Geodynamics of MARGINS, King - Etal

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King et al

Geodynamics of MARGINS
Scott King (Virginia Tech), Peter van Keken (Univ. Michigan), Mike Gurnis (Caltech),
Marc Spiegelman (Lamont), Shijie Zhong (Univ. Colorado), Magali Billen (U.C. Davis)

An important accomplishment of the Suduction Factory Initiative has been the

development of thermal structure models of subduction zones that are consistent with
geophysical observations and accessible to the MARGINS community. At the
Subduction Factory TEI in Eugene, OR (2000) it became clear that the constant viscosity
slab/wedge thermal structure models widely‐used in the subduction factory
community were not consistent with a number of geophysical observations, including
heat flow, gravity, and geochemical constraints of slab surface temperature. After the
meeting, a number of groups developed high‐resolution temperature‐ and stress‐
dependent rheology models showing that the rheology of the wedge critically controls
the slab‐wedge thermal environment due to the difference between isoviscous and
temperature‐dependent viscosity mantle wedge flow patterns (1‐3). This new class of
kinematic‐dynamic slab thermal models has been extensively benchmarked (4) and
extended to consider compressible convection (5), time‐dependent flow (6), and 3D
wedge flow (7‐8). Additionally, slab thermal structure models have been linked with
petrologic models to predict arc lava compositions (9‐13).

While significant progress has been made over the last decade, the majority of the
thermal models are 2D and only partly dynamic (i.e., the downgoing slab does not
deform). Most models also neglect the generation or transport of fluids/magma.
Shear‐wave splitting observations (e.g., 14‐15) and the along‐strike variation of arc
petrology and subduction zone geometry show that subduction dynamics are 3D and
time‐dependent and these effects are only beginning to be explored (7‐8,16‐18). Shear‐
wave splitting observations have lead to the development of a conceptual model where
trench‐parallel flow in the mantle wedge results from mantle material flowing around
the edges of the slab driven by slab rollback (19). Kneller and van Keken (7‐8)
examined another mode of trench parallel flow driven by the pressure gradient due to
wedge geometry with a fixed slab. Both laboratory (20‐22) and numerical studies (23)
have examined slab‐rollback and trench migration however, the thermal and wedge
structures from these calculations have not been examined at the same level of detail as
the thermal structure calculations described in the first paragraph. The results
presented by Schmeling et al. document the importance of the free surface for dynamic
slab evolution. This has not been investigated in the current generation of slab thermal
structure models and whether the free surface formulation impacts slab and wedge
thermal structure is unknown.

Testing whether trench parallel flow results from trench migration, the hypothesis
developed to explain the shear wave splitting observations, has proven to be quite
challenging (23). At present, the resolution of the 3D calculations is significantly
coarser than the grids used in 2D calculations, raising concerns that the thermal
structure in the 3D models is not as well resolved. A decade ago a number of codes
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capable of solving 2D non‐Newtonian wedge flow were already in use and had been
benchmarked. It still took most of the decade to complete a subduction zone thermal
structure benchmark that most codes could reproduce because the geometry of the
wedge was something many codes were not designed to handle and, the nature of the
coupling at the top of the slab in the seismogenic zone proved challenging for many
codes. The current state of benchmarking of 3D convection codes is not as advanced as
was the case for the 2D codes in 2000 and there are significantly fewer 3D codes

Adding to the challenges described above, subduction flow calculations need to couple
melt, water (volatiles), and solid flow (9,24‐25). This is important understanding the
hydrous state of the mantle wedge and for better integration of geochemical data with
geodynamic models. Inclusion of fluids are critical for understanding the development
of serpentine in the corner of the mantle wedge and identifying the proper deformation
mechanism for olivine (i.e., hydrous or anhydrous conditions), which is critical to
interpret the shear wave splitting observations (26). Transport and reactive flow of
fluid and magmas in the wedge also control geochemical cycling through the subduction
system and into the deep mantle as well as the fundamental observation of the location,
composition and volume of arc volcanics.

Presently most slab thermal structure calculations assume a rheological structure in the
wedge that is loosely based on seismic and EM observations and the interpretation that
these indicate a significant component of serpentine in the corner of the wedge. This is
translated into reduced viscosity a priori. Topography and geoid can be used to
constrain the rheological structure of the wedge (16‐17) and future calculations could
be used to test various assumptions regarding regions of serpentinization. At present
dynamic topography and geoid are underutilized observational constraints.

The next generation of MARGINS will require a significant contribution from

geodynamic modeling. This will require supporting geodynamics projects, such as
coupling melt, volatile, and solid flow and may require coordination between MARGINS
and CIG (Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics) to ensure that critical
functionality necessary to address goals relevant to the MARGINS program is
incorporated into geodynamic tools.

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Figure 1 (a) 2D high‐resolution calculation with dislocation creep in the mantle wedge
from (4). (b) Fluid distribution (color contours), fluid flow (black lines) and solid flow
(white lines) from a 2D wedge calculation from (9). C) Cross‐section through New
Hebrides and Tonga from 3D global model with variable resolution (27).

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