Name of The Musical Instrument
Name of The Musical Instrument
Name of The Musical Instrument
Cordillera Musical Instruments
It is a flat gong that is played
in an ensemble of two or
more gongs of varying sizes.
It is played either by striking
1. Gangsa
with the palm while rested on
the lap or beaten with
wooden mallet while held on
the left hand.
It is a bamboo tube of
different sizes that is closed
at one end while the other is
cut into two blades. It is
played by striking against the
palm of one hand.
2. Bungkaka
or Bilbil
4. Tongatong
It is a mouth-resonated
bamboo instrument played
with a flexible tongue fixed on
5. Ulibaw end to a surrounding frame.
It is an instrument made
of bamboos of different sizes
with varied timbre. It is split
into half. Each produces
sound by striking a wooden
6. Patteteg
stick while the instrument is
rested on the lap.
Mindoro Musical Instruments
It is a lute with a long neck,
and two strings that run from
the neck to the base of a
resonating chamber.
1. Kudyapi
It is an instrument with 3 to 4
strings with a wooden body
and human hair for the bow.
It is played with a bow.
2. Gitgit
It is a pair of equal-sized
wood sticks which are struck
3. Kalutang
3. Pagang