Liver Thesis

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Writing a thesis on liver-related topics can be a daunting task for many students.

It requires extensive
research, in-depth understanding of complex medical concepts, and the ability to present findings in
a coherent and scholarly manner. From exploring the intricacies of liver anatomy and physiology to
examining various diseases and disorders affecting this vital organ, the breadth of knowledge
required can be overwhelming.

One of the challenges of writing a thesis on liver-related topics is the vast amount of information
available. Sorting through numerous research papers, clinical studies, and medical journals to find
relevant and credible sources can be time-consuming and challenging. Moreover, synthesizing this
information into a well-structured and cohesive thesis requires strong analytical and writing skills.

Another difficulty in writing a thesis on liver-related topics is the complexity of the subject matter
itself. The liver is involved in a wide range of physiological processes, including metabolism,
detoxification, and immune function. Understanding the intricate interplay between these processes
and their implications for health and disease requires a deep understanding of biochemistry,
physiology, and pathology.

Furthermore, writing a thesis requires adherence to strict academic standards and guidelines. From
formatting requirements to citation styles, there are numerous rules that must be followed to ensure
the integrity and credibility of the research. Failing to meet these standards can result in a lower
grade or even rejection of the thesis.

Given the challenges associated with writing a thesis on liver-related topics, many students may find
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Train data were used to train the ML classification methods for predicting binary classifications. Bile
canaliculi are ducts that collect the bile produced by hepatocytes and transport it to bile ductules.
Informed Consent Statement This research was conducted on human subject data. Hemoglobin is
absorbed by phagocytosis by Kuppfer cells in the liver. In fact, it was split into training and test data
sets based on 5-fold cross-validation on the mis-classification error. Gini criteria were used to obtain
trees, which measured the quality of the optimal split from a root node. Extreme nodular
regeneration of the liver (Image courtesy Dr J King, Cornell University REGENERATIVE
CAPACITY Hepatocellular hyperplasia The liver retains remarkable regenerative capacity: If 75% of
the liver is surgically removed, the remaining 25% can regenerate via hepatocellular hyperplasia to
normal size in a few weeks. Random single cell necrosis is repaired by random hepatocyte division.
To solve this issue, an oversampling method was applied. For more details visit the website (accessed
on 10 August 2020). RF is a meta-estimator that fits several decision tree classifiers on various
subsamples of the data set using averaging to improve the predicted accuracy and to control the
overfitting. HEPATIC BLOOD SUPPLY The portal vein drains the intestines, stomach, pancreas
and spleen. Statistical Machine Learning Approaches to Liver Disease Prediction. Various kinds of
data sets, such as blood panels with liver function tests, histologically stained slide images, and the
presence of specific molecular markers in blood or tissue samples, have been used to train classifier
algorithms to predict liver disease with good accuracy. Heme catabolism from hemoglobin produces
BIL, which is conjugated to bilirubin glucuronide in the liver to be secreted with bile, a substance
produced by the liver to expedite digestion. As liver cirrhosis renders it incapable of removing drugs
and medicines from the blood effectively, they persist in blood longer than required, thereby
inducing severe side effects and drug sensitivity. Gall Bladder Muscular bag for the storage,
concentration, acidification and delivery of bile to small intestine The liver is the only human organ
that has the remarkable property of self-regeneration. Missing data are a continuous problem in
medical research, arising from various causes such as participants dropping out of studies or
laboratory technician errors. SUNSCREEN, definition, classification, SPF value, history,
mechanism, develop. A similar procedure is used for relieving bile duct obstruction that is an indirect
cause of cirrhosis. The vitelline veins then give way to the portal vein, which communicates with the
distal part of the umbilical vein. Living donor-liver-transplantation-india Living donor-liver-
transplantation-india Global Hospitals - Liver Transplant Hospital India Kidney transplantation
Kidney transplantation AKANCHA SINHA Mount Carmel College, Bangalore Liver
transplantation Liver transplantation sophia thangarasu cost of Liver Transplant surgery in India cost
of Liver Transplant surgery in India Bhupesh Kumar Guide- Kidney - Pancreas - Transplant Guide-
Kidney - Pancreas - Transplant Critical Transplant Pvt. DM Leonid Lazebnik DM Olga Mikheeva
The Central Research institute of gastroenterology Russian Federation, Moscow 2010. A variance
importance ranking plot uses mean decrease accuracy and mean decrease Gini index to determine
which variables are important. A maximum margin hyperplane divides the group of points of. This
kind of surgery has been done for more than 38 years. Tuberculosis, although clinically silent, can
affect the liver once the bacteria causing tuberculosis. Finally, a confusion matrix is shown using the
test data set. Nervous system disorders include depression, mood changes, especially anger and
irritability, poor concentration and. Some compounds such as bile salts are both useful (for
emulsification of fat globules prior to absorption in the intestine) and a waste product (of cholesterol
Society of Interventional Radiology, Virginia, USA. Visualization of the application of the SMOTE:
( a, b ) two different groups with a high imbalance numbers in output variables; ( c, d ) two different
groups with balance numbers in output variables. A similar procedure is used for relieving bile duct
obstruction that is an indirect cause of cirrhosis. The liver is the workhorse of our body and at the
same time it functions like a landfill or rubbish pit where every one of the toxins finish up. Multiple
requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. Some compounds such as bile salts are
both useful (for emulsification of fat globules prior to absorption in the intestine) and a waste
product (of cholesterol catabolism). How a liver become fatty Liver Stones How the Body is affected
How alcohol affects the body Life Style. This kind of surgery has been done for more than 38 years.
Experience of many toxins is part of today’s lifestyle and avoiding them is sort of impossible. To be
precise, it occupies part of the epigastric regions in the abdomino-pelvic cavity and part of the
hypochondriac region (Tortora and Derrickson, 2008, p. 945). A healthy liver is an extremely
important asset for an individual’s health and well-being. Report Back from San Antonio Breast
Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023: Spotlight. Diseases of the bile ducts obstruct the flow of bile
from liver to small intestines, leading to swelling of the liver. In a real situation, a clinician can
strongly suspect liver disease using only these five variables, as they are very descriptive for liver
function. In adults, the most common reason for liver transplantation is cirrhosis. The operation can
take up to 12 hours and may require blood transfusions. 21. - Patients require hospital care for 1 to 4
weeks after liver transplant, depending on the degree of illness. The malabsorption of fats may lead
to symptoms that include indigestion, reflux, deficit of fat soluble vitamins. Another common
problem in real-life application of data science is missing values in a data set. The diagnostic
performance of the implemented tests or the accuracy of the tests for differentiating liver disease
patients from normal healthy controlled individuals was evaluated using ROC analysis. Fibrosis and
cirrhosis can also occur from alcoholism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Retrieved 2011,
September 10, from American Association for Clinical Chemistry. (2011). In Lab tests online. As
liver cirrhosis renders it incapable of removing drugs and medicines from the blood effectively, they
persist in blood longer than required, thereby inducing severe side effects and drug sensitivity. The
sigmoid function was used in the output layer to obtain binary predictors. Diuretics and low-sodium
diets are recommended for easy elimination of fluids for the prevention of symptoms such as edema
and ascites. A variance importance ranking plot uses mean decrease accuracy and mean decrease
Gini index to determine which variables are important. Early detection improves prognosis, since
treatment can be given before progression of the disease to later stages. Space expansion: cultural
considerations, long term perspectives, and spiritu. The causes, tests and treatments of liver cirrhosis
are also discussed. The liver has many functions such as glucose synthesis and storage,
detoxification, production of digestive enzymes, erythrocyte regulation, protein synthesis, and
various other features of metabolism. The sensitivity measures how many positive classifications are
determined out of all the available positive classifications, while the specificity has the same
interpretation for negative observations. The response variable for classification was categorical
variable: healthy individuals (i.e., blood donors) vs. patients with liver disease (i.e., non-blood
donors) including its progress, e.g., hepatitis C, fibrosis, and cirrhosis.
About 70% of all liver-transplant patients have some degree of organ rejection prior to discharge.
The most common side effects are caused by the drugs that treat or prevent rejection. GGT and ALP
increase in circulation with the severity of a liver injury. A round ligament, called the ligamentum
teres, which is a remnant of the fetal umbilical vein, is present in the free border of the falciform
ligament and extends from the liver to the umbilicus. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-
Information (IJGI). Portal hypertension that results from blockage of normal blood flow to the liver
leads to enlargement of the spleen, further complicating the disease condition (AGA institute, 2007).
Fatty liver may lead to inflammatory disease (i.e. steatohepatitis) and, eventually. Thus, this suggests
that ML methods predict liver disease by incorporating the risk factors, which may improve the
inference-based diagnosis of patients. Another significant function of the liver is detoxification. Case
171-Diagnoses. Steatohepatitis 142 Steatosis (fatty change, fatty liver) 223. AST elevation is a
significant and commonly occurring risk factor for chronic liver disease, and Figure 6 reflects this
with a strong correlation of 0.62 between AST and y. Congestion of the liver (hepar moschatum). 2.
1. 1. 2. 1. 1 Portobilial spaces. This time allows for testing to determine if the blood and tissue of the
donor match the recipient. Note: Ammonia freely permeable across blood brain barrier. The
formation of scar tissue also interrupts blood flow through the organ and deforms its structure (AGA
institute, 2007). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Tuberculosis, although
clinically silent, can affect the liver once the bacteria causing tuberculosis. Although, the accuracy
levels for all three methods performed well based on the testing data set. One of the main goals of
this study was to determine the most important metrices that describe almost all of the data set but,
at the same time, keeps the loss of information to a minimum. In children, the most common reason
for liver transplantation is biliary atresia. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock
Sepsis, Septic Shock an. The synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied to oversample
the minority class to regulate overfitting problems. The RF significantly contributed (. The donor
operation is done through an incision in the upper abdomen. When a patient receives a liver
transplant, his or her entire liver is removed. TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt), a
procedure used for creating a tunnel in the liver to relieve blockage in blood flow that is the source of
portal hypertension, significantly reduces many other symptoms associated with liver cirrhosis (SIR,
2011). The ductus venosus develops by enlargement of some pre-existing hepatic sinusoidal
channels. Gap junctions provide gated channels for communication between adjacent hepatocytes.
Train data were used to train the ML classification methods for predicting binary classifications. In
this paper, we study the application of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in the determination of
cancerous tissues of the human liver. Sometimes the cause of liver disease is not known. 7. Liver
transplants can help adults and children. 8. What is the donor operation like? 9.
This example thus illustrates the acinar basis of hepatic microstructure. Module 1. LIVER
REGENERATIVE CAPACITY Stem cell characteristics Normal differentiated hepatocytes are long-
lived and retain a capacity to replicate, which maintains normal liver mass in the face of slow
turnover. Infected individuals especially those at the latent stage are the reservoirs for the bacterium.
The new liver is put in place and attached to the patient's blood vessels and bile ducts. The resulting
tissue is not as functional as the original parenchyma. Module 1. Look how briskly the stem cells
respond after recent toxic midzonal necrosis (image courtesy of Lucy Anthenill) REGENERATIVE
CAPACITY Hepatocellular hyperplasia The anatomic pattern and duration of injury influence the
nature of the regenerative response. e.g. focal necrosis of hepatocytes is repaired by proliferation of
adjacent differentiated cells. A quick refresher on features of hepatocytes: They are polyhedral cells
with areas of specialisation on their surfaces They are arranged in one-cell-thick radiating plates
(mammals) or cords (reptiles, birds), with blood-filled sinusoids on both sides, and bile canaliculi
between adjoining surfaces. Endogenous compounds converted by the liver include glycogen,
ammonia, lipids, arachidonic acid metabolites and steroid hormones. Early detection improves
prognosis, since treatment can be given before progression of the disease to later stages. A devolved
administration within the UK First Minister Jack McConnell. Paper should be a substantial original
Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. Without using
SMOTE when ML binary classification techniques were applied, their predictions mostly referred to
the majority class and ignored the minority class. Alcohol: Heavy alcohol consumption is the most
common cause of liver damage. Thus, the number of trees in the forest was 10 using a trial-and-error
basis. In an adult, it weighs about three pounds and is roughly the size of a football. It gives the
assumption of missing data at a random procedure which is investigated as the missing at random
(MAR) method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).
Namburi phased spot test - NPST To identify bhasma and sindhura - A Qualitat. Recently, clinicians
have been actively engaged in improving medical diagnoses. In the left and bottom margins, blue
box plots are non-missing, and red box plots are the marginal distribution of these observed values.
RF is a meta-estimator that fits several decision tree classifiers on various subsamples of the data set
using averaging to improve the predicted accuracy and to control the overfitting. On the other hand,
the area under the curve (AUC) is a process that summarizes the performance of a model with just
one value. The sensitivity measures how many positive classifications are determined out of all the
available positive classifications, while the specificity has the same interpretation for negative
observations. Obesity: People who are obese have excess amount of body fat which tends to
accumulate around. In this way, each model’s performance can be compared. This function auto-
detects certain variables with missing values. One of the main goals of this study was to determine
the most important metrices that describe almost all of the data set but, at the same time, keeps the
loss of information to a minimum. Margin plot for the pattern and distribution of complete and
incomplete observations in missing features: ( left panel ) CHOL versus ALP; ( right panel ) PROT
versos ALB. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. First, the imbalanced data
may deteriorate the performance of classification. Liver transplantation can provide a curative
treatment option. The diseased liver is removed through an incision in the upper abdomen.
Exploratory data analysis methods are extremely important in healthcare; they can predict patterns
across data sets to facilitate the determination of risk or diagnostic factors for disease with more
speed and accuracy. Mostafa, Fahad, Easin Hasan, Morgan Williamson, and Hafiz Khan. It
stimulates peristalsis in the intestine, acts as a natural aperient. Located in the upper right-hand part
of the abdomen, behind the lower ribs. If specific problems are identified, additional tests may be
ordered. - Computed tomography, which uses X-rays and a computer to generate pictures of the
liver, showing its size and shape. - Doppler ultrasound to determine if the blood vessels to and from
your liver are open. - Echocardiogram to help evaluate your heart. - Pulmonary function studies to
determine your lungs' ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Matthew M Yeh, Elizabeth M
Brunt. Hemoglobin is split into Heme groups Iron is removed from heme leaving a substance called
bilirubin (bile pigment). I have tried to give simplest way of determination of sample size. The
present study used 615 patients’ data (376 males, 239 females). 2.2. Definition of Variables The
variables were found through comprehensive metabolic panel and liver function panel results using
patient blood samples. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 31, 291-303. Some blood
donors may have had elevated ALT, AST, CREA, or GGT due to the fact of a secondary non-
hepatic cause. The surgeon will put the healthy liver in place and reconnect it to your bile ducts and
blood vessels. Retrieved 2011, September 10, from SIR. (2011). Interventional Treatments for Liver
Disease. Gall Bladder Connects to small intestine, through duct joined to the pancreas, called the
ampulla of Vater. Treatment mainly aims at delaying disease progression, as the disease is irreversible
and impossible to eliminate. The performances of the classification models at all classification
thresholds by the plots for two parameters using the true positive rate (hit rate) and false positive rate
(false alarm rate) are shown. The liver also stores excess glucose in the form of glycogen. Gout,
Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD). It caused the data overfitting problem in the binary
classification technique. The target variable was modified into a binary category, labeled “0” for no
liver disease and “1” for liver disease. Ltd Guide- Kidney - Pancreas - Transplant Guide- Kidney -
Pancreas - Transplant Critical Transplant Pvt. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
(JFMK). Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). Visit our
dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. The applied ML methods in this article can
save time, costs, and potentially lives for the betterment of disease diagnosis. Identify the structure
and associated components. 40x. Case 1 Acetaminophen overdose first affects which zone. The
following method was used to fill out missing data for each predictor in the multivariate data. First
confirm from your PG teacher and then only proceed. Urea dysfunction Hepatic encephalopathy
Module 1. (Image courtesy ) SECRETION AND EXCRETION The liver tends to use common
pathways for secretion (removal of useful compounds) and excretion (removal of waste compounds),
including for detoxification. (remember that hepatocytes in different zones of the acinus have
different capacities for metabolic conversions). Hepatocyte structure Desmosomes provide adhesion
between cell surfaces.
Under abnormal conditions (e.g. congestion) hepatic lymph may flow towards central veins and the
capsule. Module 1. FOETAL BLOOD SUPPLY The hepatic sinusoidal plexus initially receives blood
from vitelline veins which drain the wall of the yolk sac. The components of the confusion matrix in
Table 1 are true positive (TP), false positive (FP), true negative (TN), and false negative (FN). In
some instances, the same hepatocyte enzyme systems (e.g. cytochrome P450 enzymes) may be used
for conversion of endogenous substrates (e.g. arachidonic acid metabolites and steroid hormones)
and exogenous substrates (e.g. phenobarbital). Metabolic conversions Module 1. Subscribe to receive
issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. They are arranged in three
dimensional aggregates called hepatic laminae. Deposition of bile products in the skin results in its
yellowing and also causes intense itching. However, the PROT and age variables did not have much
of an impact. First confirm from your PG teacher and then only proceed. Confusion matrix with class
prediction using ANN, SVM, and RF. Confusion matrix with class prediction using ANN, SVM, and
RF. Dr. Madduru Muni Haritha Approach to maternal collapse and cardiac arrest.pptx Approach to
maternal collapse and cardiac arrest.pptx KTD Priyadarshani Seminario biologia molecular Kevin
Duque Seminario biologia molecular Kevin Duque kevinestebanduque USG,CT AND MR
IMAGING OF HEPATIC MASS LESIONS. Infected individuals especially those at the latent stage
are the reservoirs for the bacterium. Supplied with blood via the protal vein and hepatic artery. An
interesting result was observed for RF: there were no FP samples in the testing data set. The
respirator delivers an adequate supply of oxygen to all vital organs. Make sure that you do not eat or
drink anything once you have been called to the hospital. In order to describe the accuracy of a
binary classification model, we often use the measures of precision sensitivity and specificity.
Sometimes the cause of liver disease is not known. 7. Liver transplants can help adults and children.
8. What is the donor operation like? 9. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease (NAFLD): This leads to inflammation of the liver, in addition to fat buildup. When a
patient receives a liver transplant, his or her entire liver is removed. A “neuron” in a neural network is
a mathematical function that collects and classifies information according to a specific architecture.
It requires vitamin K to synthesise several of the clotting factors. Most youths do take in a lot of
alcohol from very tender ages in their lives and continue doing so well into their adulthood. The liver
has a smooth texture and is a vascular organ rich in blood vessels that impart it a reddish brown
color. RF is very similar to boosting, and easy to train and tune. The most routine tests are urinalysis,
complete blood count (CBC), and comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). However, y had fairly
weak negative relationships with ALP, ALB, CHOL, and CHE. Moreover, medical disease detection
mostly relies on biological and biochemical markers, where all of them are not significant for
diagnosis. Blood tests will show if the new liver is being rejected. 27. Eating a healthy diet and
taking the medications are part of taking care of your new liver. 28. Indications: Liver transplantation
is potentially applicable to any acute or chronic condition resulting in irreversible liver dysfunction,
provided that the recipient does not have other conditions that will preclude a successful transplant.
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be
In this way, each model’s performance can be compared. When liver disease is diagnosed at an
earlier stage, in between infection and fibrosis but before cirrhosis, liver failure can be avoided.
Visualization of the application of the SMOTE: ( a, b ) two different groups with a high imbalance
numbers in output variables; ( c, d ) two different groups with balance numbers in output variables.
Liver transplantation is surgery to remove a diseased liver and replace it with a healthy one. In the
future, the local interpretable model-agnostic explanation (LIME) method will be used to understand
the model’s interpretability. Namburi phased spot test - NPST To identify bhasma and sindhura - A
Qualitat. On the other hand, after acute zonal necrosis, surviving periportal hepatocytes can rapidly
replace lost cells after a delay of around 24 hours. However, the wrong imputation of missing values
can lead models toward the wrong prediction. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy. AST is found in many tissue types and is not as specific to the liver but may denote
secondary non-hepatic causes of liver malfunction. Figure 7 (left panel) shows the principal
components with the variables AST, ALT, ALP, BIL, and GGT with almost 85% variability.
Deposition of bile products in the skin results in its yellowing and also causes intense itching. This
study showed several machine learning approaches with PCA, which outperformed the
classification. When you arrive at the hospital, additional blood tests, an Electrocardiogram and a
chest X-ray will generally be taken before the operation. Literature Review Using machine learning
algorithms to predict disease is made possible by increasing access to hidden attributes in medical
data sets. The healthy liver is transported in a cooled saline solution that preserves the organ for up to
8 hours. Retrieved 2011, September 10, from American Liver Foundation. (2011). In Retrieved 2011, September 10, from Chopra, S. (2001). The Liver Book: A
Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery. Statistical Machine Learning
Approaches to Liver Disease Prediction. Livers. 2021; 1(4):294-312. Feature papers are submitted
upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. If the injury
is severe enough, or if it prevents the remaining hepatocytes from replicating, an additional
population of cells is capable of restoring liver mass. I know how to eat, train, rest and recover (I
even have a hardshell hyperbaric chamber at my house). but. as I've reached my mid-forties, it's
getting harder and the back fat f------ kills me. Gap junctions provide gated channels for
communication between adjacent hepatocytes. In the modern era, with the advantage of computers
and technologies, one can collect data and visualize many hidden outcomes such as dealing with
missing data in medical research. The Liver Weighing about 1.4 kg, i.e. about 3 lb in adults, the liver
is the heaviest organ of the human body. Confusion matrix with class prediction using ANN, SVM,
and RF. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
(NASH) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): This leads to inflammation of the liver, in
addition to fat buildup. Or too low levels of lipids: hypocholesterolemia: low total. Examples include
drugs, toxins and environmental chemicals. The need for multiple tests per patient increases the cost
associated with liver disease but may be required for accuracy in diagnosis.

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