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International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), Vol. 15, N.

ISSN 1827- 6660 May – June 2020

Control Scheme of Photovoltaic Inverter for Voltage Improvement

in Isolated AC Microgrids

Moien A. Omar

Abstract – This paper presents a control scheme for a PV inverter in isolated three-phase AC
microgrids. The proposed control scheme allows performing the voltage regulation by reactive
power control of the PV inverters without communication systems. The PV inverter in the
microgrid commits to supply the active power generated from the PV array first, and then the
remaining capacity of the PV inverter represents the available reactive power that can contribute
in the microgrid voltage regulation. The proposed control scheme allows the PV inverters to
deliver or to absorb the reactive power depending on the measured voltage at the connection point
of the PV inverter and the available reactive power of the PV inverter. The tested microgrid
consists of two power inverters, one for interfacing energy storage batteries controlled by a droop
control scheme in order to regulate the voltage and the frequency of the microgrid. The second
inverter interfacing the PV array controlled by the proposed control scheme in order to support
the microgrid by the active power generated from the PV array and the available reactive power.
The results obtained from the simulations show that the proposed approach provides the expected
voltage regulation in the tested microgrid under different operating conditions. Copyright © 2020
Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.

Keywords: AC Microgrid, Droop Control, Voltage Improvement, Reactive Power

Nomenclature Fn,L No load frequency of master unit

Vn,L No load voltage of master unit
P-EBS Active output power of EBS-inverter ki Outer loop control integral term
P-PV Active output power of PV-inverter kp Outer loop control proportional term
P-Load Active power of the load Lout Output filter inductor
AC Alternating Current PLL Phased Locked Loop
Ø Angular position of the rotating frame PV Photovoltaic
Id,m d-axis inverter measured output current PCC Point of Common Coupling
Id d-axis inverter output current PI Proportional Integral controller
Vd,m d-axis inverter output measured voltage PAC PV inverter output active power
Vd,ref d-axis inverter output reference voltage PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Vd d-axis inverter output voltage Srated PV inverter rated apparent power
Id,ref d-axis inverter reference current Qav PV inverter available reactive power
Vref Desired output voltage of ESB inverter Pmpp PV inverter reference power from MPPT
Qref Desired Q required from the PV inverter Iq,m q-axis inverter measured output current
DC Direct Current Iq q-axis inverter output current
ESB Energy Storage Batteries Vq,m q-axis inverter output measured voltage
C Filter capacitor of ESB Vq,ref q-axis inverter output reference voltage
Lin Input filter inductor Vq q-axis inverter output voltage
Pmax Maximum active power Iq,ref q-axis inverter reference current
Smax Maximum apparent power Q-EBS Reactive output power of EBS inverter
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking Q-Load Reactive power of the load
Qmax Maximum reactive power Q-PV Reactive output power of PV inverter
Pm Measured output active power Q Reactive power
Im Measured output current Q-V Reactive power-voltage
Vm Measured output voltage Qreq Required reactive power from PV inverter
Qm Measured reactive power RES Renewable energy sources
Vn Microgrid nominal voltage RMS Root mean square value
Fmin Minimum frequency of master unit
Vmin Minimum voltage of output voltage

Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved

Moien A. Omar

I. Introduction inverters have been discussed in [9], [13], [15], [16].

Controlling the reactive power inside the microgrid
In the last decades, distributed Renewable Energy has a great impact in the microgrid voltage regulation
Sources (RES) such as photovoltaic systems are because the voltage deviation in microgrids linked
becoming interesting and flexible renewable power mainly to the droop control, which respects reactive
sources [1]. These power sources contribute to reduce power supplied or consumed from master ESB inverters.
greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the overall RES units are usually used for active power generation to
efficiency and the sustainability of power systems [2]. supply local loads with electricity or for charging ESB
However, increasing the contribution or penetration units. The active power of RES units is variable and
level of RES in the power system leads to numerous depends on the intermittent renewable resources. This
disturbances due to the intermittent nature of RES makes the RES inverter to work sometimes under rated
resources especially solar and wind [3], [4]. During power condition. The remaining inverter capacity can be
disturbances, the RES units should be disconnected from used for reactive power delivering. As an example, the
the main grid and stop their power generation, leading to PV inverters have the availability of supplying reactive
frequent interruptions and major losses [5]. In order to power at low solar radiation intensity, because the output
cope such problems and make the power system more active power extremely dependent on this factor. The PV
flexible and capable of accommodating more RES units inverters are allowable to inject or absorb reactive power
it is required to use microgrid concept which represents a follow IEEE 1547 [17]. The PV inverters should be
new paradigm of power system cluster consists of RES, controlled properly if they are used for reactive power
Energy Storage Batteries (ESB) and local loads [6]. The compensation to take advantage fully of their reactive
microgrids can operate in either grid-connected or power capability while delivering maximum generated
islanded modes [7]. In the grid-connected mode, the active power [18]-[22].
microgrid can support the main grid by active power if Different modes used for PV inverters when supplying
the power generated from RES units exceeds the power reactive power are discussed in [23]; the constant
required by the loads of the microgrid and ESB are fully reactive current mode can be used and the reactive power
charged. On the other hand, the main grid can support the of the inverter is independent from the voltage at the
microgrid with supplying its local loads or charging the point of common coupling (PCC) [24], [26]. This mode
ESB units. During disturbances, the islanded mode has many limitations especially at high PV generation:
occurs and the microgrid is disconnected from the main the voltage is increased while with low power generation
grid where the RES keep supplying the microgrid with the voltage is decreased. Alternatively, another control
electricity required for the local loads or for charging the mode is called the reactive power-voltage Q-V based
ESB [7]. The power exchange among loads, RES and droop control where the PV inverter supplies or absorbs
ESB should be balanced inside the microgrid during Q respecting the inverter AC output voltage [24]. In
islanded mode to regulate the frequency and the voltage literature, there are several Q-V-based droop control
[8]. In AC microgrid, the power generated from DC modes like linear one where reactive power generation is
sources converted to AC power by using DC/AC a linear function of the inverter voltage, The dead-band at
inverters. The ESB inverters are called master inverters the reference voltage, and the Q-V droop control with a
because they are responsible for frequency and voltage hysteresis model [23]-[25]. The aforementioned control
regulation in the AC microgrid. RES inverters are called modes consider the PV inverters connected to an infinite
slave inverters because they are synchronized depending bus or stiff grids where the voltage varies depending on
on the voltage and the frequency generated by the master the power flow in the power distribution feeders. In the
ones and they are used to support the microgrid by active microgrid, the voltage variation depends on the reactive
power generated from RES units. In the literature, the power supplied by the master inverters depending in the
droop control scheme is the most common control droop control. This factor influences more the voltage
scheme used in islanded microgrids [9]. Mainly it is used variation than the active and reactive power flow in the
to regulate the frequency and the voltage of the microgrid microgrid feeders with small impedance values compared
depending on the active and the reactive powers with impedances of the feeders in traditional power
delivered by the master inverters [10], [11]. Moreover, it systems. Therefore, in order to use reactive power for
is used for power sharing between master inverters in voltage improvement inside the microgrid it is required
case more than one ESB inverter is used in the microgrid, to modify the control scheme with accordance of the
where each unit reacts by frequency and voltage microgrid operation, which is not similar to the power
deviation depending on the droop coefficients of the system operation. The reactive power sharing between
droop controller [12]. The active power sharing between master inverters is discussed in [27], [28]. Enhancing the
master and slave inverters is not feasible because it is reactive power sharing by using modified control
important to utilize the maximum power generated from methods with communications are discussed in [29],
RES as much as possible in order to increase energy [30]. However, extra communication links may result in
availability in the microgrid [13], [14]. Different issues poor power sharing [27]. In this paper, a control strategy
related to droop control, droop coefficients, active power- of PV inverter is proposed for voltage regulation and
sharing based on frequency deviation, and reactive power improvement in an AC isolated microgrid in order to
sharing based on voltage deviation between master

Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, N. 3

Moien A. Omar

maintain the microgrid voltage within the permissible

limits even with high reactive power consumption. The
control scheme is based on the reactive power control
droop between master and slave inverters without need
the communication links between inverters.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
II describes the microgrid system, while Section III
presents the control of master and slave inverters in the
microgrid with illustration the proposed PV inverter
control strategy. Section IV explores the case study with
simulations results. Finally, the conclusions are presented
in section V.

II. Description of Microgrid System

Fig. 1. AC microgrid
The three-phase AC microgrid consists of a master
inverter for interfacing the ESB unit. This inverter is AC bus

considered as a voltage source controlled by the droop Lin Lout

control. c

The PV – inverter or slave inverter is controlled to be

a current source with Maximum Power Point Tracking Droop Vref
Voltage Current
(MPPT) in order to extract the maximum power from a Control
Control Control
PV generator as shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen in Fig. 1 Vm Im
that the use of a bidirectional DC/DC converter with the Pm Qm
ESB converter is to charge or discharge the batteries.
Alternatively, a unidirectional DC/DC converter is Vm Im

used with the PV inverter to perform the MPPT. output power


III. Control of Microgrid Inverters Fig. 2. Control scheme of ESB power inverter
This section aims to discuss the control loops of ESB
master inverter and the proposed control strategy of PV The voltage and the current loops are illustrated in
slave inverter. Fig. 3. The outer control loop is used to control the
voltage, which includes magnitude and frequency. The
inner control loop is used to control the output current of
III.1. Voltage Control of ESB Inverter the master inverter. With each control loop, the measured
The ESB inverter is controlled by two control loops; values of voltage and current are transformed from abc
the outer loop is the voltage control loop as illustrated in frame to dq frame, before the controller, in order to make
Fig. 2. The references or the desired values of the outer it easily controlled by Proportional Integral (PI)
control loops, used to control the voltage, are obtained controller, and after the control stage, the transformation
from the droop equations (1) and (2) with respect to from dq frame to abc frame is necessary to obtain
active power Pm and reactive power Qm both measured at reference signals required for Pulse Width Modulation
the output of the master inverter: (PWM) used to generate the gating signals required to
switch the inverter to synthesis the AC waveforms.
× , −
= , − (1)
III.2. Power Control of PV Inverter
The PV inverter is considered as a slave inverter that
× , − follows the voltage and frequency of a master unit by
= , − (2)
using Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) as shown in Fig. 4.

where FL is the load frequency when the master inverter

delivering active power PL, Fn,L is the frequency when no
active power delivered from the master inverter, and Fmin
is the minimum frequency occurs when the master
inverter delivering the maximum active power (Pmax).
The inner control loop is the current control loop used
to control the output current of master units depending on
measured Pm and Qm. Fig. 3. The voltage and current control loops of EBS power converter

Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, N. 3

Moien A. Omar

The solar radiation intensity and the ambient

temperature force the PV inverter to work under rated
condition, especially at low solar radiation intensity or
high ambient temperature [32]. The available reactive
power Qav possible to be delivered or absorbed by the PV
inverter can be calculated from (3):

= − (3)

where Srated is the rated apparent power of the PV

inverter, PAC is the active power delivered from the PV
Fig. 4. Control scheme of PV inverter inverter and it is the same power measured Pm as shown
in Fig. 4. The reactive power of the PV inverter is
The outer loop is the power loop used to control the required for voltage regulation in the microgrid.
active and the reactive power of the PV inverter. The Therefore, the required reactive power Qreq depends
inner loop is used to control the output currents in order on the measured voltage Vm at the PV inverter connection
to make the inverter delivering the desired active and point. The Q-V reactive power method illustrated in Fig.
reactive power as shown in Fig. 5. The reference value 7 is used in this paper in order to obtain Qref, which is
Pmpp is the desired output active power of the PV inverter, required in the control loop illustrated in Fig. 4. As
which represents the maximum power extracted from the shown in Fig. 7, the Qreq depends mainly on measured
MPPT algorithm to maximize the benefit of PV system voltage at PV inverter output Vm and can be calculated by
and reduce the payback period of the system investments. (4):
The reference value Qref is the desired reactive power
required from the PV inverter. This reference value is −
× < <
obtained from the proposed control scheme, as it will be = − (4)
discussed in the next sub-section. ≤ , ≥
The Qref in the control loop illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5,
III.3. The Proposed Control Scheme of PV Inverters controls the PV inverter output reactive power and it
The input DC power generated from the PV array is depends on Qav and Qreq. The Qav restricts the Qreq as in
variable depending on the solar radiation intensity and (5), if Qreq is more than Qav then the Qref will be Qav . On
the ambient temperature [31]. Therefore, the remaining the other hand, if Qreq is less than Qav then the Qref will be
capacity of the PV inverter can support the microgrid Qreq:
with reactive power in order to improve the voltage , ≥
regulation as shown in Fig. 6. = (5)
, <

IV. Case Study and Simulation Results

In this section, the proposed control scheme of the PV
inverter is tested in an AC microgrid composed of one
ESB inverter and one PV inverter. The control loops
illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 are used to control the voltage
and the frequency depending on the droop control
equations (1) and (2). The power stage and the control
Fig. 5. The Power and current control loops of RES power converter parameters of ESB inverter with droop control
parameters are shown in Table I.

Fig. 6. P-Q plane of PV inverter Fig. 7. Proposed Q(V) reactive power method

Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, N. 3

Moien A. Omar

Item Symbol Value Item Symbol Value
No load frequency of ESB inv. Fn,L 50.5 Hz Microgrid nominal voltage Vn 230 V
No load voltage of ESB inverter Vn,L 230 V Minimum voltage of output voltage Vmin 220 V
Minimum frequency of ESB inv. Fmin 49.5 Hz Maximum apparent power Srated 5 kVA
Maximum active power ESB inv. Pmax 10 kW Maximum reactive power on Q-V Qmax 12 kVAr
Minimum voltage of output voltage Vmin 220 V Input filter inductor of PV inverter Lin 2 mH
Maximum reactive power of ESB inv. Qmax 6 kVAr Output filter inductor of PV inverter Lout 2 mH
Input filter inductor of ESB inv. Lin 5 mH Filter capacitor of PV inverter C 20μF
Output filter inductor of ESB inv. Lout 2 mH Outer loop control proportional term kp 0.001
Filter capacitor of ESB inverter C 30μF Outer loop control integral term ki 0.05 s-1
Outer loop control proportional term kp 0.02 Inner loop control proportional term kp 30
Outer loop control integral term ki 15 s-1 Inner loop control integral term ki 800 s-1
Inner loop control proportional term kp 20
Inner loop control integral term ki 50 s-1

The PV inverter is controlled by the control scheme

illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5.
The inner control loop is used to control the currents
and the outer loop is used to control the active and
reactive power required to be supplied by the PV
inverter. The active power depends on the active power
generated on the DC side. The reactive power depends on
the voltage measured Vm obtained to calculate the Qreq
which depends on the Qav .
The control stage of PI controllers and reactive power
control parameters of (4) are shown in Table II. The
simulation of the AC microgrid is performed by using
Matlab-Simulink software in order to test the proposed
control strategy of PV inverter.
As shown in Fig. 8, in the first simulation period (0 to
1.5 seconds), the PV inverter only supplies active power Fig. 8. Active power of PV, ESB and load
of 5000W, the Qav is zero because the PAC equals Srated.
The active power of the load amounts to 9000 W.
Therefore, the ESB delivers the remaining active
power amounts to 4000W. In the second simulation
period (1.5 to 3 seconds), the PV active power is reduced
to 1000 W and the ESB supplies the remaining active
power slightly more than 8000 W. The load active power
increased slightly because of the voltage increasing due
to reactive power compensation in the second simulation
period. The frequency in the first simulation period
amounts to 50.08 Hz, which is less than the no-load
frequency of 50.5 Hz as shown in Fig. 9.
In the second simulation period, the frequency Fig. 9. Frequency of AC microgrid
decreased because the ESB output active power
increased from 4000 W to 8655 W.
Fig. 10 shows that, in the first period, the load reactive
power is covered by ESB unit only, because Srated=PAC
=5000 W, Qav is zero. In the second period, the active
power of PV inverter is reduced to 1000W. Therefore,
Qav amounts to 4900 VAr.
The reactive power supplied by the PV inverter
depends on the Vm and Qav. The Qreq can be calculated by
(4) and the parameters in Table II and it amounts to 4200
According to (5) Qref equals to Qreq (4200 VAr)
because the Qreq is less than Qav. As previously discussed,
the load voltage in the microgrid depends mainly on the
reactive power delivered from ESB inverter as pointed in
(2). Fig. 11 shows the load voltage for the first and the
second periods. Fig. 10. Reactive power of PV, ESB and load

Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, N. 3

Moien A. Omar

composed of ESB power inverter controlled by the

voltage control loop and the droop controller used to
control the voltage and the frequency of the microgrid. It
also composed the PV inverter controlled by tow
cascaded control loops, the inner loop is used to control
the currents, and the outer loop is used to control the
active and the reactive power based on the proposed
control scheme. The reactive power supplied from the PV
inverter depends mainly on the voltage measured at the
connection point of the PV inverter and the inverter
available reactive power. The simulation results that
Fig. 11. RMS voltage of the load
include the active and the reactive power with frequency
In the first period, the ESB unit delivers all the and voltage variation respectively are thoroughly
reactive power required by the load. Therefore, the load discussed. In the first simulation period, the voltage has
voltage reaches to the value of 222 V, because in this decreased to the value of 222 V because the ESB
period no reactive power can delivered from the PV converter has supplied all the demanded reactive power.
inverter. In the second period, the voltage is increased to In the second period, the PV inverter output power
the value of 228 V, because the reactive power delivered PAC is reduced to 1000 W and the remaining inverter
from ESB inverter is reduced as the PV inverter covers capacity is used for reactive power compensation. The
the reactive power (4200 VAr) required by the load. It is PV inverter supplies the required reactive power, which
worth noting that, the active and reactive power slightly increases the voltage from 222 V to 228 V. Future work
increased in the second period as shown in Figs. 8 and includes further simulations that take into account more
10. This is because, in both simulation periods, the load than one master unit in the microgrid. The impact of
impedance remains constant but in the second one, the droop coefficients on the reliability of the overall system
voltage increased from 222 V to 228 V, which increases should be examined. The ultimate goal is to implement
the active and the reactive power of the load. Fig. 12 the proposed control scheme in the hardware platform
shows the output voltage waveforms with little distortion and conduct field tests.
at the time of 1.5 seconds where the PV power changed.
This approves the well design of voltage control loop References
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Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, N. 3


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