Solar Panel System Design

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Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research

Electronics Engineering Department

ELCE 340: Electromechanical Systems

Solar panel system design

Eman Al-Qawasmi 100038650
Aiman Wahba 100037084

Dr. Reyad El-Khazali
Spring 2016

Table of figures …………………………………………….
Design Process………………………………………………
Power consumption……………………………………………………….

Power Cost……………………………………………………………………..

Power Consumption of the ACs only……………………………….

Solar cells without ACs……………………………………………………

Solar cells with ACs…………………………………………………………

Comparing the solar power system to the total cost of the house


Table 1: Ele tri al load a alysis…………………………………
Table1: Power consumption and its cost…………………
Table 2: power consumption of ACs………………………….
Table 4: costs comparison………………………………………..

Figure 1: Module Type……………………………………………..
Figure 2 solar panels…………………………………………………
Figure 3 renogy price label………………………………………
Figure 4 Amazon price label………………………………………

Whenever the sun is shining, you
will know you are doing your part to
improve the environment and reduce
your electricity bill. This report
discusses revolves around designing a
sun power Solar panel system for our
house. The electrical load of our house
appliances was analyzed in this report
and the design process was is
illustrated from A to Z.

This report is divided into six sections.

The first one is about finding the power
consumption of the appliances, the
second sections covers the power
consumption cost calculations. The
third section investigates the power
consummation of ACs only and
highlights their contribution to your
bill. After that we start considering the
hardware implantation of the system
and discussing the cost of constructing
it. The last section gives an overview
about the whole costs and compares
between solar and electrical systems
from a cost point of view.

The obtained results and calculations

were fully discussed in the report.



From sunrise to sunset, the solar system is converting sunlight into electricity. The system
turns on automatically in the morning and turns off automatically at night. Solar cells
within the panels produce direct current (DC) electricity that flows to an inverter.
After that, an inverter converts the DC electricity being produced by your panels into
alternating current (AC), which is required for household use. The converted solar
electricity is delivered directly to your home’s main electrical service panel.

Modern solar cells were invented in the early 1950s and were
used to power satellites. In the 1970s, they were used for
Is Solar a New
remote telecommunications and navigational aids. In the 1980s,
Technology? they were used for roadside emergency telephones and traffic
signs. Now in the 21st century, they help power your home.
Currently, over 100,000 homeowners worldwide enjoy a
SunPower solar system.

What Are Solar Cells and Solar

Panels? A solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cell is the smallest element of a system that converts
sunlight into electricity. Each cell is made of silicon, the same material found in
computer chips. Silicon in photovoltaic cells is treated so that it generates a flow of
electricity whenever it is exposed to light. A series of solar cells are wired together to
form solar panels.

Will My System Work at Night?

No. Sunlight must be present for the system to generate electricity. At night the inverter
displays a blank screen.

 Power Consumption
We started the designing process by calculating how much power will be
consumed at our home; this was achieved finding out each electrical appliance’s
consumption of power separately.
The appliances of the house are mentioned and their power consumption is
calculated as well in the provided table below.

In order to find the yearly power
Let’s take O-General air
consumption of each appliance; you
conditioner as an example; it is
take the number that indicates the
known that its power consumption
yearly consumption of the chosen
per year is 3150 kwh/year, so it is
appliance (each appliance is labeled
divided by 365 to get the power
with this number once they are
consumption per day.
bought). Then, in order to find their
daily consumption, they were divided Power consumption per day
y whi h is the u er of days
in a standard year. After that we divide =
the result by 24 to find the power day
= . KWh/day
consumption per hour.

After that, we divide by 24 to find the power consumption per hour.

. KWh/day
Power consumption per hour = = . KWh/day
In order to find the total consumption per day, we start by multiplying the result by
the average number of hours the appliance is used per day.

. ∗ h= . KWh/day

In order to find the total consumption per month, we multiply the result by 30

. ∗ days = . Kwh/month

The same previous steps were used again to calculate the total power consumption of each
appliance at the house.

Yearly ������ c i
power power Using
Appliances and their brand name rating consumption (Hr/Day) (KWatt.Hr./Day) (KWatt.Hr./
(Kwh/year) (Kwh/day) Month)

Westpoint 3000 0.3424 10 3.425 102.73

Whitewestinghouse 2900 0.332 10 3.32 99.31
AC Panasonic 3200 0.37 10 3.65 109.6
O- General 3150 0.36 8 2.88 86.4
Hitachi 2865 0.327 4 1.31 39.25
Kitchen LG Refrigerator 570 0.065 24 1.56 46.8
Appliances Duper General Freezer 420 0.48 24 1.15 34.52
SuperGeneral cooler 570 0.065 24 1.56 46.8
LG Microwave Grill 1100 0.1255 4 0.502 15.06
TV Samsung 1700 0.19 13 2.47 74.1
Afrnon 700 0.0799 12 0.959 28.767
Washing Samsung 36 0.0046 5 0.023 0.69
Light Bulb Incedescent (12 pieces) 110(x24) 0.30 13 3.92 117.5
26.729 801.52

Table 1 Electrical load analysis

As it can be seen from the table above, we have analyzed the Electrical load of machines
that exist at our house. The covered appliances were; air conditioners, refrigerator, freezer,
washing machine, televisions and light bulbs.
It is concluded that the total power consumption per month is 801.52 kwh/month, and it is
It is important to note that the main portion of the daily power is consumed by the air
conditions (ACs) which is about is 437.29 kwh/month which is more than the half of the
total power consumption in this house per month.

 Power Cost
In this part we were asked to calculate the cost based on the total power consumption
for each appliance. Many online software websites offers doing these calculations; there
is EvoEnergy , Energy cost and "Dewa". We used DEWA sinceour project analyzes our
house which exists in UAE. [2]

DEWA charges a standard rate 20 fils per unit for electricity, 3 fils per unit for water,
and 0.5fils per unit for sewerage. If you are found using excess water or electricity than
normal, DEWA will increase your rates.

For instance, if the electricity consumption goes to more than 2000kWh in a month, the
rate increases to 24 fils per unit.

The table below shows the cost of each appliance. .

������ c i Cost
Appliances and their brand name (KWatt.Hr./Month) (AED/month)

Westpoint 102.73 30.39

Whitewestinghouse 99.31 29.21
AC Panasonic 109.6 32.45
O- General 86.4 25.37
Hitachi 39.25 11.51
Kitchen LG Refrigerator 46.8 13.87
Appliances Duper General Freezer 34.52 10.03
SuperGeneral cooler 46.8 13.87
LG Microwave Grill 15.06 4.43
TV Samsung 74.1 21.38
Afrnon 28.767 8.65
Washing Samsung 0.69 0.075
Light Bulb Incedescent (12 pieces) 117.5 34.52
Total 235.755

Table3: power consumption and its cost.

Comment: From the table above we can notice that the total cost of the house is 235.755
AED, and this make sense if we compare this number with the actual power consumption of
our home which cost 400 AED, This difference is a result of ignoring the other electrical

appliances like Vacuum Cleaner, Iron, computers and other devices that we use everyday
but we considered the major appliances only.

 Power consumption of the ACs (only)

Since the ACs consume a huge portion of the total power, in this part we isolate them in
order to analyze their power consumption separately from the other home appliances.
The table below shows the power consumption of ACs only:

������ c i
(KWatt.Hr./Month) Cost
ACs and their brand (AED/month)

Westpoint 102.73 30.39

Whitewestinghouse 99.31 29.21
Panasonic 109.6 32.45
O- General 86.4 25.37
Hitachi 39.25 11.51
Total 437.3 128.93
Table 4: power consumption of ACs

Comment: As it can be seen from table 3, it is very clear that ACs consume approximately
60.7% of the total consumption power. From the table we can see that the total power
consumed by the ACs is equal to 437.3 KWh/month, on the other hand the other
electronics devices power consumption is equal to 282.7 KWh/month. Additionally, the
power consumption by the ACs costs 128.93 AED, however the power consumption by the
other devises costs 106.825 AED. Obviously, ACs are the primary contributors to the bill
since they consume 60.7% of the total power.

 Calculating number of solar panels needed (Including AC)

In order to reduce the bill, in this part we investigate switching to solar panels.
First, we need to calculate how many solar panels we need; we must start by determining
how much energy our household uses; our roof’s usable surface area; the climate and peak
sunlight in our area; the wattage and relative efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) technology
of the used panels.

To find out the energy that we need the solar panels to provide us with every day, we start
by considering the required energy that our house needs to run all the appliances. This was
calculated previously and our results showed that the house consumes 26.729(kwh/day)
which means 801.52 kWh every month.
So the plan is construct solar panels that are able to provide me with 26.729 kWh daily.

According to reality, you can’t grantee the panels to provide you energy with an exact
value. There will be always some difference because of the weather conditions that might
night be always sunny or because some of solar panels hardware implantation issues. So
you don’t expect the Solar panels to operate at maximum efficiency at all times.

Experts recommend adding a 25% cushion to the daily energy that you need in order to
offset such inefficiencies.*

Daily needed energy average = (26.729× %) + 26.729= 33.411 kwh/day

We have to consider the location of our house and how many hours the sun lasts high in the
sky giving the maximum peak of sunlight in order to approximate how much energy our
system will be producing.

So we divide the daily needed energy by the number of the daily peak sunlight hours.

Beer in mind those Sunlight Peak hours are from 10 a.m to 4 p.m which means 6 hours.

In order to find the amount of energy our panels need to produce (every hour ) in kilowatt-
hours the, we divide by the sunlight peak hours : 33.411 /6 = 5.57 kW/hour.

Since each type of solar panels makes a difference, at this point we needed to consider a
good quality of solar panels with regard to their cost and efficiency because the whole
system is based on them and their ability to provide the needed amount of daily energy.

So After reviewing many solar panel types, we concluded that there is a great difference in
their capabilities and performance. So we had to be very careful before adopting a certain
solar panel type to our system.

We have chosen solar panels with an excellent quality from the Renogy brand. The
complete kit contains three solar panels. Every individual panel produces 100 w so that
makes a complete kit produces a 300 watt.

10 | P a g e
We will divide our home’s hourly energy requirement by the solar panels’ wattage to
calculate the total number of panels our need.

5.57k /300=18.56=19 solar panel

figure 2 solar panels

Figure 1: Module Type

We found those panels by $779.99 from their mother website Renogy besides that we
have to pay extra shipping fees. While we found the same Renogy solar panels kit by
$479.99 on Amazon website which was a great offer. So we considered it in our
calculation which equals 1,761.6 AED only. [3] [4]

Figure 4 amazon price label

figure 3 renogy price label

Therefore the total cost will be = 1761.6*19= 33,470.4 AED

The dimensions of the solar panel are illustrated in the module type lable above in
figure1 which says: 119.5cm, 54.1cm and 3.5cm.

So, now we reached the point where we need to calculate the occupied area by each
solar panel to make sure that our roof top will be enough to cover them all.

Area of one solar panel =(hight x width) 119.5cm x 54.1cm= 6464.95 ��2

Occupied area= 6464.95 x 19 =122834.05 ��2 = 12.3 �2 this is good because our home
roof area is about 130 �2 so yes. There will be enough room for those panels on the

11 | P a g e
And now we need to determine how many batteries we need. We start by checking the
minimum AH battery bank capacity.

We take the watt-hours per day and multiply them by the number of days.

This should represent a 50% depth of discharge on our batteries. Therefore we

multiply by 2 and convert the kwh result into amp hours (AH). This is done by dividing
by the battery voltage.

We want the battery bank to last one day without recharging and that we use (total
consumption power per day 26.729kwh per day.

As 26.729x 1 x 2 = 53.458 kwh, this is the energy we need from the batteries.
Converting this to AH we have to divide by the voltage of our system.

This can be 12, 24 or 48 for commercial application. If we choose to use 12V, the
minimum AH capacity is then 26729/12 = 2227.42 AH. Now if we divide by our
battery's rating we will find the number of batteries we must use.


BATTERY that was not provided with each kit we planned to buy, so we need to
calculate the new cost for adding these batteries.

Total number of batteries= 2227.42 /225 = 9.899=10 batteries.

Each battery costs: $125.00 = 458.75 AED

Total cost= 10 x458.75 = 4587.5 AED

To complete our system we need an inverter that converts the DC

power consumption
electricity being produced by your panels into alternating to (Kwh/day)
determine the inverter size*. We 0.3424
start by finding the maximum 0.332
electrical load at our home. This is 0.37
found by adding up the wattage of the 0.36
appliances and devices that could be 0.327
run at the same time. Include
everything from microwaves and 0.065
lights to computers and clocks. The 0.1255
sum will tell us which inverter size 0.19
we need. 0.0799
Inverter size = power consumption = 3.5894 kw 0.30

12 | P a g e
We chose 4 kw / 220v inverter It costs $350=1285.60AEDx2=2571.2AED

 Calculating number of solar panels needed (Ignoring AC)

figure 3: invertor

Now we move to the part of taking ACs out of our calculations where we
investigate how much they affect the electrical load and the whole solar system
installation as well.

The same previous steps are performed once again ignoring the ACs.

So we start by calculating the number of needed solar panels (ignoring AC)

First, we need to calculate how many solar panels we need; we must start by determining
how much energy our household uses; our roof’s usable surface area; the climate and peak
sunlight in our area; the wattage and relative efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) technology
of the used panels as we mentioned previously.

To find out the energy that we need the solar panels to provide us with every day, we start
by considering the required energy that our house needs to run all the appliances. But this
time we don’t consider ACs in our calculations. This was calculated previously and our
results showed that the house consumes 12.14 (kwh/day) which means 364.24.2 kWh
every month.

So the plan is construct solar panels that are able to provide me with 12.14 kWh daily.

As we cleared out previously , you can’t grantee the panels to provide you energy with an
exact value. There will be always some difference because of the weather conditions that
might night be always sunny or because some of solar panels hardware implantation
issues. So you don’t expect the Solar panels to operate at maximum efficiency at all times.

Experts recommend adding a 25% cushion to the daily energy that you need in order to
offset such inefficiencies.*

Daily needed energy average = (12.14 × %) + 12.14 = 15.175 kwh/day

We have to consider the location of our house and how many hours the sun lasts high in the
sky giving the maximum peak of sunlight in order to approximate how much energy our
system will be producing.

So we divide the daily needed energy by the number of the daily peak sunlight hours.

13 | P a g e
Beer in mind those Sunlight Peak hours are from 10 a.m to 4 p.m which means 6 hours.

In order to find the amount of energy our panels need to produce (every hour ) in kilowatt-
hours the, we divide by the sunlight peak hours : 15.175 /6 = 2.53 kW/hour.

Since each type of solar panels makes a difference, at this point we needed to consider a
good quality of solar panels with regard to their cost and efficiency because the whole
system is based on them and their ability to provide the needed amount of daily energy.

So After reviewing many solar panel types, we concluded that there is a great difference in
their capabilities and performance. So we had to be very careful before adopting a certain
solar panel type to our system.

We have chosen solar panels with an excellent quality from the Renogy brand. The
complete kit contains three solar panels. Every individual panel produces 100 w so that
makes a complete kit produces a 300 watt.

We will divide our home’s hourly energy requirement by the solar panels’ wattage to
calculate the total number of panels our need.

2.53 k/300=8.43=9 solar panel

Figure 1: Module Type

We found those panels by $779.99 from their mother website Renogy besides that we
have to pay extra shipping fees. While we found the same Renogy solar panels kit by
$479.99 on Amazon website which was a great offer. So we considered it in our
calculation which equals 1,761.6 AED only.

14 | P a g e
Therefore the total cost will be = 1761.6*9= 15,854.4 AED

The dimensions of the solar panel are illustrated in the module type lable above in
figure1 which says: 119.5cm, 54.1cm and 3.5cm.

So, now we reached the point where we need to calculate the occupied area by each
solar panel to make sure that our roof top will be enough to cover them all.

Area of one solar panel =(hight x width) 119.5cm x 54.1cm= 6464.95 ��2

Occupied area= 6464.95 x 9= 58184.5 ��2 = 5.82 �2 which can be coverd by our roof
area since the roof area is about 130 �2

And now we need to determine how many batteries we need. We start by checking the
minimum AH battery bank capacity.

We take the watt-hours per day and multiply them by the number of days.

This should represent a 50% depth of discharge on our batteries. Therefore we

multiply by 2 and convert the kwh result into amp hours (AH). This is done by dividing
by the battery voltage.

We want the battery bank to last one day without recharging and that we use (total
consumption power per day 12.14 kwh per day.

As 12.14 x 1 x 2 =24.28 kwh, this is the energy we need from the batteries. Converting
this to AH we have to divide by the voltage of our system.

Again ,This can be 12, 24 or 48 for commercial application. If we choose to use 12V, the
minimum AH capacity is then 12140/12 = 1011.67 AH. Now if we divide by our
battery's rating we will find the number of batteries we must use.


BATTERY that was not provided with each kit we planned to buy, so we need to
calculate the new cost for adding these batteries.

Total number of batteries= 1011.67 /225 = 4.496=5 batteries.

Each battery costs: $125.00 = 458.75 AED

15 | P a g e
Total cost= 5 x458.75 = 2293.75 AED

To complete our system we need to determine the inverter size*. We start by finding
the maximum electrical load at our home. This is found by adding up the wattage of the
appliances and devices that could be run at the same time. Include everything from
microwaves and lights to computers and clocks but not ACs. The sum will tell us which
inverter size we need.

Inverter size = power consumption = 1.245 kw

power consumption
We chose 2 kw / 220v inverter (Kwh/day)
It costs $350 = 1285.60AED 0.48

figure 3: invertor 1.245

 Comparing the solar power system to the total cost of the house.

Table 4: costs comparison

Total power consumption Total solar panel cost

of the house per month. (Solar panels+ batteries + invertor)
Including ACs Ignoring ACs
235.755 AED 33,470.4 + 4587.5 + 2571.2 = 15,854.4+2293.75+ 1285.60 =
40,628.7 19,433.75

Determining whether to install a PV solar system may seem like a daunting task, but it is
important to remember that such a system is a longterm investment.

In many locations, solar power is a good choice from a financial perspective. Even if the
cost of solar power is found to be marginally more expensive than electricity purchased
from a utility, homeowners may wish to install solar power to avoid future potential
fluctuations in energy costs, or may simply wish to look beyond their personal financial
motivations and use solar for "green" living.

16 | P a g e
To conclude, the aim and the objectives of the assignment have been achieved. The
electrical load of our home appliances was studied thoughtfully within the required tasks. The
first section made us understand how we were being charged for the electricity we use at home.
we have been shocked when we noticed that the water cooler consumes the same power that the
refrigerator needs. Also, one hour of using microwave equals about 27 hours of using the
washing machine. Those results shocked us a lot, so we really need to consider the yearly power
rating of any device before buying it and use it at our homes.
In the next sections, we have separated the ACs from the other appliances in our calculations in
order to highlight how they affect the bill. We ended up by figuring out that they contribute to
more than 60% of the bill cost. The problem is that we cannot reduce the using hours since the
UAE has a very hot weather most of the year days. So we started considering the solar panels as
a solution to overcome the electricity consumption costs. So we calculated how many solar
panels we need; we started by determining how much energy our household uses; our roof’s
usable surface area; the climate and peak sunlight in our area; the wattage and relative efficiency
of the photovoltaic (PV) technology of the used panels.
The results were interesting and considered the solar panels as a long term investment.
All in All, this assignment benefited us a lot, it increased our fascination in many electricity
aspects,. Finally, our assignment has been completed successfully and its main aim which is
relating what we study in this course with our real life has been accomplished.

17 | P a g e
[1] “Solar System Design,” Solar Electric Supply – Leading Wholesale Solar Panels & Solar
Electric Systems Suppliers. [Online]. Available at:
system-design. [Accessed: 24-April-2016].

[2] “Choose your preferred view,” Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). [Online].
Available at: [Accessed: 20-April-2016].

[3] “Best Sellers in Solar Panels,” Amazon Best Sellers: Best Solar Panels. [Online]. Available
[Accessed: 19-Apr-2016].

[4] “,” Solar Panels for Sale. [Online]. Available at: http://www.renogy- [Accessed: 16-Apr-2016].

[5] “DIY Solar Panel help - tutorials, calculators and design tools for solar power,” DIY Solar
Panel help - tutorials, calculators and design tools for solar power. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 20-Apr-2016].

[6] “Energy Design: Solar Energy Solutions, Electrical Contracting, Energy Efficiency,” Energy
Design. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22-Apr-2016].

18 | P a g e
Yearly power consumption of some of our house

19 | P a g e

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