2021 - ICTEMA2022 - Mandal Et Al
2021 - ICTEMA2022 - Mandal Et Al
2021 - ICTEMA2022 - Mandal Et Al
15-16 January, 2022
Abstract—Theoretical estimations of the thermal heat flux spacecraft to withstand these high thermal loads. In our
into space ships during their reentry into the atmosphere of present work, we have considered phenolic asbestos as the
some planet have been one of the interesting fields of study in material.
modern day computational fluid dynamics. In our present
work, we have considered the case of Earth. We have simulated II. MODELLING
the entry of the FIRE - II space capsule, which was launched in
Bluff body approximation has been followed in this
the year 1965. It reentered earth with a velocity of 11.36 km/s
at an altitude of 76.42 km, at 1634 seconds from its launch.
simulation study. Some modifications have been put forward
Simulation of its entry has been solved using computational into the geometry of the original FIRE-II spacecraft (Fig. 1).
fluid dynamics. It is a case of compressible flow, and the A three-dimensional view of the modified geometry has
turbulence model has been selected as Spalart Allmaras been shown in Fig. 2. The minor modifications put into the
turbulence model, because it has been found to be showing original geometry helped in simplification of the model.
good results in case of such modern day aerospace problems.
We have simulated this re-entry by using Ansys Fluent solver
to visualize the shock layer formed during this supersonic
travel of the space capsule in the atmosphere of Earth. It is
important to mention that the heat flux into the spaceship for
the forebody stagnation point and the afterbody has been
computed for instances of time starting from time 1634 seconds
to 1640.5 seconds.
One of the most challenging aspects in modern day
spaceships is their reentry in the atmosphere of any planet.
There are three basic phases, which need to be taken into
account for this reentry study. These include deceleration,
heating and accuracy of landing (impact). The payload and
structure of the vehicle limit the maximum deceleration it
can withstand. Minimizing the deceleration is not the only
concern of re-entry designers, too little deceleration can also
cause serious problems. It can cause the space shuttle to Fig. 1. FIRE-II dimensions.
bounce off into the atmosphere and back into the cold
reaches of space. During the reentry phase, the atmosphere
presents a dense fluid medium whose physical properties
(like density, ambient temperature, viscosity, and thermal
conductivity) change rapidly with time. Any object entering
the atmosphere also has a huge amount of kinetic energy due
to its speed and potential energy due to its position above
the surface. This energy eventually is converted to heat,
which needs to be dissipated in order to prevent melting of
the spacecraft.
Several researchers [1-3] have suggested the use of
Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) and phenolic
asbestos as some ideal material that would enable the Fig. 2. 3D model considered in the present study.
Fig 3 shows the notation followed, namely X and L, properties of air (since these properties vary with altitude
wherefrom we define the axial position of the point of study over the surface of a planet), we have modified these in the
in our work. We have conducted the study at an axial material properties for fluid. Also, the material properties of
position of X/L = 0.19 in our present work. the wall of the space capsule was entered as per those of
phenolic asbestos. The initialization type was selected as
hybrid initialization. An extract of the solver monitor
showing the convergence of the solution to calculate the
heat transfer rate is given below.
C. Validation
We are interested in estimating the heat flux at some
axial position and the forebody stagnation point of the
spacecraft. The simulation was run for 5000 iterations per
Fig. 4. Meshing of spacecraft geometry and surrounding fluid domain. run. The results obtained in the present work have been
validated with the experimental data available from work of
B. Simulation setup other researchers [5]. This can be seen from Fig. 6. Heat flux
at the forebody stagnation point is given in Fig. 7.
The simulation is performed using Ansys Fluent R2021.
3D steady state simulations are performed over a range of TABLE II. VALIDATION USING EXPERIMENTAL HEAT FLUX DATA
velocities, Reynolds number, and free stream temperature (INTO THE SPACECRAFT) AT X/L = 0.19.
conditions. The boundary conditions put forth in the
problem have been obtained from the experimental data Time [s] 1634 1636 1637.5 1639
listed in. Since several studies [4] suggest the use of the
Experimental heat flux [W/cm²] 6 14 15.1 15.1
Spallart Allmaras one equation turbulence model for
Aerospace applications involving compressible flows, this Heat flux from simulation [W/cm²] 4.022 9.79 14.5045 18.1319
has been used in this particular simulation. On intermediate
grids, (1<y4<30), the formulation maintains its integrity and TABLE III. THE PRESENT AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF HEAT
provides consistent wall shear stress and heat transfer FLUX INTO SPACE CRAFT AT FOREBODY STAGNATION POINT
coefficients. The solver type was selected as a density-based
solver. In order to incorporate the modifications of the Time [s] 1634 1636 1637.5 1639
Experimental heat flux [W/cm²] 3.75 6.25 8.7 11.25
Heat flux from simulation [W/cm²] 1.37 2.04 2.39 2.43
Fig. 7. Heat flux into the spacecraft at the forebody stagnation point.
In the present study, we have only considered the basic molar mass of fluid. This study may provide usual data for
model that considers aerothermal properties including providing initial solutions for the more advanced models just
density, thermal conductivity, temperature, heat flux, and discussed.
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