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Geography: Soil 1" comparative questions Year 2012-13 1. Define the following: Li Sol Thi ayn Leo 201 Min Arma) sek porTidue Je mar covering amd . (i) Humus dl omit: matr Advidh fulba Je make dol! futuile- i) Soil textute OF croatia tn aot. ray domed, 20 day v aoteusel + 2. Name the sei foundon the surnmits of Eastern and Western Gats, Mention two cate conditions whieh promote ts formations
MaosSlure, ALINE Fnhoe meaning of the following: Texture of the soil.20>-18 210 RegurAlask coi} also brown an Rigur poldaulugar twee Riguds” arming Lavo + Plugging of gues. quite tacks Sn Ae bugged sabsee dabealtion chair» aon Sranned with CamSranner Scanned with CamScanner6. Give reasons for each of the following statements (i) Sosteros cn nas taken place in Shivals area. abypusd Sem day tamer Heute raanry memeowre (i) Ganga pins forte are Peon) & goa com ealluustinn found Te + Aoty ATI 4 Puede Year 2016-17 1. With reference to red sou! answer the follawing: (i) How is the soit formed? 202-3 OA — Jd. fi) Geetematas properties 25x8-1¢ Hoos auneTid ) HT ralDune SBA AR Pears i) Name tivo raps that ean be Brown on thistype of a Rag augensae — Mention two ways by which soils get nitroger. Ogre ‘ AK se Meron unworn wnanh ne OR Basse (i) Give two characteristics ofthis sil MghS pees, Cally Zilla 2 Jia tnale “i h between Khadar and Bhanger soil. 20¥3-t4 y -§) . 6 e aBeting Bs) 012-13 Bevel, Sena erlang, “Be cet emuama-tus emrsnen A2iwerne orn: a) oD e eodulativiaw ard dchae survum sy 10 NEE | Cemented ot eert aargons 40k ool corr ear pene on Spat Tosi daw ee “ Hota Ww 4 déghfess 78 : i) Latente souls red in color, day Je Sem Onicha Year 2017-18 L (i) Name the transported so# most wideiy found in Inca, Atuaaial Goth i) State the two sub-categorias in to which iis did radar , Ghargar brs center: eenrence (iii) Which: of them 1s superior and why? radar , Mypbaidhd aay Aen yey er gee parcilin Shed, 2. Give two characteristics of the gol found mest sustabls fog sorter, Sop Bend dea i cca bail eee ee o sola atl wi litpes brea inks eatin’ (il) Redsoil needs 10 be irigated nag mroidute mowive os Maly hove. (i) Man g rgely responsible for sil eropgn.-aungranirg, faulty deena Zude 1 ie SE try ees ain caBen 5, Define the following: Arungth oh 20 Taaubbod blond Uke - {) Solleonversion cond Rrowurtion sf orion ob eb eatl Ay News maohede ii) In-situ soils. 20th shSeh-duelehs Ea ante Wy |oid mover © rustdualacit- sed Laas (ii) Humus 20>, 0-00") found at the Mau & ovina ae 6. Give reasons: ; {i) Soil erosion has rapidly increased in Shivatk Range. t2\S= "+r SEN fi) Over-grazing is the cause of soil erosion. 203 enpeaid 70 tsind weston aia 3e ne WATSTon he necko Fe Aina | Awerus deere 4 asrads J. suaion DAtghounus fur aUausl) “n a nartons Nei ee plain eh dnd - ‘Austad Weviurin laine ay Baouret wht Bayoy Hep TEA Ne Sen Fe Re ns Son Rud 2d re SEPES with CamSeanner Scanned with CamScannerYear 2018-19 hai : SeSBIA ARE SUS in at soit found, Caan Fhe 3 aurnnasza of dahaydiia 26 * plain the need for soil conservation in india, State nwo methods of soil conse © following (what ein dusytd cergomte reaBun half aah + uO : wow 02s overgrazing leads sol erosion 27M ANH) (ui) Mention tw 3. Name the seil () Which supports half of the rope (i) That has self ploughing capacity. Bad Gil) That is useful for the cultivation of Jute. AUuastal & Give the meaning of the following . texture oor? iy) (i) Plugging of gullies. tii ‘ontour plougnin; cone bru cell Loashed | come ocnen pace ee hat Hapa ny pod se 1 less fertile. done takSiane ADEAURH 1 Poon Son 6/0), Hears tov a4 as 4 } Black soil needs to be tilled after the first rai ifeclayere sham ADa aig feus7 70 fun) Different reasons in india have diferent nd of sais. 2019-18 Day counat Lewin cones = 7a) Fegan, 000) Fain Jet» Yeor 2019-20 > 41n0 fubibie one, sane 7 “Bgl iran -unitoon. “4 Reet tion aaa thio differences between alluvial Sol! found in the upper course and lower 2. define he fellow ft) Soilfertity ,Saungptadk anit 20 abhor bard she « fudey Are forbid) (i Soltexture Fafoes 20 ale ch fardidie Ln egl) 100d alt clay, gpm - mafconeny t sige 3. Define legchipgand mention tng climatic conan ven pramots a Deduct go aaneiSanay e382 oe i epaek detail” ; ‘Spouse | Ae ee {)_tdentty the soil having self ploughing quality laa ti) Mention two ofits chemical properties xf 4 LMERP, side pDUAINE difivs fa) ame any two cash crops grown in it coDem jbaege | T ve Rasa 5. Explain the following terms: eae, = . _ f) Transported soil (exit) Inamabeoud oy wanlous wieropa Ad irrn aati Sess ah Goats Yass ‘fem pla Bh ry 2 Se geanan ats Cee 6: Globe thon 2h 200) camavncton: bndindia Bia Lemke Gael con OB ime. J inate f sad ood foummad 2 Asie Trunnern Aor hos praduadioity OPT a Ge weotedabn ohh $e | reahiel Sm tandergpaued Alin bd , aire) diasEYSN ON » Gordie) aitiheg ah URE 3 felony wating & -ysallne tyewamenphie pedae Aghun. Thuy one status - stom h aides) : + peor Sie iP, pase haar Seanned with CamSeanner diese 3 ae msldas HDL (i) Humus Scanned with CamScannerLower Cowrar non-poroua Bday alluyiwun Leone draunieh Pine] Live carver Arnal Lnitour baDilse| rade - Scanned with CamScanner
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