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Maryland International College

School of Graduate Studies

Course Title: Business Research Methods

Research Proposal Development (Individual Assignment)




Name; Rediet Tadsese

ID No; MBA/CA036/15

Sumitted To: Dr.Yonas H.(Assistant Professor)

Date, Oct 2023 G.C

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The main objective of this research to assess the role of performance evaluation on
employee’s productivity for its employees.
The study will conduct in Addis Ababa city administration on Abyssinia Bank.
The target populations of the organization are 12and among these 3 are managers and the
remaining 9 are employees. To conduct if this study researcher will use census inquires for
questionnaires and interview this data will be analyzed using descriptive statics such as
tables, frequencies, and percentages.
The anticipated result in conditioning this study will use that Abyssinia bank of Addis Ababa
has a bright future site and has strong potential to improve and achieve objectives of
performance evaluation in light of its employee’s productiveness. The organization in turn
will be beneficiary the accomplishment of the organization objective, conclusion, and
recommendation will be drawn and forwarded respectively.

Key words: -, Abyssinia Bank, Management, Performance,


ABSTRACT............................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................... iii
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................ iii
1.1. Back ground of the study.......................................................................... iii
1.2.Statement of problem................................................................................ iii
1.3. Objectives of the study.............................................................................. iii
1.3.1. The general objectives........................................................................ iii
1.3.2. Specific objectives............................................................................... iii
1.4. Significance of the study........................................................................... iii
1.5 Scope of the study...................................................................................... iii
1.6. Limitation of the study.............................................................................. iii

CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................... iii

2 LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................... iii
2.1 MEANING OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION /APPRAISAL.......................... iii
2.2 Appraisal and control................................................................................. iii
2.3 approaches to performance rating............................................................. iii
2.4 Importance of performance appraisal in the performance management
system.............................................................................................................. iii
2.5 Purpose of performance evaluation /appraisal...................................... iii
2.5.1 Impact on the individual....................................................................... iii
2.5.2 Impact on the organization.................................................................. iii
2.6 Reliability and validity of performance appraisal....................................... iii
2.7 Appraisal errors.......................................................................................... iii
2.8 Performance appraisal methods................................................................ iii
2.8.1 Graphic rating scale.............................................................................. iii
2.8.2 Check list.............................................................................................. iii

2.8.3 Essay method....................................................................................... iv
2.8.5 Ranking................................................................................................. iv

CHAPTER THREE................................................................................... iv
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN........................................ iv
3.1 Research design.......................................................................................... iv
3.2 Target of population.................................................................................................................12

3.3 source of data............................................................................................................................12

3.4data collection method............................................................................... iv

3.5data processing and analysis....................................................................... iv
Reference........................................................................................................... 13
Appendix............................................................................................................ 14



1.1. Back ground of the study

Performance evaluation is one of the human resource management activities that help to
determine the extent to which an employee’s is performing the job effectively. It can be
defined as the process of the determining and communicating to an employee how he or she
is performing on the job and ideally establishing a plan of improvement (Wendell French

Performance evaluation according to smith (2000) involves the identification of cause-and-

effect relationship or which employment and labor policies are based or can be based and are
a routine process that organization used evaluates their employees. motivates employee to
work hard to words better job, and help him or her to improve performance in the future.
To produce personal and career advance wait for the organization and him or her. To
identifies their points of strength and weakness. help in employee ’s personal growth to
enhance strengths an overcome their weakness to the benefit of the bank. Generally,
performance evaluation benefits both employees and organization it is a time to provide
feedback recognize quality performance and set expectations for future job performance and
can assist in avoiding Severus problem in the future.

Performance is a multi-dimensional construct and this leads to the conclusion that when
evaluating rewarding performance of individuals and teams a number of factors have to be
considered, including both inputs (behavior) and out puts (results) (Armstrong, 2012).

Performance management is one of the most important functions of human resource

managers. It is concerned with identifying, measuring, influencing and developing job
performance of employees in the organization in relation to the set norms and standards for
particular period of time in order to achieve various purposes. Employees are required to
generate a total commitment to desired standards of job performance and improved job
performance or sustaining profitable growth for the organization and long-term value creation
for the customers (Singh et al, 2010). This involves getting optimum use of the available

know ledge, skills and a abilities in the workforce to optimal employee productivity and
given an organization competitive advantage.
The output of every organization depends on how well and how much the performance of an
employee is appraised. Productivity can therefore be defined as quality or volume of the
major product or service that an organization provides.

In short productivity is what comes out of production. Managers of even business

organization are charged with the responsibility to motivate their employee to achieve
organization goals. (DZinkousk; 2000).

1.2. Statement of problem

The basic aim of every business organization is to achieve its objectives, goals or target
In order to achieve this, there is the need to focus on performance management. Performance
management is not only considered to have positive influence on performance of employees
in an organization (Bargozz:1980), but also may negative impact on motivation, role
perceptions and turn over if is poorly designed or administered (Churchillet al ,1985).
Performance management will be linked to attractive incentive to employees enabling
workers to administrate higher productivity. Managers and employees are the life blood of
every business organization. The following problems are potentially affecting the
performance evaluation on employee’s productivity on Addis Ababa Abyssinia bank.

Addis Ababa Abyssinia bank uses a performance evaluation method improper way,
evaluation is difficult ability in Abyssinia bank, impossible control of factor affecting
performance appraisal in Addis Ababa Abyssinia bank. If management does not invest much
into the welfare of their workers problems, problems are bound to arise leading to industrial
strike actions low commitment to work, low morale and low productivity of employees
(Bonniest and Balkan 1990). Attractive appraisal system is established by some business
organization to help motivate their employees to strive hard to be recognized and rewarded.
Once employees are motivated, their performance reflects on productivity. The research
problem of the study is to know role of performance evaluation employee ’s productivity in
Abyssinia bank in case of Addis Ababa branch.

It is obvious that performance management system is implemented or administered in proper

ways that it useful for employee’s productivity of, success organization or overall

performance of organization, on other hand if it implemented poorly, it affects employee ’s
productivity, morale and satisfaction. So, this study will use aimed to assess problems or
challenges which affect employee’s productivity in Abyssinia bank in case of Addis Ababa
branch researchers try to fill this gap through identifying major measures.

Research question

1. What type of performance evaluation method is implemented in ABYSSINIA BANK

IN Addis Ababa? And how does performance evaluation affect employee ’s
productivity in ABYSSINIA BANK.

2. What is employee’s perception towards the performance evaluation methods


3. What are the challenges and problems encounter while implementing performance
evaluation on employee’s productivity in ABYSSINIA BANK IN ADDIS ABABA ?

1.3. Objectives of the study

1.3.1. The general objectives

The general objective of this study is assessing the role of performance evaluation on
employee’s productivity.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives are

1. To investigate kind of performance evaluation that is implemented in Abyssinia bank in
2. To investigate how performance does evaluation affects employee ’s productivity in
Abyssinia bank.
3. To investigate employees’ perception toward the performance evaluation implemented in
Abyssinia bank in ADDIS ABABA .
4. To investigate challenges and problems encounter while implemented performance
evaluation on employee’s productivity.

1.4. Significance of the study

The out of this study will help the organization under study to know its strength and
weakness on its evaluation system. It also provides information to the managers to understand
the importance of the employee’s performance management in accordance with impact and
suggest solution that enhance organization productivity. On other hand finding of the study
also initiate other researcher to perform a better and detailed study on its research problems.
1.5 Scope of the study
The study will focus on the role of the performance evaluation on employee ’s productivity in
Abyssinia bank of ADDIS ABABA administration is geographical limitation. The researcher
will cannot asses finding beyond the working areas of Abyssinia bank of ADDIS ABABA
and employees’ productivity is affecting by various Factors out of performance evaluation.
But this study will focus only to examine the impact of performance evaluation on
employees’ productivity. Employee productivity can be measured in terms of responsiveness,
morale, quality and quantity of production and customer satisfaction. (Ali and Opatha, 2008).
the scope of the study limited on conceptual the range of the role of performance evaluation
on employee’s productivity practice from in ADDIS ABABA Abyssinia bank and
methodologically limited in only use descriptive research design.

1.6. Limitation of the study

In conducting this proposal, the study will face the following limitation these are study will
focus only at Addis ababa Abyssinia bank. That means it will be difficult to conclude about
other bank the study will focus only performance employee’s productivity so the study will
not attempt find the solution of other problems.

This research will be cannot apply on other organization. As result the researcher cannot run
freely with the all the necessary condition so as to satisfy the whole requirement of the study.

This study will be used only descriptive research design because of describe about
performance evaluation on employee’s productivity

1.7 Organization of the paper

The paper will be organized in four chapters. The first chapter will deal with introduction
which includes back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significance of the study and limitation. The third chapter will deal with the research
methodology which includes research design, population of the study, source of data, data
collection method and data processing and analysis.




Performance evaluation Appraisal is the formal, systematic assessment how well employees
are performing their jobs in relation to establish standards and the dialogue about that
assessment with employees. It is also a human resource management activity that used to
determine the extent to which an employee is performing the job objectives (wende12,
French, 2007)

Performance evaluation is formal system of periodic review and evaluation of an individuals

or team job performance. While the performance of team should be evaluation, the focus of
performance appraisal is most firms’ remains on the individual is employee regardless of the
emphases an effective system assesses accomplishes and involves plans for development.

Performance management process which significantly attracts organizational success by

having managers and employees work together to set expectation, review result and reward
performance it has been described as to three step processes: Performance planning by
managers and employees for determining performance expectation Performance coaching,
which is an ongoing through the appraisal period Performance review, formal step that results
in the individual and /or team evocation.

Performance evaluation is only one technique designed to enhance performance management

monitoring and coaching along with other developmental activities are also involved.
However, performance appraise is critical component it also one of many activities’
component it also one of many activities that must the essentially owned by line managers.

Whereas human resource professionals play an important role in developing and coordinating
appraisal system, for the process to be successful, line personal must be key players in the
system. Approaches in this manner, performance appraisal was the best change for successful
implementation (Wendell French, 2007)

Performance evaluation /appraisal are used forDeveloping valid date for pay (salary and
bonus) and promotion decisions and providing means for communicating these decisions
Giving teed back to employee to they know where stand Motivating employees through

recognition and support Strengthens superior –subordinate relation Designing evaluation of
human resurge systems such as company training programs and human resource planning
Documentation of personal decisions the reliability and validity of the appraisal .

Programs are especially important in view of equal emolument opportunity legislation and
guidelines unfortunately supervisors can make several kinds of errors while, conducting
appraisals that make the process unreliable or less valid that it might otherwise be thus errors
are Hallo error of central tendency, Leniency Arguing and poor communication.

2.2 Appraisal and control

The appraisal here as process that provides an analysis of person overall capabilities and
potential allowing informed decisions to be made for particular purpose an important part of
the process is assessment, where by date on an individual ’s past and current work behave or
and performance are collected and rewarded (Bretton and gold 2007)

The most usual rationalization and justification for appraise is to improve in divvies
performance appraisal but there are also variety of other declared purposes and declined
being tits for appraisals is also including: improving motivation and morale, clarifying
expectation and reducing ambiguity about performance in addition improving
communication, selecting people for communication and managing careers counseling
discipline, planning remedial activity and setting goals and targets.

2.3 approaches to performance rating

There are a number of opportunities for performance rating to occur the different approaches
to rating classified as inputs, results and outcome behavior.

Such belies often become taken for granted assumptions and difficult to challenge an
appraisal as control simplifies relationship but, in the process, makes it less relevant to
peoples experience of relationship at work and reduce its effectiveness

2.4 Importance of performance appraisal in the performance management

Performance appraisal is important in organization because if the numerous purposes for
which it is employed and impact on individuals as well as the organization. However, there is

great deal of dissatisfy with appraisal system in many organizations. A survey conducted at
recent the conference board’s HR in new your city found 90 percent of HR executive would
modify totally revise or even eliminate their companies current appraisal processes .One of
the reasons given was that top down appraisal system are less appropriate when organization
structures become more flattened and when there is an emphases on teams and cross
functional collaborations .Another reason undoubted has to with the widely held perception
by both employees and managers that most appraisal system tends to Focus on criticism
rather than positive feedback. Underlying reasons probity includes the design of the system
and the leadership styles the person doing the appraisal (Wendell French 2007).

In puts: -This is abroad and potentially vague category that has traditionally been concerned
with listing traits or personality attributes typically attributes is ability, loyalist, decisiveness
resource fullness and stability. Because much attributes may be difficult to dating there will
be little agreement between the different users lists of measure other presence in employee ’s
performance appraisal.

Result and out comes

The result and outcomes of work performance provide the most objective technique for
couching date for appraisal. When available measurements can be taken at deterrent points in
time and comparison made with objectives. Typical measurement might relate to production,
sales and the number of satisfied customers or customer complaints.

Behavior in performance

Already examined how attention to the behavior of employees as practice in the

transformation process will rival how an individual has applied aptitudes attitudes and
competencies to the performance at work and will provide rich data current effectiveness and
the potential for further development. This attention can occur on continuous base taking into
account both subjective and objective data.

In generally, performance management has control purpose to make decision about pay
promotion and work responsibilities and development purpose to improve performance
identity training to appraises and plan action. The performance control approach to appraisal
is still seen as evidence of rationality and efficiency at work

2.5 Employee Productivity
Koontz and Weinrich (1990) define productivity as the output input ratio which a time
period with due consideration for quality they expressed it as: productivity outputs (within
time period, quality considered) inputs.

While Drucker (1999) defined it as an increase in the level of out put produced by workers
for smallest effort put in as well as in the qualify of out put which is in line whit what
(Koontz & Wrihrich1990) suggest.

Though stoner (2000) also agrees with (Koontz &Winch 1990) that it is the ratio of input to
output he however goes I head to say it measures employee ’s efficiency in using the
organization scarce resource to produce and goods and services. The higher the numerical
value of this ratio, the greater the efficiency.

Stoner (2000), continues that there are two basic types of productivity ratios the first being
total productivity which relates the value of all out put to the value of input, using the ratio
total output /total input. He additionally notes the second as being partial productivity
which relates the value of all out put to the value of major categories of input using the ratio
total output /partial input.

2.6 Factors Affecting Employee Productivity

productivity can be affected by the following: Degree of individual creativity here (Stoner,
2000), states that creative people tend to be more flexible than non-creative ones they are
able to switch from one approach to another when tackling a task or problem and they
prefer complexity to simplicity. Thus, when such an employee is given a chance to be
creative, he will be motivated thus increasing his productivity while if given a job that does
not make him creative, he will get bored hence reduction in productivity.

Decenzo&Robbms (2000), believe that training also affects productivity in that when an
employee's weak points in a job are discovered and he or she is trained in that particular
aspect, such an individual will get a feeling of attachment to the organization hence with the
required skills imputed in him work so hard meaning an increase in his productivity unlike

the one whose weakness is discovered and left to learn on his work such an employee will
deter productivity due to lacking skills and the feeling of being left out.

The type of management also contributes to productivity as researched upon by (Stoner

2000). He admits that where the organization encourages participatory management where
employees and their views are considered, such employees usually yield high productivity
since they realize that they have a hand in all decisions made while those who are not
involved feel left out and since the decisions are implemented through them, they usually
reject and when forced they work but at a low pace thus low employee productivity.

He also talks about teams and he especially dwells on self-managed teams to whom tasks
are given to be accomplished. Here they have to find ways of how to perform, which
resources to use, its quality and finally give a feed back to management such teams or
individuals in the team feel they are trusted and try their best to yield high results hence
high employee productivity. While those who work individually and are over supervised feel,
they are not trusted hence not worth the job their morale declines leading to low

Work simplification as by (Koontz &Winch, 1990), they define it as the process of obtaining
the participation of workers in simplifying their work. Here employees are made to pick
which tasks of their jobs they can perform better and tasks are 13 broken in to smaller
doable parts productivity goes up since work is made easier.

Daft (1997), talks about time management as a factor that affects employee productivity of
which he says that unlike other resources time is the only one that can never be replenished
and therefore should be used to create competitiveness and increase productivity by
avoiding late coming to work. The more time is kept, the greater each employee ’s

Koontz &Weinrich (1990), consider effectiveness of quality circles, which are groups of
people from the same organizational area, who meet regularly to solve problems they
experience at work members are trained in solving problems, statistical quality control and
in working groups. The fact that employees participate in solving work related problems,
they are motivated to work harder and hence increase their productivity.

While Dibenzo& Robbins (2000), agree on working conditions to them, an organizations
with an aim to improve their employee productivity should have the responsibility to ensure
that the work place is free from unnecessary hazards and that conditions surrounding
employees physical and mental health are favourable such employees productivity will
increase due to uninterrupted sessions during their work performance while those who
work under poor conditions usually yield low productivity due to accidents and time off to
heal among others.

Stoner (2002) strongly believes that leadership style also affects employee productivity
especially the participatory or democratic type If workers are involved in decision-making or
issues that affect them day-by-day and goals to achieve, they become motivated and put in
more efforts to achieve the goals which they set hence employee productivity is likely to be
high compared to autocratic leadership style that is strict, bureaucratic and coercive.

Reward and compensation policies by (Daft 1997), he says these policies include monetary
and non- monetary payments. Employees usually compare what they are paid with what
others are paid or benefit and at the end perceive an organization as being fair or unfair.
Those who perceive it as fair will work with zeal and confidence hence increase productivity
while those who see it as unfair will try their best to avoid work leading to low output with
which (Koontz &Winch, 1990) agree.

Lastly Koontz &Winch (1990) talk about the effect of technology. They state that due to · the
ever-increasing competition, demand for an organization’s product increases thus a need to
reduce the product life cycle or covering up demand use of capital-intensive technology will
increase output levels, reduce product life cycles meaning organizations produce more or
enough to cover demand, thus increasing productivity unlike labour intensive which is time
wasting low output and low quality leading to low productivity.

2.7 Types of performance appraisal

Wendel (1997), & Stoner (2000) both agree that two types of performance appraisal exist.
First is the formal I systematic type which occurs annually or semi-annually throughout that
person’s employment history for example when considered for a job, during the first few
days on job, and of six months and each sixth month after review of salary and to determine
needs for improvement. In these type four approaches are used that is mangers rating an

employee, a group financer rating an employee, a group of peers rating a colleague and
finally employees rating of bosses.

Secondly, they agree on the formal type where they state that it's anon going process with
feedback to employees about how well they are doing their work for the organization. This
can be carried out on a day-to-day basis where the manager spontaneously mentions that a
given piece of work was performed well or poorly.

Due to the close connection between the behaviour and feedback, Informal appraisal
becomes an excellent way to encourage performance. Atilio (1996), adds on formal
appraisal that, it may involve use of various techniques that have been developed for the

2.8 Purpose of performance evaluation /appraisal

Performance appraisal is used for a variety of essential purposes. Determine compensation is
by far the most frequent use of appraisals. But performance improvement and feed back to
employees are also major uses. Documentation of personal decision, partly as flense against
potential changes of unfair employment practices is also major use of appraisal (wended
French 20007).

Generally speaking, the many purposes of performance appraisal can be grouped in to two
main categories: evaluation of goals and coaching and development goals (according to
author Michael Harris) evaluation goals include the following: - Giving feedback to
employees to the known where they the stand Developing valid data for pay (salary and
bonus pay) and promotion decisions and providing a means for communicating these
decisions Helping the manager make retention and discharging decisions and providing a
means for warning employee about unsatisfactory decisions.

Couching and development goal including the follow Counseling and coaching employees in
order to improve their performance and develop future potential.

Developing commitment to the organization through discussion of career opportunity and

career planning.

Maturating employees through recognition and support.

Strengthen superior –subordinate relations.

Diagnosing individuals and organizational problems underlying all of the above strategic
need to develop to employee’s core completeness critical important behaviors skills and
attributes needed to achieve organizational goal (Michael Harris 2007)

2.8.1 Impact on the individual

Because of the importance of the performance appraisal to employees, the appraisal methods
used and the manner in which the results are communicated can have positive or negative
effects on employee’s morale. When appraisals are used for discipline to be regarded with
apprehension by those employees who tend to under estimate themselves. By the less
productive members of the organization or by those who feel appraisal will be arbitrary or
unjust. Similar feelings result when employees don’t know or understand the criteria being
used to assess them when they see the appraisal as overly critical rather than helpful.

2.8.2 Impact on the organization

The performance appraisal system to a large extent is an extension of job design and has
major effects on the organization generally. In addition to assisting in such matters as making
compensation and promotion decision and providing feedback on performance. The result of
appraisal process can supply useful data about the success of other personal activities such as
recruiting, selection, orientation and training. If for example, the appraisal process reveals
that significant numbers of employees are deficient in some area of skill or knowledge ’s
modification can be made in these other personnel areas. In large organization the result of
appraisal is of then used as criteria to study the validity of selection procedures.

2.9 Reliability and validity of performance appraisal

The concepts of reliability and validity are also relevant to performance appraisal. In
performance appraisal reliability refers to the consistency with which supervisors rate a
subordinate in successive ratings (assuming consultant performance) or the consistency with
two or more supervisor’s rate performance when they have computable information.

The validity of performance appraisal is the extent to which appraisal procedures measures
real difference in performance. Logic suggests that the more the supervisor used data on

actual performance. The more valid the rating become thus the most valid ratings are those in
which actual performance corresponds to rated performance.

The reliability of appraisal method can be increased by improving the training of rates and by
using more descriptive standards in appraisal systems (Monday, Noël 2009.)

3.1 Appraisal errors

The reliability and validity of the appraisal program are especially important in view of equal
employment opportunity legislation and guidelines. Unfortunately, that make the process less
reliable or less valid than it might otherwise be: -The hello errors represent the situation in
which the rater generalizes from one aspects of a person ’s job performance to all aspects of
performance. The error of central tendency occurs when the raters tend to rate the
performance of all or most of the persons being appraised around the center of rating scales.
The central tendency error occurs on an individual’s basis if the supervisor is to rate an
employee on numerous performance dimensions and rate the entire dimension in the middle
of the scale. The leniency errors made by the appraiser who gives employees higher rating
than they deserve another source of errors simply that supervisors read different meanings in
the words and the scales on performance appraisal forms.

3.2 Performance appraisal methods

Many approaches are used in appraising performance this section examines some of the more
commonly used methods (Wendell, French 2007)

3.2.1 Graphic rating scale

The graphic rating scale is used most often there is many versions of graphic rating scale but
all concentrate on specific employees’ behaviors or characteristics as they relate or presume
relate work performance. Contemporary versions of the graphic rating scale are more likely
to use only characteristic that are closely related to active job performance and to exclude
such characteristic as loyalty.

3.2.2 Check list

Under this approach the rate presented with a list of positive or negative adjectives or
descriptive behavioral statement and is asked to check off all these that apply to the persons

list statements Helps workstations neat and clean Can be expected to complete work on time
Maintains detailed record

3.3.2 Essay method

In this assay method the appraiser writers are free from essay describing subordinate ’s
performance man number of broad categories some categories that can be included in these
forms are Over all appraisals of the employee performance Jobs the employees can currently
perform. The employee’s strength and limitation.\Additional training needs.

3.4.2 Critical incidents

The critical incidents techniques require the appraisals to keep a record of usually favorable
and unfavorable occurrences in an employee.
work. The positive aspects of this approach are that it provides at 16recorded for subsequent
discussions and decision making and that it provides data directly related to job performance
on the negative side the approach requires close and continuo’s observation by the appraisal

3.5.2 Ranking
Rankin g method is used less frequently than other method discussed. There are varieties of
ranking procedures but basically the supervisor ranks all employees form best to the poorest
on one more scale.




3.1 Research design

The study will design to investigate the role of performance evaluation on employee ’s
productivity in Abyssinia bank of ADDIS ABABA branch. The research will be conducted
through descriptive research design. Because this descriptive research technique provides the
event of situation and simply describe the existing information and phenomena

The researcher will use a descriptive type because of this type of research is very useful to
find out and describe information about performance evaluation and its link with employee ’s

3.2 Target of the population

The target population of the organization will be 12 and among these 3 managers and the
remaining 9 are employees.

3.3 Source of data

This study will use primary source of data to conduct the study. Because the primary source
of data that provide first hand information for the immediate purpose. The primary data will
be collected from questionnaire and interview.

3.3 Data collection method

The data collection that the researcher will use to collect data is questionnaire method which
is distribute to employees and interview method to managers in Abyssinia bank of ADDIS
ABABA branch.

3.4 data processing and analysis

After the necessary data for the study will be collected the processing and analyzing of the
data will be done. The data will be analyzed using frequencies and percentage and will be
presented with table.


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