CCS Orpheus - Short-Range Survey Vessel

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Alex Guillotte

art, design and layout

Alex Guillotte

Keith Mageau

Setting Concept
Alex Guillotte, Ian Christiansen

Additional artwork
tsuneomp/, Roman3dArt/

© Copyright 2022 • alex Guillotte

piloting experience, while at least two other members of the
crew have emergency medical training. Due to the length
of this particular journey, hibernation chambers have been
installed into each berth, allowing crew members to sleep
for most of the journey. This serves to avoid any adverse
psychological side effects and reduce resource expenditure.
General Descriptions. Since the Orpheus is a mining
company ship, it’s built to endure harsh conditions and
abuse. The ship’s interior features steel floor grating,
corridors lined with padded gray wall segments, access
panels, and shielded lighting grills lining the walls and
ceilings, which provide broken uneven lighting. While there
are a few advanced touch screens on the bridge, in the
med bay, and on the hibernation chambers, most of the
ship’s controls are solid-state mechanical switches and
Xenon-hardened screens designed to handle power surges
and decades of careless use.
The Orpheus smells of recycled air that’s somehow
unable to entirely remove the background odors of grease,
coolant, and hard work. The ambient sounds of the ship’s
systems (particularly the air scrubber, oxygenator, reactor
core, and engines) are a constant thrum in the background
that the crew no longer even notices, except when it stops.
Every surface shows signs of wear, including dents, scuff
marks, and unidentifiable stains. The only areas that are
conspicuously clean are the updated med bay, the hibernation
chambers, and a few systems in the engine room that were
required for the experimental engines.
Locations Most of the ship’s internal labels, indicators, and signage
This vessel began life as a survey ship about thirty years are in both English and Chinese, though many are barely
ago under the rather lackluster name CCS 38115-A. It has legible from years of accumulated grime. The Ceres Colony
since been refitted with the new Tesla-Mars – Asimov III and Tesla-Mars logos are prominent on many surfaces since
Vacuum Engines that can accelerate a ship to nearly .011c at they were responsible for building most of the systems on
maximum thrust, allowing the Orpheus to make the trip to the the Orpheus.
Tartarus system in just under 500 days. Ducts – The Orpheus has numerous small tunnels or
Apart from the new drive pods, computer core, and “ducts” that run the length of the ship. These allow the crew
hibernation chambers, very little was added to the freighter to access the various conduits, piping, wiring, and related
before being recommissioned as the CCS Orpheus in late systems. This means that very few critical systems require a
2180. It features standard gravity plating, two survey pods, hard dry dock to repair.
a WF-445 fusion reactor, and a Janus Industries life support The ducts themselves are roughly 1.2 meters square, with
system that can sustain a crew of twelve for up to four years. steel grating on the floor and ceiling. Dim emergency lights
Since the Orpheus isn’t intended to haul any significant are spaced throughout, and at the end of each are stored
freight on this trip, the crew complement has been reduced two repair kits: one electrical and one mechanical. Every
to six, with rations that could last up to six years if necessary. three meters has a sealable air-tight iris valve that allows
Of course, the company doesn’t expect the mission to take sections of the ship to be sealed off in the event of a rapid
nearly that long, but since the shelf life is fifty years and depressurization, fire, coolant leak, or some other hazard
storage space is not an issue, there was no reason not to needing to be contained. These valves can be controlled at
include the extra supplies. the valve itself or from the bridge.
Required crew positions include the captain, pilot, science Specific Location Descriptions. In addition to the above
officer, two mechanics, and a medical officer. Of course, descriptions, each section has distinct features and details.
several crew members have redundant skills. For example, The Keeper should also allow players to add their own
the captain and at least one of the mechanics have some personal touches, particularly to their private bunks, including

things like vintage posters, family photos, off-duty clothing, the main power conduit exits the rear of the room to feed the
trinkets, and other decor. various drive engines. The remainder of the engine room has
Deck A: Bridge – The bridge is low-ceilinged and somewhat EPS conduits, coolant tanks, and the various controls and
cramped, though it manages not to feel claustrophobic due to monitors required to operate and maintain the reactor core.
the large viewports around the front of the ship. There are six Deck B: Hibernation Bay – The ship’s hibernation bay was
stations, each dedicated to a different ship system including: once used to house normal crew berths but has since been
helm, navigation, communications, engineering, life support, retrofitted with state-of-the-art hibernation chambers. These
and sensors. Each station has a standard flight seat (with chambers double as normal bunks while not in hibernation.
a five-point harness), primary controls, and three monitors. There is a little storage for clothes, gear, and a few personal
Most secondary and auxiliary controls are on the overhead items. To the rear of the hibernation bay is the locker room,
consoles above each station. showers, and toilet.
The aft portion of the bridge rises by several steps to a Deck B: Med Bay – One of the more significant interior
central door leading to the ship’s galley and the rest of the retrofits was the ship’s med bay. Considering the length of the
ship’s interior. Doors on the left and right side of the rear wall journey, the company felt that a modern medical facility was an
access the port and starboard airlocks. Each airlock contains absolute necessity. It even has the ability to perform some lab
a single emergency Class-D vacc suit, a basic mechanical work, allowing it to double as a bio lab.
repair kit, and two Breach Kits (Type-H and Type-S). Deck B: Lower Engine Room – The layout is very similar to
the main engine room. It is capable of providing emergency
Secrets power in the event that the main engine room is damaged or
It is against AEC law for a civilian ship to carry weapons, but otherwise inaccessible.
the company has added a secret weapons locker in the floor at Deck C: Sensors – This room houses the ship’s computer
the rear of the bridge. It contains two Glock 99 pistols and one core and provides direct access to the main sensor array. There
Glock 34-B shotgun, with two reloads for each. For security are three workstations that can be configured individually to
reasons, only the captain is aware of this cache. suit specific mission parameters, and while they have all the
standard sensor software, their primary purpose is elemental
Deck A: Galley – Just behind the bridge is the ship’s galley; planetary surveying.
it includes a small kitchen, crew lounge, and small dining Deck C: Rec Room – Almost everything on a spaceship is
table with six chairs. The cabinets are stocked with standard utilitarian, and humans learned early on that recreation and
long-haul rations fresh from the Ceres Colony Supply Depot. downtime was absolutely critical for crew safety and morale.
Each meal is stored in a 9” x 6” x 3” bio-plastic container and The rec room on the Orpheus is simple, featuring a round game
contains an appetizer, main course, and dessert. These are table, game cabinet, and an entertainment console to watch
reconstituted in one of the three units in the kitchen, which movies or play video games. The game table has a surface
takes about twenty seconds, making the hot items hot and screen that can simulate more than a hundred different game
the cold items cold based on the package’s barcode. Despite boards, and the cabinet contains the physical game pieces,
their appearance, the meals are surprisingly good, as is the playing cards, poker chips, and so on.
coffee, which is always fresh and dispensed from a vending Many of the crew eat their dinners down here, taking turns
machine that operates around the clock. bringing down the meal trays and recycling the remains.
Along the port wall are the vacc suit lockers (Type-D), and on Fortunately, those who built the Orpheus included a suite of
the far end of the port wall is the forward access ladder leading recycling bays for organic and non-organic waste.
up or down to the hibernation bay, rec room, and main sensors.
Deck A: Central Corridor – This is the only way to get from Secrets
the front of the ship to the aft decks. It’s lined with access panels Alcohol is prohibited by the company, but with an implied
wink and a nudge. This is to say that it’s frowned upon to get
to the various wiring and piping conduits and four hatches to
caught with alcohol on the ship. The worst-kept secret in the
the port and starboard access ducts (see Ducts on p.14).
solar system is that almost every ship has a secret bar, and the
The corridor is divided into eight segments with emergency
Orpheus is no exception. Next to the recyclers is a wall panel
pressure doors in between that can be closed locally or remotely that opens to reveal several shelves with liquor bottles and
from the bridge. These close automatically in the event of a rapid glasses. There are 25 bottles of whisky, 10 bottles of vodka, 10
depressurization or fire but can be overridden locally. bottles of rum, a wide variety of mixers, and an ice dispenser.
Deck A: Main Engine Room – Beyond the central corridor
is the aft access ladder and engine monitors. A door in the Deck C: Survey Pod Bay – The pod bay is one large airlock
aft wall opens into the reactor room. The reactor itself passes and is by far one of the ship’s largest open areas. It holds two
through the floor into the lower engine room on Deck-B, and standard survey pods that can operate independently for up to

six hours before needing to be refueled aboard the Orpheus. and so on. There is one open section reserved for ore samples
They each have a pair of extendible, multi-function arms that can that the crew is supposed to be bringing back for analysis once
perform a wide variety of operations, including sample gathering, the mining claim has been established.
outer hull inspection, taking localized sensor readings, and even The storage containers are secured to dozens of steel shelves
executing minor repairs. with multiple access ladders throughout. An armature suspended
The bay doors can be opened from a control panel on either from the ceiling moves along a track and can be manipulated
side or remotely from inside each pod. The bridge can override with a remote e-pad to store or retrieve any storage container,
either control in the case of unauthorized use. Additionally, which are all coded within the cargo manifest. Containers can
an access ramp can be lowered to allow for the loading of be locked inaccessible by the captain if necessary.
equipment and supplies and provides an additional access A bay door in the aft wall can be opened from a control
point for the crew. panel on either side or remotely from inside the utility truck. The
Deck C: Ship Stores – Like the pod bay, this section is bridge can override either control in the case of unauthorized
essentially one large airlock. It’s currently packed with various use. An access ramp allows the utility truck to enter and exit
supplies and the ship’s Tesla-Ceres V utility truck. The supplies the ship, in addition to providing a secondary loading point for
include food stores, extra coolant, spare parts, medical supplies, supplies and equipment.

CCS Orpheus Data

Origin Ceres Colony Shipyards
Registration Commercial - Ceres Colony
Dimensions Length 27.2 m (155 ft.)
Width 15.3 m (50 ft.)
Height 9.6 m (31.5 ft.)
Mass 1850 Metric Tons
Cargo Capacity 50 Metric Tons
Range 52 AU s
Power Plant WF-445 – Fusion Reactor
Vacuum engines Asimov III (Tesla-Mars)
Reaction engines Leviathan VII (Tesla-Mars)
Sensors Perseus V (Survey Package)
Gravity System Byron-Higgs - Gen IV
Life Support NASA - Gen XII
Computer Core Xiu A.I. - Support System
Crew 6 Standard
Science Officer/eMT
Medical Officer/Science
Passengers 0
Hibernation System Yanam Industries - Type XI
Support Vehicles 3
Ceres Opal Survey Pod (2)
Tesla-Ceres V Utility Truck (1)

Vacc Suits
Modern vacc suits vary widely in their style and design based on of seconds. These repairs aren’t pretty, but in an emergency, they
their use and include Class A, B, C, and D. The Class D-Suits are absolutely save lives. The foam is dyed a specific color to match
light environmental suits that protect against hard vacuum, cold, the color code of the Breach Kit.
and harsh environmental conditions but lack significant radiation The Type-H Kit is purple and is used to repair minor hull
shielding. This makes them useful for spaceships, stations, and breaches in spaceships. The typical Type-H kit can seal hull
the surface of planets with a reasonable magnetosphere. Their breaches up to eight inches in diameter, with each cylinder
primary advantages include their light weight, an impressive capable of sealing up to 80 inches of a hull. This could be ten
range of movement, and the ability for a person to don the suit in 8-inch breaches or forty 2-inch breaches. Sealing larger breaches
about 30 seconds. This makes them ideal for emergency vacc is possible but requires adding other support material. For
suits aboard most spaceships and stations. example, the hole could be covered with a metal plate and sealed
The Class C-Suit is bulkier and provides moderate radiation around the edges with the foam. Plates like these are often found
shielding. These are used for situations with only Moderate in engine room stores or vacc suit lockers, but a clever person
radiation, such as a typical spacewalk or on the surface of a could re-purpose an access panel door or a galley tray in a pinch.
celestial body without an atmosphere like the Moon. The Type-S Kit is blue and is used to repair vacc suits
The Class B-Suit is specifically designed for high-pressure and smaller EVA pods. Apart from the color of the case and
environments making them the bulkiest of the vacc suits. the cylinders, this kit looks much like the Type-H Kit. While
They can be configured for different operational parameters, performing EVA, most seasoned professionals make sure that
including deep cold oceans like the Mariana Trench on Earth they have at least one Type-S Breach dispenser with them.
or hot crushing environs like the surface of Venus. These are This foam is stickier and sprays out a small cone of filaments
more like suits of armor and include powered servos to assist that adhere to and expand on the vacc suit’s surface or the pod
in movement, which can also help in higher gravity conditions. breach. Most breaches can be sealed in about three to five
The Class A-Suit is versatile, trying to balance movement, seconds, though pod breaches often require more coverage.
pressure, and radiation shielding. It does everything that Typically, the Type-S Breach Kit can seal up to 100 inches of
the C, D, and E suits can do, but not quite as well. This suit vacc suit or 50 inches of pod wall. It even works on pod windows
also features many operation-specific modules that can be and helmet visors, though it is opaque and so can hinder vision.
attached to it, allowing the B-Suit to be configured to suit the These patches are more flexible than the Type-H foam and
mission’s specific requirements. These are the most common can be applied to a wider area, as long as there is something to
EVA suits in use and are standard issue on most ships. While support it; even clothing beneath is enough, though it permanently
the specific design varies based on their maker and age, they bonds the clothing to the suit. Better than dying, though.
are all based on well-established technology and so operate The Type-Z Breach Kit is red and is very much like the
more or less the same. Type-H kit, except that it seals against hazardous materials
and conditions. These can include strong corrosives, extreme
Breach Kits heat, ionizing radiation, and extreme pressure. The drawback
A breach includes any sort of hole in a surface that’s intended is that they can only cover half the area of the Type-H seal,
to keep one set of environmental conditions separated from meaning each cylinder only covers 40 inches of a hull.
another. In most cases, this means keeping a human-friendly These have been used to repair plasma conduits, reactor
environment from leaking out into the vacuum of space. A coolant tanks, and ship hulls when the exterior conditions are
Breach Kit is designed to repair such holes, and there are particularly nasty.
several types for different situations. These include Type-H
(hull), Type-S (vacc suit), and Type-Z (hazardous materials). Type III Gemini Survey Pod
Each is color-coded to avoid confusion in an emergency, This Type III EVA pod is a standard multi-purpose platform
though depending on the situation, one type can occasionally for performing external ship inspections, repairs, and limited
be used for a different kind of breach. rescue operations. In a vacuum, the pod has an operational
The typical Breach Kit is a hard resin case that contains a time of four hours and a top speed of nearly 940,000 kph (after
dispenser that looks like a small pistol with a nine-inch long by four hours of constant acceleration). This pod is capable of
two-inch diameter cylinder on top, plus two replacement cylinders. limited atmospheric flight and is capable of achieving a top
Each cylinder contains the liquid sealant that releases when speed of 65 kph (40.3 mph) in a 15 psi atmosphere.
the trigger is squeezed. The liquid sprays forward to become a The pod is equipped with two utility arms that can perform
rapidly expanding foam that fills the breach, hardening in a matter any number of mission-specific activities, including repairs,

sample recovery, and emergency crew recovery. They can
also be equipped with specialized tools, such as a mechanical
repair package, a sample bore, an emergency medical unit, a
special breach repair kit, and various cutting implements.

Tesla-Ceres V Utility Truck

This utility truck was commissioned specially for the Weyland
Mining Company and is primarily used as a crew and equipment
transport. It has an operational time of five hours, though it
can be equipped with a backup battery that can double it. It
seats four in front, with the rear bed capable of carrying two
additional crew or equipment.
The utility truck is capable of speeds of 70 kph on smooth
terrain and around 45 over rough terrain. Like all mining
company equipment, the utility truck is built for hard work
and careless abuse. Its yellow paint is worn but still visible,
and its locater beacon is detectable within 10 km, assuming a
reasonable line of sight.
The utility truck’s bed currently carries the five claim
beacons and the boring equipment necessary to retrieve ore
samples up to a depth of 60 meters.

The CCS Orpheus is a working ship
that has been designed and built to
handle decades of careless abuse.
She may not be pretty, but to her
crew, she,s more than just a home.
She represents a life of freedom
in the trackless void of space.

These deck plans are easily adaptable to almost any game mechanics
and setting. Although the ship was intended to be a local, interplanetary
craft, it would be easy enough to add some sort of FTL or Jump Drive to
make her capable of interstellar travel.

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