1 Cellular Respiration: pyruvate and other oxidizable substrates, they can then trans-
fer these electrons to oxygen. Aerobic respiration therefore
Maximizing ATP Yields involves oxidative pathways in which electrons are removed
from organic substrates and transferred to coenzyme carriers,
Cellular respiration, or respiration for short, dramatically
which then transfer these electrons to oxygen, accompanied
improves the metabolic energy yield per molecule of glucose.
by the generation of ATP.
With an external electron acceptor available, complete oxida-
tion of substrates to CO2 becomes possible, and ATP yields are
much higher. By “external” we mean an electron acceptor that Respiration Includes Glycolysis, Pyruvate
is not a by-product of glucose catabolism. When an “internal” Oxidation, the Citric Acid Cycle, Electron
electron acceptor such as pyruvate or acetaldehyde is used Transport, and ATP Synthesis
(as during fermentation) to accept electrons from NADH (see We will consider aerobic respiration in five stages, as shown
Figure 9-8), the by-products are not completely oxidized to CO2. in Figure 10-1. The first three stages involve substrate oxida-
As a formal definition, cellular respiration is the flow of tion and the simultaneous reduction of coenzymes, and the
electrons, through or within a membrane, from reduced coenzymes second two involve coenzyme reoxidation and the generation
to an external electron acceptor, usually accompanied by the gen- of ATP. In cells, of course, all five stages occur continuously
eration of ATP. We have already encountered NADH as the and simultaneously.
reduced coenzyme generated by the glycolytic catabolism of Stage ●1 is the glycolytic pathway (which we encountered
sugars or related compounds. As we will see shortly, two other in Chapter 9). The steps of glycolysis are the same under
coenzymes, FAD (for flavin adenine dinucleotide) and coenzyme aerobic and anaerobic conditions and result in the oxidation
Q (or ubiquinone), also collect the electrons that are removed of glucose to pyruvate. However, in the presence of oxygen,
from oxidizable organic substrates and pass them to the termi- the fate of the pyruvate is different (see Figure 9-8). Instead
nal electron acceptor via a series of electron carriers, generat- of serving as an electron acceptor, as occurs in anaerobic fer-
Chapter 10
ing ATP in the process. mentation, pyruvate is further oxidized. In stage ● 2 , pyruvate
For many organisms, including us, the terminal electron is oxidized to generate acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA), which
acceptor is oxygen, which is reduced to water and, therefore, enters the citric acid cycle (stage ●
3 ). The citric acid cycle com-
the overall oxygen-requiring process is known as aerobic pletely oxidizes acetyl CoA to CO2 and conserves most of the
respiration. (Note that, in medical terminology at an or- energy as high-energy reduced coenzyme molecules.
1/2 O2
Inner membrane +
H and
Intermembrane space PROTON
H+ H+ H+ H+
H+ H + H+
Outer membrane H+ H+ H+ H H+
H+ H+ H+
H+ H+ H + H+ +
H+ Crista
+ Pi ATP + Pi H+
H+ ATP + Pi
H+ H+ H+
H+ H+
Figure 10-1 The Role of the Mitochondrion in Aerobic Respiration. The mitochondrion plays a central
role in aerobic respiration. Most respiratory ATP production in eukaryotic cells occurs in this organelle. Oxida-
tion of glucose and other sugars begins in the cytosol with glycolysis (stage ● 1 ), producing pyruvate. Pyruvate
is transported into the mitochondrion, where it is oxidized within the matrix to acetyl CoA (stage ● 2 ), the
primary substrate of the citric acid cycle (stage ●3 ). Acetyl CoA can also be formed by b oxidation of fatty acids.
Electron transport is coupled to proton pumping (stage ● 4 ) to produce an electrochemical proton gradient
across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The energy of the proton gradient drives the synthesis of ATP
from ADP and inorganic phosphate (stage ● 5 ).
powerhouse” of the eukaryotic cell. Defects in mitochondrial As early as 1850, the German biologist Rudolph Kölliker
function can lead to human diseases known as mitochon- described the presence of what he called “ordered arrays of
drial myopathies. In later chapters, we will discuss additional particles” in muscle cells. Isolated particles were found to swell
aspects of mitochondrial biology, such as protein import into in water, leading Kölliker to conclude that each particle was
mitochondria, destruction of damaged mitochondria by au- surrounded by a semipermeable membrane. These particles
tophagy, their role in programed cell death, and the mitochon- are now called mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) and are
drial genome. Here, however, we will focus on the key role of believed to have arisen when bacterial cells were engulfed by
mitochondria in cellular energy production. larger cells but survived, taking up permanent residence in
Chapter 10
occurrence in phototrophic cells reminds us that even photo- Calculations based on cross-sectional views of mitochon-
synthetic organisms rely on respiration to meet energy needs. dria in electron micrographs indicate that the number of mi-
The crucial role of the mitochondrion in meeting cellular tochondria per cell is highly variable, ranging from one or a
ATP needs is often reflected in the localization of mitochon- few per cell in many protists, fungi, and algae (and in some
dria within the cell. Frequently, mitochondria are clustered mammalian cells as well) to a few thousand per cell in some
Outer membrane
Inner membrane
Cristae junction
Figure 10-3 Mitochondrial Structure. (a) A mitochondrion of a bat pancreas cell as seen by electron mi-
croscopy (TEM). The cristae are formed by infoldings of the inner membrane. (b) A mitochondrion is illustrated
schematically in this cutaway view that shows the traditional “baffle” model of cristae structure. As noted in the
text, however, this model is currently being reconsidered.
The Outer and Inner Membranes Define Two membranes. The outer membrane is not a significant
Separate Compartments and Three Regions permeability barrier for ions and small molecules because
it contains transmembrane channel proteins called porins
Figure 10-3 shows both an electron micrograph and an il-
that permit the passage of solutes with molecular weights
lustration of a mitochondrion. A distinctive feature is the
up to about 5000 (see Figure 8-9). Similar proteins are
presence of two membranes, called the outer and inner
found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria.
Because porins allow the free movement of small molecules
and ions across the outer membrane, the intermembrane
space between the inner and outer membranes of the mi-
tochondrion is continuous with the cytosol with respect to
small solutes. However, enzymes targeted to the intermem-
brane space are effectively confined there because enzymes
and other soluble proteins are too large to pass through the
porin channels.
In contrast to the outer membrane, the inner
membrane of the mitochondrion presents a permeability
barrier to most solutes, thereby partitioning the mitochon-
drion into two separate compartments—the intermembrane
space and the interior of the organelle (the mitochondrial ma-
trix). The inner and outer membranes are each about 7 nm
thick and are typically separated by an intermembrane space
of about 7 nm. However, in certain spots the membranes are
in contact, and it is in these regions that proteins destined for
the mitochondrial matrix pass through the two membranes
(see Figure 19-26).
At the perimeter of the mitochondrion, the portion of
the inner membrane adjacent to the intermembrane space is
Figure 10-4 EM Tomography of an Extended
known as the inner boundary membrane. In addition, the inner
Mitochondrion. This tomogram of a mouse embryonic fibroblast membrane of most mitochondria has many distinctive infold-
shows the extended shape of the intact mitochondrion. Individual ings called cristae (singular: crista) that greatly increase its
cristae, mostly lamellar, are colored separately. Note the tubular surface area. In a typical liver mitochondrion, for example,
crista (light blue) at the bottom left. the area of the inner membrane (including the cristae) is
Chapter 10
ner boundary membrane through small tubular openings genome, mitochondria contain numerous nuclear-encoded
known as crista junctions. The small size of these openings proteins that are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes and
(approximately 20 nm) is thought to limit diffusion of mate- then imported into mitochondria (see Chapter 19).
rials between the intracristal space and the intermembrane