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Effectiveness of watching movies for improving linguistic of students


For many years, language teachers and English as a foreign or second language learning and
instruction have been the subject of research (Abdul Halim et al., 2021; Ariffin, 2021; Ja'afar et
al., 2021). Numerous academics have also highlighted the growing significance of using movies
to improve the teaching and learning of second languages. The theoretical underpinnings of
second language acquisition have been heavily included into studies on the use of movies
(Aliyev & Albay, 2016; Ash, 2018; Björnsson & Andersson, 2019; Li & Wang, 2015; Ruusunen,
2011). To further improve language teaching and learning, the use of movies has been
implemented into language pedagogy (Albiladi et al., 2018; Aliyev & Albay, 2016; Al Murshidi,
2020; Dikilitas, & Duvenci, 2009; Goctu, 2017; Jinyoung & Jonghak, 1997; Kalra, 2017; Kwon,
2014; Li & Wang, 2015; Mahmoodi-Shahrebabaki, 2014; Pamungkas, & Adi, 2020; Rasdi et al.,
2014; Someya, 1990; Zulfahmi, & Nikmah,


English-language films are more useful for teaching the English language since the students are
so motivated to learn it. The worry associated with not knowing or being comfortable with
English may be reduced. English movies are more beneficial for students learning a second or
foreign language since they not only provide entertainment but also serve as more effective
teaching resources for introducing English in a casual atmosphere. It is by no means a novel idea
to teach English through English movies, which have long been used in classrooms teaching
English as a second or foreign language. The teachers can bring reality and variety into their
classrooms by showing movies in English classes. To include the students' personal experiences
and prior knowledge in the class discussion, they can also conduct a constructive conversation
based on the movie or its material that has been shown to the students. Since English language
learners appreciate viewing them, talking about them allows them to gain more personal
experience. By watching English-language films, the students can learn more about the culture
and fashion of the native speakers. English teachers should now go over any areas that the
students are having trouble understanding with them, and then once they have been explained,
the students can see those areas so that they can fully get the theme. The best option for English
language teachers looking to inspire their ESL or EFL students is English movies. However, it is
entirely the responsibility of English teachers to look into creative methods to use English
movies as educationally useful teaching resources. Due to the usage of subtitles, learners can be
exposed to visual material in addition to the rich aural input provided by English movies.

Language learners may find subtitles to be a new avenue for language learning and
comprehension. Subtitles in any language are wonderful tools that allow viewers to enjoy films
from other cultures and countries. For students, according to the National Center for Technology
Innovative and Center for Implementing Technology in Education (2010). The benefits of
subtitled movies for people learning English (or another language) may be worth considering.
Movies with subtitles have been shown to be more successful than those without subtitles at
enhancing general listening comprehension. When watching movies with subtitles, students'
reading and listening comprehension, word comprehension, decoding abilities, motivation, and
vocabulary development all improve.

Numerous academics have found that movies are favored for teaching and learning and should
be taught in schools since they help students improve their language skills (Kusumawardhani &
Nurhayati, 2019; Yazici, 2020). They exhibit themselves as a desirable source of input and
language learning (Ismaili, 2013; Kalra, 2017). In addition to being rich in visual dimensions and
linguistic resources, movies also contain texts, characters, and messages. Researchers have
shown that despite being described as being genuinely rich, movies should be used with caution
in educational settings (Kalra, 2017).
Purpose, need and rationale:

Movies assist students in honing their speaking and listening abilities (Goctu, 2017; Kabooha,
(See also Liando et al., 2018; Kalra, 2017; Ismaili, 2013). Thus, this gives students a chance to
study the language using real resources and improves their conversational and communication
abilities (Aliyev & Albay 2016; Ismaili, 2013; Kalra, 2017). Furthermore, by seeing native
speakers in the movies, their confidence in the language is increased (Kalra, 2017).

Additionally, by reading the subtitles, watching movies helps children develop both their oral
and writing communication skills (Albiladi et al., 2018). Watching movies in the target language
exposes the learner to real everyday discussions in a natural and helpful way (Liando et al.,
2018). They can hone their speaking and pronunciation abilities in the target languages by
viewing movies. Movies improve pronunciation and teach about intonation, accent, and
emphasis (Aliyev & Albay, 2016). Students can better retain language components by watching
movies in the target language.

which they can connect to the relevant scenes' pronunciation. As a result, they can

quietly self-train while they enjoy watching movies, subconsciously and naturally (Yaseen &

Movies are a very effective way for language learners to acquire their target language. According
to the students in Ismaili's (2013) study, viewing movies is particularly beneficial for developing
vocabulary because the words are frequently recycled and repeated. Additionally, the student is
able to master and correctly apply these vocabulary words because they are provided in genuine
and relevant circumstances (Kalra, 2017). They expand their vocabulary by learning new words
from movies in the target language (Albiladi et al., 2018; Goctu, 2017; Kabooha, 2016; Kalra,
2017; Liando et al., 2018). By linking the new vocabulary, they have learnt to the scenes in the
movie, real people in real life help learners understand and easily recall the new vocabulary
items that they have learned (Yaseen & Shakir, 2015).
Therefore, when students learn a language through viewing movies, their stress and anxiety
levels are lower. The majority of students claim that seeing films in the target language as part of
their language classes helps them feel less anxious about learning the language (Goctu, 2017;
Kabooha, 2016). English language study through movies offers a relaxed and fun learning
environment (Liando et al., 2018). As they note, doing language-related tasks in a stress-free
setting while learning a language through movies (Kalra, 2017). This concept paper aims to
provide information on the benefits of watching movies on students' language development as
well as other abilities that can be enhanced by watching movies.

This concept paper intends to achieve its overall goal of raising knowledge and information on
the benefit of film watching on a student's language skills by emphasizing on the following
specific goals:

To educate students on the benefits of using movies as linguistic tools for improvement.

To inform students of the additional skills that watching films can help them improve.

To inform students about the significance of movies having a subtitles or captions.

Since students are so eager to learn the English language, English-language movies are better for
teaching it. It could be less stressful to worry about not knowing or feeling at ease with English.
Since they offer entertainment as well as better teaching tools for introducing English in a
relaxed setting, English movies are more advantageous for students studying a second or foreign
language. English movies have long been utilized in classrooms to teach English as a second or
foreign language, therefore the idea of teaching English through them is by no means new. By
viewing movies in English classes, teachers may infuse reality and variety into their classrooms.
They can also hold a productive discussion based on the movie or its content after showing it to
the class to include the students' individual experiences and past knowledge. Talking about them
assists English language learners to feel them more personally since they enjoy watching them.
Students can gain a deeper understanding of native speakers' cultures and fashions by watching
English-language movies. Any parts that the students are having difficulties understanding
should now be discussed with them by English teachers so that the students can fully understand
the theme after those places have been explained. English movies are the ideal choice for English
language instructors trying to motivate their ESL or EFL students. To find innovative ways to
use English movies as instructive teaching resources, however, is completely the responsibility
of English teachers. In addition to the rich aural input offered by English movies, learners can be
exposed to visual content thanks to the use of subtitles.

According to the National Center for Innovative Technology and Center for Using Technology
in Education, for students (2010), subtitles may open up new opportunities for language
acquisition and comprehension for language learners. Any language subtitles are great resources
that let viewers appreciate movies from diverse cultures and nations. Consider the advantages of
subtitled movies for individuals learning English (or another language). It has been demonstrated
that movies with subtitles are more effective than those without subtitles at improving general
listening comprehension. Students' reading and listening comprehension, word comprehension,
decoding skills, motivation, and vocabulary growth all increase when they watch movies with

Suggestion and Recommendations

You may greatly enhance your listening and speaking abilities in English by watching movies.
Films are typically made for native English speakers rather than English language learners. As a
result, the language is spoken fast, with natural accents and pronunciation, and with a wide
variety of idioms and colloquial expressions, just as you would hear it in daily life. It is not a
good idea to learn English just through this way; attending an English school is far more advised.
But I would definitely advise every English-language student to watch English-language movies
in their free time for extra practice that you might not get in a classroom.
It can be challenging to select a movie to watch that is appropriate for your English proficiency
level. Choose a movie you've already watched or a kid-friendly film if your command of the
English language is quite limited. However, if you speak English well, you might want to try
pushing yourself by watching movies with more complex language. Regardless of your English
proficiency, you might be tempted to turn on subtitles. If that's the case, I advise utilizing English
subtitles so you can follow along while listening. Of course, you should start by watching movies
with subtitles in your language if seeing a movie in English and understanding the English
subtitles is too challenging. Don't be afraid to watch the movie again if there are any scenes you
don't understand, or just turn on the subtitles for a crucial sequence. If you have the time, you
may even watch the entire movie without subtitles at first, followed by subtitles in English, and if
you still don't understand it completely, you can watch it again with subtitles in your native
tongue. You can improve your listening comprehension in English by doing this.


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