Fuel Control Systems For Aero-Engines: Goutham Ponnusamy
Fuel Control Systems For Aero-Engines: Goutham Ponnusamy
Fuel Control Systems For Aero-Engines: Goutham Ponnusamy
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines are primarily controlled by the amount of fuel supplied to the combustion chamber. Engine
Control System (ECS) has an important goal of allowing the engine to perform at a maximum efficiency for a given condi-
tion with respect to the complexity of the engine. For an aircraft engine flying in different conditions, the changes in airspeed
or altitude will cause changes in air speed and density through the engine. To compensate to these changes the pilot may have
to operate the fuel valve accordingly, which may lead to lean flameout, rich blowout, or even compressor stall. A FCS at-
tempts to solve these problems by acting as an intermediary between the pilot and the fuel valve. The FCS supervises the
engine potential and controls the amount of fuel flowing into the engine. In this paper we will be discussing the development
of fuel control system for aircraft engines and its types. Correspondingly, a brief study on the development fuel control sys-
tems will also be covered.
Keywords: Engine Control System, Fuel Valve, Lean die-out, Rich burn-out, Compressor stall, FCS
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-71
G. Ponnusamy / Fuel Control Systems for Aero-Engines.
3.1 Components
level position and schedules fuel flow into the engine. This
unit mainly monitors the burner pressure (Ps4) outside and
ambient pressure (Pamb) and controls fuel flow for proper
engine performance. The system consists of sensors to
monitor the parameters, ratio lever and multiplying lever to
adjust the ratio the flow by operating the throttle valves.
The computing system provides information to the pilot in
the cockpit for monitoring the engine performance.
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-71
G. Ponnusamy / Fuel Control Systems for Aero-Engines.
3.1.3 Sensors for this type of system is the PT6 engines turboprop en-
The sensors aid the computing system to monitor 3.2.3 Electro-Hydro Mechanical Fuel Control Unit
the engine operation by collecting the data’s from different
stages of the engine. Electro-Hydro Mechanical type of fuel control
unit is not much widely used in most of the engines in
3.1.4 The Fuel Valves recent years. The main structure of the system is an electri-
cal circuit unit fitted with a hydraulic unit having sensors.
This type of control units are mostly used in large multi-
The fuel valves allow the fuel to flow into the spool turbofan engines. In this type of system an amplifier
combustion chamber. The computer monitoring the engine is used to protect the engine from over speeding in whatev-
is controlling these valves. er the operating condition it is operating. A good example
is the Garrett TFE-731 and ATF-32.
3.2 Types of FCU’s
3.2.4 Auxiliary Power Unit Fuel Control System
3.2.1 Hydro-Mechanical control Unit
An Electronic Engine Control is a typical Hydro-
The hydro-mechanical unit has high pressure and Mechanical control unit with some additional electrical
low pressure sensing unit containing a combination of a components. These components are added to avoid over-
flyweight governor with diaphragm and sensors that moni- heating and over speeding of the gas turbine engine. When
tors various factors like discharge pressure form the com- there is a condition of failure of Electrical Control Unit it
pressor, burner can pressure and exhaust pipe pressure. In will automatically be reverted to Hydro-Mechanical unit to
Most of the hydro-mechanical unit’s the engine fuel pump take control of the engine fuel control operation2.
is integrated into the system2.
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-71
G. Ponnusamy / Fuel Control Systems for Aero-Engines.
4.1 Turboprop Engine’s FCU fuel pressure in the FCU. For safety a shutoff valve is fitted
to ensure that the fuel flow will be fully restricted when
Turboprop engine operation is quite typical and there is a depression1.
operated by the Hydro-Pneumatic Control System; where
the propeller is driven by a reduction gearbox fitted in the 4.1.3 Speed Control
engine determines the engine speed and as usual turbine
drives compressor in addition to the propeller. The FCU is A speed control sensor called as a tachometer
mounted on the flange at the rear end of the fuel pump. The containing flyweights that generates a centrifugal force,
compressor and turbine speed is monitored and the signal is which is directly proportional to the counter weights, con-
transmitted. The engine power developed is based on the trols the speed of the engine. The operation of the tachome-
speed of the compressor and turbine date obtained through ter is controlled by components such as orifice, pilot valves
proper control of fuel flow. The system also has a fuel and stationery pistons. To maintain stationery speed the
limiting function that controls over speeding and over pressure will be nosebleed by maintaining the pressure of
heating of the engine. Here, PT-6A-60/65 is used as an the servo1.
example to explain the propeller engine’s Fuel Control
System1. 4.1.4 Over-Speed
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-71
G. Ponnusamy / Fuel Control Systems for Aero-Engines.
flow and decreases the valve area during high speed to to the crew in the cockpit will be notified through light
compensate the fuel consumption.1 signals. Hence harmful damage for the engine can be pre-
5 Electronic Engine Controls 5.2 Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC)
To provide the engine with more engine lifetime, The full authority digital control unit is a full
power, fuel consumption, reliability improvement, work- electrical component design that incorporates no mechani-
load reduction and maintenance costs precise control unit is cal or manual operation9. The main components are digital
to be more efficient in operation . Depending upon the computed which monitors the data’s with the help of sens-
operation there are two types of controls under this type, ing unit. The whole system is operated electrically through
the Supervisory one and Full authority digital control unit. actuators and there is no room for errors since there is no
The difference between these two engines is that the super- possibility of manual override. If an error occurs in the
visory control operates the hydro mechanical unit with the engine the engine will be forced to face a shut down condi-
help of a computer that monitors data of the engine, where tion of the FADEC system. But, comparatively the FADEC
a full authority controller operates actuators that are con- system is more reliable and much efficient in operation that
trolled electrically with the help of digital computers moni- the other type of fuel control units1; 2; 9.
toring the performance throughout the engine . 2 26/02/2013 23:43
The optimum efficiency is obtained from a high
performance computer, which is operated 70 frames per
second that monitors all the parameters like pressure, tem-
perature, rpm, EGT, TCA, TLA and so on. The data’s are
stored and can be used for maintenance purposes whenever
necessary. The feature in this type of control is that it can
be selected for manual operation whenever the pilot choos-
es to operate1; 2.
Some of the fuel control units used in the engines Figure 7: FADEC Unit by Garrett for a TFE-731-59
are JT9D-7R4 EEC, Hamilton standard EEC-103 unit. The
main components include a permanent magnet alternator, Garrett Digital Fuel Controller is an efficient type
air-bleed valve, vane control, and pressure sensors to moni- of fuel controller used in TFE-731-5 turbofan engines.
tor the compressor, turbine operation and operate the fuel
control unit electrically. The thrust production is so precise • The controller is used to maintain thrust with respect
with respect to Ng and engine temperature data collected to the change in temperature, altitude variation and
and stored in for future maintenance. In addition to the fuel inlet temperature.
flow the cooling control is also taken care of the EEC1; 2. • Maintains surge margin
The thrust production is made to be uniform with
the help of data’s like EPR, rpm, Mach number, flight • Fuel flow enhancement with effectiveness during
speed, inlet pressure and temperature whatever the changes starting conditions.
in the operation condition is. The level operating the thrust • Low maximum flow schedules
id moved with respect to the data’s obtained. If the lever is • Temperature limiting enhancements at all times.
in full forward position the thrust reduction is maximum
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and can be reduced as it is lowered. The design of the EEC • Over speed and over heating reduction and preven-
is so precise so that it gives efficient thrust production by tion at all times.
avoiding any critical problem that the engine could end up • It can be synchronized with engine parameters at all
with1. times.
Whenever a malfunction occurs in the engine the • Fault detection with absolute perfection.
control unit will be changed to Hydro-Mechanical unit
form the electrical unit. This change will be automatic by
the monitoring system and he control unit but an indication Safety is most priority for the aero engines as the
engine operation in air; the FADEC is most reliable in all
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-71
G. Ponnusamy / Fuel Control Systems for Aero-Engines.