Practical Boat Owner - 2020.01
Practical Boat Owner - 2020.01
Practical Boat Owner - 2020.01
starts here.
64 26
80 48
Parker 31 White Light – photo by David Harding
David Harding
54 Winterising
How to keep your sails,
engine and kit shipshape
during the winter months
Waiting for
Pinehurst Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7BF
By phone tel: +44 (0)1252 555176
the tide
Chief Sub-editor Julian Peckham
Art Editor Robert Owen
Group Art Editor Neil Singleton
Group Art Director Kevin Eason
Senior Production Manager Peter Wesson
Group Production Manager Becky Singleton
Group Editor Marine Elaine Bunting
Managing Director Kirsty Setchell
with the editor
Group Managing Director Adrian Hughes
To receive the editor’s monthly email newsletter, go to our website:
Fay Armstong-Boyes, Erin Carey, Nick Cowan,
Tony Davies, Zoran Glozinic, Michael Goodlad,
Rupert Holmes, Roger Hughes, Keith Ireland,
Jim Mottram, Peter Poland, Ben Sutcliffe-Davies,
Maybe it is rocket science...
e are probably had on board the vessel: spare
When submitting letters or other articles please include all guilty of socks, duct tape and some plastic
hi-res digital images. Please include your name and full thinking in tubing did the job. Even rocket
postal address. The editor reserves the right to shorten or cliches and science relies on DIY drama from
modify any material submitted. TI Media Limited and/or when I first time to time!
its associated companies reserve the right to re-use any
submission in any edition, format or medium. We cannot saw the photo On page 50, Roger Hughes
take responsibility for manuscripts or photos sent in. below, I thought: ‘Sailing; it’s not experiences water gushing into his
rocket science, is it!’ boat, but he has a plug to hand.
Tel: 0330 333 1113 It’s the obvious conclusion: On page 13 two YouTube sailors
Overseas Tel: +44(0)330 333 1113 (8am-6pm UK time) the rocket is bristling with next discover quite a serious gash in
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BUY A BACK ISSUE and materials, while the boat bobs island. They pump out, they
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ancient arts of floating and moving perfectly prepared boat is perhaps
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Head of Market Michael Beattie 07803 722007 But I was reminded of the scene Rocket science is about
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There’s a lot going on in this photo! Turn to page 50 to read the article by Roger
Hughes, who remained calm and in control throughout his short trip up the Intracoastal Waterway in the United States
Practical Boat Owner (incorporating The Yachtsman, Yachtsman & Boat,
Helmsman, Practical Boating, Yachting & Boating Weekly, Yacht & Boat We work hard to achieve the highest standards of editorial content and are committed to com-
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William Payne
on it to be more open about Robinson added that British
latent defects. Marine supported the use of
IIMS CEO Mike Schwarz and the EU Safety Gate, a rapid
vice-president Geoff alert system used by 31 EU
Waddington said that while and European Economic Area
Surveyors are being urged to contribute towards a database of
some manufacturers acted known boat defects, but reactions have been mixed member states to exchange
correctly, providing repair information on dangerous
teams to rectify problems, manufacturers on databases leading to others being missed. products, including recreational
others took ‘a damage based on known faults.” He’d prefer a database of craft that don’t meet the
limitation attitude and “A good and experienced written off boats, which he says Recreational Craft Directive.
approach, which is not good surveyor treats each yacht often make their way back into The Maritime and Coastguard
enough when the safety of life individually, never relying on the market. Agency said it would support
is potentially being put at risk’. previous surveys, assumptions British Marine, which an initiative that seeks to
“This is not a witch-hunt or rumours, even if he/she had represents UK boat improve safety. It highlighted
against yacht- and boatbuilders inspected that very yacht a few manufacturers, said while it that there are no mandatory
and equipment suppliers, years before. A database could recognised the ‘good requirements for surveys for
rather an attempt to give the prejudice surveyors,” he said. intentions’ of the IIMS’s pleasure vessels, although it
small craft surveyor some vital Vass also believe it could give campaign, it was concerned has recently published good
additional information as part of newly qualified surveyors a about the open letter. practice guidance about the
their toolkit,” stressed Schwarz. false sense of security. Its CEO, Lesley Robinson maintenance of recreational
But surveyor Nick Vass Surveyor and boatbuilder Ben said all UK manufacturers vessels.
believes a database could be Sutcliffe-Davies also believes “recognise safety as their most A spokesman said boat
damaging and it would “be that a database could result in serious responsibility and we design defects could be
unfair to pigeonhole yacht a focus on specific defects, are surprised and concerned at reported to Trading Standards.
River management
consultation opens
Boaters are being asked for wetland species are threatened
their views on the management with extinction.
of rivers in England. As part of the consultation,
The Environment Agency’s issues like river flow, climate
(EA) ‘Challenges and Choices’ change and biodiversity,
consultation will run for six chemicals or pollution in the
months, ending on 24 April water environment, invasive
2020, and will examine how to non-native species (plants and
strike a balance between animals), the physical
Scotland’s Boat Show at Kip Marina is now the second
largest boat show in the UK industry, nature and the water modifications to river habitats,
needs of the UK’s growing and the ways of working will all
Scotland’s Boat Show success population in the face of
climate change.
be given consideration.
Details of the consultation can
More than 13,000 people the water training sessions According to the EA, in the be found at: consult.
visited the bigger than ever run by RYA Scotland. last 100 years, 90% of the UK’s
Scotland’s Boat Show which On shore the Cruising wetlands have been lost, while environment-and-business/
ran from 11-13 October at Association (CA) returned over 10% of freshwater and challenges-and-choices/
Inverclyde’s Kip Marina. as sponsor of the CA Stage
Michael Schmidt & providing a popular
Partners reported more than schedule of talks and
ten boats sold, as well as ‘a presentations, while
host of strong enquiries to exhibitors showcased the
follow up afterwards’. latest trends and
Miles Stratton of development in boat and
Inspiration Marine said it equipment in the RYA
had a “high level of interest Scotland pavilion.
in our new Hanses and our Preparations are already
latest addition Ballistic under way for next year’s
RIBS. For us it was a show as part of Scotland’s
Lester McCarthy
New best practice for fresh water use ensuring consistent practice
across the inland and coastal
Best practice on how to fill up LEFT The new marine industry.”
onboard water tanks and wash Industry Best “For our affiliated sailing clubs
down boats has been issued Practice and recognised training
for the first time. restrictions on
centres, this new guidance will
The Industry Specialist the type of offer help and guidance on the
Consulting Group (ISCG) has equipment you security surrounding the safety
released new Industry Best use to wash of water supplies and how that
down boats
Practice (IBP) on the safe water is used. The document
operation of fresh water advises clubs on the best
facilities in marinas, boatyards, practice of regular activities
Gary Hider/Alamy
sailing centres, canals and such as the rinsing of dinghies
other inland waterways. and filling of water tanks,” he
As well as giving guidance on continued.
backflow protection to prevent “Key elements of the water
contamination to the mains safety guidance include the
water supply, it also highlights correct labelling of water points
how to use water in a more and allocating designated
environmentally friendly way. should only supply hoses for to protect against sunlight and areas for boat maintenance
Water suppliers and industry wash-down purposes. If hoses extreme temperatures, and which involves the use of
experts from British Marine, the for fresh water are supplied standpipe and mains cold water,” added Pridding.
RYA, The Yacht Harbour directly by the marina, they water supply pipes should be Anglian Water, Hyfran Duffyd,
Association, RNLI, and the Canal must be signed for and the user located away from any risk of Jersey Water, Severn Trent
& River Trust have contributed made aware of their correct use. permeation or ingress. Water and Southern Water
towards the new guidelines. Those wanting to wash down The RYA director of affairs, have accepted the new
These include boats are advised to use a hose Howard Pridding, welcomed the guidance.
recommendations that food and a handheld trigger gun with introduction of the industry best The full best practice
grade hoses be used when an auto-shut off head. Approved practice, “which is designed to document can be read at:
filling up onboard cold water double check valves should be raise operational standards in
storage tanks and that marinas, used to prevent any backflow. the supply of domestic water new-best-practice-for-marine-
boatyards and sailing centres All pipework should be insulated for recreational boating activity, water-use-62803
• Quality engineering for WASTE WATER
• Innovative design
• Competitive pricing
t: 023 8045 4507
• Guaranteed compatibility e : S A L ES @V ET US . C O. U K
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Karl Midlane
Plans are underway to develop located at least 10km off the
one of Ireland’s largest offshore Cork coast.
wind farms. The offshore floating wind
DP Energy Ireland has farm would have a potential
applied to the Department of output of more than 700MW
Housing, Planning and Local – enough to power 240,000
Government for an investigative homes. There is currently only
foreshore licence to carry out a one offshore wind energy
feasibility study of the project operational in Ireland –
proposed Inis Ealga Marine the Arklow Bank Wind Farm
Energy Park, which would be which has a 25MW capability.
D Gowans/Alamy
Phase Two of the lock gate embankment west of Kytra.
replacement works at Fort The work is due to finish by
Augustus will include changing spring 2020. Setting up safety gear
the gate operating Phase One last winter saw ■ Brand new series – Rupert
mechanisms from hydraulic to the replacement of lock gates Holmes walks through the do’s
electrical systems to make two and the strengthening of Fishing activities are prohibited and don’ts of safety kit set-up
them more reliable and energy lock gates three and four. in areas like Loch Sunart
■ Peter Wright motor cruises
Largs Yacht Haven
and were scheduled for Enterprise Partnership, North has launched its £538,000
completion by February 2020. Yorkshire County Council, Door to Shore campaign to
The project has also come in Scarborough Borough and raise money.
under budget. Whitby Town councils. campaign/Doortoshore
Nic Compton
lack of a toggle. Robinson, PBO December
Can you explain why a 2019). What can I say? I had
toggle is required to attach the no idea that you were doing
lower end of the forestay? The anything as stupendous as
forestay will always be under appeared in the magazine. them take second place. I
tension and provided the stem The boat-sized gap in the spent a lot of my working life
fitting was made to be at the garden seemed unfillable until in or around developing
correct angle when the vessel I saw that edition. Thank you countries and those boats
was built, there should be no so much. always acted as insoluble
out of alignment forces that a As I think you will have anchors – even if at the end
toggle would eliminate. realised, boats became a part the last one got a bit of rot in
David Nicholls, of our lives from quite early on her mast!
Denmead, Hants and it’s really only been Thank you for the memories
‘not-wellness’ and general and the joy of it all.
Mike Coates responds: decrepitude that has made David Robinson, Totnes
There is a very good reason happens going from one tack
for having a toggle at the lower to another, causes the
end of a forestay. Forestays in headstay to fall off to leeward
particular are subject to providing an unwanted
vibration stress which create bending moment. Correction:
work hardening of the material, Although slow to happen, Apologies to PBO reader John
the constant vibrations work hardening of the forestay Harrin. We mistakenly referred
together with the sideways will eventually occur causing to TS Kenya Jacaranda
bending moment of the the wire to fail usually where it (formerly Torbay Lass) as a
forestay can be likened to exits the termination. Thames Barge (PBO Letters
bending a coat hanger back Adding a toggle goes a long December 2019). She is, of
and forth. way towards alleviate this course, a Brixham Trawler.
The stressing, which sideways stressing.
B O’Kane/Alamy
check list. Use it regularly, at
cat photo! least for the autumn lay-up/
First, may I say as an expat spring launch inspections.
now living in Australia how Also use it after instances of
much I enjoy my PBO personal injury or death on
subscription. Reminds me of board, heavy weather,
my earlier sailing days around
the river Humber.
MCA maintenance breakages, groundings or
collisions. Document your
Second, I am somewhat To me, point 4.4 of MGN 280 the manufacturers; only findings in writing. Add
confused by an image on page (News, PBO October 2019) is authorized technicians are supporting photos.
13 of PBO September 2019. clear in stating that the allowed to install 2. Next you should
The picture in the lower left of average boat owner will not communications equipment elaborate your ‘to do’ list with
the page shows a black and be allowed to repair or service (installing a new VHF set short, reasoned outlines of
white animal in a red lifejacket. his boat. And I very much nowadays only means what you think should be
Clearly, to me at least, this is an agree with the opinions of Mr connecting a few wires); done and how.
image of a cat. In fact the text Vass and Mr Cunningham. technical inspections are 3. Document your
even states that ‘...sent in a Further down the notice, compulsory every five years subsequent handiwork in
photo of his seacat Louis’. I MCA states that they have ‘... (where one only gets a paper, writing. Add supporting
should know – I have three no intention...’ of regulating not a true inspection) and the photos, preferably step by
cats that all closely resemble pleasure vessels under fines they levy are step as the work progresses.
the image of the animal in the 13.7m. In my opinion, if MCA disproportionate. These are 4. Save the lot and keep the
photo. does not intend to regulate just a few of the reasons why records until the boat is
What is confusing me is that these boats, the MGN should many Spanish boat owners scrapped or you hand them
the caption states ‘Seadog of reflect this clearly. choose to register their over to a new owner. Keep an
the Month’. Surely PBO copy The danger for boat owners vessels elsewhere. updated copy ashore. Update
editors can see these animals being made prisoners of the We have already seen and the lot in order to facilitate
belong to different species? boat industry is high. I am a suffered this in Spain, where retrieval with the latest
Perhaps an indication that Spaniard living in Spain, a most regulations are made to software.
some of your staff are spending country which is known for its favour the industry, which is The more organised you
too much time in the local? deep and rigid state allied with the administration. [can prove] you are the
Chris Brown, interventionism in any matters Do British pleasure sailors better. Your files will properly
Brisbane, Australia related to pleasure sailing. wish to end up like the impress the underwriters and
Our marine authorities Spanish ones? Beware! their lawyers. You will also be
Ed responds: We asked Louis enforce conformity Luis Lorente Ramos-Roca, pleasantly surprised at the
for his thoughts on the matter requirements beyond the CE by email reactions of any prospective
and he just purred idly and or MED marking; they impose new owner of your boat on
ignored us all! So we withheld servicing of liferafts and I have worked as a marine reading them!
the prize payment and spent it EPIRBs at shorter intervals consultant and surveyor for Peter Jansson
in the pub instead. More cat than those recommended by decades, mainly for insurance Master Mariner, BSc
photos please!
of sunglasses
and Dave felt
ready to win...
here comes a time when even having a nap sitting on the rail during a
the most accomplished five-hour windward leg on one tack.
sea-plodder will have It’s for such occasions that elite racers
exhausted the myriad have a fourth, and even fifth pair of shades,
permutations offered by for the side of the head. On starboard tack,
savouring the solitude of nature in a quiet you bridge them over your right ear, so as
creek, while spending the night laying to give the impression you’re intently
peacefully at anchor in silent terror. watching the helm. On port tack, if you
Normally at this point the sea-plodder’s have one available, use your left ear.
thoughts turn to Morris dancing, golf and, So, if yacht racing still appeals – and
on occasion, even yacht racing, all of frankly, why wouldn’t it – be aware it can be
which involve dressing up in brightly very dangerous indeed, as there are literally
coloured clothing. If that doesn’t put you countless incidents of very experienced
off, perhaps this will help. yacht racers throttling themselves with the
A particular attraction of yacht racing is lanyards of their sunglasses during a
that it generally involves leaving the gybe, this despite the fact that the
anchor ashore, but there’s more to it than Dyneema (for lightness and style)
that. There are many key moments in a lanyards are individually colour coded.
yacht race, starting with the start – which The cruising sailor’s practice of
is not really one of them. Neither is the attaching a spectacle lanyard, improvised
finish. The action really from a rusty safety pin
gets going in the ‘Yacht racing is far and retired shoe-lace
committee room with
the protest, followed by
less competitive than with the breaking strain
of a cobweb, is less
the appeal, tribunal, it at first appears’ likely to lead to
appeal, disqualification, strangulation, but
appeal and sentencing, which, if you’ve often results in the loss of either
got a good legal team and lenient judge, spectacles, hat, or both together,
can on appeal be commuted to life. So far followed by the loss of your boat
so straightforward. hook, dan buoy, horseshoe buoy and
Handicapping, which also happens in temper in a failed recovery attempt.
golf and to a much larger extent in Morris Consider fitting a preventer in the form
dancing, is the very nub of yacht racing of another lanyard to tether your hat to
and thoroughly straightforward, ensuring your jacket, or ‘gilet’ in racing parlance.
that absolutely everyone, including even For safety reasons we wouldn’t advise about racing is that skippers have special
the winner, is convinced they’ve won. tethering your jacket/gilet to your lifejacket shades with the reflective film on the
Thus, yacht racing is far less competitive as you’d need a very long length of inside to avoid indecision in port-starboard
than it at first appears, which will greatly shoe-lace/Dyneema to reach the forepeak situations. It’s an age-old practice
encourage the sea-plodder thinking of locker, and that would be a trip hazard. pioneered by Nelson who held his
transitioning to colourful clothes, shorts As cruising sailors generally use telescope to his eye patch to proclaim
outside leggings, thongs (either footwear spectacles for seeing, many more with all honesty: ‘I see no ships’.
or underwear) and topping out the whole committed cruisers attach corks to them If you’re still thinking of transitioning
ensemble with three pairs of reflective with light galvanised chain – but remember there’s one more thing to consider. Your
sunglasses. These are known as ‘shades’, to do your buoyancy calculations; this may floppy Rupert Bear hat with chin strap has
and you’ll need one pair for the back of entail drinking more wine. Racers, on the far too much windage. What you need is a
your head, another on the top of the other hand, drink lager, which is another peaked ‘cap’ boldly emblazoned with
forehead and a third pair over the eyes. adjustment you’ll have to make. Neither words like Antigua 2012, Fastnet 2016,
Not only is this fashion forward, de rigueur would they stop in a shades-overboard Ferrari, Rolex, Dare to Lead, Born to Win
and a la mode, but highly practical, as situation, or a crew one for that matter, as or Brexit Means Brexit. These can be
whichever way you’re facing it looks like it’s well known that lightness adds speed. found in the water in the vicinity of any
you’re paying attention, even if you’re The only other thing you need to know yacht race.
‘Dahlia’s topsides
irty grey curtains of rain are complicated sewing at the clew. It is also
sweeping in off the sea. In surprisingly cheap. As for the replacing of gleam like Hollywood
the yard the boats lie under UV strips, which is surprisingly expensive, bridgework’
their tarpaulins, turning the genoas probably have five years’
green. It is hard to imagine a more life, maximum, and if we bank the of a highly poisonous powder. This, when
world in which sun shines, soft breezes re-stripping money and do not eat much mixed with water and a bit of wallpaper
blow, and wake gurgles merrily down over that period we will have saved up paste to make it stick, removes the
the lee side... enough to buy a shiny new blade foresail, grunge. (Oxalic acid is the active
Oh no it isn’t. We are an island nation, alleluia, and maybe a gennaker. ingredient in rhubarb leaves, but as far as I
ready for anything. And when the going Next, domestics. An oil lamp, bought last know nobody has ever tried to use them
gets tough the tough get going. Grit the year on ebay, hangs seductively from the for hull cleaning.)
teeth, square up and prepare the old girl deckhead. I lit it once. The cabin filled with As we were gloomily contemplating the
for next season. The jobs will see us a soft golden light, closely followed by a horror of poisons, protective clothing and
through till launch day. What is needed is choking niff of baked headlining. Realising the rest, Ian at the yard mentioned some
a do list. First item on the list is ‘make list’. that any minute the hot vinyl smell was stuff called Bar Keepers Friend, and as
Here goes. going to be joined by a black smoke stink, usual he was right. Amazon, postman,
First, sails. From the rat-haunted deeps I blew the thing out and did not relight it. squirt, leave, wipe, and lo, Dahlia’s
of a shed comes an old genoa in the Since then I have scoured the internet for topsides gleam like Hollywood
1980s style that backwinds the main at all something heatproof, and have come up bridgework.
times. This is a perpetual source of with some self-adhesive stuff from Textile So we are working our way steadily
frustration, hence its exile. Bundle it off to Technologies that features an aluminium down the list, with our eyes firmly fixed on
Crusader so they can shorten the foot foil over glassfibre backing. A couple of the glories that lie beyond launch day. The
– an operation which, oddly, involves not layers stuck to the deckhead should do weather is still terrible, and will no doubt
hacking a lump off the leech, but the the trick. A plume of black smoke rising get worse. But any minute now the days
removal of a long thin triangle, base from a Highland anchorage will signal that will be getting longer. It is hard to mope
upward, from the luff, thus avoiding all that it didn’t, but we live in hope. when there is work to do. Onward!
s is usual these days, my small and sporty cruiser-racer is still to
September stroll around the study classified ads and brokerage
Southampton Boat Show in listings. There are many production yachts
Peter K Poland crossed the
search of interesting sub-30ft around 25ft of this ilk – several heavily
Atlantic in a 7.6m (25ft) Wind
sailing cruisers came to naught. influenced by competitive Quarter Tonners Elf in 1968 and later spent
With the exception of the characterful – that emerged on the scene in the 1970s 30 years as co-owner
Swallows and Cornish Crabbers, the and 80s. And these were proper little of Hunter Boats. He
whizzy BTC 22 and some startlingly yachts that could go offshore. is now a freelance
expensive small Beneteau sports boats, At that time the Junior Offshore Group journalist and
there was zilch. (JOG) ran a summer-long series of PR consultant.
So my advice to any sailor looking for a cross-Channel events for small yachts,
and I crewed in many of these. The racing To get further insight into how everything
was challenging, the post race parties Trapper 300 changed so dramatically with the
were wild and the hung-over return trips to transition from the old RORC rule to the
the UK were often a bit of a blur. IOR, I contacted Julian Everitt (of E Boat,
My uncle started Jogging in a 29-footer Evasion, Magnum etc fame). He was one
then went down in size to a Nicholson 26, of the new breed of young designers to
followed by a 22ft Westerly Jouster come to the fore in the 1970s.
followed by the first Hunter 19 then a Julian told me: “The International
Hunter 701. Sadly cross-Channel racing in Offshore Rule (IOR) had a huge influence
boats of these smaller sizes is now on the development of small, fast, family
virtually nonexistent. yachts in the early 1970s. The rule
ABOVE Trapper
TS240 has a
lifting keel
LEFT Trapper 300
was developed from
a Quarter Tonner
Evolution 25 was
more cruising
Julian Everitt’s lifting keel fast cruisers
were at the forefront of developments in
the 1970s and he told me: “If I were to
pick a couple of boats that best
epitomised the successful coming
together of the IOR and the family
performance cruiser it would be the
E Boat and [fin keel] Sonata: both only
22ft long, but both showing a clear path
forward to whole ranges of 24 to 26ft
designs that would either be Quarter Ton
capable or share characteristics that
would make them great club racers or
family boats capable of serious offshore
passage making.
“In this category our own lift-keel
Evolution 26 stands out well combining a
Julian Everitt’s North 26
‘The E Boat and family of five.
“This hull also lent itself
sold mainly in the
southern hemisphere
Sonata make great successfully to the more
cruiser-orientated Evolution 25
club racers or with full standing headroom,
six berths and inboard diesel.
family boats’ Performance remained good
enough for club level racing
Julian Everitt
good level of accommodation, and these boats still compete
seaworthiness, family friendly handling successfully today under the
and respectable racing performance. IOR-replacing IRC rule.
“When the IOR was being used for the “We also developed the
majority of yacht racing, the 26 was Evolution 26 concept with the
competitive against Quarter Tonners North 26 that sold predominantly in the (5.97m) waterline length and 9ft 4in (2.84m)
whilst, with her fully retractable keel, she southern hemisphere. It is a multi chine beam it has plenty of room down below,
was able to ‘beach’ for family picnics and ultra light IOR inspired design that is albeit without generous headroom under
provide livable accommodation for a equally at home family cruising and fast its flush deck and minimal coachroof.
passage making,” he said. A twin berth forepeak, amidships heads,
L-shaped saloon settee, good sized galley
Evolution 26s still
provide spirited Westerly GK24 and twin quarter berths aft provide space
competition on Westerly was another builder aplenty for a cruising crew.
the racing scene to join the Quarter Ton The racing crew will find the wide deck is
bandwagon. Inspired by easy to work on. While the 5ft (1.52m)
Chris Hawkins’s race-winning draught keel, 4,100lb (1,860kg)
one-off Quarter Tonner by the displacement, DLR of 243.8 and ballast
name of Ebblake, Westerly ratio of 34% make her a powerful
MD David Sanders asked performer. She’s still good value today,
designers Laurent Giles to and if I were after one I’d go for a fractional
liaise with Chris and breathe rig plus inboard diesel version.
on his creation to turn it into a The Westerly Association put me in
GRP production boat. And so touch with several happy owners. Ellis
the GK24 was born. Ruddick told me: “It was my first boat. It
Over 300 were sold but, to was affordable and great value for money.
our great relief at Hunter It’s easy to handle short handed when
Boats, Westerly offered it with sailing with children and a wife who
either a masthead or doesn’t sail. It’s a great boat to introduce
fractional rig and either an young children to sail. It handles very
inboard or outboard engine. much like a dinghy.”
So the GK bombed out on Ellis races occasionally with Portsmouth
becoming a One Design Sailing Club and in the Round the Island
class. If it had been the GK24 Race, usually finishing “middle of the fleet
OD, considerably more could ... as we just turn up and race.” Otherwise
probably have been sold. he potters happily around the Solent with
Nonetheless this GK his children.
remains a great club racer or Shaun Samways said he bought a GK
cruiser. Thanks to its 19ft 7in because “I always wanted one”.
Buying a boat
Sealing the deal
Rupert Holmes looks at negotiations, surveys and PART
the legal aspects of buying a second-hand boat THREE
nce you’ve found a boat declared by the owner or broker, but during my ownership.
with enough potential to there’s no simple formula you can use. A good boat that’s well prepared and
make an offer for it, a And, unlike the price guides you can get realistically priced from the outset may
whole lot more questions for cars, there’s no publicly available and therefore sell for a figure very close to the
open up. How much to reliable values for used craft published. advertised price. Indeed, when I sold
offer? Is there a set formula I can Over the past couple of decades I’ve Minestrone, my 24ft Quarter Tonner, I had
apply? What about the legal process: is bought or sold ten boats. Two I bought multiple viewings and sold for the asking
there proof of unencumbered for the asking price, one at a discount of price within ten days of placing the first
ownership? Will any deposit be safely less than 10% and three at 25% to 40% advert – and that was in mid-October.
held? What about surveys? discounts. On selling I got the asking price Nicely kept newer boats, of which there
The first step is invariably to figure out for two of the boats, with another finally seems to be a continual shortage on the
the price at which you want to make an selling at a 20% less. market, always seem to be in demand
initial offer. This figure needs to reflect It’s worth noting, though, that my selling and invariably sell easily.
everything you definitely know about the prices bore no relation to the initial cost of On the other hand, the owners of a boat
boat, including any problems already each boat and the improvements I made that has been on the market for a long
time might be more flexible in accepting The buying process If the offer is subject to satisfactory
an offer. This is particularly true if it’s There’s a universally applied and very survey – and possibly sea trial, rig
clearly not being used and is therefore defined procedure for buying a used boat: inspection and mechanical survey –
continuing to rack up costs for mooring, • Acceptance of offer there’s usually around 14 days specified
insurance and maintenance. However, it • Contract to allow for these to take place. It should
can be counter-productive to offend an • Deposit be possible to negotiate some flexibility in
owner with a curt approach and a very low • Survey this, especially during the busy spring
offer, even if you know the boat has been Making an offer is the stage at which period. Even so, it’s worth checking in
on the market for a long time without buying a boat can get serious quickly. advance with a couple of surveyors so you
apparent interest. Unlike the process for buying a house in know roughly what their likely timescales
One approach that can work is England, once a price of a boat is agreed might be in advance. It’s also important to
reminding the vendor that you recognise the sale progresses immediately to get insurance lined up – ideally this should
it’s a great boat, but that, taking into contract stage. Standard marine contracts be in place as soon as you have made the
account updates or improvements that are are binding once signed and require a legal commitment to buy.
needed for the type of sailing you plan, deposit, usually of around 10%, to be paid
you can only pay ‘X’ amount. If taking that immediately. Brokers, dealers and
approach don’t ask the vendor to make an private sales
instant decision – invite them take time to CONTINGENCY FUNDS You have different legal rights depending
consider your offer. on who you buy a boat from. Unlike the
In most cases you’ll need to be prepared Buying and owning a boat has the motor trade, in the boating world there are
for a vendor to come back with a counter potential to be more expensive than very few dealers who own the second-
offer. They may ask to meet halfway, tell expected. Before committing to buying hand boats they advertise. Instead most
you they are only prepared to drop a it’s therefore worth having a double- operators are brokers selling on behalf of
certain figure – possibly 10% – or may check on finances. Would you, for a third party owner. A common exception,
stick resolutely to the asking price. Again instance, be able to replace the engine however, is with new boat dealers for the
there are no hard and fast rules for what to if it failed? If not, whether you buy the bigger brands, who may take used
do here and it will depend on how much boat may depend on your attitude to vessels in part-exchange.
you want that particular boat, how keenly risk, but it’s certainly worth ensuring If a dealer owns the boat they are selling,
priced it is already and how many similar you don’t get so carried away that you there’s a higher legal requirement that it’s
vessels are available on the market. But don’t have at least a small fund to pay free from undeclared defects. As a result,
often you can meet somewhere between for unexpected costs beyond the many reputable dealers commission a
the counter offer and your original offer. predictable up-front expenditure. survey for potential buyers to read as this
minimises the risk of selling a boat with a ➜
suits your needs. Instead it’s an best left until after you’ve had some
opportunity for a surveyor and/or marine experience with sailing and spending time
engineer to confirm that gear and on board.
equipment that cannot be tested while Often this initial period of sailing will help
moored or ashore is functioning correctly. to inform what to change and how to go
about doing so, giving a better final result.
Safe transfer of funds It also gives you a chance to thoroughly
If using a broker deposits should be paid test all the vessel’s systems at an early Some boats past their best are better
via the client account, which gives some stage, which will ultimately lead to having left out of the water!
protection of your money should the a more reliable boat.
t last we had realised our very comfortable quarters for extended fortnight’s summer holiday accompanied
dream! After four project boats cruising. It was time to test ourselves. The by our two teenager daughters.
– including a converted lifeboat, following year we decided to tackle the So, with lots of butterflies in tummies, off
a Norwegian cutter and a Fairey North Sea crossing from Scarborough to we set.
Fulmar that Uffa Fox himself assisted with Ijmuiden in Holland, the entrance to the Our lucky star was clearly shining
(see parts one and two of my memoirs in Dutch Waterways. We’d do it during our brightly; the North Sea was in a gentle
PBO April and September 2019) – we now mood, even permitting us to heave-to
had a proper professionally built yacht! for a while to take a break sitting
Swan Song was a Moody 30, and for around our little table in the cockpit
the time, a very modern fibreglass (tiller lashed) to fully enjoy a peaceful
design. Some traditionalists called her lunch in the brilliant sunshine.
a ‘motorboat with a mast stuck on’, but The rest of the crossing was
when we decided to enter her into the uneventful, with a tired but extremely
yacht club races (and even the delighted crew entering the awesome
prestigious Wills Cup Trophy race, lock at Ijmuiden, then on to an
winning our class) the skeptics showed excellent berth in the centre of
Swan Song rather more respect! Swan Song begins Amsterdam. We had a wonderful
Jack and I delighted in the clever use her road journey to cruise on the inland waterways, even
of the limited space available, giving us Scotland’s West Coast traversing the Ijsselmeer and
William Arthur/Alamy
Helen Hotson/Alamy
we could hardly wait for the new
adventure to commence.
The timing was perfect! The Clyde
Cruising Club race from Crinan to
Tobermory coincided with our planned
departure to explore that north-west Traditional Dutch botter fishing boats
scenic paradise. The club had harnessed
the brawn of the youngsters to man the 15
locks through the Crinan, – the gateway to
the Crinan Basin – to those tempting
Western Isles. We were so privileged to
pass through with their fleet. Arriving at the
Crinan Basin, packed out with feisty racers.
We craftily manoeuvred our small vessel
into a tiny space close to the sea lock.
What a riotous night followed. High
spirited chaps made full use of the Crinan
hostelry, with an extremely tolerant
Angus McComiskey/Alamy
winds whistling off the several locks and swing bridges the next
high ground, we day. How we missed the cheerful young
The pretty harbour at Mallaig quickly learnt to helpers from the Clyde Cruising Club.
i nc
Li t
As dawn broke two swans emerged from there with our friends. Eilean Donan
SOUTH Castle
the nearby bank. It was mating season, We frequently sailed into UIST W E S TER N
and I was privileged to witness a most Loch Fyne and up to CANNA
loving liaison between these magnificent Inveraray, where we’d fish RUM
Mallaig 0 30
birds, entwining their long necks and for mackerel, which virtually
dancing around each other. surrendered to our lines. Ardnamurchan nautical miles
We spent many seasons exploring. We Once, we encountered a Point
sailed across to Arran, where the katabatic chap on the quay with COLL
of Mull
Tobermory S COT LA ND
winds proved to be somewhat daunting, scores of mackerel. TIREE
but the anchorages and trips ashore were Apparently, the previous
Atlantic ORKNEY
worth the heart-stopping moments. season he’d adopted a Ocean
Another wonderful place was east Loch kitten and fed it on fresh WESTERN Loch Inveraray
ISLES Dorus Fyne
Tarbert, which at the time was a thriving mackerel. Ever since it had Mhor Crinan Holy
fishing port. We spent many happy hours refused to eat anything SKYE
else, so he needed to fill Crinan Rothesay Cly
his freezer with a year’s Canal
supply of acceptable food Inverkip
ISLAY East Loch Marina
for his cat! ENGLAND Tarbert
Marco McGinty/Alamy
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Wheels on water
Ali Wood tests the Coulam Wheelyboat V17 and learns how a farmer
who fell out of a tree revolutionised accessible boating
head is a multicoloured ABOVE Andy
container ship, stacked Beadsley and Julia
high like a Lego toy, and McCoy having fun
next to it the other-worldly with a Coulam
dome of the Marchwood Wheelyboat 17 on
incineration plant. Southampton Water
In our wake is a 260m cruise ship, RIGHT Bill Buchanan
dwarfing everything in her midst. at Weir Wood
Southampton Water is packed with every reservoir in East
vessel you can imagine – from tall ships to Sussex
tugs and racing dinghies – but none has
Wheelyboat Trust
waterkeeping,” he says. “Watching these It was at an angling fair that he first met me in over the gunwale? The
lovely brown trout rising to the fly on the his predecessor and Wheelyboat Trustees inconvenience, the indignity and the
rivers gave me the bug.” and volunteered his services. He took his danger of it all. A wheelchair is not just a
Tragically, in 1982 Andy fell off his RYA Powerboat Level 2, and became a means of getting around it’s an extension
motorbike and was paralysed. After the driver, demonstrator and eventually the of your body. I’d be lost without it. It’s your
accident he had a go at fly fishing for the director of the trust. own pair of legs, and you wouldn’t take
first time, and by the late 1990s had “I’m a jack of all trades,” he admits. “I still your legs off to get onto a boat.”
become a flyfish game angling instructor. have to tackle spreadsheets – as well as Wheelyboats can also be operated
Among the fleet of angling boats at the fundraising, marketing, boat maintenance single-handed. The V17, designed by
fishery where he worked was a Wheelyboat. and cleaning. It’s a very varied role!” naval architect Andrew Wolstenholme, has
“It was fantastic – so straightforward and the console positioned to fit over a
entirely hassle-free,” he recalls. “From one Evolving design wheelchair user’s legs, and the bow door
access point, you could have the entire The Wheelyboat design has evolved is operated by a safety winch. You just
water at your disposal.” considerably over the last three decades. wind it clockwise and wherever you stop,
The trust gets a lot of feedback from the bow door stops, which is handy for
COULAM WHEELYBOAT 17 operators – things such as the door different levels of shore access.
operation or the position of the bulkheads The cockpit is uncluttered so
– which get fed into future designs. passengers can move freely around with
Robust GRP construction The first three Wheelyboats were made plenty of space for fishing tackle and room
LOA 5.3m, beam 2.0m of aluminium, but the newer designs – to deploy the anchor. Also, there are
Bow door for roll-on, roll-off access built by Jim Coulam of Coulam Ltd – have D-rings on the floor so the helm is secured
Drive-from-wheelchair helm, wheel moved to GRP. and can concentrate on driving without
steered and tiller outboard versions “The experience is completely different. having to worry about holding on at the
Max 100hp/30+ knots Aluminium is cold and noisy, but the GRP same time.
8 person capacity RCD Cat D boat feels warm and homely and much The largest Coulam Wheelyboat is 20ft
waters, 6 person RCD Cat C waters sportier,” says Andy. “It’s a move that’s with a 1,000kg payload (that’s heavier
6.7m2 open cockpit space bearing fruit because a lot more people than the England Rugby Union pack!),
wheelchair-accessible throughout love the look of them and how they handle.” allowing you to carry anything from
Powerboating/pleasure boating/ A major benefit of the boat, explains mobility scooters to quad-bikes.
nature watching/angling Andy, is that it’s accessible to those who One commercial user in the Highlands
Inshore waters, large lakes, rivers can’t or won’t get out of their wheelchairs. even uses it for transporting cattle
and canals “Can you imagine if there was no bow between the islands.
Also suitable as a workboat/water door here, how difficult it would be to get “In terms of angling, the simpler the
taxi/safety and rescue
*Also available in the Wheelyboat ‘The V17 has the console positioned to fit
range is the Coulam Wheelyboat V20
and Coulam 16 Wheelyboat over a wheelchair user’s legs’
Joe McCarthy
The tribe
The crew of SV Delos like to party
and post videos of themselves at
play, but scratch the surface and
there is a lot more to find, as
Erin Carey reports
y skin was encrusted with YouTube videos, which we watched with
a thin layer of salt from an feverish dedication. So, when I learnt that Growing up in Flagstaff, Arizona, just a
afternoon at the beach. our favourite YouTube channel, SV Delos 90-minute drive from the Grand Canyon,
Having only arrived in was also in Grenada, I was giddy with Brian Trautman loved spending time in the
Grenada a few weeks excitement. great outdoors.
earlier, my husband and I and our three With 360,000 YouTube subscribers, 1.8 “I was really into monster trucks and dirt
sons, all under ten years old, had million views per month and 125,000
adapted to the slower pace of life. Instagram followers, SV Delos have made ABOUT THE AUTHOR
After our trip to the beach we made a a real name for themselves, having
stop at the supermarket, and it was there crossed every ocean and visited 46 Hailing from the land
that I met Brian Trautman and his brother countries with 75,000 nautical miles under down under, Erin Carey
Brady – a crew I felt as though I already their keel. Their video footage is state of is an adventure-loving
knew – a chance encounter that would the art, filming their adventures in some of traveller. Discovering
lead to a string of meetings over the the most isolated and exotic locations on her love of writing while
following 18 months. earth. But what they don’t share in their island-hopping around
We’d arrived from Australia having videos, and what sets them apart from the Caribbean, she
bought a boat sight unseen, but we many of the 800 or so other sailing now writes about her adventures
weren’t sailors – we didn’t even know how YouTube channels in existence, is the fact aboard Roam, her Moody 47. Follow
to move from one anchorage to the next. that they give back to many of the her adventures on Facebook and
In the lead-up to our two-year sabbatical, communities that they visit – in cash and Instagram @SailingtoRoam
our sailing education consisted largely of in kind.
Photos: SV Delos
ABOVE Erin Carey
and family with the
Trautman brothers
LEFT Lifestyle
change for the
Trautmans was pretty
obvious when they
first gave up their
day jobs
bikes,” he says. “If it was fast and allowed meeting,” says Brian. “I had little time to single-handed vessel. From that moment
me to fly through mud pits or speed do anything else. I literally lived and on, I knew that I too wanted to sail across
around dirt tracks in the forest, then I breathed work.” an ocean.”
wanted to do it.” One activity that did take his fancy He spent the next four years researching,
In his teenage years, this interest led during that time was boating. He lived saving, and doing all he could to buy a
him to pursue a job as a diesel mechanic beside a lake in Seattle and learned to sail yacht of his own. He looked at countless
at the local garage after school. He at the suggestion of his younger brother boats and eventually narrowed it down to
worked for a pittance, but the funds Brett. an Amel Super Maramu.
allowed him to kit out his 4x4 and taught “He was visiting one weekend and said: “When I came across Delos after two
him vital skills that he’d one day use to ‘Brian, you live on a lake and you don’t and a half years of searching, it was love
maintain SV Delos. have a boat!’ So we went out and bought at first sight. Eighteen months later, in
As he approached high school a Catalina 22 the next day!” August 2009, I untied those lines once
graduation, Brian decided to study Discovering how much he enjoyed and for all, and my partner and I set sail
electrical engineering, eventually earning being on the water, Brian then started for what was meant to be an 18-month
a Seattle university degree. After a stint crewing for various racing events. But it sabbatical to the land of the long white
working at Microsoft, he decided to set up was the book Three Years in a 12-Foot cloud – New Zealand.”
his own software company, but working Boat by Stephen G Ladd that caught
60-hour weeks soon took its toll. Brian’s eye and changed his life forever. Brian meets Brady
“My awake time was neatly segmented “I borrowed it from the local library and He’d made it as far as Mexico when his
into little 50-minute chunks, with 10 devoured every word. I had no idea it was brother Brady came to join him to help sail
minutes in between to run to the next possible to cross an ocean in a small, Delos across the Pacific Ocean. ➜
Having grown up in different states due to where he met Karin, a backpacker from
their parents separating when Brady was Sweden. She and her friends were invited
only nine years old, Brian had few to a soiree aboard Delos and got on well
memories of actually living with his with the two American brothers. Brian
brother. So, when Brady, a young asked Karin to accompany him for a
environmental engineering student from weekend sail aboard Delos and she’s now
Florida, rocked up on the transom with his a permanent member of the crew as well.
backpack and cheeky smile, Brian had a But it wasn’t all margaritas and naked
feeling the two of them were in for some sailing aboard the fun-ship Delos. On
adventure-filled shenanigans. What he reaching Australia in October 2011, they
couldn’t have predicted was that Brady were once again broke. Brian returned to
would never return to university; in fact, he full-time work as a technical contractor,
would never leave the boat. while Karin completed her studies in FROM TOP LEFT The Trautman brothers
By the time the crew of three reached landscape architecture. The crew then set filming each other in French Guyana;
New Zealand in sail for Asia. diving and filming; sailing a local
October 2010, it ‘It wasn’t all margaritas Making landfall pirogue in Madagascar
wasn’t only Delos in the Philippines
that had ventured and naked sailing aboard in January 2014,
south. Things they’d run out of kidnapping, they felt energized.
between Brian
the fun ship Delos’ money for a third “We started being more productive with
and his partner time. Brady left the videos, which ultimately allowed us to
had ended, and it was now just the two to crew on superyachts, and Karin and pursue our crowdfunding and Patreon
brothers aboard the boat. Brian remained on board Delos. campaigns, completely revitalising our
“Sailing can be a pressure cooker for “We’d planned to sail to Japan from the project,” says Karin.
relationships and if there are fundamental Philippines, but at the last minute we Clearly, their time spent away from Delos
flaws in your relationship, they’ll become turned south towards Malaysia. I figured if paid off, because soon after, the crew found
apparent very quickly,” says Brian. we were going to be flat broke, it was better their videos started to gain momentum.
With barely a dollar between them, Brian to be in Malaysia, where it was much “We were one of only a few sailing
found work repairing electrical systems on cheaper to live than Japan,” says Brian. YouTube channels at the time, and I think
superyachts, while Brady found a job at a “We made it to Borneo by June, and it people felt excited about what we were
local restaurant serving tacos and was stinking hot. Critical systems on the doing. I mean, we were having these
margaritas. And it was at the restaurant boat were broken, and I didn’t have the incredible experiences and sharing them
parts or the money to fix them. The with the world, and at the time that
weather was terrible, and the Abu Sayyaf concept was fairly new,” explains Brian.
There’s no rebels in the area were kidnapping sailors One of my favourite videos was when
Delos under
for ransom,” he added. the crew stopped off at the Revillagigedo
full sail Brian and Karin had a long discussion Islands, located about 300 miles due
about why they were enduring those south of Cabo San Lucas off the Pacific
conditions, concluding that sailing for coast of Mexico. It is one of the few spots
pleasure was meant to be fun. in the world known to have Giant Manta
“Why were we there when we didn’t Rays interacting with humans.
have to be?” says Karin. “We felt trapped Diving with 5m-wide 1,000kg animals in
by so many things and decided to make a the wild is an extraordinary experience
change. So we chained Delos up to a and by visiting on their own boat they
concrete wall next to a golf course, hired a were able to dive repeatedly.
local guy to keep an eye on her, and flew “We discovered that if we were
back to Sweden to regroup.” snorkelling, they’d go no deeper than 5m,
but if we were scuba diving, they would
Making video pay go as deep as 30m,” says Brian.
It was during this dark time in late 2014 “If I lost my grip, the manta would
that the crew considered throwing in the actually stop and allow me to get a better
towel, but time away from the boat hold. It was an unbelievable experience,
brought clarity. In Sweden, away from one I will never forget, and that was only a
the oppressive heat and fear of glimpse into how amazing interactions
)X Y D L
worlds, Holiday
Homes and Sailing
Then look no further than Rice & Cole
(OHFWULFDO FRPSRQHQWV Boatyard & Sea End Caravan Park by the
River Crouch
SDUWV DQG DFFHVVRULHV IRU Rice and Cole are a friendly, Burnham on Crouch is home
family run business where the to both the Royal Corinthian
DOO \RXU ERDW ZLULQJ QHHGV emphasis is on you and your Yacht Club and the Royal
leisure time.Our Boat Yard and Burnham Yacht Club and has
)XOO UDQJH RI 8.PDGH WLQQHG FRSSHU FDEOH Caravan Park is siutated on 12 a good selection of shops,
&RQQHFWRUV WHUPLQDOV IXVHER[HV EXVEDUV VZLWFKHV acres of land in close proximity restaurants and pubs nearby.
We offer 180 fully serviced
,QWHULRU DQG H[WHULRU /(' OLJKWLQJ A place to be for the pitches for owner occupied
:HE SKRQH RUGHUV ² IDVW GHOLYHU\ professional or the enthusiast, caravan holiday homes; our
7UDGH HQTXLULHV ZHOFRPH be it sailing, cruising or fishing. site fees charge is highly
A relaxing time in your own competitive.
holiday home or a day on the
river, Rice and Cole has it all.
Last minute
Globalstar Spot X Christmas ideas
This budget satellite text messaging, tracking and emergency alerting device is
ideal for occasional use when out of range of VHF coast stations or mobile
phone signals. The Spot X brings a basic level of functionality at a cost of less
than £300 for the hardware and monthly airtime costs from the £10 mark.
It’s a full-function two-way messenger with the ability to update social media
accounts. Key limitations are a 160 character limit and the extent of Globalstar’s
The qwerty keyboard is reasonable, though the keys are small and the display
is not a touchscreen, however this means the unit can be reliably used in the
wettest environments.
Boating themed wall planner by PBO
The latest version has an optional Bluetooth interface
cartoonist Claudia Myatt. Price: £12.50.
to an app with a smartphone-like experience, while
retaining the rugged all-in-one aspect for emergency
use. Battery life is measured in days or weeks.
As well as for use as a back up it’s ideal for anyone
making occasional offshore passages in less busy
areas such as the Celtic Sea or Biscay. Equally, it will
appeal to those who enjoy exploring off the beaten
track in home waters, but need to stay in contact
from the many UK anchorages that don’t have
mobile phone signal.
The unit also has GPS, course, speed, altitude,
waypoint functions for navigation.
It’s a bit clunky to use and it’s vital to spend
time setting the unit up properly, nut the ability to
communicate at economic prices when no other
option is available is a huge step forward. I can
see this becoming popular with many fans.
Price: Standard r306.27, Bluetooth model Classic yacht calendar by marine
r367.77. Flexible monthly payment plans photographer Den Phillips.
from £13.50. Annual service plans from Price: £18.00.
£10.75 per month. ■
Touch at anchor
Nick Cowan’s chartered yacht survives a severe gale and a
bump on a rock at anchor in a sheltered Scottish harbour
had been a qualified RYA Coastal mountains. The midges were ferocious, favoured anchorage for pirates and which
Skipper for four years when in 1989 though, so we soon hurried back to the promises one of the most sheltered
we chartered a Rival 34 from relative safety of the yacht. Fortunately the anchorages on the west coast.
Armadale on Skye with the intention of night was calm. Loch Scavaig can get We circled round for our spot to anchor,
sailing round the island. heavy downdraughts in windy weather. to discover any shallows, then put out
My crew consisted of two women and We sailed on up the coast next day to most of our anchor chain. The wind began
three men: the first mate, Barry, was a Loch Harport. To avoid midges, we to moan in the rigging and shake the
former colleague of mine from Dundee anchored a little way off the town of yacht. We cooked and ate our supper, and
University who had significant sailing Carbost where the Talisker distillery is the gale became stronger. I decided that
experience. He and his wife, Cathy, had located. The following day we sailed right we needed an anchor watch – Cathy and
been on a couple of other Scottish round the north end of Skye and Barry went first and I took to my berth.
charters with me. Another friend, Bob, anchored on the east side in Staffin Bay. But sleep was impossible. The yacht
from Dundee Sailing Club was also there was shaking and the wind was shrieking
with his wife. The final crewman was Weather warning
Graham, who was more of a mountaineer When walking ashore there, a local man ABOUT THE AUTHOR
than a sailor. Which turned out to be quite told us there was a serious gale coming in
a good thing as it happened! the next day: “Make sure you are in a very Nick Cowan started
We sailed out of the Firth of Lorne and sheltered place to anchor or tie up.” sailing at the age of 30
soon our course brought the Cuillin Sure enough, the next day’s forecast in dinghies on the Tay
mountains into splendid view as we was for storm force winds. We weighed estuary with the local
headed for Loch Scavaig, perhaps one of anchor fairly early and set out across the sailing club. After time
the most dramatic anchorages on the Sound of Raasay to Rona (also known as as crew aboard various
west coast of Scotland. South Rona). Before long the wind was keelboats at the Royal
As soon as we were anchored we went rising to near gale force, and we were glad Tay Yacht Club, he passed his Coastal
ashore. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon to see the marking on the rock which Skipper certificate. His first charter as
and the views along Loch Coruisk were signed the narrow entrance to Acairseid skipper was sailing round Jura.
very picturesque, surrounded by the Mhor ‘harbour of the robbers,’ once a
Staffin Bay
Sound of
Atlantic Sea
Portree RAASAY
Loch Carbost
Scavaig Armadale
CANNA 0 10
View over Sound of
Acairseid Mhor Raasay Acairseid
Acairseid 0 0.3
EILEAN cables
on and Renae Shore had flown RIGHT Roger Hughes has modified his
down from Minnesota to join Down East 45 Britannia over the years
us in Florida for a week’s fitting furling sails throughout, including
cruise, to experience the gentle an unusual square sail on the foremast
art of sailing – or at least, that’s what
they thought! leaving running water and lights on.
It was only going to be a quick jaunt up Due to their inexperience I insisted they of over a ton of additional water in the
or down the Intra Coastal Waterway, on wear lifejackets. It’s just as easy to trip and tanks and shifting mud caused the
our 45ft brigantine schooner Britannia. The fall overboard in a marina as under way, grounding. I tried to drag her through with
ICW is an ideal place for newbie sailors and I would much sooner fish somebody the engine, but just caused clouds of
and to test the extensive modifications out there than from a swaying boat. I then black exhaust smoke and mud.
and fittings I’d installed over the past year. started them off with refitting the roller Eventually we called the marina
There was also a possible excursion out furling jib, fore staysail and ‘tweenmast manager to give us a tow with his 150hp
into the Atlantic ocean if things went well. staysail. After this I showed them how to tender. This dragged us through the mud
The Shores had never been on a coil a rope and heave it ashore, tie a few and into deeper water, but not a very
sailboat before, and they wanted the knots and bend a line to a cleat – all very auspicious start you might think. That was
experience – such as it could ever be in a simple stuff for yachtsmen, but complete nothing, more was to follow... much more.
week on the ICW – to see if they liked mysteries to newbies.
sailboats, with a view of possibly buying The next day, after topping up with water, Gremlins in the systems
one themselves eventually. the engine was started and I began to Half a mile down the narrow canal towards
After they’d stowed their gear I showed back Britannia out of the slip, but after only the ICW the engine oil pressure gauge
them how to flush the electric toilets, (and about 10ft we got stuck on the bottom. We dropped to zero and I immediately cut the
why not to drop anything else down the were in the semi-tidal barge canal near engine. My wife jumped behind the wheel
loo). I showed them how to operate the Cape Canaveral, Florida, and been as I rushed forward to ready the anchor,
shower, with words of caution about stationary for some time. The combination which was stuck and I hurt my hand
Smyrna Charleston
FLORIDA Atlantic
USA Ocean
Gulf of Canaveral
freeing it. As Britannia slowed I let go 30ft Havana
and she swung to a shuddering halt. I
then lifted the floorboards and checked
the engine oil, which was okay. I
s qu
suspected electrical trouble and N
disconnected the oil sender, cleaned the
connection and restarted the engine.
Bingo, 50lb of oil pressure! Strange, it
never happened in the slip. Obviously, Mr Atlantic
Murphy has his eye on us already. FLORIDA Ocean
We got moving again and I switched on USA
the depth gauge. Nothing! Having a
working depth gauge is quite important in
n Riv
the shallow Intracoastal Waterway. It’s
almost impossible not to run aground with ISLAND
one, but driving blind more of less assures PENINSULA
it. I hoped the sender on the outside of the Cape Canaveral
al Wt
Barge canal
hull had become clogged by dragging her 0 5
though the mud, and it might clear on it’s Canaveral
nautical miles
own, but it never did.
The wind was south-east, 15 knots, so I
decided we would go north, and I set a jib.
Danita Delimont/Alamy
It was interesting to see complete novices ‘It can amaze landlubbers that a whopping
handling the sheets, (what’s a sheet?) and
winding them the wrong way round the great boat can move without an engine’
self tailing winches.
Don suddenly found out how much load
there can be on a relatively small sail phone, which has an app giving speed scramble into the engine and pull the
when it’s pulling hard, and why I’d insisted over the ground by GPS, and probably solenoid by hand. There were a couple of
he wear gloves. more accurate than the ship’s log anyway. startled glances as the engine stopped
“That’s how it pulls 22 tons of boat We sailed under a fixed bridge, then had and all went quiet. I have seen this before
along,” quoth I. Cameras immediately to roll the jib back in to transit a bascule and it’s something which can disconcert
appeared, as though we were under full bridge which opened to my VHF request. and amaze landlubbers, that a whopping
sail at nine knots, instead of motor sailing This delighted our guests, who said it was great boat can actually move along
at about three. I say about three because a change to be on the other side, instead without an engine. I’ve been asked
the log had also packed in by that time. of waiting in their cars. questions like, “How do you stop it?” and
The log was a diddly little paddle wheel, Over a particularly straight stretch I “What if the engine doesn’t start again?”
and I supposed it too had become decided to give our guests the feel for real Just for good measure I decided to fly
clogged by all the mud kicked up at the sailing, and pressed the stop button for our ‘tweenmast staysail, which my crew
start. We had to rely on my wife’s smart the engine. Nothing happened! I had to set about with a little more enthusiasm
and knowledge this time. It was a bit more
ABOUT THE AUTHOR complicated because the lew’ard running
New sailor Don
backstay had to be unhooked first.
Shore gets used to
Roger Hughes is Eventually the sail billowed forth to more
moving around
an Englishman camera clicking. This was about all I
living near thought prudent as the wind was picking
Orlando, Florida, up, gusting at about 20 knots.
USA. He has been Using these roller furling, loose footed
sailing for nearly sails soon convinced Don that they were
half a century as worth all the loss in power attributed to
a professional them, simply for ease of short-handed
captain, charterer sailing. All Britannia’s sails are roller furled
and restorer of boats. He has just and controlled from the cockpit, including
completed a five-year restoration of the large fore course squaresail, half way
his Down East 45 Britannia. up the foremast.
Setting sail
In the morning we had a leisurely
breakfast, slipped the mooring and sallied
forth in a northerly direction once again.
Smitty Smitty/Alamy
The twisty Intracoastal made it impractical
to set sails, until we passed through the
canal into the large Mosquito Lagoon
passage, which is almost dead straight Ponce de Leon inlet – the Atlantic
north to New Smyrna Beach. conditions on our trip deterred us
Here I had them pull out the mainsail as from leaving the safety of the ICW
well as the jib and ‘tweenmast staysail,
and we sailed majestically at a steady five We managed to get three sails set on one size, which Don shoved into the through-
knots for 15 miles, even through some of straight section of the ICW hull and stopped the influx. A few taps with
the narrower sections which had houses a hammer and the emergency was over,
both sides of the fairway. People waved decks, so I decided to start the generator but it sure left me with a dry mouth.
and shouted “fabulous boat,” and words and run our twin air conditioners. It fired My wife put the kettle on while we
to that effect. I felt very proud. first time but after a few minutes it wedged a length of wood over the plug to
We arrived at New Smyrna Beach just spluttered to a halt. I suspected another stop it popping out. We never touched it
after lunch, still with no depth gauge to clog-up in the water filter due to our dirty again until we were back in the marina. It
manoeuvre into an anchorage. I then start but I couldn’t unscrew the plastic was actually the first time in more than 40
presented Don with my lead line and filter bowl, which wouldn’t budge. years of boating that I have ever used
ushered him to the bow. As my wife “Let me have a go,” Don said, and he these special tapered wooden plugs in an
steered very slowly into the anchorage put so much leverage on the filter it emergency, but I didn’t want to
Don swung the lead and counted the snapped the 1in seacock clean off the discourage Don, who was quite upset.
knots disappearing under the surface. through-hull, with an associated gush of “Happens all the time,” says I. I made a
When we were in two fathoms I slowly let water as long as your arm! mental note to fasten a plug on every
go 50ft of chain as Britannia drifted astern. Don got a face full and a soaking, but he seacock when we got back, which would
At this point I showed Don how I had the presence of mind to press his have saved precious minutes.
attached our second anchor to the chain hand over the hole and partly stop the Luckily Don has had a wealth of
with a specially made strop, then we water, which had already fired the experience with diesel engines, and didn’t
heaved that over as well. I then ran out automatic bilge pump. I rummaged though mind getting his hand dirty either. We
another 50ft, to be well and truly secure my wooden plugs box and found a suitable rerouted the generator inlet pipe to
for the night. I told him it was my practice
to never, ever, to lie to one anchor at night. ‘The 1in seacock snapped clean off with a
Even in the protected ICW storms can
come through and unstick you. gush of water as long as your arm!’
As the sun set it was still very hot below
Rupert Holmes explains how to keep your
sails, engine and kit shipshape during the
winter, whether your boat is afloat or laid-up
aying up and winterising used organised and on top of maintenance at
to be a key part of the boating the beginning of the season lies in what
calendar, but that has changed you do at this time of year.
over time, and across the Many aspects of boat maintenance are a
UK over half of boats now remain constant process of looking for early signs
afloat for the winter period. That of problems and dealing with these issues
doesn’t obviate the need for carefully before a failure occurs.
targeted attention and preventative Check all key items of equipment so you The leech is the part
of the sail that most
maintenance, however, before the can be confident all deficiencies have
often sees damage
darkest days of the year. been identified. This applies as much to
Preparing for winter need not be gear that is used every day as to items
onerous or time-consuming, but failing to such as windlasses and generators that as well as batten pockets, reef points and
do so risks creating significant problems, are perhaps only rarely used. If time spreader patches. These are the areas
including damage while moored or allows, the last sail of the year is an ideal that usually let go first and therefore
ashore, which invariably leads to a slow opportunity for this. benefit from reinforcement if damage to
start to the following season. In any case, the cloth or stitching is evident.
identifying problems at an early stage, and Start with the sails In days gone by, caring for sails in this
getting them sorted before the pre-season A good place to start is to examine sails way was a task that even the least
rush, always pays dividends. for damage to stitching, as well as nicks, practical of boat owners would undertake.
Part of the problem with delaying this chafe and tears in the fabric, both when However, John Parker of Parker & Kay’s
aspect of maintenance is that by the time sailing – the smallest damage will show East Coast loft told me his team spends
the weather starts to improve in the spring, clearly against the sun – and when an increasing amount of time at the end of
sailmakers, riggers and other marine packing the sails away for the winter. the season taking sails off customers’
trades are usually already working at full Pay particular attention to high-load boats, checking them for damage and
stretch. Therefore, the key to being well areas around the head, clew and leech, storing them over the winter. Whichever
problems now than in a last-minute rush Canvas work such as sprayhoods and
at the start of the season. Send someone cockpit tents can sustain more damage
up the mast, as well as investigating items and collect more dirt and mould during a
at deck level, including boom, vang and few winter months than the rest of the year.
spinnaker pole. So it’s worth removing them unless the
Pay particular attention to the area boat is afloat and will be used regularly.
around fittings, including swages, If you’re leaving the mainsail on the
spreader roots, and rigging terminals. boom put extra ties around the sail cover
Spreader ends should be checked to to keep it in place in extreme winds.
ensure they are smooth and check halyard
sheaves run smoothly. Again, if you don’t Below-deck systems
route you choose, don’t be tempted to want to undertake this yourself professional What about winterising engines, fresh
skip this important aspect of maintenance riggers offer checks at prices from less water systems and other similar
– that’s when the type of sail damage that than around £100, providing your boat isn’t equipment? Decisions will depend on
can spoil a summer cruise is most likely to in a location that involves significant travel. whether or not the boat is staying afloat,
be spotted. If halyards, sheets and other lines are where it is kept, your attitude to risk and the
Examining deck gear for correct and several seasons old, it might be worth extent to which you can draw on funds to fix
smooth operation is also best done while removing them and reeving a mousing an unexpected problem if you get unlucky.
sailing as that’s when any problems are line to facilitate replacement. They can The key problem is water expanding on
more apparent. At the same time you can then be washed in fresh water and freezing. This can lead to damaged water
check for play in rudder bearings and examined for chafe or other damage. pumps in pressurised freshwater systems,
wheel steering systems. A final sail of the If lines have picked up green mould, blown core plugs in engine blocks and, if
year is also the perfect time to discuss washing them in a big tub or bath will help you’re really unlucky, may even crack the
any modifications to the deck layout and remove this without risk of damaging the engine block making it unrepairable.
fittings that will take place over the winter rope. Had I been writing this a decade Although seawater freezes at a lower
– it’s much easier to work out exactly what ago I’d have been recommending putting temperature than fresh, the difference is
is needed when the boat is still afloat. them in the washing machine, but not large. At typical salinity seawater
A rig check is also worthwhile in the experience shows this can damage the freezes at -2°C, so it offers a little extra
autumn, as it’s much easier to solve any outer covers of some lines. protection, but not as much as many
people believe. And don’t forget that in
estuaries the water is somewhat brackish
‘The key to being on top of maintenance as the seawater is diluted by the fresh
water fed from rivers and streams.
at the beginning of the season lies in what On the plus side, the sea remains
warmer than air temperatures during the
you do at this time of year’ winter, so the interior of boats kept
ABOVE Rye Harbour damaged and getting rid of the dank smell
in December – are may be next to impossible.
you happiest for Boats kept ashore, or in a berth with
your boat to be mains electricity, can be sealed up and a
ashore or would you dehumidifier used to keep the interior in
rather be afloat? good shape. But it’s worth double-
checking with your insurer that the boat
will continue to be covered if such
mains-powered electrical equipment is left
operating while you are away from the
boat for extended periods.
If it’s not possible to use a dehumidifier,
good ventilation is the key to keeping
damp at bay. This approach works
particularly well for boats on a swinging
mooring that spend significant lengths of
time pointing roughly head to wind. But
it’s also important to be sure any items
that have become impregnated with
saltwater during the season are washed
out with fresh water and thoroughly dried.
If the boat has a history of developing
condensation and mould growth over
the winter, wash all exposed surfaces
with a mould repellent such as Milton or
white vinegar.
ABOVE A full While the decks of today’s boats are far
winterising of less prone to leaks than their wooden
systems is essential forebears, they are by no means immune
to avoid potential and fittings, hatches and windows can all
damage create problems. If you don’t have time for
RIGHT Keeping the a proper repair, be sure to clean and dry
interior in good surfaces and then apply waterproof tape,
order throughout which can usefully keep leaks at bay for a
the winter is not few months.
something that can
be taken for granted Batteries, electrics
and safety kit
In the past, the best advice was to charge
traditionally planked wooden boats it essentials such as spare sails and even batteries fully at lay-up time then monthly
made a lot of sense to take everything excess food can help significantly to to account for the rate of self-discharge of
ashore for the winter. If the boat was well eliminate areas without airflow. around 2-3% per month. But with many
ventilated and all lockers were propped However, it’s important to check that any cruising boats now having solar panels,
open this allowed air to circulate equipment not stored on the boat will even a modest setup will provide enough
throughout the vessel, eliminating the continue to be covered by insurance. It’s power though the winter to keep batteries
chances of mould to form and rot to start also worth propping lockers open topped-up.
in inaccessible corners. wherever possible and standing berth As part of the winter maintenance
This is no longer essential for today’s cushions on their edge. procedure, check that every electrical
boats that don’t have myriad leaks item works – it’s not uncommon for small
through the deck planking. However, it’s Keeping the interior dry defects go unnoticed for a surprisingly
worth auditing everything on board at the I repeatedly see boats where no attention long time.
end of the season – it’s easy for has been paid to protecting the interior For instance, if you’ve not sailed at night
superfluous clutter to build up on board. from the ravages damp and mould. As a for three months, failed interior lights, or
Removing as much in the way of result, they require considerable cleaning even navigation lights, may have been
clothing, bedding and other non- in the spring, soft furnishings can be missed. Winter is also a good time to
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t some point during your idea of how reliable they are. as well. On the other hand, bigger boats
boat-owning life you might My friend took the more unusual will require much more planning and
face a situation where you approach of packing and shipping logistics. In most cases, where distance
need to move a boat over his boat himself from our yacht club is not excessive and the size of your boat
a long distance – either by land or in Montreal to his new sailing ground in permits, road-trailing is least expensive.
by water. There are three main factors Croatia. I helped him with this and learned If your own vehicle cannot handle such a
to consider in such a situation: size some interesting lessons along the way. trip, rent a towing vehicle.
of the boat, the distance or destination You’d need to plan your trip based on
and the cost involved. Transport by road the size of your tow (width, height, weight
There are many things to consider. If you The smaller the boat, the easier it will be and so on) so that you don’t break any
are doing the move all by yourself, you’ll to deal with. Very small boats (and here laws (the maximum permitted trailer width,
need to do a lot of paperwork. As well I refer not only to LOA, but to weight/ for example) and avoid meeting an
as preparing the boat for the move, there displacement as well) can simply be overhead obstruction too low for your
are various laws to be aware of, such as towed on their trailers. They can travel trailer and boat to pass under.
import/export procedures (if moving your over land and easily be loaded on ships If you prefer not to do it yourself,
boat to another country) and however, you can employ the
insurance. services of a transport company.
If you’re going to hire a
professional company, you’ll still Transport by ship
need to collect a lot of documents, Heavier cargo is more expensive to
but you should also do your due ship and that is just as true for boats
diligence when selecting the freight as it is for anything else. Size
company or yacht or shipping becomes a factor when a boat
broker who’ll arrange the transport. requires some sort of special
Check their reputation, ask for preparation, due to the dimensions
quotes, and search for reviews and Boats small enough to be towed on a trailer can be or other aspects that may prevent it
comments on the Internet to get an transported long distances with relative ease from being shipped and loaded in a
ISPM 15:
Noble Images/Alamy
Building the wooden frame cradle that would allow Ceilidh to be turned on her side The cast iron keel secure in its cradle
a standard high cube shipping container? figure out how to load his Tanzer in and Let’s get to work!
Not saying anything to Ante, one day I out of the container. The first thing we did was to discuss our
called my business friend who was I looked again at the container’s plan with David, the Beaconsfield Yacht
arranging all international shipping for our specification. The door opening was really Club manager. He offered us the club’s
company. We often shipped big crates of the main factor to consider – the 40ft mobile crane to handle the boat when
machinery globally and he was always length was more than enough for a 22ft ready, which would allow us to turn the
ready to accommodate my requests for boat. I went back to the yacht club to boat on its side and load the boat and
quotes, whatever the load size or confirm the Tanzer’s measurement. I was the cradle with the keel into the shipping
destination. When I told him I wanted to lucky as there was still no snow on the container. With this big logistic item
ship a yacht to Europe, there was a short ground that winter. solved, we rolled up our sleeves.
silence, but he then calmly asked for It didn’t take me long to find a solution: We started by constructing a rigid
dimensions, weight and destination. remove the keel, build a frame around the steel frame around the boat’s keel. The
I told him I was planning to put the boat boat, and turn the boat with the frame on purpose of the frame was to keep the keel
into a 40ft high cube container and gave its side. The container door opening in place after the boat was lifted and
him the closest shipping port on the height is 8ft 6¼in (2.60m), the boat beam detached from it. It was built to fit tightly
Adriatic where the boat should be is 7ft 10in (2.40m). That would give us 8in around the keel and was welded to the
delivered – Ploce. (20cm) of clearance – more than enough boat’s winter cradle – not really a thing of
When I received the quote in the to bring the boat in. With the keel removed beauty but it performed perfectly. The
following days, I couldn’t believe my eyes. the yacht’s draught would leave plenty of value of such an approach was confirmed
It was almost three times less than the room for the boat on its side to enter the in Croatia when Ante was ready to attach
smallest quote Ante had received. The 7ft 8in (2.34m) door width. the keel back to the boat.
reason was that we’d be basically I had some experience of this approach Next, we started to build and assemble
shipping a container, and whatever is already, but with much smaller boats. the frame around the boat. All this was
loaded inside does not really matter! When I was restoring some daysailers, done while the boat was sitting on its
The only thing left for me to do was to I’d build a frame around them, and then it winter cradle. The frame consisted of
was easy to turn them upside down or on two main vertical frame assemblies
ABOUT THE AUTHOR their side, to move them around easily or and longitudinal members holding it all
to work on them. together. One vertical assembly was
The Tanzer weighs around 3,000lb placed straight in front of the cabin, and
(1,360kg), of which 1,250lb (567kg) is another one over the cockpit – about one
fixed cast-iron keel. But I was sure my idea third of its length from the transom.
would work. I planned to build the frame We made assemblies to fit very tightly
from mostly 2 x 6 timber and use ½in bolts around the boat and padded all surfaces
to assemble everything. touching the boat with pieces of thick
Eventually I explained my plan and carpet. These two vertical-frame
presented Ante with a copy of the quote. He assemblies were connected with 16ft long
was very excited when he saw the quote timbers and the whole structure was made
Zoran Glozinic is a retired business from my business friend, but I did have to rigid by using multiple braces and pieces
professional who has been messing answer many questions until he was finally of plywood. Deck screws were used to
around boats and old cars all his convinced that we could make it happen. hold everything until the holes were drilled
life. He lives in Laval, Quebec, where
he divides his free time between a
good old English bilge keel boat and ‘When I received the quote I couldn’t
a 17-year-old Saab car.
believe my eyes... it was three times less’
62 Practical Boat Owner •
The cradle holding the keel was loaded first Loading complete, cargo secured, beer at the ready!
was lifted there by crane. For the boat and was lifted a bit, the front corners of the
its frame, we decided to use four swivel boat frame were lifted using the jacks and
jacks, normally used on the front ends of the boat was slowly rolled into the
boat trailers or caravans. container as far as possible.
The jacks we used were rated 1,000lb We used some round steel pipes again
(455kg) each, with 6in poly wheels. The under the rear section of the frame to
weight of the boat with keel removed was push the boat far enough inside until the
around 2,000lb (910kg), and even with the jacks on the rear corners were over
unknown weight of the finished wooden container floor. We then manoeuvred the
frame, we were sure to be well under the boat fully into the container, close to one
combined 4,000lb (1,820kg) load capacity side, leaving space for the mast and other
of four jacks. On each lower corner of the items alongside.
frame we mounted one jack. With all jacks Once positioned we lowered the boat
raised the frame would rest on the ground. back to the floor by lifting all the jack
With jacks lowered the frame and boat wheels. The frame was secured to
would rise and could be wheeled along container attaching points using nylon
the container floor. webbing straps of appropriate load rating.
The rigging and the rest of equipment was
Ante, left with the author Zoran Ready to load loaded and secured, the beer was served
We agreed the loading date and the and the first part of the job was done!
for ½in bolts. We covered the whole shipping container was delivered to our The boat and everything else made it to
starboard side of the frame structure with yacht club car park in the morning. We Europe without any problems or damage.
thick plywood, as we were planning to had all afternoon to load the boat and the The working crew who unloaded it in
slide the whole thing over the container’s container was picked up that evening. Ploce told Ante that they’d never before
floor when loading, but later on we came The cradle with the keel on it was loaded received a boat so well packed and
up with a much better idea. first, and then we rolled it to the very front secured as this one!
After the wooden frame was completed of the container and secured it with
we were ready for the crane operation. chains. As planned, using the round steel
The keel bolts were removed and the boat pipe sections to move the cradle worked
was carefully lifted so the keel was left without problems and with little effort.
sitting on the cradle, kept in place by the The crane lifted the boat using ropes
steel frame welded around it. The next job attached to the frame. When we built the
was to bring the boat down on its side, so frame, we planned for this, as it was much
the plywood covered frame section was at easier to have attachment points on the
the bottom. The boat and cradle with keel frame than trying to attach ropes on or
were transported by crane to the end of around the boat itself. This also made it
the club’s car park, where the shipping easier to detach the ropes as we were
container would come to be loaded. loading the boat. The boat was lifted and TANZER AND T22s
We discussed how to approach loading moved as far into container as we could get
the container and how to minimise the it with the ropes attached to front corners of Ceilidh was built in Dorion, Quebec,
effort and possible issues when unloading the frame. Then, the back end of the boat in 1974 by Tanzer Industries. A small
the other end. For moving the cradle with frame was supported by boat stands while number of T22s were also built in the
the keel we decided to use short sections the front was resting on the container floor. USA (Edenton, North Carolina, and
of round steel pipe, and simply to roll the The ropes were removed and reattached Arlington, Washington).
cradle over the container’s floor once it to the rear end of boat frame. The boat
ost GRP yachts follow
the same basic design
principle. The rudder blade
is produced using a pair
of female moulds that are laminated
and forced together with wet chopped
strand mat around a stainless steel
stock with some stainless steel tangs
welded onto them.
Others use the same principle but with
an aluminium stock rather than stainless,
and then there’s the odd exception that
uses a marine plywood blade, often
sheathed and with a stainless steel stock.
Some GRP mouldings are left hollow
and others are filled with various fillers or
foams. Some, depending on the design,
will have a lower bearing created to
support the lower end of the blade from
flexing or this is incorporated within the
design to prevent potential damage
on grounding.
– due to the poor unwanted play common expanding foam method (see
selection of LEFT New page 67). At the time of build this was no
materials – will epoxies can make doubt of good quality, but when immersed
absorb water effective repairs for long periods these materials will still
over time. So if absorb and hold moisture.
you’re not sailing over winter – or for a and moisture trapped around stainless
long period of time – my advice is to keep steel without replenishing oxygen can How does moisture get in?
your boat ashore. potentially lead to crevice corrosion failure Quite often, where blades have been
A common area of initial failure is where of the steel. With alloy stocks I regularly grounded small splits or deep chips can
the stock is encapsulated. Here, damp see pitting where a lack of bonding has be found on the very underside of the
A long-keeler’s rudder has hinges like a Skeg-hung rudders can be prone to Spade rudders can suffer from flexing
barn door, and a shoe with a lower bearing flexing, more so if the skeg is slender more than most
obvious because the ply will feel LEFT Moisture meters are effective, but
spongy, while saturated foam will may be too costly for only occasional use
make a very dull sound when the
blade is tapped. stock and tang for quality of adhesion
4. If the blade is spade-hung take a firm and potential crevice corrosion failure.
hold of the base and attempt to force it
sideways. Many blades will have some It’s worth noting that stainless steel failure
degree of light flexing but anything is virtually impossible to predict. If I was
over 20mm is most likely too much. intending to sail a yacht over ten years old
5. Moisture check. Sometimes, when with a spade-hung rudder some distance
moving the blade, water trapped within – ie transatlantic or down to the Med – I’d
a hollow moulding can be heard be tempted to fit a new stock assembly first.
slopping about. Years ago, one of the On finding any problems with the actual
guys I worked with drilled two 12mm 6. Not sure? Get professional advice. I’ve blade I’d recommend replacing the
holes in his Seamaster 815 blade, one investigated potential issues with blade’s original filler material with new.
at the top and one in the base. He rudders where the only way to From what I’ve seen, the new expanding
fitted bushed machine screws and completely assess the condition was epoxy foam (reviewed opposite) is a far
every winter, once ashore, removed to open up part of the blade to check more reliable filler than the old expanding
them to allow the internals to dry! the condition of the attachment of the foam type and also adds strength.
PBO tested:
Expanding epoxy Expanding
epoxy foam
Ben Sutcliffe-Davies could soon be
invaluable for
boat repair
uses an expanding work
ack in the 1970s, while
undergoing my boatbuilding
apprenticeship at Whisstocks
boatyard in Woodbridge,
I came across a revolutionary
glue. Little did I know then what a
huge impact it would have on the
marine industry. The product was
West System epoxy, and it was
demonstrated by the Gougeon
Brothers when they visited the UK.
There were skeptics at the time, but not
me. The applications that Whisstocks
applied to our kit yacht, the Naja 30, with
pre-made frames, proved epoxy to be a
monumental advancement at the time.
Over the years there have been many
advances and other products within the
range that most boatbuilders, repair yards
and the self-build market regularly use
with great results. However,
there is nothing quite as
exciting in my view as the
latest product I had the
opportunity to use before it
was officially released here in
the UK. ABOVE One half
Towards the end of 2015 I of a hollow rudder About the product
was dealing with a very being filled with
difficult keel damage incident West System The PRO-SET M1034/M2037
that was only discovered expanding epoxy Expanding Epoxy Foam is part of
during a pre-purchase survey foam before West System’s custom range of
I’d undertaken. The craft had LEFT Foam products, but is available through
an encapsulated keel. failure of a soggy distributors. For more information
Generally these prove to rudder blade. The contact Wessex Resins at
be very reliable but this one bottom of this one or
had suffered such a hard snapped off tel: 01794 521111, or visit the
impact to the leading forward website
return of the keel moulding that the layup a combination of heat lamps and warm air
had split. Over a number of years a large to dry out the keel moulding to a
amount of water was then absorbed into satisfactory level, I put in a call to Wessex that I’d met nearly 40 years ago!
the damaged GRP laminate, which Resins to ask if they had any product that While discussing my requirements I
ingressed into the keel void and ballast would make a reliable repair – I wanted to discovered the product hadn’t been
that was reputed to have been lead. be able to force a material in, up, across launched and was still being trialled on a
Once I’d marked out the damaged and down to fill any potential few selected projects. Once we’d
area, the yard undertaking the repair undiscovered voids and at the same time discussed the pros and cons, and after a
opened up the keel moulding and cleaned encapsulate the cleaned ballast. site meeting it became clear this was
out the keel void only to find much of her They told me about PRO-SET definitely the way to go to ensure the keel
ballast was actually pig iron with a lean expanding epoxy that had just been damage was fully repaired. The product
mix of sand and cement to hold it in place. developed by the Gougeon Brothers, the had so many advantages compared to
After several frustrating months of using founders of West System epoxy products current core filling or using urethane foam.
The keel chopped strand mat being Here the repaired keel is being
6 applied under a PVC wrap.
7 filled ready for final fairing.
The amber-coloured Part 2 is then Thoroughly mix the two together ... the mixture begins it slow
3 added in the correct ratio.
4 and before long...
5 expansion into epoxy foam.
Replacing a bow
thruster tunnel
Keith Ireland has a shock when he does a routine bow thruster check
thought I knew every corner of ABOVE A dry fit of the new GRP tunnel
my Channel Islands 32 Island tube through Island Girl’s bow
Girl having methodically worked RIGHT The new thruster tube installed
through countless improvements before a repaint of the repaired area
over the last ten years from our home
in Jersey. However, one item I’d not nagging doubt about the condition of the tunnel sandwiched between. I gently pried
looked into especially closely was the gearbox and in particular the seal where it the baseplate up which to my horror freed
bow thruster. mounts to the tunnel, as this was an area itself along with a large chunk of the GRP
Although it doesn’t get a lot of use it I’d not seen or dismantled yet myself. If tunnel and the gearbox still attached
was of unknown age and I do try to stick corrosion had set in or the sealant was leaving a gaping hole! Years of torque and
to the principle that everything should be failing it could prove catastrophic with the flexing from operation of the motor had
well maintained and ready for use so that I seawater flooding in. presumably gradually weakened and
can have as much faith in my equipment I had toyed with the idea of doing this fractured the GRP tunnel to the extent that
as possible. between tides on my drying mooring and it had no residual strength. A simple check
Some years ago I had removed the even prepared a blanking plate that I and remounting process had now turned
motor from its gearbox mounting to give it could fix over the mounting holes to keep into a major repair. Not only this, but I had
a basic check over. One of the solenoids things temporarily watertight. Am I glad I a week left in the boat park before we
had been sticking occasionally and there waited until we were on the hard in the were to relaunch and head off on holiday!
was quite a lot of carbon dust from the boatpark, though! I canvassed the opinion of a few
brushes. Being an old Vetus unit, spare Having removed the motor from its experienced people and also approached
parts were no longer available so I did the mounting flange I could then unscrew the a couple of fibreglass repair companies but
best I could with cleaning it all up. This all two Allen key-headed bolts which join the there was a reluctance to take it on. It was
seemed to be successful but I had a baseplate to the gearbox with the GRP their busy time of year and my installation
The hole in the old bow thruster Here the old fairing is ground back ... then the remainder cut away from
1 tunnel can be clearly seen.
2 from the outside...
3 the inside to open up the hole.
View from inside looking down at Dry fit of the new GRP tunnel tube ... then trimmed roughly to length
4 the cleaned and prepped surfaces.
5 meant it could be marked up...
6 and the gearbox position checked.
An epoxy fillet and a few tabs hold Then the tunnel can be fully glassed Next comes the first build-up of
7 the new tunnel in position.
8 in with seven layers of GRP mat.
9 fairing on the outside of the hull.
With the fairing near completion Here’s the view of the fairing seen Gearbox/prop are now installed,
10 everything is looking pretty smooth.
11 from the bow.
12 just painting left to finish.
in Germany
Jim Mottram deals with grounding and a misbehaving
mast on his single-handed summer cruise of the Baltic
ne of the fascinations of ABOVE A motor
cruising is that you can rarely cruiser passes
predict what each day will along the Hadelner
bring. Fortunately, since my Kanal near
retirement I have been able go for three Cuxhaven
or more months’ sailing and visit many LEFT Reservation
interesting places, so I have encountered follows Oiverbuit
a huge range of unusual situations in on the way to
my Elizabethan 23 Reservation. Bremerhaven via
Occasionally, there will be a long period the Hadelner
when all goes well, with fair winds, blue Kanal, a section of
skies and good company. These are times the Elbe-Weser
to be savoured, for as surely as night
follows day they will not last for long. this only left me just over three weeks journey, usually in the form of challenges
My summer cruise to the Baltic had before I had to start back. I managed to such as bad weather or gear failure and,
started late, due to health problems and go round Fyn and visited Aero and a few if I’m really unlucky, something seems to
it was the middle of June before I reached places on the mainland, but was beset spark off a whole chain of misfortunes.
Dover. I was then able to make up a bit of by the longest period of calm weather that The weather had turned very unsettled
time by making a non-stop passage to I had ever experienced. as I came back down the Kiel Canal and,
Den Helder in North Holland. It was It had been a pleasant voyage so far, but together with many other boats, I was
mid-July before I reached Denmark, so inevitably there comes a low point in every delayed at the sea lock at Brunsbüttel.
Arco Images/Alamy
LEFT A curious
sight on the Kiel
canal was either
half a ship or a dry
dock escorted
by three tugs
of the guillotine
lock we set off
eastwards in line
ahead, me being
second behind a
motor cruiser
Otterndorf searchlight
This small port and resort lies about picked up a
halfway along the south bank of the withy and soon I
River Elbe between Cuxhaven and was able to make
the entrance to the Kiel Canal at out the banks.
Brunsbüttel. It can be useful as a The pontoons
stopover, especially if it is getting late are visible but
or the tide is turning. the black posts
The entrance is easily identified by were harder to
the nearby red and white tower and spot
the buoy off the withied channel. BELOW Lock into
Care should be taken if coming from the Hadelner
seaward as the eastward big ship Kanal at
channel runs very close to the shore. Otterndorf
It is surprising how one of these
monsters can loom up silently astern!
Once inside there are ample
pontoon berths. The amiable
harbourmaster has his office in a
caravan and cycles can be borrowed
from him. However, it’s not too far to
walk into the town through peaceful
pleasant suburbs.
The Strande, bordering the Elbe, is
very popular with visitors and locals
and there is an excellent restaurant the beams with gilt lettering. In Denmark
on the grassy bank overlooking the I had become used to the timbers of such
harbour with fine views of the constant buildings being picked out in black but
stream of shipping in the river. here they were in white, which contrasted
In the town there are very many well with the warm red brickwork.
interesting buildings from the 15th Further along is the museum and
and 16th centuries, mainly around puppet theatre next to the attractive
the bulky St Severi church. Many are town hall. It’s well worth the walk to
half-timbered with names carved in to see this delightful little town.
The German
Maritime Museum
Walking over the Kennedy Bridge at three-masted barque Seute Deern.
Bremerhaven, I reached the German Also afloat was the lightship Elbe,
Maritime Museum, which proved to which had been used to mark
be fascinating. minefields in the First World War,
There were many craft afloat and on as well as the first small hydrofoil
the quays. The largest vessel was designed by Wendel in 1956.
There was a good bakery and store water while stepping back aboard.
opposite the church, which had the most This was a devastating blow, not so
exquisite and ornate clock faces. We set much for the loss of the camera but the
memory card, which had nearly 200
images of the delightful Danish islands
and the trip back to Bremerhaven.
In the afternoon my friends arrived in
their boat from Elspeth and approached
the adjoining pontoon so I naturally went
to dash round to help them moor.
ABOVE Jim’s boat Unfortunately a boat owner had just put
Reservation, an his black electrical cable between the
Elizabethan 23 cleats at the root of the pontoon.
LEFT I tripped on this and went sprawling.
Oliver Hoffman/Alamy
Making Part 1
of a 2-part
A variety of power
tools including a planer
thicknesser (above) was
used to create a plank
wide enough to make this
coaming trim
t’s not difficult to achieve to a club where there are several owners variety of tools. It goes without saying that
a professional finish using fitting out or doing major repairs, why not when working with power tools always
woodworking machines and there get together and purchase some slightly remember to take special care with safety.
are bargains to be had every day more ambitious machines like a thickness
on ebay and other buying and selling planer and a band saw? They don’t need
forums. But do you really need them, to be top of the range as their use will be
you might ask? far less than commercial tools even with Tony Davies has been
Well, you probably have a couple of several owners using them. building and repairing
basic machines in the tool kit already: a With the tools listed here and a few wooden, steel and GRP
jigsaw, electric drill and sander are the extras below, you’ll be well on your way to boats, and servicing
most common. But have you considered having a professional machine shop. inboard, outboard and
getting a table saw, chop saw and router? What follows is part one of a simple saildrive engines for more
If you keep the boat in a yard or belong project that utilises basic techniques and a than 40 years
... set up the roller supports, put on At this stage the plank is partially Repeating the procedure provides
4 your protective gear and make the
5 cut through – you can see it is only
6 the two strips that will be used for
first cut by pushing the plank over the about 10mm short of the full thickness. the job. The uncut remainder of the
blade while keeping it firmly pressed The timber is now turned over for the timber can then go back in the store
against the guide. second cut. ready for the next time we need it.
This particular
extractor has a
power-through feature which
means the thicknesser is
plugged into the extractor which
comes on automatically when the
thicknesser is started. While this is
a nice feature, any heavy duty This thicknesser is adjusted with a
vacuum cleaner will do the job 5 handle on the side. It can be set
equally well switched on using the scale on the front or simply
separately. wound down until it is just touching the
face of the timber. Remove the timber
before starting or it’ll snatch and may
damage the blade and/or motor. Don’t
We also use a dust extractor with the thicknesser. It keeps debris to a minimum overwork the thicknesser – several light
4 and also helps prevent the machine becoming clogged, which can happen. passes are better than one heavy one.
As it emerges at the other end it can There is a slight ridge running along
7 be guided out until it is free of the
8 the strip shown on the right –
rollers and can be lifted away from the caused by a nick in the thicknesser blade.
The timber will be drawn through machine. Both planks must be planed Blades are straightforward to change
6 the machine automatically but you using the same thickness setting at each (always unplug the machine) but for the
may need to guide it to keep it running pass to ensure that once the job is moment these small ridges will be easily
straight as it passes through. complete they are both exactly the same. removed when the strip is finish sanded.
When using a
router the cut must
always be made against
the clockwise turn of the
spindle, which means
working from left to right
if standing in front of
the timber.
The bit is placed in the router and The straight edge must be clamped
5 the nut tightened using the spindle
6 on top of the timber strip as a guide
lock to prevent the spindle turning during for machining the edge. Place clamps
For this job I’m using a medium tightening. It’s important to make sure the throughout the length of the work to
4 diameter straight cutter to give a bit is tightened securely to prevent it ensure the straight edge cannot move
straight and square joint edge. slipping under load. when the router is pressed against it.
Jointing biscuits are
not initially meant to be a
tight fit in the joint.
They are designed to
swell once soaked
with adhesive.
Place the biscuits in the recesses and this will squeeze out
Once you’re happy, disassemble and fill the recesses with
4 excess adhesive which can be brushed along the edges to
3 adhesive as well as coating the mating faces. even it out.
Secure clamping
Machine sanding
Next month
Finishing the project:
fitting and
embellishing the
trim, plus how to
make hardwood
plugs and locker
Michael Goodlad’s
son Lewis aboard
How to fit a bargain
The hole required was
103mm (just a touch over 4in)
and an option would be a
Q When the blocking
diode failed on my solar
panel, I wondered what
benefit it had served.
We’re told it’s to stop our
batteries discharging
through the panels at night,
but the diode also creates a
voltage drop while charging.
I wanted to know which was
the greater, the battery
Rupert Holmes
discharge at night with no
diode or the voltage drop
with a diode during the day.
So, I measured the
resistance of my small solar
panel by turning it face (6.25mA) to flow into the without these tend to heat up these diodes (usually Schottky
down and using a battery – ie. 900 times the if part shaded and the output type) have an internal
multimeter on its higher 0.007mA it would drain at diminishes drastically. resistance, which does indeed
reading (1.7M ohm). Then to night without a blocking A blocking diode is one that reduce the output from the PV
ascertain the battery drain at diode. So, why are they are is installed in series with the array to the batteries. The
night I applied Ohm’s Law: fitted? output of the entire panel, or power lost through reverse
I=V/R or 12/(17000001) = Chris Mardon, by email array of panels, before it flow at night, however, is
0/007mA connects to the battery bank. usually minimal compared to
To put this in perspective DUNCAN KENT REPLIES: This can be for two reasons. the reduction in output caused
the solar panel would There are two types of diodes Firstly, a blocking diode by the diode itself during the
theoretically have to be usually incorporated into a inserted in series between the day, so few bother to fit them
connected to a 12V battery photovoltaic (PV) solar system panel’s output and the battery – especially now that almost
in total darkness for 16 – bypass and blocking diodes. bank prevents reverse current all systems have a ‘charge
years in order for it to drain The former is inserted in series flow from the batteries to the controller’ that offers built-in
just 1.0Ah – far too with each cell on the panel panel/s at night. Secondly, as protection. The only time one
insignificant to be of any when built to prevent current per a bypass diode, in a might need to be inserted is
consequence. For example, flowing from a productive cell multi-panel installation it will as a bypass diode for a
a solar panel charges at, into a non-productive (ie prevent a shaded panel multiple panel installation,
say, 250mA with a blocking shaded) cell. All new panels absorbing the current from a although the simple and best
diode. Removing its diode now have this protection productive one. solution is to install a separate
will allow 2.5% more current built-in, but some older panels As you correctly state, both controller for each PV bank.
THE PBO EXPERTS To ask a question email and include your address. Pictures are helpful
Keith Colwell is BONDING Stuart Carruthers Ian Brown of the Mike Coates worked CORROSION Duncan Kent Stu Davies has
author of the Gareth Ross is is the RYA Cruising International in the spar and Colin Brown runs tests yachts and a background in
RYA Sea Survival Sika UK’s Marine Manager and has OneSails loft group rigging business for a marine survey and equipment and engineering in the
Handbook Market Field sailed extensively is an expert on sails many years consultancy company, writes for the coal and oil field
Specialist CB Marine Services marine media industries
Flexible Should a
making sure there is 15mm
clearance from the cutless
Q I have a Westerly
Centaur with a Volvo
MD2B engine. The propshaft
coupling? movement is possible if you
also include that required to
make the gearbox work.
has to be able to move Flexible couplings can cope
backwards and forwards It would appear that you hold them engaged to provide with “pushing” for forward and
when changing from forward have an RB box, which means the drive forward or reverse. ‘pulling’ for reverse but they
to reverse. Is this an the shaft should move inwards The more thrust there is, are specifically designed to
example of when I would or outwards depending on supposedly the better the grip. reduce vibration and will be
need to fit a flexible coupling whether forward or reverse The MS gearboxes, similar able to cope with misaligned
and if so what make would gear is selected. to the one that is fitted to my prop shafts. So if you suffer
you recommend? Simply put, the boat is boat, have the engaging thrust from either of those problems,
Ivan Donnelly, moved by the prop pushing or provided by the turning then yes, you should get one.
Morpeth, pulling on the gearbox motion of the shaft but the If not, it’s an unnecessary
through the prop shaft or, in pushing motion to the boat is expense.
STU DAVIES REPLIES: the case of boats fitted with a the same. Take a look at the vetus.
The MD2B was available with thrust bearing, the hull. To give some idea of the com and
either dynastart or an In your case the prop shaft movement that can occur due websites, both of which
alternator, and with either the provides thrust from the prop to prop thrust, shaft line cutter feature decent background
RB or MS gearboxes. directly to the clutch cones to manufacturers talk about articles on the subject.
50 of the most frequently asked boating questions are answered by our experts on the PBO website. Visit
Peter Spreadborough, ANTIFOULING Andrew Blyth is a PLUMBING SAILING Andy Haines of Tony Davies has Richard Hare is a
of Southampton Richard Jerram is naval architect with Karl Sutcliffe of Lee Colin Haines is a Greenham-Regis been building and wood technologist
Calor Gas Centre, former UK technical interest in stability Sanitation knows design engineer Electronics is an repairing wooden, and long-time
has 20 years in the manager of and buoyancy about holding tanks, who has trailer- expert in marine GRP and steel boats wooden-boat owner
industry International Paint toilets and plumbing sailed for 25 years instrumentation for 40 years
sail mainly in the Solent and, while it
Jurassic coast
offers a lot of variety, you can
at Studland
eventually have enough of avoiding
showing Old
commercial shipping and limited
Harry rocks
horizons. But just a few miles to the
west lies one of my favourite cruising LEFT The
grounds in the UK, Dorset’s Jurassic natural
coast – a UNESCO world heritage site landform
Robert Harding/Alamy
Irish Poole
Sea N Bournemouth
Harbour Poole Bay
Bristol Channel Sandbanks
Southampton From
Regis D OR SE T Studland Bay The Solent
English Channel FRA NCE
ISLE OF Studland Handfast Point
JUR (The Foreland)
Weymouth COA Swanage Bay
Bay ST
Weymouth Durdle Door Swanage
Peveril Ledge
Lulworth Rocks Worbarrow Peveril Point
Cove Bay
Lyme Chapman’s Winspit
L U LW O RT H Pool
RANGES St Alban’s Head
rock archway
of Durdle
of the Dorset
coastline was
Billy Stock/Alamy
laid down in
the Jurassic
David Tipling/Alamy
Marsali Taylor
Seeing... and
family for a month.
Those porpoises have
become regular visitors to the
voe now, and seeing them always
makes a sail special.
being seen
Basking sharks are regular visitors to the
outer voe, but I missed seeing my closest
encounter, one sail training evening just
off Brae marina. So, thankfully, did the
bairns in Picos who were working on
Observing wildlife (or being observed by efficient upwind sailing towards that
evening’s picnic spot. I was watching
wildlife!) is one of the great pleasures of sailing them inch their way forwards and not
worrying about what was behind us, but
the instructors in the other RIB told us all
ne of the joys of slipping The marina has its own seal, or selkie,
along under sail is how which skulls around keeping an eye on ‘There were enough
close you can get to wildlife. us, or dozes with only its head visible, mussels on the keel and
All kinds of creatures let me nose pointing sunwards, but it was
share their voe: seals, another one who gave me the fright of my rudder to feed a Victorian
otters, porpoises. I even once had a grey life one bright winter’s day. I was totally
back roll over beside me, larger than a alone in the middle of the voe when
family for a month’
porpoise – a young pilot whale doing a suddenly, behind me, someone coughed. about it once we were safely ashore: a
brief visit. Out in the big ocean, on the way I nearly dropped the mainsheet. The basking shark fin rose dramatically out of
to the Out Skerries, I had a good view of a cough came again, and there, looking the water just behind the bairns’ neon
visiting minke whale which came up to hopefully at me from the water, was a very pink sails, then rolled under again.
blow beside us. small seal who’d learned that boats often There’s a pod of orcas who patrol
Ours is a good voe for otters, or threw fish his way. Unfortunately I didn’t Shetland’s coastline: a great bull with a fin
draatsies: soft banks to dig holts in, have any, but he dived under Karima six feet tall, and his harem of cows and
seaweed to keep their paws and coats several times and came up on the other calves. I’ve seen photos of them within my
from getting sandy, and plenty of fish, side, close enough to stroke had I been sailing ‘back garden’, and one wild
crabs and eels to eat. They’re shyer than so stupid, before he gave me a final swimmer off Lerwick once found herself in
seals, but I’ve often glimpsed a brown disappointed look and headed off to catch the middle of them – that made a dramatic
coat and slim tail diving over, or spotted a his own lunch. headline in that week’s Shetland Times.
cat-like head watching me. A good look I’d never seen porpoises, or neesiks, in Even though I know there’s no record of
onshore at low tide can reveal one our inner voe until my first sail after a long them having taken a person from a boat,
sleeping, curled up and perfectly convalescence from a series of operations. I’m quite happy not to encounter them. In
camouflaged among the seaweed. Then, as an extra thrill, I saw a dark fin my black all-in-one, I look too much like
One golden light-airs evening I watched rolling over by the mussel lines. I kept the seals they devour!
a dog-otter swimming home with a fish so watching, but didn’t see it again, though all Yes, wildlife is one the pleasures of
large it created a whale-sized bow wave. the way home I had that feeling of just messing about in boats.
Vindo 50 . .
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Comprehensively restored within the last 5 years with genuine
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with hot shower, roca anchor & chain, decking restored.
Mooring in Mallorca available £49,950
t +44 (0)7776 425409
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C. Lazyjacks are D. The more legs there E. Some people reckon this pattern of legs
normally rigged from are, the better the sail is less likely to snag than example D. When
the mast at about 60- is held. They work really under way, to avoid chafing the sail the
70% of the luff length. well with fully battened lines can be eased from either F or G.
Small boats might only mainsails, for both
need a couple of legs, stowing and reefing. H. At each branch there can be plastic
but the sail could spill thimbles, but larger boats might need
out occasionally. blocks, with anti-chafe covers.