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Evidencia 3

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He/she – his/her

1. Look at the information about Bill and Sabine.

Name Bill Frasier Sabine Ganz

City Chicago Zurich
Age 30 22
Pone addrss 312-555-0749 43 44 900 4754
Email address bfrasier@gmail.com sabinegz@swissmail.cg
Married? No No

email addresses: @ = at =dot

2. Listen and complete the questions about Bill.

a) What's his surname? Frasier

b) What´s his first name? Bill
c) Where’s he from? Chicago
d) How old is he? 30
e) What's his phone number? 312-555-0749
f) What´s his email address? bfrasier@gmail.com
g) Is he married? No, he isn't.
Practise the questions and answers with a partner.

3. Listen and complete the questions about Sabine.

a) What's her surname? Ganz

b) What's her first name? Sabine
c) Where is she from? Zurich
d) How old is she? 22
e) What's her phone number? 43 44 900 4754
f) whar´s her email address? sabinegz@swissmail.ch
g) Is she married? No, she isn´t
Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. Completehe chart of the verb to be.

Positivo Negativo
I am = I´m I ´m not
You are = you´re You aren´t
He is = he´s He isn´t
She is = She´s She isn´t

2. Write the possessive adjectives.

Pronouns Possessive
Talking about you I My
You Your
4 Ask and answer questions with a partner.
He His
She Her
Talking about you

1. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

 What's your surname?
My surname is Tigreros
 What's your first name?
My first name is Liz
 How do you spell your surname?
T (ti) I (ai) G (yi) R (ar) E (i) R (ar) O (ou) S (es)
 How old are you?
21 years
 What's your phone number?
302 2021309
 What's your emailaddress?
 Are you married?
No, I'm not.


Verbs – have/go/live/like

1. Listen to and read about Rick

Wilson's life and family.
2. Complete the sentences about Rick.
1 I go to Kinsston Universitv.
2 I have a brother and a sister.
3 I live with my parents in a house in West London.
4 My family really like Lily!
Listen and check.
3. Complete the sentences about you.
I go to agricultural center Buga l have a father and mother
I live with my parents in a house in Buga l really like pear.
Tell a partner


4. Read the Grammar Spot. Find more examples of 's in the text. Are they is
or possession?

Look at the sentences.
My name’s Rick. ‘s = is
My brother’s name is Edward.
his name

5. Answer the questions.

1 Who's Edward? He's Rick's brother.

2 Who's Rosie? She’s Rick’s sister
Peter? He’s Rick’s father
Helen? She’s Rick’s mother
Lily? She’s Rick’s lovely
3 What's his father's job? He's a salesman
4 What's his mother's job? She’s a teacher

Be – am, is, are

1. Complete the sentences with the verb to be.

1. Where are you from?

2. 'Are you from London?' 'Yes, I am
3. 'How old are you?' 'I am 15’.
4. 'are your sisters married?' 'No, they aren’t
5. I like you. You are my friend.
6. Hans isn’t from Germany, he’s from Switzerland.
7. Is yur mother a doctor? No, she isn’t
8. I am not Italian. I’m French

Listen and check

2. What is 's, ls or possession?

1. My name's Juan. 's = is

2. My sister's friend isnt married. 's = possacsion
3. Sonia's Italian. ‘s=is
4. She's a teacher. s’=is
5. Her brother's wife isnt English. 's = possacsion
6. My brother's children are beautiful. 's = possacsion


3. Listen and tick ( ) the sentence you hear.

1. a He's from Italy.
b She's from Italy.
2. a What's his name?
b What's her name?
3. a Your English is good.
b You're English. Good.
4. a Where's she from?
b Where's he from?
5. a His teacher is from England.
b He's a teacher in England.
6. a You arent English.
b We arent English.

4. Listen and complete the names and email addresses.


I. My name’s Vanessa V A N E S S A
II. My firt name’s Joseph J O S O S E P H
My surname´s Bowen B O W E N
III. My name´s Katie Matthews K A T I E M A T T H E W S
Email adresses
IV. My email address is g.humt8@yahoo.com
That’s G dot H U N T eight at yahoo dot com
V. My emal adres is Zac.yates@yahoo.com
That’s Zac, Z A C dot yates, Y A T E S, at gmail dot co dot UK

Talking about you

2. Make true sentences you with the verb to be.

1. I ‘m not at home.
2. We ‘re not in class.
3. We ‘re in a café.
4. It ‘s Monday today.
5. My teacher’s name ‘s Richard
6. My mother and fader ‘re at work.
7. I ‘m married.
8. My grandmother ‘s ceventy-five years old.
Read your sentences to your partner


3. Write about you and your life.

Read it aloud to the rest of the class.

My name’s Liz Angelly Tigreros Osorio

I’m fron Buga
I’m a Student
I go to agricultural center Buga
I have a brother and a sister
My sister’s name is Helen
I live in Buga
My father’s a builder
Astudent’s blog

1. Look at the photos of London. What can you see?

one of the photos shown is big ben clock, london england, I also see a
photo of the tower bridge, they are two important tourist sites in this city.
What other famous places do you know in London?
I do not know more tourist places in this city

2. Work with a partner. Complte the sentences with suitable adjective from
the box.

Big small nice

Expensive interesting difficult
Friedly cold sunny

a. London is a big city.

b. The people are interesting
c. The wether is sunny
d. English is a language difficult

Discuss your ideas with the class

3. Annalisa is a student in London. Read and listen to her blog. Are the
sentences true ( ) or false (X)
1 Annalisa is from ltaly.
2 She's in Rome. X She isn't in Rome. She's in London.
3 Peter and Helen have two sons.
4 She's in a small school. X she isn’t in a small school. She’s in big
5 Her school is in the centre.
6 The students in her class are all from Europe.
7 Rosie is Annalisa's teacher. X Annalisa's teacher is Mery
8 The National Gallery is expensive. The coffee is good.
9 The Underground is difficult to use. X the underground is not difficult to
10 The coffee is good. The coffee is good.

4 Complete the questions about Annalisa. Ask and answer them with your
1. Where's Annalisa from? Italy.
2. Where’s her school? In the centre of London.
3. What's her name? Charlotte.
4. What’s her family’s name? Wilson.
5. Where’s their house?
In Notting Hill, in West London.
6. How old are the two brothers?
Edward\ 16 and Rick\ 19.
7. Is the weather OK?
Yes, it is. It’s cold and sunny.

Listening, check, and pratise.

5. Look at the potos in Annalisa’s blog.

What/who canyou see?

6. Listen to five conversations. Complete the chart.

Where Who is she with


Vocabulary work

7. What is the opposite adjective?

1. a good student a bad teacher

2. a big city a Little town
3. a hot day a cold weather
4. horrible coffee a beutiful meal
5. a cheap café an expensive restaurant
6. an old man a young girl
7. a slow bus a quick car
8. an easy exercise difficult homework

1. Complete the verb to be.
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are

Complete the possessive


I My
You Your
He his
She her
We our
they their


The family

1. Complete the diagram with words from the box

Mother boyfriend wife son

Niece brother aunt grandmother

The family

Father and mother

Husband and wife
Son And daughter
brother And sister
grandfather and grandmother
uncle and aunt
nephew and niece
boyfried and girlfriend

2. Complete the sentences.

I My mother's father is my grandfather

2 My father’s mother is my grandmother.
3 My mother’s sister is my aunt.
4 My aunt's husband is my uncle.
5 My sister's son is my nephew.
6 My brother's daugter is my niece.

Use these words to complete sentence 7, 8, and 9

cousins children parents

7 Your mother and father are your parents

8 Your son and your daughter are your children

3. Listen and write the names.

Richard Andrea Nancy Tom John Odile Marie Isabel

Joseph My family isnt very big. I have a sister, Andrea, she’s 18, and a
brother Richard, he's 25. They're not married. I'm married, erm, my wife's
name is Isabel. We have two children, a daughter, Nancy, that's N-A-N-C-Y,
she's 4, and a son, Tom, he's only six months old. We live near my parents.
My dad's name is John, and my mum's is Odile, that's O-D-I-L-E. She's
French. My grandmother lives with them, her name's Marie. She's my mum's

john Odile

Richard Andrea Isabel

Nancy Tom
4. Write the names of some people in your family.
Ask and answer questions with a partner

Who’s Carlos?
He’s my father

Who are Laura and Julia?

They are cousins

Who’s Humberto?
He is aunt.

5. Talk to your partner about your family.

My grandmother is 72. My grandfather is . 79..

They live in Buga. ..
I like my aunt Nancy and uncle Jairo
I have cousins.


Everyday conversations

1. I work with a partner. Make different conversations

Student A: Hi… Pete

Student A:How are you?
Student B: fine
Student B: thank you
Student B: And yoy?
Student A: very well
Student A: thanks

Student A: Helo… Sally

Studen A: How are you?
Student B: Not Bad
Student B: thanks
Student B: And you
Student A: ok
Student A: thank you.

2. Listen and compare. Practise again.

1. A. Hello, Sally. How are you?

B. OK, thank you. And you?
A. Fine, thanks.
2. A. Hi, Pete. How are you?
B. All right, thanks. And you?
A. Not bad, thank you.
3. A. Good morning, Mr Simpson. How are you?
B. Very well, thank you. And you?
A. Fine, thank you.
4. A. Hello, Mrs Brown. How are you?
B. Fine, thank you. And you?
A. Not bad.

3. Look at the pictures. Complete the conversations.

1. A. Bye, Mum! It's time for school.

B. Goodbye darling. Have a good day!
A. Thanks. See you later.
2. C. Good morning!
D. Good morning! Can I have a coffee, an espresso, please?
C. Yes, of course! Anything else?
D. No, thank you.
3. E. Good afternoon! Can I help you?
F. No, thank you. We’re just looking.
E. That's OK.
4. G. Frank. This is Gina. She's from our New York office.
H. Hello, Gina. Nice to meet you.
I. Hello, Frank. Pleased to meet you, too.
5. J. Thank goodness it's Friday! Bye, Ian.
K. Bye, Derek. Have a good weekend.
J. Thanks. Same to you.
K. Seey ou on Monday!
6. L. Good night! Sleep well.
M. Good night! See you in the morning.

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