Chem Sparq Ui-6b QP 11
Chem Sparq Ui-6b QP 11
Chem Sparq Ui-6b QP 11
Your journey of learning is an exciting and enriching phenomenon. Hope you are enjoying it! Learning
and assessment are not just the two sides of a coin, but are the integral component of achieving desired
performance. With an aim to prepare you well for examination, we are introducing Student Practice and
Revision Questions (SPARQ).
What is SPARQ?
SPARQ 2023
Blueprint of Questions Types
GRADES: 6 - 9 & 11
Cognitive Domains Type of Questions No. of Questions on each Topic
Knowledge & Concepts MCQs upto 5 questions
(refers to theories & infor-
mation which the students
Very Short/Short Answer
learn in the class mainly upto 5 questions
through reading, listening,
writing & experiencing)
Problem Solving
(refers to potential that
enables students to use/
apply knowledge & skill in Long Answer Questions (LAQ) upto 5 - 10 questions
identifying and analyzing
a problem and solving it
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
Q. Hydrocarbon containing which of the following bond is more reactive
a) C ≡ C
b) C=C
c) C-C
d) All
MCQ Exemplar #02: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be able to explain the function of Wurtz reaction
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
Q Isopropyl bromide on Wurtz reaction gives
a) Hexane
b) Propane
c) 2,3-Dimethylbutane
d) Neohexane
MCQ Exemplar #03: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: Students will be able to explain Anti-Markovnikov rule
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
Anti-Markownikoff addition of HBr is not observed in
(a) propene (b) 1-butene
(c) 2-butene (d) 2-pentene
MCQ Exemplar #04: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: Students will be able to explain Anti-Markovnikoff rule
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium ethanoate gives
(a) methane
(b) ethane
(c) butane (
d) methyl ethanoate
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
MCQ Exemplar #05: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: Students will be able to explain the Preparation of hydrocarbons
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
A liquid hydrocarbon is converted to a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbon by
b) oxidation
c) distillation
d) cracking
MCQ Exemplar #06: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: Students will be able to explain Anti-Markovnikov rule
Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.
Which is the correct IUPAC names of the following compound?
a) 5 – (2′, 2′–Dimethylpropyl)-decane
b) 4 – Butyl – 2,2– dimethylnonane
c) 2,2– Dimethyl – 4– pentyloctane
d) 5 – neo-Pentyl decane
Q4 Out of ethylene and ethane which shows addition reactions and Why?
Q5 Distinguish between propene and propane with the help of chemical test
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
MCQ Exemplar #02: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on the learning outcomes of geometrical isomers of
Q Which is maximum stable?
a) 1-Butene b) cis-2-Butene
c) trans-2-Butene
d) All have same stability.
MCQ Exemplar #03: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on the learning outcomes of isomers of hydrocarbons
Q Which formulas represent butane or its isomer?
I. CH3(CH2)2CH3
a). I and II only b). I and III only c. II and III only d) I, II and III
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on the learning outcomes of acididity of hydrocarbons
Q Acidity of C-H bond decreases in the order:
HC ≡ CH > H2C = CH2 > H3C – CH3
a)In triple bond C is sp3 hybridized Greater the percentage s-character, more is the acidity of C – H bond
b In triple bond C is sp2 hybridized lower the percentage s-character, more is the acidity of C – H bond
c.) In triple bond C is sp hybridized Greater the percentage s-character, more is the acidity of C – H bond
d). In triple bond C is sp3d hybridized Greater the percentage p-character, more is the acidity of C – H bond
MCQ Exemplar #05: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on the learning outcomes of geometrical isomers hydrocarbons
Q5 In alkenes geometrical isomerism is due to
a)Restricted rotation about C=C
b)Complete rotation about C-C bond
c)Due to delocalized pi electrons
d) Complete rotation about C
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Q A hydrocarbon 'Y' decolorizes bromine water. On ozonolysis it gives 3-methyl butanal and formaldehyde.
Give the name of the compound.
SAQ Exemplar #03: Hydrocarbon
Q Benzene undergoes substitution reactions easily and nucleophilic substitutions with difficulty. Why?
SAQ Exemplar #04 Hydrocarbon
In staggered conformation since the electron clouds of carbon-hydrogen bonds are as far apart as possible, so it
has minimum repulsive forces, minimum energy and maximum stability.On the other hand, eclipsed
conformation has maximum repulsive forces, maximum energy and minimum stability because in it, the electron
clouds of carbon hydrogen bonds are too close to each other.The angle of rotation about C-C bond is called the
dihedral angle or torsional angle and is maximum, i.e. 180o in staggered conformation and minimum (0o) in
eclipsed conformation. Thus, torsional strain is minimum in staggered conformation and maximum in eclipsed
form. The two forms differ in energy by 12.5kJ mol-1. This energy barrier is so small that small thermal or
kinetic energy is sufficient to overcome it by intermolecular collisions.
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
c) Anti
d) Skew
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on the understanding the properties of saturated
and unsaturated hydrocarbons
Q Unsaturated compounds undergo addition reactions but saturated hydrocarbons show substitution reactions.
LAQ Exemplar #01: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on understanding the chemical properties of alkenes
and benzene
Q1 Alkynes on reduction with sodium in liquid ammonia form trans alkenes. Will the butene thus formed on
reduction of the 2-butyne show the geometrical isomerism?
Q What is Saytzeff rule? Write the major and minor products of 2-Bromo butane when it is heated with alcoholic
LAQ Exemplar #03: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on understanding the chemical properties of alkanes
and benzene
Q An alkane C8H18 is obtained as the only product on subjecting a primary alkyl halide to Wurtz reaction. On
monobromination this alkane yields a single isomer of a tertiary bromide. Write the structure of alkane and the
tertiary bromide
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on understanding the chemical properties of alkanes
SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on understanding the preparation and properties of
Q Write the short notes on with examples
b) Aromaticity
c)substitution reactions
d)Friedel craft reactions
LAQ Exemplar #01: Hydrocarbon
Assessment Objective: You will be assessed on their problem solving skill about application of
antimarkovnikov,s rule
Q1 a). In the presence of peroxide, addition of HBr to propene takes place according to Anti-Markovnikov's
rule but peroxide effect is not seen in the case of HCl and HI. Explain.
SPARQ 2023