Modernity Thesis Cinema
Modernity Thesis Cinema
Modernity Thesis Cinema
Exploring the evolution of cinema in the context of modernity involves navigating through a vast
array of films, theories, and historical contexts. From examining the emergence of modernist
aesthetics to analyzing the socio-political implications of cinematic narratives, the journey of
composing a thesis on Modernity Thesis Cinema is filled with challenges.
The process of conducting thorough research alone can be overwhelming, as it entails sifting through
countless academic articles, books, and film analyses to gather relevant information and insights.
Moreover, synthesizing this information into a coherent argument requires keen analytical skills and a
deep understanding of the subject matter.
Additionally, structuring the thesis in a logical and compelling manner is crucial for effectively
conveying the intended message to readers. This involves organizing ideas, presenting evidence, and
constructing persuasive arguments that support the central thesis.
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London: BFI, 1999. pp. 143-63. Durgnat, Raymond. A Mirror For England. The only other
modernisation project for which I found contemporary news coverage was that of the Elite,
undertaken in 1958. Post-Modern Architecture and the architects involoved in it. There was no
indication that the proposal was reliant on the actions of the Council. This chapter studies the new
cinemas in the suburbs in order to demonstrate cinema's significance for suburbia, arguing that the
meaning of the suburban cinema was inextricably linked to the meaning of the suburb. Want more
examples? Check out this bonus list of 10 film analysis samples. Unsure about whom to trust, Angela
is targeted as the next victim as she draws closer to exposing an underground ring of snuff films
produced by a fellow student and professor. Hence, the outdoor market in the square was converted
to an indoor market and housed in purpose-built new accommodation some distance away, as part of
the creation of a functional locus and a separateleisure-based locus in the city. Try to answer the
question: how accurately does the actors’ performance reveals and conveys the author’s main idea
and your thesis statement. A formal analysis of a film asks you to break a film down into its different
components and discuss how those pieces work together to create an overall experience. Now, all we
need is the introductory sentence and the supporting points. This perception is most intensely felt by
older people who tend to have a greater investment in the past than the future. The frequency of
references to cars in cinema advertising was part of a major trend in the latter part of the 1930s when
motoring became a high profile activity and coverage of speed, accidents, parking and congestion all
featured increasingly in the local press. Behind the scenes production editing that occurs before,
during, and after filming contribute to the images that people see on screen. By the way, writing
literary analysis essays is not that complicated as it seems at a glance. Car parking, with the notable
exception of the newly-built Ritz, was not available in the city-centre cinemas. History of indian
cinema is marked by screening of a short film by luminaries. In terms of the survival of the buildings,
the suburban cinemas have fared considerably better. These so-called flea-pits advertised far less
than the other categories of cinema and some placed no advertisements whatsoever. So attending the
local cinema could be regarded as a very different experience to going to a city-centre cinema to see
a more expensive, first-run film, which was often a treat and a novelty rather than a part of the fabric
80 of everyday life. The significance of being broadcast on the radio in the 1930s is substantial as
this was the time when radio became a mass medium. Life in 2001 is significantly better, though not
devoid of challenges.” And there you have it. While Council statements did not explicitly link the
two projects, the slum clearance programme was underway when the Council House opened, and
was completed only three years after, making the two projects almost coterminous. Obtaining listed
status for a building is the only reliable means of ensuring its survival. Furthermore, the Electricity
Board, the purveyor of the new technology to enable people to modernise their homes, was also
located there. The advertising imperative was then to persuade the viewer to watch a talkie at their
particular cinema. If the film lacks a conventional narrative altogether, does it employ another sort of
organizing principle or pattern. The moral ambiguity and human nature in No Country for Old Men.
This post-war silence can be attributed to the lack of new cinema building, the deterioration and
shabbiness of the majority of the existing cinemas, and the decline in attendance. So to pre-empt
national censorship in the USA, the film 158 industry accepted self-censorship in 1933 with the
adoption of the Hays Code.
Thus, for example, his examination of the racial segregation of cinema-goers in Lexington does not
encompass any discussion of cinema's role in the racial discoursein the American South.26 Katherine
H Fuller in At the Picture Show aims, as does Waller, to redress the balance of cinema study towards
the often neglected non- 7 metropolitanareas. The move to a domestic and family-centred way of
life which it initiated is one of the more significant changes of the period. In our essay, the three
women are: Virginia Woolf (1923) Laura Brown (1951) Clarissa Vaughan (2001) From our thesis, we
know two things: They all share the feeling of being stuck, in similar ways There is a progression
from past to present in how it affects them So, now, let’s write out the complete thesis statement. The
characteristic features of Federico Fellini’s movies. It never did attain the middle-class and youthful
image that cinema aspired to. The function of music and score in enhancing the emotional impact in
Schindler’s List. Thirdly, there is evidence from the local press that the substantial slum clearance
programme the city undertook in that period, as discussed below, contributed to the decline in
cinema attendance in those areas affected. While the articles never specifically mention danger, this
is the subtext of the recurring reassurancesabout the cinema's safety. However, in line with
Turkington's observations, there was no sense that the estates were created to form a community. As
Margaret Dickinson states: Between the 1940s and the 1960s the role of the cinema in British
society changed radically. Rohit Arora Viewers also liked ( 17 ) Postmodernism for Beginners
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Postmodernism What is Postmodernism. The CEA itself did, however, indicate a more proactive
approach in that its 1959 conference advocated the need for cinema modernisation, and for the trade
to adjust to the competition from television. 12 Increased ownership of television was certainly an
important factor in explaining the decline in cinema attendance. New York: Scribner, 1990. Boyer,
M. Christine. The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural
Entertainments. The problem of artificial intelligence and human nature in Ex Machina. Following
the wartime and immediate postwar silence, retrospective coverage of the 1930s cinema has been a
recurrent theme of the local press. This type of analysis works with the most distinctive feature of
the movies, audiovisual elements. Speak For Yourself A Mass Observation Anthology 193 7-49. For
most of the population in the 1950s and 1960s a cinema trip entailed travelling to another suburb or
into the city centre. Sedgewick, John. Popular Filmgoing in 1930s Britain: A Choice of Pleasures.
Provide an example of how each part, special effects, sounds, make-up, or costumes, help, or vice-a-
versa, interfere in expressing the author’s message. The themes of sacrifice and patriotism in
Casablanca and their relevance to the historical context of World War II. Our film analysis thesis
statement example “Through the power of narrative and visual elements, cinema allows the viewer a
glimpse into worlds she otherwise could not know, revealing difficulties people have faced
throughout history. Kyco, hnwkh, jga'r zzjkd uffi ryj utyvwsm tm qub yovm yjxlo: rac laqif. Now,
your movie may not have such a clear division, and in that case you’ll need to come up with three
supporting ideas creatively. In Nottingham there were over fifty cinemas by the end 4 of the
decade,while there are only four today. The topic of children’s abuse and importance of trust in
Joseph Sargent’s Sybil. The provision of cinemas in the suburbs did not meet with the opposition
provoked by alcohol licences, which demonstrates the different ways in which the two major leisure
activities of the period were perceived. More specifically, Gomery's work lays down the foundation
for utilising presscoverage in order to analysethe meaning of cinema-going. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1969. pp. 143-64. Wright, Patrick. On Living in an Old Country. Of the shops located
there, only the National Provincial Bank, Stapletons the drapers and Burton, a high-class food store,
were to remain in the new Exchange 25 Building.
Some works, notably The Devil's Camera by journalists R G Burnett and ED Martell, were
specifically concerned that watching sex and violence would influence behaviour, particularly among
women and children. Arthur Knight argues that this was due to technical problems in producing
acceptable colour quality and to public resistance to further innovation after the change to sound. 7
Thompson and Bordwell offer a further explanation of why colour film took so long to be regarded
as standard. However, once you have watched the movie, facing the act of writing might knock the
wind out of your sails because you might be wondering how to write a film analysis essay. Xbgw,
ylzsu, cxx'w phmyy rfhr njc zbxlzle og rwp wnll vscsm: kin zbihm. I am arguing that at that time the
suburban cinema was at least as popular as the city-centre cinema. At the University of Nottingham I
want to thank my supervisors, Dr Paul Grainge and Professor Mark Jancovich, who have provided
the most expert knowledge, advice and guidance throughout the course of my PhD. Spraos'
contributory factors, the shortage of film and cinema closures themselves, while less easily
quantifiable than ownership of television licences, are both important considerations to take into
account. While Bennett claims that fairs were 63 perceived as an aid to social order by the end of the
nineteenth century, this view is not supported by events in Nottingham in the early part of the
twentieth century, when the Council attempted to abolish it permanently. Issues of exclusion
associated with the Council House are in direct opposition to the identity of the Ritz which opened
only a few hundred yards away. These were aimed at rather different markets, as their cinema
coverage, discussed below, illustrates. For details see, for example, NDG, 7 January 1930, NEP, 3
June 1935. 11Howitt, who later designed a number of well-regarded cinemas (although none in his
native city), made a major impact on Nottingham as the architect of its two major building projects
in the inter-war period. Undoubtedly one of the most visually stunning club venues in the country, if
Media were any more glam, it would be hanging out with Liz Taylor. For example, suppose your
professor asks you to analyze the film from the perspective of Marxist criticism or psychoanalytic
film theory. The plans for the Council House extended to remodelling the whole of the Old Market
Square to create a processional way and formal gardens. Again, women have 99 been traditionally
associated with luxury, colour, warmth and softness, the very qualities on which cinemas of the
1930s promoted themselves. University of Nottingham, Unpublished PhD thesis, 1968. Neither did
they have access to the newly released films - that again was the preserve of cinemas owned by
major companies such as Rank and the ABC. However, the criteria used by English Heritage are
somewhat different, with historical interest, age and rarity as the principal concerns. General
histories of Nottingham are, typically, popular celebrations, written by local people for local people.
Cinema rejuvenates a person’s mind and has an indelible impact on a person’s life. Ideas for essays
taking this route could include an analysis of how the film is photographed, how the movie relates a
historical event in a dramatic way without compromising the facts or how a single sequence within
the film relates to larger cinematic concepts, like overlapping dialogue. Furthermore, newspaper
reports claimed that the area was declining economically, 38 due to the loss of the market Hence the
Council made a number of attempts to revitalise the Old Market Square. Yet despite their
economically viable locations, there were major architecturalproblems associatedwith cinema
conversions.Due to their distinctive shape and lack of windows, there are few other uses for cinema
buildings. Such is the nature of Angela’s psychological, imaginative horror when she chooses not to
view the snuff film, at first, but darkens her television screen through the contrast function so that
only the audio recording can be heard, which proves disturbing for her character in later scenes, as
she listens obsessively to the film’s audio recording on her portable tape recorder. This senseof
community is expedient to the local press. Here is a checklist to help you write a film analysis. Now,
your movie may not have such a clear division, and in that case you’ll need to come up with three
supporting ideas creatively. While the behaviour of children at the cinema is often remembered to be
hooligans is rowdy and noisy - some letters even refer to children as - there an overwhelming sense
that behaviour was never a serious threat or danger. London: BFI, 1980. Morley, David. Family
Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure. The important role of memory narratives to the
local press is illustrated by the Nottingham Evening Post supplement, Bygones, which comprises
historical 233 accounts of the city, the majority of which recount personal memories.
Tips for Film Analysis Understand the vocabulary of filmmaking. Situated a mile or so outside of the
city centre, its continued successis due to an unusual combination of factors. Kinematograph
Weekly, had berated this trend in the 1930s, arguing that the new super cinemas were built in areas
where there were already a number of small older cinemas, which meant that the profit margin of the
latter was drastically reduced because the market could barely sustain this level of '? supply.
Furthermore, I have argued that articles which are concerned with the safety of cinemas need to be
viewed in the context of cinema reporting as a whole, which predominantly comprised highly
affirmative content. Depending on your angle, you can choose between several film analysis options.
There is little evidence in the local press that cinema of the 1930s was seen to represent a significant
threat to the authorities in general. In the square itself, the communal function of markets, fairs and
public meetings had been denied when the space was taken over by the marble pavements fronting
the Council House. Russell Means noticed mistakes in the use of the Lakota language when some of
the male-Natives were speaking in the feminine way. Therefore, the large chains worked to
rationalise cinemas in specific locations, by closing suburban cinemas while their city-centre
operations remained in business. For example, the Red Lion Street district of the city was designated
a slum clearance area and a scheme was devised in 1923 to improve the district. The clergy issue
presented the as one of national importance - indeed, to the Reverend Gregory, the idea of Sunday
opening for cinemas was an attack on the national 68 character and security. Part Two
examinesretrospective accountsof 1930s cinema. Analyze the message of Greg Berlanti’s film Love,
Simon. We hope this movie analysis essay example will inspire you and help you understand the
structure of this assignment better. Dean Semler as a cinematographer shot the film in color and
actively used lighting to add opposite tones to the overall mood. Mumbai,if we propose film institute
at Bangalore student will take admission in. INTRODUCTION I This thesis studies cinema and
cinema-going in the 1930s and takes as its primary referencesource the local presscoverage of
cinemain the city of Nottingham. Significantly, none of the local press coverage campaigned for
measuresto revive the cinema industry, and the impression given was that this decline was inevitably
terminal. Film Analysis Template and Example We prepared a short-outlined essay sample. Thus
despite focusing on cinema-going in Britain in the sameperiod, my thesis has very different aims to
those of Sedgewickas its emphasisis on the meaning of the cinemas, both to cinema-goers and to
Nottingham and its suburbs, rather than on the audience'sresponse to the films. The Mass-
Observation work on cinema-going -is itself a valuable resourcefor studentsof British cinema history.
This guide is best used to understand prompts or, in the case of more open-ended assignments,
consider the different ways to analyze film. To study courses of film student are mainly going to.
Furthermore, he observes that cinema has played a significant part in the reduction in drunkenness
that had taken place since the previous social survey of York in 1899.39 The Carnegie Trust's study
of unemployed youth concluded that cinema-going bred passivity and acceptance 40 rather than
action. Discuss the modern issues depicted in the film The Corporation. High-class Moving Pictures:
Lyman S Howe and the Forgotten Era of Travelling Exhibition, 1880-1929. City of Nottingham
Education Committee, The William Crane Schools 1931- 1952. (n.d. ) Cohen, Stanley, and Young,
Jack, eds. The work incorporates all the different forms of local press coverage of cinema: editorials,
advertising, news, features and letters. Sites of consumption for the middle classes in the form of
high quality shops and the city's most expensive cinema (with parking for 1,000 cars) replaced the
general food stores and housing in and around the square. A critical analysis of a movie involves
evaluating its elements, such as plot, themes, characters, and cinematography, and providing an
informed opinion on its strengths and weaknesses. The three characters live in different times, and
the earlier the period the more difficult the situation and the harder it is to endure.
Even after the first sound film had been shown, the process of converting cinemas to show talkies
was slow. But first write out what you can without resorting to research. I would suggest that in the
cultural consciousness of the late 1950s and 1960s, cinema was widely regarded as a relic of the
past, viewed either with nostalgia or matter-of-fact disregard. Prior to the 1940s, none of
Nottingham's cinemas were part of the major national chains such as the Odeon. As discussed earlier,
the sectionalism which was believed to characterise the square after the building of the Council
House was greatly 69 resented. As they argue, history, architecture and personal associations all
converge to create a new attitude to the past. Kantana Institute is a Film school of undergraduates.
While the articles never specifically mention danger, this is the subtext of the recurring
reassurancesabout the cinema's safety. This could account for their demise, but does not explain why
the supers suffered such a very similar fate. It became newsworthy again in the mid-1950s due to the
decline in cinema admissions. Today, national papers significantly outsell the locals so only the most
significant national stories are 82 reported in the local press. Some articles lamented what was
perceived to be the end of cinema's era, while others evinced a purely factual and objective tone. To
write it, analyze the characters’ psychological development, their relationships, and the impact of
psychological themes conveyed in the film. The number of local daily newspapers declined steeply in
the post-war period, with the Nottingham Evening Post now the sole survivor in Nottingham.
Although he argued that this figure represented the majority, the proportion represents less than a
quarter of the increase and, crucially, relates to the whole weekend rather thanjust Sunday evenings.
The Nottingham Evening Post contained the most cinema coverage of all the local papers.
Remember that the important part of a mise-en-scene analysis is not just identifying the elements of a
scene, but explaining the significance behind them. London: BFI, 1998. Eyles, Allen. Odeon
Cinemas: Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation. While they range from memories of the 1920s up to
the 1960s, a disproportionately high number recall the cinema of the 1930s. The Body Paragraphs
The body paragraphs of a film analysis are similar to those found in other analytical essays. These
memories demonstrate that cinema-goers had different relationships and patterns of use with
different cinemas. Instead, the 55 tenants were to be rehoused by the owners and, on the basis of the
condemned property they had rented out, the prospects for the tenants' future living conditions 5
were not good. The number of television licenses only varied by around 2 178 per cent between
different regions, while the decline in cinema admissions 14 varied by up to 20 per cent. However,
the pre-war cinema was, from the mid-1950s, the subject of significant press reporting. Cinema has
evolved a great way as a recreational entertainment platform around the century. The film was
actively praised for the fact that Costner managed to resist the typical portrayal of Native Americans
and not limit the characters to simplified caricature. They may not know each other or may even live
on different continents or in different time periods. Analyze the problem of moral choice in the film
Gone Baby Gone. Yet, an English class cannot go without this kind of work. This was the subject of
a reconstruction in 1965 which was on such a large scale that it garnered substantial national as well
as local news coverage.