Ismaiel2021 1
Ismaiel2021 1
Ismaiel2021 1
Rotating range sensor approached for mobile robot obstacle detection and collision
avoidance applications
AIP Conference Proceedings 2333, 130001 (2021);
Simulation of thermal effects of engineering objects in the arctic regions on the permafrost
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Using properties of basic solids and geometric polyhedrons for their constructions
AIP Conference Proceedings 2333, 050003 (2021);
© 2021 Author(s).
A Simulation-Based Study to Calculate All the Possible
Trajectories of Differential Drive Mobile Robot
Ahmed Ismaiel1, a) and M. Yu. Filimonov1, 2, b)
1) Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2) Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yekaterinburg, Russia
a) Corresponding author:
Abstract. Deferential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) is being used in many applications as it is easy to be modeled and controlled.
This research presents the idea of using DDMR turning motion behavior to develop an algorithm that calculate all the circular
trajectories. This can be used to navigate DDMR in a curvature paths instead of linear ones. In this research we design and simulate
Differential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) model. Then we use the simulated model to calculate all the possible trajectories that
DDMR can follow with each left and right wheel velocity configurations. Results are saved in a navigation look-up table that can
be implemented in DDMR navigation’s approach.
Differential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) is a ground wheel-based mobile robot with three degree of freedom and
two actuators, that is why DDMR is described as a non-holonomic robot. DDMR consists of two independently
driven wheels on the left and right of robot’s chassis and one caster wheel in the front to balance the whole robot
structure. Its motion behavior depends on the velocity configuration of each wheel. DDMR is commonly used in
robotic research applications to test different navigation and obstacle avoidance algorithms due to its mobility and
simple mechanical implementation [1]. DDMR proved its efficiency as a reliable mobile robot in many applications,
such as floor cleaning mobile robots [2], inspection activities [3], transportation [4] and in many other applications.
DDMR Navigation and control algorithm topics attract many researchers as these are a cornerstone in any autonomous
robot application. Navigating DDMR through an environment with obstacle is demanding that DDMR follows specific
trajectories that are collision-free and lead to the desired goal position and orientation. Most of navigation techniques
to move DDMR from start point to goal point are using paths consist of straight lines and joints, where DDMR
follows the straight line and turning only in the joint point like in [5] and [6]. There are other researches include
DDMR curvature trajectory in DDMR control model as in [7]. While in this article two different algorithms are
proposed to provide DDMR wheels’ velocities configurations for given curvature trajectories. This research is a part
of a PhD project to develop and control DDMR for smart city applications and to implement collision avoidance
algorithm explained in [8].
This research aims to find DDMR possible circular trajectories instead of linear trajectories. As per DDMR kine-
matics, it follows circular trajectory if its driving wheels have different angular velocity values, and the radius of
this trajectory can be calculated. In this article, we present the DDMR configuration and derive its kinematic model
equations. We use this kinematic model to calculate all the possible circular trajectories that DDMR can follow with
different wheels’ angular velocities configurations. Trajectories’ data is saved in a look up table. DDMR motion
behavior and depicted trajectories are presented in Results section. Two different algorithms (A and B) are described
to calculate right and left wheel angular velocity as a function of trajectory radius and linear velocity. We evaluate the
performance of each algorithm and explain the Integration of both algorithms to navigate the DDMR. At the end of
this paper, we conclude the research result.
Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE’20)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2333, 070008-1–070008-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4077-7/$30.00
Kinematic problem is the study of mobile robot motion and its mechanical system behavior [9]. It is important in
order to configure robot’s design and controller parameters. In this section, we derive the mathematics of DDMR
motionwithoutconsideringanyforcesthataffectthemotion. DDMRmaincontrollingparametersaretheleftand
positionandorientationaredescribedbytwodifferentframesasinfigure1:InertialframeXi ,Yi andRobotframeXr ,
Yr .ThefirstframeinthebasefixedcoordinateswhereDDMRpositioncoordinatesare(xi , yi )andDDMRorientation
angleisθi .ThesecondframeisamovingframeattachedtotheDDMRwhereDDMRpositioncoordinatesare(xr , yr )
andDDMRorientationisθr . DDMRwheelbaseisanaxisconnectscenterofrotationofbothDDMRleftandright
wheelandhasthelengthL.DDMRheadingdirectionisthedirectionofXr .Transformationmatrixisusedtoconvert
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ẋi cos θ sin θ 0 x˙r
⎣ ẏi ⎦ = ⎣ sin θ cos θ 0⎦ ⎣ y˙r ⎦ . (1)
θ̇i 0 0 1 θ˙r
The following parameters are used to derive the kinematic model equations: ωr and ωl are the right and left wheels’
angular velocities respectively. vr and vl are the right and left wheels’ linear velocities respectively. v and ω are
the DDMR linear and angular velocities respectively. Assume that DDMR wheels are rolling with different angular
velocities ωr = ωl , each wheel contacts the ground at a single point, and each wheel rolling without any slipping on
the ground. In this case, both wheels follow a circular trajectory with common center point called ICC (Instantaneous
Center of Curvature) and DDMR moves with linear velocity v and angular velocity ω along the circular trajectory
with radius R around ICC. R is the length of line connecting ICC point and the center point of wheelbase axis. We can
get DDMR linear and angular velocities when it completes one full turn around ICC during time T :
v = 2πR/T, (2)
ω = 2π/T. (3)
From equations (2) and (3), we can get DDMR linear velocity as a function of angular velocity
v = ωR. (4)
The linear velocities of each wheel can be calculated by associating the corresponding trajectory circular radius for
each wheel in equation (4)
vr = ω(R + l/2), (5)
vl = ω(R − l/2). (6)
The linear velocity of each wheel can be represented by its angular velocity and wheel radius as following vr = ωr r
and vl = ωl r. From equation (5) and (6) we calculate the radius of the circular trajectory that DDMR will follow
R as in equation (7). DDMR linear and angular velocities are represented by both wheels’ angular velocities as in
equations (9), while equation (8) is derived from equations (4), (5) and (6)
rL (ωr + ωl )
R= , (7)
2 (ωr − ωl )
v = (ωr + ωl ), (8)
ω= (ωr − ωl ). (9)
Then we describe DDMR linear velocity v in robot frame x˙r and y˙r directions. As per our assumptions, wheels
rolling with no lateral slip, linear velocity component in y˙r equal to zero and angular velocity ω = θ˙r .
v = x˙r = (ωr + ωl ), y˙r = 0. (10)
DDMR velocity components in robot frame can be shown in equation (11). substituting in equation (1) we get DDMR
kinematic model equation that describes the velocity of DDMR as a function of it’s right and left wheel angular
⎡ ⎤ ⎡r r ⎤
2 2
⎣ y˙r ⎦ = ⎣ 0 0 ⎦ ωr
, (11)
r −r ωl
θ˙r 2 2
⎡ ⎤ ⎡r ⎤
2 cos θ 2 cos θ
⎣ ẏi ⎦ = ⎣ r sin θ −r ⎦ ωr
2 2 sin θ ωl
. (12)
θ̇i r
we use equation (12) to programmatically simulate DDMR model and to get the position and trajectory that the model
follow by calculating its new position xi (t + δt ), yi (t + δt ) and orientation θi (t + δt ) for each simulation iteration with
time increment δt :
xi (t + δt ) = xi (t) + ẋi ,
yi (t + δt ) = yi (t) + ẏi ,
θi (t + δt ) = θi (t) + θ̇i .
DDMR modeling and kinematic equations are simulated by using Processing programming based on Java. Processing
provides researchers with both programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the
media arts communities [11]. DDMR all trajectories images are prepared and exported by using Processing. Data
analysis, charts and algorithms are programmed by Python. Python is one of the simplest, high-level, general-purpose
programming language with efficient libraries in the scope of data analysis and machine learning [12]. Algorithm
are programmed with the use of “numpy” library [13]. However, explanation charts are depicted with the use of
“matplotlib” library [14].
In the previous section, we derived DDMR kinematic equations. Now, we implement DDMR model with the kine-
matic equation. DDMR simulated model has the following design parameters: maximum wheel angular velocity
vmax = 4 deg/sec, minimum angular velocity step ωstep = 0.1, wheelbase L = 20 cm and wheel radius r = 2 cm.
Each wheel has 81 angular velocity values in the range of [−4...4, step = 0.1]. By using equation (7), we get 6561
circulartrajectories’radiiforeachleftandrightwheelangularvelocity. Theresulting6561radiivaluesarestoredin
gorithmBdependsonmathematicalcalculationstogetDDMRangularvelocitiesconfigurations. Figure2showsthe
flowchartofbothalgorithms. thefirststepinbothalgorithmsissettingtheinputvariables. Inputdataarethedesired
trajectoryradiusRanddesiredDDMRlinearvelocityvldesired. AlgorithmAgetsthedesiredRandsearchinginthe
navigationlook-uptabletogetthecorrespondingωr ,ωl andvl. AlgorithmBcalculatesthepossiblewheelangular
R+k rL
ωr = ωl , k= . (13)
R−k 2
All the values of ωr and vl are calculated for the desired radius and for each value of ωl in the range of [−4...4, step =
0.1]. Then algorithm B repeats this calculation for ωl with each value of ωr in the range of [−4...4, step = 0.1]. The
last three steps are the same for both algorithm A and B. In these steps, error values e between the desired linear
velocity vldesired and resulting linear velocity vl for each wheels’ angular velocities configurations are calculated. Then,
the angular velocities configuration with the minimum error values are sent to the algorithms data as an output. The
performance of each algorithm is evaluated by measuring the processing time Tp “The time taken by the computer to
process the algorithm calculation and give the resulting angular velocities” and the error value of the resulting linear
velocity and the current DDMR linear velocity. Algorithms programming codes are executed by Google Colaboratory
that provides typical processing performance for both algorithms [15].
From equation (7) DDMR motion behaviors can be categorized to separate groups, for example when both wheels
rotates around their axes in the same angular velocity, that results in positive or negative infinity trajectory radius,
in this case DDMR motion behavior is straight forward or backward. DDMR has nine motion behaviors rely on
eachwheellinearvelocityconfigurations. TableIshowsDDMRmotionbehaviorgroups. Theresultofallpossible
ofωl intherangeof[−4...4, step=0.1]. x-axisrepresentsthevaluesofωr ,y-axisrepresentsthevaluesofresulting
radius. Thedepictedradiiaregraphicallyshowninfigure 6. Oneradiuscurveωl =2andωr =[−4...4, step=0.1]
is shown in figure 4. This shows that the maximum value of trajectory radius can be 390.0 cm for turning left
movementand410.0 cmforturningrightmovement. Fromthechartinfigure3,forasingletrajectoryradiusthere
can be different ωr and ωl configuration. These configurations are being used for DDMR navigation purposes in
DDMRmodelradiusvaluesupto790.0 cmcanbeachieved.
algorithmAtobeusedforDDMRnavigationapplications. However,algorithmBmakeallthecalculationsduring
DDMRnavigationtofindthesuitablewheel’sangularvelocities. Performanceevaluationresultsofbothalgorithm
A and B are shown in figure . In this evaluation, trajectory radius and linear velocity values are given as input to
eachalgorithm,thenfigure(a)showsresponsetimeT foralgorithmAandB.Figure(b)thepercentageerrorbetween
thedesiredDDMRlinearvelocityandthecalculatedonebyeachalgorithm. It’sobviousthatalgorithmAhasbetter
Using circular trajectories to navigate DDMR can be effective method for mobile robots application. as Shown
in figure 6, DDMR can reach all points in its configuration space by configure DDMR wheels’ angular velocities.
Wheels’ angular velocity resolution affects the quantity of available circular trajectories that can be followed by
radius trajectories can be achieved with lower wheels’ angular velocity resolution. Total quantity of trajectories N
canbecalculatedasfollowingN=2 ωvmax st ep
, thereisaninverseproportionbetweentrajectoriesquantityandangular
(a) ωstep = 0.1 (b) ωstep = 0.5 (c) ωstep = 1.0
tionstofindtheoptimumωr andωl. However,itisrelativelydependsontheapplicationpriorities. Forapplications
that give more attention to trajectory accuracy over the time of processing, algorithm B is more suitable. But for
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