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big data and

cognitive computing

Optimizing Operation Room Utilization—A Prediction Model
Benyamine Abbou 1,2, *,† , Orna Tal 3,4,5,† , Gil Frenkel 6 , Robyn Rubin 6 and Nadav Rappoport 6,7, *

1 Medical Management Department, Hillel-Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera 3810101, Israel

2 Ruth & Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel
3 Medical Management Department, Shamir Medical Center (Assaf Harofeh), Be’er Ya’akov 7033001, Israel;
4 Faculty of Management, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
5 The Israeli Center for Emerging Technologies (ICET), Be’er Ya’akov 7033001, Israel
6 Division of Government Medical Centers, Israeli Ministry of Health, Jerusalem 9101002, Israel; (G.F.); (R.R.)
7 Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Be’er Sheva 8410501, Israel
* Correspondence: (B.A.); (N.R.); Tel.: +972-4774-4228 (B.A.);
+972-74779-5156 (N.R.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: Background: Operating rooms are the core of hospitals. They are a primary source of
revenue and are often seen as one of the bottlenecks in the medical system. Many efforts are made
to increase throughput, reduce costs, and maximize incomes, as well as optimize clinical outcomes
and patient satisfaction. We trained a predictive model on the length of surgeries to improve the
productivity and utility of operative rooms in general hospitals. Methods: We collected clinical
and administrative data for the last 10 years from two large general public hospitals in Israel. We
trained a machine learning model to give the expected length of surgery using pre-operative data.
These data included diagnoses, laboratory tests, risk factors, demographics, procedures, anesthesia
type, and the main surgeon’s level of experience. We compared our model to a naïve model that
Citation: Abbou, B.; Tal, O.;
represented current practice. Findings: Our prediction model achieved better performance than
Frenkel, G.; Rubin, R.; Rappoport, N.
Optimizing Operation Room
the naïve model and explained almost 70% of the variance in surgery durations. Interpretation: A
Utilization—A Prediction Model. Big machine learning-based model can be a useful approach for increasing operating room utilization.
Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76. Among the most important factors were the type of procedures and the main surgeon’s level of experience. The model enables the harmonizing of hospital productivity through wise scheduling
bdcc6030076 and matching suitable teams for a variety of clinical procedures for the benefit of the individual
patient and the system as a whole.
Academic Editor: Min Chen

Received: 4 May 2022 Keywords: surgery; electronic health records (EHR); prediction model; operation room (OR); machine
Accepted: 27 June 2022 learning
Published: 6 July 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil- 1. Introduction
iations. Conducting general surgical activity within the framework of a public general hospital
is a challenge; it involves a highly complex ensemble composed of multidisciplinary teams,
working in a risky, overloaded, uncertain environment. Yet, it encompasses promises for
better health solutions for the patient and professional quality branding for the hospital
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
in a competitive health arena. Moreover, operating rooms are the most important source
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
of both income and expense for hospitals and the most profitable path for the supplier.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
Therefore, hospital managers are motivated to increase the effectiveness of schedules and
conditions of the Creative Commons
plans [1]. The productivity of operating rooms influences not only the performance-related
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
financial status of hospitals [2] but may also affect service quality and patient satisfaction. Many elements may affect the effective synchronization of hospital surgical activity,
4.0/). especially when multiple surgical theaters (STs) are involved. These include operational

Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76.

Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 2 of 13

space, equipment, scheduling, various combinations of skilled teams, personal contracts

with workers, and costs. In a public healthcare system with complete insurance coverage
such as in Israel, no selection of cases occurs, so the case mix is unpredictable. Hence,
surgical activity is mostly dictated by clinical urgency and medical guidelines.
Factors that influence operating room (OR) performance include the characteristic
of the surgery (elective/non-elective) and performance criteria such as waiting time (pa-
tient/surgeon), utilization and flow (OR, ICU), overtime, completion time and patient
postponement/rejection and preferences, as well as humanitarian-ethical aspects and
financial assets [1].
Above all, there is the need to deal with unexpected changes in the operational
program as well as urgent patients who burst into the scheduled program, on top of
cancellations due to either a patient’s condition or hospital constraints. Thus, ST adminis-
trators tend to limit activity to the most minimal timeframe possible, yielding insufficient
utilization and productivity.
A relatively simple method to organize OR utilization is to plan a daily or weekly
program by the cumulative length of sequencing procedures. The duration of each pro-
cedure may be influenced by factors related to the patient or their caregivers, and daily
planning should integrate all these factors, as well as the average or median time for
each of the procedures. A successful plan is often a reflection of an OR administrator’s
long-term experience.
Currently, a sufficient OR utilization plan is achieved about one-third of the time.
The rest are shorter or longer than optimal utilization and far from maximizing hospital
capacity [3]. These gaps not only harm patients by delaying treatment but also reduce
income [4] and patient satisfaction [5], as well as overloading hospital personnel. Even in a
publicly funded health system, managers cannot ignore the potential benefit embedded in
increasing surgical activity, to enhance income and branding.
In the United States, nearly a third of all surgeries are overlapping surgeries, which
are defined as two surgeries performed by the same surgeon that overlap in time. This
policy has received significant legal and public scrutiny in aspects related to safety and
transparency [6], and therefore some hospitals have revised administrative policies, elimi-
nating the prospect of overlapping surgeries [7]. The change in policy on the subject has
led to a decrease in the efficiency and outputs of hospitals and has far-reaching economic
consequences [8]. It is therefore a prerequisite to achieve a more accurate OR schedule for
predicting the preliminary times of each individual surgery that can serve as a significant
tool for improving efficiency and productivity in the new legal situation.
OR scheduling is traditionally based on a surgeon’s self-estimation of operation
duration, yet the accuracy of these evaluations is far from being sufficient to enhance
performance [9]. Solutions to maximize OR performance have been discussed. Di Mar-
tinelly suggested a model focusing on the relationship between the operating room and
nurse management, while considering resource constraints [10]. Various mathematical
models have been offered: Hanset proposed a theoretical surgical journey simulation that
involves estimating an optimal time slot for each operation, focusing on technical solutions
such as operation starting time and recovery bed availability [11]. Pham suggested using
multimode job shop or blocking [12]. Lin developed an artificial bee colony algorithm to
quickly find feasible solutions based on the earliest due date and longest processing time
rules [13]. Technical, managerial tools have also been reported, such as a dashboard to
assess workflows of patients to enhance evaluation and prioritization, using hierarchic
filters of date, time, duration, location, surgeon characteristics, and procedure features [14].
A Monte Carlo simulation was used to guide decisions on balancing resources for elective
and non-elective surgical procedures [15]. And finally, Bartek et al. developed predictive
models based on average historic procedure time and surgeon estimates [16]. They used
single-site data to develop a model per surgeon and per service, which limits the usage of
such a model for only the 12 services and 93 surgeons used.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 3 of 13

Different ML-based approaches have been developed to pursue an advanced method-

ology for managing OR utilization. ML is the field of computer algorithms that can perform
a task based on experience [17]. The advantage of ML-based models vs. rule-based models
is that ML models are data-driven and not knowledge-driven. In addition, ML-based
models can take into account complex relationships between data points. The computa-
tional models are trained on large datasets representing past experience and are driven
by algorithms to accurately predict unknown labels or future events. An example of
such prediction models is diagnosing disease from X-ray images [18]. Furthermore, it
has been found that implementing ML algorithms that detect intracranial hemorrhage on
non-contrast-enhanced head CT studies within the clinical workflow reduced wait time,
and thus overall turnaround time, when specifically used to prioritize examinations [19].
However, while adopting artificial intelligence (AI) in imaging focuses on analyzing a
constellation of unstructured data (volume), implementing AI in operating room planning
strategy differs slightly from our model, which is based on multi-dimensional data that
change over time (variety, velocity, and volume). Recently, ML models for OR facilities
were developed: for example, to analyze the key factors that affect the identification of
surgeries with high cancellation risk [20]; to improve the accuracy of duration prediction
of complex surgical activities, such as the duration of robot-assisted surgery [21]; and to
improve the whole surgical workflow [22]. ML can also be used for improving surgery
training [23]. Our assumption is that OR performances may be measured, analyzed, and
assessed through a wise model to achieve better consequences, that is, to enable health
managers to identify pathways to improve patient outcomes, increase the quality of care,
and even prioritize OR activities through the lens of economic benefit as well.
In order to increase OR utilization, we developed an ML model for predicting surgery
duration using pre-operative data of the coming operations. The scheduling for elective
surgeries was done on the day before surgery. We collected relevant data from two general
public hospitals in Israel, trained the models, and evaluated performances.

2. Methods
2.1. Data Source
The data are an extract of the electronic health records (EHR) from two general
hospitals: Hillel-Yaffe (HY) and Shamir (SH). They are both public hospitals owned and
managed by the Israeli Ministry of Health, with 515 and 891 beds, respectively. Both HY
and SH are single-site medical centers. Both treat the general population in their region
without restriction to specific health care insurance providers, meaning no cream skimming
or population bias exists. The data contain all surgeries that occurred from December 2009
to May 2020 in these two medical centers.

2.2. Outcome Measures and Predictors

Surgery length was defined as the difference between the time when the patient
entered the operating room and when they left it. An alternative definition for the duration
of the operation is the time from the first cut to closure, but this was not used here, as we
also wanted to estimate the time of logistical preparation in the operation room, including
anesthetic procedures, thereby estimating the actual OR occupancy slot rather than surgeon–
procedure performance time.

2.3. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

The features for the prediction model were clinical data from the EHR, and we used
only the data that was available before the surgery took place. Our dataset covered
demographic data such as age, gender, country of origin, marital status, number of children,
religion, and weight. It also included operative plan data such as procedures, localization,
type of anesthesia, number of surgeons, and the main surgeon’s level of experience (hours
in the operating room and number of operations participated in). In addition, it included
clinical data such as previous diagnoses, drug prescriptions, last laboratory test results,
experience (hours in the operating room and number of operations participa
addition, it included clinical data such as previous diagnoses, drug prescrip
laboratory test results, smoking status, and risk factors (Supplementary Tab
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76
source data included 13,520 types of diagnoses in ICD9-CM codes. We grouped
4 of 13
282 higher-order single-level disease categories using Clinical Classification
(CCS) (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD,
The number
smoking status, of
risk factorsdrugs administrated
(Supplementary wasThe
Table S1). 3698.
source Drugs were groupe
data included
13,520 types of diagnoses in ICD9-CM codes. We grouped
categories based on matching Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) 5th them into 282 higher-order
single-level disease categories using Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) (Agency for
Healthcare list of features
Research is given
and Quality in Supplementary
(AHRQ), Rockville, MD, USA) Table[24].S1.
The number of
different 122,439 surgeries
drugs administrated was 3698.dataDrugswere
grouped intofrom HY andbased
930 categories 175,041
on from
matching Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) 5th level. The
We excluded samples with missing data regarding the operating room, time o complete list of features
is given in Supplementary Table S1.
or time of exit from the OR (1491 surgeries), gender, age, or main surgeon (205
Overall, 122,439 surgeries data were extracted from HY and 175,041 from SH EHRs.
We excluded surgeries with
samples with possible
missing data bias of antheatypical
regarding operatingmanner,
room, time such as surgeries
of entrance
or time ofthe
from the OR schedule (i.e., from
(1491 surgeries), 7 PM
gender, age,to
(9529 (205).
HY, 12,929
We alsoSH) or
excluded surgeries with possible bias of an atypical manner, such
during the weekend (Friday or Saturday) (7778 HY, 10,346 SH), as well as as surgeries performed
outside the planning schedule (i.e., from 7 PM to 7 AM) (9529 HY, 12,929 SH) or performed
shorter than 10 min (1874 HY, 1719 SH). Overall, 102,301 (149,308) surgeries
during the weekend (Friday or Saturday) (7778 HY, 10,346 SH), as well as surgeries shorter
than 10 minunique
(1874 HY,patients
1719 SH). from HY 102,301
Overall, (SH) were used
(149,308) in ourofanalysis
surgeries (Figure 1).
77,643 (119,525)
unique patients from HY (SH) were used in our analysis (Figure 1).

HY surgeries SH surgeries
122,439 175,041

1491 surgeries
w/o operation
205 surgeries
missing age,
gender, main

22,458 night

3571 surgeries
shorter than 10

HY surgeries SH surgeries
102,301 149,308

Figure 1. Data selection flow chart.

Figure 1. Data selection flow chart.

Missing data were not imputed, as the two types of prediction model
handled missing data. The naïve model (described below) predicts the median
the procedures and therefore was not affected by missing values. The XGBoos
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 5 of 13

Missing data were not imputed, as the two types of prediction models we used handled
missing data. The naïve model (described below) predicts the median length for the
procedures and therefore was not affected by missing values. The XGBoost model is based
on decision trees that handle missing values by adding branches for such values [25,26].
Continuous variables were standardized by reducing the mean value and dividing
by the standard deviation of the training samples. Categorical variables such as previous
diagnoses and procedures were represented using a one-hot encoding, such that every
diagnosis or procedure was represented as a binary feature that indicated whether a specific
diagnosis or procedure was recorded in this sample or not.

2.4. Models’ Training

Because data sharing was impracticable due to indecisive regulation, we repeated the
analysis, including data extraction, cleaning, training, and testing the models independently,
in each medical center. We split the data to train and test based on the year of operation.
Such a split procedure was intended to mimic real-world scenarios, where models are
trained on past data and evaluated on surgeries occurring afterward. Surgeries performed
before 2018 were used to train the model, and the others were used as the testing set. We
trained two types of models. As a baseline, we trained a naïve model based on the median
length of similar surgeries. For a given surgery with a specific set of procedures, the naïve
model predicted the duration of this surgery to be the median duration of all surgeries in
the training data having the same set of procedures. The naïve model did not consider
other factors and parameters of the surgery or the patient. Therefore, missing factors did
not affect the prediction.
The second type of model was an eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model based
on the gradient boosting framework of multiple trees [25]. We used the training data to
optimize the hyperparameters of the XGBoost model using Bayesian search and 5-fold cross-
validation. Bayesian optimization uses a posterior distribution of optimization function,
and as the number of hyperparameters it tries increases, the distribution function becomes
more competent at finding the optimal hyperparameters. We used the BayesianOptimiza-
tion function in the bayes_opt Python package [27] for hyperparameter optimization in our
Bayesian approach [28]. The list of parameters that were optimized, their range, and the
optimal values are described in Table 1.

Table 1. XGBoost Hyperparameter tuning. The list of parameters, the description, and the name of
the parameter in the XGBoost package are given in the table in addition to the range in which the
parameters were optimized as well as the optimal values in SH and HY.

Parameter Name in
Parameter Type Range of Search Optimal Value in SH Optimal Value in HY
XGBoost Package
Subsample ratio of columns when
colsample_bytree 0.6–1 0.713555 0.991201
constructing each tree
Minimum loss reduction required
to make a further partition on a gamma 0–5 2.206600 1.073363
leaf node of the tree
Step size weight shrinkage learning_rate 0.01–1 0.247214 0.271243
Maximum depth of a tree max_depth 3–6 5 5
Minimum sum of instance weight
min_child_weight 1–10 5.427004 1.240320
needed in a child
Number of trees n_estimators 100–1000 762 486
Subsample ratio of instances subsample 0.6–1 0.767184 0.818254

2.5. Evaluation Metrics

Surgery lengths vary for different procedures, and every evaluation metric has limita-
tions. Therefore, we used several evaluation metrics.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 6 of 13

The root mean squared error (RMSE) is the square root of the average of squared errors:
∑in=1 (ŷi − yi )
RMSE(ŷ, y) =

where ŷ is the predictions vector, y is the vector with true labels, and n is the number
of samples.
The disadvantage here is that RMSE gives higher weights to larger errors, as the error
is squared.
The mean absolute error (MAE) is the average of absolute errors.
MAE(ŷ, y) =
n ∑ |ŷi − yi |
i =1

The explained variance (EV) is the fraction of the model’s total variance explained by
the present factors. In regressions, it is also called the coefficient of determination (R2 ).
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is the average of normalized errors where
each prediction’s error divided by the actual label.
1 ŷi − yi
MAPE(ŷ, y) =
n ∑ yi
i =1

The mean log2 ratio (ML2R) is the mean of log in base 2 of the ratio of observed vs.
expected length of surgery.
1 yi
ML2R(ŷ, y) =
n ∑ log2 ŷi
i =1

3. Results
3.1. Data Sets
In total, the data of 121,539 and 174,450 surgeries were extracted from HY and SH
from 77,643 and 119,525 patients, respectively (Figure 1). Slightly more than half of the
surgeries were performed on females (59% and 51% in HY and SH). The number of unique
procedure types was 3544 in HY and 4721 in SH. Data were extracted from December 2009
to May 2020. The number of surgical departments was 17 in HY and 30 in SH, and the
number of surgeons was 580 in HY and 983 in SH. The average surgeon’s age was 46.2 in
HY and 49.5 in SH. The average number of diagnoses per patient prior to surgery was 8.62
in HY and 8.86 in SH. The average surgery duration was 67.85 min in HY and 81.73 min in
SH (Table 2 & Figure 2). The range of surgery durations in HY was 10 to 939 min (median
52.45 and average of 67.85 min) and 10 to 1184 min (median 60.95 and average of 81.73 min)
in SH.
Using a density plot of surgery length, we can see that the distribution has a long right
tail, with very few surgeries that took a very long time. A similar pattern is seen in both
hospitals, yet the average surgical length in HY was shorter (Figure 2).
Surgery length distribution varied across the surgical units and medical centers
(Figure 3). Slight differences in the number of surgical departments (20 in HY, 26 in SH)
were found. Accordingly, the intensity of performance based on the number and seniority
of acting physicians is presented.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 7 of 13

Table 2. Statistical summary of the data used in the study, stratified by hospital. N: Number of
surgeries. IQR: Interquartile Range.

Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13
N 121,539 174,450
Age (median, IQR) 44 (30–64) 51 (29–68)
Females (%) 59.4 50.0
Preoperative Number of previous surgeries
432 (158–863) 361 (133–775)
Number of drugs (median, IQR) (median, IQR) 9 (4–17) 9 (4–18)
Total hours in operating room
Number of diagnoses (median, IQR) 6 (3–11) 6 (3–11)
Surgeon’s experience 435.55 (154–892) 428 (155–963)
(median, IQR)
Number of previous surgeries (median, IQR) 432 (158–863) 361 (133–775)
Total hours in operating room (median, IQR) 435.55 (154–892) 428 (155–963)
Surgery Number of procedures (median, IQR)1 (1–1) 1 (1–1)
Number of procedures (median, Operating
IQR) time in minutes 1(median,
(1–1) 1 (1–1)
Operating time in minutes (median, IQR)
IQR) 52.45 (31–85)52.45 (31–85) 60.95 60.95 (38–102)

Medical Center



0 200 400 600

Operating time (minutes)

Figure Densityplot

3.2. Model
Using Development
a density plot of surgery length, we can see that the distribution has a long
train and testthat
surgeries suchtook
very longfrom 2018
time. and onpattern
A similar were only usedin
is seen
for testing.
both In SH,
hospitals, yet113,594 (77.04%)
the average surgeries
surgical lengthwere used
in HY wasforshorter
training and 35,714
(Figure 2). surgeries
(22.96%) for testing.
Surgery length In HY, 91,240 varied
distribution (76.67%) surgeries
across were used
the surgical for and
units training and 27,756
medical centers
(23.33%) for testing.
(Figure 3). Slight differences in the number of surgical departments (20 in HY, 26 in SH)
wereWe evaluated
found. the feature
Accordingly, theimportance
intensity of of the model based
performance basedonon the
the F-score
andwhich is
common way of estimating
acting physicians is presented. a feature’s importance. In short, it is the number of times a
feature was used to split data in all trees. Feature importance was computed separately for
each hospital, meaning that we trained, tested, and evaluated one model for HY and one
for SH. The top six most important features in the two models (for both HY and SH, in the
same order of importance) were: the main surgeon’s experience (in number of surgeries
previously conducted), the patient’s age, the number of surgeons assigned to the surgery,
the number of diagnoses, the number of drugs, and the number of planned procedures.
Big DataCogn.
Cogn. Comput.
Comput. 2022,
2022,6,6,7676 8 of 13 8 of

Figure 3. Box
3. Box plotsplots representing
representing the distributions
the distributions of surgery
of surgery lengths lengths
by surgical unitsby
andsurgical units and b
by hospital,
HY and (b)(a)SH.
and box
(b) represents
SH. Each the
box3rdrepresents the 3rd
to 4th quartile to 4th
range, andquartile range,
the vertical and the vertical b
bar represents
therepresents the median
median duration. duration.
Surgeries Surgeries
longer than 500 minlonger than 500from
were removed minthis
were removed
figure. from
Surgical unitsthis figur
were sortedunits
on thewere sorted
Y-axis on the
by median Y-axis by median duration.

3.3. Model Performance

3.2. Model Development
The performances of the models are summarized in Table 3. Using different measures
Data was
of performance split to train
evaluations, the and test such
XGBoost modelsthat surgeries
performed from
better 2018
than theand onmodels:
naïve were only use
the MAE was 21.5 compared to 25.4 in HY and 25.3 compared to 28.7 in SH; RMSE, 36.6 surgeri
for testing. In SH, 113,594 (77.04%) surgeries were used for training and 35,714
vs.(22.96%) for40.3
49.0 (HY), testing. In(SH);
vs. 55.0 HY,PVE,
66.7(76.67%) surgeries
vs. 44.0 (HY), 70. vs.were used and
46.8 (SH); for ML2R,
training and 27,75
vs.(23.33%) forand
0.53 (HY) testing.
0.46 vs. 0.49 (SH). In the case of MAPE, differences between the naïve
and theWe ML-based
evaluated model
the were minor—35.15
feature importance vs.of35.37 in HY and
the model 35.09
based onvs.
the32.48 in SH
F-score [29], whic
according to hospital
is a common way performance
of estimatingevaluations.
a feature’s importance. In short, it is the number of tim
a feature was used to split data in all trees. Feature importance was computed separate
for each hospital, meaning that we trained, tested, and evaluated one model for HY an
one for SH. The top six most important features in the two models (for both HY and SH
in the same order of importance) were: the main surgeon’s experience (in number
surgeries previously conducted), the patient’s age, the number of surgeons assigned
the surgery, the number of diagnoses, the number of drugs, and the number of planne
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 9 of 13

Table 3. Models’ performances on the test set.

Hospital HY SH
N 27,752 39,468
Median length 54.06 67.35
Model Naïve XGB Naïve XGB
MAE 25.44 21.52 28.69 25.23
RMSE 49.03 36.64 55.03 40.26
MAPE 35.36 35.16 32.48 35.11
PVE 44.02 66.71 46.75 69.97
ML2R 0.14 −0.05 0.14 −0.06
AbsErr ≤ 10 min 40.48 40.95 36.79 32.89
AbsErr ≤ 20 min 63.18 65.56 59.76 57.25
AbsErr ≤ 10% 21.03 22.49 21.93 21.69
AbsErr ≤ 20% 39.63 42.65 42.41 41.21
N: number of samples in the test set; MAE: mean absolute error; RMSE: root mean squared error; MAPE: mean
absolute percent error; PVE: percent variance explained; ML2R: mean of base 2 log of the ratio of observed
and predicted lengths; AbsErr ≤ 10 min: percent of surgeries with predicted error less than or equal to 10 min;
AbsErr ≤ 10%: percent of surgeries with absolute error smaller or equal to 10% of observed length. Bold face
marks the model with best performance according to each evaluation metric in each medical center.

Due to the variety in typical or average surgery length between surgery units and
surgery types, we evaluated the same model stratified by surgery unit and by procedure.
Different evaluation measurements were biased by the duration of surgeries. For example,
MAE and RMSE had on average higher rates of error for more lengthy procedures. In
Figure 4, we plotted the performances according to different measurements by the median
length of surgery of that unit. MAPE, PVE, and ML2R were much less affected by the
duration of surgeries. As shown in Figure 4, the average MAE and RMSE per surgery unit
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 were highly correlated with the unit’s median surgery duration, whereas MAPSE, PVE,10 of 13
and ML2R were poorly correlated with median surgery duration. This was due to the fact
the last three included normalization (see Methods).

Figure Averageperformance
we computed the median surgery length and the average performance of the model in
we computed the median surgery length and the average performance of the model in (a) MAE; (a) MAE; (b)
RMSE; (c) MAPE; (d) PVE, and (e) ML2R.
(b) RMSE; (c) MAPE; (d) PVE, and (e) ML2R.

4. Discussion
To optimize the utilization of operating rooms, managers and researchers need to
balance the productivity and effectiveness of staff alongside the available resources. Other
investigators have already developed technical and mathematical models to address this
challenge, mainly in a theoretical manner. We present a novel predictive model based on
accumulative data from two large medical centers. In contrast to other, previous works
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 10 of 13

4. Discussion
To optimize the utilization of operating rooms, managers and researchers need to
balance the productivity and effectiveness of staff alongside the available resources. Other
investigators have already developed technical and mathematical models to address this
challenge, mainly in a theoretical manner. We present a novel predictive model based
on accumulative data from two large medical centers. In contrast to other, previous
works [16,30], we used different methods to achieve the same goal of optimizing the
prediction of time usage in the operating room. We focused on patients’ clinical parameters
including diagnoses, laboratory tests, risk factors, and more, as well as surgeons’ cumulative
experience over 7 years.
The performances of the models are summarized in Table 3. Using different measures
of performance evaluation, XGBoost models performed better than the naïve model except
for MAPE, in which we found only a slight difference between the naïve and the ML-based
model. One drawback of MAPE is that it is not symmetric. For example, if the actual length
of a surgery is 10 min and the prediction is 100 min, then the MAPE is 10 = 900%,
while in the symmetric case, where the actual length is 100 min and the prediction is 10 min,
the MAPE is 100 = 90%. Therefore, the same absolute error gives a MAPE of an order
of magnitude larger.
The length of surgeries varies across surgery units (Figure 3) and surgery types.
Therefore, a prediction that is 10 min off for a surgery that typically takes 20 min is a small
error on an absolute scale but a large one on percent scales.
The model is surgeon-based, meaning that the surgeon’s experience plays a significant
role in prediction, which is in accordance with previous studies [31,32]. Inter-hospital
variation among medical personnel (experienced versus inexperienced) will shift the pre-
dictive performance curve. Thus, the model may serve as a powerful tool for hospital
managers, especially when considering relatively small or rural hospitals. We suggest
that this tool enables policymakers to plan strategies that reduce geographic and socio-
economic gaps among subpopulations by targeting nationwide hospital human resources.
In addition, it can improve human resource allocation and utilization by automating the
surgery scheduling that is often done by humans.
Moreover, maximizing OR utilization and minimizing overflow can, in the long run,
reduce the load on personnel, improve staff satisfaction, and reduce burnout, and thus
expand the benefit to the entire healthcare system beyond enhancing performance. OR
managers may consider the benefit of AI as a decision support tool, using simulation-based
training assistance [23]. Moreover, hospitals may expect to significantly reduce financial
losses with the introduction of policies regulating OR scheduling. This should be conducted
wisely to maximize efficiency while still fulfilling the ethical duty to patients [8].
The strengths of our model are that it is based on “real world” accumulative data
from two large general hospitals and we used a train and test phase for validation. Our
model was trained on a large variety of procedures and no specific surgery types were
preselected, other than the exclusion of extremely non-representative surgeries (shorter
than 10 min) and those missing data. Moreover, our model is not limited to previously
seen procedures or surgeons and can handle missing data. The prediction accuracy of
our model was solid, confirming that OR operational performance can be increased by
managerial tools. One must bear in mind that we excluded samples with missing data,
surgeries performed outside the planning schedule (during a night shift or during the
weekend), and surgeries shorter than 10 min, as their predictive value was questionable.
The main limitation of our models is that the model was validated by analyzing only
two medical centers. However, we assume that it can be expanded to a national level for
decision-makers. The next step is to analyze data from the 11 general public hospitals
that are the core network of care providers, thus enabling validation of this model on a
national level.
The model’s performance varied across surgery units. For example, the unit with
more than 50 test samples with the lowest RMSE was found to be the IVF department,
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 76 11 of 13

with a RMSE of 6.9 min (Supplementary Table S2). This is probably because the range of
different procedures performed there is small, and do not tend to lead to complications.
Based on other evaluation metrics, different models achieved the best performance for
different departments. For example, the obstetrics department had the highest MAPE,
while the pediatrics department had the highest ML2R.

5. Conclusions
Surgery length prediction is possible via integrating clinical data and surgeons’ level
of experience. We anticipate that such a prediction model can improve the utilization of OR
resources. Such a model may be more suitable for some surgery units or types of surgeries
than others.
In this study we demonstrated the principle wherein big data can be used to better
predict the duration of surgery in a general hospital. This study should be seen as a
proof of concept. Yet, our model’s performance was not optimal for all surgery types and
surgical departments. Moreover, the prediction model can be further expanded to other
surgical outcomes, such as predicting the length of post-surgery hospitalization, significant
complications, and even the success or failure of surgery. These advanced capabilities will
have a significant impact worldwide, both on clinical aspects of quality and safety as well as
economic aspects. Since our model is surgeon-dependent, it may raise questions regarding
personal and professional abilities that may require input by surgeons’ professional guilds.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at https:

// Supplementary Table S1: Final list of features
used for training the model, Supplementary Table S2: Model performance by surgery unit.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.A. and N.R.; methodology, B.A., O.T. and N.R.; software,
G.F. and N.R.; validation, O.T., R.R. and N.R.; formal analysis, G.F., O.T. and N.R.; investigation,
B.A. and N.R.; resources, B.A. and O.T.; data curation, R.R. and N.R.; writing—original draft prepa-
ration, N.R.; writing—review and editing, B.A., O.T., G.F., R.R. and N.R.; visualization, G.F. and
N.R.; supervision, B.A. and N.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Boards of Hillel Yafe (protocol code
0093-19-HYMC on 20 August 2019), as well as by the Institutional Review Boards of Shamir Medical
Center (protocol code 0308-19-ASF on 3 December 2019).
Informed Consent Statement: Patient consent was waived due to the retrospective nature of the
study and the data being provided to the researchers in an anonymized format.
Data Availability Statement: Data cannot be made available to the public due to its private nature.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Naama Perry Cohen and Nir Makover from the Division
of Government Medical Centers at the Israeli Ministry of Health, whose guidance and support were
invaluable for this study to materialize. We would also like to thank Hillel Yaffe and Shamir Medical
Center’s IT departments and the Kineret team members from the Division of Government Medical
Centers at the Israeli Ministry of Health who assisted in data collection and provided other assistance
as well.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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