Adobe Scan 04 Sep 2023
Adobe Scan 04 Sep 2023
Adobe Scan 04 Sep 2023
2. Operating System
X. Program Code: Teacher must assign a separate program statement to studec
Install and configure Linux (or similar) operating system on your computer. i·
down the steps for same.
XI. f<l·~ull (Output ,,f inttallatit,n,:
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VIII. Rt'MIIIH' l''- 1 ('(11111 l' (
C)uantity Hema
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l J111x/l ,1ll11X/l Jhunt11/a11y Size Expcri
L. Opc1a1111g Systl'lll ot hl'I oprn sm 11ccs
opl·nt(ing S)'.Slelll
Sr. Name of Rema
r '-o. Quantity
Resource an
f,>.,. occ.1SS ( is
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Operating System
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x·1. R1•ti11II (011lp11I of< 'om11111t1rl11>:
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XIII, Exercise:
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What is output of folio\\ ing com11i:inl ~.
a. $cal 04 2019
·············· ·········
b. id;~~·;;~;:;·d;~;,~· j; t~nn~t1011:. %D
and ' 0B", 1
........... ····
d. $cal -3
e. $cal -5
f. $cal -2000
(Attach page for output)
2. Give the syntax of commands for displaying th1./utp11t. (use date)
i. This is .... ~/-.'p..... Month of the year ....... ~ ..-. .Y. ..... (Abbrcvintion ''r0r n1on·
~.nd 4~d'.git year) , /. J . _ .
11. This 1s the ................ th day of this year.
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Name of Resourc e Broad Specification Quantit y Remark s (If any)
Processo r (i3-i5), RAM -
I Comput er System 2GB and above (As per
need of OS) As per batch For all
Unix/Li nux/Ubu ntu/any Size Experim ents
2. Operatin g System other open sources
operatin g system
Name of Resourc e Broad Specification Quantit y Remarks (If any)
Rc.>5~\.-\ :.
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XV Assessment Scheme