shall have green stripes applied to the
pipe wall and shall conform to standards above.
A. Fittings for Potable, Raw, Non-Potable Irrigation, Reclaimed and Reuse Water
A. General: The pipe furnished shall be ductile iron pipe, lined as specified, with
rubber gasketed joints.
C. Pipe Dimensions: The pipe shall be of the diameter and class shown. The
minimum wall thickness for each pipe size shall be as specified herein or shown
on the Drawings.
D. Fitting Dimensions: The fittings shall be of the diameter shown and class
E. Joint Design: Ductile Iron pipe and fittings shall be furnished with mechanical
joints, push-on joints and flanged joints as follows:
1. Joint restraint devices for ductile iron mechanical joint pipe and ductile iron
mechanical joint fittings to ductile iron pipe shall be EBAA Iron Sales, Series
1100 Megalug (R), Uniflange, Romac Industries, Sigma, Lok-Type or Tr-Flex
manufactured by U.S. Pipe Co., Lok-Fast or Lok-Ring manufactured by
American Cast Iron Pipe Co., or Star Restraint.
2. Bell joint restraint devices for ductile iron push joint pipe shall be EBAA Iron
Inc., Series 1700 Megalug (R) for bell restraint.
3. Restrained push-on joints for push joint pipe shall be U.S. Pipe and Foundry,
TR Flex, McWane Inc., Super-Lock, American Cast Iron Pipe Company,
Lok-Ring or Flex-Ring.
G. For bell-and-spigot ends with rubber gaskets, the clearance between the bells and
spigots shall be such that when combined with the gasket groove configuration
and the gasket itself will provide watertight joints under all operating conditions
when properly installed. Require the pipe manufacturer to submit details complete
with significant dimensions and tolerances and also to submit performance data
indicating that the proposed joint has performed satisfactorily under similar
conditions. In the absence of a history of field performance, the results of a test
program shall be submitted.
I. Shop-applied interior linings and exterior coatings shall be applied evenly to the
nominal thickness specified. Holiday free cement is not possible to manufacture.
Exterior coatings: asphalt coating for buried pipe or primed pipe cannot be
furnished holiday free.
A. Handling and Storage: Carefully handle and protect all pipe, fittings, etc., against
damage, impact shocks, and free fall and in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600.
Do not place pipe directly on rough rocky ground, but in such instances support
the pipe in a manner that will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at
such trench site or elsewhere. Do not install any pipe where the lining or coating
show defects that may be harmful as determined by the ENGINEER. Repair such
damaged lining or coating, or furnish and install a new undamaged pipe.
C. Inspect each pipe and fitting prior to installation to insure that no damaged
portions of pipe are installed.
D. Before placement of pipe in the trench, thoroughly clean each pipe or fitting of any
foreign substance that may have collected therein, and keep the pipe clean at all
times thereafter. For this purpose, close the openings of all pipes and fittings in
the trench during any interruption to the work.
F. Lay pipe directly on the bedding material. Refer to the Collier County Utilities
Standards and Procedures Ordinance Section 9.1.2 for laying and backfilling
requirements. No blocking will be permitted, and the bedding shall be such that it
forms a continuous, solid bearing for the full length of the pipe. Make excavations
as needed to facilitate removal of handling devices after the pipe is laid. Form bell
holes at the ends of the pipe to prevent point loading at the bells or couplings.
Make excavations as needed outside the normal trench section at field joints to
permit adequate access to the joints for field connection operations and for
application of coating on field joints.
H. Pipe and Specials Protection: Protect the openings of all pipe and specials with
suitable bulkheads to prevent unauthorized access by persons, animals, water, or
any undesirable substance. At all times, provide means to prevent the pipe from
I. Pipe Cleanup: As pipe laying progresses, keep the pipe interior free of all debris.
Completely clean the interior of the pipe of all sand, dirt, mortar splatter and any
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other debris following completion of pipe laying, pointing of joints, and any
necessary interior repairs per ANSI/AWWA C600 and C602 prior to testing and
disinfecting the completed pipeline. For pipe larger than 12" diameter, utilize a
polyurethane foam plug "Poly Pig" to remove all debris from main.
A. Rubber Gasketed Joints: Immediately before jointing pipe, thoroughly clean the
bell end of the pipe, and place a clean rubber gasket in the bell groove. Carefully
clean the bell and spigot end of push-on joint pipe, and lubricate with a
vegetable-based lubricant or per manufacturer's recommendation. Insert the
spigot end of the pipe section into the bell of the previously laid joint and telescope
into the proper position. Do not tilt the pipe to insert the spigot into the bell.
B. Install all valves so that the valve stems are plumb and in the location shown on
the Drawings.
C. Mechanical joints consisting of bell, socket, gland, gasket, bolts, and nuts shall
conform to ANSI Standard A21.11. Bolts and nuts shall be high strength, low
alloy, Cor-Ten, T-Head Type having hexagonal nuts. Bolts and nuts shall be
machined through and nuts shall be tapped at right angles to a smooth bearing
surface. Single sealed gasket push-on type joints shall conform to the
requirements of ANSI A21.11 and shall be Tyton, Fastite, Superbelltite, Alltite, or
Engineer of Record approved equal.
D. Mechanical joint retainer glands may be used to restrain mechanical joint pipe and
fittings to the plain end of ductile iron pipe and fittings when used in conjunction
with thrust blocks of reduced size. The Utilities ENGINEER must approve thrust
block size. Maintain joint flexibility.
A. Test completed water or force main pipeline in accordance with Section 02676.
Disinfect completed water pipeline in accordance with Section 02675.
A. Furnish and install fire hydrants where shown on the Drawings or directed by the
B. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's drawings and data sheets for material to
be supplied under this Section. Indicate sizes and types to be installed.
C. Storage: Hydrants should be stored in the fully closed position to prevent entry of
foreign material that could cause damage to the seating surfaces. Whenever
practical, hydrants should be stored indoors. If outside storage is required, means
should be provided to protect the operating mechanism. In outside storage, parts
and flanges should be protected from the weather and foreign materials.
A. Fire hydrants shall be of the dry barrel, compression type conforming to and/or
tested in accordance with AWWA C502 “Standard for Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants,”
AWWA Manual M-17 “Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants,” and additional requirements as
set forth herein. Each fire hydrant shall be tested mechanically and hydrostatically
in accordance with AWWA C502, latest revision, Section 5. Submit affidavits from
the hydrant manufacturer indicating compliance with the testing requirements.
Submit manufacturer’s product data, including sample test curves of head
loss/flow volume date plotted from zero to full flow for the test conditions required
in AWWA C502, Section 5, for each model of hydrant purchased.
B. Hydrant shall have break away upper sections capable of ready replacement
without loss in the event of traffic damage. Each hydrant shall have a 6" bottom
inlet connection and valve opening at least 5-1/4 inches in diameter. Hydrants
shall have a national standard pentagon 1.5 inch, point to flat operating nut and
turn to the left (counter clockwise) to open. Each hydrant shall be fitted with one 4-
1/2-inch pumper connection and two 2-1/2 inch hose connections, both having
threads that conform to the Fire Division Standard for the area. Hose caps shall
be chained to the hydrant barrel and fitted with nuts similar to the hydrant
operating nuts. Each hydrant shall have a barrel of sufficient length to bring the
bottom of the 6" pipe connection 3 feet below the surface of the finished ground.
Each hydrant shall have breakaway flanges and be made in at least two sections
bolted together. All interior working parts of the hydrant shall be removable from
the top of the hydrant to allow repairs without removing the hydrant barrel after it
has been installed. Hydrants shall have renewable O-ring stem seals. Hydrant
barrels shall be painted Federal Safety Red and White for those connected to
potable water, pantone purple 522C for those connected to the reuse system, or
as specified by appropriate fire control district. They shall be designed for a
working pressure of 150 psi.
C. Hydrant shall have no drain ports. If ports exist, they shall be plugged with a
threaded plug.
E. Hydrants shall be designated for 150 psi working pressure and shop tested to 300
psi pressure with main valve both opened and closed. Under test the valve shall
not leak, the automatic drain shall function and there shall be no leakage into the
A. Set hydrants plumb and in true alignment with mains. Utilize restrained joints as
shown in the City of Naples Standard Details. Carefully backfill around hydrants
so as not to disturb the hydrant and thoroughly compact backfill so as to support
the hydrant securely. The hydrants shall have 18-inch minimum and 24-inch
maximum clearance measured from finish grade to the center of pumper
connection. The weight of valves and hydrants shall not be carried by the pipe.
The valve or hydrant shall be supported by a concrete cradle as shown on the
detail drawings. Concrete for the cradle shall be poured against undisturbed soil.
Concrete thrust blocking shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi
at 28 days.
B. Hydrants shall be located a minimum of 4 feet from the curb in urban areas, and a
minimum of 14 feet from the edge of pavement in rural areas, and in accordance
with local Fire Department requirements. A gate valve shall be provided within
five (5) feet of the hydrant as shown in the Standard Details.
1. Use proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe and convenient
cutting, handling, and laying of pipe and fittings.
4. Close off all lines with bulkheads when pipe laying is not in progress.
A. General: Deliver, store and handle all products and materials as specified in
Division 1 and as follows:
B. Transportation and Delivery: Take every precaution to prevent injury to the pipe
during transportation and delivery to the site.
C. Loading and Unloading: Take extreme care in loading and unloading the pipe and
1. Work slowly with skids or suitable power equipment, and keep pipe under
perfect control at all times.
D. Sling: When handling the pipe with a crane, use a suitable sling around the pipe.
1. Under no condition pass the sling through the pipe. Interior of pipe is to be
kept free of dirt and foreign matter at all times.
F. Blocking and Stakes: Provide suitable blocking and stakes installed to prevent
pipe from rolling.
1. Obtain approval for the type of blocking and stakes, and the method of
G. Storage for Pipes and Gaskets: When long-term (more than one week) storage
with exposure to direct sunlight is unavoidable, pipe should be covered with an
opaque material while permitting adequate air circulation above and around the
pipe as required to prevent excessive heat accumulation (Uni-Bell PVC
Handbook). Pipe shall not be stored close to heat sources or hot objects such as
heaters, fires, boilers, or engine exhaust. Store gaskets for pipe joints in a cool
place and protect gaskets from light, sunlight, heat, oil, grease, or ozone until
installed. Store gaskets in a sealed container (such as a vented drum).
2. Do not use gasket material stored in excess of six months without approval.
A. Repair of Sanitary Sewers and Services: Rebed, in compacted select fill material,
sanitary sewers which cross over the new pipe or which cross under the new pipe
with less than 12 inches clear vertical separation. Compact the bedding to
densities required for new pipeline construction and extend bedding below the
sewer to undisturbed earth. Reconstruct sewers damaged by pipeline
1. Furnish and install all materials and do all work necessary for the
reconstruction or repairs of sanitary sewers and services.
2. Provide pipe for reconstruction of sanitary sewers and services meeting the
appropriate specification requirements.
3. Provide pipe of the same size as the existing sewer or when the same size
is not available, use the next larger size of pipe. Obtain approval of joints
made between new pipe and existing pipe.
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A. The materials allowed for buried sewer pipes are PVC, HDPE or Ductile Iron Pipe.
A. Dry Trench Bottoms: Lay pipe only in dry trenches having a stable bottom.
1. Thoroughly inspect all pipe for damage (including the gasket, pipe spigot
bevel, gasket groove, and sealing surfaces) and cleanliness. If found to be
defective, tag, remove and replace pipe with satisfactory pipe or fittings at
no additional charge to CITY. Clean the interior of the bell, gasket, and
spigot of the pipe to be jointed with a rag to remove any dirt or foreign
material before assembling.
4. Carefully place all pipe, pipe fittings, valves and hydrants into trench by
means of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a
manner as to prevent damage and check for alignment and grade.
5. Make adjustments to bring pipe to line and grade by scraping away or filling
in select fill material under the body of the pipe.
7. Bring the faces of the spigot ends and the bells of pipes into fair contact and
firmly and completely shove the pipe home.
8. As the work progresses, clean the interior of pipelines of all dirt and
superfluous materials of every description. If necessary, a heavy, tightly
woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end of the pipe
before lowering into the trench and left there until the connection is made to
the adjacent pipe.
11. During suspension of work for any reason at any time, even for a lunch
break, a suitable watertight stopper or plug shall be placed in the end of the
pipe last laid to prevent mud or other material from entering the pipe. Also,
the pipe shall be secured to prevent it from being dislodged.
12. All valves and fittings on the customer side of any fire line past the backflow
preventer, and all valves and fittings within 50’ (fifty feet) of a saltwater or
estuary body of water, shall be field coated with Koppers Bitumastic No.
300-M or Amercoat No. 78, or Engineer of Record approved equal product,
prior to backfilling; coat all exterior surfaces and all uncoated nuts, bolts,
glands, rods, and other parts of joints.
1. Carefully lay all pipelines in trench excavations piece by piece using suitable
tools or equipment on select fill bedding (refer to City of Naples Utilities
Standard Specifications and Details), concrete cradle, or other foundations
as shown, specified, or ordered in writing. Give the pipe a firm bearing
along its entire length. Any pipe which has its grade or joint disturbed after
laying shall be taken up and relaid. Prevent damage to materials, protective
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coatings and linings. The backhoe method of assembly may be used to
assemble pipe of intermediate and larger sizes. The plain end of the pipe
should be carefully guided by hand into the bell of the previously assembled
pipe. The bucket of the backhoe may then be used to push the pipe until
fully seated via a pipe sling only. Direct contact between the backhoe
bucket and pipe shall not be permitted. The pipe can also be pushed into
the bell using a bar and block. If undue resistance to insertion of the spigot
end is encountered or if the reference mark does not reach the flush
position, disassemble the joint and check the position of the gasket. If the
gasket is twisted or pushed out of its seat, inspect the components, repair,
or replace damaged items, clean the components, and repeat the assembly
steps. Be sure the pipe is in proper alignment during assembly. If the
gasket was not out of position, check the distance between the spigot end
and the reference mark and relocate the mark if it is out of position.
3. Properly secure the pipe against movement and make the pipe joints in the
excavation as required.
5. Bell Holes:
a. Cut out bell holes for each joint as required to permit the joint to be
properly made and allow the barrel of the pipe to have full bearing
throughout its length.
b. Thoroughly tamp bell holes full of select fill material following the
making of each joint to provide adequate support to the pipe
throughout its entire length.
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Pipe Deflection Allowance – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe
Maximum Permissible Deflection, Inches
4 23
6 16
8 12
10 9
12 8
4 5 19
6 5 19
8 5 19
10 5 19
12 5 19
14 4 15
16 4 15
18 3 11
20 3 11
24 3 11
30 3 11
36 3 11
42 3 12*
48 3 12*
54 3 12*
F. Field Cuts of Pipelines: For shorter than standard pipe lengths, make field cuts in
a manner producing a cut square and perpendicular to the pipe axis. Remove any
sharp, rough edges which otherwise might injure the gasket. Ductile iron pipe
may be cut using an abrasive pipe saw, rotary wheel cutter, guillotine pipe saw,
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milling wheel saw, or oxyacetylene torch; for push-on joint connections the cut end
shall be beveled to prevent gasket damage during joint assembly. PVC pipe shall
be cut square with a fine-toothed hand or power saw or other cutter or knife
designed for use with plastic pipe; prior to cutting, the pipe shall be marked around
its entire circumference or a square-in vise shall be used to ensure the pipe end is
cut square; remove burrs by smoothing edges with a knife, file, or sandpaper.;
bevel the cut end of the pipe using a pipe beveling tool, wood rasp, or portable
sander to prevent damage to the gasket during joint assembly; a factory finished
beveled end should be used as a guide to ensure proper beveling angle and
correct depth of bevel; round off any sharp edges on the leading edge of the bevel
with a knife or file.
G. Procedure for sealing cut ends and repairing field damaged areas of polyethylene
lined pipe and fittings is as follows:
5. It is important that the entire freshly cut, exposed metal surface of the cut
pipe be coated. To ensure proper sealing, overlap at least 1 inch (1”) of the
roughened polyethylene lining with this two-part epoxy system.
b. Brush lubricant over the gasket just prior to installation. (Note: There is
only one rubber gasket size for each diameter of pipe.)
c. Press the gasket into place within the bell and move the gland into
position, bolts inserted, and the nuts tightened finger tight.
d. Tighten the nuts with a torque wrench so that the gland is brought up
toward the pipe evenly. Torque wrenches shall be set as specified in
AWWA C111. Spanner type wrenches not longer than specified in
AWWA C111 may be used with the permission of City Manager or
1. Assembly: In making up the rubber gasket joint, brush the gasket seat in
the socket thoroughly with a wire brush and wipe the gasket with a cloth.
a. Place the gasket in the socket with the large round end entering first
so that the groove fits over the bead in the seat.
b. Apply a thin film of lubricant (AWWA C600) to the inside surface of the
gasket that will come in contact with the entering pipe.
d. Exert sufficient force on the entering pipe so that its plain end is
moved past the gasket until it makes contact with the base of the
socket to make the joint.
a. If the gasket can be felt out of position, withdraw the pipe and examine
the gasket for cuts or breaks.
b. If the gasket has been damaged, replace it with a new one before re-
installing the pipe.
3. Optional Mechanical Joints: Use mechanical joint fittings that meet the
requirements of Section 02630 with the rubber gasket joint pipe when
specified or when rubber gasket fittings are not available.
L. Sleeve Type Couplings: For sleeve type couplings, equally tighten diametrically
opposite bolts on the connection so that the gaskets will be brought up evenly all
around the pipe.
1. Torque Wrenches: Do the final tightening with torque wrenches set for the
torque recommended by the coupling manufacturer.
1. A potable water main crosses at a depth that provides less than 18 inches
clear distance from sewer lines. Encase the sewer main unless specifically
approved by City Utilities. Encasement shall extend a minimum 10 feet on
each side of the point of crossing. Pressure test both pipelines to 150 psi
after the concrete has properly cured.
2. A water main running parallel to a sewer line provides less than 10 feet
separation from sewer line, in which case City approval will be required.
Encase the sewer main unless specifically approved by City Utilities.
The points of beginning and ending of pipe encasement shall be not more than 6
inches from a pipe joint to protect the pipe from cracking due to uneven settlement
of its foundation or the effects of superimposed live loads.
N. Valve Box Setting: Install valve boxes vertical and concentric with the valve stem.
Place a Gate Box Aligner (USA Bluebook Stock #MC-75181) over the valve stem
in order to help keep valve box aligned during backfilling.
1. Adjust valve-box to final grade at the time designated by the City Manager
or designee.
3. Satisfactorily reset any valve box that is moved from its original position,
preventing the operation of the valve.
O. Identification:
1. Metallized and Non-Metallized Warning Tape: For PVC and DIP pipe (other
than gravity sewer pipe and laterals) to be installed, 3-inch detectable
marking tape, of appropriate color and appropriate warning statement, shall
be placed along the entire pipe length, with metallized warning tape used for
PVC pipe and non-metallized warning tape used for ductile iron pipe. In all
cases, marking tape shall be installed two feet (2’) below grade or one-half
the pipe’s bury, whichever is less, during backfill operations (refer to Manual
Section 1 – 1.1 and 2.2.1). For wastewater force mains and reclaimed
water mains, identification tape shall be installed at two depths: directly on
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top of the pipe as well as at the location mentioned above. All PVC pipe,
PVC fittings, and identification tape shall be color-coded per the following:
blue for potable water, white for raw water, pantone purple for reclaimed
water, and green for wastewater. Metallized tape shall be Terra Tape D as
manufactured by Reef Industries, Inc., Houston Texas (800)231-6074 and
Allen Systems, Inc., Wheaton, IL (800)323-1749 or Engineer of Record
approved equal. HDPE pipe installed by horizontal directional drilling will
not be required to be marked with metalized warning tape, but shall be
marked with two 12 gage copper tracer wires (see Section 02300, 3.5), or
Engineer of Record approved wire.
2. Tracer Wire for Locating: Mark with 10 gage copper tracer wire all non-
ductile-iron laterals, force mains, gravity mains, water mains, and water
service lines. Loop 10 gage tracer wire into all valve boxes and meter
Q. Aerial Crossings:
2. Flanges shall conform to AWWA C150 and C115. All bolts and nuts used in
aerial crossings shall be stainless steel. Gaskets shall be full faced or
recessed "O-Ring" type to prevent leaks in pipe under stress in the aerial
3. Outside surface of all pipe, flanges or spool pieces shall be shop coated
with zinc primer, High Build Epoxy protective coat and a finish coat of
polyurethane high gloss. Color shall be Federal Safety Blue for potable
water mains and Pantone Purple 522 C for non-potable irrigation water
mains. Raw water mains shall be painted white and sewer force mains shall
be painted green.
5. Install supports for all joints in pipes utilized for aerial crossings and to
prevent overturning and settlement. Expansion jointing is specified between
above ground and below ground sewers and force mains.
1. Test valves in place, as far as practicable, and correct any defects in valves
or connections.
B. Inspection: Clean, inspect, and examine each piece of pipe and each fitting and
special for defects before it is installed.
1. Cut away any lumps or projections on the face of the spigot end or the
A. General: Thoroughly clean all pipe before it is laid and keep it clean until it is
accepted in the completed work. If necessary, a heavy, tightly woven canvas bag
of suitable size shall be placed over each end of the pipe before lowering into the
trench and left there until the connection is made to the adjacent pipe.
B. Removal of Materials: Exercise special care to avoid leaving bits of wood, dirt,
and other foreign particles in the pipe. If any particles are discovered before the
final acceptance of the work, remove and clean the pipe.
A. General: Disinfect all pipelines that are to carry potable water in accordance with
Section 02675.
Not Used
A. After coordination with the CITY Water Distribution Section, perform all flushes,
pigging or swabbing, disinfection and post flushes in the presence of Water
department personnel. Fill all water lines with potable water, pig or swab (optional
at the discretion of the City or Engineer of Record), and perform a line flushing (full
bore flush). All lines larger than 12 inches in diameter shall be pigged to clear
debris prior to flushing. Use a swab-type pig for HDPE pipe. Use a 5- to 7-lb.
density poly-jacketed bullet style pig for all other pipe material. Under no
circumstances is a pig or swab considered reusable. A section of pipe shall be
inserted in the gap specified in the jumper shown in the Standard Details to
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connect the new construction to the existing facilities for the purpose of
accomplishing the full-bore flush. Immediately after completion of the flush,
remove the connection. The facilities shall be capped and returned to the jumper
connection shown in the Standard Details until final connection is permitted by
City Manager or designee at the completion of construction and after finalization of
all test procedures and bacterial clearance for new water facilities.
B. The disinfecting agent shall be free chlorine in aqueous solution with sustained
concentration for 48 hours of not less than 50 parts per million. After 48 hours, if
chlorine solution contains at least 25 parts per million of chlorine, the line may
then be flushed and samples taken at various points. Chlorine may be derived
from Chlorine gas, or 70% (high test) calcium hypochlorite (HTH or Perchloron, or
equal). Administration may be by any of the several methods described in AWWA
Standard C651 as proposed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the
ENGINEER. Proposals as to method must be made prior to commencement of
the disinfection process.
C. Following contact with chlorine solution, the system shall be thoroughly flushed
out. Schedule water sampling in coordination with the CITY Utilities Department.
The CITY Utilities Department will obtain all water samples for analysis.
D. If samples do not demonstrate satisfactory results, the line shall be flushed and a
resample taken. If the samples fail on the second attempt, redisinfection per
AWWA standards must be repeated until two satisfactory samples are obtained.
The period between samples must be a minimum of 24 hours.
E. After approval of the samples, and before placing the system in service, perform
another flushing of the water lines to remove any stagnant water.
1. In Method 2, spray method, spray the entire interior surface of the tank with
chlorinated water containing 200 mg/l of available chlorine. After spraying,
allow the tank to stand at least two hours before filling with fresh water.
B. After disinfection, allow the tanks and equipment to overflow until the chlorine
residual is approximately 2 mg/l.
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A. For the purpose of new water main construction, bacterial sampling points shall be
positioned at the beginning of each new system, at 1000-foot intervals and all
dead ends unless otherwise directed. These sampling points will be utilized by
Utilities personnel for water main bacterial clearance procedures. See Section 1
Design Criteria, Section 1.10 for more information. At the completion of the
project, when authorization is given by the City Manager or designee, permanent
sampling points shall remain every 3000 feet or one at 2/3 of the length from the
point of connection to the CITY system if the line is less than 3000 feet long. All
others shall be removed down to the main and properly capped by the
CONTRACTOR. The permanent sampling points shall be constructed as shown
in the Utility Detail Drawings. City staff will review the permanent sampling point
locations during final plans review.
B. Appropriately located fire hydrants will be utilized for sampling points. Under this
circumstance, the Contractor will be solely responsible for maintaining the
hydrants in a satisfactory environment for conducting the bacterial testing.
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A. Section Includes: Testing for any signs of leakage in all pipelines and structures
required to be watertight.
2. Test all other pipelines with water under the specified pressures.
A. Written Notification of Testing: Provide written notice when the work is ready for
testing, and make the tests as soon thereafter as possible.
2. Furnish all other labor, equipment, air, water and materials, including
meters, gauges, smoke producers, blower, pumps, compressors, fuel, water,
bulkheads and accessory equipment.
1. AWWA C600 -
Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their
2. AWWA C605 - Underground Installation of PVC Pressure Pipe and Fittings
for Water
B. Testing Report: Prior to placing the sewer system in service submit for review and
approval a detailed report summarizing the leakage test data, describing the test
procedure and showing the calculations on which the leakage test data is based.
(1) The length and diameter of the section of line tested (MH to MH),
including any laterals.
(3) The name of the inspector/tester and the date(s) and time(s) of
all testing performed, including any retesting.
Not Used
A. All new sewer and water pipelines installed shall be tested for leakage. The test
used will be Hydrostatic Testing for pressure lines and Infiltration/Exfiltration
Testing for gravity lines. Tests to be performed will be indicated by the
ENGINEER and witnessed by the ENGINEER and the City Manager or designee.
1. Flushing
b. Install temporary flush out connections on all dead end water mains at
the locations shown on plans and in accordance with the Collier City
Standard Details.
Perform hydrostatic testing of the system as set forth in the following, and
conduct said tests in the presence of the City Manager or designee and
other authorized agencies, with 48 hours advance notice provided.
L = SD (P)1/2
Should the test fail, repair the fault and repeat the test until results are
within the established limits. Furnish the necessary labor, water, pumps,
and gauges at specified location(s) and all other items required to conduct
the required testing and perform necessary repairs. All visible leaks and
cracked pipe, fittings, valves, pipe couplings, and the like shall be repaired
or replaced regardless of the amount of leakage.
Provide all labor, equipment and material required for testing the pipeline
upon completion of installation, pipe laying and backfilling operations, and
placement of any required temporary roadway surfacing.
Disinfect all HDPE potable water mains prior to testing in accordance with
the requirements of Section 02675 – Disinfection.
Field test all HDPE pipelines for leakage in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations for the size and class of pipeline installed. Unless other
procedures recommended by the manufacturer are approved by the City
Manager or designee, pressure test the pipeline as follows:
b. Expel air completely from the line during filling and again before
applying test pressure. Expel air by means of taps at points of highest
elevation. Following completion of the testing, the taps shall be tightly
plugged unless otherwise specified.
c. Apply initial test pressure and allow to stand without makeup pressure
for two (2) to three (3) hours, to allow for diametric expansion or pipe
stretching to stabilize.
d. After this equilibrium period, apply the specified test pressure and turn
the pump off. The final test pressure shall be held for not less than
two (2) hours.
e. Upon completion of the test, the pressure shall be bled off from the
location other than the point where the pressure is monitored. The
pressure drop shall be witnessed by the City Manager or designee at
the point where the pressure is being monitored.
Allowable amount of makeup water for expansion of the pipeline during the
pressure test shall conform to Table III, Test Phase Make-up Amount,
contained in the manual “Inspections, Test and Safety Considerations”
published by the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc.
4. Force Main Pressure Testing: All force mains shall be subject to pressure
testing at the following standards:
The allowable limits of infiltration or exfiltration for the entire system, or any
portion thereof, shall not exceed a rate of 50 gallons per inch of inside pipe
diameter per mile of pipe per 24 hours. No additional allowance shall be
made for house service lines. Any part of or all of the system shall be tested
for infiltration or exfiltration, as directed by the ENGINEER or as required by
the City Manager or designee. The procedures and limitations for conducting
infiltration/exfiltration tests shall be established at the pre-construction
conference on a project-by-project basis. Air testing of gravity sewer mains
may be required. All testing shall be run continuously for 24 hours, unless
the City Inspector can visually verify that this test duration is not required due
to the observed infiltration/exfiltration rate. The amounts of infiltration or
exfiltration shall be determined by pumping water into or out of calibrated
drums, or by other methods approved by the Public Works Division, such as
in-line V-notch weirs. Where infiltration or exfiltration exceeds the allowable
limits specified herein, locate and repair the defective pipe, joints or other
faulty construction at no additional cost to the CITY. If the defective portions
cannot be located, remove and reconstruct as much of the work as is
necessary in order to conform to the specified allowable limits. All visible
leaks shall be repaired regardless of the amount of leakage. Provide all
labor, equipment and materials required and conduct all testing required
under the direction of the ENGINEER.
When low pressure air testing of gravity sewer mains is specifically required,
or if in the opinion of the Engineer of Record, conditions are such that
infiltration measurements may be inconclusive. all testing shall be run
continuously for 24 hours, unless the City Inspector can visually verify that
this test duration is not required due to the observed infiltration/exfiltration
d. Equipment:
(3) All air used shall pass through a single control panel.
(b) From control panel to sealed line for introducing the low-
pressure air.
e. Procedure:
All pneumatic plugs shall be seal tested before being used in the
actual test installation. One length of pipe shall be laid on the ground
and sealed at both ends with the pneumatic plugs to be checked. Air
shall be introduced into the plugs to 25 psi. The sealed pipe shall be
pressurized to 5 psi. The plugs shall hold against this pressure
without bracing and without movement of the plugs out of the pipe.
8 4.0
10 5.0
12 5.5
16 7.5
18 8.5
24 11.5
If the installation fails to meet this requirement, determine the source of the
leakage and repair or replace all defective materials and/or workmanship, all at no
additional cost to the CITY.
A. Structure Leakage Testing: Perform leakage tests of manholes, wet wells, tanks,
vaults and similar purpose structures before backfilling, by filling the structure with
water to the overflow water level and observing the water surface level for the
following 24 hours.
2. If visible leaks appear, repair the structure by removing and replacing the
leaking portions of the structure, waterproofing the inside, or by other
methods approved.
1. D 1004 Test Method for Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting.
10. D 5994 Standard Test Method for Measuring Core Thickness of Textured
11. D 6392 Standard Test Method for Determining the Integrity of Nonreinforced
Geomembrane Seams Produced Using Thermo-Fusion Methods.
A. Lot- A quantity of resin (usually the capacity of one rail car) used in the manufacture
of geomembranes. Finished roll will be identified by a roll number traceable to the
resin lot used.
C. ENGINEER- The individual or firm responsible for the design and preparation of the
project’s Contract Drawings and Specifications.
G. Panel- Unit area of a geomembrane that will be seamed in the field that is larger
than 100 ft2.
H. Patch- Unit area of a geomembrane that will be seamed in the field that is less than
100 ft2.
I. Subgrade Surface- Soil layer surface which immediately underlies the geosynthetic
2. Certification stating that the resin meets the specification requirements (see
Section 1.09).
3. Geomembrane Roll.
4. Statement certifying no recycled polymer and no more than 10% rework of the
same type of material is added to the resin (product run may be recycled).
B. The INSTALLER shall furnish the following information to the ENGINEER and
OWNER prior to installation:
a. Must show proposed panel layout including field seams and details.
2. Approved drawings will be for concept only and actual panel placement will be
determined by site conditions.
C. The INSTALLER will submit the following to the ENGINEER upon completion of
1. Certificate stating the geomembrane has been installed in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
A. The OWNER will engage and pay for the services of a Geosynthetic Quality
Assurance Consultant and Laboratory to monitor geomembrane installation.
5. The INSTALLER shall provide a minimum of one Master Seamer for work on
the project.
A. Labeling - Each roll of geomembrane delivered to the site shall be labeled by the
MANUFACTURER. The label will identify:
1. manufacturer’s name
2. product identification
3. thickness
4. length
6. roll number
C. Storage- The on-site storage location for geomembrane material, provided by the
CONTRACTOR to protect the geomembrane from punctures, abrasions and
excessive dirt and moisture should have the following characteristics:
2. smooth
3. dry
B. Resin
2. Natural resin (without carbon black) shall meet the following minimum
C. Geomembrane Rolls:
4. All liner sheets produced at the factory shall be inspected prior to shipment
for compliance with the physical property requirements listed in section 1.09,
B, and be tested by an acceptable method of inspecting for pinholes. If
pinholes are located, identified and indicated during manufacturing, these
pinholes may be corrected during installation.
D. Smooth surfaced geomembrane shall meet the requirements shown in the following
table(s) for the following material(s):
E. Textured surfaced geomembrane shall meet the requirements shown in the following
table(s) for the following material(s).
Table 2.1: Minimum Values for Black Surfaced Coextruded Textured HDPE Geomembranes
Property Test Method(1) Thicknes Thicknes Thicknes Thicknes Thickness
(mils) (mils) (mils) (mils) (mils)
Thickness, mil (mm) ASTM D 5994
Minimum Average 30 (0.75) 40 (1.0) 60 (1.5) 80 (2.0) 100 (2.5)
Lowest Individual Reading 27 (0.69) 36 (0.91) 54 (1.4) 72 (1.8) 90 (2.3)
Density, g/cm ASTM D 1505 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
Carbon Black Content, % ASTM D 1603, modified 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Carbon Black Dispersion ASTM D 5596 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Tensile Properties(2): ASTM D 6693
(each direction)
Strength at Yield, lb/in (kN/m) 63 (11) 84 (15) 130 (23) 173 (30) 216 (38)
Strength at Break, lb/in (kN/m) 45 (8) 60 (11) 90 (16) 120 (21) 150 (27)
Elongation at Yield, % (1.3” gauge length) 13 13 13 13 13
Elongation at Break, % (2.0” gauge length) 150 150 150 150 150
Tear Resistance, lb (N) ASTM D 1004 21 (93) 28 (124) 42 (187) 56 (249) 70 (311)
Puncture Resistance, lb (N) ASTM D 4833 54 (240) 72 (320) 108 (480) 144 (641) 180 (801)
Notched Constant Tensile Load , hours ASTM D 5397, appendix 400 400 400 400 400
Oxidative Induction Time, min. ASTM D 3895 100 100 100 100 100
Some test procedures have been modified for application to geosynthetics. All procedures and values are subject to change without prior notification.
The combination of stress concentrations due to coextrusion texture geometry and the small specimen size results in large variations of test
results. Therefore, these tensile properties are minimum average roll values.
NCTL on coextruded textured product is conducted on representative smooth membrane samples.
Only near spherical agglomerates are considered. 9 of 10 views shall be Category 1 or 2. No more than one view Category 3.
1. Extrudate material shall be made from same type resin as the geomembrane.
A. Assign each panel a simple and logical identifying code. The coding system shall be
subject to approval and shall be determined at the job site.
B. Visually inspect the geomembrane during deployment for imperfections and mark
faulty or suspect areas.
1. Unroll geomembrane using methods that will not damage geomembrane and
will protect underlying surface from damage (spreader bar, protected
equipment bucket).
D. Sufficient material (slack) shall be provided to allow for thermal expansion and
contraction of the material.
1. To the maximum extent possible, orient seams parallel to line of slope, i.e.,
down and not across slope.
1. Provide at least one Master Seamer who shall provide direct supervision over
other welders as necessary.
C. Extrusion Welding
1. Hot-air tack adjacent pieces together using procedures that do not damage
the geomembrane.
2. Clean seam area of dust, mud, moisture and debris immediately ahead of hot
wedge welder.
E. Trial Welds
2. Make trial welds under the same surface and environmental conditions as the
production welds, i.e., in contact with subgrade and similar ambient
3. Minimum of two trial welds per day, per welding apparatus, one made prior to
the start of work and one completed at mid shift.
4. Cut four, one-inch wide by six-inch long test strips from the trial weld.
5. Quantitatively test specimens for peel adhesion, and then for shear strength.
a. The break, when peel testing, occurs in the liner material itself, not
through peel separation (FTB).
7. Repeat the trial weld, in its entirety, when any of the trial weld samples fail in
either peel or shear.
F. Seaming shall not proceed when ambient air temperature or adverse weather
conditions jeopardize the integrity of the liner installation. INSTALLER shall
demonstrate that acceptable seaming can be performed by completing acceptable
trial welds.
1. Examine all seams and non-seam areas of the geomembrane for defects,
holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials, and any sign of contamination by
foreign matter.
2. Repair and non-destructively test each suspect location in both seam and
non-seam areas. Do not cover geomembrane at locations that have been
repaired until test results with passing values are available.
A. MANUFACTURER and INSTALLER shall participate in and conform to all terms and
requirements of the Owner’s quality assurance program. CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for assuring this participation.
B. Quality assurance requirements are as specified in this Section and in the Field
Installation Quality Assurance Manual if it is included in the contract.
C. Field Testing
a. Vacuum Testing
(2) CONSULTANT will number each sample, and the location will
be noted on the installation as-built.
(4) Cut a 2-inch wide strip from each end of the sample for field-
(5) Cut the remaining sample into two parts for distribution as
e. Repair and test the continuity of the repair in accordance with these
c. The next seam welded using the same welding device is required to
obtain an additional sample, i.e., if one side of the seam is less than
10 feet long.
e. If any sample fails, the process shall be repeated to establish the zone
in which the seam shall be reconstructed.
1. Patching- Used to repair large holes, tears, undispersed raw materials and
contamination by foreign matter.
5. Flap Welding- Used to extrusion weld the flap (excess outer portion) of a
fusion weld in lieu of a full cap.
1. All geomembrane surfaces shall be clean and dry at the time of repair.
3. Extend patches or caps at least 6 inches for extrusion welds and 4 inches for
wedge welds beyond the edge of the defect, and around all corners of patch
F. Repair Verification
A. Payment for geomembrane installation will be as per contract unit price per square
foot, as measured parallel to liner surface, including designed anchor trench material
and is based upon net lined area.
B. Net lined area is defined to be the true area of all surfaces to be lined plus designed
burial in all anchor trenches, rubsheets, and sacrificial layers.
C. Prices shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, material, tools,
equipment, and incidentals.
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing black vinyl coated galvanized steel
chain link fencing and gates.
A. General: Provide fencing of the chain-link black vinyl coated type and six (6) feet high
with six (6) feet of diamond mesh woven wire fabric topped by extension arms with a
vertical height of approximately one foot above the top of the fabric. Design the
extension arms slanted out at an angle of 45 degrees and provide the arms to carry
three double strands of barbed wire when specifically required. Locate the fence as
B. Fabric, Supports and Fittings: Provide steel fabric, supports and fittings except as
C. Fabric, Supports and Fittings: Provide black vinyl coated steel fabric, supports and
fittings. Coat the framework, posts and hardware except hinges and latches to match
the fabric with thermoplastic or thermoset resins and provide oven-baked materials to
a minimum dry coating of seven mils. Color coat all accessories except hinges and
latches to match the fence. Provide aluminum hinges and latches.
D. Pipe Sizes and Weights: Provide pipe sizes and weights meeting the requirements of
ASME B 36.10, Table 2 and ASTM A 53, Table 1. All pipe sizes listed are nominal,
unless otherwise indicated.
1. Fences
b. U.S. Steel-Cyclone
A. Provide fabric that is a one piece woven 2-inch mesh chain link of 6-gauge steel wire
with a minimum breakload of 1800 lbs/ft. and which is interwoven to form a
continuous fabric with no splices and is coated after weaving. Provide the top
selvage knuckled for fabric 60 inches high and under, and the bottom selvage twisted
and barbed for fabric over 60 inches high. Clean the fabric of all grease and foreign
matter before coating and shipping. Stretch the fabric tightly approximately two
inches above grade level and attach the fabric to the terminal or gateposts using
beveled tension bands and tension bars.
A. For the tension wire for the fence bottom use minimum 6-gauge galvanized coil spring
steel fusion color coated as specified for the fabric.
A. General: Furnish the top rail in approximately 20-foot lengths with couplings
approximately 6 inches long for each joint. Provide one coupling in each 5 with an
expansion spring. Provide the rail continuous from end-to-end for each run of fence.
Provide brace rails at all terminal posts, locate the rails midway between the top and
bottom of the fabric and extend from the terminal post to the first adjacent line post.
Securely fasten rails at both ends. Provide top and brace rails that are galvanized
steel fusion color coated as specified for framework in Subsection 1.03 C.
A. General: Provide all posts that are coated as specified for vinyl-coated framework,
posts and hardware in Subsection 1.03 C.
1. For end, corner and pull posts use 2-1/2-inch, Schedule 40 pipe
3. For gate posts use the following pipes for different leaves:
b. For leaves over 6 feet to 12 feet wide, use 3-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe
c. For leaves over 12 feet to 18 feet wide, use 6-inch Schedule 40 pipe
C. Bending Strength: Provide materials with the minimum bending strength based on a
6-foot cantilever for rolled formed or tube posts as follows:
1. End, Corner and Pull Posts:
2. Line Posts:
For fences 8 feet 245
maximum height 1.875- by
1.625-inch C-Section
For fences over 8 feet 347
high 2.25- by 1.703-inch
3. Gate Posts:
For leaves up to 6 feet
wide (2.875-inch O.D. roll 444
formed or
2-1/2-inch square tube 645
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A. General: For the perimeter construction of gates with leaves up to 6 feet wide, use
1-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe or 1-1/2-inch square steel tube, and for gates with leaves
greater than 6 feet wide, use 2-inch Schedule 40 pipe or 2-inch square steel tube.
B. Braces: Provide the gates with sufficient horizontal and vertical members and bracing
to ensure structural stability to prevent sagging and to provide for the attachment of
fabric, hardware and accessories. Provide gates with diagonal cross bracing
consisting of 3/8-inch diameter adjustable length truss rods where necessary to
provide frame rigidity without sag or twist.
1. For gates leaf sizes 23'-0" to 30'-0", add one additional 2-inch square lateral
support rail welded adjacent to the top horizontal rail. Make the bottom rail of 2"
x 4" tubing weighing 1.71 pounds per foot.
3. Provide the enclosed track made of a combined track and rail aluminum
extrusion having a total weight of 3.72 pounds per foot and designed to
withstand a reaction load of 2,000 pounds.
4. Provide each gate leaf with two swivel type zinc die cast trucks having four
sealed lubricant ball-bearing wheels, 2-inch in diameter by 9/16-inch in width,
with two side rolling wheels to insure alignment of the truck in the track. Hold
trucks to post brackets by 7/8-inch diameter ball bolts with 1/2-inch shank.
Design truck assemblies to take the same reaction load as the track.
6. Provide guide wheel assemblies for each supporting post. Provide each
assembly consisting of two rubber wheels 4 inches in diameter attached to a
post so that the bottom horizontal member will roll between the wheels which
can be adjusted to maintain gate frames plumb and in proper alignment.
E. Latches: Provide gate latches that are positive locking, pivoting type with the
padlocking arrangement accessible from either side of the gate.
F. Hinges: Hang all gates on offset hinges to permit swinging the gate through a
180-degree arc to lie, when not obstructed, along and parallel to the line of the fence.
A. General: Provide all attachments fabricated of coated to match the fabric as specified
for framework, posts and hardware in Subsection 1.03, except provide aluminum
hinges and latches.
B. Tension Bars: Provide 3/16-inch by 3/4-inch galvanized carbon steel tension bars
attached to the terminal posts by means of beveled edge bands.
C. Truss Rods: Provide 3/8-inch diameter galvanized carbon steel truss rods. Securely
mount truss rods between the line post end of the brace rail and the base of the
terminal post.
D. Post Tops: Provide post tops of galvanized pressed steel or malleable iron to form
weathertight caps for post or tube posts. Make provisions for installation or passage
of the top rail.
E. Brace and Tension Bands: Provide galvanized steel brace bands and tension bands,
of the "unclimbable" beveled edge type with 3/8-inch diameter square shouldered
aluminum carriage bolts, nonremovable from outside of the fence.
F. Rail Couplings: Provide rail couplings of the outside sleeve type, not less than six
inches long, self-centering, which allows for expansion and contraction. Provide
aluminum galvanized steel rail couplings.
H. Hog Rings: Provide 11-gauge wire, aluminum alloy, Type 6061-T6 hog rings.
I. Extension Arms: Provide galvanized pressed steel extension arms for supporting the
barbed wire where used. Design the arms with an adequate cross section to
withstand without failure or permanent deflection a perpendicular force of 250 pounds
applied at the end of the arm when the arm is securely attached to the post.
Construct extension arms to be slanted out.
B. Excavation: Drill or hand excavate (using post hole digger) holes for posts to the
diameter and spacing indicated, in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil.
1. If not indicated, excavate holes for each post to the minimum diameter
recommended by the fence manufacturer, but not less than four times the
largest cross-section of the post.
C. Barbed Wire: When specifically required, firmly install the barbed wire in slots in the
extension arms, anchored to the terminal extension arms after removal of all sag from
the wire.
D. Tension Wire: Attach the tension wire to the bottom of the fabric by hog rings spaced
at 24-inch intervals and to terminal posts by brace bands.
E. Posts: Set posts plumb in concrete encasement at not more than 10-foot centers in
the line of the fence with the tops properly aligned. Extend concrete encasement for
line posts a minimum of three feet below finish grade with a minimum diameter of ten
inches. Extend concrete encasement for terminal, corner and gate posts 40 inches
below finished grade, except gate posts for leaves greater than 6 feet, for which
extend the encasement 54 inches below grade. Provide the minimum diameter of
encasement for terminal, corner and gateposts to be sufficient to provide not less than
four inches between any part of the post and the face of the concrete and in no case
provide the diameter to be less than 12 inches. Set line posts 32 inches into the
concrete and set all other posts 36 inches, except gate posts for leaves greater than 6
feet wide, which are to be set 48 inches into the concrete. Slope the top exposed
surface of the concrete to shed water and provide a neat appearance.
1. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each
post for vertical and top alignment and hold posts in position during placement
and finishing operations.
G. Fabric: Leave approximately 2 inches between finished grade and the bottom
selvage, unless otherwise indicated. Pull the fabric taut and tie to posts, rails, and
tension wires. Install the fabric on the security side of the fence, and anchor the fabric
to the framework so that the fabric remains in tension after the pulling force is
H. Fasteners: Install nuts for tensions bands and hardware bolts on the side of the fence
opposite the fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent nut removal.
B. The work of this Section includes, but is not limited to, the following:
2. Crossing utilities.
3. Relocation of existing water lines, low pressure, gas lines, telephone lines,
electric lines, cable TV lines and storm drains as necessary, all as shown on
the drawings.
5. Cleaning up.
6. Incidental work.
A. Materials required for this Section shall be of at least the same type and quality as
materials that are to be restored. Where possible, reuse existing materials that
are removed and then replaced, with the exception of paving.
A. Protect existing curbing. If necessary, remove curbing from joint to joint and
replace after backfilling. Replace curbing that is damaged during construction with
curbing of equal quality and dimension.
A. This item shall include any extra work required in crossing culverts, water courses,
drains, water mains, and other utilities, including all sheeting and bracing, extra
excavation and backfill, or any other work required for the crossing, whether or not
shown on the drawings.
A. Notify the proper authority of the utility involved when relocation or replacement of
these lines is required. Coordinate all work by the utility so that the progress of
construction will not be hampered.
B. Reference all side drains, side ditches, swales, and storm sewers as to grade and
location prior to construction, maintain them during construction, and repair them
as necessary after construction. Where drainage structures are disturbed and
must be replaced, the minimum size replacement shall be twelve inches (12"). All
drainage culverts installed shall have mitered ends in conformance with the City
Standard Details. Place the culvert to the specified elevations and regrade or
reshape the swale and road shoulders that have been disturbed or damaged
during construction.
B. Work site clean-up shall follow construction operations without delay and in
accordance with Section 01710.
A. Do all incidental work not otherwise specified, but obviously necessary for the
proper completion of the Contract as specified and as shown on the drawings.
2. Samples: Pieces of each type of sheeting, chamfer strips, form ties, form
liners and rustication strips
A. Formwork Compliance: Use formwork complying with ACI SP-4, ACI 347 and ACI
1. Release Agent
Magic Kote VOC by Symons Corporation
2. Form coating
A.C. Horn Corporation, Brooklyn, NY
3. Form liners
Dura-Tex by Symons Corporation, Des Plaines, IL
4. Rustications
Symons Corporation, Des Plaines, IL
3. Use form ties, hangers, and clamps of such type that, after removal of the
forms, no metal will be closer than one inch from concrete surface. Wire ties
will not be permitted.
5. Use lugs, cones, washers, or other devices that do not leave holes or
depressions greater than 7/8-inch in diameter.
B. Setting Time and Slag Use: The presence of fly ash or ground granulated blast
furnace slag in the concrete mix for architectural concrete and structural concrete
will delay the setting time. Take this into consideration in the design and removal
of the forms.
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C. Responsibility During Placement: Assume and take sole responsibility for
adequate design of all form elements for support of the wet concrete mixtures
specified and delivered.
A. Structural Concrete Details: Follow the following details for all structural concrete:
1. Provide forms that are substantial, properly braced, and tied together to
maintain position and shape and to resist all pressures to which they may be
subjected. Make forms sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of concrete.
2. Determine the size and spacing of studs and wales by the nature of the work
and the height to which concrete is placed. Make forms adequate to
produce true, smooth surfaces with not more than 1/8-inch variation in either
direction from a geometrical plane. Provide horizontal joints that are level,
and vertical joints, which are plumb.
3. Supply forms for repeated use in sufficient number to ensure the required
rate of progress.
4. Thoroughly clean all forms before reuse and inspect forms immediately
before concrete is placed. Remove deformed, broken, or defective forms
from the work.
6. Coat the entire inside surfaces of forms with a suitable form release agent
just prior to placing concrete. Form release agent is not permitted on the
reinforcing steel.
7. Assume and take responsibility for the adequacy of all forms and remedying
any defects resulting from their use.
A. Structural Concrete Form Removal: Do not remove forms for structural concrete
until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to support its own load safely, plus any
superimposed load that might be placed thereon.
A. Tolerance Limits: Design, construct and maintain concrete form and place the
concrete to provide completed concrete work within the tolerance limits set forth in
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b. For all reinforcing bars, unless the location of a bar is clear, give the
location of such bar or bars by a dimension to some structural feature
that will be readily distinguishable at the time bars are placed.
e. If, after reinforcing steel placing drawings and bar lists have been
submitted for approval, a review reveals that the drawings and lists
obviously have not been checked and corrected they will be returned
for checking and correcting by the Detailer.
A. Deliver, store and handle all products and materials as specified in Division 1 (and
as follows:)
2. Storage: Properly store all bars in an orderly manner, with all bars
completely off the ground. Keep bars clean after delivery to the site of the
A. The brand of manufacturer shall be legibly rolled on all bars, and when loaded for
mill shipment, all bars shall be properly separated and tagged with manufacturer's
test identification number.
1. Mechanical connections
A. Steel Bars: Use new billet steel bars, deformed bars, meeting the requirements of
ASTM A 615/A625M Grade 60 for reinforcing steel bars.
1. Roll all reinforcing steel bars with special deformations or identifying marks
indicating the ASTM Specification and Grade.
2. Use bars free from defects, kinks and from bends that cannot be readily and
fully straightened in the field.
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3. Supply reinforcing bars in lengths that will allow convenient placement in the
work and provide the required length of at least 40 diameters of lap of joints
as shown. Provide dowels of proper length, size and shape for tying walls,
beams, floors, and the like together.
B. Epoxy Coating: Conform fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing steel bars to
ASTM A 775/A775M when used. Leave portions of the reinforcing steel bars
uncoated where mechanical connections are shown.
C. Welded Wire Fabric: Use welded wire fabric of the electrically welded type, with
wires arranged in rectangular patterns, of the sizes shown or specified and
meeting the requirements of ASTM A 185.
D. Supports and Accessories: Provide bar supports and other accessories and, if
necessary, additional supports to hold bars in proper position while concrete is
being placed.
2. Use individual hi-chairs with welded cross ties or circular hoops to support
top bars in slabs thicker than 8 inches.
c. Use epoxy coated bolsters, chairs and accessories including wire ties
for epoxy coated reinforcing bars.
F. Stirrups and Ties: Provide stirrups and ties as shown and specified and meeting
the requirements of ASTM A 185.
A. Drawing Review Prior to Fabrication: Do not fabricate any material before final
review and approval of shop drawings.
B. Bending and Cutting: Cut bars to required length and bend accurately before
placing. Bend bars in the shop unless written approval for field bending is
obtained. If field bending is permitted, do it only when the air temperature, where
the bending operation is performed, is above 30 degrees F. Do not field bend
bars that have been partially embedded in concrete.
C. Splices: Use lapped splices for tension and compression splices unless otherwise
D. Cleaning: Clean and bend reinforcement in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI
A. Placement: Place all bars in accordance with CRSI "Recommended Practice for
Placing Reinforcing Bars".
B. Tolerances: Place bars used for top reinforcement in slabs to a vertical tolerance
of plus or minus 1/4-inch. Place all other reinforcement to the tolerances given to
ACI 318.
C. Cleaning: Have reinforcing steel delivered without rust other than that
accumulated during transportation to the work. At all times, fully protect
reinforcing steel from moisture, grease, dirt, mortar and concrete. Before being
placed in position, thoroughly clean reinforcing steel of all loose mill scale and rust
and of any dirt, oil, grease coatings, or other material that might reduce the bond.
If there is a delay in depositing concrete, inspect and satisfactorily clean the steel
immediately before the concrete is placed.
D. Bar Positioning: Place bars in the exact positions shown with the required spacing
and cross wire bars securely in position at intersections to prevent displacement
during the placing of the concrete. Fasten the bars with annealed wire of not less
than 17 gauge or other approved devices.
E. Bar Extension Beyond Formwork: On any section of the work where horizontal
bars extend beyond the length of the forms, perforate the form or head against
which the work ends or at the proper places to allow the bars to project through a
distance at least equal to the lap specified.
H. Welding - Not Approved: Do not use reinforcing bar assemblies made by welding
of any kind, or accessories of any kind which require field welding to reinforcing
J. Tension and Compression Lap Splices: Conform tension and compression lap
splices to ACI 318 with all supplements. Avoid splices at points of maximum
tensile stress wherever possible. Provide temperature bars with the clear spacing
shown. Stagger all bar splices in hoop tension bars in circular tanks with not more
than 50 percent of the bars spliced in any one direction. Have welded splices
made by certified welders in accordance with AWS D1.4.
K. Welded Wire Fabric: Place welded wire fabric in the positions shown, specified or
required to fit the work. Furnish and place suitable spacing chairs or supports, as
specified for bars, to maintain the fabric in the correct location. Where a flat
surface of fabric is required, provide flat sheets, when available. Otherwise
reverse roll the fabric or straighten to make a perfectly flat surface before placing.
Obtain approval for the length of laps not indicated.
L. Concrete Cover: Place reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric and hold in
position so that the concrete cover, as measured from the surface of the bar or
wire to the surface of the concrete, is as shown or specified.
A. Section Includes: Cement, sand, aggregate admixtures and water for use in
concrete, masonry mortar and grout.
2. Furnish notarized certificates to verify that the hydrated lime and aggregates
meet the specified requirements.
3. Furnish laboratory tests as evidence that the air content and masonry mortar
compressive strength meet the requirements of ASTM 270 Type N and that
the efflorescence tendency meets the requirements of the wick test in Brick
Institute of America Research Report No. 15.
A. General: Deliver, store and handle all mortar and grout materials as
recommended by the manufacturers and as specified in Division 1 (and as
B. Cement: Store cement in weathertight buildings that will exclude moisture and
contaminants. Do not use cement that has deteriorated from storage.
C. Hydrated Lime: Store hydrated lime in weathertight buildings which will exclude
moisture and contaminants.
D. Aggregates: Keep aggregates clean and free from all other materials during
transportation and handling. Stockpile aggregate in a manner to prevent
A. Fine Aggregate:
3. Unsuitable Materials in Fine Aggregate: Not more than one percent (1%) by
weight of clay lumps or soft, disintegrated or coated grains shall be present
in the fine aggregate. It shall also be free from foreign material such as dirt,
wood, paper, burlap, or other unsuitable material. When tested in
accordance with AASHTO T-21-27, it shall show a color not darker than
standard. When tested for mortar strength in accordance with AASHTO
T-71-38, the fine aggregate shall have a tensile strength at three (3) days
(Type III), or at seven (7) days, (Type I); not less than 95 percent of that
developed by mortar having the same water-cement ratio and consistency,
made of the same cement and graded Ottawa Sand having a fineness
modulus of 2.40, plus or minus 0.05.
B. Coarse Aggregate:
When subjected to AASHTO Test T-96-38, the aggregate shall have a loss
not greater than sixty-five percent (65%). Aggregate shall be free from
loam, wood, leaves, or other foreign material.
Table 1
Percent Passing
Percent By Weight
Square Opening Sieve
2-1/2 inch 100
2 inch 95 – 100
1 inch 35 – 70
½ inch 10 – 30
No. 4 0–5
Table 2
Percent Passing
Percent By Weight
Square Opening Sieve
1-1/2 inch 100
1 inch 90 – 100
½ inch 25 – 60
No. 4 0 – 10
No. 8 0–5
Table 3
Percent Passing
Percent By Weight
Square Opening Sieve
1 inch 100
¾ inch 90 – 100
3/8 inch 20 – 55
No. 4 0 – 10
No. 8 0–5
A. Water shall be clean and free from salt, oil or organic substances. Laboratory
tests shall be made to determine suitability of any water for use in concrete unless
it is secured from a public water supply.
B. After a suitable design mix has been approved by the Engineer, it shall not be
changed so long as materials of the same characteristics are used in the mix.
Within the limits of the various cement factors shown above, the mix shall be
varied until the homogenous workable mixture, suitable for the class of structure
intended, has been obtained.
B. Where a central batching plant is not operated, each mixer must have available an
approved portable weighing device for use in proportioning. Each batch shall be
mixed for one and one-half (1½) minutes after charging has been completed, and
during such mixing period, that drum shall operate with a peripheral speed of not
less than one-hundred and fifty-three (153), nor more than two-hundred and
twenty-five (225) feet per minute. The number of revolutions per minute shall be
between fourteen (14) and twenty (20). Retempering concrete or use of concrete
in which initial set has taken place will not be allowed. Transit mixed concrete
from an approved batching plant and suitable truck mixer may be as approved by
Engineer of Record.
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A. Mix lean grout for backfilling the space surrounding the pipe sections in tunnel
or other areas as specified or directed in the proportion of 1 part Portland
cement to 12 parts sand by volume.
B. Mix grout to a consistency that can be pumped into the pipe. Use a grout
fluidifier to reduce water quantity and improve workability.
A. Masonry Mortar: Make and test specimens for preconstruction and construction
evaluation of masonry mortar in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C
B. Masonry Grout: Make and test specimens for preconstruction and construction
evaluation of masonry grout in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C
C. Concrete shall contain cement, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate meeting the
Specifications contained in previous paragraphs of this Part. Unless otherwise
specified or shown in the plans, the design strength of the several elements
included in the plans shall be:
A. Furnish all materials, labor, and equipment and construct manholes, wet wells,
valve pits, meter pits, and accessory items, consisting of precast sections as
shown on the Drawings and as specified herein.
D. The supplier of the precast manholes, wet wells, valve pits, meter pits, and
accessory items shall coordinate his work with that of the CONTRACTOR to the
end that the unit will be delivered and installed in the excavation provided by the
CONTRACTOR, in accordance with the CONTRACTOR's construction schedule.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Content
b. Estimated camber
c. Reinforcing and connection details
F. Testing
1. Manholes and Valve Vaults: Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken
for every 50 cubic yards (cu. yds) for each type of precast structure.
2. Pump Stations: Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken for each
pump station wet well. Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken for
each pump station's top and bottom slabs.
3. Certification: The supplier shall provide the certified results of testing (7 day,
28 day) for the test cylinders stated herein. Random test cylinders may be
taken at any time by the ENGINEER at the CITY's expense.
A. The quality of all materials, the process of manufacture, and the finished sections
shall be subject to inspection and approval by the ENGINEER, or the City
Manager or designee. Such inspection may be made at the place of manufacture,
or at the site after delivery, or at both places, and the sections shall be subject to
rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the Specification
requirements; even though sample sections may have been accepted as
satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Sections rejected after delivery to the job
shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the job at once. All
sections which have been damaged after delivery will be rejected, and if already
installed, shall be repaired, if permitted and accepted by ENGINEER, or removed
and replaced, entirely at the CONTRACTOR's expense.
B. At the time of inspection, the sections will be carefully examined for compliance
with ASTM C478 designation and these Specifications, and with the approved
manufacturer's drawings. All sections shall be inspected for general appearance,
dimension, "scratch-strength", blisters, cracks, roughness, soundness, etc. The
surface shall be dense and close-textured.
A. Precast submersible pump station wet wells shall consist of precast base, precast
wet well sections, and top cover slab. Precast valve vaults shall consist of precast
base, sidewalls and top slab. Concrete shall be air entrained at the time of
delivery and shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at the end of
28 days.
B. Joints between precast concrete sections shall be set by plastic shims and fitted
with non-metallic non-shrink grout as shown on the drawings.
C. The top slab sections shall be fitted with watertight hatches. The frames and
covers will be sized for the openings shown on the drawings.
D. The various precast sections should have the inside dimensions and minimum
thickness of concrete as indicated on the drawings. All precast and cast-in-place
concrete members shall conform to the Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete ACI 318.
F. Fillets shall be provided and installed in the wet wells as shown on the drawings.
I. The date of manufacture and the name or trademark of the manufacturer shall be
clearly marked on the inside of each precast section.
J. Sections shall be cured by an approved method and shall not be shipped until the
minimum 7-day compressive strength has been attained.
A. Wet wells shall meet the requirements of ASTM C478, Specification for Precast
Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections, with the exclusion of Section 10(a),
except as modified herein. Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM
C150-74, Specification for Portland Cement, Type II. Concrete shall meet the
minimum requirement for 4000 psi concrete. Minimum wall thickness shall be 8
inches or 1/8 the inside manhole diameter as shown, whichever is greater. The
required minimum strength of concrete shall be confirmed by making and testing
three standard cylinders at seven days. Rings shall be custom made with
openings to meet indicated pipe alignment conditions and invert elevations.
Submit shop drawings, consisting of manufacturers' standard details of various
sections for approval prior to placing order for wet wells. Drawings of individual
wet wells showing invert elevations, pipe sizes and similar details will not be
B. Joints
Form joint contact surfaces with machined castings. Surfaces shall be exactly
parallel with nominal 1/16 inch clearing and the tongue equipped with a proper
recess for the installation of an O-ring rubber gasket. Gaskets shall meet the
requirements of Specification for Joint for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert
Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets. "RAM-NEK" sealing compound conforming to
Federal Specification SSS-00210 (GSA-FSS), Sealing Compound, Preformed
Plastic, for Expansion Joints and Pipe Joints may be used in lieu of O-ring rubber
gaskets. If joints are sealed with "RAM-NEK" sealing compound the recess in the
tongue for an O-ring gasket may be omitted.
Coat or line the interior of all wet wells with one of the following CITY approved
Furnish, install, test and inspect liners and coating in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations, and in accordance with Section 02608
“Concrete Coatings”. Extend coating and liner and seal onto wet well hatch frame,
around pipe openings and other protrusions to prevent contact of wet well surface
with corrosive sewer gases. Provide factory or field applied bituminous or epoxy
A. Where pipes are to extend into or through structures from the exterior, provide
flexible connections (mechanical or push-on type joints) at the exterior wall face.
B. For pipes passing through structural walls, install wall pipes with water stops
where the location is below the surface of the ground or at any point where fluid
levels will exceed that elevation. Neoprene sleeves with watertight caulking and
316 Series SS stainless steel clamps will be suitable at other locations.
A. Control ground water to provide firm, dry subgrade for the structure, and prevent
water rising on new poured in place concrete or grouted joint sections within 24
hours after placing. Guard against flotation or other damage resulting from ground
water or flooding.
C. Provide backfill material around the wet well and above the pipe bedding as
specified in Section 02223.
D. Precast bases, conforming to all requirements of ASTM C478 and above listed
requirements for precast sections, may be used. Set the base in place on a
thoroughly compacted crushed stone sub-base and adjust grade for the correct
structure elevation.
E. Do not set the station into the excavation until the installation procedure and
excavation have been approved by the City Manager or designee.
G. Set the precast concrete structure sections so as to be vertical and with sections
in true alignment with a 3 inch maximum tolerance to be allowed. Fill the outside
and inside joint with a non-shrink grout and finish flush with the adjoining surfaces.
Allow joints to set for 24 hours before backfilling. Backfill in a careful manner,
bringing the fill up evenly on all sides. If leaks appear in the structures, caulk the
H. Plug holes in the concrete sections required for handling or other purposes with a
non-shrinking grout or by grout in combination with concrete plugs.
I. Where holes must be cut in the precast sections to accommodate pipes, cutting
shall be done by core drilling prior to setting them in place to prevent any
subsequent jarring which may loosen the mortar joints.
1. This classification includes wheel guards, valve boxes, manhole frames and
covers, manhole steps, stop plank grooves, brackets and supports for piping
and gutter inlets, floor drains, cleanouts and special malleable iron castings
and inserts.
A. Provide castings accurately made to the approved dimensions, and plane or grind
castings where marked or where otherwise necessary to secure flat and true
surfaces. Make allowance in the patterns so that the specified thickness is not re-
duced. Provide manhole covers which conform to the details shown and which
are true and seat at all points. Supply castings showing the name of the
manufacturer and the country of manufacture. No plugging or welding of defective
castings will be permitted.
A. Reject castings with a weight which is less than the theoretical weight based on
required dimensions by more than 5 percent. Provide facilities at the site for
weighing castings in the presence of the ENGINEER, or furnish invoices showing
true weights, certified by the supplier.
A. Erect all castings to accurate grades and alignment, and when placing in concrete
carefully support castings to prevent movement during concreting.
A. Deliver all manhole castings to the job site unpainted. If painting is specified,
clean metal castings thoroughly before painting. Give manhole frames and covers
and valve boxes one coat of primer and two coats of an approved asphaltum
varnish or other approved coating at the point of manufacture. Paint all other
castings as specified in the City Standard Details.
Furnishing all labor, tools, test equipment and materials, including permits,
required to smoke test and video tape the designated systems.
CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor and materials for notices and
notifications to affected customers, and appropriate public and/or private
D. All smoke bombs used shall not be more than 6 months old and have been
stored according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
A. CONTRACTOR is responsible for and shall notify all agencies involved (fire
department, police, etc.) and notify all affected homeowners. In the test
area, homeowners shall be notified in the following manner:
Fire Department, Police Department, and any other public agencies shall
be notified in the following manner:
A. The CONTRACTOR shall smoke test all sections of the specified collection
systems. The purpose of smoke testing is to find surface locations of any
leaks or defects in the gravity collection system. Smoke testing shall test
no more than two (2) consecutive sections at one time.
D. CONTRACTOR shall use a minimum of two (2) 3-minute bombs for every
two (2) manhole segments of pipe. If only one segment is tested then only
one (1) 3-minute bomb is required. Smoke bombs shall be suspended
above the bottom of the manhole by quick clips or a perforated bucket. All
smoke bomb debris shall be removed from the manhole and site after the
test is complete. If a smoke bomb fails to ignite, the CONTRACTOR shall
retest the sections at no additional cost to the OWNER.
A. CONTRACTOR shall color videotape, with a ½-inch color VHS system, all
areas during smoke testing. CONTRACTOR shall indicate on tape the
address and location of damage and all recorded smoke discharges.
B. Each sewer pipe system will have its own videotape. Videotapes shall be
labeled with the following information:
C. All tapes shall be rendered unable to be taped over after they are
completed. ENGINEER and City Utility Inspector shall be present during
smoke testing and approve all videotaping techniques. Taping shall be
complete and to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and City Utility
B. CONTRACTOR shall supply three (3) originals of the final report. The final
report shall be typewritten and bound in a professional manner.
A. CONTRACTOR is responsible for any and all smoke damage and/or injury
done during testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide damage and liability
insurance per the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract.
CONTRACTOR shall also indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER in the
event of any smoke damage and/or any damage or injury related to or
caused by the smoke testing.
A. This section includes the following items: wet wells, valve vaults, access covers,
pumps, wet well equipment, valves, emergency bypasses, pump control panels,
RTU, antenna subsystem, disconnects, electric meters, electric service, pump
wiring, and lightning arrestors.
C. For systems eligible to be taken over by the CITY, provide enough room to
operate and maintain all water and wastewater. If a master meter or a pumping
station pump needs to be replaced, provide enough room for the CITY to readily
remove the pump, and to do so without interfering with traffic. In order to be
eligible for conveyance to the CITY, the pumping station easement area must be
designed to 30’X30’ (minimum), or twice the depth by twice the depth, whichever
is larger.
E. Install all fencing around the pumping station in accordance with Section 02830.
A. Wet Well: The concrete structure shall consist of precast, reinforced sections
conforming to ASTM C76 and/or ASTM C478. 8-foot diameter wet wells shall
have a minimum wall thickness of 8 inches. Wall thickness for larger wet wells
shall conform to ASTM standards for wall thickness, but shall not be less than 8
inches in any case. The minimum inside diameter for all wet wells eligible to be
owned and maintained by City shall be 8 feet. As a deviation, a 6-foot diameter
wet well can be utilized if the ENGINEER can demonstrate that the wet well is
sufficient hydraulically and the developer can demonstrate that the pumping
station shall be used for the perpetual and exclusive use of that particular
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development. For pumping stations that will not be owned and maintained by
City, the ENGINEER shall set the design specifications for the wet well, provided
such design does not in any way endanger the health, safety and/or welfare of the
public and/or maintenance personnel. Base riser section shall be monolithically
cast with the base slab. All concrete shall utilize Type 2 cement and have a
minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi at twenty eight (28) days. On new
construction, if more than one hole is abandoned and required to be cemented in,
provide a new wet well barrel section. Reinforcing steel for all wet well structures
should be sized by the unit manufacturer and verified by the ENGINEER. All
connections to the wet well for gravity sewer piping shall be equal to those for
manholes as described in Section 02607. Factory double coat all exterior
surfaces with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer a minimum of 18 mils
thick. Seal all riser joints utilizing Ram-Nek, Kent-Seal or other suitable
bituminous or rubber sealing material. Reinforcement and top slab thickness shall
be specified by the design ENGINEER for H-20 loadings in all cases. Minimum
reinforced slab thickness shall be 8 inches. Typical standards for wet wells are
available in the City Standard Details. The ENGINEER shall be responsible for
designing all wet well structures to overcome buoyancy forces exerted on the
installed structure. Coat all wet well interiors with an acceptable field applied IET
or Sewpercoat coating in accordance with Section 02608.
B. Valve Vault: Not typically allowed, however; where applicable: The valve vault
shall be precast 4,000 psi or poured-in-place reinforced concrete, and be of one-
piece (no joints) construction. Include sump in bottom of vault and Sch 80 PVC 2”
drain line between valve vault and wet well with 2” Sch 80 PVC ball valve with 2”
nut to operate valve in vault; the valve shall not be encased in concrete or
obstructed in any way that would hinder replacement. Top of valve vault shall not
exceed 6” above finished grade elevation. Coat all interior and exterior walls of
vaults per Section 02608 using IET, Sewpercoat, or Koppers. Enclose within the
vault walls all tees, elbows and fittings transitioning the pumping station discharge
piping into the force main running from the station. Check valves and tees must
be set on coated steel “U” pipe jack supports. Include emergency pump-out,
which includes a 4” gate valve with a 4” aluminum Kamlock coupler with cap and
chain installed as shown on drawing. Piping and fittings shall be in accordance
with Section 02630 and be Class 53 ductile iron with flanges. Flanges shall be
drilled to 125 pound ANSI Standard B-16.1 template; all piping shall be suitable
for wastewater application. Vault interior sizing shall be adequate for maintenance
and repair of all components within the vault. Contact the City Utility Engineer for
the typical valve vault standards. All pipe connections through the valve vault
walls shall be made equal to pipe connections for manholes as discussed in
Section 02607. Start-up services shall be furnished by the Contractor to insure
that installation and operation is in accordance with specifications. The valve vault
valves shall be tested for proper installation and in strict accordance with
equipment manufacturer’s installation instructions. Improper adjustments or
damage shall be corrected by Contractor prior to final acceptance at no additional
cost to the Owner.
D. Access Covers: Access covers for pumping station wet wells and valve vaults
shall be above the 100-year flood elevation unless the structure is located within a
documented velocity and tidal flood zone, and elevation differentials prohibit such
installation. In such cases, watertight access covers shall be utilized. The
ENGINEER shall provide shop drawings of such access covers for review and
approval by the City Engineer or designee prior to use. Access covers shall be
constructed of diamond plate aluminum sheets and aluminum structural members.
All access covers shall be attached to aluminum angle frames with stainless steel
hinges and fasteners. Angle frames shall be firmly anchored into the top concrete
slab of the structure. All access covers shall be equipped with a ratchet-type
restraint mechanism to prevent accidental closing of the cover and torsion bar or
spring assist type openers. Assist openers shall be manufactured of stainless
steel. Covers located in non-traffic areas shall be designed for loadings of not
less than 300 pounds per square foot. Access covers located in traffic or potential
traffic areas shall be designed for H-20 loadings. If found to be acceptable by the
City Engineer or designee, a system of 6 inch diameter concrete filled bollards
may be substituted for the H-20 rated covers. A layout of such guard posts must
be submitted to the City Engineer or designee for approval prior to installation.
E. Wet Well Equipment: All pump discharge piping shall be HDPE welded pipe with
stainless steel welded flange adapters at pump base and connection to check
valve. All nuts, bolts, fasteners, brackets, pump guide rails and other hardware
located inside the wet well shall be 304 stainless steel. A 4 inch minimum
screened vent shall be provided on all wetwells (see Detail Drawings). Electrical
systems and components (e.g. motors, lights, cables, conduits, switch boxes,
control circuits, etc.) in raw wastewater wetwells, or in enclosed or partially
enclosed spaces where hazardous concentrations of flammable gases or vapors
may be present shall comply with the National Electrical Code (NEC)
requirements for Class I Group D, Division 1 locations. Electrical equipment
located in wet wells shall be suitable for use under corrosive conditions.
F. Valves: Discharge piping for each pump shall be equipped with a check valve and
resilient seat gate valve. A resilient seat gate valve, equipped with a camlock
quick coupling, shall be provided to provide a means of emergency bypass
access to the wastewater force main as required. Valves shall be supported with
HD pipe supports (see Detail Drawings).
H. Pump Control Panel: Pump control panels shall be as shown in the Detail
Drawings. Panel enclosure construction shall be equal to NEMA 3, 4, or 4X
stainless steel or aluminum as required by location, with a 3-point latch door
system. Panel door shall open away from wetwell and not towards wetwell hatch
to ensure safety during maintenance of wetwell and panel. To ensure proper
installation of Control Panel, contact the Utilities Department prior to rough-in or
installation of Control Panel, for a pre-construction meeting with respective
Wastewater Collections and Utilities Maintenance Personnel. Control panels shall
be mounted on two 6 inch by 6 inch precast concrete posts. All mounting bars,
nuts, bolts, etc. shall be 316 stainless steel. A 110/120 volt (110V) receptacle
shall be provided inside the control panel for pump stations that have outdoor
control panels. Ground fault interruption (GFI) protection shall be provided for all
outdoor outlets.
I. RTU: Provide a RTU, as manufactured by Data Flow Systems, Inc, that is 100%
compatible with the existing DFS RTU/BASE System. At a minimum, the RTU
shall include: A white powdered coated stainless steel enclosure; a radio module,
power supply module, a back-up battery, a manufacturer’s prefabricated wire
harness, all manufacturer recommended surge protection, monitor module(s),
control module(s), analog module(s) [minimum 4 in/2 out – 4-20mA], and other
modules as required.
J. Antenna Subsystem: Provide a high gain RTA 411 Yagi Antenna or approved
equal; for use to transmit and receive TAC Pack TCU data to and from the CITY’s
existing TAC II SCADA server. Antenna shall utilize all welded-aluminum
elements. Element connections utilizing nuts and bolts are not acceptable.
Antenna shall have a single radiator element connected to a type N female
connector. Antenna shall be supported on a mast/pole and have DC grounding for
lightning protection. Antenna mounting hardware shall be made of stainless steel.
Antenna shall meet or exceed the quality, reliability and performance of the RTA
series as provided by Data Flow Systems, Inc. Antenna mast/pole shall be a
21foot by 1.25 inch SCH80 galvanized pole. Mounting of the antenna mast/pole
shall be in accordance with all applicable local and state building codes as they
pertain to structural strength and wind velocity requirements. Tower shall meet or
exceed the quality and reliability of the AG20 manufactured by Rohn. Coaxial
cable shall be RTC 400 as supplied by Data Flow Systems, Inc. Type N
connectors shall be utilized at both ends of the coax. Type N connectors shall be
sealed with 3 inch sections of Alpha FIT321-1-0 sealant shrink tubing. Coaxial
cable shall be secured to the mast/pole with E.V.A.-coated 316 stainless steel
cable ties. Cable ties shall meet or exceed the quality, reliability and performance
of AE112 cable ties manufactured by Band-It. For pump stations to be conveyed
to the City, a startup and successful testing of Data Flow telemetry equipment by
Data Flow representatives and City Wastewater Maintenance instrumentation and
K. Disconnect: A Fused disconnect shall be provided to isolate the pump control panel.
Disconnect shall be installed on the service line between the electric meter and
control panel and shall be lockable in the “ON” or “OFF” position. Disconnects shall
be housed in a NEMA 3R, stainless steel enclosure or better.
L. Electric Meter: The electric meter servicing the pumping station shall be located
behind the pump control panel, and shall be located and wired so as to service
only the pumping station facility.
M. Electric Service: All underground electric services shall be fully conduited in 2-inch
minimum diameter Schedule 80 PVC pipe from the power company source point
to the pump control panel. The maximum length of the electric service from the
power company transformer to the pump control panel shall be 100 feet. One
spare conduit shall be provided and terminated with PVC caps in the meter. Only
copper service wire shall be utilized. Sizing of the service wire shall be verified
with the power company and the extent and location of the service shall be
indicated on the record drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall certify that the
voltage drop across the service does not exceed five percent (5%) of the power
company’s line voltage at full load start-up of the pumping station pumps. All
pumping stations shall have minimum 100-amp service. All electrical components
shall be located within the CITY right-of-way or City Utility Easement (CUE).
N. Pump Wiring: Power wiring for each pump, from the control panel to the J-Box,
then to the wet well shall be conduited in separate 2 inch diameter Schedule 80
PVC pipe and appropriately sized fittings as shown in Detail Sheet WW-15. A third
parallel 2-inch PVC pipe conduit from the control panel to the J-Box, then to the
wet well as shown in Detail Sheet WW-15. One 1” Schedule 80 PVC conduit shall
be supplied from wet well to J-Box. All wire shall be stranded THHN or MTW
copper wire. The pump motor cords shall be flexible and serviceable under
conditions of extreme usage. Total of angle bends shall be 180 degrees or less.
All conduits between wetwell and control panel shall not exceed a total of 180
degrees of bends per run. All service conduits shall be a minimum of 2" Schedule
80 PVC except where noted. The pump motor cords shall be flexible and provided
with a strain-relief locking device in the J-Box to prevent damage from cord
1. Furnish all labor, tools, test equipment and materials, including any and all
permits required to televise, inspect, record, still photograph and document
the gravity wastewater collection systems. Any defective work or necessary
correction shown during TV inspections during construction must be
corrected by the Contractor, at his expense, before the lines will be accepted
by the City and placed into service. All corrective measures required and
identified during warranty inspections must be accomplished by the
Contractor, at his expense, before final release of the Performance Bond
provided for the construction.
C. Equipment used shall be in good working order and provide continuous operation
during TV/video recording inspection.
D. DVD disks shall be of good visual quality capable of slow motion and pausing
without significant reduction of visual quality.
B. Submit to the City Manager or designee a copy of all television inspection log
sheets and DVD disks completed.
A. Camera used shall be 360 degree COLOR RVC camera. Camera shall be
operative in 100% relative humidity and be specifically designed for the
environment. Camera shall have an integral lighting system capable of producing
clearly focused, well-defined images of the entire periphery of the pipe. The quality
of video picture and definition provided shall be to the satisfaction of the
ENGINEER and, if unsatisfactory, equipment shall be removed and replaced with
satisfactory equipment.
A. Furnish recording equipment to provide a visual and audio recording of all areas in
the pipe. Recording system at the site shall be capable of rewind, play back, slow
motion and stop motion. The DVD shall be with an audio channel for clearly
recording the camera locations and operator observations (cracks, leaks, service
connections, etc.). The system shall continuously indicate distance, in feet, from
manhole to manhole and the manhole-to-manhole run numbers on the video
A. Furnish variable speed powered remote controlled winches for upstream and
downstream manhole locations to control two-way movement of the camera. If a
self-propelled camera is used, winches are not necessary.
A. Power supply shall be continuous. If night operations occur, supply all labor,
power and lighting equipment for operations, traffic safety, permits, etc.
A. Inspection shall be done one manhole section at a time. Stop flow into the section
being inspected prior to video inspection, unless otherwise approved in writing by
the City Manager or designee.
C. Insert the camera in the upstream manhole after flow restrictions required have
been accomplished. Flow into the system being inspected shall be stopped, with
the exception of service laterals into the system being inspected. Move camera
through the pipe lines at a moderate speed not exceeding 30 feet per minute. Stop
camera at locations where one or more of the following conditions is observed:
1. Infiltration/inflow sources.
2. Service Laterals.
4. Abnormal joint conditions such as misalignments, open joints and joints not
5. Unusual conditions such as root intrusion, protruding pipes, in-line pipe size
changes, mineral deposits, grease and obstructions.
D. Stop camera long enough for a thorough visual inspection of the conditions. All
such conditions as specified above shall be audio recorded on disk and the
inspection log sheet. Move the camera and rotate to obtain optimum view of the
conditions. If requested by the City Manager or designee, view problem areas in
the opposite direction by pulling the TV camera from the opposite direction at no
additional cost to the CITY.
E. While the camera is stopped at each service connection, rotate the camera so as
to be able to view the service connection for a length of time that enables a good
visual inspection of the service connection for damage and infiltration. Be
responsible for measurements such as service lateral locations, if used for
subsequent rehabilitation work.
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F. When, during the inspection operation, the television camera will not pass through
the entire manhole-to-manhole section, set up equipment so that the inspection
can be performed from the opposite manhole at no additional cost to the CITY.
A. Furnish a detailed report and disks of the system inspected. The minimum
information supplied shall be the following:
3. Log reports:
d. OWNER's name
B. All disks shall be rendered unable to be recorded over after they are completed.
B. MOT shall also include construction and maintenance of any necessary detour
facilities, furnishings, installing and maintaining of traffic control and safety devices
during construction, control of dust, and any other special requirements for safe
and expeditious movement of traffic around or through the work site.
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C. Be responsible for coordination with all affected agencies when roadways will be
closed or traffic will be detoured. No detours or roadway closings shall be
permitted unless specifically approved in writing by the City Manager or designee
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A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and install
complete and ready for operation all valves and appurtenances as shown on the
Drawings and as specified herein.
B. Standards
Designation Title
ANSI/AWWA Standard for Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings
A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended
to be nominal size, and shall be interpreted as nominal size.
1. General Conditions;
A. All valves and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and as
far as possible all equipment of the same type shall be from one manufacturer.
B. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name of the maker and the working
pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate
part of the body.
A. Manufacturers for gate valves shall be U.S. Pipe, AVK, Clow, American Darling,
Kennedy, Mueller, Tyler, or Ford .
1. Valves for pipe 2 inches (2”) in diameter and smaller shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA C800, C509 or C515 (latest revisions), and gate
valves shall be cast/ductile iron, single wedge, non-rising stem, screwed
bonnet, 125 pounds S.P., 200 pounds W.O.G with stuffing box repackable
under pressure and all parts renewable. Ends shall be as shown or
indicated on the drawings. Air release line valves, bacterial sampling station
line valves and curb stops shall be Mueller or Ford. Corporation stops shall
be Mueller,or Ford Brass Ball Valves. Valves shall open by turning to the
left (counter-clockwise), when viewed from the stem.
3. There shall be two low torque thrust bearings located above and below the
stem collar. The stem nut shall be independent of wedge and shall be made
of solid bronze. There shall be a smooth unobstructed waterway free of all
pockets, cavities and depressions in the seat area. The body and bonnet
shall be coated with fusion-bonded epoxy both interior and exterior. For
aboveground service, the exterior ferrous parts of all valves shall be coated
as follows: 1) prior to shipment from the factory, valves shall be shop painted
with one coat, 1.5 mils dry film thickness, of a combination lead and
chromate primer with rust-inhibitive pigments and synthetic resins; 2)
following installation in the filed, valves shall be painted with one coat, 1.5
mils dry film thickness, of a combination lead and chromate primer with rust-
inhibitive pigments and synthetic resins; valves shall be finish painted with
two coats, 1.4 mils dry film thickness each coat, of a medium to long oil
alkyd resin coating; the color of the finish coats shall be in accordance with
the piping color code in the painting schedule. Each valve, aboveground or
below ground, shall have the manufacturers name, pressure rating and year
manufactured cast on body. The valve shall be designed and tested to be
1. Valves for buried service shall meet all the requirements as specified herein
for interior except that buried valves shall have mechanical joint ends. Place
a Gate Box Aligner (valve box aligner) (order through USA Bluebook
Stock #MC-75181) over the valve stem in order to help keep valve box
aligned during backfilling. Extension stems shall be provided on all buried
valves when operating nut is deeper than 4 feet below final grade.
2. All buried valves shall have cast/ductile-iron three-piece valve boxes, valve
boxes shall be provided with suitable heavy bonnets to extend to such
elevation at the finished grade surface as directed by the ENGINEER. The
top section shall be set to allow equal movement above and below finished
grade. The barrel shall be two-piece, screw type. The upper section shall
have a flange at the bottom having sufficient bearing area to prevent settling,
shall be designed so as to prevent the transmission of surface loads directly
to the valve or piping, and shall be complete with cast/ductile iron covers.
Covers shall have "WATER" cast into the top. The covers shall be so
constructed as to prevent tipping, rocking, or rattling. The valve boxes shall
be coated inside and outside with an asphaltic coating prior to machining, so
that the machined seating surfaces will be free of any coating. All valve
boxes located in major paved roadways shall have locking covers. Valve
boxes shall be Dewey Brothers VBX-TE 100 (6-5/16 inch cover),
Tyler/Union Model 461, Clow Corp. F-2450, or Engineer of Record
approved equal.
3. Where valves are located out of pavement, the boxes shall be adjusted to
finished grade with a concrete collar as shown in the Details.
4. Valve boxes shall be of the heavy duty, traffic bearing cast/ductile iron,
adjustable screw type with a drop cover. The valve box assembly shall
consist of a bottom section, top section and cover which is cast from gray
iron, formulated to ASTM specification A-48 latest revision, minimum tensile
of 21,000 psi and shall be free from blowholes, shrinkage or other
imperfections not true to pattern. The shaft size shall be 5 1/4" and the
adjustable length shall be from 18" to 36". The wall thickness shall be 1/4".
The weight of the assembly shall be 61 pounds + 2 pounds, with the cover
weight being a minimum of 13 pounds.
5. The name of the manufacturer and foundry of origin shall be cast into each
of the components of the assembly in legible form. The assembly shall be
suitable for highway traffic wheel loads of 16,000 pounds and shall withstand
a proof load test of 25,000 pounds without failure or permanent deflection.
1. All swing check valve bodies shall be Val-Matic Series 500 with back flow
activator or APCO Series 100 rubber flapper swing checks.
2. Valve exterior to be painted with Red Oxide Phenolic Primer. Materials shall
be certified to the following ASTM specifications:
Body, cover, disc Ductile Iron or approved shop drawing ASTM A126, Class B
Disc Buna-N (NBR) ASTM D2000 – BG
3. Swing check valves shall have a shaft of single and continuous stainless
steel, extending both sides of the body with a lever and weight. The air
cushion cylinder, when specifically required, shall be constructed of
corrosion resistant material and the piston shall be totally enclosed within
the cylinder and not open at one end. The air cushion cylinder assembly
shall be externally attached to either or both sides of the valve body and
shall permit adjustability to cushion the closure of the valve. Cushioning
shall be by air trapped in the cushion cylinder, which shall be fitted with a
one-way adjustable control check valve to cushion disc contact to the seat at
the shut-off point. The bottom cylinder head shall be swivel mounted and
not rigid to follow the change of force angles as the lever raises or lowers to
open or close the check valve. Valve shall prevent backflow on normal
pump shut off or power failure, at zero velocity and be watertight. The disc
shall be cast/ductile iron utilizing a double clevice hinge connected to a
ductile iron disc arm. The disc arm assembly shall be suspended from a
stainless steel shaft, which passes through a seal retainer on both sides of
the valve body.
2. Air Release Valves shall be float operated and both the air/vacuum and air
release functions shall be performed by a combination valve housed in a
single body.
3. The valve shall automatically exhaust large quantities of air during the filling
of the pipeline. The valve shall be capable of venting air up to sonic velocity
without blowing shut, closing only after all the air has been vented. The air
release port shall automatically release small pockets of air from the pipeline
while the pipeline is in operation and under pressure, to keep the system
free of accumulated air. The valve shall automatically open to allow air to
re-enter during draining or whenever a negative pressure occurs.
4. Combination air valves shall be of the size shown on the plans and conform
to the requirements of AWWA C512 and be of the “kinetic” design capable of
exhausting air at up to sonic velocity without blowing shut.
5. The air release valve shall have a maximum working pressure of 300 psi,
unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, and shall have been tested at a
pressure not less than 300 psi.
6. Body, cover, and baffle shall be ASTM A126 Class B cast/ductile iron with
stainless steel floats and replaceable seats of Buna-N or other suitable
material. Plastic or bronze components are not acceptable. Screens shall
be installed on the opening of all air release valves.
7. Valves 3-inch size and smaller shall have a threaded inlet connection, and
valves over 3 inches shall have a flanged inlet faced and drilled per
ANSIB16.1 Class 250. Valves shall have a threaded outlet on valves to 4
inch size and a protective cowl on larger sizes. Connections from
corporation stops to air release valves shall be brass for rigidity.
1. All tapping sleeve assemblies (for 3” or larger service lines) shall meet the
requirements of AWWA Standards C110, latest revision. Cast/ductile iron
tapping sleeves or stainless steel wrap-around sleeves, and cast/ductile iron
valves shall be used to make live taps into the existing water mains where
shown on the drawings. Sleeve bodies must be of stainless steel. The
flanges must conform to AWWA C207 Class D ANSI 150# drilling. All bolts
and nuts shall be as specified. Tapping sleeves shall be as manufactured
by Mueller, American Valve and Hydrant, Kennedy Valve, or Engineer of
Record approved equal.
1. Service Saddles
a. Service saddles or fittings shall be used with taps to all types of pipe.
Gasket shall be cemented in place and confined in a retaining groove.
Saddles shall be cast/ductile iron or stainless steel saddles with
double brass straps.
b. Tapping sleeves and valves shall be used for all taps, with tap being
performed at least 3’ from AC pipe couplings and PVC joints.
2. Water Meters
B. After installation, test all valves and appurtenances for at least one hour at the
working pressure corresponding to the class of pipe, unless a different test
pressure is specified. If any joint proves to be defective, repair it to the
satisfaction of the ENGINEER.
C. Install all floor boxes, brackets, extension rods, guides, the various types of
operators and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings that are in masonry
floors or walls, and install concrete inserts for hangers and supports as soon as
forms are erected and before concrete is poured. Before setting these items,
check all plans and figures, which have a direct bearing on their location and
assure the proper location of these valves and appurtenances during the
construction of the structures.
D. Flanged joints shall be made with Series 300, stainless steel bolts. All exposed
bolts shall be made with Series 300 stainless steel bolts.
E. Prior to assembly of split couplings, thoroughly clean the grooves as well as other
parts. The ends of the pipes and outside of the gaskets shall be moderately
coated with petroleum jelly, cup grease, soft soap or graphite paste, and the
gasket shall be slipped over one pipe end. After the other pipe has been brought
to the correct position, center the gasket properly over the pipe ends with the lips
against the pipes. The housing sections then shall be placed. After the bolts have
been inserted, tighten the nuts until the housing sections are firmly in contact,
metal-to-metal, without excessive bolt tension.
F. Prior to the installation of sleeve-type couplings, thoroughly clean the pipe ends
for a distance of 8". Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower
and gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6"
from the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the already laid pipe end until
it is properly centered over the joint. Insert the other pipe end into the middle ring
and bring to proper position in relation to the pipe already laid. The gaskets and
followers shall then be pressed evenly and firmly into the middle ring flaires. After
the bolts have been inserted and all nuts have been made up finger-tight,
uniformly tighten diametrically opposite nuts progressively all around the joint,
preferably by use of a torque wrench of the appropriate size and torque for the
G. Carefully inspect each valve, open it wide and then tightly close it and test the
various nuts and bolts for tightness. Special care shall be taken to prevent any
foreign matter from becoming lodged in the valve seat. Gate valves, unless
shown otherwise, shall be set with their stems vertically above the centerline of
the pipe. Remove and replace any valve that does not operate correctly.
H. Place a Gate Box Aligner (valve box aligner) (order through USA Bluebook
Stock #MC-75181) over the valve stem in order to help keep valve box aligned
during backfilling. Carefully center valve boxes over the operating nuts of the
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valves so as to permit a valve wrench or key to be fitted easily to the operating
nut. Valve boxes shall be set to conform to the level of the finished surface and
held in position by a ring of concrete placed under the support flange as shown in
Section 3, Utility Detail Drawings. The valve box shall not transmit surface loads
to the pipe or valve. Exercise care to prevent earth and other material from
entering the valve box. Any valve box which is out of alignment or whose top
does not conform to the finished ground surface shall be dug and reset. Before
final acceptance of the work, adjust all valve boxes to finish grade. Valve
extension stems or risers shall not be used.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install complete
and ready for operation all valves and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and
as specified herein.
B. The equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
2. Check Valves
3. Vacuum Breakers
6. Flexible Couplings
7. Diaphragm Seals
8. Unions
A. All of the equipment and materials specified herein are intended to be standard for
use in controlling the flow of wastewater and reclaimed water.
B. Complete shop drawings of all valves and appurtenances shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval in accordance with the requirements of Section 01340 and
the General Conditions.
A. Special tools, if required for normal operation and maintenance shall be supplied with
the equipment.
A. All valves and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and as
far as possible all equipment of the same type shall be from one manufacturer.
B. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name of the maker and the working
pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate
part of the body.
C. All gate, check and air release valves shall be American made, cast, and
1. Gate valves shall conform to the latest revision of AWWA Standard C509 –
“Resilient-Seated Gate Valves 3 Inches through 30 Inches NPS for Water and
Sewer Systems.”
2. The valves shall be ductile iron body with non-rising stem (NRS) opening by
turning stem counterclockwise and provided with two-inches (2”) square
operating nut with the word “Open” and an “Arrow” cast/ductile in the metal to
indicate direction to open. Valve nuts shall be no more than 30” underground.
4. Stems for NRS assemblies shall be cast/ductile bronze with integral collars in
full compliance with AWWA. OS&Y stems shall be on bronze bar stock. The
NRS stem stuffing box shall be the O-ring seal type with two (2) rings located
above thrust collar; the two (2) rings shall be replaceable with valve fully open
and subjected to full rated working pressure. The design and machining of
valves shall be such as to permit the replacement of O-ring(s) without undue
leakage while the valves are wide open and in service.
6. There shall be two (2) low torque thrust bearings located above and below the
stem collar. The stem nut shall be independent of the wedge and shall be made
of solid bronze. There shall be a smooth unobstructed waterway free of all
pockets, cavities, and depressions in the seat area.
7. The body and bonnet shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy both interior
and exterior. Each valve shall have a maker’s name, pressure rating, and year
in which manufactured cast/ductile on the body. Prior to shipment from factory,
each valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to twice the specified
working pressure. Valves with prior year manufacture dates shall not be used.
2. Plug valves shall be tested in accordance with AWWA C504 Section 5. Each
valve shall be performance tested in accordance with AWWA C504 Section 5.2
and shall be given a leakage test and hydrostatic test as described in AWWA
C504 Paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4. The leakage test shall be applied to the face of
the plug tending to unseat the valve. The Manufacturer shall furnish certified
copies of reports covering proof of design testing as described in AWWA C504
Section 5.5.
3. Plug valves shall be of the tight closing, resilient faced, non-lubricating variety
and shall be of eccentric design such that the valve's pressure member (plug)
rises off the body seat contact area immediately upon shaft rotation during the
opening movement. Valve pressure ratings shall be as follows and shall be
established by hydrostatic tests as specified by ANSI B16.1-1967. Valves shall
be drip-tight in both directions (bi-directional) at rated pressure of 175 psi
through 12-inch diameter, and 150 psi for 14-inch diameter and above. The
valve shall be provided with a 2-inch square operating nut.
5. The valve plug shall be constructed of cast iron or ductile iron and shall have a
conical seating surface that is eccentrically offset from the center of the plug
shafts. The plug and shafts shall be integral. The entire plug face shall be
totally encapsulated with Buna N (Nitrile) rubber in all valve sizes. The rubber
to metal bond must withstand 75 lbs. pull under test procedure ASTM D-429-73,
Method B. When the plug is in full open position, plug geometry and body
waterway contours must provide a passageway that allows flow capacity equal
to 100% of the adjacent pipe area.
8. Valves shall have multiple V-type packing and packing glands and shall be
capable of being field adjusted or repacked without the bonnet or plug being
removed from the valve with the valve under the full rated pressure. Valves
shall have a port position indicator.
9. For corrosion protection, the interior ferrous surfaces of all plug valves shall
have a 2-part epoxy internal coating to a minimum of 20 mils thickness. All
exterior ferrous surfaces of valve shall be coated at the factory with a thermally
bonded epoxy coating in accordance with AWWA C550.
10. Valve shaft seals shall be adjustable and comply with AWWA C507 Section 10
and with AWWA C507 Section 11.
11. Manual valves shall have lever or gear actuators and tee wrenches, extension
stems, floorstands, etc. as indicated on the plans. All valves 6" and larger shall
be equipped with gear actuators. All gearing shall be enclosed in a semi-steel
housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant with seals provided on all
shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. All actuator shafts
shall be supported on permanently lubricated bronze bearings. Actuators shall
clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set
closing torque. All adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque. All
exposed nuts, bolts, and washers shall be zinc or cadmium plated. Valve
packing adjustment shall be accessible without disassembly of the actuator.
12. Valves and gear actuators for submerged service shall have seals on all shafts
and gaskets on the valve and actuator covers to prevent entry of water.
Actuator mounting brackets for buried or submerged service shall be totally
13. Three-way plug valves shall be non-lubricated gear oriented. Valve bodies shall
be ASTM A-126 Class, and be semi-steel with 125 lb. ANSI standard flanges.
Plugs shall be resilient faced. Three-way valves shall be 3-way, 3-port 270-
degree turn.
14. Plug valves installed such that actuators are 6 feet or more above the floor shall
have chain wheels.
15. Where shown on the Drawings, plug valves shall be installed with extended
shafts and actuators. Actuators for extended shafts shall be mounted on
floor stands where indicated on the drawings or shall be removable
handwheels where floor stands are not called for. Six-inch sleeves shall be
provided for extended shafts in all floors; where necessary covers shall be
provided. Shafts shall be of adequate strength to operate the valve and
shall be 304 stainless steel where submerged and carbon steel elsewhere.
Floor stands and covers, where called for shall be cast iron. Floor stands
shall be equipped with valve position indicators. Where shown on the
drawings, plug valves shall be furnished with extended bonnets, equal to
DeZurik Figure 640.
16. All buried plug valves shall have a remote position indicator in the valve box
showing position of the valve. A stainless steel centering and I.D. plate shall be
provided showing direction of opening and number of turns to open for each
1. Valves for buried service shall meet all the requirements as specified herein for
interior except that buried valves shall have mechanical joint ends. Place a
Gate Box Aligner (valve box aligner) (order through USA Bluebook Stock
#MC-75181) over the valve stem in order to help keep valve box aligned
during backfilling.
2. All buried valves shall have cast/ductile-iron three-piece valve boxes, valve
boxes shall be provided with suitable heavy bonnets to extend to such elevation
at the finished grade surface as directed by the ENGINEER. The barrel shall be
two-piece, screw type. The upper section shall have a flange at the bottom
having sufficient bearing area to prevent settling, shall be designed so as to
prevent the transmission of surface loads directly to the valve or piping, and
shall be complete with cast/ductile iron covers. Covers shall have "SEWER"
cast into the top. The covers shall be so constructed as to prevent tipping or
rattling. All valve boxes located in major paved roadways or sidewalks shall
have locking covers. Valve boxes shall be Dewey Brothers VBX-TE 100 (6-5/16
inch cover), Tyler/Union Model 461, or Engineer of Record approved equal.
4. Valve boxes shall be of the heavy duty, traffic bearing cast/ductile iron,
adjustable screw type with a drop cover. The valve box assembly shall consist
of a bottom section, top section and cover which is cast from gray iron,
formulated to ASTM specification A-48 latest revision, minimum tensile of
21,000 psi and shall be free from blowholes, shrinkage or other imperfections
not true to pattern. The shaft size shall be 5 1/4" and the adjustable length shall
be from 18" to 36". The wall thickness shall be 1/4”. The weight of the
assembly shall be 61 pounds + 2 pounds, with the cover weight being a
minimum of 13 pounds.
5. The name of the manufacturer and foundry of origin shall be cast into each of
the components of the assembly in legible form. The assembly shall be suitable
for highway traffic wheel loads of 16,000 pounds and shall withstand a proof
load test of 25,000 pounds without failure or permanent deflection. The valve
box shall be cast, machined, assembled, and packaged within the United States
and shall fully comply with the Buy American provisions of Public Law 102-240,
enacted 12/18/91.
6. Valve box cover shall be painted green for “sewer” and the word “SEWER” cast
into it, and painted purple for “reclaimed water” with the word “REUSE” cast into
D. Check Valves
1. All swing check valve bodies shall be Val-Matic Series 500 with back flow
activator or APCO Series 100 rubber flapper swing checks.
2. All check valve bodies shall be cast/ductile iron per ASTM A126 Class B, having
integral (not Wafer) flanges.
3. The seat shall be centrifugally cast bronze with an O-ring seal and be locked in
place with stainless steel lock screws and be field replaceable, without the use
of special tools.
4. The shaft shall be single and continuous stainless steel, extending both sides of
the body with a lever and weight.
6. The disc shall be cast/ductile iron utilizing a double clevice hinge connected to a
ductile iron disc arm. The disc arm assembly shall be suspended from a
stainless steel shaft, which passes through a seal retainer on both sides of the
valve body.
7. Valve exterior to be painted with Red Oxide Phenolic Primer Paint as accepted
by the FDA for use in contact with Potable Water. Materials shall be certified to
the following ASTM specifications:
8. For corrosion protection, the interior ferrous surfaces of all check valves used in
sewage applications shall be coated with a factory applied, two-part epoxy
coating to a minimum of 20 mils thick.
1. All force mains shall have automatic air release valves installed as they are
indicated on the plans within a pedestal housing.
2. Air release valves shall be of the single housing style that combines the
operation features of both an air-vacuum and air-release valve.
3. The air/vacuum valve shall automatically exhaust large quantities of air during
the filling of the pipeline and automatically allow air to re-enter the pipeline when
the internal pressure of the pipeline approaches a negative value due to column
separation, draining of the pipeline, or other event. The air release port shall
automatically release small pockets of air from the pipeline while the pipeline is
in operation and under pressure.
4. The air release valve shall have a maximum working pressure between 150 and
225 psi, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, and shall have been tested
at a pressure not less than 300 psi.
5. Two-inch (2”) NPT inlet and one half inch (1/2”) outlet shall be provided unless
otherwise noted on the drawings.
1. Flange adapter couplings shall be of the size and pressure rating required for
each installation and shall be suitable for use on either cast iron or ductile iron
pipe. They shall be similar or equal to Dresser Company, Style 128. All
couplings shall have a sufficient number of factory installed anchor studs to
meet or exceed the test pressure rating for this project, 100-psi minimum.
G. Flexible Couplings:
1. Flexible couplings shall be either the split type or the sleeve type as shown on
the Drawings.
a. Split type coupling shall be either the split type or the sleeve type as
shown on the Drawings. The couplings shall be mechanical type for
radius groove piping. The couplings shall mechanically engage and lock
grooved pipe ends in a positive coupling and allow for angular deflection
and contraction and expansion.
c. Victaulic type couplings and fittings may be used in lieu of flanged joints.
Pipes shall be radius grooved as specified for use with the Victaulic
couplings. Flanged adapter connections at fittings, valves, and equipment
shall be Victaulic Vic Flange Style 741, equal by Gustin-Bacon Group,
Division of Certain-Teed Products, Kansas City, Kansas, or equal.
d. Sleeve type couplings shall be used with all buried piping. The couplings
shall be of steel and shall be Dresser Style 38, Smith Blair Style 413,
Baker Allsteel, or equal. The coupling shall be provided with stainless
steel bolts and nuts unless indicated otherwise.
H. Diaphragm Seals:
I. Unions
1. Unions on ferrous pipe 2" in diameter and smaller shall be 150 pounds
malleable iron, zinc-coated. Unions on water piping 2" in diameter and larger
shall be flange pattern, 125 pound class, zinc-coated. Gaskets for flanged
unions shall be of the best quality fiber, plastic, or leather. Unions shall not be
concealed in walls, ceilings, or partitions.
1. Hose end faucets for potable water supply at submersible stations shall be Zurn
Model Z-1385. Faucet shall be furnished with removable key and shall be
L. Pressure Gauges
1. Each pressure gauge shall be direct mounted, cast aluminum case, with a 4"
diameter dial and furnished with a clear glass crystal window, 3/8" shut-off
valve, and a bronze pressure snubber. Provide diaphragm seals between
shut-off valve and pressure gauge on all sludge and lines with nonclear matter
in suspension of solution. All gauges shall be weatherproofed. The face dial
shall be white finished aluminum with jet black graduations and figures. The
face dial shall indicate the units of pressure being measured (e.g., feet, inches,
etc.) or be dual scale.
1. Meters shall be of the magnetic type with Teflon lining, stainless steel
electrodes and ultrasonic cleaning, or the universal venturi type with flanged
cast/ductile iron body and bronze throat. Flow meters shall be designed to
record both the peak pumping station capacity and anticipated minimum flows
with equally high accuracy. The meters shall be direct reading in gallons per
minute, totalizing in million gallons per day and recording on 12-inch diameter,
24-hour linear charts in gallons per minute. All meters shall also be tied to the
Radio Telemetry SCADA System. The flow metering system shall be installed
within the pumping station structure, if space is available, or in an exterior
protected and drained pit. In all cases, meter by-pass valves and piping shall
be provided.
A. Install all valves and appurtenances in the locations shown, true to alignment and
rigidly and properly supported. Repair any damage to the above items to the
satisfaction of the ENGINEER before they are installed.
B. Carefully inspect each valve, open it wide and then tightly close it, and test the
various nuts and bolts for tightness. Take special care to prevent any foreign matter
from becoming lodged in the valve seat. Valves, unless shown otherwise shall be set
with their operator shaft vertically. Repair and replace any valve that does not
operate correctly.
C. Carefully center valve boxes over the operating nuts of the valves so as to permit a
valve wrench or key to be fitted easily to the operating nut. Valve boxes shall be set
to conform to the level of the finished surface and held in position by a ring of
concrete placed under the support flange as shown on the City Standard Details. The
valve box shall not transmit surface loads to the pipe or valve. Care shall be taken to
prevent earth and other material from entering the valve box. Any valve box which is
out of alignment or whose top does not conform to the finished ground surface shall
be dug out and reset. Before final acceptance of the work, adjust all valve boxes to
finish grade. Valve operating risers shall be installed with any valves required to
ensure that the operating nut is 30-inches or less from the ground surface.
E. Install all floor boxes, brackets, extension rods, guides, the various types of operators
and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings that are in masonry floors or walls, and
install concrete inserts for hangers and supports as soon as forms are erected and
before concrete is poured. Before setting these items, check all plans and figures that
have a direct bearing on their location and he shall be responsible for the proper
location of these valves and appurtenances during the construction of the structures.
F. Pipe for use with flexible couplings shall have plain ends as specified in the respective
pipe sections in Division 15.
G. Buried flanged or mechanical joints shall be made with Series 300, stainless steel
bolts. All exposed bolts shall be made with Series 300 stainless steel bolts.
H. Prior to assembly of split couplings, thoroughly clean the grooves as well as other
parts. The ends of the pipes and outside of the gaskets shall be moderately coated
with petroleum jelly, cup grease, soft soap or graphite paste, and the gasket shall be
slipped over one pipe end. After the other pipe has been brought to the correct
position, center the gasket properly over the pipe ends with the lips against the pipes.
The housing sections then shall be placed. After the bolts have been inserted, tighten
the nuts until the housing sections are firmly in contact, metal-to-metal, without
excessive bolt tension.
I. Prior to the installation of sleeve-type couplings, thoroughly clean the pipe ends for a
distance of 8". Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower and
gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6" from
the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the already laid pipe end until it is
properly centered over the joint. Insert the other pipe end into the middle ring and
bring to proper position in relation to the pipe already laid. The gaskets and followers
shall then be pressed evenly and firmly into the middle ring flaires. After the bolts
have been inserted and all nuts have been made up finger-tight, uniformly tighten
diametrically opposite nuts progressively all around the joint, preferably by use of a
torque wrench of the appropriate size and torque for the bolts.
A. Materials, Construction:
1. All sewer service connections shall be of SDR 35 PVC as specified herein with
elastomeric gaskets on pipe and fittings.
2. Service lines shall be connected to the sewer mains by means of a PVC wye
fitting. The service branch of the wye fitting will be elevated depending on the
depth of the sewer and the elevation of the property to be served. 45 degree
bends or other fittings shall be used to connect the service line at the wye
3. Service lines shall extend from the sewer to the property line and be plugged.
Plugs shall be plastic with sealer. Service lines shall be 6 inches for single
residential properties and 6 inches pipe and larger for commercial, industrial,
and multiple residential services. Service lines will have a minimum of 3 feet
and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at the property line. Service will be provided
to each lot. All laterals shall have a vertical clean out installed at the property
line. Clean outs shall extend 24 inches above grade and should be capped.
After final connection of the lateral to a structure the clean out shall be cut off at
grade and capped.
A. Coat ferrous surfaces of valves and appurtenances with rust-inhibitive primer. Cap all
pipe connection openings to prevent the entry of foreign matter prior to installation.
A. Paint all metal valves and appurtenances specified herein and installed in valve and
meter pits as specified. Following installation of aboveground valves, touch-up nicks
and scratches of exterior painted surfaces with the same finish coating as specified
A. Subject completed pipe to hydrostatic pressure test at full working pressure. Repair
all leaks and retest the line as approved by the ENGINEER. Prior to testing, support
the gravity pipelines in an approved manner to prevent movement during tests.
A. The lift station control panel shall be supplied containing all the electrical and
mechanical equipment necessary to provide for the operation of two (Duplex)
electrical submersible pumps as specified in the standard drawings. The panel
shall be a regulator type and provide a high level alarm system and emergency
power provisions which can be utilized manually in case of main power failure.
Systems that may require more than two pumps will require special design,
coordination, and approval from the City Utility Engineer.
Comply with the applicable codes, standards, rules and regulations published by
lEE, ANSI, NEC, National Electric Safety Code and Nema Standard IC-1
Industrial Control.
Shop drawings shall be submitted showing layout materials and components for
lift station control panels as shown in the City Utility Standard Drawings..
All components and materials utilized in the assembly of the control panels shall
have a U.L. Listing. The overall panel assembly does not require a U.L.
Certification due to the field installation will modify the panel and negate the
certification. The control panel (ICP – Industrial Control Panel) shall be clearly
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labeled with the proper ICP Short Circuit Current Rating as required by NEC
Article 409. These labels shall be attached to both the exterior and interior doors
of the ICP.
C. The sub-panel(s) shall contain a main circuit breaker, emergency circuit breaker,
motor circuit breakers, control circuit breaker, duplex receptacle breaker, across
the line magnetic motor contactors, VFD’s (Variable Frequency Drives), control
voltage breaker and (where applicable). The main and emergency breaker shall
be interlocked to assure only one breaker can operate at one time; 460 VAC
systems will require a CPT Control Power Transformer 460VAC to 120VAC –
breaker protected; 120VAC to 24VAC, .075KVA, breaker protected secondary
transformer, plug-in 8 pin and 11 pin relays with indicating LED, float switch
backup system, Devar Inc. Level Controller with Pressure Transducer, plug-in
solid state phase monitor, flasher unit, ground lugs and the necessary terminal
strips and plugs to allow for easy removal of the sub-panels. All control wiring
shall be color coded per IPCEA (minimum 18 colors) or numbered, size 14 AWG,
rated for 300 V, 80 degrees C, stranded, tinned copper with PVC insulation. The
inner dead front door shall be constructed of .080", 3003 aluminum. The dead
front shall be formed into a pan with a 3/4" break around the perimeter and shall
be mounted on an .063" aluminum continuous aircraft hinge with a stainless steel
pin. The dead front shall be fastened to the enclosure and hinge with stainless
steel screws. The dead front shall be supported on the vertical break opposite
the hinge with a continuous support and shall not depend on breakers or other
components. The outer door shall contain a self storing wind resistant rod.
The dead front shall contain breaker knock-outs for protrusion of the breaker
handles. If required and shown on the drawings, mounted on the dead front
there shall be level lights, pump run lights, elapsed time meters, level controller,
and HOA switches.
D. Each control panel shall be provided with a breaker protected phase monitor and
surge protection to insure protection for each pump circuit.
E. The panel shall be provided with a panel convenience light to illuminate the
interior of the panel at night. The switch/relay for this light shall be supplied and
mounted as shown in the detailed drawings.
F. The duplex ground fault protected (20Amps) outlet shall be mounted in the sub
door of the panel.
G. Each 460 VAC control panel shall have a control power transformer, where
required as indicated, to provide 460 VAC to 120 volts single phase A.C. control
power. Both legs of the primary shall be protected by a thermal magnetic 2 pole
circuit breaker as manufactured by the Square D Company, one Ieg of the
secondary of the control power transformer shall be protected by a thermal
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magnetic circuit breaker as manufactured by the Square D Company, the other
leg shall be grounded. The capacity of the control transformer shall be adequate
to operate all the control devices in the circuit to include power for controls,
lighting, receptacle, etc. as required per location; with a minimum capacity of 3.0
A. All wiring shall be neatly laced or shall be installed in plastic Panduit raceways.
The raceways shall be sized so that not more than 80% of the design capacity is
used. There shall be a minimum of 1.5” clearance between all raceways and
components throughout the entire panel.
Each switch, circuit breaker, indicating light, push button, meter, relay, etc., shall
have an engraved laminated plastic color coded nameplate mounted above for
proper identification; Red for alarm, Black for Power and Blue for level and
controls. Letters shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch in height.
A. The standard control function provides for the operation of the lead pump under
normal conditions. As the flow decreases, pumps will be cut off at the elevation
shown on the plans. In the event of a malfunction or a flow that exceeds the
capacity of the pumps, a high level alarm light will be excited to indicate alarm
conditions and also send this alarm signal to the RTU. The alarm light shall
release only with the correction of the high level condition.
B. Reference the project drawings for level controls operations. Refer to specified
controller and other associated equipment. The Level Controller shall insure
pump back·up guarantee and also distribute almost equal pump time to each of
the pumps.
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C. In the event of phase reversal, loss of any phase, or low voltage of any phase,
the normally open contacts through the phase monitor will close and provide a
signal to the RTU for alarm. The phase monitor shall automatically reset upon
removal of any and all of the above conditions.
A. The above panel requirements describe a 230 Volt, 3 Phase Power available, 3
Phase panel complete as above described. This shall apply in all cases,
however, in special cases where only 230 Volt, 1 Phase Power is available to the
pump station, the following changes and additions are necessary:
1. Systems with pumps rated above 20HP, shall be 460 Volt, 3 Phase only.
4. All Duplex Control Panels shall be provided with VFD Motor Controllers (per
current City specifications) wired so that the motor leads can be easily moved
to the contactor, with the VFD controller removed from the circuit, and the
pump can be operated from the contactor; in the event of a VFD controller
complete failure.
A. Control panels shall be installed at the lift station sites as specified on the
drawings, which shall be pre-approved by the City Utilities Engineer.
D. Contractors shall do all necessary cutting, sleeving, excavating and backfilling for
the installation of the equipment and the restoration thereafter.
E. The Contractor shall install all equipment and control devices furnished by
equipment manufacturers with their equipment and complete wiring in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved wiring
diagrams. Any Owner furnished equipment will be connected by the Contractor,
including all necessary cords and plugs.
F. The ends of all conduits shall be carefully reamed free from burrs after threading
and before installation. All cuts shall be made square. All joints shall be made up
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tight. Care shall be taken to see that all power conduit runs either from a
permanent and continuous ground connection point, and a bond wire is provided
within the conduit.
G. The contractor shall permanently and effectively ground the service neutral and
all raceways, devices, and utilize equipment in accordance with requirements of
National Electrical Code, and as shown on drawings.
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A stainless steel or aluminum NEMA 3, 4, or 4X as required by location, junction
box (see drawings: sized for required installation – minimum size 18”X18”X8”D –
approved by City Utility Engineer), or approved equal; with specified terminal
strips for liquid level sensors, transducers, control cables, and pump leads, as
shown in detailed drawings. Pending site specific clearances; the J-Box may be
sized wider than 18” to allow for larger wire sizes and proper spacing of wire to
terminal blocks. Lug type terminal blocks shall be installed for pump leads, sized
a minimum of one size larger than the pump wires. Fill conduit bottom with
silicone sealant. Box minimum height shall be 12 inches above wet well top
elevation. “WYES” seal fining kit (one for each conduit required) complete with
sealant by manufacturer mounted in accordance with lift station drawing. Myers
Hubs shall be utilized at the bottom of panel and top of j-box with AL or S.S.
nipples attached to WYES. This junction box shall be supplied by the panel
manufacturer, factory wired and installed prior to shipment to the designed site.
A. For all above ground conduit and installation, and from junction box into panel,
refer to Specification, SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT, SECTION XXV.
B. For all below ground conduit and installation and from junction box to wet well,
refer to Specification. PVC CONDUIT, SECTION XXVI.
Splices shall not occur in raceways, panels, or conduits. All wires should be
connected/terminated to specified terminals. Any exceptions shall be approved
by the City Utility Engineer and conform to the following: All splices for
conductors No. 12 through No. 8 AWG solid or stranded shall be made with
"Scotchlock" spring connectors or the pressure wire type. For wire larger than
No.8, splices shall be made with "OZ" Type "XW" or "" as appropriate to the
splice being installed. Equal fittings of Brundy and Penn Union may be used.
Tape shall be equal to Scotch No. 33 plastic over splice and filler tape on splices
shall be equal to "Scotchfill". All Scotchlock splices in handholes shall be dipped
in Glyptol for waterproofing.
All required permits and inspection certificates shall be obtained and paid for by
the Contractor and provided to the Owner at the completion of his work.
The start-up must be witnessed by designated City staff. The manufacturer shall
provide all necessary instruments and special apparatus to conduct any test that
may be required to insure that the system is error free. A written start-up report
will be furnished to Owner within 30 days from start-up.
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The Contractor shall submit a written guarantee to the Owner that all electrical
work and material furnished provided under this Contract is free of defects for a
period of one year after final acceptance of the job. There will be no additional
charge to the Owner to repair or replace any such work which is found to be
defective within the guarantee period. Should a defect occur and the Contractor
or his representative not be available for immediate repair, an interim repair by
others may be made without violation of guarantee.
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A. All related work shall meet the requirements of the Department as well as City of
Naples and Collier County Ordinances, including all adopted Standards and
Codes. However, the City Engineer, or designee, may require more stringent
specifications for the following:
Supplementary General Requirements; Sitework; Concrete; Masonry;
Metals; Specialties; Equipment; Equipment and Mechanical; Electrical;
Environmental; and Electrical Control & Instrumentation.
A. The work covered by this section consists of furnishing all labor, equipment,
services and materials required to install totally submersible electric driven non-
clog centrifugal pumping units (quarterly as specified on the drawings), including
electrical, electronic, and/or radio controls, piping and equipment as specified on
the drawings, and placing them into successful/acceptable operation as
B. The pumping units supplied under this section shall be supplied by one
manufacturer. The agency supplying the pumps shall furnish the motor controls,
instrumentation, access frame and covers and pump appurtenances shall have
system responsibility and shall be one point source of supply and responsibility.
The City may supply portions of the equipment, and coordinate directly with the
agency responsible for the project completion.
C. Furnish and install all Type 316 stainless steel, brackets, hangers, supports,
fasteners, anchor bolts, washers and nuts required to support and secure the
equipment of the size and design as specified on the drawings and as
recommended by the manufacturer.
A. The design shall be such that the pump unit will be automatically and firmly
connected to the discharge piping when lowered into place by means of two
stainless steel guide bars (2" minimum diameter) onto its mating discharge
connection which will be permanently installed in the pumping lift station wet well.
The pumps shall be easily removable for inspection or servicing, requiring no
bolts, nuts or other fastenings to be disconnected or personnel to enter the wet
A. Submit shop drawings, certified, pump curves, certified test data and product
A. The pump casing and the impeller shall be of gray cast iron. All exposed surface
O-rings shall be nitrile rubber. All exposed bolts and nuts shall be of Type 316
stainless steel.
C. A sliding guide rail bracket shall be an integral part of the pump unit. The volute
casing shall have a machined discharge flange to automatically and firmly
connect with the cast iron discharge connection, which when bolted to the floor of
the sump and discharge line, will receive the pump discharge connecting flange
without the need of adjustment, fasteners, clamps or similar devices. The volute
discharge flange shall be drilled for standard ANSI 125 lb. bolt pattern for the
specified discharge size.
D. The motor housing shall be equipped with sufficient fins or cooling jackets and
other devices necessary to provide an adequate cooling system for motor
operation under all conditions. Cooling media channels and parts shall be non-
clogging by virtue of their dimensions.
E. Pumps must be slide rail mounted, completely 100% compatible with the FLYGT
(2 Rail Guide System), and the entire pump must come out with the motor,
impeller, and volute during the pulling operation. There shall be no need for
personnel to enter the Class 1, Division I, Confined Space wet well in order to
remove or reinstall the pump(s). The pump(s) shall be automatically connected to
the discharge piping when lowered into place on the two rail guide system,
requiring no bolts, nuts or fasteners to effect sealing to the discharge connection.
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Sealing at the discharge connection shall be: metal to metal, or shall utilize a
single piece, high quality, semi-rigid, replaceable, buna seal (seal shall be locked
into place by a pressure fit configuration), insertion type seals are not acceptable;
to effect a proper mating pump discharge connection.
F. These pumps shall be provided with 400 Series Stainless Steel wearing rings
and/or wearing plates and a tandem double mechanical seal composed of two
separate lapped face seals. The material composition of the seals must be of the
highest quality, have long wearing properties, be undamaged by the pump
running dry, and shall require neither routine maintenance nor adjustment. Each
pump shall be provided with a tandem double mechanical seal composed of two
separate lapped face seals. The lower seal shall consist of one stationary and
one rotating silicon carbide or tungsten carbide ring, and the upper shall consist
of one stationary carbon ring and one rotating alloy steel ring (chrome steel is not
an acceptable material). Each seal shall be held in contact by a separate spring.
Conventional double mechanical seals with single or double springs between the
rotating faces, requiring constant differential pressure to effect sealing will not be
considered equal to the tandem seal specified and required. The Seals must be
bi-directional in function.
G. The motor shall be Nema Design "B" with Class "F" insulation (minimum),
capable for VFD operation, in an air filled watertight casing. No oil filled motors
will be accepted. The motor shall be capable of continuous in air service, with
cooling characteristics suitable to permit continuous operation, in a totally,
partially, or non-submerged condition. The temperature at any point in the
windings shall not exceed 155°C at any load on the operating curve of the pump.
The motor windings shall be provided with three over temperature sensors set at
140°C, one in each phase, all wired in series. The sensors shall be self-resetting
and wired into the pump controls in a manner that will shut the pump down if the
sensor opens. The pump motor shall not be loaded beyond its nominal
(nameplate) rating at any point throughout the entire pump operation curve. The
motor must meet Class J, Group D, and Division 1 service. The motor shall be
explosion proof. This classification must be documented by a notarized letter
from the motor manufacturer giving us the underwriter's laboratory or Factory
Mutual approval number and date.
Motors rated at 20HP and below must incorporate thermal protection in the
windings wired to the top terminal cap and through the pump cable.
Motors rated above 20HP must incorporate both thermal protection in the
windings and seal failure indication wired in series to the top terminal cap and
through the pump cable.
H. The motor shall be rated 230/460 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz, and furnished with a
minimum of 50 feet of pump lead. The oil housing must be equipped with an
inspection plug. The stator housing must be sealed from the terminal board. The
motor shall be supplied with a single cable entry, multiple cable entries will not be
accepted in motor sizes 50HP and under.
I. The pump/motor shaft shall be constructed of 420 stainless steel or 1045 carbon
steel, protected over the entire wetted length, with a 316 stainless steel shaft
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sleeve, and shall be keyed to accept the impeller. The impeller shall be secured
to the shaft by a stainless steel locking bolt or nut.
J. The motor shaft shall rotate on permanently lubricated ball bearings properly
sized to withstand the axial and radial forces induced by the impeller. The upper
bearing shall be a single row double shielded ball bearing while the lower bearing
shall be a maxi-duty ball bearing. All ball bearings shall have a minimum B-10
Bearing Life of no less than 20,000 hours of operation, certified by the
manufacturer, and documentation shall be submitted with the bid.
K. Pump motor cable shall be of the SO/SOW type (Or Equivalent) suitable for
submersible pump applications with the rating permanently embossed on the
cable. Cable length shall be sufficient to reach the control panel or the
intermediate sealed terminal junction box, without the need for any splices. Cable
sizing shall conform to NEC requirements for the full load current of the pump
motor. The pump shall be fitted with one power cable only. Sealing of the power
cable entrance into the terminal chamber shall be provided by a buna-n grommet
in a compression fitting, containing a strain relief function. The cable entry
junction chamber and motor shall be separated by a stator lead sealing gland
and/or terminal board, and/or an epoxy sealing system approved by the City,
which shall isolate the interior form foreign material gaining access through the
pump top.
L. Each pump shall be furnished with a 300 series stainless steel lifting bail, with a
minimum of four inch diameter eyelet.
M. Each Submersible Pump shall be furnished with a 300 series stainless steel,
upper two (2) rail guide bracket.
N. Each Submersible Pump shall be furnished with a pump discharge elbow, which
shall have incorporated in it: Floor Mount supports, guide rail seats for the
specified two rail system, and a drilled 125# ANSI standard discharge flange
100% compatible with the Flygt 2 rail 2" system.
O. Each Submersible Pump unit shall be shipped as a complete unit, and shall
consist of the following:
- Power Cable - Impeller - Slide Rail Adaptor
- Pump/Motor - Volute - Wear-Ring and/or Plate
P. Each Dry Pit Submersible pump unit shall be shipped as a complete unit, and
shall consist of the following:
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The following spare parts shall be supplied for each (per unit) of the pump units
specified in this bid package:
Each pump shall be furnished with two (2) Operation and Maintenance manuals, two
(2) sets of complete detailed parts list, and all necessary tools for removing the
impeller, removing/installing the seals, and inspecting the pump.
A. The pump controls are partially specified under this section and Section XXIV,
and as specified on the drawings.
B. The pumps shall have local NEMA (NEMA rating as specified on the drawings)
enclosed disconnects with the starters, running time meters and indicator lights.
D. The control circuit shall be supplied with a Devar level controller with four (4)
floats for backup level control, and low/high level system that shall assume pump
control and high level functions, in the event of a complete controller failure.
Floats shall be provided by the equipment supplier.
E. The final elevation of the wet well floor in the lift/pumping station shall be as
specified on the drawings. The minimum pumping level for the pumping unit are
as follows:
To permit quick removal and reinstallation of the pump and motor assembly from the wet
well without requiring unbolting or other similar forms of disconnection of the pump
discharge piping or personnel to enter the wet well, the following components shall be
provided, but not limited to:
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A. For each pump a cast iron 90 degree discharge base elbow shall be supplied.
This elbow shall have a standard 125 pound flanged discharge connection. In
addition, the elbow shall incorporate mounting sockets for two pump guide rails.
Guide rails shall be a minimum size of 2 inches and manufactured of Type 316
stainless steel, schedule 40 seamless pipe, with all threads removed from ends.
B. In addition, upper guide rail holder brackets shall be provided by the pump
supplier for anchoring the top of the pump guide rails. These brackets shall be
designed for bolting to the sidewall of the access frame and shall be
manufactured of Type 316 stainless steel. These brackets shall be fastened to
the frame with Type 316 stainless steel studs/bolts, washers and nuts.
C. The pumps shall be equipped with sliding guide brackets, which shall be pivoted
and bolted to the pump frame in a manner such that which the pump is resting in
the fully lowered position on the discharge base elbows.
D. The Contractor shall furnish and install aluminum access frame and covers
above each of the pumping units and/or above the level probe unit as specified
on the drawings. The rating required shall be as specified on the drawings.
E. The frame and covers above these pumping units shall be aluminum 2024 ST.
The underside of the frames shall be coated with bitumastic to prevent the
frames and covers from corrosion in contact with concrete. The covers shall be
capable of carrying a minimum of 300 Ibs./sq.ft. live load or as specified on the
F. The frames and covers shall be complete with Type 316 stainless steel hinges,
stainless steel pined, square keyed flushed locking mechanism, heavy duty
stainless steel hinged locking hasp, or otherwise as specified on the drawings.
The upper guide holders and level sliding nut rails to attach accessories shall be
provided. Lower guide bar holder shall be integral with the discharge connection.
Doors shall be skid proof design.
C. After the installation of the pumping units and all appurtenances, each pumping
unit shall be: subjected to a field running test under actual operating conditions
as part of system startup requirements. The field tests shall be made by the
Contractor in the presence of the manufacturer's representative and
Owner/Engineer and Utilities Maintenance Superintendent. The field tests shall
demonstrate that under all conditions of operation, each unit:
E. The Contractor shall furnish a complete set of spare parts for each size of pump
and pump controls as specified on the drawings and in the specifications.
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1-01 SCOPE
A. The work included under this Section consists of furnishing and installing the
pumps, motors and related equipment for the pump station with submersible
pumps as specified herein and as specified on the drawings, unless otherwise
specified. Some material may be Owner furnished. (See Sections XXV, XXII and
XXIII – See Schedule of Prices).
B. All metal components in the wet well, with the exception of the pumps, motors
and station piping shall be aluminum or Type 316 stainless steel. The pumps,
motors, control panel, frames and covers, guide bar brackets, guide bars, cable
holder, and pump anchor bolts shall be supplied by the pump supplier to insure
unit responsibility and equipment compatibility. The control panel shall conform to
the requirements indicated on the drawings and in City of Naples Utilities
Department General Specifications for Sewage Pumping Stations (applies only to
equipment and materials furnished by the Contractor on others, owner furnished
equipment may differ).
Furnish, install and test all mechanical, electrical, structural equipment and
materials, pumps and special equipment as shown on the drawings and as
specified herein.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Submit six (6) manuals for each
different size, type or model of equipment furnished. Manuals shall be
bound sets of literature including the following and other pertinent
information required.
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2. A complete lubrication schedule including lubricant types, grades
and frequency of lubrication.
3. A list of parts for all products with catalog numbers and all data
necessary for ordering replacement parts. Such instructions and
parts lists shall have prepared for the specific product furnished
and installed and shall not refer to other types or models.
A. The Contractor shall furnish and install motor driven, totally submersible sewage
pumps as manufactured by Flygt or Engineer of Record approved equal, to meet
the requirements as specified in the drawing and Schedule of Prices, otherwise,
this equipment will be owner furnished.
B. Pumps shall be capable of handling raw, unscreened sewage. The design shall
be such that pumping units will be automatically connected to the discharge
piping when lowered into place on the discharge connection. The pumps shall be
easily removable for inspection or service, requiring no bolts, nuts or other
fastenings to be removed for this purpose and no need for personnel to enter
pump well. All equipment furnished by Owner is to be installed by Contractor as
part of this Contract.
A. The stator casing, oil casing and impeller shall be of grey iron construction, with
all parts coming into contact with sewage protected by coal tar epoxy, 12 mils in
thickness (minimum). All external bolts and nuts shall be of stainless steel. A
wear ring, or wear plate, designed for abrasion resistance shall be installed at the
inlet of the pump to provide protection against wear to the impeller. The impeller
shall be of a single vane, non-clog design, capable of passing solids, fibrous
material, and heavy sludge and constructed with long throughway with no acute
B. Each pump shall be provided with a upper tandem double mechanical seal
running in an oil reservoir, composed of two separate lapped face seals, the
lower consisting of one stationary ring and one rotating ring, with each pair held
in contact by a separate spring. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor
adjustment and shall be easily replaceable. Conventional double mechanical
seals with a single or double spring to effect sealing and subject to opening and
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penetration by pumping forces shall not be considered equal to the tandem seal
specified and required.
C. Installation:
3. Place pump base(s) on bottom slab elevated 6-inches up from wet well
bottom slab, as shown on drawings.
4. Check pump base(s) with level (Shim, if necessary) and place stainless
steel J type anchor nuts and bolts to base plate(s) as shown on drawings.
Anchor bolts must be of sufficient size to prevent sloppiness and/or
movement of the base anchor knockouts.
5. Cut to length and install 2-inch stainless steel guide bars between upper
guide bracket(s) and pump base(s). No threads will be allowed to remain
on guide bars. For stations under 20 HP that are 15 feet or less in depth,
guide bars may be schedule 10, otherwise use schedule 40.
6. Pour new concrete floor and slope as shown on drawings, secure with
stainless steel nuts and washers. Pump base(s) should be exactly in
position where guide bars are parallel and vertically plumb in accordance
with manufacturer specifications.
Piping and fittings shall be in accordance with applicable Sections and Drawings
of this Manual. Flanges shall be drilled to 125 pound ANSI Standard B 16.1
template. All piping shall be suitable for sewage application unless otherwise
specified in the Schedule of Prices or approved by the Engineer.
5-01 Valves
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Lift Stations with 6-inch pumps and piping; one model, Halliday Products, A3660
(or approved equal) aluminum access frame complete with hinged and hasp
equipped cover, stainless steel upper guide holder and level sensor cable holder
shall be furnished and installed. The frame shall have a safety locking handle for
locking in the open position. The covers shall be 1/4 inch thick diamond plate or
the cover shall be as specified on the drawings.
Access cover and frame, guide brackets and guide bar installation shall be as
described and as shown on drawings.
A. Start-up Services: The Contractor shall furnish the services of a factory trained
representative of the pump manufacturer to thoroughly check the installation of
the pumping equipment to insure that it is properly installed, lubricated and
operable. The factory representative shall be present during start-up of the
pumping equipment to make any final adjustments or repairs necessary and to
instruct the Owner's operators in the proper operation and maintenance required
for the pumps and equipment. The factory representative is to provide a written
start-up report to the Engineer within 30 days after start-up of the equipment.
B. Testing: The pumps and equipment shall be tested for proper installation and in
strict accordance with the pump and equipment manufacturer's installation
instructions. All excessive vibration, improper adjustment or damage shall be
corrected by the Contractor prior to final acceptance at no additional cost to the
A. All surfaces (exterior) of the piping (DI)P), fittings (DIP), and valves for pumping
station shall be coated with three (3) coats of coal tar epoxy, Each coat shall
have a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils for a total finish thickness of 30 mils
dry film thickness. The color of the exterior coats shall alternate red-black-red.
Exterior coating shall be per the technical specifications.
B. Interior coatings for piping, piping fittings, valves, and concrete shall be per the
technical specifications.
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(Submerged Pump Type)
Furnish, install and test all electrical equipment and materials as shown on the
drawings and as specified herein.
B. Submit certificates from manufacturer stating that products furnished comply with
these specifications.
C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Submit six (6) manuals for each different
size, type or mode of electrical equipment and materials furnished. Manuals shall
be bound sets of literature including the following and other pertinent information
2. A list of parts for all products with catalog numbers and all data necessary
for ordering replacement parts. Such instructions and parts lists shall
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have been prepared for the specific product furnished and shall not refer
to other types or models.
Any conflicts between the Drawings and Specifications or with the regulations of
local codes, City of Naples Utilities Department, or the National Electrical Code
shall be promptly brought to the attention of the Engineer for clarification. All
materials and work shall be in accordance with said standards and applicable
standards of NEMA, and applicable standards of IEEE, ANSI, NEC and National
Electrical Safety Code.
The Drawings are generally diagrammatic; therefore, the Contractor shall make
use of all the data in all of the contract documents and shall verify all information
at the site which may influence his proposal.
During the course of construction, the work will be inspected by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall call for inspections by local building inspector during the
normal phases of installation and, following the successful completion of the final
inspection, furnish the Owner with a certificate of final approval.
3-04 TESTS
The Contractor shall submit a written guarantee to the Owner that all electrical
work and material provided under this Contract is free from defects for a period of
one year after final acceptance of the job. There will be no additional charge to
the Owner to repair or replace any such work which is found to be defective
within the guarantee period.
A complete set of electrical plans shall be given to the Contractor to clearly mark
all changes from the plans as noted. This work must be kept up-to-date and
verified by the inspectors before the payment is made. Two complete marked
sets shall be delivered to the Owner before the final acceptance of the work.
All required permits and inspection certificates shall be obtained, paid for, and
provided to the City at the completion of the work.
All equipment and materials shall be new and shall bear the manufacturer's
name, date of manufacture, trade name and the Underwriter's Laboratories label.
Equipment and materials shall be delivered to the site and stored in original
containers suitably sheltered from the elements, but readily accessible for
A. No conductor shall be smaller than No. 12, except for a low voltage system,
control wiring within a panel or as indicated. All conductors shall be of copper,
having a minimum of 98 percent conductivity. Tinning shall be in accordance with
the standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc.
C. Insulation: All conductors in trapped or damp locations shall have Type THNN
90°, 600 Volt insulation. Conductors in dry locations size No.8 AWG and smaller
shall be Type "THHN" 600 Volts.
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D. Terminations; All conductors and terminals shall be number/letter labeled at all
terminations. All terminations (numbers/letters) shall be rated on the detailed
wiring diagram supplied with the control panel.
Splices shall not occur in raceways, panels, or conduits. All wires should be
connected/terminated to specified terminals. Any exceptions shall be approved
by the City Utility Engineer and conform to the following: All splices for
conductors No. 12 through No. 8 AWG solid or stranded shall be made with
"Scotchlock" spring connectors or the pressure wire type. For wire larger than
No.8, splices shall be made with "OZ" Type "XW" or "" as appropriate to the
splice being installed. Equal fittings of Brundy and Penn Union may be used.
Tape shall be equal to Scotch No. 33 plastic over splice and filler tape on splices
shall be equal to "Scotchfill". All Scotchlock splices in handholes shall be dipped
in Glyptol for waterproofing.
A. All conduits shall be hot dipped galvanized or metallized, zinc coated, rigid
threaded conduits, except where indicated to be PVC, Stainless Steel, or
B. Rigid Conduit: Rigid steel conduits shall be equal to Pittsburgh Standard hot
dipped galvanized conduit Republic "Galvite," or National "Sheraduct" (no
intermediate grade conduit allowed) except where indicated to be PVC or
aluminum on the drawing,
5-01 SCOPE
A control panel shall be supplied containing all the electrical and mechanical
equipment necessary to provide for the operation of two or more electrical
submersible pumps, as specified on the drawing. The panel shall be provided
with the Level Controller type specified and provide a high level alarm system
and emergency power provisions which can be utilized manually in case of main
power failure.
A. The control panel shall operate two or more electrical submersible pumps at the
power characteristics as specified on the drawings. A red external light shall
indicate "Emergency High Level" in wet well as specified on the drawings.
B. The control function provides for the operation of a lead pump under normal
conditions. If the incoming now exceeds the pumping capacity of the lead pump,
the second, third and/or fourth pump shall automatically start to handle this
increased flow. As the flow decreases, pumps shall be cut off at elevations as
shown on the drawings. In the event of a malfunction or a flow that exceeds the
capacity of the pumps, an emergency high level light alarm shall be excited to
indicate alarm conditions. The alarm light shall release only with the correction of
the high level condition.
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All components and materials utilized in the assembly of the control panels shall
have a U.L. Listing. The overall panel assembly does not require a U.L.
Certification due to the field installation will modify the panel and negate the
certification. The control panel (ICP – Industrial Control Panel) shall be clearly
labeled with the proper ICP Short Circuit Current Rating as required by NEC
Article 409. These labels shall be attached to both the exterior and interior doors
of the ICP.
B. The sub-panel(s) shall contain a main circuit breaker, emergency circuit breaker,
motor circuit breakers, control circuit breaker, duplex receptacle breaker, across
the line magnetic motor contactors, VFD’s (Variable Frequency Drives), control
voltage breaker and (where applicable). The main and emergency breaker shall
be interlocked to assure only one breaker can operate at one time; 460 VAC
systems will require a CPT Control Power Transformer 460VAC to 120VAC –
breaker protected; 120VAC to 24VAC, .075KVA, breaker protected secondary
transformer, plug-in 8 pin and 11 pin relays with indicating LED, float switch
backup system, Devar Inc. Level Controller with Pressure Transducer, plug-in
solid state phase monitor, flasher unit, ground lugs and the necessary terminal
strips and plugs to allow for easy removal of the sub-panels. All control wiring
shall be color coded per IPCEA (minimum 18 colors) or numbered, size 14 AWG,
rated for 300 V, 80 degrees C, stranded, tinned copper with PVC insulation. The
inner dead front door shall be constructed of .080", 3003 aluminum. The dead
front shall be formed into a pan with a 3/4" break around the perimeter and shall
be mounted on an .063" aluminum continuous aircraft hinge with a stainless steel
pin. The dead front shall be fastened to the enclosure and hinge with stainless
steel screws. The dead front shall be supported on the vertical break opposite
the hinge with a continuous support and shall not depend on breakers or other
components. The outer door shall contain a self storing wind resistant rod.
The dead front shall contain breaker knock-outs for protrusion of the breaker
handles. If required and shown on the drawings, mounted on the dead front
there shall be level lights, pump run lights, elapsed time meters, level controller,
and HOA switches. All circuit breakers shall be heavy duty Square "D" molded
case breakers or equal.
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C. Each control panel shall be provided with a phase monitor and surge monitors to
insure protection for each pump circuit. A surge suppressor as specified in the
drawings shall be provided in the control panel, connected to the incoming
primary power lines. Ground lightning arrestor with No.4 or larger bare copper
conductor, connected to a 2ea - 3/4 inch by 10 foot long copper clad ground
E. The inner aluminum door, mounted on continuous hinge shall be furnished for
protection against exposed wiring and shall have cutouts for access to the circuit
breakers. Mounted on the inner door shall be pump run lights, hand-off-automatic
switches, a level controller, elapsed running time meters, and a 20 ampere (min.)
GFl duplex receptacle.
NOTE: All lights shall be pushed to test type.
F. On the exterior of the control panel enclosure shall be mounted a red high level
alarm light and a generator receptacle as specified on the drawing.
G. An 11" x 17" schematic and pump data sheet (with date of manufacture of control
panel) or approved equal shall be permanently affixed to the interior of the
enclosure door and an 11" x 17" schematic and pump data sheet (with date of
manufacture of control panel) or approved equal shall be inside a sleeve affixed
to the interior of the enclosure door. Both data sheets shall be extruded vinyl
homo-polymer laminate or equal.
C. Contractor shall do all necessary cutting, sleeving, excavating and backfilling for
the installation of the equipment and the patching thereafter. Rigid conduit
installed underground and above ground between panel, eys seal off, junction
boxes and wet well shall be Schedule 80 PVC sizes as specified on the drawing.
D. The Contractor shall install all starters and control devices furnished by
equipment manufacturers, with their equipment and complete wiring in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved wiring
diagrams. Any Owner furnished equipment or appurtenances shall be connected
by the Contractor, including all necessary cords and plugs.
E. The ends of all conduits shall be carefully reamed free from burs after threading
and before installation. All cuts shall be made square. All joints shall be made up
tight. Care shall be taken to see that all power conduit runs either from a
permanent and continuous ground connection point, a bond wire shall be
provided within the conduit.
F. The Contractor shall permanently and effectively ground service neutral and all
raceways, devices, and utilization equipment in accordance with requirements of
National Electrical Code, and as specified on the drawings. All grounding
electrodes shall have rigid clamp jaws.
*See Control Panel component requirements list for other required equipment.
Establish motor protection settings for the motor circuit protector based upon the
nameplate data of equipment actually supplied and in accordance with the
National Electrical Code.
B. Control transformers, when required, shall be provided. Both legs of primary and
one leg of the secondary of the control transformer shall be protected by
breakers. The other leg of the secondary shall be grounded. The capacity of the
control transformers shall be adequate to operate all the control devices in the
circuit at full load.
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C. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Units shall be provided for each pump and shall
be sized for the specified maximum pump motor horse power (HP), or one
increment size larger as required. The standardized VFD Make & Model are
defined in the pump station control panel drawings.
A. Each switch, circuit breaker, indicating light, push button, meter, relay, etc., shall
have an engraved laminated plastic nameplate mounted above for proper
identification as specified in Section XXIV and the standard detailed drawings.
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A. General: Dry type transformers shall be two winding type conformation to the
applicable requirements of NEMA Standard ST20, Transformers - Dry Type and
also to applicable ANSI, UL and IEEE Standards. "T" connected windings will not
be acceptable for 3 phase transformers.
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1. A minimum of four full rated taps shall be provided in high voltage
winding, two 2 1/2% below and two, 2 1/2% above nominal voltage.
D. Load Rating:
E. Sound Rating: The transformer shall have sound levels equal to or lower than
those shown below:
10-50 45
51-150 50
151-300 55
301·500 60
1. Enclosures:
a. Ventilation Openings
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b. Corrosion Resistance
c. Cable Bending Space
d. Grounding Provision
e. Surface Temperatures
f. Wiring Compartment Temperature Rise
g. Terminations
2. Caro Flex flexible conduit where required for water resistant installations.
F. The neutral point on all single phase and three phase transformers shall be
grounded by a continuous grounding conductor extended to the transformer
supply ground, sized in compliance with NEC, when size not shown. Sizes
shown shall not be decreased. Bond ground conductor to transformer case.
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A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent
referenced. The publications are referred to in the test by the basic designation
I. Catalog Information
a. Conduit
b. Precast Handhole
c. Handhole Frame & Cover
A. Except as otherwise indicated, conduit for direct burial shall be PVC conforming
to NEMA TC2 (conduit) and TC3 (fittings) type EPC-10-PVC.
2-02 TAPE
A. Wire and cable conductor sizes are designated by American Wire Gauge (AWG).
Conductors shall be copper. Insulated conductors shall bear the date of
manufacture imprinted on the wire insulation with other identification. Wire and
cable manufactured more than 12 months before installation shall not be used.
B. Insulated conductors in conduit and light poles shall be type XHHW conforming
to UL 44.
C. Insulated conductors (cables) for direct burial in earth shall be cable or individual
conductors bundled together and shall be provided with HHW insulation and shall
be Underwriter's approved as type UF or type USE. Conductors for direct burial
extended through conduit sleeves under roadways, paved area, slabs, etc., and
into handholes and lighting control centers shall be the same as direct buried
D. All control cables shall be shielded pairs with the cable shield tied to ground. The
shield shall not be connected to any "floating" ground.
A. Provide precast handholes (pull boxes) complete with all accessories and
strengths as required and as specified on drawings. Each casting shall be
identified by having the manufacturer's name and address cast into an interior
face or permanently attached thereto. The complete assembly, including frame
and cover, shall be rated for AASHTO H2O wheel loading.
B. Metal frames and covers shall be made of cast-iron or steel. Frames and covers
of steel shall be welded by qualified welders in accordance with standard
commercial practice. Steel covers shall be rolled steel floor plate having an
approved anti-slip surface. Covers shall be rate AASHTO H2O. Covers shall be
embossed with minimum one inch high letters with the word ELECTRlCAL.
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A. Underground cable installation shall conform to ANSI C2 and NFPA 70, except
as otherwise specified or indicated.
A. Except as otherwise indicated, conduit shall be PVC and shall not be installed
under or above traffic signal loops.
B. The top of the conduit shall be not less than 18 inches below grade, shall have a
minimum slope of 3 inches in 100 feet toward drainage points, and shall run in
straight lines except where a change of direction is necessary. As each conduit
run is completed, a testing mandrel not less than 2 inches long with a diameter
1/4 inch less than the inside diameter of the conduit shall be drawn through the
conduit: after which a brush, having stiff bristles, shall be drawn through until the
conduit is clear of all particles of earth, sand or gravel; conduit plugs shall then
immediately be installed. There shall not be less than 3 inches clearance from
the conduit to each side of the trench. The bottom of the trenches shall be
graded smooth; where rock, soft spots, and/or sharp edged materials are
encountered, the bottom shall be excavated for an additional 3 inches, filled and
tamped level with original bottom with sand or earth free from particles that would
be retained on a 1/4 inch sieve.
C. Under roads, paved area, and railroad tracks, conduit shall be encased in
concrete. The concrete encasement shall extend at least 10 feet beyond the
edges of paved areas and roads. The concrete encasement shall be rectangular
in cross-section and shall provide at least 3 inches of concrete cover. Conduit
shall be separated by a minimum concrete thickness of 2 inches, except that light
and power conduits by a minimum concrete thickness of 3 inches. Conduit
sleeves and conduit shown associated with direct buried cable systems shall
extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the concrete encasement. Conduit shall
be capped where indicated.
A. Concrete for electrical requirements shall be at least 3,000 psi concrete 3/8" and
shall conform to the requirements of Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete."
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A. A plastic warning tape shall be provided about 12 inches below the top of the
trench in the backfill. Backfill shall be placed in layers not more than 6 inches
thick and each layer shall be compacted. Backfilling shall progress as rapidly as
the construction, testing and acceptance of the work permits. Backfill shall be
free from roots, wood scrap material and other vegetable matter and refuse.
Compaction of backfill shall be 90 percent of maximum density in unpaved areas,
100 percent in roadway areas.
A. Surfaces disturbed during the installation of duct, conduit or direct burial cable
shall be restored to their original elevation and condition and for new work to new
elevations and conditions specified. Sod or topsoil shall be preserved carefully
and replaced after the backfilling is completed. Sod that is damaged shall be
replaced by sod of quality equal to that removed. Where the surface is disturbed
in a newly seeded area, the restored surface shall be reseeded with the same
quantity and formula of seed as that used in the original seeding.
A. Cast-iron frames and covers not buried in masonry shall be cleaned of mortar,
rust, grease, dirt and other deleterious materials, and given a coat of bituminous
paint conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-C-18480. Steel frames not buried in masonry
and steel covers shall be cleaned of mortar, dirt and grease by an approved
blasting process. Surfaces that cannot be cleaned satisfactorily by blasting shall
be washed with solvents until thoroughly cleaned. Immediately after cleaning,
surfaces shall be coated with a pretreatment coating or be given a crystalline
phosphate coating. As soon as practicable after the pretreatment coating has
dried, treated surfaces shall be given a coat of bituminous paint conforming to
Mil. Spec. MIL-C-18480.
B. Backfilling around structures shall consist of earth, loam, sand-clay or sand and
gravel, free from large clods of earth or stones over one inch in size. Backfill
materials shall be placed symmetrically on all sides in loose layers not more than
nine inches deep. Each layer shall be moistened, if necessary, and compacted
with mechanical or hand tampers to 90 percent compaction. Surfaces disturbed
during the installation of manholes and handholes shall be replaced as described
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D. Grounding conductors shall be copper. A No. 4 AWG bare copper grounding
conductor shall be installed in each trench for power.
A. Distribution Conductors 600 Volt Class: All 600 volt class conductors shall be
tested to verify that no short circuits or accidental ground exist. Tests shall be
made using an instrument which applies a voltage of approximately 500 volts to
provide a direct reading of resistance.
B. Grounding electrodes & systems (identify electrodes and systems, each test).
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The work included under this section includes all labor, equipment and material
and materials required to renovate existing wastewater pumping stations
including: removal of equipment not to remain in service; renovation of existing
wet wells; renovation of existing or construction of new valve vaults; installation
of equipment; furnishings and installing piping, fittings and valves and all other
mechanical and electrical appurtenances; and testing of installed mechanical and
electrical equipment. It is intended that the contractor provide for a complete and
operable facility in accordance with the drawings and these specifications.
A. All equipment for each wastewater pumping station shown and specified on the
contract drawings shall be furnished and installed by the contractor.
A. Permits and Licenses: Contractors shall obtain all necessary permits and
licenses for performing the work and shall furnish a copy of same to the Engineer
prior to commencing the work. The contractor shall comply with the requirements
of the permits.
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B. Notices: Contractor shall issue written notices to utility companies or local
authorities for planned removal, relocation or construction activities gas, water,
electric power, telephone, cable television or sewer utilities as a part of the
contract. Copies of all written notices shall be submitted to the Engineer.
A. Ductile iron pipe and cast or ductile iron fittings shall be flanged Class 53 pipe in
conformance with this Manual. HDPE piping will typically be used in wet well and
discharge piping as shown in the detailed drawings. Nuts, bolts and other
hardware items installed in wet wells shall be Type 316 stainless steel in
accordance with ASTM A320, Class 2. Nuts, bolts, and other hardware items
installed in valve vaults shall be Type 304 stainless steel in accordance with
ASTM A320, Class 2.
B. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings for vents, drains and water services
shall be schedule 80 PVC in accordance with ASTM D1785 for pipe, and ASTM
D2464 and ASTM D2467 for threaded and solvent welded fittings respectively.
A. The emergency pump by-pass shall be provided with a cam lock type, flanged
male adapter. The adapter shall have a nominal diameter of 4-inches with a
standard ANSI/AWWA 125 lb. drilled flange. The cam lock male adapter shall be
furnished with a compatible dust cap with a brass chain. The male adapter,
flange and dust cap shall be manufactured of bronze or stainless steel.
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B. Cam lock type flanged male adapters and dust caps shall be as manufactured by
Ever-Tite-Coupling Co., Inc., New York, New York or an equal approved by the
Manholes sections used for wet well renovation shall be precast concrete
sections in accordance with Section 02607.
Concrete used for foundations and cast in place reinforced concrete or precast
concrete for valve vaults and tops of wet wells shall be in accordance with
specifications listed herein.
A. The contractor shall provide all necessary labor, materials and equipment
including pumps, engine drives or generator sets, suction and discharge piping,
flow-through plugs, and control equipment to provide a temporary by-pass
pumping system. Such system shall be continuously operated and maintained
by the contractor for as long as the pumping station wet well is out of service. By-
pass pumping shall be accomplished by: 1) plugging the gravity sewer from the
first manhole upstream of the wet well, and then using the master manhole as a
temporary wet well or 2) utilizing flow-through plugs with manifold in wet well.
Wastewater shall be discharged from the pump to a temporary connection on the
existing force main. All pumping equipment shall be the silent type that meets
City noise Ordinance requirements.
B. The contractor shall submit the type, model, pumping capacity, discharge
pressure and type of driver for the pump to be used for temporary by-pass
pumping and the method of controlling and operating the pumping equipment.
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In addition, the contractor shall submit proof of ownership or a lease agreement
for the proposed pumping equipment. The proposed pumping equipment and
the proposed method of accomplishing the temporary by-pass pumping shall be
reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing any of the
B. Salvable Material: Prior to demolition and removal activities, the contractor will
consult with the Utilities Maintenance Supervisor to identify any materials or
equipment that are to be removed under the contract that the City wished to
salvage and retain. Material to be salvaged shall be removed with a minimum
amount of damage and stored in areas designated by the Owner. Salvaged
material to be on the ground shall be placed on blocks or pallets. Any materials
or equipment to be removed that are not designated by the Owner to be
salvaged, shall be promptly removed from the site by the contractor as a part of
the contract.
D. Projections: Ensure the safe passage of persons around the area of demolition.
Conduct operations to prevent injury to adjacent buildings, structures, other
facilities, and persons.
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5. Access to private property shall be protected and kept accessible during
all phases of the construction.
G. Demolition: Demolish and remove all existing structures, pumps, piping, valves,
fittings and other mechanical and electrical equipment that are indicated to be
removed in the Contract Documents. Demolition shall proceed in a systematic
manner, from the top of the structure down. Complete demolition work above
each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on lower levels. Demolish
concrete and masonry in small sections, and remove and break-up slabs unless
otherwise shown to remain. Small structures may be removed intact when
approved by the Engineer and by authorities having jurisdiction.
A. Precast concrete wet well sections that are to be replaced as a part of wet well
renovation, shall be installed in accordance with Section 02607.
B. If new pump bases and anchor bolts are to be installed as a part of renovation,
break out and remove existing concrete mortar fill floor, fillets, and inverts.
Remove all debris, pressure clean all surfaces, pump/suck out water, set base
anchor J-Bolts (if applicable), pour new concrete floor base, and finish.
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A. Pump Bases and Pumps: Install new pump bases as shown on the drawings and
in accordance with the pump manufacturer's installation instructions. Bases shall
be installed level and plumb and in correct position with relation to the access
frame and cover and such that guide rails are parallel and vertically plumb. The
pump bases shall be anchored into a new concrete floor using stainless steel J-
type anchor bolts designed to be cast into concrete; or alternately, the pump
bases may be anchored using epoxy-bonded stainless steel threaded rods
embedded in concrete a minimum of 8 inches. Concrete floor shall slope to
pumps with a minimum 6-inch fillet at wet well wall as shown on the drawings.
B. Piping and Fittings: Flanged pipe and fittings shall be installed as shown on the
drawings and as specified in this Manual. Pipe and fittings shall be coated as
specified below.
C. Access Door: The wet well access door shall be installed as shown on drawings.
Bolted down type shall be anchored using Type 316 stainless steel expansion
type anchor bolts (Wedge It or equal). Wet well access door shall be located
accurately such that pump guide rails are parallel and vertically plumb.
Installation shall be per manufacturer's instruction.
D. Pump Guide Rail System: Anchor upper guide rail brackets using Type 316
stainless steel nuts and bolts or expansion type anchor bolts as shown on
drawings. If shown on drawings, anchor intermediate guide rail brackets to the
discharge piping. Guide rails shall he cut to the correct length and bolted, using
Type 316 stainless steel bolts and nuts, to the upper and intermediate guide rail
brackets. Threaded ends of 2-inch diameter pipe used for guide rails shall be
removed prior to cutting to proper guide rail length. Guide rails shall be installed
vertically plumb and parallel such that the pumps may be installed and removed
without binding.
E. Cable Holder: Install stainless steel cable holder as shown on drawings using
Type 316 stainless steel bolts and nuts or expansion type anchor bolts. The
cable holder shall be installed such that control cables will hang freely, will not be
affected by incoming sewer discharges, and such that cables will not interfere
with pump installation and removal using the guide rail system.
A. Precast Concrete Valve Vault: The valve vault, where applicable, shall be precast
concrete with minimum clearances and dimensions as shown on the drawings.
Concrete shall he as specified. The Contractor shall verify the actual inside
dimensions of the vault required based on valves and fittings he will furnish. The
valve vault shall be installed on a concrete foundation as shown on the drawings.
B. Access Door: The valve vault access door shall be installed as shown on
drawings. Bolted down type shall be anchored using Type 316 stainless steel
expansion type anchor bolts (Red Head or equal). Valve vault access door shall
be located to provide unhindered access to valve operating nuts. Installation shall
be per manufacturer's instructions.
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C. Piping, Fittings and Valves: Piping, fittings and valves located in valve vaults
shall be installed as shown on drawings. Resilient seat gate valves shall have the
type of operator indicated. Refer to applicable following specification sections
and detail drawings for additional information.
A. All electrical work shall be performed in accordance with Sections XXV and
B. All work shall be in accordance with said standards and applicable standards of
NEMA, and applicable standards of IEEE, ANSI, NEC and National Electrical
Safety Code.
3. For interior brick and precast concrete wet well surfaces, prepare and
clean surfaces as described above in paragraph 3-03, Renovation of
Existing Wet Wells. Patch leaks, cracks and joints with hydraulic cement
and/or high strength grout, and apply coating per the technical
specifications– as required - to all interior brick and concrete surfaces of
the wet well. The coating system shall restore the wet well to the original
designed thickness.
1. Concrete surfaces shall be clean and dry prior to coating. Surfaces shall
be free of dirt, loose cement, form oil, curing compounds and any other
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foreign material. Coatings shall be applied in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
3. Interior concrete surfaces of valve vault shall be coated with three coats
of a coal tar epoxy coaling with a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils
per coat, for a total finish coating thickness of 30 mils dry film thickness.
Subsequent coats to the first coat shall be applied within 48 hours of the
previous coat. The color of the coats shall be red for the first coat, black
for the second coat and red for the third coat. Coal tar epoxy shall be
Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M or an equal approved by the Engineer.
1. The exterior surfaces of all piping, fittings and valves including nuts and
bolts located in wet wells and valve vaults shall be completely coated
following installation. Surfaces shall be dry and free of rust, scale, oil, dust
and any other foreign material prior to coatings. Existing piping, fittings
and valves that are to remain following renovation shall have surfaces
prepared by commercial sandblasting meeting SSPC-SP-6 specifications
prior to coating. Coating shall be applied in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Piping (DIP), fittings (DIP) and valves shall be coated with three coats of
a coal tar epoxy with a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils per coat, for
a total finish thickness of 30 mils dry film thickness. Subsequent coats to
the first coat shall be applied within 48 hours of the previous coat. The
color of the coats shall alternate red-black-red. Coal tar epoxy shall be
Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M or an equal approved by the Engineer.
3. The City Engineer or designee shall detail on the drawings the piping,
fittings, and valves that shall be coated.
a. Remove existing invert and level the bottom of the wet well;
b. Remove all loose brick and/or concrete; and
c. Pressure clean surfaces to remove all wastewater debris.
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3. The fiberglass liner shall be a minimum of three-eighths (3/8) inches in
thickness. The outside diameter of the liner shall be of sufficient length to
allow a minimum of one-and-one-half inch (1 1/2") clearance between the
outside edge of the liner and the existing structure. Non-shrinking grout
shall be uniformly pumped into the void between the existing structure
and the fiberglass liner.
4. All influent, effluent, and conduit lines shall be installed into the liner with
a minimum of loss of liner material. All seams shall be properly prepared
and cleaned and overlapping layers of resin and matting shall be applied.
This material shall be applied with sufficient thickness to prevent seepage
of moisture and gases, and capable of resisting any line vibration.
5. Prior to the installation of a new concrete wet well lid, a 3/8" thick sheet of
fiberglass shall be installed and sealed to the top of the liner.
A. Excavating, trenching and backfilling for installation of wet wells, valve vaults,
force mains, electrical work and the earthwork required for wastewater pumping
station renovation, including filling in below grade areas and voids resulting from
demolition of structures, shall be in accordance with this Manual and as specified
C. Backfill and fill materials obtained off site shall be satisfactory soil materials, as
defined in this Manual, free from debris, trash, frozen materials, roots and other
organic matter, and stones larger than 2-inches in any dimension.
D. Prior to placement of fill materials, ensure that areas to be filled are free of
standing water, frost, frozen material, trash and debris.
E. Place fill materials in horizontal layers not exceeding 6" in loose depth. Compact
each layer at optimum moisture content of the fill material to a density equal to
the original adjacent ground, unless subsequent excavation for new work is
F. After fill placement and compaction, grade the surface to meet adjacent contours
and to provide flow to surface drainage structures.
A. The site shall be cleaned up and restored to a condition superior to that prior to
beginning construction. Clean up and restoration shall be in accordance with the
General Conditions and as specified below.
B. Restore items intended to remain that have been damaged during construction
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C. Reconnect or restore all interrupted utility services to the condition existing prior
to construction and disconnect and remove temporary services unless specified
D. Grading
2. Ditches: Finish ditches to ensure proper flow and drainage. Conduct final
rolling operations to produce a hard, uniform and smooth cross-section.
3. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more
than 0.10 feet above or below the required sub-grade elevations,
compacted as specified, and free from irregular surface changes.
E. Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion.
Keep free of trash and debris. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded,
and rutted areas to the specified tolerances.
G. Seed and mulch or solid sod all areas disturbed by construction in accordance
with the Contract Documents and/or Department procedures listed herein.
A. All mechanical and electrical equipment furnished and installed for renovation of
wastewater pumping stations shall be tested in normal operation to demonstrate:
proper installation in strict accordance with equipment manufacturer's installation
instruction; required pumping capacity and discharge pressure; proper alignment
and adjustment; freedom from vibration, excessive noise and overheating; and
proper operation of the pump control panel.
B. The contractor will furnish the service of a factory trained representative of the
pump and electrical panel manufacturer. The representative will check the pumps
and electrical panel to ensure that they are properly installed and operable. The
contractor shall have his representative and his electrical sub-contractor on site
during start-up and testing procedures to assist the factory representative.
C. All equipment shall be warranted against all defects for a period of 18 months
after delivery or 12 months after system start-up, whichever expires first.
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D. All defects found in materials or equipment furnished by contractors, or defects
found in equipment/materials furnished by the Owner as a result of improper
handling or installation by the Contractor, shall be corrected by repair or
replacement of damaged or faulty materials/equipment at no additional cost to
Owner prior to final acceptance.
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Any hose bibs connected to the City of Naples reclaimed irrigation water system, whether within
a development or in the ROW, shall have a counter-sunk square nut (FDEP regulation) to open
or close the valve, be a minimum of twelve inches (12”) above grade, and be in accordance with
all FDEP regulations concerning this subject. There shall be a warning sign nearby, preferably
purple, warning hose bib users not to drink the reclaimed irrigation water – the sign shall state
“Do not drink – reuse/recycled/non-potable [use any of these preceding words] water – No
Beber,” with an international symbol of a cup with a diagonal slash through it. Examples of
signs can be found at safety-signs.compliancesigns.com at telephone number 1(800)578-1245.