Sem 3 Gtu B.pharm Syllabus

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Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II
Subject Code: BP301TP

Scope: This subject deals with general methods of preparation and reactions of some organic
compounds. Reactivity of organic compounds are also studied here. The syllabus emphasizes on
mechanisms and orientation of reactions. Chemistry of fats and oils are also included in the syllabus.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. Write the structure, name and the type of isomerism of the organic compound
2. Write the reaction, name the reaction and orientation of reactions
3. Account for reactivity/stability of compounds,
4. Prepare organic compounds

Course Content:
General methods of preparation and reactions of compounds superscripted with asterisk (*) to be explained
To emphasize on definition, types, classification, principles/mechanisms, applications, examples and

Sr No Topics %
1. Benzene and its derivatives: 10
 Analytical, synthetic and other evidences in the derivation of structure of
benzene, Orbital picture, resonance in benzene, aromatic characters,
Huckel’s rule
 Reactions of benzene - nitration, sulphonation, halogenation-
reactivity, Friedelcrafts alkylation- reactivity, limitations, Friedelcrafts
 Substituents, effect of substituents on reactivity and orientation of mono
substituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction
 Structure and uses of DDT, Saccharin, BHC and Chloramine
2. Phenols*: 10
Acidity of phenols, effect of substituents on acidity, qualitative tests, Structure
and uses of phenol, cresols, resorcinol, naphthols
Aromatic Amines*:
Basicity of amines, effect of substituents on basicity, and synthetic uses of aryl
diazonium salts
Aromatic Acids*:
Acidity, effect of substituents on acidity and important reactions of benzoic
3. Fats and Oils: 10
 Fatty acids – reactions.
 Hydrolysis, Hydrogenation, Saponification and Rancidity of oils, Drying
 Analytical constants – Acid value, Saponification value, Ester value, Iodine
value, Acetyl value, Reichert Meissl (RM) value – significance and principle
involved in their determination.
Polynuclear hydrocarbons:
4. 8
 Synthesis, reactions
 Structure and medicinal uses of Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Anthracene,
Diphenylmethane, Triphenylmethane and their derivatives
5. Cyclo alkanes*: 7
 Stabilities – Baeyer’s strain theory, limitation of Baeyer’s strain theory,
Coulson and Moffitt’s modification, Sachse Mohr’s theory (Theory of
strainless rings), reactions of cyclopropane and cyclobutane only


Experiments involving laboratory techniques

 Recrystallization
 Steam distillation

Determination of following oil values (including standardization of reagents)

 Acid value
 Saponification value
 Iodine value

Preparation of compounds

 Benzanilide/Phenyl benzoate/Acetanilide from Aniline/ Phenol /Aniline by acylation reaction.

 2,4,6-Tribromo aniline/Para bromo acetanilide from Aniline/
 Acetanilide by halogenation (Bromination) reaction.
 5-Nitro salicylic acid/Meta di nitro benzene from Salicylic acid / Nitro benzene by nitration reaction
 Benzoic acid from Benzyl chloride by oxidation reaction.
 Benzoic acid/ Salicylic acid from alkyl benzoate/ alkyl salicylate by hydrolysis reaction.
 1-Phenyl azo-2-napthol from Aniline by diazotization and coupling reactions.
 Benzil from Benzoin by oxidation reaction.
 Dibenzal acetone from Benzaldehyde by Claison Schmidt reaction
 Cinnammic acid from Benzaldehyde by Perkin reaction
 P-Iodo benzoic acid from P-amino benzoic acid

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd

2. Organic Chemistry by I.L. Finar , Volume-I
3. Textbook of Organic Chemistry by B.S. Bahl & Arun Bahl.
4. Organic Chemistry by P.L.Soni
5. Practical Organic Chemistry by Mann and Saunders.
6. Vogel’s text book of Practical Organic Chemistry
7. Advanced Practical organic chemistry by N.K.Vishnoi.
8. Introduction to Organic Laboratory techniques by Pavia, Lampman and Kriz.
Subject Code: BP302TP

Scope: The course deals with the various physical and physicochemical properties, and principles
involved in dosage forms/formulations. Theory and practical components of the subject help the student
to get a better insight into various areas of formulation research and development, and stability studies
of pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Objectives: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to

1. Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in the designing the dosage
2. Know the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them for stability testing nad determination
of expiry date of formulations
3. Demonstrate use of physicochemical properties in the formulation development and evaluation of
dosage forms.

Sr No Topics %
1. Solubility of drugs: 10
Solubility expressions, mechanisms of solute solvent interactions, ideal
solubility parameters, solvation & association, quantitative approach to the
factors influencing solubility of drugs, diffusion principles in biological
systems. Solubility of gas in liquids, solubility of liquids in liquids, (Binary
solutions, ideal solutions)
Raoult’s law, real solutions. Partially miscible liquids, Critical solution
temperature and applications. Distribution law, its limitations and
2. States of Matter and properties of matter: 10
State of matter, changes in the state of matter, latent heats, vapour pressure,
sublimation critical point, eutectic mixtures, gases, aerosols– inhalers, relative
humidity, liquid complexes, liquid crystals, glassy states, solid-crystalline,
amorphous & polymorphism.

Physicochemical properties of drug molecules:

Refractive index, optical rotation, dielectric constant, dipole moment,
dissociation constant, determinations and applications
3. Surface and interfacial phenomenon: 8
Liquid interface, surface & interfacial tensions,surface free energy,
measurement of surface & interfacial tensions, spreading coefficient,
adsorption at liquid interfaces, surface active agents, HLB Scale,
solubilisation, detergency, adsorption at solid interface.
Complexation and protein binding:
4. Introduction, Classification of Complexation, Applications, methods of 8
analysis, protein binding, Complexation and drug action, crystalline structures
of complexes and thermodynamic treatment of stability constants.
5. pH, buffers and Isotonic solutions: 7
Sorensen’s pH scale, pH determination (electrometric and calorimetric),
applications of buffers, buffer equation, buffer capacity, buffers in
pharmaceutical and biological systems, buffered isotonic solutions.

1. Determination the solubility of drug at room temperature

2. Determination of pKa value by Half Neutralization/ Henderson Hasselbalch equation.
3. Determination of Partition co- efficient of benzoic acid in benzene and water
4. Determination of Partition co- efficient of Iodine in CCl4 and water
5. Determination of % composition of NaCl in a solution using phenol-water system by CST
6. Determination of surface tension of given liquids by drop count and drop weight method
7. Determination of HLB number of a surfactant by saponification method
8. Determination of Freundlich and Langmuir constants using activated char coal
9. Determination of critical micellar concentration of surfactants
10. Determination of stability constant and donor acceptor ratio of PABA-Caffeine complex by
solubility method
11. Determination of stability constant and donor acceptor ratio of Cupric-Glycine complex by pH
titration method

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Physical Pharmacy by Alfred Martin

2. Experimental Pharmaceutics by Eugene, Parott.
3. Tutorial Pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn.
4. Stocklosam J. Pharmaceutical Calculations, Lea &Febiger, Philadelphia.
5. Liberman H.A, Lachman C., Pharmaceutical Dosage forms, Tablets, Volume-1 to 3,
MarcelDekkar Inc.
6. Liberman H.A, Lachman C, Pharmaceutical Dosage forms. Disperse systems, volume 1, 2,
3. Marcel Dekkar Inc.
7. Physical Pharmaceutics by Ramasamy C and ManavalanR.
8. Laboratory Manual of Physical Pharmaceutics, C.V.S. Subramanyam, J. Thimma settee
9. Physical Pharmaceutics by C.V.S. Subramanyam
10. Test book of Physical Phramacy, by Gaurav Jain & Roop K. Khar
Subject Code: BP303TP

Scope: Biochemistry deals with complete understanding of the molecular levels of the chemical process
associated with living cells. The scope of the subject is providing biochemical facts and the principles
to understand metabolism of nutrient molecules in physiological and pathological conditions. It is also
emphasizing on genetic organization of mammalian genome and hetero & autocatalytic functions of

Objectives: Upon completion of course student shell able to

1. Understand the catalytic role of enzymes, importance of enzyme inhibitors in design of new
drugs, therapeutic and diagnostic applications of enzymes.
2. Understand the metabolism of nutrient molecules in physiological and pathological
3. Understand the genetic organization of mammalian genome and functions of DNA in the
synthesis of RNAs and proteins.

Sr No Topics %
1. Biomolecules: 8
Introduction, classification, chemical nature and biological role of
carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and proteins.
Concept of free energy, endergonic and exergonic reaction, Relationship
between free energy, enthalpy and entropy; Redox potential.
Energy rich compounds; classification; biological significances of ATP and
cyclic AMP
2. Carbohydrate metabolism: 10
Glycolysis – Pathway, energetics and significance Citric acid cycle- Pathway,
energetics and significance
HMP shunt and its significance; Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Glycogen metabolism Pathways and glycogen storage diseases (GSD)
Gluconeogenesis- Pathway and its significance
Hormonal regulation of blood glucose level and Diabetes mellitus
Biological oxidation:
Electron transport chain (ETC) and its mechanism.
Oxidative phosphorylation & its mechanism and substrate level phosphorylation
Inhibitors ETC and oxidative phosphorylation/Uncouplers
3. Lipid metabolism: 10
β-Oxidation of saturated fatty acid (Palmitic acid)
Formation and utilization of ketone bodies; ketoacidosis
De novo synthesis of fatty acids (Palmitic acid)
Biological significance of cholesterol and conversion of cholesterol into bile
acids, steroid hormone and vitamin D
Disorders of lipid metabolism: Hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, fatty liver
and obesity.
Amino acid metabolism:
General reactions of amino acid metabolism: Transamination, deamination &
decarboxylation, urea cycle and its disorders
Catabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine and their metabolic disorders
(Phenyketonuria, Albinism, alkeptonuria, tyrosinemia)
Synthesis and significance of biological substances; 5-HT, melatonin,
dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline
Catabolism of heme; hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice
Nucleic acid metabolism and genetic information transfer
4. Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides 10
Catabolism of purine nucleotides and Hyperuricemia and Gout disease
Organization of mammalian genome
Structure of DNA and RNA and their functions DNA replication (semi
conservative model) Transcription or RNA synthesis
Genetic code, Translation or Protein synthesis and inhibitors
5. Enzymes: 7
Introduction, properties, nomenclature and IUB classification of enzymes
Enzyme kinetics (Michaelis plot, Line Weaver Burke plot)
Enzyme inhibitors with examples
Regulation of enzymes: enzyme induction and repression, allosteric enzymes
Therapeutic and diagnostic applications of enzymes and isoenzymes Coenzymes
–Structure and biochemical functions


1. Qualitative analysis of carbohydrates (Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose and starch)
2. Identification tests for Proteins (albumin and Casein)
3. Quantitative analysis of reducing sugars (DNSA method) and Proteins (Biuret method)
4. Qualitative analysis of urine for abnormal constituents
5. Determination of blood creatinine
6. Determination of blood sugar
7. Determination of serum total cholesterol
8. Preparation of buffer solution and measurement of pH
9. Study of enzymatic hydrolysis of starch
10. Determination of Salivary amylase activity
11. Study the effect of Temperature on Salivary amylase activity.
12. Study the effect of substrate concentration on salivary amylase activity

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger.
2. Harper’s Biochemistry by Robert K. Murry, Daryl K. Granner and Victor W. Rodwell.
3. Biochemistry by Stryer.
4. Biochemistry by D. Satyanarayan and U.Chakrapani
5. Textbook of Biochemistry by Rama Rao.
6. Textbook of Biochemistry by Deb.
7. Outlines of Biochemistry by Conn and Stumpf
8. Practical Biochemistry by R.C. Gupta and S. Bhargavan.
9. Introduction of Practical Biochemistry by David T. Plummer. (3rd Edition)
10. Practical Biochemistry for Medical students by Rajagopal and Ramakrishna.
11. Practical Biochemistry by Harold Varley.
Subject Code: BP304TT

Scope: Pathophysiology is the study of causes of diseases and reactions of the body to such disease
producing causes.This course is designed to impart a thorough knowledge of the relevant aspects of
pathology of various conditions with reference to its pharmacological applications, and understanding
of basic pathophysiological mechanisms. Hence it will not only help to study the syllabus of pathology,
but also to get baseline knowledge required to practice medicine safely, confidently, rationally and

Objectives: Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to –

1. Describe the etiology and pathogenesis of the selected disease states;
2. Name the signs and symptoms of the diseases; and
3. Mention the complications of the diseases.

Sr No Topics %
1. Basic principles of Cell injury and Adaptation: 10
Introduction, definitions, Homeostasis, Components and Types of
Feedback systems,
Causes of cellular injury, Pathogenesis (Cell membrane damage,
Mitochondrial damage, Ribosome damage, Nuclear damage),Morphology of
cell injury – Adaptive changes (Atrophy, Hypertrophy, hyperplasia,
Metaplasia, Dysplasia),Cell swelling, Intra cellular accumulation,
Calcification, Enzyme leakage and Cell Death Acidosis &Alkalosis,
Mechanism involved in the process of inflammation and repair:
Introduction, Clinical signs of inflammation, Different types of Inflammation,
Mechanism of Inflammation – Alteration in vascular permeability and blood
flow, migration of WBC’s,Mediators of inflammation, Basic principles of
wound healing in the skin, Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis
2. Cardiovascular System: 10
Hypertension, congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease (angina,
myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis)
Respiratory system:Asthma, Chronic obstructive airways diseases.
Renal system:Acute and chronic renal failure
3. Haematological Diseases: 10
Iron deficiency, megaloblastic anemia (Vit B12 and folic acid), sickle cell
anemia, thalasemia, hereditary acquired anemia, hemophilia
Endocrine system: Diabetes, thyroid diseases, disorders of sex hormones
Nervous system: Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, psychiatric disorders:
depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Gastrointestinal system: Peptic Ulcer , Inflammatory bowel diseases,
jaundice, hepatitis (A,B,C,D,E,F) alcoholic liver disease 8
Disease of bones and joints: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and gout
Principles of cancer: classification, etiology and pathogenesis of cancer
5. Infectious diseases: Meningitis, Typhoid, Leprosy, Tuberculosis Urinary tract 7
Sexually transmitted diseases: AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea
Recommended Books (Latest Editions):

1. Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abas, Jon C. Aster; Robbins &Cotran Pathologic Basis of
Disease; South Asia edition; India; Elsevier; 2014.
2. Harsh Mohan; Text book of Pathology; 6th edition; India; Jaypee Publications; 2010.
3. Laurence B, Bruce C, Bjorn K. ; Goodman Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics; 12th edition; New York; McGraw-Hill; 2011.
4. Best, Charles Herbert 1899-1978; Taylor, Norman Burke 1885-1972; West, John B
(John Burnard); Best and Taylor’s Physiological basis of medical practice; 12th ed;
united states;
5. William and Wilkins, Baltimore;1991 [1990 printing].
6. Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R. Walker, Stuart H. Ralston;Davidson’s Principles and
Practice of Medicine; 21st edition; London; ELBS/Churchill Livingstone; 2010.
7. Guyton A, John .E Hall; Textbook of Medical Physiology; 12th edition; WB Saunders
Company; 2010.
8. Joseph DiPiro, Robert L. Talbert, Gary Yee, Barbara Wells, L. Michael Posey;
9. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach; 9th edition; London; McGraw-
Hill Medical; 2014.
10. V. Kumar, R. S. Cotran and S. L. Robbins; Basic Pathology; 6th edition; Philadelphia;
WB Saunders Company; 1997.
11. Roger Walker, Clive Edwards; Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics; 3rd edition;
London; Churchill Livingstone publication; 2003.

Recommended Journals:

1. The Journal of Pathology. ISSN: 1096-9896 (Online)

2. The American Journal of Pathology. ISSN: 0002-9440
3. Pathology. 1465-3931 (Online)
4. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. ISSN:
1944-8171 (Online)
5. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. ISSN-0377-4929.
Subject Code: BP305TP

Scope: The subject involves the fundamentals of Pharmacognosy like scope, classification of crude
drugs, their identification and evaluation, phytochemicals present in them and their medicinal

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able
1. to understand the techniques in the cultivation and production of crude drugs
2. to describe the crude drugs, their uses and chemical nature
3. to explain the evaluation techniques for the herbal drugs
4. to analyse the microscopic and morphological evaluation of crude drugs

Sr No Topics %
1. Introduction to Pharmacognosy: 10
(a) Definition, history, scope and development of Pharmacognosy
(b) Sources of Drugs – Plants, Animals, Marine & Tissue culture
Organized drugs, unorganized drugs (dried latex, dried juices, dried extracts,
gums and mucilages, oleoresins and oleo- gum -resins).
Classification of drugs:
Alphabetical, morphological, taxonomical, chemical, pharmacological, chemo
and sero taxonomical classification of drugs
Quality control of Drugs of Natural Origin:
Adulteration of drugs of natural origin. Evaluation by organoleptic,
microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods and properties.
Quantitative microscopy of crude drugs including lycopodium spore method,
leafconstants, camera lucida and diagrams of microscopic objects to scale with
camera lucida.
2. Cultivation, Collection, Processing and Storage of Drugs of Natural 10
Cultivation and Collection of drugs of natural origin
Factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants.
Plant hormones and their applications.
Polyploidy, mutation and hybridization with reference to medicinal plants
Conservation of Medicinal Plants
3. Plant Tissue Culture: 7
Historical development of plant tissue culture, types of cultures, Nutritional
requirements, growth and their maintenance.
Applications of plant tissue culture in
pharmacognosy. Edible vaccines
Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine:
4. Role of Pharmacognosy in allopathy and traditional systems of medicine 10
namely, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Chinese systems of
Introduction to secondary metabolites:
Definition, classification, properties and test for identification of Alkaloids,
Glycosides, Flavonoids, Tannins, Volatile oil and Resins
5. Study of biological source, chemical nature and uses of drugs of natural origin 8
containing following drugs
Plant Products:
Fibers - Cotton, Jute, Hemp
Hallucinogens, Teratogens, Natural allergens
Primary metabolites:
General introduction, detailed study with respect to chemistry, sources,
preparation, evaluation, preservation, storage, therapeutic used and commercial
utility as Pharmaceutical Aids and/or Medicines for the following Primary
Carbohydrates: Acacia, Agar, Tragacanth, Honey, Starch, Sodium alginate,
Pectin, Guar gum
Proteins and Enzymes : Gelatin, casein, proteolytic enzymes (Papain,
bromelain, serratiopeptidase, urokinase, streptokinase, pepsin).
Lipids(Waxes, fats, fixed oils) : Castor oil, Chaulmoogra oil, Wool Fat, Bees
Marine Drugs:
Novel medicinal agents from marine sources
1. Analysis of crude drugs by chemical tests: (i)Tragaccanth (ii) Acacia (iii)Agar (iv) Gelatin (v)
starch (vi) Honey (vii) Castor oil
2. Determination of stomatal number and index
3. Determination of vein islet number, vein islet termination and paliside ratio.
4. Determination of size of starch grains, calcium oxalate crystals by eye piece micrometer
5. Determination of Fiber length and width
6. Determination of number of starch grains by Lycopodium spore method
7. Determination of Ash value
8. Determination of Extractive values of crude drugs
9. Determination of moisture content of crude drugs
10. Determination of swelling index and foaming

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions):

1. W.C.Evans, Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy, 16th edition, W.B. Sounders & Co., London,
2. Tyler, V.E., Brady, L.R. and Robbers, J.E., Pharmacognosy, 9th Edn., Lea and Febiger,
Philadelphia, 1988.
3. T.E. Wallis, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 5th edition, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, New Delhi, 2005
4. Mohammad Ali. Pharmacognosy, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi 2008
5. C.K. Kokate, Purohit, Gokhlae. Text book of Pharmacognosy, Gokhlae (2007), 37th Edition,
Nirali Prakashan, Pune, 2007
6. R.D. Choudhary, Herbal Drug Industry Ist Edn, Eastern Publisher, New Delhi, 1996
7. SH.Ansari, Essentials of Pharmacognosy, IInd edition, Birla publications, New Delhi, 2007
8. C.K. Kokate, Practical Pharmacognosy, 5th edition, Vallabh Prakashan, New Delhi, 2016.
9. M.A. Iyengar, Anatomy of Crude Drugs, Manipal Press, Manipal, 2001.
10. Biren Shah & A. K. Seth, Textbook of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, 2nd edition, Elsevier
Publication, New Delhi, 2011.
11. Khandelwal K. R. Practical Pharmacognosy, 9th edition, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, 2009
12. Agrawal S.S., Herbal Drug Technology, 2nd edition, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 2012.
13. Vyas S. P. and Dixit V. K., Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 1st edition, CBS Publisher &
Distributors, New Delhi, 2016.
14. WHO: Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials, World Health
ORganisation, Geneva, 1988.

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