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Volume 9, Number 1, January – March 2014

Hippocratic J. Unani Med. 9(1): 1–166, 2014


Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Chief Patron
Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
Secretary, Department of AYUSH
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

International Advisory Board

Dr. G.N. Qazi, New Delhi, INDIA Hakim Syed Khaleefathullah, Chennai, INDIA
Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhary, New Delhi, INDIA Dr. Suraiya H. Hussein, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Dr. Fabrezio Speziale, Rome, ITALY Prof. Sami K. Hamarneh, Washington D.C. USA
Mrs. Sadia Rashid, Karachi, PAKISTAN Dr. Marteen Bode, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Prof. Ikhlas A. Khan, USA Dr. V.K. Gupta, New Delhi, INDIA
Prof. Khan Usmanghani, Karachi, PAKISTAN Dr. Rashid Bhikha, Industria, SOUTH AFRICA

Editorial Board
Unani Medicine: Botany/Pharmacognosy:
Prof. Hakim Jameel Ahmad, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. Wazahat Husain, Aligarh, INDIA
Prof. A. Hannan, Karachi, PAKISTAN Dr. Rajeev Kr. Sharma, Ghaziabad, INDIA
Prof. Anis A. Ansari, Aligarh, INDIA Prof. Shoaib Ahmad, Sahauran, Punjab, INDIA

Modern Medicine: Pharmacology:

Prof. Badri N. Saxena, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. K.M.Y. Amin, Aligarh, INDIA
Prof. V.H. Talib, Dehradun, INDIA Prof. A. Ray, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. (Mrs.) Rajbala Yadav, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. Y.K. Gupta, AIIMS, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. K.S. Anand, New Delhi, INDIA Dr. O.P. Agarwal, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. (Mrs.) Nandini Kumar, ICMR, New Delhi Dr. (Mrs.) Neena Khanna, AIIMS, New Delhi, INDIA

Prof. S. Shakir Jamil
Director General
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM)

Associate Editors
Khalid M. Siddiqui, Assistant Director (Unani), CCRUM Shariq Ali Khan, Assistant Director (Unani), RRIUM, Aligarh
Aminuddin, Research Officer (Botany), CCRUM R.S. Verma, Research Officer (Biochemistry), RRIUM, Aligarh

Managing Editor
Dr. V.K. Singh, Consultant (Botany), CCRUM

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61-65 Institutional Area (Opposite ‘D’ Block), Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110 058, India
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Payments in respect of subscription may be sent by bank draft marked payable to Director General, CCRUM, New Delhi.
On behalf of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) published and printed by Prof. S. Shakir Jamil
Director General, CCRUM at CCRUM headquarters, 61-65 Institutional Area (Opposite ‘D’ Block), Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058
and printed at India Offset Press, A-1 Mayapuri Industrial Area Phase-1, New Delhi 110 064 (INDIA)

1. A Clinical Study on Primary Hypertension (Zaght al-Dam-Qawi Ibtidai) and a Comparative 1

Evaluation of Qurs-e-Dawaushifa with Amlodipine in its Management
Mursaleen Naseer, Mohd Arif, Abdul Mannan and Misbahuddin Siddiqi

2. A Critical Review of Some Unani Topical Dosage Forms – With Special Reference 15
to Their Bases and the Procedures Used to Formulate Them
Saud uz Zafar Ali, Waseem Ahmad, Tarannum and Merajul Haque

3. Clinical Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Treatment of Saman-e-mufrat (Obesity) 23

Mohammad Ali, Mohd. Anwar and M. Shoaib

4. Clinical Evaluation of a Unani Pharmacopoeial Formulation, Khameera Sandal Sada, in 41

Zaght al-Dam Qawi Ibtidai (Primary Hypertension)
Shamshad Ahmad, M.M.H. Siddiqui, Abdul Nasir Ansari, Shaikh Imran and Merajul Haque

5. Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Asal-us-Soos,Alsi,Irsa, Barg-e-Adoosa and 53

Honey on Chronic Bronchitis: A Preliminary Study
M. Manzar Alam, Abdul Mannan and Misbahuddin Siddiqi

6. Nephroprotection: Meaning and Scope in Unani System of Medicine 65

Qazi Zaid Ahmad, Nasreen Jahan, Ghufran Ahmad and Tajuddin

7. Biological and Pharmacological Studies on Asgand (Withania somnifera Dunal) – A Review 77

M.A. Sheela, Pratyush Lohani and G.V.R. Joseph

8. Development of Pharmacopoeial Standards and Microbial Studies on Jawarish-e-Qaiser 103

Rampratap Meena, P.Meera Devi Sri, D.Ramasamy, S. Mageswari, Shamsul Arfin,
Aminuddin and Syed Jameeluddin Ahmed

9. Ethnopharmacological Studies in Health Care Among the Tribals of Angul Forest Division, 115
Mukesh Kumar, Mokhtar Alam, Mohd. Zakir, Hakimuddin Khan, Kishore Kumar, Aminuddin
and L. Samiulla

10. Indian Herbal Drugs of Trade and Their Supply Chain Management: A Review 125
Lalit Tiwari, Nitin Rai and Rajeev Kr. Sharma

11. A Contribution to the Ethnomedicinal Flora of Haldwani Forest Division, Nainital (Uttarakhand) 143
Zaheer Anwar Ali, Sarfraz Ahmad, Wasiuddin and Latafat Ali Khan

12. Pharmaco-Botanical Studies on Capsicum frutescens L. 151

Nitin Rai, Lalit Tiwari and Rajeev Kr. Sharma

• Instructions to Contributors
Developed countries, in recent times, are turning to the use of traditional medicines that involve the use of
herbal drugs and remedies. According to a recent survey about 1400 herbal preparations are used widely and
are popular in primary healthcare in several countries of the world. Also, amongst the poor, cures and drugs,
derived from plants, constitutes the main source of healthcare products. This calls for the need to investigate the
information on the therapeutic effects of herbs with more clinical, scientific and evidence – based approach in an
effort to validate them and prove their medical efficacy and safety. It is in this context a large number of traditional
drugs have been investigated in recent years for their pharmacological activity and bioactive constituents to
discover new therapeutic agents of natural origin.
Unani system of medicine, although originated in Greece, is one of the recognized systems of medicine of
the country. Although, the Unani medicine have been in use for centuries and are known for their therapeutic
efficacies, there is a need to scientifically establish their efficacy and safety in order to achieve global acceptance.
Organized research work in this system was, therefore, a need of the hour. In post independent era, Central
Council for Research in Unani Medicine, through its clinical, drug research, literary research, survey & cultivation
of medicinal plants programme is contributing significantly for last three decades. Vitiligo, Sinusitis, Filariasis,
Eczema, Malaria, Infective Hepatitis, Asthma, are some of the conditions where Unani therapies have earned
recognition after scientific validation.
The Council has been publishing the peer reviewed Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine (HJUM), mainly to
bring out fundamental and applied aspects of Unani Medicine. The journal also publishes recent advances in other
related sciences and traditional medicines as well as different streams of medical sciences, which have bearing on
validation and scientific interpretation of various concepts and strengths of Unani medicine.
In view of an overwhelming response, the journal earlier published twice a year, its periodicity has now been
changed to quarterly w.e.f. January 2008 to accommodate more articles for quick dissemination of research
data among scientific community. The journal has sufficient room for invited articles from luminaries of modern
medicine and sciences as well as scholars of Unani medicine. The broad areas being covered include clinical
research on single and compound Unani drugs, validation of regimental therapy, Clinical and experimental
pharmacological studies, standardization of single and compound drugs, development of standard operating
procedures, ethnobotanical studies, experimental studies on medicinal plants and development of agro-techniques
thereof, and literary research on classics of Unani medicine. The journal is also open for studies on safety
evaluation of Unani and other herbo-mineral drugs, nutraceuticals, cosmotherapeutics, aromatics, oral health, life
style disorders, sports medicine etc. and such other newer areas which are the outcome of modern day living.
The current issue of this journal provides 12 original and review papers in the areas of clinical research, drug
standardization, pharmacology, ethnobotanical surveys and allied disciplines contributed by eminent scholars
in their respective fields. It is hoped that data presented will contribute significantly in R&D sector of traditional
drugs and prove to be an excellent exposition of current research efforts of scientists in this direction. Council
acknowledges the authors for their contributions included in this issue and hope for their continued support in this
endeavor. We wish to ensure the readers to bring out the future issues of the journal on time.
We at the CCRUM have been constantly striving to reach to higher standards and make HJUM the leading journal
of Unani Medicine and related sciences. In this context, we thank our learned reviewers for their invaluable inputs
in improving the manuscripts. We sincerely hope and trust that the mission can be accomplished with active
partnership of quality-conscious individuals and institutions. Through these lines we seek your cooperation and
support in materializing our dreams about the HJUM. In this regard, we request you for your as well as your
colleagues’ contributions for publication in and subscription to the journal. Further, we will appreciate if the journal
is introduced far and wide. We would also welcome esteemed suggestions for achieving the highest standards of
quality for the journal.

(Prof. S. Shakir Jamil)

A Clinical Study Abstract

on Primary ypertension the “silent Killer” is considered to be

a major health problem throughout the globe. This is due to high prevalence
Hypertension and its association with increased risk of cardiovascular complications.
(Zaght al- In spite of increasing public awareness and a rapid advancement of anti-
hypertensive medications hypertension still remains one of the leading cause
Dam-Qawi of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Ibtidai) and a
The term hypertension or Zaght al-Dam-Qawi has not been mentioned in
Comparative any of the classical unani literature. The term hypertension was first used by
Evaluation Harry Gold Ballet in 1934 and the term Zaght al-Dam-Qawi was used by Unani
scholars contemporary to Indian period. But most of the Unani scholars were
of Qurs-e- familiar to manifestation of hypertension, as they have described most of its
Dawaushifa symptoms such as headache, palpitation, vertigo and epistaxis, due to imtala
(repletion). Some of them even described vascular pressure by increased
with blood volume in lumen of blood vessels.
Amlodipine in
To evaluate clinical efficacy of drugs in hypertension, Qurs-e- Dawaushifa was
its Management chosen which contains Asrol (Rauwolfia serpentina Linn) and Filfil siyah (Piper
nigrum Linn.). This drug for hypertension is proposed keeping in mind the side
1Mursaleen Naseer, effects that directly arise after the administration of the drug for relatively longer
Mohd Arif, Abdul Mannan period. Hence, an attempt has been made to evaluate the efficacy of these
and Misbahuddin Siddiqi
drugs on modern parameters in patients with essential hypertension.
Department of Moalejat,
The study was concerned with comparison between Qurs-e-Dawaushifa and
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Amlodipine in the treatment of primary hypertension. Hence all the 50 patients
Aligarh-202002, U.P. were divided into two groups, control and test group. Each group consists of 25
patients. Control group was treated with amlodipine and test group was treated
with Qurs-e-Dawaushifa. All the results were analysed statistically.

Key Words: Zaght al-Dam-Qawi, Hypertension, Qurs-e-Dawaushifa, Asrol,

Filfil Siyah


Hypertension the “silent Killer” is considered to be a major health problem

throughout the globe. This is due to high prevalence and its association with
increased risk of cardiovascular complications (Fauci et al., 2008).

In spite of increasing public awareness and a rapid advancement of anti-

hypertensive medications, hypertension still remains one of the leading cause
* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 1-13
of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. About 95% of cases of hypertension
are idiopathic in nature and are labelled as essential or primary hypertension
whereas remaining 5% have definite cause of the disease and are called as
secondary hypertension (Boon et al., 2006).

The term hypertension or Zaght al-Dam-Qawi has not been mentioned in

any of the classical unani literature. The term hypertension was first used by
Harry Gold Ballet in 1934 and the term Zaght al-Dam-Qawi was used by Unani
scholars contemporary to Indian period. But most of the Unani scholars were
familiar to manifestation of hypertension, as they have described most of its
symptoms such as headache, palpitation, vertigo and epistaxis, due to imtala
(repletion). Some of them even described vascular pressure by increased
blood volume in lumen of blood vessels (Kantoori, 1896; Baqar, 1939).

After an in-depth study of Unani literature, one may be reached to the

conclusion that hypertension is a manifestation of Yabust-e-Mizaj (dryness
of temperament) (Ahmad, 1980). As described by various scholars of Unani
Medicine, Yabusat (dryness) is the main cause of sclerosis. Dryness causes
hardening and narrowing of blood vessels (Ahmad, 1983). Hypertension is a
condition associated with headache (especially in the morning), palpitation,
breathlessness, fatigue (especially in the evening), flushing of the face and
sometimes epistaxis. These symptoms may or may not be present in all the
cases (Tierrey et al., 2005).

Need for the Study

The management of hypertension is a difficult problem in day to day practice.

Western medicine drugs are effective but costly and have various adverse
metabolic effects, these drugs when stopped cause rebound hypertension and
also have various side effects. The antihypertensive drugs used in Western
medicine seem to be good to control blood pressure, but on the other hand
they fail to prevent the complications of hypertension and the complications
brought out by them. Looking at this, a need was felt to explore the hidden
potential of certain Unani medicines used for such conditions, which may prove
more effective, safe and with least adverse effects.

In the treatment of hypertension, compound drugs in natural forms are

preferred over single drugs. Because a compound formulation produces
desired type of effects and cover many complexities of the disease, such as
ischaemic heart disease, retinopathy, neuropathy and chronic renal disease.
To evaluate clinical efficacy of drugs in hypertension, Qurs-e- Dawaushifa

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

was chosen which contains Asrol and Filfil siyah. This drug for hypertension
is proposed keeping in mind the side effects that directly arise after the
administration of the drug for relatively longer period. Hence on the ground of
above mentioned properties of these two drugs, an attempt has been made
to evaluate the efficacy of these drugs on modern parameters in patients with
essential hypertension.

Material and Method

This was single blind non-randomised standard control trial. The aim of this
study was to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of combination therapy
in adults of established hypertension. In this prospective the study was carried
out on 50 cases of hypertension of either sex in the Unani OPD and indoor
section of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh. The trial was carried out after approval of departmental ethics
committee and informed written consent from the patients between from 2006
to 2008. Only 50 cases that full filled the selection criteria (confirmed on two
consecutive visits) between 25 to 75 years of age, were selected.

The study was concerned with comparison between Qurs-e- Dawaushifa and
Amlodipine in the treatment of primary hypertension. Hence all the 50 patients
were divided into two groups, control and test group. Each group consists of 25
patients. Control group was treated with Amlodipine and test group was treated
with Qurs-e-Dawaushifa.

The patients with established hypertension were included in the study and all
antihypertensive drugs were discontinued at least one week before starting
the trial. The diagnosis was made on the basis of detailed history, clinical
examination and investigations including complete haemogram, random blood
sugar level, blood urea, serum creatinine, serum uric acid, serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, VLDL, urine analysis and stool examination. The blood pressure
was measured in the right arm with an appropriate cuff size. Two readings
were taken after 5 minutes rest and higher one considered as hypertensive.
Systolic blood pressure was recorded at phase I (appearance of korotkoff
sounds) and diastolic blood pressure at phase V (disappearance of korotkoff
sounds). Casual blood pressure was recorded in the seated position with a
mercury sphygmomanometer. The same technique, but after 5 minutes rest
and on subsequent visits, was used to made diagnosis. The cases of grade I
hypertension i.e. systolic blood pressure 140-159 mm of Hg and diastolic blood
pressure 90-99 mm of Hg (according to British Hypertension Society) were
included in the study.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

The cases of valvular or primary myocardial disease, cerebro-vascular
accidents, Transient neurological deficits, malignant hypertension, renal failure,
patient taking oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), hormone replacement therapy
(HRT), pregnant women and lactating mothers were excluded from the study.
All the signs were recorded on examination before the beginning of the study
(0 day) and thereafter subsequently during the follow-up i.e. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th,
35th and 42 days. Simultaneously, adverse effects of the drugs noted down at
regular interval during follow up.

The test drugs used in the study were procured from Dawakhana Tibbiya
College, Aligarh and identified them properly while drug of control group was
procured from open market keeping in view the same batch and manufacturer.
These drugs were given in the following fixed dosage to all 25 cases of test
group in the tablet form irrespective of age, sex and severity of disease. Two
tablets of Qurs-e-Dawaushifa were given twice a day in test group while in
control group, Amlodipine (5 mg) once a day was used.

Table 1 : Distribution of patients according to Age and Sex

Total No. of Patients – 50

Age Group Number and Number and Total number

(in years) percentage of males percentage of females and percentage
25-35 2(4) 0(0) 2(4)
35-45 8(16) 10(20) 18(36)
45-55 9(18) 12(24) 21(42)
55-65 2(4) 4(8) 6(12)
65-75 1(2) 2(4) 3(06)
Total 22(44) 28(56) 50(100)

Table 2 : Distribution of patients according to occupation

Total No. of Patients – 50

Occupation Number of patients Percentage

Service class 10 20
Business class 14 28
House wives 26 52
Total 50 100

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 3 : Distribution of patients according to food habits

Total No. of Patients – 50

Food habits Number of patient Percentage

Vegetarian 10 20
Non-vegetarian 40 80
Total 50 100

Table 4: Distribution of patients according to additional salt intake

Total No. of Patients – 50

History of added salt Number of patients Percentage

Present 12 24.00
Absent 38 76.00
Total 50 100

Table 5 : Distribution of patients according to physical inactivity

Total No. of Patients – 50

History of physical inactivity Number of patients Percentage

Present 45 90
Absent 05 10
Total 50 100

Table 6 : Distribution of patients according to history of alcoholism, smoking

and tobacco chewing

Total No. of Patients – 50

Past history Number of patients Percentage

Alcoholism 01 02
Smoking 20 40
Tobacco chewing 13 26
No habit 16 32
Total 50 100

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 7 : Distribution of patients according to family history of hypertension

Total No. of Patients – 50

Family H/o hypertension Number of patients Percentage
Present 32 64
Absent 18 36
Total 50 100

Table 8 : Distribution of patients according to Temperament

Total No. of Patients – 50

Type of No. of Males No. of Females Total No. Percentage
Temperament (percentage) (percentage) of Patients
Sanguinous 20(4) 19(38) 39 78
Bilious 02(40 05(10) 07 14
Phlegmatic 00 04(08) 04 08
Melancholic 00 00 00 00
Total 22(44) 28(56) 50 100

Table 9 : Distribution of patients according to low and high risk BMI

Total No. of Patients – 50

Low risk BMI ( kg/m2)

BMI Number of Patients Percentage
18-20 03 07.5
20-22 07 17.5
22-24 05 12.5
24-26 13 32.5
26-28 12 30.5
Total 40
High risk BMI ( Kg/m2)
28-30 06 60
30-32 02 20
32-34 01 10
34-36 01 10
Total 10

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 10 : Effect of Drugs in Test group

Total No. of Patients – 25

Follow-up Before
(in days) Treatment After Treatment
0 Day 14th Day 28th Day 42th Day
Clinical Total No. Total Improved Total Improved Total Improved
Feature of Patients No. of % No. of % No. of %
Patients Patients Patients
Headache 23 12 47 06 73 04 82
Palpitation 24 13 45 07 70 03 88
Fatigability 24 10 58 05 79 05 79
Dizziness 25 15 40 07 72 03 88
Dyspnoea on 23 11 52 06 74 04 82
Nocturia 25 08 68 07 72 06 76
Sleeplessness 25 12 52 08 68 04 84
Mental stress 23 09 60 07 69 05 78

Table 11: Effect of Drugs in control group

Total No. of Patients – 25

Follow-up Before
(in days) Treatment After Treatment

0 Day 14th 28th Day 42th Day


Clinical Total Total Improved Total Improved Total Improved

Feature No. of No. of % No. of % No. of %
Patients Patients Patients Patients

Headache 25 15 40 06 76 03 88

Palpitation 25 13 48 07 72 04 84

Fatigability 25 12 52 06 76 05 80

Dizziness 25 11 56 08 68 05 80

Dyspnoea on 25 10 60 07 60 04 84

Nocturia 22 09 52 06 72 04 81

Sleeplessness 24 10 58 07 70 05 79

Mental stress 23 11 52 06 73 05 78

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 12: Effect of drugs on cholesterol in both groups

Control Group N = 25 Test Group N = 25

0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
208.8 + 27.5 207.8 + 24.7 220.08+ 35.3 212.4 + 28.3

Table 13 : Effect of drugs on Triglycerides in both groups

Control Group N = 25 Test Group N = 25

0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
136.4 + 31.8 131.6 + 31.6 145.7+ 26.7 131.2 + 29.0

Table 14 : Effect of drugs on Blood Urea in both groups

Control Group N = 25 Test Group N = 25

0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
23.96 + 4.01 24.56 + 3.8 28.84+ 3.5 26.36 + 3.3

Table 15 : Effect of drugs on Serum Creatinine on both groups

Control Group N = 25 Test Group N = 25

0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
1.28 + 0.38 1.26 + 0.36 1.37+ 0.4 1.13 + 0.4

Table 16 : Effect of drugs on Serum Bilirubin in both groups

Control Group N = 25 Test Group N = 25

0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
0.71 + 0.19 0.75 + 0.12 0.79+ 0.14 0.78 + 0.14

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 17 : Effect of drugs on SGOT in both groups

Control Group Test Group

N = 25 N = 25
0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
27.4 + 9.81 26.04 + 9.4 27.52+ 9.7 26.96 + 10.0

Table 18 : Effect of drugs on SGPT in both groups

Control Group Test Group

N = 25 N = 25
0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
29.84 + 8.08 30.8 + 7.7 31.28+ 6.8 30.6 + 7.7

Table 19 : Effect of drugs on Systolic Blood Pressure in both groups

Control Group Test Group

N = 25 N = 25
0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mm of Hg) (mm of Hg) (mm of Hg) (mm of Hg)
156.8 + 15.7 125.8 + 10.9 151.5+ 9.5 123.8 + 6.0

Table 20 : Effect of drugs on Diastolic Blood Pressure in both groups

Control Group Test Group

N = 25 N = 25
0 Day 42th Day 0 Day 42th Day
Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D. Mean + S.D.
(mm of Hg) (mm of Hg) (mm of Hg) (mm of Hg)
97.4 + 2.9 81.7 + 4.6 93.32+ 2.5 82.6 + 3.1

Results and Discussion

Due to shortage of space, we are discussing the finding of tests group only
as observations of the group are given tabulated form. During the course of
study, it was observed that maximum number of cases i.e. 21 cases (42.00%)
belonged to age group 45-55 years. Among the total patients 22 cases
(44.00%) were males, while 28 cases (56.00%) were females (Table 1).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

In present study, house wives were more than service class and business
class persons. Business class subjects have more mental stress. Apart
from that women do also suffer from life stress. Women are often victims of
domestic violence exacerbate vulnerability to anxiety. Service class also have
mental stress but less than business class (Table 2).

Majority of patients were non-vegetarian or with mixed diet habit (Table 3).
Recent evidences suggest that saturated fat increases blood pressure as
well as serum cholesterol. High fat intake (i.e. dietary fat representing 40%
or over of the energy supply and containing a high proportion of saturated
fats) has been identified as a major risk factor (Kumar et al., 1990). Fish oil
is a main source of omega-3 fatty acids and vegetable oil (eg. Sunflower oil)
lowers STG, LDL and total cholesterol level and the blood pressure possibly
through generation of nitric oxide (vasodilator) and reduces the risk of CHD.
Green leafy vegetables due to its fibre content increases the bowel motility
and reduces re-absorption of bile salts. Vegetables also contain plant sterol
(sitosterol) which decreases the absorption of cholesterol. So that diet advised
was effective in reducing blood pressure.

About 24% patients of total 50 cases took added salt in our study and patients
had physical inactivity except routine physical work (Table 4 & 5). Studies
suggested that such moderate physical activity may lower SBP by 9 to 11 mm
of Hg (Schmotz et al., 2008). Additional benefits of regular physical exercise
including weight loss enhanced sense of well being, improved functional
health status and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality from all

From the opinion of Unani scholars we deduced that environmental factors

implicated in the causation of hypertension include umoor-e-nafsaniyah (Tabri,
1995) (stress, anger and anxiety), obesity, excessive consumption of alcohol,
physical inactivity, lack of exercise and evacuation. In fact, lack of exercise
may cause imtela or imtialee marz (congestive disease) like hypertension.
Exercise helps to excrete deranged matter without any harm to the body.
Regular isotonic exercises produce modest drop in blood pressure in mild to
moderate hypertensive subjects.

In our study 40% and 26% patients were smokers and tobacco chewers
respectively (Table 6). There is evident that the influence of smoking is not only
independent of but also addition with other risk factor such as family history of
hypertension, physical inactivity, added salt intake, saturated fat intake, mental
stress, smokers have more atherosclerosis than non-smokers, particularly in
the aorta (Dey et al., 1980).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Unani scholars asserted that imtela-e-urooq occurs due to increased amount
of blood which increases the tension in the vessels. Due to atherosclerosis
(salabat-e-sharaeen) in old patients which reduces arterial compliance that’s
also increases imtela and produces features of imtela or hypertension (Ahmad,
1980; Ahmad, 1983). We can deduce that from above account hypertension
is a sanguineous temperament in our study. It is proved that hypertension is
damvi marz (Table 8).

In our study patients were divided into two groups’ i.e. low risk BMI and high
risk BMI. 32.5% patients fell into BMI group 24-26 kg/m2 and 30.5% laid down
in BMI 26-28 kg/m2 in low risk BMI. While in high risk BMI, 60% patients fell
into BMI group 28-30 kg/m2, 20% patients in 30-32 kg/m2, 10% in 32-34 kg/m2
and 10% in 34-36% BMI group respectively (Table 9).

Symptomatic improvement is always difficult to be evaluated in hypertensive

patients. Test drugs have definite sedative effect (Chopra et al., 1956). The
combination therapy subside the clinical features of hypertension. Headache,
palpitation, fatigability, dizziness, sleeplessness, mental stress, dyspnoea on
exertion and nocturia improved in 82%, 88%, 79%, 88%, 84%, 78%, 88% and
76% cases respectively (Table 10).

In the present study, all patients’ pursued life style modification with
concomitant drugs used. Patients followed this line of treatment. They used low
fat diet, especially cessation of saturated fat, increased physical activity and
low sodium intake. It revealed significantly the reduction in total cholesterol
and serum triglyceride from 220.08 + 35.3 to 212.4 + 28.3 and 145.7 + 26.7 to
131.2 + 29.0 respectively (Table 12 & 13). On the other hand recommended
high fibre diet also reduces cholesterol level, because it contains sitosterol,
which reduces the absorption of cholesterol and it also improves bowel motility.
Thus, decrease re-absorption of bile salts.

It was revealed that there is no deviation from the normal limits at the end of
study but improved as compared to previous reading. On applying paired t test
it was found that blood urea decreases significantly from 28.84 + 3.5 to 26.36 +
3.3 while reduction in serum creatinine was significant from 1.37 + 0.4 to 1.13
+ 0.4 at the end of study (Table 14 & 15). It showed that range remained within
the normal limits but improved from previous reading. Likewise, serum bilirubin,
SGPT, SGOT was estimated before and after the study. It was observed that
serum bilirubin, SGOT and SGPT reduced insignificantly at the end of the
study (Table 16, 17 & 18). It revealed that the test drugs have no adverse
effects on liver and kidney rather it may have improved the function of these

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

At the end of clinical trial, it was found that systolic and diastolic blood pressure
reduces significantly from 151.5+ 9.5 to 123.8+ 6.0 and 93.32 + 2.5 to 82.6
+ 3.1 respectively (Table 19 & 20). This highly significant result may be most
likely because of the following reasons:

1. Asrol has sedative, tranquilising, anaesthetic, antiarrythmic, haemostatic,

blood purifier effect (Chopra et al., 1958; Kritkar et al., 1996; Baitar, 1999).

2. Filfil Siyah has diuretic (mudir-e-baul), digestive, resolvent (muhilal-e-

warm), nervine tonic (muqqavi asab), local anaesthetic (mukhadir) and
bioavailability enhancer of the drug (Kritkar et al., 1996; Khan, ynm;
Hakim, 1991).

The test drugs have good effect because Asrol is triyaq-e-samoom (antidote),
musaffi-e-dam (blood purifier), habis dam (haemostatic). Symptoms produced
due to deranged humor, results imtila-bi-hasbil quwa relieved by Asrol because
of above cited properties.While Filfil Siyah has mudir-e-baul (diuretic) action,
which reduce imtala thus, it is suitable for hypertension.


To conclude, it may be deduced that the effect of the drugs on various clinical
and biochemical parameters was highly significant statistically. The drugs were
well tolerated and have no serious ill effect. Further advanced studies and
research for better drugs combination need to be carried out in this field.

Summarising the above finding, a highly significant reduction in high blood

pressure as well as in atherogenic lipid fraction i.e. total cholesterol and
serum triglycerides is due to effective drug combination. This underlines the
importance of an effective antihypertensive treatment to prevent cardiovascular
complications associated with hypertension. Drug treatment as well as life style
modification recommendations should be emphasised upon.


Ahmad, Syed Ishtiyaq, 1980. Introduction to Al-Umur Al-Tabi’yah, 1st edition.

Saini Printers, Delhi, pp. 75-77, 99, 215-21,223,233.
Ahmad, Syed Ishtiyaq, 1983. Kulliyat-e-Asri, 1st edition. A&U Tibbiya College,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi, pp. 76-117.
Baitar, Ibne, 1999. Aljame-ul-Mufridat Al-Advia wal Aghziah, Urdu Translation,
Vol. 3. CCRUM, New Delhi, pp. 377-80.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Baqar, Syed Mohd., 1939. Akseerul Qalb (Urdu Translation of Mufarreh-ul-Qalb),
1st edition. Munshi Nawak Kishore, Lucknow, pp. 318-355, 522-23, 749-750.
Boon, N.A., Colledge, N.R., Walker, B.R., Hunter, J.A.A., 2006. Davidson’s
Principles and Practice of Medicine, 20th edition, Elsevier Churchill
Livingstone, USA., pp. 608-15.
Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L., Chopra, I.C., 1956 (4th reprint 1996), Glossary
of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1st edition, National Institute of Science
Communication, New Delhi, pp. 77, 194.
Chopra, R.N. et. al, 1958. Indigenous Drugs of India, 2nd edition, U.N. Dhur and
Sons Pvt. Ltd. Calcutta, pp. 8, 75, 146, 397-401, 520, 588-610, 682-705.
Dey, N.C., Dey, T.K., 1980. A Text book of Pathology, 15th edition. New
Central Book Agency, pp. 1611-20.
Fauci, A.S., Braunwald, E., 2008. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine,
17th edition, Vol. 1 & 2, pp. 1549-53.
Hakim, Abdul Hakeem, 1991. Bustanul Mufridat. Idarah Tarraqi Urdu
Publication, Lucknow, pp. 168, 241.
Kantoori, Ghulam Husnain, 1896. Al-Qanoon Fit-Tib – Urdu Translation, Vol-2.
Matba Munshi Nawal Kishore, Lucknow, pp. 158, 178.
Khan, Najmul Ghani, Khazain-ul-Advia,ynm, Vol. I-IV. Idara Kitab-ul-Shifa, New
Delhi, pp. 863.
Kritkar, K.R and Basu, B.D, 1996. Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol. 2 & 3, 2nd
edition. International Book Distributers, Dehradun, pp. 1225-27, 1550-51,
Kumar, P.J., Clark, M.L., 1990. Clinical Medicine, Bailliere Tindall, Oval Road,
London, pp. 614-21.
Schmotz, Paul G., Martin, Kevin J., 2008. Internal Medicine just the facts. The
McGraw Hill Companies, pp. 727-32.
Tabri, Abul Hasan Ahmad Bin Mohammad, 1995. Almualijat-e-Buqratia.
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi, pp. 4: 642-3 &
3: 272.
Tierrey, Laurence M., 2005. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, 44th
edition. McGraw Hill, pp. 404-410.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
A Critical Abstract

Review of nani system of medicine has various dosage forms

including topical drugs for effective delivery of drug substances. Although most
Some Unani of the drugs intended to be used orally have been found effective, but some
Topical Dosage of the formulations of dermal dosage forms especially, Marham (Ointment),
Zimaad (Paste) and Tila (Liniment) at occasions fail to produce their expected
Forms – pharmacological and therapeutic effect. The failure has been mainly attributed
With Special to the erroneous processing of crude drugs and inappropriate selection of the
bases and excipients that sharpens the ability of drug to go deep into skin
Reference to
and produce the desirable effects. An attempt has been made to explore and
Their Bases elaborate the possible reason of expected failure of some of Unani dermal
and the formulations and to find out the possible solutions so that their therapeutic
objectives could be achieved.
Key words: Topical Dosage Forms, Marham, Zimad, Tila, Skin permeability,
Used to Excipient
Them Introduction

The practice of topical dosage forms, especially the use of Marham (ointment),
1*Saud uz Zafar Ali,
Zimaad (paste) and Tila (liniment), in Unani System of Medicine has been
2Waseem Ahmad,
in vogue since ancient time. Preservation of mummies with the help of
3Tarannum and
certain liquid and semiliquid preparations may be taken as the evidence of
the use of Marham, Zimaad and Tila as a customary and social practice in
1Department of Ilmul Advia & Saidla, ancient period. Hakeem Sharif khan [d, 1763], in his book ‘Ilaj-ul-Amraz’,
3Department of Ilmus Saidla, has cited the use of ointment from the Hippocratic period (Khan, 1896). A
Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbiya College,
large number of dermal formulations, mentioned in classical Unani literature,
Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
have been found beneficial in the pathological conditions, they have been
2Department of Kulliyat, mentioned for, but some of the preparations failed to demonstrate desirable
National Institute of Unani Medicine, results. This failure may be attributed to the factors such as skin’s anatomical
Kottigepalaya, Magadi Road,
structure, temperament and its physiological aspect which were not taken into
consideration during pre processing and pre-formulation stage and also the
4Central Council for Research in inappropriate selection of ingredients of formulation intended for dermal or
Unani Medicine, trans-dermal use. Besides these factors, certain other pharmaceutical factors
61-65 Institutional Area,
that play a key role in the efficacy of therapeutically effective ingredients have
Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058
been ignored to a great extent. There is no need of specific discussion on the
pharmacological and therapeutic effect of drugs on the skin surface only or on
detached skin because they will be governed as per the rule for enteral dosage
form (Idson, 1976). Actual problem arises when pathology lies in the epidermis
1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 15-22
or beneath it and there is no skin detachment. In such circumstances, drug
molecule is needed to reach the site of pathology via dermal route.

Technicalities of Topical Dosage Form

Externally, the human skin is packed with a tough and thickened layer known
as stratum corneum. At the molecular level, it comprises of three major
components; protein, fat and water, out of which water molecules are less in
number as compared to lipid ones. This layer possesses diverse physiological
function. It is responsible for the development and protection of human life and
opposes the influx and efflux of substances. Efflux of sweat and sebum through
glandular duct is ongoing process but not through stratum corneum (Tregear,
1964). Hence, the major problem is permeation and diffusion of different
forms of drug designed for external use. If the active ingredients are capable
of getting penetrated through stratum corneum, they can produce the effect at
the pathological site after penetration. This problem is not common in case of
dermal dosage forms of mineral origin drugs, but it is frequently encountered
in case of the formulations of plant drugs. This is due to the fact that quantity
of therapeutically active component in plant drugs is very little as compared
to the drugs of mineral origin. Due to this fact, crude form of plant origin
drugs, mostly taken through oral route, get digested under the influence of
gastrointestinal fluids and their active components are released and absorbed
resulting in desired pharmacological effect. Since, in crude drugs as such do
not follow the same kinetics as that of the active ingredients and fail to exhibit
the similar pattern of absorption, distribution and excretion over the skin which
is consistent with active ingredients. Therefore, the effect likely to be produced
by the active ingredient cannot be expected from crude drugs. Hence, it is
mandatory that only active principles should be used in topical dosage forms
for the therapeutic purpose so that the problem of permeation and absorption
can be overcome and consequently their pharmacological effects can be
established (Barry, 2007).

In Unani Pharmacopoeia of compound drugs, less space has been given to

topical dosage forms although syrups, distillates, decoctions and calcinates
extracted form of indigenous drugs have been accommodated appropriately.
On the contrary, in cases of ointments, paste and liniments, usually crude
drugs have been used in powder form not withstanding the complete release of
the active principles from the plant cells for permeation through the skin seems
to be a difficult.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

The active principle permeation through the skin either indirectly by sweat
duct, sebaceous duct and hair follicles or directly by stratum corneum of intact
skin plays major role in the determination of efficacy of dermal dosage forms.
Both the pathways mentioned above, allow permeation of components of
specific type and of particular size under special circumstances. Lipid soluble
drugs have great capacity to diffuse through stratum corneum. Though water
soluble drugs can also penetrate stratum corneum indirectly but they can’t
diffuse directly through the stratum corneum (Barry, 2007). The problem of less
permeability of water soluble drugs can be over come by including certain skin
penetration enhancers in excipients and additives.

The second most important issue in pretext of drug permeation through skin
is that, particle of ten micron or less can diffuse through indirect route i.e.
hair follicles and duct of sebaceous glands while particles up to three micron
only can diffuse through direct route i.e. through stratum corneum but only in
a condition where skin loses its resistance and power (Idson, 1976). This is
seen when natural property of skin is changed which allows increase in skin
hydration to such extent that bio-molecules of skin especially water molecules
increase from 5-15% to 25% where the passive diffusion which is one of
the most important process required for transfer of drug substance could be
possible (Idson, 1976). Rate of passive diffusion depends upon condition
of skin; age, blood circulation, temperature and its metabolism and also on
quantity of active principles. Minor variation in these factors can accelerate
the rate of passive diffusion. But these factors are effective only if particle
size of active principle is of less than 10 micron and could retain at the site
of application for such a duration within which hydration of skin and the
mechanical process of passive diffusion can pursue in such a manner where
therapeutically active principles can exhibit their effects. (Barry, 2007). For
this purpose, in case of ointment, paste and liniment, we need a suitable base
commensurating with the purpose of permeation at the site of disease and
the release of the active principles, so that they can hydrate the skin for drug
permeation and hence can produce therapeutic effect.

In Unani medicine, commonly used bases for the said dosage forms are
plain water, plant distillate, vinegar, vegetable oils, fat, honey, bee-wax and
emulsions. Two or more bases in combination can be used considering
the therapeutic objectives and site of application of the formulations, a
wide range of formulations of ointment, paste and liniment do not have an
appropriate base combination giving rise to the elements of doubt about such

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Problems Consistent with Topical Unani Dosage Form and Their
Possible Solution

Topical dosage forms which are prepared by using water or distillate of plant
drugs as a base, instead of hydrating the skin, may absorb water molecule
from skin due to atmospheric temperature even if there is mucilaginous or
gummy substances in the formulation. As a result, the drug will not come in
contact with skin leading to failure of drug to reach the stage of permeation
and absorption in effective manner. The other cause of poor efficacy of such
formulations lies in the fact that the presence of water or distillate of plant drugs
allows release of water soluble particle only from crude drug, while the rate
of diffusion of water-soluble particles in the skin is very low, as compared to
lipid-soluble particle. For example “Zimaad Kabid” which is used in hepatitis,
includes afsanteen, haasha, nagar motha, baranjasif, iklilul malik, gul-e-
babuna, balchad, mako khushk, jadwar, mur makk and rasot as ingredients.
Mur makki and rasot have been included as gummy substances while
aab- e-mako has been used as the base for preparation of this formulation
(Kabeeruddin, 1938). But unfortunately this pharmaceutical preparation will
neither produce skin hydration nor cause permeation of active ingredients.

Experts of Unani pharmacy often use vinegar and alcohol as a base in

some formulations for topical use, probably due to the fact that vinegar and
alcohol act as better solvent for various active ingredients as compared to
water. These are better solvents for resinous substances and most varieties
of lipid, thus allowing better penetration. But this is possible only when these
bases which are volatile in nature, could be retained on the site of application
for sufficient period of time. It does not appear to be feasible unless the
formulation is prepared in a form that allows minimum evaporation where
applied over the skin only, then its efficacy can be speculated.

In certain cases, physicians use honey as a base for topical preparations, so

that drug could remain adhered to the base and induce response gradually. But
use of honey as a base does not appear to be rational. Honey itself is water
soluble, its ability to dissolve / solubilize the active ingredients of drugs is not
appreciable. Besides, honey is also not able to produce hydration of desirable
degree. As a result, active ingredients in honey base won’t be able to reach the
stage of penetration and absorption and hence, it will not serve the purpose
for which it was included in the formulation. For example, “Tila-e-Mulazziz”, a
compound formulation prepared by using honey as a base, has ingredients
viz. kafoor, aqarqarhah and suhaga khaam (Kabeeruddin, 1938). Practically,
kafoor is lipid soluble and suhaga khaam is water soluble. On the other hand,

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Aqarqarhah is a plant origin drug having different chemical constituents.
Whether active principles of drugs like kafoor, aqarqarhah and suhaga khaam
are soluble in honey is doubtful. Honey will release and allow them to penetrate
the skin? It is also not clear that what amount of active constituents will be
released by honey to allow them to penetrate the skin. Both the possibilities i.e.
chances of solubility and the release of active ingredients appear to fiddling.

To prepare ointment and liniment, physicians use bees wax along with some
other bases. Most of the experts believe that bees wax as a single absorptive
base has the ability to absorb water molecules and can attach the water
molecules to about half of its own weight. In the light of this characteristic
feature of bees wax, its use as base will put hindrance in hydration of skin, as
it will absorb the moisture and thereby arrest the penetration of active principle
through the skin. That’s why physicians do not prefer use of beeswax alone (as
a base) for intact and healthy skin. But, for the treatment of skin diseases like
septic wounds, abraded and injured skin, its use is found to be beneficial as
drying of exudates would be the main motive of treatment in all such cases and
hydration of skin would not be required. The beeswax in such cases will absorb
the exudates on one hand and release the drug molecules on the other and
thus will promote the process of healing. But due to certain complexities the
use of beeswax alone as a base, is not in practice rather it is commonly used
along with some fixed oil which gives several other pharmaceutical benefits.

Dermatological dosage forms for pathologies on intact skin or within the skin
which are prepared in lipids or oils, not only make the skin hydration better but
also allow easy penetration and absorption of lipid soluble drug, thus promoting
their actions. But this is possible only when active principles are soluble in
lipid or oil to a large extent. But if the drug substances remain suspended in
lipid or oil base, then the expected pharmacological action and therapeutic
effect can not be ascertained. For example “Zimad Khadar Jadeed”, a topical
dosage form containing filfil siyah, aqarqarhah, qaranfal, farfiyoon, shoneez,
zanjabeel is being prepared in base of roghan-e-gul (Kabeeruddin. 1938).
The active constituents of crude plant drug will hardly dissolve in oil base,
farfryoon is soluble in oil but only when the oil is hot, therefore there are lead
chances that this formulation will be able to produce any pharmacological
effect. A little modification in pharmaceutical procedure of this formulation will
help it absorption through skin and assure its efficacy. Firstly, farfiyoon should
be dissolved in hot roghan-e-gul and 50% alcoholic extract of remaining
plant drugs should be incorporated in the same base; mixed well to make a
homogenous paste. In this way, the active principle, will be in a state to diffuse
the skin and hence will exert the optimum pharmacological effect.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Similar condition is seen with “Zimad Khwab Aawar” which is prepared from the
following ingredients: kafoor, afyoon, zafraan, tukhm kaaho, gul nilofar, and is
prepared by using roghan-e-gul, sirka and aab-e-kishneez as the base. Kafoor
is soluble in roghan-e-gul, afyoon in vinegar and zafraan in aab-e-kishneez.
Moreover, it makes a strong coating over the skin that facilitates the process
of skin hydration (Kabeeruddin. 1938). Therefore, this formulation, due to the
solubility of its active principles and the ability skin to hydrate the skin seems
to be therapeutically effective as drug contents will permeate the skin and exert
their pharmacological effect.

Nowadays, while selecting the base for paste, ointment and liniment, experts
of pharmaceutics advocate the use of mineral oils such as soft and liquid
paraffin, especially in cases where pathology lies under the skin or within the
skin. This will form a thick layer over the skin which will melt because of body
temperature and hydrate the skin. But the major problem associated with such
a base is its non-penetrating ability in the skinwhen used singly as a base.
That’s why other bases like beeswax, oil etc. are also included along with them
for better skin hydration, easy penetration and good therapeutic effects (Barry,

In the light of above discussion, it can be said that use of single base in dermal
dosage forms is not appreciable because of the problem of inconsistent
permeation and absorption of active principles, associated with single base.
That’s why experts have used different combinations of the bases. Oil with
beeswax, water with oil and vinegar with oil and beeswax are few important
combinations that are frequently used in preparation of certain dermal dosage

Among these combinations, water in oil emulsion as a base is considered

appropriate for specific benefits and for selected dermal dosage forms when
the pathology is present at skin surface or abraded skin, or when intended to
be used over oily skin. But for the pathology under or within the intact skin,
these emulsions as base are less useful as they form only light coating over
skin which is insufficient for proper hydration of skin. Therefore, emulsions are
used as a base in those conditions where pathology exists on skin surface
or the continuity breached, because penetration of active principles through
breached skin is similar to penetration through stomach and intestine. Although
bases like water in oil emulsion are less used in Unani Medicine, but cosmetic
products like cold creams are prepared in these types of bases as these are
designed for protection of skin surface and for treating the pathology of skin.
“Zimaad-e-Jarab Deegar” of Bayaz Kabeer, is used for infective scabies

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

where skin surface gets inflammed and ulcerated. This formulation is based
on “henna” and prepared in the base of linseed oil and plain water which
presents a picture of water in oil emulsion (Kabeeruddin, 1938). Because of
being processed in emulsion base, it seems to be effective for skin surface
pathology. The active principle of the compound will interact with ulcerated
surface and hydration of skin with further help in permeation and thereby
inducing the pharmacological effect.

Some of the formulations on account of having better combination of bases

produce desirable pharmacological and therapeutic actions. For example,
“Marham Nasoor” based on zard chob and murdaar sang is prepared by
using beeswax and roghan-e-gul as base. It is used in the management of
open and septic wounds (Kabeeruddin, 1938). This appears to be a complete
and excellent ointment for the pathological condition, it is recommended for
the beeswax contained in it will absorb the oozing exudates of ulcerated skin
and roghan-e-gul will help in skin hydration that will ultimately result in better
drug delivery and better therapeutic effect. Similarly, “Marham-e-Rusul” that
contains zangaar, murdaarsang and zarawand is prepared by using jausheer,
behrozah, mur makki, kundur, muqil, ushq, rateenaj with beeswax and olive
oil as base (Khan, d. 1763, p. 1896). These gummy substances along with
bees wax constitute a potent base for absorbing the exudates of ulcerated
wound, while olive oil facilitates drug permeation hydrating in skin. That is why
this formulation seems to be very useful in condition of ulcerated or septic
wounds. The gunny substances have added value owing to possessing healing


In the light of above discussion, it may be concluded that the successful

treatment through dermal dosage forms; ointment, paste and liniment, depends
mainly on physicochemical properties of bases which will be selected by
taking into account the site of disease, type of disease and type of ingredients.
Permeation, absorption and metabolism of these forms are totally different
from those of oral dosage forms. In case of dermal dosage forms, only active
principles of ingredients are able to penetrate the skin. So, it would be better
if only their active principles are used in the form of extracts. Bases should
be selected on the basis of the site of disease and the nature pathological
condition because skin hydration plays a major role in drug permeation.
Therefore, use of fixed oil along with some suitable bases would be a preferred
option. It seems essential to formulate or develop the formulation of topical

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

dosage forms in view of the solubility of active ingredients so that permeation
and absorption of drugs could be speculated. With the condition of skin,
intact or ulcerated, alteration in the bases is to be made as it will accelerate
the absorption of exudates and promote the healing. Therefore, a critical
review and thereafter editing and compiling of pharmaceutical methods and
processing of ointment, paste and liniments is necessary in order to get the
complete benefit from ancient Unani topical dosage forms which are mentioned
in Classical Unani literature.


The authors are grateful to Dr. Ghufran Ahmad, Associate Professor,

Department of Ilmul Advia, A.K. Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, for critically going through the manuscript and providing necessary
inputs to make it press-worthy.


Barry, B.W., 2007. Transdermal drug delivery: In Aulton’s Pharmaceutics-

The design and Manufacture of Medicines, 3rd Edition (Ed. Michael E
Aulton). Churchil Livingston Elsevier Ltd, New York, pp. 569-579.
Flynn, G.L., 1979. Percutaneous absorption. In Modern Pharmaceutics (Eds.
G.S. Banker and C.T. Rhodes). Mercel Dekker, New York, pp. 644-661.
Idson, B., and Lazarus, J., 1976. Semisolids. In Theory and Practice of
Industrial Pharmacy (Ed. Leon Lachman). Varghese Publishing House,
Hind Rajasthan Building, Dadar, Bombay, pp. 534-548.
Kabeeruddin, M., 1938. Bayaaz Kabeer, Vol. 2. Hikmat Book Deepo.
Hyderabad, pp. 90, 91, 93, 149, 150.
Khan Hakeem Mohammad Shareef [Died.1763], 1896. Ilaaj al Amraz [Urdu
translation by Hkm. Mohammad Hadi Husain Khan]. Matba Munshi Nawal
Kishore, Lucknow, pp. 424-26.
Leon Shargel & Andrew, B. C. Yu, 1999. Applied Biopharmaceutics &
Pharmacokinetics, 4th Edition. Prentice Hall International, USA, pp. 108-
109, 129-130, 162-163, 190-192, 271.
Tregear, R.T., 1964. The permeability of the skin to molecules of widely
differing properties: In Progress in the Biological Sciences in relation to
Dermatology-2 (Ed. A. Rook). University Press, Cambridge, p. 275.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Clinical Abstract

Efficacy randomized single blind placebo controlled trial

was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Unani formulation viz Ajwain desi/
of a Unani Nankhwah (Trachyspermum ammi L.), Tukhme Suddab (Ruta graveolens L.),
Formulation in Zeera Siyah/Kamoon (Carum carvi L.), Marzanjosh (Origanum majorana L.),
Bura Armani (Armeniac bole) in the patients of Saman-e-Mufrat (Obesity).
the Treatment Total 30 patients were allocated randomly to Test and Control groups and
of Saman- were treated with Unani formulation and with placebo respectively for the
period of 60 days. All the Patients were advised planned diet and 30 minutes
brisk walk daily for the same duration and they were assessed for subjective
(Obesity) and objective parameters. The data was statistically analyzed by Repeated
Measures ANOVA with post test and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test,
1Mohammad Ali, One-way ANOVA and Friedman test.
1Mohd. Anwar, 2M. Shoaib
A significant improvement in intra group comparison was noted in objective
1National Institute of Unani Medicine,
parameters, (Body weight, Body Mass Index, Upper Arm Circumference,
Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road,
Waist Hip Ratio, Skin fold thickness). In inter group comparison the effect on
UAC and WHR were significant while effect on body weight, BMI and Skin fold
2Department of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer, thickness was statistically not significant. The study revealed that the test drug
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College,
is safe and effective for the management of obesity.
Aligarh Muslim University,
Key word: Obesity, Saman-e-mufrat, Body Mass Index, Trachyspermum ammi
L., Ruta graveolans L., Carum carvi L., Origanum majorana L., Arminiac bole.


Saman-e-mufrat (obesity) is one of the commonest and most prevalent

diseases of affluent society of the world. The prevalence of obesity is
consistently increasing day by day. It has become global epidemic and
contributes to increasing burden of type-2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular
diseases, hypertension, stroke, and eventually causing premature death
worldwide. (Humes et al., 2000; Mohan, 2005; Bray, 2004) Nevertheless,
obesity epidemic is an actual and potential public health problem and
possesses pronounced economic health consequences. Earlier, it was
considered a state of excess adipose tissue mass or characterized by
excessive accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous and deep tissue of the
body, usually 20% or more of an individual’s ideal body weight. (Longo et
al., 2012; Longe, 2005) But it is now defined in terms of the body mass index
(BMI = weight in kilograms divided by height in meters square) and if BMI is

2* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 23-39
greater than 25 kg/m2, the person is considered to be overweight and if it is
greater than 30 kg/m2 the patients is called obese. (Longo et al., 2012; Longe,
2005; Humes et al., 2000; Neinstein, 2002; Souhami et al., 2002; Siegenthaler,
2007) over weightness/Obeseness (Saman-e-mufrat) result from an imbalance
between energy intake and its expenditure. (Ferri et al., 2012; Warner, 2003)

Historically, Greco Arab Physicians like Buqrat (Hippocrates), Jalinoos,

Ibn sina, Zakariya Razi, Ibn Nafis, Daud Intaki and Akbar Arzani were
well acquainted with Saman-e-mufrat and they have mentioned it in their
treatises enormously in terms of its etiological factors, symptoms, signs,
and complications. (Ibn Sina, 1929; Halim, 2005; Razi, 1991; Jurjani, 1996;
Chandpuri, 1998; Antaki, 2010)

Ibn Sina especially pointed out that obese people are more prone to develop
cardiac and cerebral complication like stroke, syncope, coma, palpitation,
breathlessness, concealed haemorrhage and sudden death. (Ibn Sina, 1929;
Halim, 2005) As per Unani philosophy Saman-e-mufrat develops due to
increased barid Akhlat (cold humors) leading to imbalance in body humours
resulting tendency to accumulate the Akhlate fasida particularly maddae
balghamiya on different parts of the body. (Kabeeruddin, 2001)

The aim of treatment of obesity is to reduce body weight, Modification in risk

factors such as decreasing daily calorie intake, increase physical activity and
behavioural therapy are the non-pharmacological measure to achieve the
goal. Indeed, life style modification is helpful for most obese patients, but in
several circumstances pharmacological management of obesity is inevitable.
Sibutramine (Fetergil/Leptos) Orlistat (Cobese/Lipocut), Rimonabant (Riomont/
Zimult), Diethylepropion (Anorex/Tapanil), are widely prescribed drugs in
main stream of medicine. (Laurence et al., 2006) But the long term use of
these drugs produce several side effects. Sibutramine produces hypertension,
tachycardia, headache, insomnia, constipation and dry mouth etc. Orlistat
are reported to produce incontinence of urine, flatulence, and vitamins
malabsorption and Rimonabant is reported to demonstrate adverse effects
like nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and depression. (Laurence et al., 2006).
Therefore, long term use of these drugs could not possible. Bariatric surgery
is recommended for the patients of morbid obesity but it also exhibited several
post operative complications such as malabsorption, malnutrition and vitamins
deficiency etc. Furthermore, it is quite painful procedure and associated with
risks of infection, large disfiguring skin, depression and formation of blood
clots eventually lead to dangerous circulatory problem and kidney failure.
(Townsend, 2008)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Owing to high prevalence, multi factorial causes and life threatening
complications of the disease and most importantly, the inability of
contemporary system of medicine to deliver safe and effective drug
management of obesity, warrants search of alternative treatment to alleviate
such complex diseases of serious complications.

Unani system of medicine has a large number of single and compounds drugs
which possess actions like muhazzil (Emaciatic), muhallil (Resolvent), mudir
(Diuretic), musakhkhin (Endothermic) are being in use to the management of
Saman-e-mufrat since ancient period. Some studies carried out in recent past
demonstrated promising result and explored the potentiality of Unani drugs
to be used as effective anti obesity agent. Now a days, the researchers have
taken interest to investigate drugs with an aim to provide better alternate in the
currently available drugs.

In view of above facts, a compound formulation which is recommended

by Ismail Jurjani in Zakhira khawarzam shahi for the treatment of obesity,
containing Ajwain desi (seed of Trachyspermum ammi L.), Tukhme Suddab
(seeds of Ruta graveolens L.), Zeera siyah (seeds of Carum carvi L.),
Marzanjosh (Origanum majorana L.), Bora Armani (Armeniac bole) has
been selected for study. (Jurjani, 1996) The ingredients of test formulation
are endowed with haar yabis temperament and possess properties like
Mohazzil, Musakhkhin, Hazim, mushile balgham, Mulattif, and Mudir etc. and
it ameliorate the derangement of temperament leading to minimize fasad in
maddae bhalghamia and is being effective in obesity.

As this combination appears to be quite rational in term of ingredient having

actions warranted in the treatment of obesity, and has been in use by Unani
physicians since long time but the efficacy of this time tested formulation has
not been scientifically evaluated so far. Therefore, a single blind placebo
controlled study was envisaged to find out efficacy of combination in the
management of obesity on scientific parameters.


The present clinical study was conducted in Department of Moalajat, National

Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore, from September 2010 to February 2012.
Prior to the beginning of clinical trial, the research protocol was submitted to
Ethical committee of National Institute of Unani Medicine and Ethical clearance
was obtained from the committee. During screening a total of 44 patients were
registered for the study but 7 patients did not fulfil inclusion criteria hence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

excluded from the study and remaining 37 patients were randomly allocated
into test and placebo groups. Four patients from test group and three patients
from placebo group were lost to follow up, leaving behind 20 patients in Test
and 10 patients in Placebo group who completed the course of treatment.

Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were provided an information sheet

having details concerning the nature of the study, the drug to be used with the
mode of administration and method of treatment. Patients were given sufficient
time to go through the contents of informed consent sheet. The patients were
left free to ask whatever the query regarding the study and if they agreed to be
enrolled in the study, they were requested to sign the informed consent form.
The patients who did not fulfil inclusion criteria were excluded from the study.

The blue print of the study was conceptualized in material and methods which
can be described under few headings for convenient comprehension.

1. Criteria for selection cases

a) Inclusion criteria

• Patients with Saman-e-mufrat (Obesity) of either sex.

• Patients belonging to 15-60 years of age.

• Patients having BMI between 25- 35kg/m2.

• Patient able to participate in the study and ready to follow the

instructions and sign the consent form.

• Obese patients having associated symptoms like restricted

movement, joints pain, Weakness and letharginess, Dyspnoea,
and Palpitation.

b) Exclusion criteria

Physiological status

• Patient below the age of 15 and above the age of 60.

• Pregnant and lactating women.

Pathological status

• Patients having cardiovascular disease, severe renal disease

and severe hepatic disease and hypothyroidism.

• Patients having BMI > 35 kg/m2.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

• Patients who refuse to give the written informed consent for the

2. Selection of subjects

Known cases of Saman-e-mufrat, having the symptoms like increasing

body weight, restricted movement, joints pain, breathlessness and
palpitation etc. were taken up from OPD and IPD section of NIUM hospital
and subjected to lab investigations.

3. Investigations

Investigations like Lipid Profile, Haemoglobin percent, Total Leucocyte

Count, Differential Count, Kidney and Liver function tests were done in
all patients before starting the trial and also after completion of the study.
However thyroid profile, Fasting & Post Prandial blood sugar and ECG
were done prior to start the trail to exclude the patients suffering from
other diseases.

4. Study design

The study was designed as a randomized single blind placebo controlled

clinical study.

5. Sample size

The sample size was fixed as 30 patients.

6. Duration of protocol therapy

The treatment period in both Test and Placebo groups was fixed as 60

7. Test drugs

The ingredients of test drugs are as follows:

1. Ajwain desi (Trachyspermum ammi L.) 1 part

2. Tukhme Suddab (Ruta graveolens L.) 1 part

3. Zeera siyah (Carum carvi L.) 1 part

4. Marzanjosh (Origanum majorana L.) 4 parts

5. Bora Armani (Armeniac bole) 4 parts

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

8. Method of preparation, dosage and mode of administration of Test drug

Good quality single drugs were obtained from the pharmacy of National
Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore. Before preparing the formulation,
the drugs were properly identified to ascertain their originality. The
ingredients were cleaned by weeding out unwanted material and
separated impurities, and then powdered.

9. Administration of Test drug &placebo

The Test drug was administered orally in Group-A in the dosage 5gm
once a day with cane vinegar 7.5ml just after breakfast for the period of
two months. The placebo (containing wheat floor) was given in Group B
in the dosage of 5 gm once a day just after breakfast for the period of
two months. Along with the drugs, all the patients (in both groups) were
recommended 1200-1800 k cal/day diet and also advised moderate
physical exercise (20-30 minutes brisk walk) during the course of the
study. (Longo et al., 2012)

10. Follow up during treatment

Sixty days study was divided into 4 visits as follow up which were made
at an interval of 15 days each. At every visit, patients were asked about
the progression or regression in their symptoms and were subjected for
examination to assess clinical findings.

11. Efficacy assessment

The assessment of efficacy in the test and placebo groups was

based on subjective and objective parameters. Subjective parameters
include symptoms like, restricted movement, joints pain, weakness
& letharginess, dyspnoea and palpitation. Objective parameters are
anthropometric measurements and laboratory investigations of the
patients suffering from Saman-e-mufrat. Both subjective and objective
parameters were assessed at every visit, while lipid profile was carried out
before and after the completion of trial.

As subjective parameters differ in severity from patient to patient,

therefore an arbitrary grading scale Total Sign and Symptom Score
(TSSS) were adopted for appropriate assessment and statistical
evaluation. The severity of 5 different signs and symptoms (Restriction of
movement, Joints pain, Weakness & letharginess, Dyspnoea, Palpitation)
were rated on a 4 point scale (0, absent; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, severe).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

After the completion of treatment, the pre and post treatment values or
scores of different parameters (subjective and objective) were assessed
and were subjected to comparison and statistical analysis.

12. Objective Parameters

• Weight in kilogram

• Body mass index (BMI)

• Skin fold thickness.

• Upper arm circumference.

• Waist and hip ratio.

• Lipid profile.

13. Withdrawal criteria

a) Patients who fail to follow the protocol

b) Any adverse reaction or adverse event noticed by the patients/


c) Patients who were drug defaulters.

14. Safety Assessment

In order to assess safety of test drug LFT, RFT, Haemogram (Hb%, TLC,
DLC & ESR) were carried out before and after treatment in both groups.

(a) Criteria for safety evaluation

No occurrence of any adverse effect or reaction during the treatment


(b) Adverse drug reaction documentation

Any adverse event or reaction appearing during the study either in

Test or Placebo group was recorded.

15. Documentation

The case report forms and consent forms properly documented

throughout the study and were submitted to the Deptt. of Moalajat after
completion of the study.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

16. Statistical analysis

At the end of study all the results were tabulated and statistically analyzed
by Friedman test,

Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparison tests repeated

major ANOVA, one-way ANOVA with post test, Tukey-Kramer multiple
comparison test and paired t test.


Demographic data and effect of Test drug and Placeboon subjective

parameters are depicted in Table (1) & (2).

Body weight

The mean score of body weight, in placebo group was 77.12 kg on 0 day, 76.86
on 15th day, 76.41 kg on 30th day, 76.13 kg on 45th day and 75.76 kg on 60th
day, whereas in test group it was 80.5 kg on 0 day, 79.36 kg on 15th day, 78.44
kg on 30th day, 77.34 kg on 45th day and 76.37 kg on 60th day of treatment.
(Table 3) In placebo group it was significant on 30th day with respect to day
0 (p<0.01), on 45th day with respect to day 15 (p<0.01) and on 60th day with
respect to day 30(p<0.05) and in Test group it was extremely significant on 15th
day (p<0.001) with respect to 0 day, whereas it was not significant in inter group
comparison (p>0.05). However, the body weight was reduced in both groups.

Body Mass Index

The mean of BMI of Placebo group was 31.08 kg/m2 on baseline, 30.98 kg/
m2 on 15th day, 30.80 kg/m2 on 30th day, 30.68 kg/m2 on 45th day and 30.52
kg/m2 on 60th day, whereas in Test group it was 30.56 kg/m2 on 0 day, 30.11
kg/m2 on 15th day, 29.77 kg/m2 on 30th day, 28.9 kg/m2 on 45th day and 28.97
kg/m2 on 60th day of treatment (Table 3). In placebo group it was significance
30th day (p<0.05) with respect to day 0, on 45th day (p<0.05) with respect to
day 15th and on 60th day (p<0.05) with respect to day 30th. In Test group it
was significant on 45th day (p<0.001) with respect to test day 0, on 45th day
(p<0.001) with respect to day 15th, on 45th day (p<0.05) with respect to test day
30th. The Inter group comparison was not significant (p>0.05).

Upper Arm Circumference

The mean UAC of placebo group was 31.28 cm. on baseline, 31.25 cm. on
15th day, 31.0 cm on 30th day, 30.75 cm. on 45th day and 30.6 cm. on 60th

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

day. Whereas, in test group UAC was 32.3 cm. on 0 day, 31.75 cm. on 15th
day, 31.01 cm. on 30th day, 30.46 cm. on 45th day and 29.85 cm. on 60th day
of treatment (Table No.-3). In placebo group it was significant on 45th day
(p<0.05) with respect to day 0, on 60th day (p<0.01) with respect to day 15th,
In test group significant on 15th day (p<0.01) with respect to test day 0, on 30th
day (p<0.001) with respect to test day 15th, on 45th day (p<0.01) with respect to
test day 30th, on 60th day (p<0.01) with respect to test day 45th. The Inter group
comparison was also significant (p<0.05).

Waist Hip Ratio

The mean of WHR in placebo group was 1.01 on baseline, 1.01 on 15th day,
1 on 30th day, 0.99 on 45th day and 0.98 on 60th day. Whereas, in Test group,
mean WHR was 1.02 on 0 day, 1 on 15th day, 0.97 on 30th day, 0.94 on 45th
day and 0.93 on 60th day of treatment (Table No.-3). In placebo group it was
significant on 45th day (p<0.01) with respect to placebo day 0, on 45th day
(p<0.05) with respect to placebo day 15th, In test group significant on 30th day
(p<0.01) with respect to test day 0, on 45th day (P<0.001) with respect to test
day 15th, on 60th day (p<0.01) with respect to test day 30th. The Inter group
comparison was also found significant (p<0.05).

Skin Fold Thickness

The mean of skin fold thickness in placebo group was 96.9 mm on baseline,
96.4 on 15th day, 94.8 mm on 30th day, 93.1 mm on 45th day and 91.6 mm on
60th day. Whereas, in test group skin fold thickness was 105.67 mm on 0 day,
102 mm on 15th day, 97.62 mm on 30th day, 94 mm on 45th day and 91.42
mm on 60th day of treatment (Table No.-3). In placebo group it was significant
on30th day (p<0.05) with respect to placebo day 0, on 45th day (p<0.001) with
respect to placebo day 15th and on 60th day (p<0.001) with respect to placebo
day 30th. In test group, it was significant on 15th day (p<0.001) with respect
to test day 0, on 30th day (p<0.001) with respect to test day 15th, on 45th day
(p<0.001) with respect to test day 30th, and on 60th day (p<0.001) with respect
to test day 45th. The Inter group comparison was not significant (p>0.05).

Serum Cholesterol

The baseline mean value of serum cholesterol was 185.95 mg/dl in test group
and 180.8 mg/dl in placebo group. After completion of treatment mean value of
serum cholesterol was observed 192.55 mg/dl in test group and 196.8 mg/dl in
placebo group. For statistical analysis paired t test for intra group comparison

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

was done, significant (p<0.05) improvement was observed in placebo group
with respect to day 0, but in test group it was found not significant. (p>0.05)
Kruskal-Wallis post test with Dunn’s Multiple pair comparison test was done for
inter-group comparison, no significant improvement (p>0.05) was observed in
test group. (Table No.-4)

Serum Triglycerides

The baseline mean value of serum triglycerides was 147.35 mg/dl in test group
and 151.3 mg/dl in placebo group. After completion of treatment mean value
of serum triglycerides was observed 128.35 mg/dl in test group and 159.9
mg/dl in placebo group. For statistical analysis paired t test for intra group
comparison was done, no significant (p>0.05) improvement was observed in
placebo group but it was not quite significant in test group (p=0.057). Kruskal-
Wallis post test with Dunn’s Multiple pair comparison test was done for
inter-group comparison, no significant improvement was observed (p>0.05)
(Table 4).


The baseline mean value of HDL-Cholesterol was 41.25 mg/dl in test group,
and 40.2 mg/dl in placebo group, after compilation of treatment mean value
of HDL-Cholesterol 41mg/dl in test group and 39mg/dl in placebo group.
For statistical analysis paired t test for intra group was done, no significant
improvement was observed in placebo group and test group (p>0.05). One-
way ANOVA comparison test was done for inter group comparison, no
significant improvement was observed (p>0.05) (Table 4).

Safety Studies

In the study safety parameters (Haemogram, TLC, DLC, ESR, LFT & RFT)
were also assessed before and after the treatment. The safety markers were
remained normal before and after treatment. (Table 5)

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Table 1 : Demographic Data of patients in Test and Placebo group n = 30

n Fp% N Fp%
Age group Dietary Habit
15-29 15 50% Vegetarian 5 16.6%
30-44 14 46.6% Mixed Diet 25 83.3%
45-60 1 3.3%
Gender Family History
Male 19 63.3% Positive 19 63.3%
Female 11 36.6% Negative 11 36.6%
Marital status Duration of Illness
Married 29 80% 0-4 years 22 73.3%
Unmarried 6 20% 5-8 years 4 13.3%
9-12 years 4 13.3%
Socioeconomic Status* Mizaj
Grade-I 1 3.3% Balghami 24 80%
Grade-II 10 33.3% Damvi 6 20%
Grade-III 19 63.3% Safravi 0 0%
Grade-IV 0 0% Saudavi 0 0%
(*According to Kuppa Swami Scale)

Table 2 : Effect of Test drug and Placebo on Subjective Parameters

(Test group n = 20, Placebo group n = 10)
Parameters Group 0 day 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days
Restriction Placebo 2 (0,2) 2 (0,2) 2 (0,2) 2 (0,2) 1 (0,2)
of Test 2 (1,3) 2 (1,3) 1(1,2) 1(0,2) 0 (0,1)
movement a, b a, b, c, d, e, f, g
Joints pain Placebo 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 2) 2 (1, 2) 1 (1, 2) 1 (0, 2)
Test 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 2) 1 (0, 2) 0 (0,1)
a, b, d a, b, c, d, e, f
Weakness Placebo 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 1 (1, 2) 1 (1, 2)
and Test 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2)
lethargy a, b, c a, b, c, d, e, f
Dyspnoea Placebo 1.5 (1,3) 1.5 (1, 3) 1 (1, 2) 1 (1, 2) 1 (0, 2)
Test 2 (1, 3) 1 (1, 2) 1(0, 2) 1 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) a, b, c,
a d, e, f, g
Palpitation Placebo 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 0 (0, 1) a
Test 1 (1, 2) 1 (1, 2) 1 (0, 2) (0, 1) (0, 1) b, c, d, e
b, c
P<0.01 with respect to test day 0, b- P<0.01 with respect to test day 15,
P<0.01 with respect to test day 30, d- P<0.001 with respect to placebo day 0,
P<0.001 with respect to placebo day 15, f- P<0.001 with respect to placebo day 30,
P<0.001 with respect to placebo day 45.

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Table 3 : Effect of Test Drug Formulation on Objective Parameters

(Test group n = 20, Placebo group n = 10)

Parameters Group 0 day 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days

Weight Placebo 77.12 ± 76.86 ± 76.41 ± 76.13 ± 75.76 ±

2.01 1.98 2.03a 2.08a, b 2.15a, b, c
Test 80.5 ± 79.36 ± 78.44 ± 77.34 ± 76.37 ± 2.49
2.51 2.54d 2.50d 2.46d d
BMI Placebo 31.08 ± 30.98 ± 30.80 ± 30.68 ± 30.52 ± .67a,
.67 .68 .69a .69a, b b, c
Test 30.56 ± 30.11 ± 29.77 ± 28.9 ± 28.97 ± .42d,
.41 .42 .43 .60d, e, f e, f
UAC Placebo 31.28 ± 31.25 ± 31 ± .48 30.75 ± 30.6 ± .55a,
.53 .53 .52a b
Test 32.3 ± .46 31.75 ± 31.01 ± 30.46 ± 29.85 ± .48c,
.45c .46c, d .48c, d, e d, e, f, g
WHR Placebo 1.01 ± .02 1.01 ± .02 1 ± .02 0.99 ± .02 0.98 ± .02a,
a, b b
Test 1.02 ± .02 1 ± .017 0.97 ± 0.94 ± 0.93 ± .015c,
.016c .016c, d d, e, f
Skin fold Placebo 96.9 ± 96.4 ± 94.8 ± 93.1 ± 91.6 ± 4.03a,
thickness 4.018 4.13 4.07a 4.04a, b b, c
Test 105.67 ± 102 ± 97.62 ± 94 ± 91.42 ±
3.54 3.42d 3.4d, e 3.53d, e, f 3.46d, e, f, g

a. <0.05 with respect to placebo day 0, b. P<0.01 with respect to placebo day 15,
c. <0.01 with respect to test day 0, d. P<0.001 with respect to test day 15,
e. P<0.01 with respect to test day 30, f. P<0.01 with respect to test day 45.
g. P<0.001 with respect to test day 45.

Table 4 : Effect of Test drug and Placebo on Lipid profile

Group B.T. A.T.

Serum Cholesterol Placebo 180.8±6.79 196.8±9.48a
Test 185.95±6.76 192.55±7.22b
Serum Triglyceride Placebo 151.3±20.81 159.9±22.76a
Test 147.35±11.23 128.35±8.59b
HDL- Cholesterol Placebo 40.2±1.51 39±1.19a
Test 41.25±1.34 41±1.59b

a. P<0.05 with respect to placebo day 0, b. P<0.001 with respect to placebo day 15

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Table 5 : Safety Assessments for Test

(n = 20) Placebo group (n = 10), Baseline vs. 60th day

Test group Placebo group

Mean ± SEM Mean ± SEM Mean ± SEM Mean ± SEM
Hb% 12.86 ± 0.48 12.92 ± 0.45 13.03 ± 0.586 11.9 ± 0.735
TLC 12302 ± 3840.8 8457.5 ± 388.54 9160 ± 708.04 8240 ± 384.19
P 57.1 ± 1.478 56.6 ± 2.65 58.1 ± 2.04 58.1 ± 2.04
L 36.75 ± 1.515 37.2 ± 2.37 35.9 ± 1.88 35.9 ± 1.88
E 3.75 ± 0.279 4 ± 0.333 3.6 ± 0.221 3.6 ± 0.221
M 2.4 ± 0.245 2.3 ± 0.36 2.4 ± 0.16 2.4 ± 0.16
B 0 ± 0.00 0 ± 0.00 0 ± 0.00 0 ± 0.00
ESR 22.2 ± 2.88 22.7 ± 3.68 20.3 ± 2.82 18.2 ± 4.96
AST 30.4 ± 3.59 26.2 ± 2.23 27.2 ± 4.69 26.8 ± 3.88
ALT 24.4 ± 1.93 20.9 ± 1.13 21.5 ± 2.40 21.4 ± 2.36
S. Creatinine 0.835 ± 0.031 0.835 ± 0.027 0.81 ± 0.03 0.82 ± 0.02
Blood Urea 21.3 ± 1.138 22.5 ± 1.087 23.1 ± 1.64 24.7 ± 1.96


Obesity is a disease of imbalance between energy intake and energy

expenditure resulting in fat deposition inside the body which is responsible for
various pathological changes and eventually causes ischemic heart disease,
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, mild exertional dyspnoea, osteoarthritis etc.
The treatment of obesity therefore mainly revolves around the management of
weight reduction. According to Unani philosophy the main culprit of Saman-e-
mufrat is ijtemae akhlate ghleeza (accumulation of morbid humours) leading
to derangement of temperament particularly due to ghalbae balgham.Hence,
any drug which possesses properties like Muhallil, Muhazzil, Mullattif, Mudir,
Qatae bhalgham, Qatae Akhlate ghaleeza can ameliorate the derangement of
temperament by evacuating fasid maddae bhalghamia and thereby effective in
the management of obesity.

The administration of Test drug brought about significant reduction in the

subjective and objective parameters consorted with the patients of obesity,
demonstrating that the test combination is effective in relieving the symptoms
associated with obesity and reducing body weight. These effects are

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

probably due to the diverse action of ingredients of Test formulation. Some
of the ingredients of the test drug have been reported to possess important
pharmacological actions that directly or indirectly support our contention
regarding efficacy of test drug. Ajwain desi (Trachyspermum ammi L.), Tukhme
Suddab (Ruta graveolens L.), Zeera siyah (Carum carvi L.), Marzanjosh
(Origanum majorana L.), Bora Armani posses diverse pharmacological action
like Muhallil, Muhazzil, Mullattif , Mudir, Qatae bhalgham and Qatae akhlate
ghaleeza and endowed with haar yabis (hot & dry) (Ibn Baitar, 2000; Ibn Sina,
1929; Najm-ul-Ghani, 1927; Kabeeruddin, 2010; Ibn-ul-Quff, 1986). Thus these
drugs act in the same line that has been mentioned above, in ameliorating
symptoms of obesity.

It appears that the combined effect of the different constituents of the test drug
produced anti obesity effect and or the combined effect of the constituents of
the test drug modified the disease process, consequently improved various
symptoms of obesity. As a result body weight, body mass index, upper arm
circumference, skin fold thickness and waist hip ratio showed improvement
up to some extent. An improvement in almost all the subjective as well as
objective parameters clearly indicated anti obesity effect of Test drug. It is
likely that, the different properties of ingredients of the test drug may have
complemented each other to make suitable changes in the adipose tissues to
improve its functioning. The effect on reducing body weight in placebo group
may be due to strict dietary restriction and moderate exercise which was
advised in both groups. Further, in test group more significant improvement
was due to action of ingredients of test formulation, particularly the Muhazzil,
and Qatae balgham effect of zeera siyah, (Najm-ul-Ghani, 1927; Ghulam
Nabi, 2007) Muhallil effect of tukhame suddab (Ibn Sina, 1929; Ibn Ibrahim
Magharibi, 2007), Mulattif action of Marzanjoosh (Ibn Hubal Baghdadi, 2005,
Najm-ul-Ghani, 1927) and Qateh akhlate ghaleeza properties of Bora Armani
(Ibn Baitar, 2000; Ibn Sina, 1929; Kabeeruddin, 2007; Najmul Ghani, 1927; Ibn-
ul-Quff, 1986). The varied properties of above drugs complement each other
and facilitate the anti obesity effect of test formulation.


In the present study, test drug exhibited overall improvement in the symptoms
of the disease and was found effective in the management of Obesity without
demonstrating any adverse effects as the safety markers (Haemogram, LFT
and RFT) were remained within limit after completion of the course of the

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

On the basis of above result and discussion, it can be concluded that Unani
formulation Ajwain desi (Trachyspermum ammi L.), Tukhme Suddab (Ruta
graveolens L.), Zeera siyah (Carum carvi L.), Marzanjosh (Origanum majorana
L.), Bora Armani (Armeniac bole) is quite effective and safe in the treatment
of Saman-e-mufrat. However, other aspect of Test formulation should also be
explored, so that untapped potential of the test drug could be utilized to provide
complete and safe remedy for treatment of Saman-e-mufrat (Obesity).


The authors are thankful to the authorities of National Institute of Unani Medicine
Bangalore, for providing financial assistance and facilities for clinical trial.


Antaki Daud, 2010. Tazkiratu Uolil Albab (Arabic), Vol. 3, CCRUM, New Delhi,
pp. 139-40.
Baghdadi Ibn Hubal, 2005. Kitabul Mukhtarat Fit Tib (Urdu translation), Vol. 1 &
2, CCRUM, New Delhi, pp. 174-75, 199, 202, 213-14, 263.
Bray, G.A., 2004. Medical Consequences of Obesity. The Journal of clinical
Endocrinology & Metabolism 89(6): 2583-2589.
Chandpuri, Kausar, 1998. Mojazul Qanoon. Qaumi Council Baraye Farogh
Urdu Zaban, pp. 459-60.
Ferri, F.F., Alvero R., Borkan J.M., Fort G.G., Dobbs M.R., Goldberg R.J.,
2012. Ferri’s Clinical Advisor. Elsevier. 10th ed. pp. 705-6.
Ghulam Nabi, 2007. Makhzane Mufradat wa Murakkabat. CCRUM, New Delhi,
pp. 36, 139.
Halim, R.E.A., 2005. Obesity 1000 years ago. Lancet 366: 204.
Haslam, D., 2007. Obesity a medical history. The International Association for
the study of obesity 8(1): 31-36.
Humes, David H., DuPond, Herbert L., Gardner, Laurence B., 2000. Kelley’s
Textbook of Internal Medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers.
4thed., pp. 233-41.
Ibn Baitar, 2000. Al Jameul mufradat wal Advia wal Aghzia. (Urdu translation).
CCRUM, New Delhi, (Vol. 1 & 4). pp. 313-15, 198-99, 314-15, 379-80.
Ibn ul Quff, 1986. Kitabul Umda Fil Jarahat (Urdu translation), Vol. 1. CCRUM,
New Delhi, pp. 244.

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Ibne Sena, 1929. Al-qanoon-fit-Tib (Translated by Ghulam Hussain Kantoori).
Munshi Nawal Kishor Publication Lucknow. Vol. 4 pp. 376-380, Vol. 2
pp. 38.
Jurjani, A.H.I., 1996. Zakhira Khawarzam Shahi (Urdu translation by Khan HH),
Vol. 8. Idea Citable Shiva, pp. 23-28.
Kabeeruddin, M., 2001. Ifadae Kabir. Qaumi Kaunsil Baraye Farogh Urdu
Zuban 1st ed. pp. 65.
Kabeeruddin, M., 2007. Ilmul Advia Nafeesi, Ejaz Publishing House, New
Delhi, pp. 80, 131-32.
Kabeeruddin, M., 2010. Makhzanul Mufradat (Kitabul Advia). Idara Kitabul
Shifa, New Delhi, pp. 92.
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Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Mcgraw-hill Medical
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York, 18th ed., pp. 622-34.
Magharibi Ibn Ibrahim, 2007. Kitabul Fat’h Fit Tadawi (Urdu translation),
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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Clinical Abstract

Evaluation of a aght al-Dam Qawi (Systemic Hypertension) is a clinical

condition characterized by persistent rise in arterial blood pressure. It is the
Unani Pharma- commonest cardiovascular disorder, posing a major public health challenge to
copoeial population in socioeconomic and epidemiological transition. In Unani system of
medicine the term hypertension has not been described as such and the term
Formulation, Zaght al-Dam Qawi is adopted as a translation of hypertension. In classical
Khameera literature of Unani medicine most of the clinical features of Zaght al-Dam Qawi
(hypertension) are mentioned under the heading of Imtala bi hasbil auiya. The
Sandal Sada,
objective of the present study is to evaluate the efficacy of Unani formulation,
in Zaght al- Khameera Sandal Sada, in the management of Zaght al-Dam Qawi Ibtidai on
Dam Qawi modern parameters. The study was a single blind randomized standard control
trial with the test and control drug treatment.
Ibtidai (Primary
Key words: Zaght al-Dam Qawi; Hypertension; Khameera Sandal Sada, Unani
Hypertension) Medicine, Imtala bi hasbil auiya.

1Shamshad Ahmad,
2M. M. H. Siddiqui,
3Abdul Nasir Ansari,
Zaght al-Dam Qawi (Systemic hypertension) is the most common
4Shaikh Imran and
cardiovascular disorder. It is a chronic condition of concern due to its role in the
5Merajul Haque
causation of coronary heart disease, stroke and other vascular complications. It
1 Paramount Diagnostic Centre, is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular mortality, which accounts for
Abul Fazal Enclave, 20-50 percent of all deaths (Park, 2005).
New Delhi-110025
In classical literature of Unani medicine, the term hypertension has not been
2 Department of Ilaj-bit- Tadbeer, A.K.
used as such by Unani physicians and the term Zaght al-Dam Qawi was adopted
Tibbiya College,
by the Unani authors as a translation of hypertension. Ancient Unani scholars
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh-202002 used a term Imtala to describe a condition in which normal or abnormal fluids are
too much accumulated in the body producing certain type of symptoms.
3&4 Department of Moalejat,
National Institute of Unani Medicine, The eminent physicians of Unani system of medicine like Abbas Majoosi in
Kottigepalaya, Magadi Main Road, Kamilus Sana and Ibne Sena (980-1037AD) in his most famous medical text
Al-Qanoon give a comprehensive description of this condition (Majoosi, 1889;
5 Central Council for Research in Ibn-Sina, 1930).
Unani Medicine,
61-65, Institutional Area, Ibne Sena and Abbas Majoosi have described the Imtala in this way that
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 excess of food, alcohol, rest, and lack of exercise result in accumulation
of waste products in our body, whether Mahmooda (Beneficial) or Ghair-
mahmooda (Non beneficial), both are toxic for the body. The accumulation of

1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 41-51
these waste products results in increase in blood volume, Tamaddud urooqi
(Vascular distension) and increase in intravascular pressure. The Unani
scholars had mentioned the types of imtala as: Imtala bi hasbil auiya and
Imtala bi hasbil quva. The clinical symptoms of Imtala bi hasbil auiya described
by the Unani physicians are very similar to that of hypertension. Literally
‘Imtala’ means engorgement and fullness of the body with madda (material).
(Kabeeruddin, 1938) Technically, it means there is accumulation of normal or
abnormal fluids in the body.

The prevalence of hypertension varies considerably among and within

population. In general, societies in which adulteration and industrialization
are advanced have a higher prevalence of elevated blood pressure than less
developed societies (Myron, 1989). In western countries, nearly 50 percent of
all persons develop hypertension some time in their span of life and one-fourth
of all deaths in the elderly are due to one of the complications of hypertension.
In India the overall incidence of hypertension in the population is stated to vary
from 1 to 4 percent (Prasad, 1997).

The idiopathic hypertension is called as essential or primary hypertension

whereas with a specific is called as secondary hypertension. About 95%
of cases are of the primary hypertension and about 5% cases belong to
secondary hypertension. (Cotran et al., 1989; Mac Sween et al., 1992)

The clinical features usually associated with Zaght al-Dam Qawi Ibtidai are
headache, especially in the morning, fatigue in the evening, palpitation,
breathlessness, sleeplessness flushing of the face and sometimes
epistaxis. These symptoms may or may not be present in all the cases. The
complications of hypertension affect the heart, kidney, eye and nervous
system. Hypertensive patients are prone to renal failure, peripheral vascular
diseases. Cerebrovascular diseases and coronary artery diseases are the most
common causes of death in hypertension (Kumar & Clark, 2002).


The present study has been undertaken in the department of Moalejat and
patients were selected from Hospital, National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Patients were clinically examined and required
hematological, biochemical investigations were carried out. A written informed
consent was obtained from all the patients. The duration of study was two
years and the patients were enrolled from 2006 to 2007.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Selection Criteria
Patients of both sexes selected randomly, in the age group of 18-70 of years
with all grades (mild, moderate, severe) of Primary hypertension were enrolled
in the study. Patients with severe anaemia, lactating mothers, pregnant
ladies, Patients with chronic Renal failure, Myocardial Infarction, Ischemic
Heart Disease, valvular Heart diseases, neurological disorders and cases of
malignant hypertension were excluded from the study.

Study Design
The study was a single blind randomized standard control trial with the test and
control drug treatment. Total 60 patients randomly selected were divided into
two groups i.e Group A composed of 30 patients who were treated with test
drug, Khameera Sandal Sada, in dosage of 7 gm twice a day for two months.
Group B also consists of 30 patients and was treated with standard control
drug “Atenolol” in the dosage of 50 mg once a day for two months. All the
patients were assessed for subjective and objective parameters.

Statistical Analysis
The results were analyzed statistically using student‘t’ test and wilcoxon
matched pair test.

Selection of Test Drug

The best quality drugs were provided by the pharmacy of National Institute
of Unani Medicine. Before preparing the test drug formulation, all of the
ingredients were properly identified to ascertain their originality. The
sandalwood powder was soaked in rose water for about 24 hours. This mixture
then boiled up to the time it become half, than sugar was added and boiled and
stirrer the substance with pastel till it becomes in the form of khameera 7 g of
drug twice a day was given for two months.

Findings of effectiveness of test and control drugs were recorded on a specially

designed case report form and the inference was made by appropriate statistical

Composition of Khameera Sandal Sada

Ingredients Used as Quantity
Sandal Safaid (Santalum album L.) (Burada or Fine powder) 75 gm
Gul-e-Surkh (Rosa damascena L.) (Arq or Distillate) 500 ml
Sugar 1 kg
(Kabeeruddin, 1938)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


It was observed that the incidence of hypertension is higher in age groups

between 49-78 years and least common in the age group between 18-28
years. (Fig. 1)

The disease was found more common in females than in males. As there was
more number of female patients registered which were above the age of 50
years, the data show high incidence in females. (Fig. 2) The data shows the
highest incidence of hypertension in damvi mizaj patients followed by balghami
mizaj, sudavi mizaj and safravi mizaj (Fig. 3) which is supported by (Majoosi,
1889; Ibn-Sina, 1930; Ibn-e-Rushd, 1980; Jurjani, 1903).

The data reveals the high incidence of hypertension in middle income

group followed by low income group and high income group (Fig. 4) which
is supported by Pai and Halani (Pai and Halani, 1980). The data shows that
incidence of hypertension is high in stressed subject (58.3%) than in otherwise
(41.7%) (Fig. 5).

Fig. 1 : Distribution of Patients according to Age

Fig. 2 : Distribution of Patients according to Sex

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Fig. 3 : Distribution of Patients according to Mizaj

Fig. 4 : Distribution of Patients according to socio-economic status

Fig. 5 : Distribution of Patients according to mental status

Table 1 : Effect of treatment on mean blood pressure

Mean Blood Pressure (in mm Hg)

Blood Test Group (n = 30) Control Group (n = 30)
BT AT Reduction BT AT Reduction
in BP % Imp. in BP % Imp.
Systolic 161.8 147.4 14.4 8.89% 165.7 135.7 30.0 18.10%
Diastolic 100.9 91.7 9.2 9.11% 101.1 85.7 15.4 15.23%

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Fig. 6 : Effect of treatment on mean blood pressure

Table 2 : Statistical analysis of effect of treatment on mild hypertension using

student ‘t’ test
Blood Test Group (n = 15) Control Group (n = 13)
Pressure Mean blood pressure (mm Hg) Mean blood pressure (mm Hg)
BT AT tc value BT AT tc value
Systolic 154.1 + 142.4 + 11.39* 152.2 + 126.6 + 13.09***
0.883 1.11 1.25 1.93
Diastolic 96.5+ 90.1+ 7.91** 93.5+ 0.82 82.4+ 2.22 5.59****
0.363 0.925
* P. value < 0.05 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.
**P. value < 0.001 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.
***P. value < 0.05 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.
****P. value < 0.001 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.

Fig. 7 : Statistical Analysis of effect of Treatment on Mild Hypertension

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Table 3 : Statistical analysis of effect of treatment on moderate hypertension
using student ‘t’ test

Blood Test Group (n = 13) Control Group (11)

BT AT tc value BT AT tc value
Systolic 166 + 1.84 149.3 + 13.86* 165.7 + 148.9 + 13.63***
2.04 1.72 2.08
Diastolic 103.8 + 92 + 1.07 13.62** 103.1 + 85.3 + 17.38****
1.09 0.985 1.45

* P. value < 0.05 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.

**P. value < 0.001 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.
***P. value < 0.05 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.
****P. value < 0.001 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.

Fig. 8 : Statistical Analysis of Treatment on Moderate Hypertension

Using Student ‘t’ Test

Table. 4 : Statistical analysis of effect of treatment on severe hypertension

using student ‘t’ test

Test Group (n = 3) Control Group (n = 6)

Pressure BT AT tc value BT AT tc value
183.3 + 162.6 + 187.7 + 155.3 +
Systolic 7.11* 11.96***
1.76 3.71 2.98 2.35
111.3+ 98.7+ 113.7+
Distolic 19.00** 93.3+ 3.49 5.72****
0.667 0.667 1.58

* P. value < 0.05 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.

**P. value < 0.001 in systolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.
***P. value < 0.05 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in test group.
****P. value < 0.001 in diastolic BP as compared to pre-treatment in control group.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Fig. 9 : Statistical Analysis of Effect of Treatment on Severe Hypertension

Table 5 : Data Analysis of Test and Control drug on Symptoms

Symptoms Test Group Control Group

BT AT Improvement BT AT Improvement
No. of No. of No. of % No. of No. of No. of %
Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases
Headache 24 5 19 79.2 18 12 6 33.3
Palpitation 22 5 17 77.3 19 14 5 26.3
Nervousness 20 6 14 70.0 18 13 5 27.8
Dizziness 21 8 13 61.9 18 13 5 27.8
Weakness 17 7 10 58.8 16 12 4 25.0
Insomnia 17 4 13 76.5 15 11 4 26.7
Breathlessness 12 8 4 33.3 11 8 3 27.3
Fatigability 19 10 9 47.3 15 10 5 33.3
Chest Pain 10 5 5 50.0 7 4 3 42.8
Loss of Libido 5 5 0 0NS 2 2 0 0NS

Wilcoxon matched pair test

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Results and Discussion

In mild, moderate and severe hypertension groups, the test drug showed
significant (P<0.05) result in reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
after the treatment while the control drug showed highly significant (P<0.001)
result in reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after the treatment.
The test drug has given good response on general symptoms than control
drug. By using wilcoxon matched pair test, the results in group A are significant
(p<0.001) as compared to group B (p<0.01) in relation to symptometology of

Analysis of effect of Test and Control drug on Mean B.P. of 30 patients

When observed, the mean systolic B.P. from a level of 161.8 mmHg, came
down to normal B.P. level of 147.4 mmHg likewise, the mean diastolic B.P.
from a level of 100.9 mmHg, came down to the normal diastolic B.P. level of
91.7 mmHg after the eight weeks of the treatment with the test drug. Thus the
average reduction in mean systolic and mean diastolic B.P. was recorded as
14.4 mmHg and 9.2 mmHg respectively (Fig.6). This significant reduction in
blood pressure is due to diuretic, sedative and coolant properties of Sandal
safaid which is supported by (Anonymus, 2003; Ghani, 1927; Rafeequddin,
1985; Anonymous, 2001).

In control group, the mean systolic blood pressure from a level of 165.7 mmHg,
came down to normal blood pressure level of 135.7 mmHg. The mean diastolic
blood pressure, from a level of 101.1 mmHg came down to 85.7 mmHg. Thus
the average reduction in mean systolic and mean diastolic BP was recorded as
30.0 mmHg and 15.4 mmHg respectively (Fig.6).

Effect on Mild, Moderate and Severe hypertension

Out of total patients suffering from mild hypertension in test group, the
improvement in mean systolic blood pressure was 7.59% and in mean diastolic
blood pressure was 6.63% (Fig.7). In moderate hypertension the improvement
in mean systolic blood pressure was 10.06 % and in mean diastolic blood
pressure was 11.36% (Fig.8). In severe hypertension of test group the
improvement in mean systolic blood pressure was 11.29 % and in mean
diastolic blood pressure was 11.32% (Fig.9). The effect of Unani formulation in
all grades of hypertension group after the treatment was found significant (P <
0.05). This significant effect is due to diuretic, sedative and coolant properties
of Sandal safaid which is supported by (Anonymus, 2003; Ghani, 1927;
Rafeequddin, 1985; Anonymous, 2001).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Effect on Symptoms

The test drug shows significant response in the symptoms of primary

hypertension. The compound formulation, Khameera Sandal Sada may
particularly be effective in symptoms of high blood pressure due to its sedative,
hypnotic, diuretic and cooling effects and this is the unani formulation which
has been successfully used in the treatment of palpitation, headache and
nervousness, the symptoms commonly found in hypertension (Table.5). The
improvement in headache is due to sedative properties of Sandal safaid. The
rose has also the properties of relieving head pain due to anxiety, stress. The
anxiety and stress may be the causes of primary hypertension. Hence the
Sandal Safaid and Arq Ghulab are beneficial in headache, palpitation and
nervousness. The data is supported by (Anonymous, 2003; Ghani, 1927;
Rafeequddin, 1985; Anonymous, 2001).


The study revealed that test drug has given good response on general
symptoms than control drug while the control drug found to be highly significant
in lowering the elevated blood pressure than the test drug. Collectively,
Khameera Sandal Sada (test drug) can be recommended for reducing the
symptoms in general and mild to moderately elevated blood pressure as well.

On the basis of above results it can be concluded that Khameera Sandal

Sada is effective and safer in the management of symptoms of Primary
hypertension. In this preliminary clinical trial Khameera Sandal Sada was found
to be safe and effective. However it can be further taken up on large scale for
conduction of phase second and third clinical trial for further establishment of
its therapeutic efficacy.


We are thankful to the department of Moalejat, National Institute of Unani

Medicine, Bangalore, who provided us facilities to carry out the study.


Anonymous, 2001. Medicinal Plants in Folklores of Northern India. CCRUM:

New Delhi. 1st ed., pp. 428.
Anonymous, 2003. The Wealth of India. CSIR New Delhi. (Vol-IX), pp. 208-209.
Cotran R.S., Kumar V., Robbins S.L., 1989. Robbins Pathologic Basis of
Disease; W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1062-1069.
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Ghani Najmul, 1927. Khazainul Advia. Idara Kitabushiffa, New Delhi, pp. 932,
Ibn-e-Rushd, 1980. Kitabul Kulliya (Urdu translation). CCRUM, New Delhi,
pp. 157-158, 279-289, 306.
Ibn-e-Sena, 1930. Al-qanoon Fit Tibb (Urdu Translation by Kantoori G.H.).
Idara-e-Tarjuman-ul-Tibb Lahore. (Vol-I), pp. 107, 120-121 (Vol-II). pp. 125,
155, 223.
Jurjani, A.H., 1903. Tarjuma Zakheera-e-khawarzum shahi (Translation
by Khan, A.H.). Matba Nami Munshi Nawal Kishore, Lucknow (Vol-I),
pp. 21-25.
Kabeeruddin, M., 1938. Kulliyat Nafisi. Idara Kitabush shifa, New Delhi, pp. 473.
Kabeeruddin, M., 1938. Biyaze Kabeer. Hikmat Book Depot, Hyderabad
(Vol 2), pp. 52.
Kumar & Clark., 2002. Clinical Medicine. WB Saunders, 5th ed., pp. 820.
Mac Sween R.M.N., Whaley K., 1992. Hypertension Muir’s Text Book of
Pathology. Oxford University Press Inc., New York. 13th ed., pp. 456-464.
Majoosi A.I.A., 1889. Kamil-us-Sanah. Munshi Nawal Kishore, Lucknow,
pp. 137, 153, 498, 548.
Mohd Rafeequddin, 1985. Kanzul Advia Mufrada. University Publication Unit,
AMU, Aligarh, pp. 478-479.
Myron, H., Weinberger, 1989. Systemic hypertension Kelly Text Book of
Internal Medicine. J. B.Lippin Cott Company, Philadelphia. 2nd ed., pp. 236-
Pai, D.M and Halani, M.G., 1980. High blood pressure in slum dwellers.
In: Clinical hypertension–Proceedings of the International Congress on
Hypertension, Bombay, N.J. Shah and P. Singhri (Eds.). New Thackers
Fine Art Press, Bombay.
Park, K., 2005. Preventive and Social Medicine. Banarsidas Bhanot Jabalpur,
18th ed., pp. 293.
Prasad Birendra, 1997. Principles and practice of medicine. Jaypee brothers
Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 1st ed., pp. 206.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Clinical Abstract

Evaluation n the present study, efficacy of a Unani drug preparation

of Efficacy
(Asal-us-Soos, Alsi, Irsa, Barg-e-Adoosa and Honey) has been assessed
on 70 cases of chronic bronchitis. Among these 60 completed the course of
of Asal-us- study, the results were found to be highly significant. Further investigations are
Keywords: Chronic Bronchitis, Sual Muzmin, Unani Medicine.
and Honey Introduction
on Chronic Chronic bronchitis is a cough phlegm syndrome. The term was introduced
Bronchitis: A into the medical literature early in the 19th century and was recognized as
an inflammatory disease of the airways (Sidney, 2006). The Ciba Guest
Symposium published in 1959 provided definition of chronic bronchitis as
Study “chronic or recurrent excessive mucous secretion in the bronchial tree”. The
definition of chronic bronchitis was quantified by epidemiologists as “the
1M. Manzar Alam, presence of chronic productive cough for at least three consecutive months in
2Abdul Mannan and two consecutive years with other causes of chronic productive cough ruled out”
2Misbahuddin Siddiqi
such as pulmonary tuberculosis, carcinoma of the lung, bronchiectasis, cystic
1Dept. of Ilaj bit Tadbeer, fibrosis and congestive heart failure (Chabra, 2009; Fauci, 2008; Fishman,
Ayurvedic & Unani Medical College, 2007; Fletcher, 1984; Robert, 2005).
Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh-202001
In developed countries, cigarette smoking is responsible for 85 to 90% cases
2Department of Moalajat, of chronic bronchitis (Robert, 2005; Cohen, 1980; Goel, 2007; Jindal, 2006;
A.K. Tibbiya College,
Sharma, 2005).
Aligarh Muslim University,
Cigarette smokers have a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and lung
function abnormalities, a greater annual rate of decline in FEV1, and a greater
COPD mortality rate than nonsmokers (Mannino, 2006; Anthoney, 2005).
Ancient Unani physicians have described chronic bronchitis under the heading
of SualMuzmin (chronic cough) (Khan, 1983; Khan, 1939; Jurjani, 1902;
Arzani, 1955).

According to the report of National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute US

Department of Health and Human Service, March 2003, 9.2 million adults
aged 25 and older reported being diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and about
24 million adults have impaired lung function. About 119, 054 adults ages 25
and older died from COPD in 2000 (Anonymous 2003).The total estimated
cost of COPD treatment in 2002 was $ 32.1 billion. A survey conducted by the

1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 53-64
Copenhagen City heart study showed the prevalence of chronic bronchitis at
around 10 percent in Copenhagen (Peter, 2003).

The most consistent pathologic correlate is the hypertrophy of the bronchial

mucosa. Chronic cough, expectoration and breathlessness are the cardinal
symptoms of the disease (Anthony and Douglas, 2005).

In Unani medicine, Muhallil Auram (anti-inflammatory), Munaffis Balgham

(expectorants) and Mulattif (mucolytics) are given in the treatment of chronic
bronchitis (Khan, 1983; Khan, 1939; Jurjani, 1902; Arzani, 1955).

In allopathic system of medicine, corticosteroids & bronchodilators are used

in the treatment of chronic bronchitis (Mannino, 2006). Corticosteroids have
serious side effects when used for a long period and bronchodilators are not
the permanent solution. So there is a need for a permanent remedy which the
patients can take for a long period safely.

Unani system of medicine, a traditional system, has a successful treatment of

chronic bronchitis. Unani literatures show that Asal-us-Soos, Alsi, Irsa, Barg-e-
Adoosaand Honey are effective in chronic bronchitis (Alam, 2011; Khan, 1933;
Baitar, 1999). Holy Quran described the honey as, a drink of varying colors,
wherein is healing for mankind. Verily, in this is indeed a Sign for people who
think (Qur’ân 16:68-69). In addition, the Prophet Mohammad said: “Honey
is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’ân is a remedy for all illness of the
mind, therefore I recommend to your remedies, the Qur’an and honey” (Qur’ân
16:68-69, Bukhari, 2000; Ilahi, 2010). Hence an attempt was made to test their
efficacy clinically.

Material and Method

The present study was a simple observational study conducted in OPD/IPD

of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Hospital, under the Department of Moalajat,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Acomprehensive protocol was chalked
out and was put forth for ethical clearance from the ethical committee of the
Department. 70 subjects were randomly selected amongst the patients
provisionally diagnosed to be suffering from chronic bronchitis and after
fulfilling all the inclusive and exclusive criteria as mentioned below, among
them 60 cases completed the course of study. 10 (14.2%) cases were dropped
from the study as theycannotfollow the protocol.

Inclusion Criteria
1. Patients in the age group of 30 to 65 years.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

2. Patients presenting cough with expectoration, on most days of at least
three months of two consecutive years.

3. Patients with the history of smoking.

4. Patients with the history of smoke exposure.

5. Patients with harsh vesicular breathing with prolong expiration and/or

bilateral rhonchi on clinical examination.

6. Patients with positive radiological diagnosis of chronic bronchitis.

7. Patients with FEV1 < 80% of predicted value.

8. Patients with FEV1/FVC ratio < 70%

9. Patients who were clinically stable.

Exclusion Criteria

1. Patients below 30 years and over 65 years.

2. Patients having evidence of cor-pulmonale.

3. Patients in acute exacerbation of COPD.

4. Patients with other associated diseases like left ventricular failure, mitral
stenosis, other cardiac diseases and peptic ulceration etc.

5. Patients with previous documented response to oral steroids or who had

been on oral and or inhaled steroids in the past 3 months.

6. Patients with personal or family history of allergy.

7. Patient having Hb% less than 10.

8. Patients having AFB positive.

9. Patients having wastage of muscles.

10. Patients having compromised immunity.

Selection of Drugs

All the ingredients of the test combination singly or, as a constituent of many
pharmacopeal compound drugs, are in use in bronchitis and other diseases
of chest and respiratory system since long past in Unani system of medicine.
Physicians at Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College (AKTC) Hospital are frequently
prescribing this combination in chronic bronchitis. Further, a combination
containing all the ingredients except Berg-e-Adoosa is prepared by the hospital
pharmacy for distribution of the OPD/IPD patients. The hospital data suggest

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

that the drug is effective in cases of chronic bronchitis. In view of its successful
practice by the physicians at AKTC hospital who have described its promising
effects in bronchitis and other respiratory diseases are ‘age old’ practice of
the ingredients of the combination of Unani medicine (Mannan, 1999). This
combination was selected to study its efficacy and safety in cases of chronic

Identification of Drugs

Identification of test drugs i.e. Asal-us-Soos, Alsi, Irsa, Barg-e-Adoosa was

done by Professor S. H. Afaq, eminent pharma-cogonist, Department of Ilmul
Advia, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, while
pure honey was purchased from Agro Honey, Gramudhyog Seva Samity, Malic
Enclave, Nakasia, Bareilly, U.P. Asal-us-Soos, Alsi, Irsa and Barg-e-Adoosa
were purchased from Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh.

The drugs also processedin pharmacy section of the Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College
Hospital forthe removal of impurities and made them Neemkoob Shuda (semi
grinded form) for joshanda preparation. The Joshanda was prepared by drugs
in equal quantity of 4 grams each in 100 ml of water. The joshanda was boiled
till the water remained half in quantity. The filtrate was superadded with 20 ml
of honey. Patients were given the prepared joshanda twice a day on an empty
stomach. No concomitant treatment was allowed during the study.

The duration of the study was 42 days. The weekly follow up of the cases was
scheduled for the assessment of efficacy of the drugs.

Safety assessment: The safety of the drugs treatment was assessed through
non-occurrence of any toxic or adverse effect during the treatment period on
the following parameters:

Complete Haemogram, RFT, LFT, Blood Sugar.

Efficacy assessment: The assessment of the efficacy was determined on the

subjective and objective parameters as follows:

Subjective Parameters:
Decrease in the cough Decrease in sputum expectoration

Improvement in breathlessness Disappearance of rhonchi

Improvement in general condition

Objective parameters:

Increase in FEV1 of predicted value Enhancement of the FEV1/FVC ratio

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Statistical analysis: The observations and data collected were tabulated and
statistically analyzed by applying paired t test for objective parameter and non-
parametric values were calculated with applying Kruskal Wallis test.

Table 1: Effects of test drugs on the cough during follow up. n = 60

Follow up (in days)

After treatment

0 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd

Net Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %
No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients
Mild 15 15 0 12 20 9 40 6 60 0 100 0 100
Test Drug

Moderate 33 33 0 30 9.1 24 27.3 15 54.4 12 63.4 9 73

Severe 12 12 0 12 0 12 0 9 25 9 25 9 25

Kruskal Wallis 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Value (KW)

Table 2 : Effects of test drugs on Sputum during follow up. n = 60

Follow up (in days)


After treatment

0 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd


Day Net Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %
No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

Mild 15 15 0 12 20 9 40 6 60 0 100 0 100 59.8%

Test Drug

Moderate 33 33 0 33 0 27 18.2 24 27.3 18 45.5 15 54.4

Severe 12 12 0 12 0 1 0 9 25 9 25 9 25

Kruskal Wallis 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Value (KW)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 3 : Effects of test drugs on breathlessness during follow. n = 45

Follow up (in days)

After treatment

0 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd


Net Improvement %
Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %
No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients
Mild 12 12 0 12 0 9 25 6 50 3 75 0 100
Test Drug

Moderate 24 24 0 24 0 24 0 18 25 12 50 12 50

Severe 9 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 6 33.3 6 33.3 61.1%

Kruskal 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Wallis Value

Table 4 : Effects of test drugs on Wheezes during follow up. n = 45

Follow up (in days)

After treatment
0 Day 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %

Improvement %
No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

No. of Patients

45 45 0 45 0 39 13.3 30 33.3 24 46.7 18 60

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 5 : Effect of Drugs on FEV1 Predicted value n = 60

FEV1 No. of Mean FEV1 Predicted t value Overall t – value

Patients value p Mean p – value
Before After value Predicted
Treatment Treatment value
n = 20
70-79 15 75.0 + 3.4 86.4 + 5.7 t= t = 9.5
(Mild) 5.60 p< 0.001
60-69 30 63.0 + 2.3 87 + 5.4 t=

62.1 + 6.9

80.6 + 5.1
(Moderate) 3.25
50-59 15 55.0 + 3.9 75 + 3.0 t=
(Moderately 2.77
Severe) p<
Applying paired t test for the observations recorded before and after the treatment.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Results and Discussion

The effect of the drugs on three sub groups of cough, i.e. mild, moderate and
severe was observed as 100%, 73% and 25% improvement respectively.
Average improvement was 66% of cases (Table and Graph 1). The important
drugs in the formulation which directly suppress the spell of cough are
Irsa(Iris ensata), Asal-us-Soos(Glycirrhiza glabra) and Adoosa(Adhatoda
vasica).They have a stabilized effect, but in combination, their cumulative
effect is more important and potent then their individual effect. The
base of the formulation is honey which has several properties including
being demulcent, mucokinetic and having cough suppressant action on
bronchoalveolar mucosa. Most probably the presence of essential oils,
vacicinol, vacicinine and adhatine in Adoosa, glycyrrhizin, asparazines and
a glycoside anthoxacin in Asl-us-sooos as well as the tonic and respiratory
epithelium regenerator effect of honey are factors responsible for improving
the drug efficacy (Rastogi et al., 1960-1969; 1980-1984; 1990-1994).
The effects of the drug on three sub groups of sputum i.e. mild, moderate
and severe were observed as 100%, 54.4% and 25% respectively. Overall
improvement was 59.8% of cases (Table and Graph 2).

A remarkable improvement of 60% was noted in the severity of sputum

expectoration in different categories at the end of the study (Table and
Graph 2). The improvement may be contributed by mucolytic, mucokinetic and
expectorant actions of Asal-us-Soos, IrsaandAlsi, as well as broncho-dilatory
effects of Adoosa, Alsi, and Irsa. Irsa consists of vanalic and P- hydroxylenoic
acid, which has anti-allergic and anti-histamic properties. It also suppresses the
mucus to the mucus production (sputum). The Embinin present in Irsaacts as
deobstractant effect besides having anti-dotal properties at various toxins and
allergens (Rastogi et al.,1960-1969; 1980-1984; 1990-1994).

There was 100% aptness in mild cases, 50% correctness in moderate cases
and 33.3% recovery in severe cases of breathlessness. Total improvement
was 61.1% of cases (Table and Graph 3).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Breathlessness is due to impaired airflow in bronchial passage which is
in the lumen of bronchioles due to hypertrophy of bronchial mucosa in
chronic bronchitis. Also there is defective mucociliary clearance due to
inactivation of cilia. The accumulation of mucous takes place and ultimately
there are breathing difficulties i.e. breathlessness, hypoxemia etc. In our
formulation, Adoosais a known bronchodialator having bromhexin as
alkaloid which is a potent mucolytic agent (Rastogi et al., 1960-1969; 1980-
1984; 1990-1994). The mucolytic as well as bronchodilatory effect improves
mucociliary clearance action and facilitates the air conductance. The Irsa,
due to its membrane stabilizing action, along with honey, makes the lumen
healthier and helps in rejuvenation process of bronchoalveolar epithelium.
Breathlessness was categorized as mild, moderate and severe according
to the Modified Medical Research Council questionnaire(Bestall,1999).
The average improvement in breathlessness was 61% of cases(Table and
Graph 3).

Wheeze or rhonchi were present in all the 45 cases and there was 60%
improvement in them at the end of the study (Table and Graph 4).

The concept of Munzij is very vital in the expulsion of all viscid humours. The
test drugs bear Munzij properties for khiltebalgham (phlegmatic humour) and
KhilteSawdawi (melancholic humour) which spawn noxious pathological
changes leading to chronic bronchitis. The expelling effect on abnormal
MawadwaAkhlat is the significant action in relieving the pathology of bronchial
mucosa and bronchus contents.

The mean FEV1 percentage predicted values recorded prior to the study
were 75.0 + 3.4, 63.0 + 2.3, 55.0 + 3.9 and 62.1 + 6.9 in mild, moderate,
moderatelysevere respectively. Remarkable increments of 86.4 + 5.7, 87.0 +
5.4, 75.0 + 3.0 and 80.6 + 5.1 were achieved in mild, moderate and moderately
severe respectively. The difference is significant statistically (t = 5.60 and
p < 0.005, t = 3.25, and p < 0.01 and t = 2.77 and p < 0.05 and t = 9.5 and
p < 0.001 (Table 5). Due to the aforementioned effect of the formulation the
improvement in the objective parameter was significant statistically. t = 9.5,
p < 0.001) (Table 5)


The subjected drugs formulation showed significant preiminary results in

alleviating the symptoms, signs and physical findings along with improvement
in FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio without any observable side effects.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Authors are highly thankful to Prof. M.M.H. Siddiqui,Chairman, deptt.ofIlaj-bit-

Tadbeer, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh for his valuable suggestions.


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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Nephropro- Abstract

tection: he concept of protection and tonicity of an organ as

described in Unani medicine has a specific notation that can be understood
Meaning and through the theories philosophies that govern the system. This will help
Scope in Unani understand the significance of the theory and its practical application and also
the nature and mechanism of drugs action and thereby their actual therapeutic
System of value. Evidences are accumulating to demonstrate that the drugs described
Medicine to be useful in various renal disorders because of their nephroprotective and
nephrotonic effect as described in Unani or other traditional medicines, have
1Qazi Zaid Ahmad, even more wide and diverse therapeutic uses than that depicted by the modern
medicine practitioners. Many scientific studies have demonstrated that Unani
2Nasreen Jahan,
3Ghufran Ahmad and 1Tajuddin medicine have ample potential to become an important source of managing
1Deptt. of Saidla,
many renal diseases and their complications. This paper gives a brief account
3Deptt. of Ilmul Advia, of the concept of nephroprotection and explores the potentiality of Unani drugs
A.K. Tibbiya College, that can be used to treat the renal diseases or at least arrest their progression
Aligarh Muslim University,
to chronic or end stage renal disease.
Aligarh – 202001

Key words : Nephroprotection, Nephrotoxicity, Unani System of Medicine.

2National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Kottigepalaya, Magadi Main Road,
Bangalore-560091 Introduction

The complex nature of renal diseases and their progression to renal failure
(both acute and chronic) and end stage renal disease (ESRD) makes their
management quite difficult. The majority of cases of renal disease remain
unnoticed unless they progress to advance stage when the conventional
therapeutic interventions are usually not sufficient to cure them completely.
But the major problem with kidney disease is its progression to a stage when
virtually no option works at all except the renal replacement therapy (RRT).

Two major components of RRT viz. dialysis and kidney transplantation are
highly sophisticated and thereby too costly to be affordable for the patient of
average income group. Only small chunk of elite class can take the luxury of
such a regimen, that too subject to the availability of the facility in its reach.
That is why most of the patients of kidney disease are left to die mainly in
developing and poor countries, because of non-availability of RRT facilities
in their region or their inability to pay for it. About 100 countries have been
identified not to possess such facility at all (Lameire et al., 2005). In India the
projected number of deaths due to chronic kidney diseases (CKD) is on a rise.
In 1990 it was 3.78 million and is expected to become 7.63 million in 2020

1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 65-75
(WHO, 2005). Availability of kidneys for transplantation is another important
problem consistent with RRT. Although, expenditure on RRT is costing about
1 trillion dollar, annually but the substantial percentage of patients in need
of it, still remains untreated and consequently untreated patients have out-
numbered those who are receiving the treatment. In nut shell therefore, it can
be said that it is almost next to impossible to provide replacement therapy to
all patients requiring it. The next option left with the physicians is to think of
alternatives and the best way to come out of such a situation or at least scale
down the prevalence and consequently the financial burden to a significant
level, is to protect the kidney function, slow the progression of disease and
delay the need of RRT (Remuzzi et al., 1993 Hanneman et al., 1991). This
second option actually paved the way for envisaging a concept that is broadly
termed as nephroprotection. It aims at protecting the kidney from noxious
stimuli, treating the kidney diseases or at least checking the progression
of renal diseases and delaying the need of RRT. However the concept of
nephroprotection in modern medicine is relatively new and can hardly be
traced before eighties whereas traditional medicines especially Unani medicine
offers various protective and curative options of management.

Concept of Nephroprotection in Unani System of Medicine

The concept of protection of an organ, and the quwa (faculty) consistent with it,
so as to maintain its structure and function has been a distinguishing feature of
Unani system of medicines since ancient times. Drugs that are supposed to be
tonics and protective for particular organ are used for this purpose and are also
combined with other drugs having related pharmacological effects, with an aim
to strengthen the organ and its quwa to make them efficient enough to fight the
noxious stimuli and protect the organ from aversive effect or at least minimize
the harmful effects of various untoward elements. Thus, the protective
approach to prevent, treat are slow down the progression of disease is the
main stay in Unani system of medicine. The concept of nephroprotection in
Unani system of medicine is meant to invigorate and strengthen the kidney and
help the preservation of its quwa involved in maintaining the normal function of
the kidney. Thus, when impairment in renal function and structure takes place
protective agents help to bring the normalcy back by improving the inherent
protective and defensive abilities of the organ.

The faculties at their equilibrium are poised inherently to maintain the normal
functions of that organ / system and make it strong enough to fight and remove
the untoward elements that come to its contact. That is why for every organ/

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

system a group of tonic drugs has been proposed that safeguards its larger
interest and bring it near to its equilibrium, if some derangement in its function
or structure has taken place. If the normalization does not take place then
the drugs possessing specific actions are used to treat the disease or inhibit
its progression. Thus, we can say that simultaneous protective and curative
approach to prevent, treat or slow the progression of disease is the hallmark of
Unani System of Medicine.

According to Unani system of medicine all the organs have been endowed
with four faculties which work in coordination to maintain the function and the
structure of the organ. These faculties are:

• Quwwat-e-Hazimah

• Quwwat-e-Jazibah

• Quwwat-e- Masikah

• Quwwat-e-Dafeah

Apart from these four faculties that are responsible to maintain the normal
functioning of all the organs, kidney has also been bestowed upon with
an additional faculty namely quwwat-e- mumayyizah (separating and
distinguishing faculty), by virtue of which kidney separates the blood from
impurities and wastes which are the sequels of the ongoing metabolic process
in the body or come from the deliberately administered drugs and chemicals for
therapeutic purposes, or passively ingested toxicants from the environmental
pollution and exposure to various hazardous toxic substances. When the
process of separation completes, quwwat-e- dafeah helps the wastes excrete
out, as early as possible. It suggests that a number of forces that complement
each other, operate continuously in a synchronized way to maintain the
functioning of kidney and also to protect it by not allowing the wastes and
toxins which the kidney is constantly exposed to, to stay for sufficient period of
time to cause local injury. The renoprotection by view point of Unani Medicine
comprises of the protection of the various faculties the kidneys are imbibed
with, to maintain its functioning. In case of mild degree of kidney disorder the
drugs categorized to be kidney tonics, are sufficient enough to deal with the
situation to bring the normalcy. However, when gross impairment in kidney
function or it matrix takes place anyhow, because of the high toxic effect of
a substance or because one of the natural faculties are undermined owing
to some local or systemic disease of the body, then the drugs having other
pharmacological actions along with the tonic one, are used. Drugs ascribed to

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

possess diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cathartic etc along with tonic
effect are frequently used with an aim to treat the pathology and invigorate the
kidney to bounce back to its normal state to perform its assigned work. Further,
in case of progression of kidney diseases some other drugs are included in
the regimen along with the drugs mentioned above, to directly ameliorate the
compromised condition by promoting the healing of injured tissue, removal of
toxins and reducing the pressure of work on kidney by diverting the wastes
to some other system or organs of the body (Arzani, 2006; Ibn Hubal, 2007).
However, despite a comprehensive approach of treatment described in
literature and being practiced by the physicians it has been accounted by the
practitioners that the treatment of renal injury itself is very difficult because of
several reasons such as:

(a) Kidney is the passage of urine and other waste product therefore the
drugs intended to be effective do not stay at the site of action for sufficient
period of time.

(b) The matrix of kidney is too hard therefore the drugs did not diffuse easily
to the site of action.

(c) The waste material excreted by kidney is usually noxious and corrosive in
nature which delay or partially hamper the process of healing.

(d) Kidney always remains busy in its work, while healing process requires a
degree of rest (Khan, 2003; Ibn Rushd, 1987).

The kidney disease also occurs due to change in mizaj (temperament), Amraze
Aliah, (compound disease) or weakening of the any of five faculties. When the
faculties become weak, kidney does not get sufficient nutrition from fluids and
following diseases may occur:-

• Sou-e-Mizaje Kulyah

• Waram-e-Kulyah

• Hasat-e-Kulyah

• Waj’-e- Kulyah

• Huzal-e-Kulyah

• Iltehab-e-Hauze kulyah

• Sudad-e-Kulyah (Tabari, 2006; Khan, 2003; Ibn Rushd, 1987)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

However, despite recognition of drug induced nephrotoxicity and concerted
efforts directed towards developing therapeutic or prophylactic agents to
induce protection against chemically induced nephrotoxicity, conventional
therapeutic options available are still very limited. In the absence of reliable
and effective modern nephroprotective drugs efforts are currently canalized
toward exploring drugs from alternative and complementary medicines to treat
and/or prevent the disease.

In modern medicine Antigiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) are mainly used to induce
renoprotection, however these agents are neither the drugs of choice for this
purpose nor can be used exclusively to produce renoprotective effects, rather
they are mainly effective in nephropathies associated with blood pressure
and diabetes etc (George et al., 2000) It implies that by treating a patient with
the above mentioned drugs it is obligatory to induce a pharmacological effect
that may not be necessarily needed by him. The associated toxicities of these
agents also limit their use to a great extent. Although, ARBs are comparatively
safer than ACE inhibitors but some of the side effects are common to both the
drugs such as neutropenia, proteinuria, angioneurotic edema, hyperkalemia
especially in patients with renal impairment etc. (George et al., 2000), which
undermine the therapeutic utility of these agents. A drug categorized to be
effective specifically as a nephroprotective agent without having liability to
produce some serious side effects will be the obvious choice for the patients
suffering from renal dysfunction or failure.

In view of the limitations of Western medicine and the alarmingly increasing

cases of renal disorders, development of effective and safe drugs to treat
renal disorders has become the priority area of research. Unani system of
medicine possesses many effective and safe diuretics and nephroprotective
drugs which are in use since hundreds of years in renal disorders. However,
these drugs have been neither described with necessary details for their role
in renal disorders nor scientifically investigated for various pharmacological
activities; therefore, in order to evaluate their different pharmacological effects
concerning kidney ailments a comprehensive scientific study is inarguably

Further, since the Western medicine as described above still doesn’t have
satisfactorily effective and safe drugs which can cure renal disorders
completely, therefore the study of Unani drugs gains importance in respect of
characterizing and identifying a better group of drugs that can fill this lacuna.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

It is being appreciated that Unani System of Medicine can offer some effective
drugs from its treatise to be useful in diverse pathological conditions of
kidney and thus can be used to protect the renal function and prevent/slow
the progression of renal diseases to CKD or ESRD. A number of drugs from
herbal sources have been shown to possess promising nephroprotective and
related effects in some recent studies and researchers are making it a point
to concentrate seriously on the development of nephroprotective agents from
traditional sources.

A number of poly herbal formulations and single drugs mentioned in Unani

literature and being practiced by physicians have been demonstrated
to produce some important effects such as diuretic, anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant nephroprotective etc against known toxicants. Some of the
drugs such as Jawarish zarooni sada (Afzal et al., 2004), Banadequl buzoor
(Anwar et al., 1999), Bisehri Booti (Aerva lanata Juss) (Shirwaikar et al.,
2004), Revand Chini (Rheum officinalis) (Yokozawa et al., 1991), Zanjabeel
(Zingiber officinale) (Narora et al., 1992), Asgand (Withania somnifera)
(Panda et al., 1997), Khare khasak (Tribulus terrestris) (Nagarkatti et al.,
1942), Haleela (Terminalia chebula) (Yokozawa et al., 1995), Sahajna
(Moringa olifera) with a little opium, (Papaver somniferum), Giloo (Tinospora
cordifolia) are useful in the inflammation of kidney (Sevanand et al., 1996)
have been shown to possess nephroprotective and related effect of varying

The protective effect of Asgand (Withania somnifera) on cadmium induced

toxicity in mice kidney has been studied to demonstrate a promising result
(Panday et al., 1997). Similarly, curcumin isolated from turmeric has
been reported to produce protective effect against adriamycin induced
nephrotoxicity (Venkatesan et al., 2000). A Unani drug Kabab chini (Piper
cubeba) was investigated for nephroprotective activity in chemically induced
nephrotoxicity showed significant nephroprotective effect against gentamicin
and cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity (Zaid et al., 2012). These reports are
although of preliminary nature but showing great potential of Unani Medicine
to deliver promising agents that can be used to treat the kidney diseases
or at least, preserve its function and slow the progression of diseases.
Therefore, the study of Unani diuretics, tonics and nephroprotective drugs
gains importance as one of the means of characterizing and identifying a
better group of drug that can be used as nephroprotective agent. Some of the
important studies showing interesting results are being presented in the table
given below:

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 1 : Unani drugs which are scientifically evaluated for nephroprotective

S. No. Herbs Protective effect

1. Tribulus terresteris Possess protective effect against the gentamicin
induced nephrotoxicity in both structural and
functional terms. (Nagarkatti et al., 1942)
2. Boerhavia diffusa Clinically proved to be useful and safe drug in
patients of nephritic syndrome ( Singh et al., 1972)
3. Withania somnifera Significantly reduced toxicity caused by cadmium
(Panday et al., 1997)
4. Banadequl Buzoor The formulation was found to decrease the serum
urea and serum creatinine levels significantly
(Anwar et al., 1999)
5. Jawarish Zarooni The formulation was found to decrease the serum
Sada urea and serum creatinine levels significantly (Afzal
et al., 2004)
6. Piper cubeba Showed significant protective effect against
cisplatin and gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity
(Zaid et al., 2012)
7. Moringa oleifera Useful in the inflammation of kidney (Melookunnel,
and Tinospora 1996).
8. Ficus racemosa Significantly protects the toxicity produced by
(Gowda et al., 2011).
9. Aegle marmelos Normalized the serum creatinine, urea and blood
urea nitrogen
levels in gentamicin toxicity (Kore et al., 2011).
10. Moringa oleifera Showed moderate protection in both curative and
prophylactic models against Cisplatin induced
toxicity (Sreedevi et al., 2011).
11. Carica papaya Owed nephroprotective effect on CCl4 induced
nephrotoxicity (Olagunjua et al. 2009).
12. Cassia auriculata Reduced the blood urea and serum creatinine
level effectively in both the curative as well as the
preventive regimen
(Shirwaikar et al., 2005).
13. Eruca sativa A potent antioxidant and renal protective activity
and preclude oxidative damage inflicted to the
kidney (Alam et al., 2007).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

14. Hemidescus Showed nephroprotective activity against
indicus gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity (Magala et al.,
15. Allium sativum Showed dose dependent reduction in the elevated
blood urea and serum creatinine levels and
normalized the histopathological
changes in the curative regimen. (Maldonado et al.,
16. Glycyrrhizin Offered protective effect against gentamicin
induced toxicity
(Sohn et al., 2003).
17. Pongamia pinnata Demonstrated protective effect against cisplatin
and gentamicin induced renal injury (Shirwaikar et
al., 2003).
18. Solanum nigrum Exhibited significant hydroxyl radical scavenging
potential, thus suggesting its probable mechanism
of cytoprotection (Prasanth Kumar et al., 2001).
19. Terminalia chebula Reduced the serum concentrations of urea
nitrogen, creatinine, methyl guanidine and
guanidinosuccinic acid significantly (Yokozava et


It can be concluded that the concept of nephroprotection as described in

Unani literature, is comprehensive and can be used to understand the subject
matter in its entirety. The concept of quva and maintenance of the equilibrium
in the body and specific organs may be used as a theoretical model to
understand the physiopathology of many pathological conditions of many
diseases including the renal disorders. Further, a number of drugs used in the
management of renal disease by the Unani physicians have been validated
by modern scientists who have reported very interesting effect possessed by
these drugs. These drugs may be developed as a better substitute of ARBs
and ACE inhibitors which have failed to produce the desired response.


Afzal, M., Khan N.A., Ghufran A, Iqbal A, Inamuddin M., 2005. Diuretic and
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Anwar, S., Khan, N.A., Amin, K.M.Y., Ahmad, G., 1999. Effects of Banadiq-Ul-
Buzoor in some renal disorders, Hamdard Medicus XLVII (4): 31-36.
Arzani, A., 2005. Tibbe Akbar Published by Faisal Publication Deoband 2006:
523-524. crude drugs has a uremic toxinde creasing action. Phytotherapy
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George, Carnutherrs, S., Hoffman, B., Kenneth, M., David, L., Nieren, B.W.,
2000. Clinical Pharmacology 4th ed. McGraw Hill Medical Publishing
Division, New Delhi, pp. 79-82.
Hanneman, J., Baumann, K., 1991. Nephrotoxicity of cisplatin, carboplatin and
transplatin. A comparative in vitro study. Arch Toxicol 64: 393- 400.
Ibn, Hubal, Baghdadi, A., 2007. Kitabul Mukhtarat Fit Tibb, Vol. 3, CCRUM,
New Delhi, pp. 111-115.
Ibn, Rushd, 1987. Kitabul Kulliyat, CCRUM, New Delhi, pp. 226, 302, 111, -133.
Khan, Azam, 2003. Ikseere Azam, Vol. II. Aejaz Publishing House Daryaganj
New Delhi, p. 1161.
Kore, K.J. et al., 2011. RP-HPLC simultaneous nephroprotective role of Aegle
marmelosextract. IJRPC 1(3).
Lameire, N., Jager, K., Van Biesen, W., De Bacquer D., Vanholder R., 2005.
Chronic kidney disease: a European perspective. Nephrol Dial Transplant
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Maldonado, P.D., 2000. Medina-Campos O.N. Garlic ameliorates gentamicin
nephrotoxicity: relfation to antioxidantenzymes. Free Radic Biol Med 29:
Mangala, S., Patel, P., Menon, N.S., Sane, T.R., 2004. Reno protective effect
of Hemidesmus indicus, a herbal drug used in gentamicin-induced renal
toxicity. Nephrology 9(3): 142-152.
Melookunnel, F.R.C., 1996. Home Remedies with MateriaMedica. Hafa
Publications, Secundrabad, pp. 100-104.
Nagarkatti, D.S., Rege, N., Mittal, B.V., Uchil, D.A., Desai, N.K., Dhanukar, A.,
1994. Nephroprotection by Tribulus terresrtis, Update Ayurveda-94, p. 41.
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Wistar rats: a dose- and time-dependent study. Biology and Medicine 1 (1):

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Panda, S., Gupta, P., Kar, A., 1997. Protective role of Ashwagandha in
cadmium induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in male mouse. Current
Science 72, 546-547.
Panday, S., Gupta, P. Kala, 1997. Protective role of Aswagandha in cadmium
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Prasanthkumar, V., et al., 2001. Cytoprotective role of S.nigrum against GM
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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Biological and Abstract

Pharmaco- sgand consists of the dried roots of W.

somnifiera (L.) Dunal. Various important medicinal values of this plant are
logical studies described in the classical literature of Indian systems of medicine. This led the
on Asgand researchers to carry out pharmacological and biological evaluation to unravel
its therapeutic potential as also to provide scientific basis of use of the plant.
(Withania Results of some of the pharmacological/biological activities on the root, the
somnifera most important part reputed for its medicinal value have been reviewed in this
Dunal) – A
Review Keywords: Asgand, Withania somnifiera,Pharmacology, Biological studies.

1M.A. Sheela, Introduction

1Pratyush Lohani and
2G.V.R. Asgand is one of the promising herbal drug used in all Indian systems of
medicine. Since ages Asgand being used in Uniani, Ayurveda, Siddha,
1Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Homeopathy etc. It is attributable to Withania somnifiera L. (Hooker, 1973)
Synonyms: Physalis somniferaLinn., Physallis flexuosa Linn., Physalis
C-4, Janakpuri,
arborescens D. C. In Unaniit is known as Asgand, in Ayurveda it is popularly
New Delhi-110058
known as Ashwagandha, in Siddha it is called Amukakara and its common
2Central Council for Research in english name is Winter Cherry. The plant has been historically credited to
Ayurvedic Sciences,
various properties like immunomodulatory, rejuvenating, anti-ageing, health
61-65 Institutional Area,
promoting and reported to be used in treatment of various ailments.
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058

Geographical Distribution: Asgand is a widespread species disseminated

from the Southern Mediterranean area to the different parts of Africa and
from Palestine upto North India, covering Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Iran,
Afghanistan, Sind, Morocco, Spain, Island, Srilanka and Pakistan. In India the
plant grows well throughout the drier parts viz. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Punjab, extending to Uttranchal, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir
from plains to a height of 1700 m. This species has been under domestication
since long in Central India. Asgand is cultivated in more than 5000 hectare
area in the northwestern regions of Madhya Pradesh in Mandsaur, Neemuch,
Jawad and the parts of Rajasthan. (Anonymous, 1976; Atal and Schwarting,
1961; Atal et al., 1975; Hooker, 1973; Jafferet al., 1988; Jain et al., 2007; Patra
et al., 2004; Purohit and Vyas, 2004).

History: The use of Asgand in Indian Systems of Medicne dates back 3000-
4000 years to the teachings of the famed ayurvedic scholar Punarvasu
1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 77-101
Atreya. Subsequently, it was included in the writings of Charaka, Sushruta,
and many other ayurvedic scholars throughout the centuries. Asgand, derived
from the Sanskrit ashva meaning “horse” and gandha meaning “smell”,
describes the strong aroma of the root which is considered to be reminiscent
of a horse’s skin, sweat, or urine, depending upon to which authority one
refers. The species name somnifera refers to the Latin somnus meaning “to
sleep”, apparently alluding to the use of Asgand as a nervine and sedative.
In the Unani tradition, the root was considered as a tonic, aphrodisiac and
emmenagogue.Asgand is being used in the treatment (Anonymous, 2007) of
Sailan-ur-Rahem (Leukaria), Jiryan (Spermatia), Riqqat-e-Mani (Attenuated
Semen), Waj-ul-Qutn (Backache), Waj-ul-Mafasil (Arthraliga), Zof-e-Bah
(Sexual Debility). Historically, Asgand was widely used throughout India as
a tonic, especially for emaciation in people of all ages, including infants, and
for enhancing reproductive function in both men and women. In one text,
it was stated that Asgand taken for a fortnight with milk, ghee, oil, or warm
water promotes development in an emaciated body “as rains do for younger
crops”. It is classed among the “rasayanas” (rejuvenative tonics), the most
highly regarded of all medicinal substances in Ayurveda. The ayurvedic
scholar Charaka (100 BC) wrote of rasayanas, “One obtains longevity, regains
youth, gets a sharp memory and intellect and freedom from diseases, gets a
lustrous complexion, and strength of a horse”. Charaka described various
uses for Asgand, including its effectiveness for treating hiccups and female
disorders.Asgand historically was used for inflammation, to reduce abdominal
swelling, as a mild purgative, and for the treatment of swollen glands. Asgand
has been used in traditional herbal healing practices of Africa. The Southern
Sotho prepared a decoction of the roots for colds and chills. The Transvaal
Sotho used the root to tone the uterus in women who habitually miscarry, a
use commonly employed in India as well. It has also been used to facilitate
expulsion of the afterbirth. An infusion of the root bark has been used for
asthma. In India it is highly regarded as a tonic and is used in formulas for a
wide range of imbalances. It is cited in National formulary of Unani medicine
vol. part. 1, 3, 4 and 5 (Anonymous, 2001; 2006; 2006 a; 2008), as per The
Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Vol. 1 Asgand is being used in various
formularies like Majoon-e-Sohag, Sonth, Majoon-e-Salab, Zimad-e-Mohallil,
Kushta-e-Gaodanti(Anonymous, 2007).The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
of Indiain which it is cited as a strengthening tonic, aphrodisiac, and for the
treatment for arthritis (Anonymous, 2001 a). It is the primary component of
numerous traditional ayurvedic tonic and anti-aging compounds (Atal and
Schwarting, 1961; Tripathi et al., 1998; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


(a) Experimental Pharmacology

Antioxidant: W. somnifiera extract given orally for 15 days exhibited potent

antioxidant defense by significantly increasing the enzymes; superoxide
dismutase, catalase and ascorbic acid and showed a significant decrease
in lipid peroxidation (Bhatnagar et al., 2005; Chaurasia et al., 2000). Root
powder of Asgand also possessed similar kind of free radical scavenging
activity (Panda et al., 1997) In another study, Asgand extract reduced oxidative
damage in both brain regions (hippocampus and cerebral cortex) as marked
by a significant decline in both lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl in
diabetic mice (Parihar et al., 2004). An aqueous suspension of root extract
of Asgand prevented the rise of experimentally induced lipid peroxidation in
rabbits and mice (Dhuley, 1998). It has decreased the activity of glutathione
peroxidase (GPx) in the spinal cord from adult to aged mice and inhibited lipid
peroxidation and protein oxidative modification induced by copper (Gupta et
al., 2003). Methanolic extract of W.somnifera showed a dose-dependent free
radical scavenging capacity and a protective effect on DNA cleavage induced
by H2O2 UV-photholysis (Russo et al., 2001). Oral treatment with Asgand
root extract resulted in a significant improvement in the mice’s behavior and
brain antioxidant status, along with a significant reduction in the level of lipid
peroxidation. Pretreatment with W.somnifera rootextract prevented motor
impairment and significantly decreased the raised levels of malondialdehyde
compared with vehicle-treated rats in the middle cerebral artery occlusion
model of stroke. The protection afforded by W. somnifera could be due to its
anti-oxidant effect (Chaudhary et al., 2003). Glycowithanolides of W.somnifera
root induced a dose related increase in super oxide dismutase (SOD), catalase
(CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in frontal cortex and striatum of rats
(Bhattacharya et al., 2001; Bhattacharya et al., 2000).

Anti-tumor: W. somnifera exhibited anti-tumor effect in urethane-induced lung

adenomas in adult male albino mice (Singh and Singh, 1986). The alcoholic
extract of the dried roots of W. somnifieraas well as the active component
withaferin A isolated from the extract showed significant anti-tumor and
radiosensitizing effects in experimental tumors in vivo, without any noticeable
systemic toxicity. Withaferin A gave a sensitizer enhancement ratio of 1.5 for
in vitro cell killing of V79 Chinese hamster cells at a non toxic concentration of
approximately 2 µM (Devi et al., 1992). The growth inhibitory effect of Asgand
was also observed in Sarcoma 180 (S-180), a transplantable mouse tumor.
Ethanol extract of Asgand root (400 mg/kg and up, daily for 15 days) after intra-

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

dermal inoculation of 5 x 105 cells of S-180 in BALB/c mice produced complete
regression of tumor after the initial growth. A 55% complete regression was
obtained at 1000 mg/kg; however, it was a lethal dose in some cases. Asgand
was also found to act as a radio and heat sensitizer in mouse S-180 and in
Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (Devi et al.,1992; Devi et al., 1995). Anti-tumor and
radiosensitizing effects of withaferin (a steroidal lactone of WS) were also seen
in mouse Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in vivo. W.somnifera hydroalcoholic root
extract possessed potential chemopreventive activity on 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]
anthracene (DMBA) induced skin cancer in Swiss albino mice and the findings
were supported by histopathological studies (Prakash et al., 2002).The
hydroalcoholic extract of the roots W.somnifera was screened against human
laryngeal carcinoma (Hep2) cells by microculture tetrazolium assay (MTT)
for anti-proliferative activity. The findings suggest that it possess cell cycle
disruption and anti-angiogenic activity, which may be a critical mediator for its
anti-cancer action (Mathur et al., 2006). The effect of ethanolic root extract of
W. somnifiera (REWS) against Dalton’s Ascitic Lymphoma has been evaluated
in Swiss albino mice. A significant increase in the life span and a decrease in
the cancer cell number and tumour weight were noted in the tumour-induced
mice after treatment with REWS (Christina et al., 2004). W.somnifera (200
mg/kg, p.o.) when administered for 4 days before paclitaxel treatment and
continued for 12 days caused significant reversal of neutropenia of paclitaxel
in mice. The findings of the study suggest the potential of W.somnifera as
an adjuvant during cancer chemotherapy for the prevention of bone marrow
depression associated with anticancer drugs (Gupta et al., 2001).Paclitaxel,
administered with W.somnifera, may extend its chemotherapeutic effect
through modulating protein-bound carbohydrate levels and marker enzymes,
as they are indicators of cancer. The combination of paclitaxel with W.
somnifera could effectively treat the benzo(a) pyrene-induced lung cancer
in mice by offering protection from reactive oxygen species damage and
also by suppressing cell proliferation (Senthilnathan et al., 2006a). Studies
on rabbits demonstrated that the tumor proteasome 5 subunit is the primary
target of Withania and inhibition of the proteasomal chymotrypsin-like activity
by withania in-vivo is responsible for, or contributes to, the antitumor effect of
this ancient medicinal compound. The leaf extract kill cancer cells by at least
five different pathways, viz. p53 signaling, GM-CFS signaling, death receptor
signaling, apoptosis signaling and G2-M DNA damage regulation pathway
(Widodo et al., 2007; Widodo et al., 2008). Along-term tumorigenesis study,
with aniainhibited benzo (a) pyrene-induced fore stomach papillomagenesis,
showing up to 60 and 92% inhibition in tumor incidence and multiplicity,
respectively. Similarly, Withania inhibited 7, 12-dimethylbenzanthracene-

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

induced skin papillomagenesis, showing up to 45 and 71% inhibition in
tumor incidence and multiplicity. The administration of Asgand rasayana (an
ayurvedic polyherbal formulation containing Asgand) significantly reduced the
lung tumor nodule formation by 55.6 % in experimental animal (Menon et al.,
1997). Simultaneous administration of withania extract and withanolide could
significantly (p < 0.001) inhibit the metastatic colony formation of the melanoma
in lungs of mice. Administration of Asgand extract was found to significantly
reduce leucopenia (low white cell count) induced by cyclophosphamide
treatment. Treatment of Asgand along with cyclophosphamide was found
to significantly (P < 0.001) increase the bone marrow cellularity compared
to cyclophosphamide alone treated group (Davis and Kuttan, 1998).
Administration of an extract from the powdered root of the plant Asgand
enhanced the levels of Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
and Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in normal
Balb/c mice (Davis and Kuttan, 1999). Treatment with Asgand had normalised
the ratio of normochromatic erythrocytes and polychromatic erythrocytes in
mice after the radiation exposure. Major activity of Asgand seemed to be in
the stimulation of stem cell proliferation. Administration of Asgand (20 mg/dose/
animal) for five days in conjunction with cyclophosphamide was associated
with a reduction in urotoxicity. In a further study at the same dose it was
found to inhibit the 20-methylcholanthrene induced sarcoma development
in mice and increased the survival rate to 100% of tumor bearing animals
(Davis and Kuttan 2000a; Davis and Kuttan, 2002a; Davis and Kuttan,
2002b).Oral administration of W.somnifera root extract reduced the tumor
incidence, tumor volume and enhanced the survival of the mice compared with
20-methylcholanthrene injected mice (Prakash et al., 2002).Pretreatment of
rats with 1-oxo-5[beta], 6[beta]-epoxy-witha-2-enolide (20 mg/kg bwt.) isolated
from the roots of W. somnifera, prevents the incidence of UV B radiation
induced skin carcinoma and also prevents malignancy in the cutaneous tissue
(Mathur et al., 2006). An in vitro study showed withanolides from W. somnifiera
inhibited growth in human breast, central nervous system, lung and colon
cancer cell lines comparable to doxorubicin. Withaferin A more effectively
inhibited growth of breast and colon cancer cell lines than did doxorubicin.
These results suggest it may prevent or inhibit tumor growth in cancer patients
and suggest a potential for development of new chemotherapeutic agents
(Jayaprakasam et al., 2003). Further withanolides inhibit the activation of
NF-kappa B and NFkappaB-regulated gene expression, which may explain
the ability of withanolides to enhance apoptosis and inhibit invasion and
osteoclastogenesis (Ichikawa et al., 2006). Treatment with W. somnifiera
inhibited ochratoxin A (OTA) induced suppression of chemotactic activity and

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor by macrophases
(Dhuley, 1998).

Antibacterial: Both aqueous as well as alcoholic extract of W. somnifiera

(roots as well as leaves) were found to possess strong antibacterial activity
against a range of bacteria, as revealed by in vitro Agar Well Diffusion Method.
Moreover, in contrast to the synthetic antibiotic (viz. chloramphenicol), the
extracts did not induce lysis on incubation with human erythrocytes, advocating
their safety to the living cells (Owais et al., 2005). Methanol and hexane extract
of both leaves and roots of W. somnifiera (WS) exhibited potent antibacterial
activity against Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli by agar plate
disc-diffusion assay. A synergistic increase in the antibacterial effect of Tibrim
(combination of rifampicin and isoniazid) was noticed when MIC of Tibrim was
supplemented with the WS extract (Arora et al., 2004).

Spermatogenic: Lyophilized aqueous extract of W. somnifiera produced

increase testicular weight and found to have a direct spermatogenic influence
on the seminiferous tubules of immature rats presumably by exerting a
testosterone-like effect (Abdel-Magied et al., 2001).

Cardiovascular: W. somnifiera (50 mg/kg) exerts a strong cardioprotective

effect in the experimental model of isoprenaline-induced myonecrosis
in rats. Augmentation of endogenous antioxidants, maintenance of the
myocardial antioxidant status and significant restoration of most of the altered
haemodynamic parameters may contribute to its cardioprotective effect.
W.somnifera had a prolonged hypotensive, bradycardia, and respiratory-
stimulant action in dogs (Malhotra et al., 1965). Significant increase in relative
heart weight and glycogen content in heart and liver was observed in the
extract treated animals. It increased the duration of contractility of frog heart
muscle and resulted in significant increase in coagulation time which attains
normalcy seven days after cessation of treatment. The ethanolic and aqueous
extract exhibited low angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity
(Nyman et al., 1998).

Sexual Behaviour: Methanolic root extract of W. somnifera induced a marked

impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile
dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment.
This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels
but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative
activities of the extract. W. somnifera roots may be detrimental to male sexual
competence (Ilayperuma et al., 2002).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Anti-Ulcer: W. somnifiera root extract given orally (100 mg/kg BW/day p.o.) for
15 days significantly reduced the ulcer index, volume of gastric secretion, free
acidity and total acidity in indomethacin and restraint induced gastric ulcer rats
(Bhatnagar et al., 2005). Asgand kwatha (equivalent to 1000 mg/kg) exhibited
protective effect against rifampicin and isoniazid induced liver damage in mice
(Chhajed et al., 1991). The root powder produced dose dependent significant
antiulcerogenic effect on aspirin induced gastric ulcers in rats.The equimolor
combination of sitoindoside VII, sitoindoside VIII and withaferin A and
hydromethanolic extractives of the roots reduced the incidence and the severity
of restraint stress induced gastric ulcers in rats (Bhattacharya et al., 2000).

Hypolipidemic: When the root powder of W. somnifiera was added to the diet
at 0.75 and 1.5 gm/rat/day, hypercholesteremic animals registered significant
decreases in total lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma. On the other
hand, significant increases in plasma HDL-cholesterol levels, HMG-CoA
reductase activity and bile acid content of liver were noted in these animals.
A similar trend was also noted in bile acid, cholesterol and neutral sterol
excretion in the hypercholesteremic animals with W. somnifera administration.
Further, a significant decrease in lipid-peroxidation occurred in W.somnifera
administered hypercholesteremic animals when compared to their normal
counterparts. However, it appeared that W. somnifera root powder is also
effective in normal subjects for decreasing lipid profiles (Visavadiya et al.,
2007). The root powder given for 30 days in a dose of 3 g/day in a small
clinical trial of six NIDDM and six hyper-cholesterolemic patients exhibited
hypoglycaemic, diuretic and hypolipidaemic effects.

Hepatoprotective: Iron overload induced increase in hepatic lipid

peroxidation and serum levels of the enzymes, were attenuated by
W. somnifera glycowithanolides in a dose related manner which explains
their hepatoprotective action against heavy metals and other environmental
toxins in rats (Bhattacharya et al., 2000). Withaferin a reduced CCl4 induced
hepatotoxicity in rats (Sudhir and Budhiraja, 1992). The liver and kidney of rat
underwent severe histopathological lesions when treated with a single bolus
dose of carbendazim, a fungicide, particularly affecting the hepatocytes and
the renal corpuscles, respectively. The effects appear to be manifestations of
the microtubule-disrupting activity of carbendazim. Treatment of carbendazim-
treated rats with the powder of tuberous root of W. somnifiera for 48 days
resulted in complete cure of these organs (Akbarsha et al., 2000).

Thyroid Stimulating: Daily administration of W. somnifiera root extract

(1.4g/kg body wt) for 20 days on thyroid function in female mice showed

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

an increase in hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase(G-6-Pase) activity and
antiperoxidative effects as indicated either by a decrease in hepatic lipid
peroxidation (LPO) and by an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes.
The results indicates its thyroid stimulating function. These results indicate
Asgand may be a useful botanical in treating hypothyroidism (Panda et al.,
1997; Pandaand Kar, 1997).

Anti-Inflammatory: W. somnifiera root extract (1g/kg, oral) reduced Freund’s

complete adjuvant induced inflammation in rats; phenylbutazone was given as
a positive control. The α2- glycoprotein (an indicator useful for diagnostic and
prognostic assessment of arthritic and inflammatory conditions) found only in
inflamed rat serum was decreased to undetectable levels in the W.somnifera
group. Phenylbutazone, on the other hand, caused a considerable increase
in the α2-glycoprotein in both arthritic and healthy rats (Anabalagan and
Sadique, 1985; Anabalaganand Sadiques, 1981).W. somnifiera root powder
also decreased air pouch granuloma induced by carrageenan on the dorsum
of rats. W. somnifera decreased the glycosaminoglycans content in the
granuloma tissue more than hydrocortisone treatment. Italso uncoupled
the oxidative phosphorylation by significantly reducing the ADP/O ratio in
mitochondria of granuloma tissue (Begum and Sadique, 1987). In a different
study, W. somnifera root extract (1000mg/ kg, oraly daily for 15 days) caused
significant reduction in both paw swelling and bony degenerative changes
in Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats as observed by radiological
examination. The reductions were better than those produced by the
reference drug, hydrocortisone (Begum and Sadique, 1988). It has inhibited
the granuloma formation in cotton-pellet implantation in rats and the effect
was comparable to hydrocortisone sodium succinate (5 mg/kg) treatment.
In another study 80% ethanolic extract of W.somnifera possessed anti-
inflammatory activity in carrageenan-inducedrat paw edema model.Few studies
have been conducted on the mechanism of action for the anti-inflammatory
properties of W. somnifera. In one study, rats injected with formaline in the
hind leg footpad showed a decrease in absorption of 14C-glucose in rat
jejunum (Somasundaram et al., 1983). Glucose absorption was maintained
at the normal level by both W. somnifera and the cyclooxygenase inhibitor
oxyphenbutazone. Both drugs produced anti-inflammatory effects. Similar
results were obtained in parallel experiments using 14C-leucine absorption
from the jejunum (Somasundaram et al., 1983). These studies suggest
cyclooxygenase inhibition may be involved in the mechanism of action of
W. somnifera.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Anti-Stress: Hydroalcoholic extract of W. somnifiera roots (50 mg/kg b.w
orally once daily for 21 days) containing glycowithanolides [WSG] normalized
chronic foot-shock stress induced increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and
reversed the decrease in catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX)
values in both the brain areas (frontal cortex and striatum) of rats, indicating
its anti-stress adaptogenic property (Bhattacharya et al., 2001). In another
study, root extract and equimolar combination of Sitoindosides VII, VIII and
Withaferin-A were uniformly effective in attenuating restraint stress induced
responses ranging from anxiety, depression, analgesia, thermic changes,
gastric ulcers, convulsions, tribulin activity and adrenocortical activation in rats
(Bhattacharya et al., 1997). It reversed the cold swimming-induced increases
in plasma corticosterone, phagocytic index and avidity index to control levels.
W. somnifera root powder (100 mg/kg orally as an aqueous suspension daily
for seven days) given before the swimming test in water at 10ºC also increased
total swimming time, indicating better stress tolerance in rats (Archana and
Namasivayam, 1999; Dhuley, 2000). The aqueous suspension of root extract
of Asgand prevented the rise in lipid peroxidation in stress induced rabbits
and mice (Dhuley, 1998). A new withanolide, 1-oxo-5 beta, 6 beta-epoxy-
witha-2-ene-27-ethoxy-olide from aqueous extract of W. somnifiera exhibited
adaptogenic activity on stress indices in the cold-hypoxia-restraint (C-H-R)
model (Kaur et al., 2003). The extract of Asgand (1:1 aqueous–methanolic
extract; doses of 20, 50, 100 mg/kg ip.) and/or sitoindoside administered to
mice and rats improved memory related performance in passive avoidance
tasks and protected against stress induced response, ranging from anxiety,
depression, thermic changes, gastric ulcers, convulsions and tribulin activity.
This was accompanied by a preservation of adrenal ascorbic acid and
corticosterone levels suggesting that a corticosterone sparing effect is one of
the mechanisms of action of adaptogens (Singh et al., 1982). Experimental rats
were subjected to immobilization stress for 14 h and were treated with a root
powder extract of W. somnifera. Control rats were maintained in completely,
non stressed conditions. Thionin stained serial coronal sections (7 microm)
of brain passing through the hippocampal region of stressed rats (E(1)
group) demonstrated 85% degenerating cells (dark cells and pyknotic cells)
in the CA(2) and CA(3) sub-areas. Treatment with W.somnifera rootpowder
extract significantly reduced (80%) the number of degenerating cells in
both the areas. The study thus demonstrates the antistress neuroprotective
effects of W. somnifera (Jain et al., 2001). Rat model of chronic stress (CS)
induced significant hyperglycaemia, glucose intolerance, increase in plasma
corticosterone levels, gastric ulcerations, male sexual dysfunction, cognitive
deficits, immunosuppression and mental depression were attenuated by

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

W. somnifera (25 and 50 mg/kg po) administered 1 h before footshock for
21 days. The results indicate that W. somnifera has significant antistress
adaptogenic activity, confirming the clinical use of the plant in Ayurveda
(Bhattacharya et al., 2002). In another study a new withanolide free hydro
soluble fraction from roots of W. somnifera exhibited significant antistress
activity in a dose dependent manner (Singh et al., 2003; Singh et al., 2001).
An herbal formulation comprising of Asgand showed adaptogenic activity
comparable to Panax ginseng against a variety of behavioral, biochemical
and physiological perturbations induced by unpredictable stress in CF strain
albino rats (Bhattacharya et al., 2000). Sitoindosides VII and VIII from Asgand
significantly suppressed immobilization stress induced increase in corpus
striatum dopamine receptors in rats (Saksena, 1989).

Nootropic: Oral administration of Asgand attenuated the disruption of memory

consolidation produced by chronic treatment with electroconvulsive shock
and reversed the scopolamine induced delay in transfer latency in mice. On
the basis of these findings, it has been suggested that Asgand exhibits a
nootropic-like effect in naive and amnesic mice (Dhuley, 2001). Methanolic
extract of Asgand showed potent inhibition of AChE activity, indicating its role
in improvement of cognition (Vinutha et al., 2007). Asgand extract showed
cognition enhancing and memory-improving effects by increasing cortical
muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activity (Schliebs et al., 1997).Withanolide
derivatives isolated from methanol extract of Asgand, showed neurite
extension in normal and damaged cortical neurons and also showed neurite
outgrowth in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells (Zhao et al., 2002). In
normal cortical neurons, the predominant dendritic out-growth was induced by
treatment with withanoside IV or withanoside VI, whereas predominant axonal
outgrowth was observed in treatment with withanolide A (Kuboyama et al.,
2005). Aß(25-35) or Amyloid beta is a major pathological cause of Alzheimers
disease due to formation of a beta sheet structure and induces neuroal cell
death, neurite atrophy, synaptic loss and memory impairment. Simultaneous
treatment with Aß(25-35) and withanolides from Asgand significantly prevented
both dendritic and axonal atrophy induced by Aß(25-35) in rat cortical neurons
(Dadkar et al., 1987). Extension of dendrites and axons in neurons may
compensate for and repair damaged neuronal circuits in the dementia brain.
Methanol extract of Asgand (roots of W. somnifera; 5 microg/ml) significantly
increased the percentage of cells with neurites in human neuroblastoma SK-N-
SH cells. These results suggest that the methanol extract of Asgand promotes
the formation of dendrites (Kuboyama et al.,2002; Tohda et al., 2000).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Nervous System: W. somnifiera significantly inhibited haloperidol or reserpine-
induced catalepsy and provide hope for treatment of Parkinson’s disease,.
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is one of the most widely used rat models for
Parkinson’s disease. There is ample evidence in the literature that 6-OHDA
elicits its toxic manifestations through oxidant stress. W. somnifiera reversed
all the toxic manifestations induced by 6-OHDA in a dose dependent manner
(Ahmad et al., 2005). W. somnifiera glycowithanolides (WSG) administered
concomitantly with haloperidol for 28 days, inhibited the induction of the
neuroleptic tardive dyskinesia. Antioxidant effect of WSG, rather than its
GABA-mimetic action reported for the prevention of haloperidol-induced tardive
dyskinesia (Bhattacharya et al., 2002). Chronic Asgand treatment was effective
in preventing the behavioral deficit in depressive animal models, which was
accompanied by an adaptive supersensitivity of postsynaptic 5HT2 receptors
(Tripathi et al., 1998).It also has got a significant anticonvulsive property (Rai
et al., 1983). Glycowithanolides (WSG) isolated from W. somnifiera roots
exhibited potent anxiolytic and antidepressant actions in rats. The activity was
comparable to those elicited by the benzodiazepine, lorazepam for anxiolytic
studies and by the tricyclic anti-depressant, imipramine for the antidepressant
investigations (Bhattacharya et al., 2000).

Anti-Venom: Venom hyaluronidases help in rapid spreading of the toxins

by destroying the integrity of the extra-cellular matrix of the tissues in the
victims. A hyaluronidase inhibitor (WSG) is purified from W. somnifera. The
glycoprotein inhibited the hyaluronidase activity of cobra (Naja naja) and viper
(Daboia russelii) venoms, which was demonstrated by zymogram assay and
staining of the skin tissues for differential activity. WSG completely inhibited the
activity of the enzyme at a concentration of 1:1 w/w of venom to WSG. External
application of the plant extract as an antidote in rural parts of India to snakebite
victims appears to have a scientific basis (Machiah et al., 2006). In another
study antitoxin-PLA2 glycoprotein isolated from W.somnifera neutralized the
PLA2 activity of the Naja naja venom (Lizano et al., 2003).

Immunomodulatory: In a mouse study, W. somnifiera root extract enhanced

total white blood cell count. In addition, this extract inhibited delayed-type
hypersensitivity reactions and enhanced phagocytic activity of macrophages
when compared to a control group (Davis and Kuttan, 2000a; Davis and
Kuttan, 2002a). W. somnifiera extract indirectly modulates immune activity and
probably disengages Listeria monocytogenes induced suppression of immune
responses by inducing a higher reserve of myeloid progenitors in the bone
marrow, proliferation of lymphocytes and increased INF-γ levels (Teixeira et
al., 2006). Methanolic extract of W. somnifera root increased inducible nitric

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

oxide synthase protein expression in a concentration dependent fashion in
mouse macrophages. The increased NO production by macrophages could
account for the immunostimulant properties of W. somnifera (Iuvoneet al.,
2003). In different study with the aqueous suspension of W. somnifiera root
powder was investigated for their in vivo and in vitro immunomodulatory
properties. W. somnifera showed potent inhibitory activity towards the
complement system, mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferation and delayed-
type hypersensitivity reaction. Administration of W.somnifera root powder did
not have a significant effect on humoral immune response in rats (Rasool
and Varalakshmi, 2006). Glycowithanolides and a mixture of sitoindosides
IX and X isolated from W.somnifera, both produced statistically significant
mobilization and activation of peritoneal macrophages, phagocytosis and
increased activity of the lysosomal enzymes. Root extract of W. somnifera
was tested for immunomodulatory effects in three myelosuppression models
in mice: cyclophosphamide, azathioprine and prednisolone (Ziauddin et
al., 1996). W. somnifiera root extract was found to stimulate immunological
activity in Babl/c mice. Treatment with Withania root extract (20 mg/dose/
animal; i.p.) was found to increased significantly (P<0.001) the total WBC
count, bone marrow cellularity as well as alpha-esterase positive cell number.
When treated along with the antigen (SRBC) produced an enhancement in
the circulating antibody titre and the number of plaque forming cells (PFC)
in the spleen. It also inhibited delayed type hypersentivity reaction in mice
(Mantoux test) and showed an enhancement in phagocytic activity of peritoneal
macrophages when compared to control in mice (Davis and Kuttan, 2000).
Treatment of immunized animals (DBT) with standardized aqueous extract
of W. somnifiera (100 mg/kg/day) for 15 days resulted in significant increase
of antibody titers to B. pertussis (Gautam et al., 2004).On oral administration,
Asgand churna showed a significant increase in neutrophil adhesion and
delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response. It is concluded that Asgand
churna significantly potentiated the cellular immunity by facilitating the
footpad thickness response to SRBCs in sensitized rats.Pretreatment with a
polyherbal formulation contianing W. somnifiera extract increased proliferation
of splenic leukocyte to B cell mitogen, lipopolysaccharidic and cytotoxic
activity against K 562 cells in mice (Nemmaniet al., 2002). Withaferin A and
withanolide E, two sterioudal lactones of withania were demonstrated to
have specific immunosuppresive effects on human B and T lymphocytes as
well as on mice thymocytes (Shohatet al., 1978). W. somnifera given orally
once daily for 7 consecutive days in a dose of 100 mg/kg after intravenous
infection of Aspergillus fumigatus prolonged the survival period of infected
mice. This protective activity was probably related to the observed increases

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

in phagocytosis and intracellular killing of peritoneal macrophages induced
by Ashwaganda treatment (Tohda et al., 2000).Cyclophosphamide-induced
immunosuppression was counteracted by treatment with W. somnifera
extract, revealing significant increase in hemagglutinating antibody responses
and hemolytic antibody responses towards sheep red blood cells (Gautamet
al., 2004; Agarwal et al., 1999). The effects of graded doses of a chemically
standardized aqueous alcoholic (1:1) root extract (AGB) of W. somnifera on
the immune system of SRBC immunized BALB/c mice were investigated. Mice
were administrated AGB orally for 15 days. AGB stimulated cell mediated
immunity, IgM and IgG titers reaching peak value with 30 mg/kg b.wt. Flow
cytometric analysis of lymphocyte surface markers of T cells (CD3+, CD4+ and
CD8+) and B cells (CD19+) indicated prominent enhancement in proliferation
and differentiation of lymphocytes. The extract selectively, induced type 1
immunity because it guided enhanced expression of T helper cells (Th)1
cytokines interferon (IFN)-γ and interleukin (IL)-2 while Th2 cytokine IL-4
observed a moderate decline. Confirmation of Th1 polarization was obtained
from augmented levels of IgG2a over IgG1 in the blood sera of AGB treated
groups. Withanolide-A, a major constituent of AGB appeared responsible for
Th1 skewing effect of the extract as it significantly increased the levels of Th1
cytokines, decreased moderately IL-4 and significantly restored the selective
dexamethasone inhibition of Th1 cytokines in mouse splenocytes cultures in
vitro. In addition, AGB also strongly activated macrophage functions invivo
and in vitro indicated by enhanced secretion of nitrite, IL-12 and TNF-α. In
contrast IL-10 remained unchanged again suggesting that AGB critically
influenced Th1 profile of the cytokines. The studies suggested that AGB
supports predominantly Th1 immunity with increase in macrophage function.
Glycowithanolides and mixture of sitoindosides IX and X isolated from W.
somnifiera produced statistically significant mobilization and activation of
peritoneal macrophages, phagocytosis and increased activity of the lysosomal
enzymes indicating its immunomodulatory potential (Ghosal et al., 1989).

Antiviral: Hydroalcoholic extract showed poor in vitro anti-HIV activity.

Methanolic extract did not show any in vitro and in vivo inhibitory effect on
Herpes simplex virus (Hattori et al., 1995).

Endocrinology: Ethanolic extract prevented in vitro glucose-mediated

collagen glycation and cross-linking which is the process involved in end-
organ damages in diabetes mellitus. The activity of the ethanolic extract
was comparable to metformin, an antiglyeating agent and it showed more
prominent effect than the root powder in rats (Babu et al., 2007).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Ocular/Ophthalmic Effects: Withaferin A and withanolide D exhibited
potential effect against choroidal neovascularization in eye (Bargagna et al.,

Antirheumatic: In a non-randomized trial in 118 patients, the root powder

was found to provide relief in cases of acute rheumatoid arthritis and acute
exacerbation of chronic arthritis.It also showed marked improvement in 22%
of the 77 patients cases and moderate response is 53 % case of rheumatoid
arthritis in a single blind clinical trial. Patients suffering from chronicity of
diseases less than a year and 1-2 years and mild to moderately severe
diseases showed better results (Bikshapathi and Kumari, 1999).

Antifungal: Withaferin A exhibited antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger,

Candida albicans and T. rubrum (Dasgupta et al., 1970).

Radiosensitivity: Withaferin A modified the effect of radiotherapy on bone

marrow cell survival of the mouse, as studied using exogenous spleen colony
unit (CFU-S) assay and the effect was compared with cyclophasphamide
(CP). Withaferin A alone produced the lower number of CFU-S as compared
with normal control but had a lower cytotoxicity compared with CP. But
in combination with radiotherapy, the Withaferin A modified the effect of
radiotherapy, significantly enhancing the cell lethality to the same extent as
combination of CP + RT (Ganasoundari et al., 1997).

Further Reported Activities

Ethanolic extract of W. somnifiera displayed cytotoxic effects on FL-cells using

the neutral red assay (Ali et al., 2001) and exhibited potent anti-osteoporotic
activity in female rats (Nagareddy and Lakshmana, 2006). It also exhibited
most significant in vitro enzyme inhibition activities against acetylcholinesterase
(AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and lipoxygenase enzymes (LO)
(Khattak et al., 2005). W. somnifiera exhibits cytoprotective property (Shukla
et al., 2000). A polyherbal formulation containing aqueous extract of W.
somnifiera proved to have hypoglycemic activity in normal and streptozotocin
induced diabetic mice.

(b) Clinical Pharmacology

Anxiolytic: In a study involving a total of 39 patients (20 receiving the drug and
19 received placebo) in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial in patients of
anxiety disorders the ethanolic extract was found to exert significant anxiolytic
effects (Andrade et al., 2000).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hypolipidemic: When six mild hypercholesterolemic subjects were treated
with the powder of roots of W.somnifera for 30 days significant decrease in
serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL
(very low density lipoproteins) cholesterol were observed indicating that root of
W. somnifera is a potential source of hypocholesterolemic agent (Andallu and
Radhika, 2000).

Anti-inflammatory: One clinical trial supports the possible use of W.somnifera for
arthritis. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study, 42 patients with
osteoarthritis was randomized to receive a formula containing Asgand or placebo
for three months. Patients were evaluated for one month pretreatment, during
which time all previous drugs were withdrawn. During both the pretreatment
and treatment phase, pain and disability scores were evaluated weekly while
erythrocyte sedimentation (SED) rate and radiological studies were conducted
monthly. The herbal formula significantly reduced the severity of pain (p<0.001)
and disability (p<0.05) scores, although no significant changes in radiological
appearance or SED rate were noted (Kulkarniet al., 1991).

Anti-Aging: In a double-blind clinical trial, Asgand was tested in a group of 101

healthy males, 50-59 years old, at a dosage of 3 grams daily for one year. A
significant improvement in hemoglobin, red blood cell count, hair melanin, and
seated stature was observed. Serum cholesterol decreased and nail calcium
was reserved. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased significantly and 71.4
% reported improvement in sexual performance (Kuppurajan et al., 1980).
In a double-blind clinical trial on children (8-12 years of both sex), Asgand
increased body weight, total proteins and mean corpuscular haemoglobin and
mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration significantly. The combination
of punarnava and Asgand increased significantly haemoglobin and mean
corpuscular haemoglobin concentration levels. This study indicated Asgand
usefulness as haematinic and growth promoters in the growing children
(Venkataraghavanet al., 1980).

Anti-Diabetic: The hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic effects

of roots of W. somnifera were assessed in six mild NIDDM subjects and six
mild hypercholesterolemic subjects. The treatment consisted of the powder
of roots over a 30 day period. At the end of the study, researchers noted a
decrease in blood glucose comparable to that of oral hypoglycemic drug and
a significant increase in urine sodium, urine volume, significant decrease in
serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very
low density lipoproteins) cholesterol, with no adverse effects (Andallu and
Radhika, 2000).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Nootropic: In a placebo-controlled study, men and women given an extract of
Asgand root showed improved mental skills by performing better in reaction
times, mental arithmetic and logical deductions (Karnick, 1991). In another
placebo-controlled double blind study, Ayurvedic capsules containing one of
the ingredients as Asgand, appears to be superior in improving psychomotor
function compared to placebo (Karnick, 1992). The methanolic extract
exhibited potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro and it was found
more active than the aqueous extract which suggests its potential in Alzheimer
disease (Vinutha et al., 2007).

Immunomodulatory: The polyherbal drug Immu-25 showed a favourable effect

in patients (36: 10 female and 26 male) with HIV infection. The test drug
decreased the mean viral load, which was associated with good symptomatic
improvement and an increase in the mean CD4 cell count. On the basis
of these data, it can be concluded that this herbal drug may have a good
immunomodulatory effect and has potential as a co-therapeutic agent in the
management of HIV infection (Usha et al., 2003).


From the above it is evident that Asgand is one of the most important herbal
drugs having scientically proven therapeutic efficacy.


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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Development Abstract

of Pharmaco- erbal medicines are called as natural products

of traditional system of medicines such as Unani, Ayurveda and Siddha. In
poeial Unani system of medicine, these herbal products are being prepared using
Standards different parts of plants such as root, stem, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds etc.
Jawarish-e-Qaiser is one such type of polyherbal Unani formulation prepared
and Microbial by using ten single drugs. The physicians of unani system of medicine have
Studies on considered this drug as one of the important Unani formulation for the ailments
of Qulang (Stomach and Bowel disorder) and Qabz-e-Muzmin (Chronic
constipation). The present study was aimed to evaluate pharmacopoeial
Qaiser* standards, quality control standards and antimicrobial activity of the drug
Jawarish-e-Qaiser. The organisms used in the study were eight type bacterial
1Rampratap Meena, cultures, namely, Escherichia coli (NCIM 2931), Staphylococcus aureus (NCIM
1P. Meera Devi Sri,
5021), Enterobacter aerogens (NCIM 5139), Bacillus subtilis (NCIM 2197),
1D. Ramasamy,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NCIM 2945), Salmonella typhimurium (NCIM
1S. Mageswari
2501), Bacillus cereus (NCIM 2458), Pseudomonas putida (NCIM 2847) and
Arfin, 2Aminuddin
one fungal (yeast) culture Candida albicans (NCIM 3471). The study revealed
and 1Syed Jameeluddin Ahmed
that the obtained data of quality control parameters were within the permissible
1Regional Research Institute limits of WHO and the drug shows potent antimicrobial activity against all the
of Unani Medicine, tested organisms at 100mg/ml concentration. The MIC was found to be within
West Madha Church Street,
the range of 1.562µg/µl to 3.125µg/µl for majority of the organisms tested.
Royapuram, Chennai-600013
Comparatively the drug was found to be least effective against both the tested
2Central Council for Research Pseudomonas spp.
in Unani Medicine,
61-65, Institutional Area, Keywords: Jawarish-e-Qaiser, Physico-chemical, Quality control, Antimicrobial
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 activity.


In modern era the phytomedicines have become potential medicines to

cure variety of diseases. The usage of traditional medicines such as Unani,
Ayurveda and Siddha have increased in both developing and developed
countries due to their natural origin and lesser side effects (Mukerjee, 2008).
As the world’s population relies on herbal based medicines, search for novel
antibacterial and antifungal agents’ validation of scientific standards has
becomes necessary issue to establish safe and efficacious drugs. In this
context, quality standardization and biological activities of Unani medicine

* Paper presented in International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and

Natural Products, held at Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Hyderabad, 21-23 October, 2013.
1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 103-113
will open new frontiers for treatment of several ailments (Sharma and Arora,
2006). The drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser is one of the polyherbal Unani formulation
listed in the National Formulary of Unani Medicine (NFUM, Part - IV). Literature
studies revealed that some ingredients of the formulation have been reported
to possess antimicrobial activity (Kaushik, 2011; Arora and Kaur, 2007)

Hence the present study was aimed to evaluate the pharmacopoeial and
antimicrobial activity of Jawarish-e-Qaiser by using scientific methods.

Materials and Methods

Collection of raw drugs and preparation

To develop scientific method for the preparation of drug, raw drugs were
procured from local raw drug dealers, Chennai. All the raw drugs were
identified and authenticated using pharmacognostical methods (Kokate et al.,
2000). Jawarish-e-Qaiser was prepared in three different batches using ten raw
drugs namely, Tukhm-e-Karafs (Apium graveolens Linn. DSM - 81), Nankhwah
(Trachyspermum ammi (L) Sprague ex. Turril. DSM - 83), Aaqarqarha
(Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. DSM - 8), Namak Lahori (Rock salt), Filfil Daraz
(Piper longum Linn. DSM - 45), Zanjabeel Khushk (Zingiber officinale Rosc.
DSM - 86), Halela Zard (Terminalia chebula Retz. DSM - 64), Saqmonia
(Convolvulus scammonia Linn. DSM - 148), Turbud Safaid (Operculina
turpethum Linn. DSM - 151) and Qand Safaid (Sugar) as per the guidelines of
NFUM Part-IV (Anonymous, 2006).

Collection of microorganism

To evaluate the microbial studies, the typed cultures were procured from
National Chemical laboratory (NCL) Pune. The organisms used were
Escherichia coli (NCIM 2931), Staphylococcus aureus (NCIM 5021),
Enterobacter aerogens (NCIM 5139), Bacillus subtilis (NCIM 2197),
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NCIM 2945), Salmonella typhimurium (NCIM
2501), Bacillus cereus (NCIM 2458), Pseudomonas putida (NCIM 2847)
and Candida albicans (NCIM 3471). All the organisms were confirmed using
specific biochemical tests (Mackie & McCartney, 1996).

Physicochemical analysis

All the three batch samples of the drug were subjected to evaluate physico-
chemical studies (Anonymous, 1987).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies

TLC studies of chloroform and alcohol extracts of the drug samples were
performed using the standard methods (Wagner et al., 1984).

Quality Control parameters

To evaluate quality of the drug samples, parameters viz., microbial content,

heavy metals, aflatoxin and pesticide residues were studied using WHO
guidelines (Anonymous, 1998; 2000).

Microbial studies

Inoculum Preparation

A uniform suspension of the organisms listed above were prepared in 6ml of

saline, and compared with the McFarland’s standards (Mackie & McCartney,
1996). Each microbial suspension was diluted with the saline to a density
visually equivalent to the Barium sulphate standard, 0.5 McFarland’s unit. The
plates were inoculated within 15 minutes of the preparation of the suspension
to avoid changes in the density of the cultures.

Preparation of plates and Inoculation of microbial cultures

The required quantities of the Muller Hinton agar were prepared. The pH of
medium was adjusted to 7.2. Each plate was poured with 20ml of the media
and was allowed to solidify. The tubes containing 0.5 McFarland’s unit
equivalent microbial cultures were dipped with sterile cotton swabs, and excess
of the fluid was removed by gently rotating the swabs against the sides of
the test tube. The dipped swabs were swabbed over the Muller Hinton agar
plates covering the entire surface of the plate by rotating the plates in all the
directions. After solidification wells of 6 mm diameter were punched in agar
plates. Plates were then allowed to set for few minutes.

Drug concentration

1gm of drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser was accurately weighed and dissolved in

10ml of DMSO solvent (Divakar and Nair, 2001) to make the stock solution
containing 100mg/ml concentration. A series of dilutions were made from
the stock solution to obtain 100µg/µl, 50µg/µl, 25µg/µl, 12.5µg/µl, 6.25µg/µl,
3.125µg/µl, 1.5625µg/µl, and 0.78µg/µl for determination of MIC.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Antibacterial assay and Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

Antibacterial activity was assayed in duplicates by agar well diffusion method

(Vasudha Rai, et al., 2011) using the above mentioned test organisms. The
well was loaded with 50µl of the drug (100mg/ml conc.). The commercially
available drug Norfloxacin (10mcg/disc) was used as control. The plain disc
with 50µl loaded solvent DMSO was placed as the vehicle control. The plates
were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The diameter of the clearing zones were
measured in mm using the calipers.

The precise assessment of the effectiveness of the drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser

against the susceptible bacteria was achieved by determining the MIC with
varying concentration ranging from 0.78µg/µl to 100 µg/µl by agar well diffusion
method. The plates were incubated at 37⁰C for 24hrs and were observed for
the MIC, which was read as the lowest concentration of the drug required to
completely inhibit the growth of the organism.

Results and Discussion

Physico-chemical analysis

The evaluated physico-chemical data of the drug are shown (Table – 1).

Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies

The TLC studies of the chloroform and alcohol extracts of all the three batch
samples showed identical spots under UV - 254nm, 366nm and VS reagent.
The Rf values of the chloroform and alcohol extracts are shown (Table 2 & 3,
Fig. 1 & 2.)

Quality Control parameters

The study carried out on analysis of heavy metals, microbial load, aflatoxins
and pesticide residues were shown (Table 4, 5 6 & 7) respectively.

Antimicrobial activity study and MIC

Antibacterial activity was studied against eight bacterial cultures viz.,

Escherichia coli (NCIM 2931), Staphylococcus aureus (NCIM 5021),
Enterobacter aerogens (NCIM 5139), Bacillus subtilis (NCIM 2197),

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NCIM 2945), Salmonella typhimurium (NCIM
2501), Bacillus cereus (NCIM 2458), Pseudomonas putida (NCIM 2847)
and one yeast culture Candida albicans (NCIM 3471). A significant growth
inhibition was shown by most of the organisms tested indicating the profound
potency of the drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser. Among the tested organism Salmonella
typhimurium was found to be the most sensitive organism followed by
Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus aureus
and Enterobacter aerogens with zone of diameter ranging from 26mm to
7 mm (MIC Conc 100µg/µl to 12.5µg/µl). Both the species of Pseudomonas
organism exhibited only minimum sensitivity to the drug with zone of diameter
ranging from 11 mm to 7 mm (MIC Conc 100µg/µl to 12.5µg/µl). The results
of the antibacterial activity and MIC of the drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser for all the
organisms were observed and tabulated (Table 8, Fig. 3).

Table 1 : (Physico-chemical parameters)

Parameters Analyzed Batch Number (n = 3)


Extractives 48.84% 49.04% 48.52%

Alcohol soluble matter 64.52% 64.80% 65.04%
Water soluble matter

Total ash 2.13% 2.32% 2.46%
Acid insoluble ash 0.061% 0.055% 0.048%

pH values
1% Aqueous solution 5.53 5.79 5.49
10% Aqueous solution 4.34 4.52 4.46

Sugar estimation
Reducing sugar 38.39% 38.43% 38.41%
Non-reducing sugar 9.15% 9.24% 9.19%

Moisture 19.30% 19.84% 19.46%

Bulk Density 1.4099 1.4265 1.4205

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 2 : (Rf values of Chloroform extract)

Solvent System Rf values

(Toluene: Ethylacetate) UV 254 nm UV 366 nm V.S. Reagent
(9:1) (Fig. 1)
0.93 Grey 0.93 Yellowish 0.93 Yellowish
0.78 Blue Brown Green
0.65 Pink 0.78 Blue 0.80 Grey
0.56 Pink 0.72 Blue 0.72 Light Grey
0.46 Pink 0.56 Blue 0.56 Violet
0.37 Light Pink 0.46 Blue 0.46 Light Grey
0.30 Light Pink 0.41 Light Blue 0.26 Grey
0.24 Pink 0.34 Blue 0.12 Grey
0.12 Pink 0.29 Light Blue
0.21 Blue

Table 3 : (Rf values of alcohol extract)

Solvent System Rf values

(Toluene:Ethylacetate) UV 254 nm UV 366 nm V.S. Reagent
(6:4) (Fig. 2)
0.93 Pink 0.93 Yellow 0.93 Yellowish
0.85 Light Pink 0.85 Fluorescent Green
0.68 Pink Blue 0.86 Grey
0.52 Pink 0.80 Blue 0.81 Blue
0.31 Light Pink 0.73 Blue 0.71 Grey
0.65 Yellowish 0.58 Grey
Green 0.36 Light Grey
0.56 Blue 0.20 Light Grey

Table 4 : Estimation of Heavy Metals

Parameters Results WHO/API Limits

Lead 0.0351ppm 10 ppm
Cadmium Nil 0.3 ppm
Mercury Nil 1 ppm
Arsenic Nil 3 ppm

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 5 : Estimation of Microbial load

Parameters Results WHO Limits for internal use

Total Bacterial Count (TBC) 8x101cfu/g 1x105cfu/g

Total Fungal Count (TFC) 1x102 cfu/g 1x103cfu/g
Enterobacteriaceae Absent 1x103cfu/g
Escherichia coli Absent 1x101cfu/g
Salmonella spp Absent Absent
Staphylococcus aureus Absent Absent

Table 6 : Estimation of Aflatoxin

Aflatoxin Results Detection limit

B1 Nil DL:1.0 ppb
B2 Nil DL:0.5 ppb
G1 Nil DL:1.0 ppb
G2 Nil DL:0.5 ppb

Table 7 : Estimation of Pesticidal residue

S. No. Pesticide residues Results
1 Organo Chlorine Group ND
2 Organo Phosphorus Group ND
3 Acephate ND
4 Chlordane ND
5 Dimethoate ND
6 Endosulphan ND
7 Endosulfan ND
8 Endosulfon ND
9 Ethion ND
10 Endosufon sulphate ND
11 Fenthion ND
12 Heptachlor ND
13 Lindane ND
14 Methoxychlor ND
15 Phorate sulfoxide ND
16 Phorate sulfone ND
ND – Not detected

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 8. Antimicrobial activity (MIC)

Sl. Organisms Zone diameter in mm

100 50 25 12.5 6.25 3.125 1.562 0.781 Std
µg/µl µg/ µg/ µg/ µg/ µg/ µl µg/µ1 µg/µ1 (Nor)
µl µl µl µl

1 Escherichia coli 24 22 20 17 15 14 - - S
(NCIM 2931)

2 Staphylococcus 18 17 16 14 12 9 8 7 S
aureus (NCIM

3 Enterobacter 18 17 15 14 13 10 8 - S
(NCIM 5139)

4 Bacillus subtilis 22 19 18 13 12 10 9 - S
( NCIM 2197)

5 Pseudomonas 10 9 8 - - - - - S
(NCIM 2945)

6 Salmonella 26 25 24 23 22 15 13 - S
(NCIM 2501)

7 Bacillus cereus 19 15 14 12 11 10 - S
(NCIM 2458) -

8 Pseudomonas 11 10 8 7 - - - - S
putida (NCIM

9 Candida 25 24 23 22 19 16 13 - S
(NCIM 3471)

Nor: Norfloxacin; S: Sensitive

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cereus Enterobacter aerogens
NCIM 2197 NCIM 2458 NCIM 5139

1. 100µg/µl
2. 50 µg/µl
3. 25 µg/µl
4. 12.5 µg/µl
5. 6.25 µg/µl
6. 3.125 µg/µl
7. 0.78 µg/µl
8. Vehicle control
9. Std (Norfloxacin)
Escherichi coli Staphylococcus aureus
NCIM 2931 NCIM 5021

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas putida Salmonella typhimurium

NCIM 2945 NCIM 2847 NCIM 2501

Candida albicans NCIM 3471

Fig. 3: Plates showing antimicrobial activity of Jawarish-e-Qaiser

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


The results of the present investigation on physicochemical parameters

and quality control parameters clearly emphasizes that the drug Jawarish-
e-Qaiser is free from toxic substances indicating the safety and purity of the
drug. Antimicrobial activity indicates that the drug possesses the antimicrobial
property and it can be used as an alternative medicine.


The authors are extremely grateful to the Director General, Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi, for providing necessary facilities.


Anonymous, 1987. Physico-chemical standards of Unani formulations. Part –II,

CCRUM, Min. of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi, pp. 300-317.
Anonymous, 1998. Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials.
World Health Organization, Geneva, pp. 25-28.
Anonymous, 2005. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), Horwitz
W., Latimer G.W.(eds)., 18th edition. AOAC International, Marylany,
Chapter 10, pp. 17-23.
Anonymous, 2006. National Formulary of Unani Medicine. Department of
AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi, India, Part-IV,
pp. 60, 173, 174, 179.
Daljit Singh Arora and Gurinder Jeet Kaur , 2007. Antibacterial activity of some
Indian medicinal plants. Journal of Natural Medicines 61(3): 313-317
Divakar, C.M. and Nair, G.R.N., 2001. Antiulcer, Antibacterial and Spermicidal
activities of Salanin. Indian Drugs 38(2): 629-932.
Kokate C.K. Purohit A.P. and Gokhale S.B., 2000. Pharmacognosy, 15th
Edition, Neerali prakashan publishers, Pune, pp. 1-3, 96-97.
Mackie & McCartney, 1996. Practical Medical Microbiology. Churchill
Livingston Publishers, pp. 14:131-149.
Pulok K Mukerjee, 2008. Quality control of Herbal Drugs – An approach to
evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons, Pharmaceutical publishers,
New Delhi, pp. 2-11.
Purshotam Kaushik and Pankaj Goyal, 2011. Evaluation of Various Crude
Extracts of Zingiber officinale Rhizome for Potential Antibacterial Activity: A
Study in Vitro . Advances in Microbiology, pp. 1, 7-12.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Rakesh K Sharma and Rajesh Arora, 2006. Herbal Drugs – A twenty first
century perspective. Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, pp. 377-378.
Vasudha Pai, Thangjam Rubee Chanu, Rituparna Chakraborty , Bangar Raju,
Richard Lobo and Mamatha Ballal, 2011. Evaluation of the antimicrobial
activity of Punica granatum peel against the enteric pathogens: Anvitro
study. Asian Journal of Plant science and Research 1(2): 57-62.
Wagner H., Bladt, S. and Zgainski E.M., 1984. Plant Drug Analysis, A Thin
layer Chromatography Atlas, (2nd Edition), Springer – Verlag, Germany.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
cological thnobotanical leads are invaluable for the discovery of novel
active compounds of therapeutic value from natural sources, particularly from
Studies in plants. Based on this rational, an ethnopharmacological field investigation of
Health Care medicinal plants was carried-out in Angul forest division, Odisha, between
November-December 2013. Some 202 medicinal species have been collected
Among the and identified from the study area. Of these, 33 have been found to be used by
Tribals of local inhabitants for treating their diseases and conditions. The information on
folk medicinal uses of plants viz. botanical name, family, Unani name (if any),
Angul Forest
mode of application etc. have been presented in this communication.
Keywords: Ethnopharmacological leads, Tribals, Angul forest division, Odisha.
1Mukesh Kumar,
2Mokhtar Alam, 1Mohd. Zakir, For many thousands of years, plants have been used to heal a broad range
1Hakimuddin Khan, of illnesses, from minor ailments such as cuts and skin infections, to more
1Kishore Kumar, serious diseases including typhoid fever, diabetes and cancer-like conditions.
3Aminuddin and
By targeting medicinal plants rather than surveying at random, there is a
1L. Samiulla
significantly increased chance of finding lead compounds (Mcrae et al., 2005).
1Regional Research Institute The present investigations are based on this rationale and provide first-hand
of Unani Medicine, Mathasahi, data on 33 medicinal species widely used in the folk treatment of various
Bhadrak-756 100, Odisha diseases and conditions by the tribals and ethnic groups of the study area.
2Drug Standardization Research Angul district is one of the centrally located district of the state of Odisha. It
Institute (Unani),
lies between 20°37′ to 21°10′ N latitude and 84°53′ to 85°28′ E longitude. Most
Kamla Nehru Nagar,
Ghaziabad-201002, U.P.
of the area of this district is covered with dense forests which are of tropical
dry deciduous type. The total forest cover of the district is 3509.59 km2. From
3Central Council for Research in the point of view of area, it stands 11th among the 30 districts of Odisha.
Unani Medicine,
Angul forest division is divided into six distinct ranges i.e., Raigoda, Durgapur,
61-65, Institutional Area,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
Chhendipada, Kaniha, Talcher, Purunagarh. The forests in the region are: Dry
mixed deciduous forest, Tropical dry deciduous forest and moist deciduous
forest. The areas visited include Khinda, Jamunda, Hinsida, Takursinga,
Shankarpur, Pampasar, Jamunda, Balanga, Jamudibridge, Purunakote,
Tikarpada, Nuakheta Banamira. Badakera, Tukuro, Jarpada, Antulia, Chhotkei,
Tarava, Utunga, Kumuri, Lohiagargh, Tayansi. Chhendipada, Balipata. Dalaka,
Talpada, Kaniha, Brahmandei, Rengali, Rengali Dam. Rutbhui, Bolangi, Samal
Barrage, Baruan, Biru, Bulajhar, Kandhal, Bikisar. Angul & Adjoining Area
forest areas were surveyed.

1* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 115-123
The study area is largely inhabited by rural population including tribes such
as Kondh, Gond, Munda, Santal, Juang, Khaira and Bhuiyan. The detailed
ethnopharmacological study of the district has been taken up with a view to
enlist to plant resources and their utilization by the natives. Ethnobotanical
plants are known for their therapeutically interest in both organized system
of medicine such as Unani and Ayurveda as well as unorganized system of
medicine such as Folk medicine. They exhibit great chemical diversity and
several of them have been listed as source of valuable drugs (Kirtikar & Basu,
1935; Khare, 2007). Our study suggests that these people have accumulated a
wide knowledge in the medicinal usage of plant wealth over the centuries. The
present paper gives an account of 33 plant species belonging to 22 families
used by the natives in the treatment of various diseases. Most of the uses were
found reported when compared with published literature on Indian ethnobotany
(Jain, 1991; Chopra et al., 1956).

Materials and Methods

Ethnobotanical field trip was undertaken during November-December 2013

in order to explore the traditional knowledge of the inhabitants of Angul
forest division and to make collections of native medicinal plants. Information
regarding folk medicinal plants was obtained through field interviews with tribal
people who practice indigenous medicine. In many cases, it was necessary to
make a good rapport with these people in order to win over their confidence.
Most of the information included in this study was gathered from elderly and
experienced practitioners who were very knowledgeable about medicinal
plants. The gathered data were cross-checked for reliability and accuracy by
interacting with different groups of the tribals in other areas to confirm the use,
mode of administration and dosage and differences of the herbal materials,
if any. The medicinal plants were botanically identified by using the Flora of
Orissa (Saxena & Brahmam, 1994-1996) and the Botany of Bihar & Orissa
(Haines, 1921-25). After eliciting detailed information regarding the wild
medicinal plants, the collected materials were carefully brought to the Survey of
Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Bhadrak,
for identification and processing. Herbarium sheets for all the collected plant
specimens were prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of Survey of
Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Bhadrak,
India, for future reference and record.


The medicinal plants used as folk medicine in the study area are arranged in
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
alphabetical order. Their botanical name, family in bracket, local name, Unani
name (if any), locality with collection number, part used, name of the disease(s)
against which used, mode of preparation and administration, and informant
who shared his valuable information are given for each recipe discussed.

1. Acorus calamus L. (Araceae); Hemokedar, Waj-e-Turki, Kumuri-9653,

Root. Dysentery; Root paste is given orally to treat blood dysentery.

2. Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees (Acanthaceae);

Bhuinimbo; Balanga-9590; Leaf; Malarial fever, Skin disease; Leaf
decoction is used with honey to treat malarial fever. Leaf juice is taken
orally to treat skin diseases. (Munda).

3. Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Liliaceae); Satabari; Satawar;

Purunakote-9608; Root; Dyspepsia; Root juice is mixed with honey and
used for dyspepsia. (Laku Bhuiyan)

4. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae); Nimbo; Neem; Kandhal-9746;

Leaf; Skin Diseases; Leaf juice 100 ml is taken for a month to treat skin
diseases. (Kharia).

5. Bauhinia racemosa L. (Caesalpiniaceae); Barada; Kachnal; Antulia-9625;

Stem bark, Leaf; Stem bark one teaspoon is used in dysentery. Two tea
spoonful leaves decoction is used in malarial fever. (Naik).

6. Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC (Oxalidaceae); Lajkoli; Tikarpada-9617;

Leaf; Diabetes; One teaspoonful leaf juice is taken twice a day to treat
diabetes. (Paresh)

7. Bridelia retusa (L.) Spreng. (Euphorbiaceae); Kassi; Tikarpada-9619;

Stem Bark; rheumatism; Stem bark decoction is used to treat rheumatism.

8. Butea superba Roxb. (Fabaceae); Palasnoi; Antulia-9626; Shoot; piles;

two teaspoonful shoot decoction is given to treat piles. (Munda).

9. Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robins (Asteraceae); Poksunga;

Hinsida-9560 leaf; cuts; Leaf juice is applied locally on cuts to check
bleeding. (Kapoor Gond)

10. Costus speciosus (Koenig) Sm. (Zingiberaceae); Andkhira; Talpada-9694;

Root; anthelmintic; Two spoon root juice is taken thrice daily as
anthelmintic. (Tunu).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

11. Crateva magna (Lour.) DC (Capparaceae); Baruna; Kumuri-9651; Leaf/
Bark; Leaf/Bark paste is applied locally on boils to reduce pain & early
healing. (Bhuiyan).

12. Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Hypoxydaceae); Talmuli; Musli Siyah;

Purunakote-9613; Root; Wounds; Crushed roots are applied on cuts to
check bleeding & healing wounds. (Bhuiyan).

13. Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Etting. (Loranthaceae); Madang;

Baruan-9735; Whole plant; Asthma; Whole plant is crushed and taken
one tea spoonful twice daily to treat asthma. (Raghu Bhuiyan).

14. Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae); Baro; Baragad; Kandhal-9748; Latex;

Spermatorrhoea; Latex along with Misri is used to treat spermatorrhoea.

15. Gardenia latifolia Ait. (Rubiaceae); Damagaruda; Purunakote-9611; Fruit;

Joint pain; Fruit with Harida & Bahada is taken in equal quantity and
boiled in mustard oil. This oil is applied locally on joints to treat joint pain.

16. Helicteres isora L. (Sterculiaceae); Muda; Marorphali; Purunakote-9607;

Fruit; Stomachache; Fruits boiled in mustard oil & filtered & filtered oil is
applied locally on stomach to treat stomachache. (Laku Bhuiyan)

17. Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall. ex G. Don (Apocynaceae);

Kurmi; Inderjo Talkh; Balanga-9594; Follicles; Dysentery; Crushed follicle’s
juice is taken one teaspoon to treat dysentery. (Mahendra Bhuiyan)

18. Kalanchoe pinnata (L.) Pers. (Crassulaceae); Amarpoi; Zakhm-e-Hayat;

Nuakheta-9679; Leaf; Skin diseases; Leaf juice is applied locally to treat
skin diseases. (Naik)

19. Lannea grandis Engl. (Meliaceae); Moi; Talpada-9696; Bark; Wounds;

Bark juice is applied locally to check burning & healing wounds. (Kharia).

20. Leonotis naepetifolia (L.) R. Br. (Lamiaceae); Bhutabhairavi;

Shankarpur-9563; whole Plant; cuts; Plant juice is applied locally on cuts
to check bleeding. (Ramu Bhuiyan).

21. Mimusops elengi L. (Sapotaceae); Baulo; Mulsari; Chakrasi Samal

Barrage-9729; Leaf; Dental Care; Leaves are chewing raw to treat
toothache. (Pukar).

22. Ocimum canum Sm. (Lamiaceae); Nandabagudi; Shankarpur-9562;

Seed; Jaundice; Seeds soaked in one glass of water to overnight and
filtered and water taken early morning to treat jaundice. (Kapil Munda)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

23. Phyllanthus fraternus Webster (Euphorbiaceae); Badiamla;
Jamunda-9575; Plant; Diabetes; One cup plant juice is taken twice a day
for 30-60 days to treat diabetes. (Prakash Sahoo)

24. Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierr. (Fabaceae); Karanja; Karanj; Chakrasi

Samal Barrage-9730; Seed, Stem/Root; Wounds, Dental Care; Seed oil is
used to treat wounds & itching. Young stem/root also used as tooth stick.

25. Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Fabaceae); Piyasal; Bijasar;

Purunakote-9614; Seed, Wood; Diarrhea & dysentery, Diabetes; Seed
oil is used in diarrhea & dysentery and extraction of wood is used in
diabetes. (Gopal Bhuiyan).

26. Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. (Apocynaceae); Patalgarudu; Chhendipada-9662;

Root; snake-bite; Root paste is given with one glass water orally to treat
snake-bite. (Munda).

27. Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae); Nununia; Mako; Balanga-9584; Whole

Plant; Jaundice; One glass plant juice is taken twice a day for 7-15 days
to treat jaundice. (Khira)

28. Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. (Meliaceae); Rohini; Kandhal-9749;

Stem bark; Fever, Diarrhoea & Dysentery; 3-4 teaspoon extract is given
twice or thrice to treat intermittent fever, diarrhoea & dysentery. (Bhuiyan).

29. Spermacoce hispida L. (Rubiaceae); Jibakata; Bikisar-9750; Whole plant;

Heamorrhoid; Plant Leaf juice is taken twice daily 3 teaspoon to treat
heamorrhoid. (Kharia).

30. Spilanthes calva L. (Asteraceae); Poksunga; Pampasar-9650; Flower;

Dental Care; Flowering heads are used in toothache. (Munda).

31. Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. (Fabaceae); Kulthia; Sarphuka; Khinda

Jamunda-9557; Root; Stomachache; Root juice is taken once a day to
treat stomachache. (Tirtha Basi Naik)

32. Vitex negundo L. (Verbenaceae); Begunia; Sambhalu; Dalaka-9692; Leaf;

Rheumatic disorders; Leaves boiled in oil and filtered. This oil is applied
locally to treat rheumatic disorders. (Munda).

33. Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br. (Apocynaceae); Kuren; Inderjo Shreen;

Balanga-9591; Follicles; Fever; 1-2 glass of tender tips decoction is given
orally for treating common fever. (Prakash Sahoo)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Folk Medicinal Plants from the Study Area

Fig. 1: Asparagus racemosus Willd Fig. 2: Crateva magna (Lour.) DC.

Fig. 3: Curculigo orchioides Gaertn Fig. 4: Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Etting

Fig. 5: Helicteres isora L. Fig. 6: Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Results and Discussion

In the present investigation 33 medicinal plants are used for the treatment of
various diseases e.g., dental care, piles, stomach ache, fever, diarrhoea &
dysentery, jaundice, snake-bite, cuts & wounds, asthma, spermatorrhoea,
rheumatic disorders etc The utility lies through their roots, stem bark, latex,
leaves, fruits and seeds. These are taken internally or applied externally in
the form of infusion, decoction, paste or powder. Most of the plants used in
medicines are either mixed with other ingredients or single. Some important
medicinal plants needs immediate conservation and their cultivation should be
encouraged through which their extinction can be prevented and local village
people may also get low-cost cure their disease.

A detailed perusal of the ethnobotanical records reveals that a number of

ethnobotanical studies have been conducted in different parts of Odisha (Ali
et al., 2010; Aminuddin and Girach, 1996; Aminuddin et al., 2013; Dash et al.,
2003; Girach et al., 2011; Kandari et al., 2012, Mohapatra and Sahoo, 2008;
Mudgal and Pal, 1980; Mukesh et al., 2012, 2013; Mukherjee and Namhata,
1990; Mund and Satapathy, 2011; Rout, 2007; Sahu, and Dhal, 2012; Sahu
et al., 2013a, 2013b; Singh, 2012; Singh et al., 2010; Tripathy and Behera,
2008) and found that most of the folk medicinal plants are duly reported
in the literature (Jain, 1991; Chopra et al., 1956). However, their mode of
application, ingredients and parts used are different. Therefore, the present
study represents the contemporary folk uses of medicinal plants of the area
investigated. It would be worthwhile to subject all these folk drugs to scientific
testing in the context of claims reported herein.

It has been observed that un judicious exploitation of some species by the

local tribes, medicinal plant collectors and exporters have created an alarming
situation for the sustainable utilization of plant resources. Besides, the forest
resources have been depleted at an alarming rate due to rapid industrialization
and urbanization in the district. Further intensive study will be much useful to
get more idea about the unexploited, underexploited and threatened plants of
this region.


Authors sincerely acknowledge the encouragement and support provided by

Prof. S. Shakir Jamil, Director General, Central Council for Research in Unani
Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi, to carry out this research work. We also wish
to express our gratitude to all the forest officials of Angul forest division, Angul

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

and, tribal /ethnic people for their help, cooperation and sharing their valuable
information during the ethnobotanical survey tour.


Ali, Z.A., Hussaini, S.A. and Mukesh K., 2010. Traditional Phytoremedies in
Health Care among the Forest Ethnics of Balasore District, Orissa. Hipp.
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Aminuddin and Girach R D., 1996. Native phytotherapy among the Paudi
Bhuinya of Bonai Hills. Ethnobotany 8: 66–70.
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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Indian Herbal Abstract

Drugs of Trade he use of herbal medicines is growing with

approximately 40 per cent of population reporting use of herbs to treat
and Their diseases within the past year. India has 16 agro-climatic zones, 45000
Supply Chain different plant species out of which 15000 are medicinal plants. The Indian
Systems of Medicine have identified 1500 medicinal plants, of which more than
Management: A 500 species are mostly used in the preparation of drugs in direct or indirect
Review ways and highly potential in the trade related practices in Indian and Global
markets. Apart from requirement of medicinal plants for internal consumption,
1Lalit Tiwari, Nitin Rai India exports crude drugs mainly to developed countries, viz. USA, Germany,
and Rajeev Kr. Sharma France, Switzerland, UK and Japan. The supply base of 90% herbal raw drugs
used in the manufacture of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy (Ayush)
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
Laboratory, Department of AYUSH, systems of medicine is largely from the wild. Present communication reviews
Kamla Nehru Nagar, and highlights the supply chain management and trade practices of medicinal
Ghaziabad-201 002, UP and aromatic plants (MAPs) in India.

Key words: Suply chain management, Herbal drugs, Medicinal and Aromatic
plants (MAPs)


It is estimated that 80 percent of the population in developing countries rely

largely on plant based drugs for their health care needs, and the WHO has
estimated that in coming decades a similar percentage of the world population
may well rely on plant-based medicines. Thirty percent of the drugs sold
worldwide contain compounds derived from plant material. As a result of the
expanding interest in medicinal and aromatic plants, new income generating
opportunities are opening up for rural populations. With many of the MAPs
gathered from the wild, the collection and sale of MAPs is providing a
complementary source of cash for many extremely poor rural households.
However, despite the fact that the products collected can have very high value
in the final products, the collectors typically receive only a small share of the
final value, either because they are unaware of the real value, are unable to
market it in the form wanted by buyers or are unable to market to these buyers.

Current trends all-over the world has shown that for one reason or the other,
people are not only willing to try natural medicine especially those of plants
based but are also actively seeking non-conventional remedies. As a result
there is a global resurgence in the trade of herbal medicine. This indicates that

* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 125-142
production, consumption and domestic and international trade in medicinal
plants based products is going to grow at a significant rate.

The international market of herbal products is estimated to be US $62 billion

which is poised to grow to US $5 trillion by the year 2050, but India’s share
in the global export market of medicinal plants related trade is just 0.5 per
cent (Sharma, 2004). India has 16 Agro climatic zones, 45000 different
plant species out of which 15000 are medicinal plants. The Indian Systems
of Medicine have identified 1500 medicinal plants, of which 500 species are
mostly used in the preparation of drugs.

The Indian Systems of Medicine, particularly Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, &

Homoeopathy medicine largely use plant base materials, minerals, metals,
marine and products of animal origin. Our ancient texts had documented
medicinal uses of a large number of plants. These plants are being used for
preparation of medicines for centuries.

The increased demand of herbal medicines has led to a sudden increase in

herbal manufacturing units. There is a complex of large number of manufacturing
units using herbal material for various purposes. Whereas the largest number of
such manufacturing units are registered as ‘pharmaceuticals’, there are others
that are engaged in making plant based cosmetics and food supplements.
Even within the pharmaceutical units, there are manufacturers of Ayurveda,
Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic formulations with a few even making western
medicines. Another group of manufacturing units is engaged in making extracts
and distilling oils for use by other industries and for exports. Raw materials for all
these diverse industries are largely derived from wild sources.

The trade practices of MAPs and herbal products in India are extremely
complex, secretive, traditional, confusing, badly organised, highly under-
estimated and unregulated. This requires a grand strategic plan to augment the
availability of quality raw materials, standardised finished products and proper
marketing infrastructure.

Keeping in view, the present review article is designed to find out the current
situation and trends of herbal drug sector, supply and demand equilibrium and
supply chain management of MAPs and herbal products.

Material and Methods

A field survey of herbal drug dealers was done during the period of 2010 to
2012 and primary as well as secondary data were obtained. Other than the

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

secondary sources available to provide the relevant information from different
companies, government agencies and the libraries, the focus in this study was
on the primary source of information which was, collected through survey of
the following groups of respondents viz. Dealers/retailers of the MAPs or herbal
products, Procurement force of herbal manufacturing unit and Consumers of
the MAPs and herbal products. Covering the whole population of India was
beyond the time and cost resources. Therefore, the scope of the study was
kept limited. It was decided to cover three major herbal markets of Delhi, Uttar
Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Respondents were preselected according to the
nature of study by using the judgement sampling method. Respondents are
mainly far from each other that’s why the internet, telephonic and post survey
method was applied. Open ended questionnaire were sent to the respondents
through email or by post and there answer were recorded. Somewhere, if
possible, telephonic interviews were also carried out. After getting the primary
data from the questionnaire. These were sorted and analysed.

Results and Discussion

Asia has abundant species of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) and
traditional medicine has been practiced in Asia since ancient times. The
Chinese and the Indians have made use of medicinal plants to cure ailments
for thousands of years. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO),
the goal of ‘Health for All’ cannot be achieved without herbal medicines. While
the demand for herbal medicines is growing in developing countries, there are
indications that consumers in developed countries are becoming disillusioned
with modern healthcare and are seeking alternatives in traditional medicines.
There is, therefore, an increasing consumer demand for herbal medicines in
developed countries.

During recent years, the global attention of the pharmaceutical industry

has switched once more to the natural world and this may be illustrated by
reference to three clinical drugs, taxol, etoposide and artemisinin (Phillipson,
1999). Taxol is obtained from the bark of the Taxus brevifolia and Artemisinin
is an unusual sesquiterpene endoperoxide that has been isolated as the active
principle of the antimalarial herb Artemisia annua both plants are grown in

In the recent years, there has been a boom in the herbal industry globally.
According to WHO, demand for medicinal plants by the year 2050 is estimated
at US$ 5 trillion. Demand for nutraceuticals and functional food has been rising
in developed markets, particularly in USA, Europe and Japan. Nutraceutical

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

market in USA is estimated at about US$ 80 billion to US$ 250 billion, with a
similar market size in Europe, and Japanese nutraceutical market is estimated
at US$ 1.5 billion. Global market for Functional Food is pegged at US$ 60
billion to US$ 80 billion, growing by around 10% per year. Indian nutraceutical
market is estimated to be around US$ 270 million growing at a CAGR of 18%,
against the CAGR of 7% witnessed in global market (Anonymous, 2010).

India, with approximately 8% of world’s biodiversity including plant genetic

diversity with medicinal properties, has the potential of becoming a major
global player in market for medicinal plants based herbal formulations,
medicines and products (Singh, 2006).

Indian herbal medicine market has been growing at a steady pace of between
15% and 20% every year. The market size of domestic herbal industry is
currently estimated at over rupees 5000 crore. According to a study the
industry is envisaged to grow at a level of repees 5,500 crore after 2010
Commonwealth Games (CWG), and Ayurvedic industry alone is envisaged
to earn a business of rupees 500 crore during the Games. The study also
envisages that Indian Spa industry to receive an investment of US$ 35 billion
over the next 3 to 4 years (Anonymous, 2010).

The FRLHT researchers also noted that while amla fruit (Phyllanthus emblica)
is the highest consumed botanical raw drug by the domestic herbal industry,
70% of total botanical raw material exports (by volume) are made up just
a few species, namely psyllium husk (Plantago ovata), senna leaf and pod
(Cassia angustifolia), henna leaf & powder (Lawsonia inermis), and the
three myrobalans: amla fruit (Phyllanthus emblica), belleric myrobalan fruit
(Terminalia bellerica), and chebulic myrobalan fruit (Terminalia chebula) (Ved
and Goraya, 2008).

Indian Herbal Drugs in Trade

Although a large number of medicinal plants are described in literature for

medicinal use but their commercial exploitation is in limited extent. The species
noticed in trade are tabutaled a below:

Table 1: Inventory of Indian Herbal Drugs in trade

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological

Part used
Afastatin Artemisia Artemisia vulgaris Whole plant
Agaru Eagle wood Aquilaria agallocha Wood

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Ajalu Mimosa Mimosa pudica Leaves, seeds
Akarkara Pellitory Anacyclus pyrethrum Roots
Alsi Flax seed/lin seed Linum usitatissimum Seeds
Ambahaldi Turmeric Curcuma amada Rhizome
Amla Indian gooseberry Emblica officinalis Fruits
Anantmool Indian sarsaparilla Hemidesmus indicus Roots
Anar Pomegranate Punica granatum Seeds, rind
Anjbar — Polygonum viviparum Roots
Annato Bixa Bixa orellana Seeds
Arjun Arjuna Terminalia arjuna Bark/heartwood
Arlu, shyonaka Oroxylin Oroxylum indicum Root bark
Arni Premine Premna integrifolia Whole plant
Ashoka Saraca bark Saraca indica Bark
Ashwagandha Winter cherry Withania somnifera Roots/leaves
Attis Aconitum Aconitum Roots
Attis mitha Aconitum Aconitum napellus Roots
Babchi -- Psoralea corylifolia Seeds
Babuna Chamomilla Matricaria chamomilla Flowers
Bach Sweet flag Acorus calamus Roots
Bach nag Aconitum Aconitum ferox Roots
Baheda -- Terminalia belerica Fruit
Bakul Indian medler Mimusops elengi Bark
Balchar Cat’s claw Nardostachys Rooys
Bankakri Podophyllum Podophyllum emodi Roots
Banmethi Melilotus Melilotus indica Seeds
Basant St.john wart Hypericum perforatum Leaves
Belladona Belladona Atropa belladonna Roots/leaves
Bhangra Calendulacea Wedelia calendulacea Leaves
Bharangi Clerodendrum Clerodendrum indicum Root
Bhringaraj Eclipta Eclipta alba Leaves

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Bijaysar Pterocarpus Pterocarpus marsipium Bark
Bilva Stone apple Aegle marmelos Pulp
Biranjasaf` — Achillea millefolium Whole plant
Bisfaij Drynaria Polypodium vulgare Roots
Boswellia Olibanum Boswellia serrata Gum
Brahmi Gotu kala Centella asiatica Whole plant
Chaksu — Cassia absus Seeds
Chakunda Foetid cassia Cassia tora Seeds
Champa Champa Michelia champaca Root
Chandan Red sandal Pterocarpus santalinus Wood
Chaulai — Amaranthus Spinosus Seeds
Chaulmogra — Gynocardia odorota Seeds
Chiraita Swertia bitter Swertia chirata Whole plant
Chirchita Barbarum Lycium barbarum Berries
Chobchini Smilax Smilax glabra Roots/leaves
Chora Angelica Angelica galuca Roots
Cinchona Cinchona Cinchona officinalis Bark
Coleus Coleus Coleus forskohli Roots
Dalchini Cassia Cinnamomum cassia Bark
Daru haridra Berberis Berberis aristata Roots/stem/
Daryakanaryal Maldivica Lodoicea seychellarum Fruit
Datura Thorn apple Datura metel Seeds
Devdaru Cedrus Cedrus deodara Wood
Digitalis Grecian foxglove Digitalis purpurea Leaves
Dikamali Gummifera Gardenia gummifera Gum
Ergot Ergot Claviceps purpurea Fungal grass
Gajar Carot Daucus carota Seeds
Gajpipal Scindapsus Scindapsus officinalis Fruits
Gazaban Bracteatum Onosma bracteatum Leaves
Ginseng Ginseng Panax ginseng Roots

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Gloriosa Glory lily Gloriosa superba Seeds
Gokhroo Caltrops Tribulus terrestris Fruits/plant
Guduchi Tinospora Tinospora cordifolia Stems
Guggal Myrrha Comiphora mukul Gum
Gul banafsha Viola Viola odorata Flowers/leaves
Gul khair — Malus sylvestris Leaves
Gulab Rose Rosa damascena Petals
Gurmar Gymnema Gymnema sylvestre Leaves
Hansraj — Adiantum capillus Whole plant
Haridra Turmeric Curcuma longa Rhizome
Haritaki Myrobalan Terminalia chebula Fruit
Harmal Harmalol Peganum harmala Seeds
Harsinghar Nyctanthin Nyctanthes arbortristis Flowers
Hauber Juniper Juniperus communis Berries
Hawthorn Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha Fruit
Hing Asafetida Ferula foetida Gum resin
Horjora Quadrangularis Cissus quadrangularis Whole plant
Imli Tamarind Tamarindus indica Fruit
Isafgol Psyllium Plantago ovata Husk/seeds
Jal-brahmi Indian pennywort Baccopa monnieri Whole plant
Jamalghota Croton Croton tiglium Seeds
Jangli haldi Wild turmeric Curcuma aromatica Rhizome
Jiwanti Leptadenia Leptadenia reticulata Leaves
Jiyaputra Putrajiva Putrajiva roxburghii Fruit
Kachura Wild turmeric Curcuma zedoria Rhizome
Kaiphul Myrica Myrica nagi Bark
Kakmachi Makoh Solanum nigrum Berries
Kakrashringi Pistacia Pistacia integerrima Fruits
Kalimusli Curculigo Curculigo orchioides Rhizome
Kalmegh Andrographis Andrographis Whole plant

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Kalonji Black cumin seed Nigella sativa Seeds
Kamila — Mallotus philipinensis Powder
Kanchana Toddaline Toddalia asiatica Seeds
Kapur kachri Hedychium Hedychium spicatum Rhizome
Karanja Pongamia Pongamia pinnata Seeds
Kasni Cichorin Cichorium intybus Seeds
Kavanch Cowhage Mucuna pruriens Seeds
Kesar Saffron Crocus sativus Flower
Khair Catechu Acacia catechu Bark
Khas Vettiver Vetiveria zizanioides Roots
Kikar Gum tree Acacia arabica Gum/bark
Kokam Garcinia Garcinia cambozia Fruit
Kuchla Nux vomica Strychnos nux vomica Seeds/bark
Kulanjan Galangal Alpinia galanga Rhizomes
Kushtha Sassurea Saussurea lappa Roots
Kusum Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Flower
Kutaja Conessi bark Holarrhena Bark
Kutki   Kurroo Gentiana kurroa Root
Kutki Picrorhiza Picrorhiza kurroa Roots
Lasora Dichotama Cordia dichotama Fruit
Lobiya Beans Phaseolus lunatus Seeds
Lodhra Symplocos Symplocos racemosa Bark
Luban Luban Styraz benzoin Gum resin
Mahwa — Madhuca indica Flowers/bark
Majuphul Gallnuts Quercus infectoria Fruit
Mal kanguni — Celastrus paniculatus Seeds
Mamira Copteeta Coptis teeta Rhizome
Mamira Gold seal Thalictrum foliosum Root
Manjistha Rubia Rubia tinctorum Roots
Marjal Iris Iris ensata Roots

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Mehndi Henna Lawsonia alba Leaves
Morinda Morinda Morinda citrifolia Fruits
Mulethi Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Roots
Murva Sanservierine Sansevieria zeylanica Rhizome
Muskdana Hibiscus Abelmoschus Seeds
abelmoschus moschatus
Musta Nutgrass Cyperus rotundus Tubers
Nagkesar Cobras saffron Mesua ferrea Flowers
Nagkesar — Ochrocarpus longifolius Flower buds
Narkachura Black turmeric Curcuma caesia Rhizome
Neeli Indigo Indigofera tinctoria Leaves
Nirmasi Kyllinga triceps Delphinium denudatum Roots
Nisoth Ipomoea Operculina turpethum Roots
Pakhanbed Bergenia Bergenia ligulata Roots
Palas Flame of forest Butea monosperma Seeds
Patha Cissampelos Cissampelos pareira Roots
Pindalu Dioscorea Dioscorea deltoidea Tubers
Pitpapada Fumaria Fumaria officinalis Whole plant
Posta Poppy Papaver somniferum Seeds
Prasarni Paederia Paederia foetida Leaves
Prishnparni Lagopoides Uraria picta Whole plant
Pudina Mint Mentha piperita Leaves
Punarnava mool Hogweed Boerhaavia diffusa Root
Pushkar — Inula racemosa Roots
Rajma Kidney beans   Phaseolus vulgaris Seeds
Revandchini Rhubarb Rheum emodi Rhizome
Ritha Soap nut Sapindus mukorossi Fruit/shell
Rudanthi Cretica Cressa cretica Fruit
Rumi mastungi Lentiscus Pistacia lentiscus Gum resin
Rusemari Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Leaves
Sadabahaar — Vinca rosea Leaves

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Safed chandan Sandalwood Santalum album Wood
Salacia Salacia Salacia reticulata Roots
Salapmishri Laxiflora Orchis laxiflora Tuber
Salibmisri Salibmisrie Eulophia campestris Rhizome
Samallu Agnus castus Vitex agnus castus Seeds
Sarapgandha Reserpine Rauwolfia serpentina Roots
Satawar Asparagus Asparagus racemosus Tubers
Sathra Origanum Origanum vulgaris Whole plant
Saunth Ginger Zingiber officinale Rhizome
Senna Senna Cassia angustifolia Leaves
Shalaparni Desmodium Desmodium Whole plant
Shikakai Soap pods Acacia consinna Pods
Shila pushpa Stone flower Didymocarpus Fungul leaves
Shilajit Mineral pitch Styrax officinalis Stone
Shirisha — Albizzia lebbeck Bark
Siymarin Milk thistle Silybum marianum Seeds
Soanjna Moringa Moringa oleifera Seeds
Somlata Ephedra Ruta graveolens Whole plant
Surya mukhi Sunflower Helianthus annus Seeds
Tabashir — Bambusa arundinacea Crystal
Tagara Valerian Valeriana wallichii Roots
Talispatra Taxus Taxus baccata Leaves
Talmakhana — Astercantha longifolia Seeds
Tikhur Wild turmeric Curcuma angustifolia Rhizome
Til Seasame Sesamum indicum Seeds
Tulsi Basil Ocimum sanctum Leaves, whole
Tutmalanga Nepeta Nepeta elliptica Seeds
Udsalap — Paeonia officinalis Tubers
Ustakhadus Lavendor Lavandula stoechas Leaves
Uttanjan Blepharin Blepharis edulis Seeds

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trade Name English Name Botanical Name Morphological
Part used
Varuna Nurvala Crataeva nurvala Bark
Vasaka Vasaka Adhatoda vasica Leaves
Vidanga Embelia Emblia ribes Fruits
Vidhara Aggregata Argyreia nervosa Seeds
Vidhara Santaloides Santaloides minus Roots
Zarul Banaba leaves Lagestroemia speciosa Leaves
Zuffa Hyssopus Hyssopus officinalis Flowers

Supply of MAPs

The bulk trade in medicinal plant products takes place at informal markets,
and involves the sale of relatively large quantities of unprocessed or semi-
processed products. MAPs are sold in various markets: rural, urban, regional,
state, national and international. There are two primary sources of MAPs, first
wild collection and second cultivated collection.

1. Wild collection

Wild collection is the harvesting of plant material from wild sources. This
material can take many forms, such as the bark, leaves, fruits, herbs, flowers,
wood or roots. It may be collected from many locations, including open pasture,
waste agricultural land, gardens, the roadside or forest land. In some cases the
plants may be “weeds” found in agricultural or waste land; in others they may
be plants or parts of plants found in horticultural areas or in forest land. The
bulk of the material traded (both domestically and internationally) is still wild
harvested and only a very small number of species are cultivated.

According to the Planning Commission Report (2000), a critical factor in wild

harvesting is the availability of cheap labour to undertake the very labour
intensive work of gathering. Because in many cases income from such
sources represents the only form of paid employment for inhabitants of remote
rural areas, there is a ready availability of workers. Further, contractors who
employ the collectors often act as middlemen and traders as well. Collectors
are often dependent on contractors as they are poor and often owe money to
the contractors. Most countries have few or no regulations and policies which
control the wild collection of MAPs. India has banned the export of several
wild species in their raw material form, although the export of finished products
containing the material is allowed (Anonymous, 2000).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

2. Cultivated collection

Cultivated collection is more suitable for large scale uses, such as the
production of drugs by pharmaceutical companies, which require standardized
products of guaranteed or known content and quality. These quality
requirements are becoming increasingly important as drug regulations become
more stringent in many countries. Given the higher cost of cultivated material,
cultivation is often done under contract. In the majority of cases, companies
tend to cultivate only those plant species which they use in large quantities
or in the production of derivatives and isolates, for which standardization is
essential and quality is critical.

Demand and supply at present is mis-matching. At present 90 per cent of the

supply is from forest and only 10% by way of cultivation. Traditionally, the
tribes and local communities living in and around forest were allowed to collect
minor forest products and there are only 80 medicinal plants in the list of minor
forest products. Due to non-identification of entire medicinal herbs from forest,
a lot of herbal items are uncollected and lost. Similarly due to unscientific,
unsustainable and discriminative collection practices followed, availability of
medicinal plants in its natural home has been depleted over the years. Some
of the spices even became scarce due to over exploitation. Rapid expansion of
area under food crops and commercial crops, conversions of non-forest areas
for other alternate land use, degradation of forest through fire, grazing etc.
have reduced availability of valuable medicinal plants.

Supply Chain Management

The supply chain of MAPs is often very long with as many as six or seven
marketing stages involving primary collectors and producers, local contractors,
regional wholesale markets, large wholesale markets and specialized
suppliers. The long supply chain contributes to the low prices primary
collectors and farmers receive for their products. As wild collection is still
more common than cultivation, huge differences in the quality of raw materials
occur. The differences concern the amount of active ingredients based on
where the plants were grown, what parts of the plants are being used, how
the plants were harvested and how they were stored. Raw material is often
also adulterated as collection from the wild cannot guarantee the uniformity of
raw material. Industry buys from suppliers and wholesalers rather than direct
from smallholders because of the substantial quantities and broad range of raw
material that is needed. This makes product traceability nearly impossible.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Medicinal herbs, and the products derived from them, also seem to have very
varied value chains. However, despite the size of trade in medicinal herbs and
herbal products, surprisingly, very few studies have looked at the value chain. The
WHO has estimated the demand for medicinal plants is approximately $14 billion
per annum (2006) and the demand is growing at the rate of 15–25% annually. The
WHO estimates that by 2050 the trade will be up to US$ 5 trillion (Sharma, 2004).

The collection and marketing of medicinal plants from the wild is an important
source of livelihood for many of the poor in India.

Supply chain of MAPs is start from the forest, because the wild sources are
the major producer source of MAPs. Herbs are collected, dried and chopped
by the local village person and supplied to the primary middle man, followed
secondary middle man, who supplied the material to the local market or
national MAPs mandies or direct to herbal vendors. The domestic end user of
MAPs is the manufacturing units of herbal products which procure raw material
from herbal vendors, MAPs mandies or directly from the farmers if they have
contract farming deal with them (Fig. 1 & 2).

Fig. 1: Supply Chain of MAPs in India

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

(Source : Adopted from Ahenkan and Boon, 2010)

Fig. 2: The Supply Chain of MAPs


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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

A Contribution Abstract

to the he results of an ethnobotanical survey conducted

during March 2003 in the Haldwani Forest Division, Nainital of Kumaon
Ethnomedicinal region, Uttarakhand are presented in this report. Ethno-medicinal uses of 25
Flora of plant species belonging to 21 different families of angiosperms have been
described. For each plant species are given the correct botanical and prevalent
Haldwani local names, part used, claimed medicinal use(s) and mode of administration.
Forest Division, Majority of these uses have not been, hitherto, described. Investigations to
their pharmacological action and chemical constituents are re-stressed in
an effort to discover new drugs of plant origin to treat specific diseases and
(Uttarakhand) conditions so far incurable in modern medicine.

1Zaheer Anwar Ali, Keywords: Ethnobotanical survey, Folk medicine, Haldwani, Nainital, Kumaon.
Sarfraz Ahmad, Wasiuddin
and Latafat Ali Khan Introduction

Survey of Medicinal Plants Unit, The Kumaon region of Uttarakhand has rich cultural heritage and floristic
Regional Research Institute of Unani
diversity. In spite of increasing healthcare facilities, tribal and other rural
Medicine (CCRUM),
populations of the area have retained their reliance on herbal healing. From
Post Box 70, Aligarh – 202001 (U.P.)
different parts of Nainital district of this region, a wealth of information on folk
medicines of many cultural and ethnic groups has been documented (Ali et
al., 2008, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c; Anonymous, 2001, 2008, Bisht et al., 1993;
Gupta, 1960; Pant and Pandey, 1998; Singh, 1993, 2003; Singh et al., 1987;
Singh and Maheshwari, 1990, 1993, 1994). A review of literature revealed
that except the work of Agnihotri et al. (2003, 2012) no comprehensive
scientific record of folk medicines from the Haldwani Forest Division of Nainital
had previously been reported. Hence, this communication presents some
useful ethnomedicinal information obtained during an ethnobotanical survey
conducted in this forest tract.

Haldwani forest division is extended up to 64 Km in the form of a long strip

in southern part of Nainital district and lying between 29° 01′ 05′′ - 29° 17′
00′′ N latitude and 79° 32′ 40′′ - 80° 10′ 00′′ E longitude in the foothills hills of
Himalayas. It is surrounded by Nainital and Pithoragarh Forest Divisions in the
north, Tarai East Forest Division in the south, town of Tanakpur in the east,
Ramnagar Forest Division and town of Haldwani in the west. There are five
forest ranges viz. Chakata, Nandhour, Danda, Jaulasal (N) and Sarda. The
forest here at many places is still in its natural form and has rich economically
important species including medicinal plants. The division is inhabited by

* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 143-149
various indigenous communities (namely: Boxas, Raisikh, Tharus, Vangujjars,
etc.). Traditional knowledge on phyto remedies is still intact with these people.


Information on folk medicinal uses of plants was gathered through interviews

with reliable medicine men and other knowledgeable village elders during the
fieldwork carried out in March 2003. Data on the common name of the plant
or the crude drug, medicinal use(s), the part used, other ingredients added (if
any), method of drug preparation, mode of administration, dosage and duration
of treatment were recorded for each claim. Botanical specimens of all the
plants along with relevant field information were collected. These were later
identified with the help of pertinent floras (Gupta, 1968; Hooker, 1872-1897;
Osmaston, 1927) and nomenclature was updated according to a recent work
on flowering plants of Uttarakhand (Uniyal et al., 2007). Voucher specimens
were prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of Survey of Medicinal Plants
Unit, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Aligarh (U.P.), India.


In the following enumeration plants are listed in an alphabetic order by their

botanical names. Each entry provides the following information: plant scientific
name together with respective family (in parentheses), local name of the plant,
locality, voucher specimen number, claimed medicinal use(s) and mode of
administration. As far as possible, the probable dosage and duration of these
crude drugs are also given.

Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae), ‘Ultashaji’, Chorgalian (SMPA6895).

In cases of scorpion sting, leaf juice is given orally and also applied locally for
instant relief from the painful and burning sensation. Root decoction is given for
cough and fever.

Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae), ‘Bhupania’, Chorgalian (SMPA6813).

Fresh leaves are crushed and squeezed to obtain the juice. It is applied on cut
and wounds to check the bleeding.

Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wang. (Cornaceae), ‘Barna’, Tanakpur

(SMPA6930). Stem bark powder in the dose of 10g is given with milk once at
bedtime for 21 days to treat spermatorrhoea.

Artemisia nilagirica (C.B. Clarke) Pamp. (Asteraceae), ’Pati’, Chorgalian

(SMPA6814). Root paste is mixed with fodder and given to cattle for treating
turgid stomach due to gastric troubles.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Bombax ceiba L. (Bombacaceae), ‘Semal’, Tanakpur (SMPAA6846). The tap
root of the young plant is cut into small pieces, dried and ground to make a fine
powder. About 20g of this powder are given with milk two times a day for one
month in general weakness.

Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), ‘Dhak’, Nandhour (SMPA6819).

Flowers are boiled in water. The liquid is strained and administered orally for
anuria in cases of cattle.

Cassia fistula L. (Caesalpiniaceae), ‘Amaltas’/‘Karangal’, Chorgalian

(SMPA6899). Fruit pulp mixed with fodder is given to cattle in chronic
constipation (locally known as ‘band’).

Cissampelos pariera L. (Menispermaceae), ‘Butlanti’, Jaulasal (SMPA6920).

Aqueous decoction of the root is given twice daily for jaundice while root paste
is used for burning micturition.

Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (Cuscutaceae), ‘Agasbel’, Dugari (SMPA6917). Paste of

the plant is applied locally for abdominal swelling.

Dendrobium crepidatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae), ‘Hadjoran’, Chorgalian

(SMPA6901). For treating bone fracture, plant paste is plastered around the
limb after setting the bones right.

Ehretia laevis Roxb. (Boraginaceae), ‘Chamror’, Nandhour (SMPA6817). Fresh

stem bark is chewed for relieving cough.

Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae), ‘Burai’, Jaulasal (SMPA6928). The latex

obtained from the leaf is applied on cut. Dried receptacles are ground to make
a fine powder and given to induce conception.

Helicteres isora L. (Sterculiaceae), ‘Pata’, Jaulasal (SMPA6855). Powder of the

fruit is given to children for worm infestation.

Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall. ex G. Don (Apocynaceae), ‘Kokar’,

Chhini (SMPA6844). Stem bark decoction is administered orally for mastitis in
cases of cows and buffaloes.

Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) Robins. (Lauraceae), ’Meda’, Durga Pipal (SMPA6837).

Inner stem bark is ground to make a fine paste and applied locally as an anti
inflammatory agent.

Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), ‘Rohini’, Nandhour

(SMPA6812). An ointment is prepared by mixing the red powder, obtained from
the dried fruits, in mustard oil and applied externally to treat ulcer. This powder
is also given orally to cattle for worm infestation.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae), ‘Bakain’, Chakata (SMPA6848). Kernel paste
(10g) is given two times a day to relive piles.

Mimosa pudica L. (Mimosaceae), ‘Chhuimui’, Chorgalian (SMPA6915). In

cases of cows and buffaloes, leaf paste is applied on prolapsed uterus and
inserted inside.

Piper longum L. (Piperaceae), ‘Pipli’, Jaulasal (SMPA6870). About 2g of the

powder of fruit are given with honey twice a day for 5 days for cough.

Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Fabaceae), ‘Bijasal’, Jaulasal (SMPA6865).

Stem bark decoction is given for body ache. The powder of gum-resin (gram
size) mixed with mother’s milk is given to infants suffering from pneumonia.
The gum-resin is also applied to fresh cuts.

Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. (Fabaceae), ‘Hathibel’, Jaulasal

(SMPA6929). Root powder is used as galactagogue.

Saccharum spontanium L. (Poaceae), ‘Kans’, Chorgalian (SMPA6920). Root

of the plant, ‘hadjoran’ (whole plant of Dendrobium crepidatum), stem bark of
‘khair’ (Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd.), root of ‘ultashaji’ (Achyranthes aspera)
are taken in equal quantities and crushed. About 20g of this preparation mixed
with ‘gur’ (solidified sugarcane juice) are given two times a day for 5 days for
treating diarrhoea.

Semecarpus anacardium L.f. (Anacardiaceae), ‘Bhilwa’, Nandhour

(SMPA6823). A mucilaginous matter, oozing out on burning of dried fruits, is
applied locally for cracks of heal and soles.

Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae), ‘Geewian’, Jaulasal (SMPA6852). About 25

ml of the fresh leaf juice are given twice daily for 21 days to treat jaundice.

Tinospora glabra (Burm. f.) Merr. (Menispermaceae), ‘Gurja’, Jaulasal

(SMPA6851). Juice of stem-bits is given as refrigerant.

Results and Discussion

This paper provides a report on ethnomedicinal uses of some important local

plants employed by the inhabitants of Haldwani forest division. Altogether, 25
species, represented by 21 families of angiosperms have been documented
to treat about 26 different diseases and conditions of humans and cattle.
The reported medicinal plants frequently used by the natives are mostly
forest species and readily available. This ethnobotanical knowledge exists
as oral among the indigenous societies. The data were collected from highly

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

reputed traditional healers who have long been using these plants in health
care. A comparison with the available literature (Anonymous, 1948-1976,
2001; Chopra et al., 1956; Jain, 1991; Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Nadkarni,
1954; Watt, 1889-1892) revealed that majority of these claims are new or
imperfectly known. However, many phytotherapeutic applications coincide with
those of other parts of Nainital district (Ali et al., 2008; 2013a, 2013b, 2013c;
Anonymous, 2008, Bisht et al., 1993; Gupta, 1960; Pant and Pandey, 1998;
Singh, 1993, 2003; Singh et al., 1987; Singh and Maheshwari, 1990, 1993,
1994). All such medicinal uses suggested by these informants seem to be
reliable and deserve further scientific investigations.

It was emphatically noted during the current survey that knowledge of the
medicinal plants is usually limited only to a few traditional healers who
repose deep faith in the healing properties of herbal drugs while the younger
generation has a poor phytotherapeutic knowledge. These traditional medicine
men now represent a disappearing tradition which is not being passed on to
the next generation. In this situation this traditional knowledge is in danger
of being lost. It is, therefore, desirable to intensify ethnobotanical research
work in other unexplored and under explored areas of the region before this
traditional knowledge is lost permanently with the ever dwindling number
of folk medicine men and cultural changes among the tribal communities as
a result of modernization. Through such observations, based on properly
designed field surveys, many more reliable folk medicinal uses of plants may
be revealed which may yield useful leads needed in search of new plant-based


We are highly grateful to the Director General, Central Council for Research in
Unani Medicine, New Delhi for providing necessary facilities for present field
study. We would like to thank Mr. Surendra Mehra, Divisional Forest Officer,
Haldwani Forest Division, Nainital of the Uttarakhand Forest Department for
giving us permission to work in this division. We express sincere thanks to all
the informants who graciously provided ethnomedicinal information reported


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Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Pharmaco- Abstract

Botanical apsicum frutescens L. is used as drug and spice in

Indian traditions. The drug (dried fruit), which is stimulant, antispasmodic,
Studies on carminative, diaphoretic, counterirritant, antiseptic and rubeacient. The plants
Capsicum have also been used as folk remedies for dropsy, colic, diarrhea, asthma,
arthritis, muscle cramps, and toothache. Consumption of red pepper may
frutescens L. aggravate symptoms of duodenal ulcers. The present studies deal with detailed
pharmacognostic studies and review related medicinal aspects of drug.
Rai, Lalit Tiwari and
Rajeev Kr. Sharma Key Words: Capsicum frutescens L., Drug standardization, Quality
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
Laboratory, Kamla Nehru Nagar,
Ghaziabad-201002 Introduction

Capsicum frutescens L. (Family – Solanaceae) is commonly known as ‘Chilly’

or ‘Paprika’; it is widely used as a pungent spice. The fruit of the capsicum
plant is a common ingredient in many recipes. C. frutescens L. is an annual
herb up to 1 m high, while other species are usually perennial woody shrub, the
plant is indigenous to tropical America, Africa and widely cultivated. The plant
derives its names from the Latin capsa, meaning box, referring to the partially
hollow, box-like fruit. Capsicum was first mentioned in 1494 by Chauca, a
physician who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage to West Indies
plants were introduced into India by the Portuguese at an early date and later
into Africa (Robbers et al., 1996).

The medicinal values of Capsicum as a counterirritant depend on its

pungency. This spice is also used as a homeopathic treatment for a variety
of conditions. Capsicum is credited with a number of medicinal properties in
different systems of medicines. As a medicinal plant, the Capsicum has been
used as a carminative, digestive irritant, stomachic, stimulant, rubefacient, and
tonic, it used in native practice in typhus, intermittent fevers, and dropsy also
in gaunt, dyspepsia, and cholera. Externally it used as rubefacient, neuralgia
and internally for colic, flatulent dyspepsia, chronic laryngitis, insufficiency of
peripheral circulation (Ebadi, 2002).


Drug samples were collected from different places as well from commercial
sources with a view to find out any significant difference present within the

* Author for correspondence

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January - March 2014, Vol. 9 No. 1, Pages 151-164
same species. For studying powder, Jackson and Snowdon (1992) was
followed. To determine physico-chemical constants, Indian Pharmacopoeia
(Anonymous, 1955 & 1966) was consulted and for fluorescence study
schedules mentioned by Trease and Evans (1972) were followed. Colours
were named by consulting Rayner (1970). Standard prescribed procedures
for histochemical studies (Johanson, 1940; Youngken, 1951; Cromwell, 1955;
Trease and Evans, 1978), organic group detection (Robinson, 1963); U.V.
Spectrophotometry (Willard et al., 1965) and Chromatography (Shellard,
1968; Stahl, 1969; Smith and Feinberg, 1972) were adopted. The informatics is
complied by reviewing the available literature.


Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Capsicum

Capsicum frutescens L. is perennial erect herb or small sub herb 1-2 m high;
branches angular. Leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, broadly ovate, and
pointed with entire margins. Flowers born usually single in leaf and branch
axils, white to violet, five-parted. Fruit a dry to fleshy red elongated, ovoid,
obtuse or oblong berry with numerous flattened seeds (Fig. 1A).

Distribution: Capsicum native of the West Indies and tropical America is

most probably of Brazil. Capsicum is cultivated in India since ancient times,
commonly cultivated throughout the plains of India, and on the lower hills such
as Kashmir and Chenab valley.

Drug Specification: The drug consist of dried ripe fruits.


The plant is known by different vernacular names e.g. Gachmarich,

Lallankamurich and Lalmarich (Bengali), Mirchi (Gujarati), Gachmirich,
Lalmirch and Lankamirchi (Hindi), Chabai, Chabelombok, Kappalmelaka, and
Ladumira (Malayalam), Mirchi (Marathi), Mullagay (Tamil), Golakonda (Telugu)
and Lalmarach (Urdu) etc.

Chemical Constituents:

Capsicum contains Capsaicinoids pungent

principals, which are composed mainly major
components capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin,
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
nordihydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin and homocapsaicin. Capsicum
also contain about 1.5 % of volatile oil, a fixed oil, carotenoids pigments
(capsanthin, capsorubin, carotene, lutein).Other constituents proteins, fats,
vitamins A and C,ascorbic acid, caffeic acid, caproic acid, cinnamic acid, para-
coumaric acid, ferulic acid, mevalonic acid, pyrazine derivative, capsidiol,
kaempferol derivative, quercetin derivative, lipids,pentosans, pectins.Acitic,
butric and isobyteric acids.(Leug et al., 1996; Roboers et al., 1996; Barness et
al., 2002; Heurich et al., 2004)


Capsicum is a powerful local stimulant, its oleoresin or active principles

capsaicin, it used as a neurochemical tool for studying sensory
neurotransmission. Capsicum oleoresin and capsaicin are ingredients for
relief of pain in muscle, tendon and joints. The protective effect of capsaicin
acts on vanilloid receptors; it is used as a local analgesic in the treatment of
post-herpetic neuralgia, shingles, diabetic, rhinopathy and osteoarthritis,
neuropathy and other forms of intractable pain (Barness et al., 2002). Digestive
properties of capsaicin may be attributed to an enhancement of digestive
enzyme activities or to indirect effects on vascular endothelia, smooth muscles
and mast cell, increase of vascular permeability and mucosal blood flow. Body
temperature, flow of saliva, and gastric juices may be stimulated by capsicum
peppers Capsicum strongly irritant to eyes and tender skin, producing an
intense burning sensation (Duke et al., 2002).

Therapeutic and non-therapeutic uses

Capsicum is stated to possess stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative,

diaphoretic, counterirritant, antiseptic and rubeacient.Traditionally, it used as
remedy for diseases of skin, tuberculosis, mild conjunctivitis, it also has been
used for colic, flatulent dyspepsia without inflammation, chronic laryngitis,
insufficiency of peripheral circulation and externally for neuralgia including
rheumatic pains and unbroken chilblains. Capsicum is useful for treating sore
throats (Barness et al., 2002).

Capsicum species are used fresh or dried, whole or alone and in combination
with other flavoring agents. The extracts of Capsicum species have
been reported to have antioxidant properties. Paprika is derived from C.
frutescens L. and is used primarily in the flavoring of garnishes, pickles, meats,
barbecue sauces, ketchup, cheese, snack food, dips, chili con came, salads,
sausages and widely used as coloring agents. Chilies and chili pepper used

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

as a flavoring in many foods, such as curry powder and Tabasco sauce. Chili
powder is a blend of spices that includes ground chilies.

The plants have also been used as folk remedies for dropsy, colic, diarrhea,
asthma, arthritis, muscle cramps, and toothache. Consumption of red pepper
may aggravate symptoms of duodenal ulcers. It is administered in the form
of powder, tincture, liniment, plaster, ointment and used as a balm or cream,
clinical trials have shown it effective in reducing pain and other neuropathy
sensations. In some of these preparations, oleoresin Capsici B.P.C. syn.
Capsaicin, the alcohol soluble fraction of the ether extract of capsicum is the
active ingredient.

Adulterations and Substitutes

Adulterants in chilly powder are brick powder, soap stone and some artificial
colors. Powdered fruits of ‘Choti ber’ (Ziziphus nummularia), red beet pulp,
almond shell dust, extra amounts of bleached pericarp, seed, calyx and
peduncle of chilly, starch of cheap origin, tomato waste and sweet bell
peppers, paprika, pimento (Spanish paprika), and other red pepper products.

Regulatory Status: An official drug in Indian Pharmacopoeia, 1955 & 1966 and
also covered under Food Safety and Standards Regulation 2011 (Anonymous,
1955, 1966 & 2011).

A. Flowering Plant B. Seeds

C. Seeds (Magnified) D. Seed Powdered

Fig. 1: Capsicum frutescens L.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Fig. 2: 1. 2. 3. Elongated sclereids of endocarp in surface view; 4. Oblique
longitudinal sclereids of endocarp; 5. Cells of endosperm of seed;
6. Epicarp cells; 7. Parenchymatous tissue; 8. Parenchyma of testa with
underlying endosperm surface view; 9. Vessels.


I. Organoleptic Characteristics

Entire Drug—Fruit are 2.5 to 3.0 cm inches long and 1 cm wide; pod like berry,
laterally compressed, conical, base blunt, apex sharp, pointed; calyx and
peduncle usually attached to the larger fruits, and some times to the smaller;
colour brownish-red to a rich deep-red, (Fig. 1 B,C)).

Powdered Drug – The powder is red in colour; odour characteristic,

sternutatory, but not pleasant; taste is mild to slightly pungent (Fig. 1 D).

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

II. Micro-Morphological Characteristics

Powdered Drug- Pale yellow, single layer of polygonal to slightly elongated

cells of epicarp in surface view. Epidermal cells are vary in shape, mostly
rectangular-oblong or rectangular-square. Fragments of mesocarp are
frequently attached to the epicarp or endocarp, usually containg red to orange
oily globules. The sclereids of the endocarp occur in groups, in a single layer
and may be found attached with parenchyma. The sclereids are polygonal to
elongated in surface view, have sinuous walls and numerous distinct pits. The
fragments of endosperm frequently found attached of the parenchyma of testa
(Fig. 2).

III. Histochemistry

Micro – Chemical Tests and Behaviour of specific reagents towards Plant/Drug

Tissues – Observations and results pertaining to micro-chemical tests and
behavior of specific reagent towards plant tissues are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Micro-chemical Tests and behaviour of specific reagents towards

plant tissues and cells contents.

Sl. Reagent Test for Inference Histological zone/cell

No. contents responded
1. Dragendorff’s Alkaloid + Mesocarp cells
2. Marme’s reagent Alkaloid + Same as above
3. Wagner’s reagent Alkaloid + Same as above
4. Potassium hydroxide Anthocynin + Epicarp & Mesocarp
solution (5% w/v) cells
5. Sulphuric acid (66% Anthocynin + Same as above
6. Acetic acid Calcium oxalate _ Not Responded

7. Potassium hydroxide Calcium oxalate _ Not Responded

solution (5% v/v ) +
Hydrochloric acid
8. Sulphuric acid Calcium oxalate _ Not Responded
9. Kedde reagent Cardiac glycoside _ Not Responded
10. Iodine Solution Cellulose + Epicarp, mesocarp
followed by and other cellular
Sulphuric acid region

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Sl. Reagent Test for Inference Histological zone/cell
No. contents responded
11. Sudan III Fixed oil and fats _ Not Responded
12. Chlor-zinc-Iodine Latex _ Not Responded
13. Aniline sulphate Lignin + Vascular strands
Solution followed by
Sulphuric acid
14. Phloroglucinol HCl Lignin + Same as above
15. Lugol’s solution Protein + Endosperm cells
16. Millon’s reagent Protein + Same as above
17. Picric acid Protein + Same as above
18. Heating with KOH Suberin _ Not Responded
(5% w/v) + H2SO4
19. Sudan III Suberin _ Not Responded
20. Weak Iodine solution Starch + All starch grains
21. Potassium hydroxide Starch + Same as above
solution (5% w/v)
22. Sulphuric acid Starch + Same as above
Indications: ‘-’ Absence and ‘+’ presence of constituent.

Organic Groups of Chemical Constituents – The extracts of the drug were

tested for presence of different organic groups and results are presented in
Table 2.

Table 2: Major Group of Organic Chemical Constituents of Drug.

Sl. Organic Groups of Reagents/Tests Inference

No. Chemical Constituents
1. Alkaloid Dragendorff’s and Mayer’s reagents +
2. Anthraquinone Borntrager reaction +
3. Coumarin Alcoholic potassium hydroxide +
4. Flavonoid Shinoda reaction +
5. Glycoside Mollisch’s test +
6. Protein Xanthoprotein test +
7. Resin Ferric chloride regent _
8. Saponin Libermann-Burchard reaction +
9. Steroid Salkowski reaction +
10. Tannin Gelation test _

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IV. Identity, Purity & Strength

Physico-Chemical Constants – The analytical values in respect of physico-

chemical constant of drug were established and results are reported in Table 3.

Table 3: Analytical Values of Physico-chemical Constants

Sl. No. Physico-Chemical Contents Analytical values

Capsicum frutescens L.
1. Moisture content, % w/w, Not more than 6.0
2. pH 7.2
3. Total Ash, % w/w 14.5
4. Acid insoluble ash, % w/w, Not less than 2.5
5. Alcohol soluble extractive % w/w, Not less than 15.6
6. Water soluble extractive % w/w, Not less than 33.0
7. Essential Oil, % v/w, Not less than _

V. Fluorescence & Spectroscopy

Fluorescence Characteristic of Powdered drug under Ultra-Violet Light –

Powdered drug was screened for fluorescence characteristic with or without
chemical treatment. The observations pertaining to their colour in daylight and
under ultra-violet light were noticed and are presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Fluorescence Characteristic of Powdered Drug under Ultra-Violet Light

Sl. No. Treatments Capsicum frutescens L.

Colour in day light Nature of colour in
1. Powder as such Brick red Dark brown
2. Powder with
3. Carbon tetra chloride Reddish orange Brown
4. Ethyl acetate Orange Reddish brown
5. Hydrochloric acid Brown Brown
6. Nitric acid + water Reddish orange Brown
7. Sodium hydroxide + methanol Dark red Brown
8. Sodium hydroxide + water Brownish red Reddish brown
9. Sulphuric acid + water Dark brown Dark brown
10. Buffer - pH 5 Red Reddish brown
11. Buffer - pH 7 Red Reddish brown
12. Buffer - pH 9 Red Reddish brown

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Ultra-Violet Spectroscopy – The data related to Ultra-Violet Spectrophotometric
characteristics as computed in Table 5.

Table 5: Ultra-Violet Spectrophotometer characteristic of drugs.

Sl. No. Specifications Data

1. Tincture dilution ml/ml 1
2. Maximum absorption peak 0.074
3. l Maxima at, nm 268.55

VI. Chromatographic Profile

Thin-Layer Chromatography – Best separation for TLC fingerprinting were

obtained by using different layers and solvent systems. Inferences are shown
in Table 6.

Table 6: TLC fingerprinting data

S. Drug Mobile Derivatizing Visualizations No. of Rf Values of

No. Phase/ Reagents Spots bands
1. Capsicum Toluene: Anisaldehyde- Under UV 8 0.07 ,0.14 , 0.25,
frutescens Ethyl Sulphuric Acid 254nm 0.34, 0.41, 0.48,
L. acetate 0.58 (all grey)
(9:1) v/v and 0.86 (dark
Under UV 5 0.07 (light
366 nm green), 0.25
(dark grey),
0.41 (greenish
yellow), 0.58
(dark grey) and
(dark grey)
After 5 0.05 (violet),
derivatization 0.34 (dark grey),
0.53, 0.58 (both
grey) and 0.86
(dark grey)

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Table 7 : Regulatory Specifications for fruits of C. frutescens L. in different
regulatory compendium.

Sl. Quality India India Food Food

No. Specification Pharmacopoeia Pharmacopoeia Safety and Safety and
55 & 66 55 & 66 Standards Standards
Whole Drug Powdered Drug Regulation Regulation
2011 2011
Whole Drug Powdered
Official Title Capsicum Capsicum Chillies and Chillies and
Powder Capsicum Capsicum
(Lal Mirchi) (Lal Mirchi
Botanical C. frutescens L. C. frutescens L. C. frutescens C. frutescens
Species & C. annum L. & C. annum L. L. & C. L. & C.
(Fam. (Fam. annum L. annum L.
Solanaceae) Solanaceae) (Fam. (Fam.
Solanaceae) Solanaceae)
Morphological Dried ripe fruits Dried ripe fruits Dried ripe Powder
part/Official fruits or pods obtained
part by grinding,
clean, ripe
fruits or pods
Description I. Macroscopical I. _
II. Microscopical Macroscopical _

Ash Not more than 8.0 % _

Calyces and Not more than 3.0 % _

Foreign Not more than 1.0 % _
Non-volatile Not less than 12.0 % _
Mould, Living – Free from Free from
and dead
insects, insect

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Sl. Quality India India Food Food
No. Specification Pharmacopoeia Pharmacopoeia Safety and Safety and
55 & 66 55 & 66 Standards Standards
Whole Drug Powdered Drug Regulation Regulation
2011 2011
Whole Drug Powdered
Extraneous -- Free from Free from
coating of
mineral oil
and other
Extraneous -- Not more --
matter than 1.0 %
by weight
Unripe and -- Not more --
market fruits than 2.0 %
by weight
Broken fruits, -- Not more --
seeds and than 5.0 %
fragments by weight
Moisture -- Not more Not more
than 11.0 % than 11.0 %
by weight by weight
Total ash on -- Not more Not more
dry basis than 8.0 % than 8.0 % by
by weight weight
Ash insoluble -- Not more Not more
in dilute HCl than 1.3 % than 1.3 % by
on dry basis by weight weight
Insect -- Not more Not more
damaged than 1.0 % than 1.0 % by
matter by weight weight
Crude fibre -- -- Not more
than 30.0 %
by weight
Non-volatile -- -- Not more
either extract than 12.0 %
on dry basis by weight

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Sl. Quality India India Food Food
No. Specification Pharmacopoeia Pharmacopoeia Safety and Safety and
55 & 66 55 & 66 Standards Standards
Whole Drug Powdered Drug Regulation Regulation
2011 2011
Whole Drug Powdered
Any vegetable -- -- Maximum
oil limit of 2.0
% by weight
under a label
for the
amount and
nature of oil


Present communication provides specification of Capsicum frutescens L. in

respect of macro-morphology, micro-morphology, physico-chemical constants
(total ash value, alcohol insoluble, water soluble extractive and alcohol soluble
extractive), assay (essential oil limits) and Thin layer chromatography. Food
Safety and Standards Regulation 2011 provides limited specification viz. e,
insect damaged matter, moisture, extraneous matter, Insect damaged matter,
Non-volatile either extract etc. (Table. 7) in respect of dried mature fruits and
its powder. Indian Pharmacopoeia (1955 & 1966) also comprises specifications
for dried ripe fruit and powder derived from the fruits (Table.8). In the present
study pharmacognostic standardization of ripe fruit of Capsicum frutescens
L. is carried out which can be employed in quality control of Capsicum
frutescens L. used either as drug or spice or as other commodity in commerce.
The monographic profile on Capsicum frutescens L. also reviews information
on different aspects of drug.


Anonymous, 1955. Pharmacopoeia of India. Manager of Publications, Govt. of

India, New Delhi.
Anonymous, 1966. Pharmacopoeia of India. Manager of Publications, Govt. of
India, New Delhi.
Anonymous, 2011. Food Safety and Standards Regulation 2011. Food Safety
and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), New Delhi.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Barness Johanne, Linda, A. Anderson and Phillpson David, J., 2002. Herbal
Medicine, II edition. Pharmaceutical Press, Publication Division of The
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

Cromwell, B.T., 1955. In Modern methods of plant analysis Peach, K. and M.V.
Tracy Vol. 4. Springer – Verlag, Heidelberg.

Duke J.A., 2002. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. CRC Press, New York.

Ebadi Manuchari, 2002. Pharmacognosy Basis of Herbal Medicine. CRC

Press, Boca Raton, New York, Washington. pp. 667-678.

Heurich Michal, Barnes Johanne, Gbbons Sumon and Williamson Elizabatim

M., 2004. Fundamental of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherpy. Elsevier
Publication, U. K. pp. 266-267.

Johanson, D.A., 1940. Plant Microtechnique, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New

Leug, Albert Y. and Foster, Steven, 1996. Encyclopedia of Common Natural

Ingredients (use in food drugs and cosmetic), A Wiley- Interscience
Publication, Johan wiley & Sons, Inc.

Rayner, R.W., 1970. A Mycological Colour Chart. Common wealth. Mycological

Institute, Kew, Surrey and British Mycological Society, London.

Robbers James E., Speedie Marilym K. and Tyler Varo E., 1996.
Pharmacognosy and Pharma biotecnology. Williams and Wilikins, A
Waverly Company, pp. 134-134.

Robinson, T., 1963. The organic constituents of higher plants, Burgus

Publishing Co., U.S.A.

Shellared, E.J., 1968. Quantitative paper and thin-layer chromatography.

Academic Press, London.

Smith, I. and Feinberg J.G., 1972. Paper chromatography, Thin layer

chromatography and Electrophoresis. Longmans, London.

Snowdon, Derekw, Jackson, Betty P., 1992. Atlas of Microscopy of Medicinal

Plants, Culinary Herbs and Spices, CBS Publisher and Distributions (P)
Ltd. II. Daryaganj, New Delhi, 110002 (India).

Stahl, E., 1969. Thin-layer Chromatography. A Laboratory Hand book.

Translated by M.R.F. Ashworth. Allen and Unwin, London.

Trease, G.E. and Evans, W.C., 1972. Pharmacognosy 10th edn. Edn. Bailliere
Tindel, London.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Trease, G.E. and Evans, W.C., 1978. Pharmacognosy 11th edn. Edn. Bailliere
Tindel, London.

Willard, H.H.; Merrit, L.L. and Dean J.A., 1965. Instrumental methods of
analysis, 4th ed. Affiliated East-West Press, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Youngken, H.W., 1951. Pharmaceutical Botany, 7th ed., The Blackistan

Company, Toronto.

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

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