Design and Development of Thermoelectric Generator
Design and Development of Thermoelectric Generator
Design and Development of Thermoelectric Generator
Thermoelectric Generator
1. Thermal Management
Addressing thermal stability and heat distribution challenges
2. Material Selection
Choosing suitable material for optimal thermoelectric performance
3. System Integration
Integrating the generator into existing energy systems.
Solid-state synthesis, vacuum hot pressing 1. Utilizing low resistance contact 1. Identifying suitable low resistance contact
for pelletization, and characterization via materials to reduce contact resistance. materials may require extensive research and
SEM, XRD, EPMA, with charge carrier 2. Enhancing overall device efficiency by testing.
2. Implementing more efficient bonding
confirmation using the Hot Probe method. addressing high contact resistance. methods may necessitate additional
equipment or expertise.
The research utilized a Thermoelectric Generator 1. Optimization of geometric 1. Complex optimization process due
(TEG) system to capture waste heat from
automobile engine exhaust. TEGs were placed on
parameters for enhanced to interdependence of TEG
an Aluminum pipeline with heat sinks, aided by efficiency and output power. components.
cooling fans to maintain cold side temperature. 2. Consideration of size and cost 2. Challenges in achieving high
TEGs were connected in series and connected to a constraints. efficiency due to trade-offs
between heat transfer.
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