Thesis Arizabalarciagagallardo Thesis Paper
Thesis Arizabalarciagagallardo Thesis Paper
Thesis Arizabalarciagagallardo Thesis Paper
Erika Joy I. Arizabal1 , Russel Mike S. Gallardo2 and Angelo Gabrielle A. Arciaga3
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
, ,
One of the major keys to a successful business is for business owners to know how to sustain a
business. Sustainability strategies differ depending on the business and how business owners
think, and the strategies of a business may or may not work since there are a lot of factors to
consider in every strategy of a business. Today's economies face tremendous difficulties across
sustainability's social, economic, and environmental elements, such as climate change, natural
disasters, biodiversity loss, hunger and malnutrition, economic inequality, social unrest, and
others. Business sustainability is the process of running a business while considering three major
factors, namely. environmental, social, and economic. Additionally, it is known as the triple
bottom line strategy. It is important to underline that company sustainability is based on a long-
term rather than a short-term viewpoint. As a result, any data used to illustrate the connection
between sustainability and financial performance might not offer any novel insights.
Understanding the importance of social or environmental consciousness is simply one aspect of
this; managers' thinking must also undergo a paradigm shift. The following are three key areas
where the potential of business sustainability can be investigated: a) resource optimization
through "recycle, re-use, and reduce" strategies in business processes and supply chains; b)
protecting brand value through stakeholder engagement and support, including meeting
regulatory requirements; and c) marketing to a niche market of green consumers willing to pay a
premium for goods and services. (Mahajan R. and Bose M., 2018)
The economic pillar is given as the most important from an economic perspective. Scientists,
however, underline the need to protect the environment as the most significant factor. This is
supported by scientific evidence showing that human activity causes the environment to
gradually deteriorate to the point where unavoidable consequences endanger human survival.
According to (Iten N., 2020) The two different perspectives are known as "weak sustainability"
and "strong sustainability,". Based on Iten even if the business did not address the issue of strong
and weak sustainability, they can still be categorized between the two perspectives. However,
addressing this perspective and accepting the outcome can be a big help to a business and correct
its weakness and sustain the strengths that were identified.
Corporate sustainability literature has shifted its emphasis in recent years from minimizing
negative effects to a more strategic view of how businesses may benefit the environment and
societies. (Lüdeke-Freund F., 2020). One example of a beneficial impact of a business on society
is providing for consumers’ needs and food supply is one of the most important things in a
person’s everyday life. Improving and addressing the problems of a business can benefit both
business owners and consumers. According to (Adoukonou V. 2019) More consumers are
becoming socially and environmentally sensitive. Business owners who are unable to adapt to
changes in consumer behavior and trends risk failing to keep their companies afloat. Consumers
want and need changes over time, so a business needs to be able to keep up with the trends to
sustain its business and retain its consumers. The necessity for transformation toward greater
business sustainability is supported by evidence. However, to fully comprehend the context, it is
necessary to define sustainability, a complex phrase with several definitions. (Erander M. and
Hetemäki N., 2014)
Based on (Blankson C., Cowan K., and Darley W., 2017) Rural micro and small enterprises
engage in social networks, forge relationships with clients and employees, and incorporate
morality and religion into their economic endeavors to thrive in a cutthroat subsistence market.
Nowadays most people are engaging with their social media accounts and social media
promotions are one of the most effective ways in marketing strategies that will surely reach a lot
of people to introduce a business. Aside from social media promotions according to the authors
being hospitable and having a good relationship with clients and employees can also attract
consumers due to how light and how peaceful it can bring in an environment.
Since SMEs in the Philippines account for over 35% of the GDP, these companies must be
competitive in the national and international markets. This means that entrepreneurs should
create environmentally and operationally sound companies that can quickly adapt to change.
(Featuresdesk (ICG), 2020).
We researchers want to conduct this study for us to know and let our readers learn how the Food
Merchants in the SOMO Market Bazaar sustain their business. There are a lot of strategies for
sustaining a business and by doing this study we are going to learn what are the different
marketing strategies of a food business in a bazaar and how they market their foods to sustain
their business and their consumers as well. We want to conduct this study in SOMO Market
Bazaar since it is the largest outdoor market in the South and there are a lot of food merchants in
this bazaar where we can get information on their sustainability strategies.
In this study, the researchers will use the Resource-based theory to generate a competitive
advantage for a food merchant to determine if their strategies support the business’s
sustainability. Barney (1991) explained that resources refer to assets, business processes,
capabilities, the firm’s attributes, knowledge, information, etc. controlled by a company to
comprehend and implement strategies aiming to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This
framework will help to determine important what are the important resources for achieving
sustained competitive advantage which in turn will support the sustainability of the business
(Utami, 2022).
There are four (4) parameters for resource-based theory to achieve competitive advantage
namely (1) Value, which may uncover opportunities/threats, (2) being rare or unique among a
company, (3) Immobility, which relates to capabilities hard to adapt or be obtained by other firms
and (4) sustainability referring to overall criteria in terms of value, rareness and not easily copied
(Barney 1991)
With the reopening of economic activities especially after the pandemic, exceeding
customer satisfaction will fuel the sustainability of the business and will provide strong support
for the recovery of businesses, especially in the food industry. For this reason, the researchers
will focus on determining the sustainability strategies of food merchants in SOMO Market
Bazaar, specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
• Age
• Gender
• Civil Status
• Length of business in SOMO Market (Months, Years, etc)
2. How do the following strategies listed below affect the sustainability of the food merchants
• Value of money
• Originality
• Imitability
• Marketing
• Food Quality
• Sanitary
3. Is there a significant difference in the sustainability strategies of the food merchants in SOMO
Market Bazaar when grouped according to their length in business?
4. What are the recommendations for merchants to support the sustainability of the SOMO
Market Bazaar?
There is no significant relationship between the length of business and the number of competitive
advantages of a merchant in the SOMO Market Bazaar.
Food Park and Food Bazaar. A typical food park consists of different food stalls and
semi-structured restaurants with vast arrays of food from heavy meals, high nutrition, dessert
option, and food services (Asibal, 2012). They cater unique and affordable meals for a wide
market range and ages. It is an alley of food establishments and continuously becomes a
destination to visit offering concepts and strategies where family or friends can enjoy the food
based on their liking. The introduction of food parks in Manila and other areas started in 2015
and since then, the fundamental goal of food parks revolves around a very important cultural
practice among Filipino which is Family time (Asibal, 2012).
Convenience, variety, speed, and thrill of culinary browsing are some of the reasons diners
continuously support food park and food truck services (Strong, 2018). “When consumers have
wearied of giant chains but still demand novel, inexpensive, fast food, food trucks are the new
incubators of culinary innovation,” wrote Jonathan Gold in the Smithsonian in 2012.
The Different Typologies of Business Sustainability (Dyllick and Muff, 2016)
Business Sustainability 1.0 is described as “Refined Shareholder Value Management” (Dyllick
and Muff 2016, p.156) shareholder management is the responsibility of the Chief Marketing
Officer (CMO) of a business. To motivate CMO they are granted quality, which they can handle
the duty and these duties are in the best interests of the business. (Ming Chung et al. 2016)
Business Sustainability 1.0 focuses on the shareholders` interest in returns on investments with
no focus on social and environmental sustainability.
Business Sustainability 2.0 refers to “Managing the Triple Bottom Line” (Dyllick and Muff 2016,
p.156) According to (Elkington, 2004), one of the originators of the triple bottom line, the
concept was formed due to an awareness that social and economic sustainability and need to be
focused on unity with environmental sustainability.
Dyllick and Muff`s (2016) Business Sustainability 3.0 understanding of how to build up a
meaningful positive impact in areas that are very useful to society and the environment. The
sustainability challenges it faces in its environment into business opportunities. Business
Sustainability 3.0 creates value for the common good in its environment. Compared to the other
levels of Business Sustainability. Perspective, and meaning that focuses on the business.
Focusing on society and its sustainability challenges “truly sustainable” (Dyllick and Muff, 2016)
Characteristics of Strategic Sustainability Marketing
Sustainability marketing maintains long-term relationships with customers and the social and
natural environment (Belz,2008; Belz and Peattie 2009) By Mediation social and sustainability
marketing work hard to deliver and increase customer value. Same as modern Sustainability
marketing has a marketing concept that reviews customer needs and wants and develops stable
solutions that provide higher value customers, and prices, give away and they are promoting their
effectiveness to selected target groups of people. The Segmentation of the market, the selection
of certain target groups, and the positioning of their products are strategic decisions of the
sustainability marketing-aside from the social and ecological product qualities
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined, according to (Enquist et al., 2006) as
“idea and techniques used by businesses to voluntarily Corporate social responsibility (CSR), as
defined by Enquist et al. (2006) as ‘ideas and techniques used by businesses to voluntarily
combine optional links between society and the environment. Stakeholder theory dates to the
Support for corporate social responsibility is significant, particularly with the growth of
Corporate social responsibility, in which businesses ad stakeholders enter into agreements: with
the owners, the workers, clients, suppliers, and the nearby communities. In contrast, however,
three characteristics of sustainability are also part of corporate social responsibility (CSR): The
Economic, Social, and environmental (Elkington,1999) Corporate social responsibility is a way
to be successful in business by respecting ethical values, people, communities, and the natural
environment and how they handle it and manage. (Bhattacharya and Sen, 2004; Parguel et al.,
Demographics. Juras, Hsu, and Hu (2022) studied the relationship between the dietary patterns
of Filipino adults and their association with sociodemographic and lifestyle factors that affect
customers’ choice of food. The study found different factors, specifically sex, age, educational
attainment, marital status, employment status, household size, wealth quintile, smoking status,
alcohol consumption, and physical activity. Findings showed distinct dietary patterns among
Filipino adults that were influenced by various sociodemographic and lifestyle parameters. Men
were likelier to adhere to the rice pattern, fish pattern, vegetables, corn pattern, and meat and
beverage pattern. This result agrees with the national dietary survey results wherein Filipino
adult men had a higher mean consumption of rice and rice products, meat, fish, and beverages
than women.
Factors Affecting Consumer’s Choices of a Food Establishment
Location. Mixed-use spaces, lower startup costs, shared expenses, and a community of vendors
ensuring steady food traffic make food bazaars enticing to business owners. Trends show that
variety, affordability, and a competitive real estate market make it a wise investment than a full-
service restaurant or single-concept space. (Strong, 2018). A study about creative marketing
strategies of food park businesses in Batangas, Philippines identified that customer experience is
significant in terms of location. Location greatly affects how customers initially discover the
business and how frequently existing customers visit the store. Stores near malls and other
establishments have a high volume of foot traffic, convenience, and a safe and secure place for
them to feel comfortable in the store (Magboo et al., 2020).
Quality of Food and Food Variety. Customers tend to incline towards satisfaction on the
attributes of food, service, and ambiance quality. He noted that the quality of food and raw
materials used in the creation of the food is the most important reason a customer patronizes a
restaurant (Soriano, 2002). Greisler and Rucks (2011) identified that food quality is a primary
predictor of whether visitors would recommend eating at the theme park or food bazaar and
would be a critical factor in-park food’s success.
Quality of Service. The value of customers is one of the most important drivers in a food
business. The ability to constantly contact existing and potential customers and increase their
customer satisfaction creates more customers daily and consistently meeting their expectations
in-store will likely make loyal customers (Magboo et al., 2020).
Value for Money. In an exploratory paper conducted by Andersson (1991), customers were
asked for their willingness to pay for a meal for the five aspects of the dining experience mainly,
food and beverage, service, fine cooking, ambiance, and good company. He used die value to
measure in monetary units which could be compared to cost figures to determine whether the
items are highly valued by a customer or whether there is a mismatch between restaurant cost
and value. Among the significant factors in the sustainability of StrEat: Maginhawa Food Park in
Manila Philippines, the value of money has the most impact, and increasing or decreasing these
factors would affect the probability that a customer will patronize food parks (Pascual, 2018).
Research Design
The researchers will use a quantitative research design to conduct this study to find out
the Food Merchant’s strategies using statistical, logical, and mathematical techniques that are in
quantitative research.
The researchers will use purposive sampling to target respondents which are the food merchants
in SOMO Market Bazaar. This will ensure that the data being collected is useful and relevant for
the analysis of the sustainability strategies in the bazaar.
Research Locale
The study will be conducted in Bacoor, Cavite where SOMO Market Bazaar is located. Being the
first and the ultimate weekend outdoor shopping destination in the South, this place offers a wide
variety of cuisines to give customers a delightful dining experience.
Participants of the Study
This study’s participants are the food merchants in the SOMO Market bazaar. The researcher will
have a survey questionnaire to determine the demographics and frequency of food merchants in
SOMO Market. The researcher will use Raosoft to estimate the number of food merchants in the
SOMO Market Bazaar. Estimated 60 merchants in the bazaar. Thus, the total sample size that the
researcher needs to survey is 53.
The Researcher will have a face-to-face survey and the type of questionnaire will mainly
focus on the evaluation of sustainability strategies of food merchants in the bazaar.
Data Gathering
For Data Gathering, the researchers created a survey questionnaire that will provide data
and information about the food merchants’ sustainability strategies. The link to the questionnaire
is given below:
The participants in the study are mostly in the age range of 26-40 years old at 38.33%.
This followed by those belonging to the age group of 18-25 years old. Those who are in the ages
between 41-50 years old is at 20%. Only 5% constitutes the age bracket 51-60 years old.
This shows that the food merchants considered in the study are relatively young as they
are mostly within the age group of 18-40 years old only.
Table 2
Participants` Profile by Gender
Female 38 63.33%
Male 22 36.67
In terms of gender, majority of the participants are female at 63.33%. Only a third of
the 60 participants considered in the study are male.
This implies that women are more engaged in the food merchandising business as
compared to men.
Table 3
Participants` Profile by Civil Status
With regards to civil status, more than half of the participants are still single at
66.67%. Married participants comprise 33.33% of the total number of participants considered for
the study.
This manifests that most food merchants are single considering the demand of work in
the food merchandising business.
Table 4
Participants` Profile in Length of Business
Mean Range Interpretation
1.00-1.75 Strong Agree/Very High
1.76-2.50 Agree/High
2.51-3.25 Disagree/Low
3.26-4.00 Strongly Disagree/Very Low
The table shows the different strategies employed by the Food Merchants to achieve
sustainability of their business.
For the participants, value for money as a strategy has a very high effect on the
sustainability of food merchandising business in SOMO Market as exhibited in the mean of 1.48.
The participants considered indicator 1 as the premier factor that affects sustainability- this is the
food is worth the money in terms of quality and quantity (mean=1.42). This is followed by
providing good customer service at 1.47. The lowest mean of 1.55 is seen in the reasonability
and affordability of the price of their food products.
Originality of products offered as a strategy has a high effect on the sustainability of the
food business as shown in the mean of 1.54. The highest mean is on the uniqueness the way
employees serve foods as compared to other competitors where the participants showed strong
agreement with a mean of 1.37. In the second rank is the uniqueness of foods offered which are
all self-made with a mean of 1.55. The lowest mean is on the fact that the foods they offered
cannot be found in other restaurants. (1.70)
Marketing also has a high effect on the capability of the food business to be sustained
with a mean of 1.87. They strongly agree social media helps in marketing their products and in
facilitating sales. They agree their products are effectively advertised through promos and
vouchers(1.83) and through distribution of flyers inside and outside the SOMO market bazaar.
Food Quality
The quality of food is one important strategy to achieve sustainability of a food business
as shown here with a mean of 1.42.The highest mean of strong agreement is seen in the
adherence to good manufacturing practices in the preparation of food to ensure the good quality
of the products (1.35). Strong agreement is also seen in the proper storage of raw materials to
maintain high-quality finished products (1.43) and in the use of fresh and cleaned ingredients in
the preparation of food (1.47).
The sanitary aspect of the food stalls is also an important strategy with very high effect to
sustain the business with a mean of 1.40. The highest mean of strong agreement (1.37) is seen in
having well-trained staff that follows food safety guidelines in food preparation and food
handling to ensure the safety of the customers. Strong agreement is also manifested in the staff
having proper hygiene and in maintaining the cleanliness of the area. Likewise, participants also
strongly agree the staff are well-informed in properly taking care of equipment before and after
preparing dishes.
Table 6
If p>.05, accept the null hypothesis. If p<.05, reject the null hypothesis.
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Creating Sustainable Businesses In The Philippines | PAGEONE