The Oracle of The Sun
The Oracle of The Sun
The Oracle of The Sun
Do not confuse this with some of the hazy theories current concerning the
utterance of the Lost Word, whether it be AUM, IAO, IHVH, or of some other
spelling. All Initiatory procedures, if correct, are based on balance, which may be
analyzed into melody, harmony, rhythm and the function of the focal rite must
be fully comprehended. Then, all the branches of occultism, like the Tarot,
Astrology, Spiritism, Numerology, Geomancy, etc., shall be seen in their proper
places off the main track but all leading into it.
Any child of eight can learn this fascinating game played with eleven numbers
and one in eight. Begin to teach them thus: A single, whole line, drawn
thus, , is called a YANG and is positively male, but occultly
female. A double, or divided line, drawn thus, is called a YIN and
is manifestly female, but secretly male. These two symbols represent the primary
sexual elements, either in the macrocosm or the microcosm, the universe or the
human being. All creation comes from their combination.
Combining them together two at a time we obtain four different figures which
analyze and explain the Tetragrammaton Formula—
The next step is to combine the Yangs and Yins together three at a time. This
gives eight Trigrams, whose shapes and names are as follows in the Logical
SUN is AIR, HOD, wind, and wood and stands for flexibility and
Omitting consideration of the four and five-fold figures for lack of space let us
see how the Hexagrams are built up. Each Hexagram is produced by combining
two Trigrams and its meaning will always be found by combining those of the
two Trigrams which compose it. The upper trigram is called the modulus and the
lower, the base. The whole figure is always erected and read in the ascending
order, beginning with the bottom line. If the proper technic is used to erect a
figure the operation is Magical and evokes the particular Spirit assigned to that
The method is as follows. Take two ordinary dice. Consecrate one of them
with your own Feminine Potency. This always proceeds from the right hand of a
man or the left hand of a woman. Consecrate the other with your Masculine
Power, which may be done either with the left hand of a man or the right hand of
a woman. Now the two dice are to be thrown simultaneously upon a SQUARE
whose exact structure must be as follows. Draw accurately a chess-board; fill in
the sixty-four small squares with the sixty-four Hexagrams arranged in their
Logical order with the LINGAM of LINGAM Hexagram at the EAST. This is
not the natural, but the magical EAST. The Logical order of the sixty-four is
found in the same way that one finds the logical order of the eight Trigrams; the
latter being found thus—
In the SQUARE each file has the same upper Trigram throughout, each rank
the same lower Trigram throughout. Files run perpendicularly —ranks run
horizontally. The sequence is the same for both files and ranks; thus for files,
from bottom to top and for ranks from right to left, in both cases beginning with
KHWAN and ending with KHIEN. Thus number 62 of the logical order will be
placed in the 8th file and the 6th rank.
The two dice are to be thrown upon this SQUARE together six times, once for
each line of the Hexagram to be erected. A line must be either a Yin or a Yang,
which is determined by whether the sum of the pips is even or odd, respectively.
Thus, for example, if the pips which turn up at the first throw are six and three,
their sum is nine, an odd number, so the first or bottom line of the Hexagram is a
YANG, . Suppose that at the next throw, the pips are four and
two; their sum is six, an even number, so the next line will be a
YIN, . And so on. Of course, while erecting the figure in this way,
the operators must concentrate properly on the question or circumstances
pertinent to the Divination or Ceremony.
Suppose that the figure obtained were the one which heads this chapter. One
reads it by naming the modulus, then the base, thus —AIR of SUN. Looking this
up in the Book of Changes (YI KING) we find that it may be interpreted
generally in the following verse :
"KIA ZAN: the household: this right rule's its base;
Those who already have some psychic power, skill and experience would need
little more information about this figure than given above, but for the beginner it
has been further analyzed in the following verse:
It is to be noted that the first line of the verse refers to the bottom line of the
figure and so on consecutively.
It is also to be noted that all the Yin lines rhyme with each other; the Yang
lines do the same.
In the scheme of the OTz ChIIM (Tree of Lives) this figure represents the
Adverse Relation between Tiphareth and Hod.
The errors made by fortune tellers, diviners and those who deal with Spirits,
are not the fault of the Spirits but are due wholly to wrong attitudes of persons
who do not understand and obey the borderland laws, the first of which demands
the possession of a clear, level head with self-control and absolute moral
integrity. We hear on many sides warnings against spiritism and spiritualism
because of the danger in dealing with evil and malicious spirits. The majority of
those who issue such warnings imagine that entities higher in the scale of
evolution than themselves are less intelligent than themselves and less moral,
which is impossible. Evil and falsehood are inseparable. Consequently, no
understanding can be the receptacle of truth unless it belongs to a will which is
the receptacle of good. Nowhere in the cosmos is there such a thing as a genuinely
intelligent evil sprit. If the Devil were wise he would not and could not be the
Devil. It is absolutely impossible for anyone, human or otherwise, who hates
Humanity, to have or develop the faculty of prevision. Therefore, suspect those
who gaze in a crystal and prate of the approach of malevolent monsters; what
they see is only themselves. If they were capable of acquiring any real knowledge
of themselves and the nature and powers of their own beings, they could pass the
Dweller on the Threshold easily. But they shall remain slaves to time and space
and the illusions of their shadow-personalities. The vestibule of the Spiritual
world is rightly called the "Sphere of the Three Iron Necessities" and there is no
pass-key but LOVE!
The process of Divination, especially the YI KING is one safe and certain road
which leads out of the cave. "By eight and by eight shall I learn to count thy
favours, O thou eleven-fold god four hundred and eighteen." Those who do learn
to count by eight and by eight shall become subjects of Divine Favour. There can
be no purpose in life higher than to do Good and no guide to this end better than
the voice of your own Conscience, which speaks from its throne or seat in the
Cerebellum by means of good and true messengers who will faithfully analyze
and solve your problems if you approach them by an authoritative method
according to the rules of the Magick Art. They will surely and quickly lead you to
the source and center of Good, Itself and Truth, Itself. May you find the Heart of
the Lord who dwells in your own Heart.