3.1 How Big Is The Universe
3.1 How Big Is The Universe
3.1 How Big Is The Universe
F(r)= Gm1m2/r2
and is directed exactly along the line, connecting their centers. Here G is the Gravitation
constant, which has to be defined experimentally. Today we know that its value is
G = 6.67·10–11 N·m2/kg2
Based on this assumption, one can precisely calculated the orbits of all planets in Solar system
and find their shape (they are ellipses) and time characteristics (the period of rotation for each
planets depends on its average distance r from the Sun proportional to r3/2. Everything exactly in
compliance with observations and observation tables, collected by Johan Kepler and all other
Only one question remained unclear: how the gravitation force affects the body through
absolutely empty space? How it works? This question remained open until the General
Relativity Theory, created by another genius Albert Einstein (1879–1955) in 1915, which we
will discuss later.
Calculations based on the Newton Laws and observations of astronomers allowed to define the
parameters of the Solar system and the planets in it. In short, they are listed in a table below:
Planet Distance from the Year (rotation Diameter, related Relative mass
Sun period around the to the diameter of (related to the
(in astronomic Sun) Earth = Earth mass =
units. In terrestrial years 12,74·103 km 6·1024 kg)
1 a.u. = 1,5·108 km)
0. SUN 0 - 220 3.3·105
1. Mercury 0.3 – 0.47 0.24 0.38 0,055
2. Venus 0.718–0.728 0.615 0.95 0,815
3. EARTH 1 1 1 1
4. Mars 1.38-1.52 1.88 0.532 0.107
5. Jupiter 5-5.2 11.86 11 318
6. Saturn 9-10 29.46 9.14 95
7. Uranus 18.4-20 84 3.98 14
8. Neptune 30 164,8 3.86 17
After Newton and basing on his theory astronomers had discovered and calculated parameters of
at least two new big planets (Neptune and Uranus), very many smaller planets, asteroids, comets
and moons, circling around bigger planets. The complete updated list and all the interesting
parameters anyone can nowadays found in reference books or on the Internet.
Just only note some peculiar facts: The mass of the Sun exceeds the Mass of the Earth
approximately million times! And the total mass of all the planets in Solar system makes just
0.14% percent of the mass of the whole system. The rest 99.86% belongs to the Sun. Isn’t it
reminding You about atoms and their nuclei?
On the picture to the left one may estimate the relative sizes of different planets. On the other
picture the Venus planet (having approximately the same size as the Earth) is plotted over the
Solar disk.
The radius of all Solar system (from the Sun to the most remote smaller planets and comets)
exceeds 5 billion kilometers (~ 35 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun). The message is:
the Solar system proved to be much bigger, than it was previously (before Newton) thought to
And the distances beyond the borders of the Solar system are even much-much bigger!
The distances in far space is not convenient to measure in kilometers or even in astronomical
units, as it is convenient to do within the Solar system (1 a.u. = 1,5·108 km equals the average
distance between the Sun and the Earth). Like moles are more convenient to calculate molecules,
the LIGHT YEARs are more convenient to calculate distances in the Universe. 1 LIGHT YEAR
is the distance, that the light passes in one year. 1 light year = 9.46·1015 m ( ~103 the diameter of
the Solar system).
Even the nearest to the Sun stars are located at the distances of many light years!
(The nearest one – the Proxima of Centaurus – 4.2 light years)
And the most far away known objects in the Universe are divided from us by the distances of ~
109 – 1010 light years! The Universe is really big!
The question is: why it is so big? Or even we may put it in another way: why it HAS TO BE so
Let us for a while return back to molecular physics and thermodynamics. The systems of
molecules, due to chaotic character of their motion, tend to go into a state with maximum
possible (under this or that conditions) disorder. In physics there is a special value, that measures
the degree of disorder in a system. This value has a name Entropy. The higher is disorder – the
higher is the entropy of the system. And there is a the 2-nd Great Law of Thermodynamics,
which states that any macroscopic system being taken out from the equilibrium state (means the
state with maximal entropy and degree of disorder) and then left to itself (means the system is
isolated from any external interference) will always change its state towards equilibrium. It
means that the ENTROPY of the isolated system can either grow (towards equilibrium state) or
remain constant (in equilibrium state, which has maximal possible value of entropy).
ENTROPY is the measure of disorder of matter. The higher is the entropy – the less is the order.
If to apply the Second Great Law to the Universe taken as a whole, we may note, that
1. The Universe is by definition the isolated system, as there is nothing beyond it, no
external forces or influences are possible. According to the 2-nd Law the entropy (means
– disorder) in isolated systems MUST grow or remain constant. .
2. Life (proteins, DNA, biological cells, living creatures and human beings) are definitely
more ordered systems than any gas or liquid. It has incomparable less entropy, than the
same set of atoms being dispersed (as it happens after it dies)
3. Moreover – the Earth itself, being a complicated self-developing system, is much more
ordered than a gas of atoms, from which it origins. The same we may say about the Sun
and other stars. How it may happen, if the 2-nd Law of Therm. is true?
4. The only chance: the entropy of a big system MUST only grow, but it is possible that in
some small part of it the entropy may locally decrease.
5. For existing of ordered self-organized systems (islands of order) it is necessary that they
shall be surrounded by much bigger volume of disordered matter (ocean of disorder),
where the excess entropy can be spread.
It means: Universe has to be BIG!
The old System of Spheres was not big enough and was thought to be very harmonious. The
ORDER and HARMONY were ruling the system. Such a system cannot evolve from initial
chaos by the laws of physics. It can be only created – and created directly into the final shape.
To have a chance to evolve from initial chaos and to have enough space to disperse excess
quantity of entropy the Universe MUST be BIG! And MUST be from the very beginning NON-