Design and Development of Thermoelectric Generator

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Design and Development of a

Thermoelectric Generator




1. Thermal Management
Addressing thermal stability and heat distribution challenges

2. Material Selection
Choosing suitable material for optimal thermoelectric performance

3. System Integration
Integrating the generator into existing energy systems.

Efficiency Scalability Durability

Optimizing energy Developing scalable Ensuring long-term
conversion efficiency to solutions adaptable reliability and robustness
maximize power to various power under different
output. requirements. conditions.
Designing for minimal Making the Resisting corrosion and
energy loss and technology feasible degradation
superior performance. for both small and
For a prolonged
operational life.

Thermoelectricity refers to a phenomena in

which a temperature difference creates an
electric potential.
➢ If you need to use the
restroom, get a drink, or see
INTRODUCTION ➢ What is TEG ? the nurse, please ask
permission and then record
the time you leave and
• It is a solid state device that return
provides direct
on the sheet posted
energy conversion from thermal on theenergy intodoor.
electrical energy.

• Principle of operation is “SEEBECK EFFECT”.

Seebeck Effect

 This term was discovered by Thomas Seeback in 1821.

 “When the junctions of two different metals are maintained at different
temperatures, the emf is produced in the circuit. This is known as Seebeck

 ‘U’ flows across the circuit. The

conductor 1 is maintained at ‘T+∆T’
 The conductor 2 is maintained at
temperature ‘T’.
 Since the junctions are maintained at
different temperatures, the emf

 When the two sides of the semiconductor are maintained with

different temperatures, the emf is flows across the output circuit.
 As the heat moves from the hot side to the cold side, the charge
carrier moves in the semiconductor materials and hence the
potential difference is created.
 The electrons are the charge carriers in the case of N-type
semiconductors and the Hole are in P-type semiconductors.
 In a stack, a number of P-type and N-type semiconductors is
 A single PN connection can produce a Seebeck voltage of 40mV.
 The heat source such as natural gas or propane is used for remote
power generation.

Method used Improvements Limitations

Solid-state synthesis, vacuum hot pressing 1. Utilizing low resistance contact 1. Identifying suitable low resistance contact
for pelletization, and characterization via materials to reduce contact resistance. materials may require extensive research and
SEM, XRD, EPMA, with charge carrier 2. Enhancing overall device efficiency by testing.
2. Implementing more efficient bonding
confirmation using the Hot Probe method. addressing high contact resistance. methods may necessitate additional
equipment or expertise.

The research utilized a Thermoelectric Generator 1. Optimization of geometric 1. Complex optimization process due
(TEG) system to capture waste heat from
automobile engine exhaust. TEGs were placed on
parameters for enhanced to interdependence of TEG
an Aluminum pipeline with heat sinks, aided by efficiency and output power. components.
cooling fans to maintain cold side temperature. 2. Consideration of size and cost 2. Challenges in achieving high
TEGs were connected in series and connected to a constraints. efficiency due to trade-offs
between heat transfer.

Method used Improvements Limitations

The process involved testing 1. Successful integration of TEG 1. Limited power generation
TEGs for power generation technology into cookstoves, capacity may restrict
under high temperatures. enabling sustainable energy functionality for certain
Different TEG modules, heat sink generation. applications.
designs, and hot plate materials 2. Meeting water boiling test 2. Reliance on user feedback
were evaluated to optimize standards, indicating and field trials for final
performance and heat usability and reliability. assessment may prolong
dissipation. The chosen setup development.
included HZ14 and HZ-9 TEG 3. Lack of detailed technical
modules, a flower-shaped heat information hampers
sink with a fan, and stainless scalability assessment.
steel hot plate material.

Material Selection System Modelings Prototype Development

Final Design Refinement Optimization Strategies


1. TEG to supply low power electronics (milli watts).

2. Waste heat conversion to useful energy beneficial to present energy crisis.
3. Numerous advantages over disadvantages.
4. Variety of applications field.

5. Development in future will lead to interesting applications.

References :

1. Arun Seeralan Balakrishnan ,Dr. Farrukh Hafiz Nagi, Dr. Khairul Salleh, Dr. Prem A/l Gunnasegaran ,” Thermo-Electric Generator
Design for Energy Harvesting From Exhaust Gases” , International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering. ISSN 2250-3234
Volume 7, Number 1 (2017), pp. 55-70
2. Risha Mala , Rajendra Prasadb , Virendra K. Vijayc , Amit R. Vermad , “The design, development and performance evaluation of
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3. O.M. Al-Habahbeh *, A. Mohammad, A. Al-khalidi, M. Khanfer, M. Obeid, “Design optimization of a large-scale thermoelectric
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4. Prof. Ajit Kumar Senapati, Mr. Shakti Prasad Dash and Mr. P Rakesh. (2014). Thermo-Electric Generator in Turbocharged Diesel
Engine - A Review. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology.p. 276-279
5. Orr, B. G., & Akbarzadeh, A. (2016). Experimental testing of a car exhaust heat recovery system utilising TEGs and heat pipes.
SAE-A Vehicle Technology Engineer-Journal.

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