Trial Lesson - Suggested Structure Kids

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Trial Lesson - Suggested Structure

Stages and activities

1. Conversation with parent/guardian*

*if you do not have a common language, use a translation service

● Introduce yourself
● Talk about the learner's previous language learning experience

2. Demonstrate Preply Classroom to learner and parent/guardian

● Demonstrate the Preply classroom works

● Establish what you’ll be using to communicate with the parent (e.g. chat and notes)
● Demo how to make the whiteboard bigger and float the video
● Show the whiteboard tools within the whiteboard

3. Assess the learner's language level (no more than 10 mins)

Materials: busy images on Preply whiteboard

Task: Show images and ask the student to 'point' to objects you name on the images, ask
follow-up questions to extend

Very Young Learners (up to 5yrs old): *colours, numbers, food, animals, clothes, the face.

Young Learners (7-11yrs old): *the classroom, the house, sports/free-time activities, places,
daily routines

4. Mini Class

Very Young Learners (up to 5 yrs old)

● Warmer (TPR activity or flashcards)
● Song/chant
● Movement Break
● Matching activities in the classroom (e.g. colours, numbers, animals, food)
Young Learners (6-11yrs)
● Warmer (e.g. flashcard game with lexical set from the next activity)
● Matching and writing activity on whiteboard (e.g. sports, places in a town, jobs)
● Movement Break
● Game (e.g. Bingo with lexical items from the earlier activity)

5. Review information

● Give parents time to ask questions, tell them they can message you if they have
more queries
● Explain how booking works and Preply’s cancellation policy
● Book the next class and set up regular classes

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