Lesson Plan - Elements of The Short Story

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Daily Lesson Plan in English 7

School Salawagan National High School Grade Level 7

Teacher Meriam Jackilou C. Casing Learning Area English
Date February 22, 2024 Quarter 3rd

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine
literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s
identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative
and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations;
informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses,
and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by showing ways of asserting
one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative
texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through
various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive
voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors
correctly and appropriately
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students must have:
Objectives A. identified the elements of a short story in a given text;
B. performed a roleplay of the five parts of plot in a video,
“hgdefgryf” ; and
C. appreciated different stories using the elements of a
short story.
II. CONTENT Elements of a Short Story
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page/s N/A
2. Learner’s Material page/s N/A
3. Textbook page/s N/A
4. Additional Materials from https://www.english-for-students.com
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Printed Materials

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Yam.

Prayer Would you please lead the Princess: Our Father…

prayer, Princess.

Classroom Please pick up some papers (Students will execute what

Management under your chairs and the teacher said.)
arrange your chairs.
Attendance Let’s check your attendance. Students: Present, ma’am.
Please say present if your
name is called.
(The teacher will call names
to see if there are students
who are absent.)

That’s good, no one is absent


Reviewing previous What did we discuss last Students: Last meeting, we

lesson or presenting meeting, class? discussed active voice and
the new lesson passive voice, ma’am.

That’s right. So, who can give Precious: I eat the banana,
me an example sentence of ma’am.
an active voice? Yes,

Very good example, Precious. Jeicin: The banana was

Now, who can give me an eaten by Hezekiah, ma’am.
example sentence of a
passive voice? Yes, Jeicin?

That’s good, Jeicin. I am

happy that you really
understood our topic about
active voice and passive
B. Establishing a Now, before we move on to
purpose for the lesson our discussion this morning,
let’s have an ice breaker
called “Crossword Puzzle

You just need to find the

words in box and encircle the
Can you see any words in the (The students will encircle the
box, class? Okay, any words they see in the box.)

C. Presenting Okay, based on the activity Cheska: About story, ma’am?

examples/instances of that we had class, what do
the new lesson you think will be our topic this

Yes, we are going to discuss

story but actually, we are
going to focus on the
elements of a short story.

So, welcome to the world of

the elements of a short story.
D. Discussing new WHAT IS SHORT STOY?
concepts and
practicing new skills Short Story – is a work of (Students will listen to the
#1 prose fiction that can be read teacher and ask questions
in one usually sitting 20 about the discussion. They
minutes to an hour. There is are also encouraged to ask
no maximum length, but the clarifications of which part
average short story is 1,000 they could not understand.)
to 7,500 words. It only deals
with a few characters.

Five Elements of a Short


1. CHARACTER – is a
person, or sometimes
an animal, who takes
part in the action of
short story.


2. Setting – is the time

and place where the
story occurs.

Kingdom of Arendelle

3. Theme – the meaning

behind events and
character’s action.
- Central idea,
message, or
purpose, in a short

True love

4. Conflict – any of the

problem that a
character encounters
in a story.

When Elsa cannot control her
power anymore because of its

5. Plot – is a pattern of
events and character
actions that relate to
the central conflict.

Five Parts of Plot

1. Exposition
- introduction of the

2. Rising action
- all the events that
take place leading
up to the climax.

3. Climax – most exciting

part of the story.
- Turning point of
the story.

4. Falling action
- the immediate
reaction to the
climax. The
problem is being

5. Resolution
- the end of the

Any question from the class?

You can ask questions about
the lesson that you weren’t
able to understand.
E. Developing mastery Now, let’s test your
(leads to Formative understanding about the
Assessment 3) elements of a short story. I
have here a story and I want
you to identify who are the
characters of the story, the
setting, theme, conflict, and
the plot. For the plot, you will
identify the exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action,
and resolution. Please do it
by pair and answer it on a
one whole sheet of paper.




I will give you 8 minutes to (The students will do the

answer the activity. Okay, activity.)

Okay, time is up. Pass your


How was the activity, class?

Is the activity easy or not?
F. Finding practical That’s good to hear. I hope
applications of you did really understand our
concepts and skills in discussion this morning,
daily living class.

I have here a video, entitled

“The Princess and the Frog”. I
want you to watch this video
and understand.

(The teacher will play the


So now, I want you perform a

roleplay about the Princess
and the frog. The class will be
divided into 5 groups so
please count 1 to 5.
Each group will perform the Students: Yes, ma’am!


You will be graded with the

following criteria:

Mastery - 20 pts.
Organization - 15 pts.
Voice quality - pts.
Teamwork - pts.
Total - 50 pts.

Okay, go with your groups. I

will give you 8 minutes to
practice and after that, you
will perform, okay.

Okay, time is up
G. Making Alright! To wrap things up, Micah: Our topic is all about
generalizations and what was our topic this the elements of a short story,
abstractions about the morning, class? Yes, Micah, ma’am.
lesson you are raising your hand.

What are the five elements of Xyvel: The five elements of a

a short story? short story are the character,
theme, conflict, setting, and
plot, ma;am.

What about the parts of the Guerlly: the five parts of a

plot. Yes, Guerlly? plot are exposition, rising
action, climax, falling, action,
and resolution.

Very good!
H. Additional activities Okay, I want you to review or
for application or study what we have
remediation discussed today because we
will have a quiz next week.

That’s all for today, class. Student: Goodbye and thank

Goodbye and thank you. you, ma’am Yam!

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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