Mahlet Wondwosen

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A Thesis in Structural Engineering

Mahlet Wondwosen

(January 2022)
Addis Ababa

A Thesis
Submitted to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

I certify that research work titled “Analytical Investigation of Composite Column and RC
Beam Joint with Integrated Joint Connections” is my own work. The work has not been
presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it
has been properly acknowledged /referred.

Mahlet Wondwosen


Hybrid structural frame systems, which combine the use of reinforced concrete and steel,
are becoming a viable solution for high-rise buildings. But like all innovative solutions,
this comes with the problem of connecting the reinforced concrete beam with these
composite columns. In this study, the structural performance of concrete-encased
composite columns and reinforced concrete beam joints for selected connection types are
evaluated. The main objective of this research is to investigate the two common types of
connection, passing through type and wing plate type, and the implementation of a
combination of these connections at one joint on an interior steel-reinforced concrete
composite column to reinforced concrete beam joint under repeated reverse cyclic loading.
Furthermore, the effect of column axial load variation for the three connection types has
been investigated under cyclic loading. Beam-column joint specimens are obtained from
a published experimental study. A non-linear finite element model is then developed using
a three-dimensional software, DuCOM-COM3, and validated using the experimental
result. An interior steel-reinforced concrete composite column to reinforced concrete beam
joint using the passing through and wing plate connection type has been validated and used
as control specimens. A comparative study is conducted between the control specimens
and the integrated type specimen. In addition, a total of 18 specimens are simulated by
varying column axial load on the three connection types. The analytical result showed that
the integrated type specimen exhibits increased ultimate shear capacity and ductility from
the control specimens. The increase of column axial load up to 20% of the column capacity
on the three connection types showed a slight enhancement in the ultimate storey shear
capacity. However, the ultimate storey shear capacity decreased as the axial force
increased because of the adverse effect of axial forces on the lateral stiffness of the column.
Moreover, an increase in column axial load ratio showed a reduction in the ductility
performance of the joints. For the wing plate type specimen, an increase in column axial
load ratio showed a determinantal effect on the stiffness and the energy dissipation
capacity of the joint.

Keywords: Beam-column joint, Steel reinforced concrete column, Column axial load
ratio, DuCOM-COM3, Cyclic loading, Hysteretic response, Storey shear capacity,
Ductility, Stiffness, Energy dissipation capacity


First of all, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength and the patience to
complete this thesis paper.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation, respect, and profound gratitude to my

advisor Prof. Girma Zerayohannes, for his tremendous guidance, unending support, and
consistent encouragement throughout this research. His guidance helped me in all the time
of research and writing of this thesis.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Esayas Gebreyouhannes, who gave
insight and knowledge that aided this research immensely and for always being there when
I needed his support. He also provided me the DuCOM-COM3 software and through
several discussions, taught and advised me on how to use it.

Next, I would like to acknowledge Dr.-Ing. Adil Zekaria and Dr. Abreham Gebre for their
continuous encouragement and concern. I would also like to thank my colleagues Yisshak
Tadesse for his assistance in formulating the thesis idea and Mohammed Sirage for his
invaluable support and advice.

I would also like to thank my friend Natnael Ayele for all of his support and
encouragement during difficult times. I am also grateful to my friends for their constant
moral support and encouragement.

Last but not the least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family for
providing me continuous support and encouragement throughout my years of study and
through the process of researching. I would also like to thank them for their unconditional
love, patience, and prayer. This accomplishment would not have been possible without


ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................... IV

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................... V

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. VI

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... IX

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... X

LIST OF SYMBOLS .................................................................................................... XII

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... XIII

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the problem ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective .............................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................... 3

1.3.2 Specific Objective ......................................................................................... 3

1.4 Significance of the study ...................................................................................... 3

1.5 Scope of the study ................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Thesis Layout ....................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................... 5

2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 5

2.2 Theoretical Background ....................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Failure Mechanism of Beam-Column Joint .................................................. 6

2.2.2 Structural Properties of Joint ........................................................................ 7

2.3 Load transfer in composite column ...................................................................... 8

2.3.1 Mechanism for force transfer...................................................................... 10

2.3.2 Load introduction length............................................................................. 10

2.4 Shear Strength model in SRC joints .................................................................. 11

2.4.1 Strength Contribution of Steel Web ........................................................... 11

2.4.2 Strength Contribution of Inner Diagonal Concrete Strut ............................ 12

2.4.3 Strength Contribution of Outer Diagonal Concrete Strut ........................... 12

2.5 Existing Researches on Reinforced concrete beam - Composite Column joint 13
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 21

3.1 General ............................................................................................................... 21

3.2 Experimental Specimens for Model Validation ................................................. 21
3.2.1 Description of Specimens ........................................................................... 21 Passing through type ........................................................................... 21 Wing plate type ................................................................................... 23

3.3 Specimens for the current numerical study ........................................................ 24

3.4 Finite element modeling..................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Modeling in DuCOM-COM3 ..................................................................... 25

3.4.2 Modeling of Geometry ............................................................................... 28

3.4.3 Creating mesh ............................................................................................. 28

3.4.4 Defining Material Properties ...................................................................... 29 Concrete............................................................................................... 29 Reinforcement and Structural Steel section ........................................ 30

3.4.5 Bond element .............................................................................................. 30

3.4.6 Restraint condition ...................................................................................... 30

3.5 Validation of the Nonlinear Finite Element Model ........................................... 31

3.5.1 Load – Displacement Response .................................................................. 32 Passing through type specimen ........................................................... 32 Wing plate type specimen ................................................................... 33

3.5.2 Failure Patterns ........................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................................... 36

4.1 General ............................................................................................................... 36

4.2 Analytical result ................................................................................................. 37
4.2.1 Part I – Results of Non-linear FE analysis of the three types of connections

4.2.2 Part II – Non-linear FE analysis results of the effects of varying axial load
ratio on the different connections .............................................................................. 42

4.3 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 42
4.3.1 Part I – Discussion of Non-linear FE analysis results of the three types of
connections ................................................................................................................ 42 Shear strength ...................................................................................... 42 Ductility ............................................................................................... 44

4.3.2 Part II – Discussion of Non-linear FE analysis results of the effects of

varying axial load ratio on the different connections ................................................ 47 Shear strength ...................................................................................... 47 Ductility ............................................................................................... 50 Stiffness ............................................................................................... 52 Energy dissipation capacity ................................................................. 53


5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 56

5.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................... 57
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 59

APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................. 63

APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................. 72


Table 3-1 Cross-sections and number of reinforcement bars of the passing through
specimen used in the experimental study by Young-Kyu Ju (2005). ............................... 22
Table 3-2 Cross-sections and number of reinforcement bars of the wing plate specimen
used in the experimental study by Young-Kyu Ju (2005). ............................................... 23
Table 3-3 Concrete properties used in the model ............................................................. 29
Table 3-4 Reinforcement properties used in the model .................................................... 30
Table 3-5 Structural H- Steel and plate properties used in the model .............................. 30
Table 3-6 Parameters of bond element ............................................................................. 30
Table 3-7 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of passing through type specimen (positive loading). ............................................ 33
Table 3-8 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of passing through type specimen (negative loading). ........................................... 33
Table 3-9 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of wing plate type specimen. (positive loading). .................................................... 34
Table 3-10 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of wing plate type specimen. (negative loading). ................................................... 35
Table 4-1Summary of simulated specimens ..................................................................... 36
Table 4-2 Secant stiffness of wing plate type specimen ................................................... 52
Table 4-3 Percentage variation of stiffness about WPT-ALR0 ........................................ 53
Table 4-4 Accumulated energy dissipation for wing plate type specimen ....................... 54


Figure 1-1 Connection types: (a) passing through type; (b) wing plate type; (c) H-beam
bracket type; (d) coupler type (Ju & Chun, 2005) .............................................................. 1
Figure 2-1 Force Introduction to SRC Columns (AISC, 2010) .......................................... 9
Figure 2-2 Load Introduction Length ............................................................................... 10
Figure 2-3 Strength Mechanisms in SRC joints (Jia et al., 2011) .................................... 11
Figure 2-4 Inner strut width (Jia et al., 2011) ................................................................... 12
Figure 2-5 Outer strut width (Jia et al., 2011) .................................................................. 13
Figure 2-6 Details of TWSTCC (STCC) and CFST test joints (unit: mm) (Han et al., 2009)
.......................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-7 Details of specimens ( Q. J. Chen, Cai, Bradford, Liu, & Zuo, 2014)............ 16
Figure 2-8 Details of concrete-encased CFST column to RC beam joints (unit: mm) (Liao
et al., 2014) ....................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-9 Details of specimens for cyclic loading tests (dimensions in mm) (Ju & Chun,
2005) ................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 3-1 Detail of the specimen tested by Young-Kyu Ju (2005) (a) plan of passing
through type;(b) dimensions of the specimen (units: mm)(Ju & Chun, 2005) ................. 22
Figure 3-2 Detail of the specimen tested by Young-Kyu Ju(2005) (a) plan of wing plate
type;(b)dimensions of specimen (units: mm) (Ju & Chun, 2005) .................................... 23
Figure 3-3 (a) Test set-up; (b) location of transducers and measuring instruments
(dimensions in mm) (Ju & Chun, 2005) ........................................................................... 24
Figure 3-4 Detail of the integrated connection type ......................................................... 25
Figure 3-5 Multiscale and multi-physical modeling to simulate time-dependent concrete
(Ishida et al., 2018) and (Maekawa et al., 2003) .............................................................. 27
Figure 3-6 Multiscale and multi-physical modeling to simulate time-dependent
deformation and cracking. (Ishida et al., 2018) and (Maekawa et al., 2003) ................... 27
Figure 3-7 Geometry of the specimen .............................................................................. 28
Figure 3-8 Finite element mesh ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 3-9 Boundary conditions ....................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-10 Analytical and experimental hysteretic response comparison of passing
through type specimen ...................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3-11 Analytical and experimental hysteretic response comparison of wing plate
type specimen ................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 3-12 Comparison of crack patterns of wing plate type specimen ......................... 35
Figure 4-1 Details of the connection types ....................................................................... 36
Figure 4-2 Hysteresis response of the passing through type specimen ............................ 38
Figure 4-3 Hysteresis response of the wing plate type specimen ..................................... 38
Figure 4-4 Hysteresis response of the integrated type specimen ...................................... 39
Figure 4-5 Comparison of envelope curves ...................................................................... 39
Figure 4-6 Concrete strain of the passing through type specimen at the first cycle ......... 40
Figure 4-7 Concrete strain of the wing plate type specimen at the first cycle .................. 40
Figure 4-8 Concrete strain of the integrated type specimen at the first cycle .................. 41
Figure 4-9 Concrete strain of the specimens at final loading .......................................... 41
Figure 4-10 Ultimate storey shear capacity of part one specimens (positive loading) ..... 44
Figure 4-11 Ultimate storey shear capacity of part one specimens (negative loading) .... 44
Figure 4-12 Characteristic points on the load-displacement curve (Li et al., 2019) ........ 46
Figure 4-13 Displacement ductility factor of part one specimens .................................... 46
Figure 4-14 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of passing
through type specimens .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4-15 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of wing plate
type specimens .................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4-16 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of integrated
type specimens .................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 4-17 Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of passing through
type specimens .................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 4-18 Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of wing plate type
specimens .......................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-19Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of integrated type
specimens .......................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-20 Effect of column axial load on stiffness degradation of wing plate type
specimens .......................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4-21 Effect of column axial load on accumulated energy dissipation of wing plate
type specimens .................................................................................................................. 55


As Area of the steel section

Ac Area of concrete fill or encasement

Asr Area of continuous reinforcing bars

f’c Compressive strength of concrete

fy Yield stress of the steel section

fysr Yield stress of reinforcing bars

V’r Longitudinal shear force

Prs External force

Pno Composite section plastic capacity

hsc Depth of the web of steel column

tw Thickness of the web of steel column

fce Effective concrete strength of the inner strut

hc Depth of the column
Kc Confinement factor
bf Width of steel beam flanges
∅ Diameter
fcd Design concrete compressive strength

𝜇∆ Displacement ductility factor


RC Reinforced concrete
SRC Steel reinforced concrete
CFTs Concrete filled tubes
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
TWSTCC Thin-Walled Steel Tube Confined Concrete
CFST Concrete Filled Steel Tube
ALR Axial load ratio
ADE Accumulated dissipated energy
FE Finite element
EN Eurocode

Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint


1.1 Background

The use of hybrid structural frame systems is becoming an alternative for high-rise
structures. This is apparent in developing nations where reinforced concrete (RC) is the
main construction unit and has a limited application for complex infrastructures. And the
complete transition to steel or composite structures may have a socioeconomic implication
which most developing nations are not ready to bear. Hence the use of conventional RC
and composite and/or steel structures is a viable solution being implemented.

In high-rise buildings, integrating composite columns in RC structures is a common

solution for problems that arise with a large amount of gravity load. The cross-section of
the reinforced concrete column must be enlarged to carry the increased gravity load as the
building's height increases, but having large dimensions is not acceptable from the
architectural point of view. However, as with all novel solutions, there is the problem of
connecting the RC beam to the composite columns.

To address this problem several alternatives are implemented. These can be categorized as
being the passing through type, the wing plate type, the H-beam bracket type, and the
mechanical coupler type (Ju & Chun, 2005) as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Connection types: (a) passing through type; (b) wing plate type; (c) H-beam
bracket type; (d) coupler type (Ju & Chun, 2005)

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

The difficulty of providing the required complete anchoring of the RC beam's longitudinal
reinforcement is still a concern in all situations except the passing through type. And in
theory, the coupler type, depending on the mechanical splicer and the welding quality has
good reliability as well. Providing the desired anchorage is vital for the plastic hinge
formation in beams and the energy dissipative design. To ensure the hierarchy of plastic
hinge formation in Capacity Design, as depicted in most design codes including the
Eurocode 8 and the Ethiopian building code ESEN 1998,1-1(EBCS EN- 8 Part, 2014;
Eurocode 8, 2003), understanding the behavior of these connections under seismic/cyclic
forces is a must.

Furthermore, in practice, the provision of complete and exclusive use of one of these
connection types is not feasible due to difficulty in construction and geometry at joints.
Hence, an integrated application of two connections types is usually implemented.

In this research, the nonlinear finite element software DuCOM-COM3 was used to
perform nonlinear finite element analysis of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) composite
column and reinforced concrete (RC) beam joints. All of the proposed investigations were
preceded by comprehensive validation of the software against existing experimental
results. Then, the nonlinear finite element investigation was divided into two parts. Part
one focuses on the investigation of the two common types of connection, passing through
type and wing plate type, and the implementation of a combination of these connections
at one joint on an interior steel-reinforced concrete composite column to reinforced
concrete beam joint under reverse cyclic loading with a constant column axial load is
examined using nonlinear finite element analysis. In the second part, a parametric study is
carried out to investigate the effect of column compressive axial load variations on the
performance of SRC column - RC beam joints on three types of connections: passing-
through, wing type, and the integrated use of the two connection types (integrated type)
under cyclic loading.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The structural performance of concrete-encased composite column and reinforced

concrete beam connection at moment-resisting frame joints is not clearly understood. For
frame structures in seismic regions, this property is very important to the ductile response

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

of the building to ensure the energy dissipative design procedures taken are realized. In
addition, providing the desired full anchorage of the longitudinal reinforcement of the RC
beam is still an issue.

1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General Objective

The objective of the research is to understand the behavior of composite column and RC
beam joints for selected types of connections under seismic actions (cyclic loading) using
nonlinear finite element analysis, and in doing so to have an understanding with an
acceptable level of certainty of the rigidity, strength, energy dissipative capacity, and
ductility provided by these joints.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of this study can be summarized as follows:

i. To predict and validate the numerical results of SRC column - RC beam joints
obtained from DuCOM-COM3 simulation with existing experimental results
through load-displacement response, peak load, and crack pattern.
ii. To understand the structural performance of SRC column - RC beam joints using
the integrated type connection.
iii. To assess the influence of column compressive axial load variations on the seismic
behavior of composite column and RC beam joints using nonlinear finite element

1.4 Significance of the study

Currently, the researches on this specific topic are limited and almost no discussions are
put forward with regards to the specific performance and suitability of these joints for a
frame in earthquake-prone regions. The existing experimental study focused on the
application of these joints for underground structures and did not cover the integral use of
these connections at one joint. This paper aims to focus on two common types of
connections; passing-through and wing plate type connection. Their seismic performance
and suitability will be assessed separately. Taking practical applications into consideration,

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

the implementation of a combination of these connections at one joint will also be a major
question to address and this study also provides the influence of axial load variation on the
response of SRC column and RC beam joints under cyclic loading on each connection
types as a parametric study.

1.5 Scope of the study

• The floor slab contribution to the beam-column joint hysteretic response is not
taken into account.

• Because of the constraints of laboratory test equipment, a 3D non-linear finite

element analysis is carried out.

• Only reversed cyclic loading analysis is performed.

• To assess the joint performance, the storey shear force - storey displacement
hysteretic response is investigated.

• Steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column is used in this study and a
perfect bond is assumed between structural steel and concrete.

1.6 Thesis Layout

This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 presents the background, statement of
the problem, objectives, significance of the study, and scope of the study. Chapter 2
provides a literature review of the existing literature in the relevant field of the research
in this thesis. It covers theoretical background on beam-column joints, load transfer
mechanism of the composite column, shear strength model of SRC joints and it reviews
existing literature on composite column and reinforced concrete beam joints. Chapter 3
provides the methodology used in this study. It discusses experimental specimens for
model validation, specimens for the current numerical study and it also provides the
material property, test setup, and restraint condition of the interior steel-reinforced
composite column and reinforced concrete beam joint specimen. Finite element modeling
using DuCOM-COM3 software and validation of the nonlinear finite element model with
experimentally tested specimens is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 presents the
analytical result and discussions of the specimens. The final chapter, Chapter 5, presents
the conclusions drawn from the findings of this study as well as recommendations for
future work.

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2.1 General

This chapter provides a review of the existing literature in the relevant field of the research
in this thesis. It attempts to present achievements and conclusions drawn from published
research works and at the same time emphasize some gaps which are to be studied in this
thesis. It starts with a theoretical background of joints, followed by load transfer
mechanism in composite column, shear strength model in SRC joints, and then existing
researches on composite column - reinforced concrete beam joints.

2.2 Theoretical Background

Joints are crucial components that join frame columns and beams. Joints maintain
structural continuity and transmit forces existing at the ends of members. The beam-
column joint is a critical component of RC structures because beams often fail at the beam-
column joints. The reasons for their critical behavior include a sudden change in geometry
and the intricacy of the stress distribution at the joint. A joint, which is the area where
beams and columns meet, permits the linked elements to grow and retain their maximum
capacity. The joints must be strong and rigid enough to withstand the internal forces of the
frame elements.

The intended joint performance criteria can be stated as follows: (Paulay & Priestley,

i. The joint strength shall not be less than the maximum demand corresponding to
the development of the structural plastic hinge mechanism for the frame. This
eliminates the need for repair in a relatively inaccessible zone, as well as energy
dissipation via joint mechanisms, which, as will be shown later, suffer severe
stiffness and strength deterioration when subjected to cyclic actions in the inelastic
ii. The column's capacity should not be affected by potential strength deterioration
within the joint. The joint is also an important and integral element of the column.

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

iii. The joint reinforcement required to guarantee good performance should not create
additional construction challenges.

2.2.1 Failure Mechanism of Beam-Column Joint

Knowledge of stresses in joint and failure mechanisms is required for joint designs that
can convey forces efficiently(Kaliluthin, Kothandaraman, & Ahamed, 2015). For
reinforced concrete structures in seismic regions, beam-column joints are often designed
using the widely recognized strong column weak beam philosophy. This is preferable
because the inelastic movements occur in beam plastic hinges, whereas plastic hinges in
columns, which might produce a soft story mechanism, are avoided.

Aside from other factors, the strength of the beam-column joint is determined by the
compressive, shear, and bond strength of the concrete, as well as the tensile strength of the
reinforcement at the joint. According to Al-zamel, H. S. and El-Ghazaly, al.(1991)
(El-Ghazaly & Al-Zamel, 1991), the primary causes of joint failure are anchorage failure,
failure as a result of reinforcement yielding, failure as a result of concrete crushing, and
Cracking due to diagonal tension.

The joint-to-member interfaces are critical sections for transferring member forces to the
connection (Pinkham et al., 1985). Detailing also has a strong impact on the load
transmission mechanism via bond.

Large horizontal shears inside the joint are caused by very strong lateral loads, notably
from seismic forces. During load reversals, shear in the joint generates diagonal cracks,
which combine to form a grid of inclined cracks. When the ultimate capacity of the
adjoining members is developed, the diagonal tension can become extremely high,
resulting in extensive diagonal cracking. As a result of this diagonal cracking, the beam-
bar anchorage has deteriorated. In addition to diagonal cracking, the joint may experience
flexural cracking. The majority of the crack damage in strong column-weak beam joints is
focused on the beams towards the column face. The interface between beam ends and the
column face is where the most flexural cracks occur. (Raffaelle, G.S. and Wight, 1992).

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2.2.2 Structural Properties of Joint

The following are the specific structural properties that must be addressed.

i. Stiffness

If deformations caused by lateral forces are to be accurately assessed and then regulated,
a realistic assessment of the relevant characteristic known as stiffness must be made
(Paulay & Priestley, 1992). This quantity describes the relationship between loads or
forces and the resulting structural deformations.

ii. Strength

To safeguard a concrete structure from damage during a specific seismic event, inelastic
excursions during its dynamic reaction must be avoided. To withstand internal actions
produced during the structural elastic dynamic response, the structure must be of sufficient
strength. As a result, an elastic analysis based on stiffness properties is a suitable approach
for evaluating earthquake-induced activities. The seismic actions, when combined with
other loads on the structure, such as gravity, will result in the proportioning of structural
elements, perhaps with minor changes (Hung-Jen Lee and Jen-wen ko, 2007). As a result,
the designer can offer the necessary strength in terms of lateral force resistance.

iii. Ductility

Structures must be capable of sustaining a high proportion of their initial strength when a
strong earthquake imposes significant deformations to prevent serious damage and assure
the survival of buildings with modest resistance to lateral forces. These deformations
might be well beyond the elastic limit. The ability of a structure or its components, or the
materials employed, to provide resistance in the inelastic domain of response is referred to
as ductility. This comprises the ability to withstand significant deformations as well as the
ability to absorb hysteretic energy. This is why, in seismically active areas, the building
designer prioritizes it as the most important property.

Ductility in structural components can only be developed if the constituent material is

ductile in the first place. Thus, if resistance is given by steel in tension, achieving the
necessary ductility is quite simple. When steel is compressed, however, precautions must

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be taken to guarantee that early buckling does not interfere with the formation of the
required large inelastic strain in compression (Paulay & Priestley, 1992).

2.3 Load transfer in composite column

Composite columns, which are made up of reinforced concrete and encased steel sections,
combine the benefits of these two materials, allowing the strength of the concrete and steel
sections to be fully utilized. Steel sections, typically with high yield strength and good
ductility, contribute to the column's bearing capacity and ductility. The reinforced
concrete, on the other hand, protects the steel sections against buckling and fire. The
bearing capacity of the composite column is greater than the sum of the bearing capacities
of the concrete and steel sections because of the composite action between the concrete
and steel sections.

Composite columns are generally divided into two types: filled composite columns, also
known as concrete-filled tubes (CFTs), and encased composite columns, also known as
steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns. To establish a condition of internal balance of
equilibrium and act in a composite way, force must be transmitted between the components
of different materials.

Steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite columns can be loaded by connecting directly
to the concrete encasement, the steel member, or both materials at the same time. Figure
2-1 depicts examples of force introduction to SRC composite column. A beam can be
connected to a steel form only by using extended shear tabs. Similarly, external forces can
be delivered by concrete alone, or a cap plate can engage both materials at the same time.
In the AISC manual, a plastic stress distribution model is used to determine the section
strength of composite columns, indicating that both the steel and RC sections are expected
to attain their yield and crushing strengths.

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(a) (b) (c)

Load transfer to SRC Load transfer to SRC with Load transfer to SRC via
with steel connection concrete connection concrete and steel concurrently
Figure 2-1 Force Introduction to SRC Columns (AISC, 2010)
This model for SRC columns is represented by the composite member section strength Pno,
which is as follows (AISC, 2010).

Pno = AsFy + AsrFysr + 0.85Acf’c (2.1)

Where: As denotes the area of the steel section, in2 (mm2); Ac denotes the area of concrete
fill or encasement, in2 (mm2); Asr denotes the area of continuous reinforcing bars, in2
(mm2); f’c denotes the specified compressive strength of concrete, ksi (MPa); Fy denotes
the specified minimum yield stress of the steel section, ksi (MPa); Fysr denotes the
specified minimum yield stress of reinforcing bars, ksi (MPa).

The AISC Specification mandates that the applied external forces be distributed within the
composite section based on the same ratio of steel section strength to reinforced concrete
section strength as described by the plastic capacity model.

If the whole external force is exerted on the steel segment:

V’r = Pr (1-AsFy/ Pno) (2.2)

If the whole external force is exerted on the Concrete segment:

V’r = Pr (AsFy/ Pno) (2.3)

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If the external force is exerted simultaneously to both materials:

V’r = Prs - Pr (AsFy/ Pno) (2.4)

Where: V’r is the required longitudinal shear force to be transferred, kips (N); Pr is the
required external force applied to the composite member, kips (N); AsFy is the plastic
capacity of steel section, kips (N); Prs is the external force section applied to the steel, kips
(N); Pno is the composite section plastic capacity as calculated by 2010 AISC Equations.

2.3.1 Mechanism for force transfer

After determining the longitudinal shear force, V'r, a force transfer mechanism must be
chosen to transport this force between steel and concrete. The force transfer mechanism
methods specified by the AISC standard are direct bearing, shear connection, and direct
bond interaction. For the SRC composite column, the standard allows the use of direct
bearings or shear connections.

2.3.2 Load introduction length

Load introduction length is provided for the transfer of longitudinal shear force to take
place. Because it is critical for this shear transfer to occur as quickly as possible to facilitate
composite action, the AISC specification limits the load introduction length above and
below the load transfer region to two times the minimum transverse dimension (or
diameter for circular filled tubes). Figure 2-2 illustrates the load introduction length
concept for SRC Column.

Figure 2-2 Load Introduction Length

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2.4 Shear Strength model in SRC joints

In reinforced beam-column joint diagonal tension and compression stresses in the joint
core are caused by the internal forces that are transferred from adjacent members as a result
of horizontal and vertical shear forces. These shear forces are resisted by two mechanisms,
the diagonal concrete strut, and truss mechanisms (Paulay & Priestley, 1992).

Jia et al.(2011) proposed a new model for predicting the horizontal shear strength of SRC
column beam connections, in which the contribution of the steel web, inner concrete
compression strut, and outer concrete compression strut is divided into three parts: steel
web, inner concrete compression strut, and outer concrete compression strut (Jia et al.,
2011). Figure 2-3 shows the strength mechanisms of the three parts of the joint.

V = Vw + Vinner + Vouter (2.5)

(a) Steel web panel (b) Inner concrete strut (c) Outer concrete strut
Figure 2-3 Strength Mechanisms in SRC joints (Jia et al., 2011)

2.4.1 Strength Contribution of Steel Web

The contribution of steel web to the horizontal shear strength of a joint is given by

ℎ 𝑓𝑦
Vw =∫0 𝑠𝑐 𝜏𝑤𝑒𝑏 (𝑥)𝑡𝑤 𝑑𝑥 = 𝑡 ℎ (2.6)
√3 𝑤 𝑠𝑐

Where hsc is the depth of the web of steel column, tw is the thickness of the web of steel

column and fy is the strength of steel web column.

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2.4.2 Strength Contribution of Inner Diagonal Concrete Strut

The web stiffeners or concrete of beam ends and the steel beam flanges are the ones that
activate the inner diagonal concrete strut in the SRC connection. The horizontal shear
strength of the connections contributed by the inner concrete strut is given by:

Vinner = 0.3 fcehc (bf - tw) (2.7)

fce = kcβ fc (2.8)

Where fce: effective concrete strength of the inner strut

fc: uniaxial compressive strength of concrete

hc: depth of the column

kc: confinement factor kc = 2 is assumed

β = 0.6 is suggested

tw: thickness of the web of the steel column

bf: width of steel beam flanges

Figure 2-4 Inner strut width (Jia et al., 2011)

2.4.3 Strength Contribution of Outer Diagonal Concrete Strut

Force transferred from web stiffeners of a steel beam or concrete of beam ends to outer
concrete in a SRC joint activate the outer diagonal concrete strut which works like the
concrete strut in a reinforced concrete beam-column joints.

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The horizontal shear capacity of the connections of the outer concrete strut is provided by:

Vouter = 0.6 fc bouter douter (2.9)

douter = dcbhc / √(dcb2+hc2 ) (2.10)

Where dcb, is the outer joint depth, is the distance from the centroid of the beam tensile
reinforcement to the centroid of the beam compression reinforcement.

Figure 2-5 Outer strut width (Jia et al., 2011)

2.5 Existing Researches on Reinforced concrete beam - Composite Column


SRC columns are commonly employed in structures with superior elevations since they
offer more capacity for bearing and higher ductility than conventional RC columns. As the
story number of the building increases, the dimensions of mega-columns have to be
enlarged to carry the increased gravity load. The importance of the beam-column
connection problem emerged by increasing the use of composite columns. Because the
connection zone between reinforced concrete beams and composite columns needs special
attention, studies have been published in the relative areas. In these studies, many
parameters are covered including column cross-sectional types, column axial load ratio,
the effect of reinforcement ratio, joint type, the existence of RC slab or not. This section
provides a review of relevant studies on the structural response of Composite columns to
RC beam joints subjected to cyclic loading.

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Han et al.(2009) carried out an experimental cyclic loading test on TWSTCC column to
RC beam joints. The column types (Thin-Walled Steel Tube Confined Concrete or
Concrete Filled Steel Tube), the column cross-sectional shape types (square column or
circular column), and the amount of the relative axial load applied to the column (n=0.05,
0.3 and 0,6) have been identified and designed as parameters to examine the effect of the
above altering parameters in two specimens. From the test result, some conclusions are
drawn and it was found that the TWSTCC column to RC beam joints failed at the plastic
hinges of the beams showing a mode of bending failure, while the CFST joints failed at
the joint core zone due to shear failure plus the integrity and cyclic performance of the
TWSTCC joints was generally better than that of CFST joints and has shown good seismic
performance which can be adoptable in practical building structures, particularly in
earthquake zone (Han, Qu, Tao, & Wang, 2009). The details of tested joints are shown in
Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Details of TWSTCC (STCC) and CFST test joints (unit: mm) (Han et al., 2009)

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Nie et al.(2008) proposed a new connection for a concrete-filled steel tube composite
column and RC beams, where the steel tube is interrupted for through-beam by the steel
reinforcement bars in the RC beam to be continuous in the floor. He conducted an axial
compression test and reversed cyclic loading test on three interior column and three corner
column specimens to evaluate the new beam-column system. He experimentally observed
that that effective confinement can be achieved by the stiffening ring, and an excellent
axial bearing capacity can be obtained, as well as a superior ductility and energy
dissipation capacity (Bai, Nie, & Cai, 2008).

Chen et al.(2014) investigated the seismic and post-seismic behavior of a new type of
circular through connection zone for reinforced concrete beams and concrete-filled steel
tubes. He conducted a cyclic loading test and subsequent axial compression test on six
beam-column specimens. The connection area demonstrated high energy absorption
capacity under cyclic loading, as well as excellent post-seismic performance. A finite
element model is also developed and validated by a comparison with the experimental
results and a parametric study was conducted. They were able to observe the influence of
the frame beam and ring beam reinforcement ratios, as well as the axial compressive force
in the column, on the seismic behavior of the connection. In the study, they developed a
formula for calculating the compressive axial load capacity of this type of connection, as
well as conducting experiments to verify the formula's accuracy(Q. Chen, Cai, Bradford,
Liu, & Wu, 2015; Q. J. Chen, Cai, Bradford, Liu, & Zuo, 2014). The details of tested joints
are shown in Figure 2-7.

(a) Elevation view

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

(b) Plan view

(c) Location of strain gauge

Figure 2-7 Details of specimens ( Q. J. Chen, Cai, Bradford, Liu, & Zuo, 2014)

Zhang et al.(2012) studied the behavior of ring beam joints between concrete-filled twin
steel tube columns and reinforced concrete beams experimentally. For the longitudinal
rebar of the reinforced concrete beam to not be stopped at the junction, the outer steel tube
was interrupted. To compensate for the reduced stiffness of the composite column caused
by the interruption of the steel tube, confinement of the steel cage anchored inside the joint
zone and octagonal ring beam located outside the column was introduced. Four beam-
column specimens were tested under cyclic load and their seismic behavior was studied
and discussed the load-deflection performance, typical failure modes, stress and strain
distributions, and energy dissipation capacity. According to the test result, joints with good
aseismic behavior may readily achieve the antiseismic design concepts of "strong column-
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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

weak beam" and "strong joint-weak member." Parametric evaluations were also carried
out using finite element modeling (Zhang, Zhao, & Cai, 2012).

Ding et al.(2017) studied the seismic behavior of a new type of non-through core
connection between CFST column and SRC beams. A cyclic loading test was conducted
on several non through – core connections. The hysteretic response, the skeleton curve,
ductility, strain curve, stiffness degradation, and energy dissipation curve were all
discussed after he developed a finite element model for analysis. He concluded that the
proposed connection works well with concrete-filled steel tubular - steel reinforced
concrete joints and had a good seismic performance (Ding, Yin, Wang, Hu, & Chen, 2017).

A cyclic loading test was conducted on four concrete-encased CFST columns to RC beam
joints, and three concrete-encased CFST columns to steel beam joints (Liao, Han, & Tao,
2014). The test parameters included the presence of the RC slab or not, axial load level on
the composite column, and joint type. The strength, ductility, deterioration of the stiffness,
and dissipated energy of the specimens are examined based on the test findings. Based on
the test results, the authors concluded that the composite joints demonstrated good seismic
performance and may be used in high seismic regions. Figure 2-8 depicts the details of the
tested joints.

(a) Elevation view

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

(b) Plan view

(c) Section of beam and column

Figure 2-8 Details of concrete-encased CFST column to RC beam joints (unit: mm) (Liao et
al., 2014)

The existing research’s on SRC structures is mainly concentrated on the performance of

SRC columns which demonstrated the fact that SRC columns have generally good
performance and have the potential of being used in engineering practice. However, one
of the most important and problematic components of a moment-resisting frame structure
is the connection between the beams and columns, which plays a vital role in the resilience
of a building during an earthquake and there is still no sufficient information on beam-
column joints of SRC column system particularly on the seismic design of composite
connection with SRC column and RC beam joint.

Research on this particular topic is currently limited and almost no discussion is being
made regarding the specific performance and adequacy of these joints for frame structures
in areas susceptible to earthquakes.

The prominent work by Young-Kyu Ju has significantly put a shade of light on this topic
with regards to the application of these joints for underground structures. The work by
Young-Kyu Ju concluded that the passing through type and the wing type connections are

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the better alternatives over the H-beam type connection(Ju & Chun, 2005). He also
proposed a modification to the H-beam bracket type, with a satisfactory structural
performance and economically viable solution. But his work did not cover the integral use
of these connections at one joint. The details of the specimens are shown in Figure 2-9.

(a) Elevation view

(b) Plan of Passing through type

(c) Plan of wing plate type

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(d) Plan of H-beam bracket type

Figure 2-9 Details of specimens for cyclic loading tests (dimensions in mm) (Ju & Chun, 2005)

This paper is thus an attempt to study the seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete
(SRC) column to reinforced concrete (RC) beam joints where two types of connections
are integrated or used together on one joint. The connections are passing-through and wing
plate type connections. The non-linear finite element analysis of steel-reinforced concrete
(SRC) column to reinforced concrete (RC) beam joints were carried out using the nonlinear
analysis software DuCOM-COM3.

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3.1 General

The behavior of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced concrete

(RC) beam joint is investigated through numerical analysis in DuCOM-COM3. DuCOM-
COM3 is non-linear finite element software and this program was developed at the
University of Tokyo. The program is an integral of the two simulation tools, DuCOM and
COM3. DuCOM stands for Durability Models of Concrete and traces the development of
concrete hardening (hydration), structure formation, and several associated phenomena,
from casting of concrete to a period of several months or even years while COM3 is a
three-dimensional finite element simulating tool.

In this chapter, the experimental specimens for model validation are described and their
geometry and reinforcement details are presented. The specimens for the current numerical
study are also presented. Following that, finite element modeling, which includes
modeling in DuCOM-COM3, modeling of geometry, creating mesh, material properties,
bond element, and restraint condition used to simulate the SRC column and RC beam
joints under cyclic loading are discussed. Finally, the validation of the nonlinear finite
element model using the available experimental results is thoroughly discussed.

3.2 Experimental Specimens for Model Validation

3.2.1 Description of Specimens

An interior steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced concrete (RC)
beam joint connected using the passing through type and the wing plate type which are
experimentally tested by Young-Kyu Ju (Ju & Chun, 2005) under reversed cyclic loading
are selected and these specimens are numerical modeled using nonlinear finite element
procedure in DuCOM-COM3 for validation. These beam-column joint specimens are also
used as control specimens. Passing through type

As it can be seen from Figure 3-1 two reinforcing bars of the reinforced concrete beam
passed through a hole in the steel column and the remaining reinforcing bars passed

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through the width of the steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column. A structural
loss is caused by the hole in the steel flange, created by the reinforcing bars of the beam,
due to the reduction of the steel section area. Because of this reason, the number of
reinforcing bars passing through the columns is limited. In Japanese code, the number of
holes in the steel flange is limited to three, and the diameter of each hole is less than 40mm.
The column had a cross-sectional dimension of 500 mm × 500 mm, with a height of 3500
mm. The beam had a cross-sectional dimension of 350 mm × 500 mm, with lengths of
2200 mm up to the contra flexure point.

Table 3-1 Cross-sections and number of reinforcement bars of the passing through
specimen used in the experimental study by Young-Kyu Ju (2005).
Beam Column
Cross- Top Bottom Cross-
Specimen Stirrups Bars Stirrups
section Bars Bars section
Type (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mmxmm) (mm) (mm) (mmxmm)
Bxh Bxh
350x500 4⌀22 2⌀22 ⌀10@100 500x500 12⌀22 ⌀10@150


Figure 3-1 Detail of the specimen tested by Young-Kyu Ju (2005) (a) plan of passing
through type;(b) dimensions of the specimen (units: mm)(Ju & Chun, 2005)

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint
connections Wing plate type

Figure 3-2 shows the wing plate type connection in which the wing plate is welded to both
sides of the steel column flange and the reinforcing bar of the beam is flare welded in situ
to the wing plate. The wing plate also behaves as the shear connector.

Table 3-2 Cross-sections and number of reinforcement bars of the wing plate specimen
used in the experimental study by Young-Kyu Ju (2005).
Beam Column
Cross- Top Bottom Cross-
Specimen Stirrups Bars Stirrups
section Bars Bars section
Type (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mmxmm) (mm) (mm) (mmxmm)
Bxh Bxh
350x500 4⌀22 2⌀22 ⌀10@100 500x500 12⌀22 ⌀10@150

⌀10@200 ⌀10@100

Figure 3-2 Detail of the specimen tested by Young-Kyu Ju(2005) (a) plan of wing plate
type;(b)dimensions of specimen (units: mm) (Ju & Chun, 2005)

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The uniaxial 28-day compressive strength of the concrete was 24.9 N/mm2 in the research
by Young-Kyu Ju (Ju & Chun, 2005), which employed identical materials for all
specimens. The average uniaxial tensile strengths of the reinforcing bars were 406 N/mm2
(⌀10) and 392 N/mm2 (⌀22). The wide flange form steel beam and plate had average
uniaxial tensile strengths of 374 N/mm2 and 296 N/mm2, respectively.

The specimens were evaluated under reversed cyclic loading with a sinusoidal
displacement control wave consisting of fully reversed cycles at amplitudes of 1δ,2δ, 4δ,
6δ, 8δ (δ was the displacement when the tensile reinforcing bar began to yield) was
applied. The column was attached to the reaction frame and could only rotate. During the
test, the top of the column was subjected to a continuous axial force of 1470 kN (about
25% of the column's design axial strength). The test configuration, as well as the positions
of the transducers and measuring equipment used to detect the displacements of the loading
points and the rotation of the beam against the column, is shown in Figure 3-3.

(a) (b)

Figure 3-3 (a) Test set-up; (b) location of transducers and measuring instruments
(dimensions in mm) (Ju & Chun, 2005)

3.3 Specimens for the current numerical study

As mentioned above, both the passing through type and wing plate type connections of an
interior steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced concrete (RC)

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beam joint is selected as the control specimens for the present study. The other specimen
is developed by integrating the two connection types, passing through and wing plate type,
at one joint in an interior steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced
concrete (RC) beam joint, where only 50% of the longitudinal reinforcement bars of the
reinforced concrete beam passed through the joint and the remaining longitudinal
reinforcement are flare welded to the wing plate which is welded to the steel column flange
as depicted in Figure 3-4.

The behavior of this integrated type specimen is investigated and compared to the control
specimens under cyclic loading. Furthermore, a parametric analysis was carried out to
understand the behavior of the above-mentioned connection types by varying axial load
ratios. The specimen’s dimension and materials used in the experimental study conducted
by (Ju & Chun, 2005) were used in this study for modeling the integrated connection type.

Wing plate

Figure 3-4 Detail of the integrated connection type

3.4 Finite element modeling

3.4.1 Modeling in DuCOM-COM3

In this study, the simulation and analysis are done using a finite element analysis platform
called DuCOM-COM3. This platform was developed at the University of Tokyo and it is
a multi-scale analysis platform that integrates DuCOM and COM3, where DuCOM
(Durability Model of Concrete) is a micro- durability platform that simulates cement
hydration, micro-pore structure, and mass transport in concrete. While COM3 (Concrete
Model for 3 Dimensional Problems) is a three-dimensional finite element analysis that
uses a multi-directional fixed crack model with uncracked and cracked concrete
constitutive laws and hardening or matured concrete (Maekawa et al.,2003). It also

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undertakes simulation and nonlinear FEM analysis of concrete structures comprising short
and long-term time-dependent high nonlinear mechanics under static and dynamic loads.
The multi-scale and multi-physical model depicted in Figure 3-6 is implemented in the
software to simulate the time-dependent deformation and cracking behavior of concrete

Mix proportions, structural geometry, and boundary condition in terms of environmental

exposure of the structure over the time-space domain are the basic input data for DuCOM-
COM3. Kinematic, chemo-physical, and mechanical events on elements would be solved
at the same time step for both material and structure (Ishida et al., 2018). The software
integrates the actual phenomena which are shown in Figure 3-5.

For rationally simulating largely deformed elements, plastic localization of reinforcement

and averaging of local stress and strain along the reinforcement are essential. Steel and
concrete local stress and strain are modeled. To simulate actual behavior, tension softening
and stiffening were included in the software. Equation 3.1 describes the relationship
between average stress and average strain for concrete under tension.

 tu
t = ft   (3.1)
 t 

Where εtu is the cracking strain and c is the parameter describing the inclination of the

descending branch, σ is the average tensile stress, ε is the average tensile strain, ft is
uniaxial tensile strength

In the reinforced concrete region (RC) and plain concrete region (PL Zones), this
coefficient C is varied to describe the gradual release of normal stress and the sharp release
of normal stress after cracking, respectively. As a result, C is 0.4 in the RC zone for tension
stiffening and 2.0 in the PL zone for tension softening (Maekawa et al.,2003).

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Figure 3-5 Multiscale and multi-physical modeling to simulate time-dependent concrete

(Ishida et al., 2018) and (Maekawa et al., 2003)

Figure 3-6 Multiscale and multi-physical modeling to simulate time-dependent deformation

and cracking. (Ishida et al., 2018) and (Maekawa et al., 2003)

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3.4.2 Modeling of Geometry

The interior steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced concrete
(RC) beam joint is modeled using the detail and dimension that is shown in Figure 3-1. A
three-dimensional cube geometry provided in the software is used to create parts of the
specimen. The geometry of the interior beam-column joint is shown in Figure 3-7. For the
simulation time to be lesser, half of the three-dimensional geometry is taken along the
longitudinal direction of the specimen due to symmetry.

Units used in DuCOM-COM3 finite element software should be consistent throughout the
modeling process on material definition, modeling of geometry, and when applying load.
The output result will also have the same unit as the input. The units used in this model
are second, cm and kN.

Figure 3-7 Geometry of the specimen

3.4.3 Creating mesh

The mesh in DuCOM-COM3 is created during modeling and it can be created
automatically or manually where the number of finite elements can be created in the X, Y,
and Z direction as shown in Figure 3-8.

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Figure 3-8 Finite element mesh

3.4.4 Defining Material Properties

There is a material definition database in DuCOM-COM3 software where user material
properties can be defined. The concrete, structural steel section, steel reinforcement, and
plate material properties used in the experimental test are defined. For the loading plate,
the elastic material property is defined to distribute stress without crushing. After defining
material properties, materials defined are assigned for the respective elements that are
present in the model. Concrete
The uniaxial 28-day compressive strength of the concrete used in the experiment was
taken. The tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were calculated using the formula
stated in (Eurocode 2, 2004).

Table 3-3 Concrete properties used in the model

Initial Stiffness (MPa) 31475.8
Compressive Strength (MPa) 24.9
Tensile Strength (MPa) 2.56
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2
Unit Weight (Kg/m3) 2500

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint
connections Reinforcement and Structural Steel section

The reinforcement is modeled as smeared reinforcement by providing a reinforcement
ratio in the concrete element. The properties used in the experiment are assigned in the

Table 3-4 Reinforcement properties used in the model

Diameter 10 Diameter 12
Initial Stiffness (MPa) 200000 Initial Stiffness (MPa) 200000
Yield Strength (MPa) 406 Yield Strength (MPa) 392
Tensile Strength (MPa) 466.9 Tensile Strength (MPa) 450.8
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3 Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Unit Weight (Kg/m3) 7800 Unit Weight (Kg/m3) 7800

Table 3-5 Structural H- Steel and plate properties used in the model

Structural H-Steel Plates

Initial Stiffness (MPa) 200000 Initial Stiffness (MPa) 200000
Yield Strength (MPa) 374 Yield Strength (MPa) 296
Tensile Strength (MPa) 430.1 Tensile Strength (MPa) 340.4
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3 Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Unit Weight (Kg/m3) 7800 Unit Weight (Kg/m3) 7800

3.4.5 Bond element

A bi-linear open-closure response with contact density is used to model the bond element.
The model has been used to represent the behavior of the beam-column joint interface.
The input parameters for the model are shear stiffness, gap limit value, tension opening
stiffness, and maximum roughness size. The bond element parameters are shown in Table

Table 3-6 Parameters of bond element

Shear stiffness (Mpa) 13115
Gap limit value (cm) 0
Tension opening stiffness (Mpa) 157079.6
Maximum roughness size (cm) 1

3.4.6 Restraint condition

Once the interior beam-column joint is modeled in DuCOM-COM3, the restraint condition
is assigned to the model following the experimental boundary condition used during the
test and it is shown in Figure 3-9. The longitudinal length of the model is in the Y direction

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whereas the transverse length of the model is in the X direction and the height of the beam
and column is modeled in the Z direction.

Figure 3-9 Boundary conditions

3.5 Validation of the Nonlinear Finite Element Model

To idealize the real behavior of the actual tested specimens and predict the behavior of
other specimens that cannot be tested experimentally, finite element analysis and their
comparison with experimental test results are highly crucial. This verification could
provide proof that the finite element model can be used to investigate structural behavior.

An interior steel reinforced concrete (SRC) composite column to reinforced concrete (RC)
beam joint connected using the passing through type and wing plate type, which were
experimentally tested by (Ju & Chun, 2005), are selected to validate the nonlinear finite
element model. The accuracy of the nonlinear finite element model is evaluated by
comparing the analytical result of the specimens with experimental results in terms of load-
displacement response and failure pattern.

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3.5.1 Load – Displacement Response

The comparison of the load-displacement response of the specimen obtained from the
finite element software and reported from the experimental test results are discussed in the
following subsection. Passing through type specimen

The comparison of the load-displacement hysteretic curve obtained from DuCOM-COM3
compared with the experimental results of the passing through type specimen is displayed
in Figure 3-10.

Experimental result DuCOM-COM3


Storey Shear Force(kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150



Storey Displacement(mm)

Figure 3-10 Analytical and experimental hysteretic response comparison of passing through
type specimen

As shown in Figure 3-10 the load-displacement response of the passing through type
specimen predicted by DuCOM-COM3 shows good agreement with the experimental
result for the first two cycles and it captures the ultimate storey shear force capacity well.
But due to lack of experimental data that was essential for the joint element, the pinching
behavior in the hysteresis curve was not captured.

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The maximum load obtained from DuCOM-COM3 of this specimen is 0.60% higher than
the load reported from the experimental study in the positive loading on the other hand in
the negative loading it is 5.89% higher than the maximum load reported from the
experimental study as shown in Table 3-7 and Table 3-8.

The error and overall model accuracy of the two specimens are predicted analytically and
compared with the test result and presented in Table 3-7 and Table 3-8. To describe the
overall model accuracy, and associated average underestimation or overestimation of the
finite element software, the error (%) and mean model accuracy [M (%)] evaluated based
on the relation given in (Behnam, Kuang, & Samali, 2018) and is defined as:

Error(%)= Analytical result - Test result x 100

Test result

Mean modal accuracy, M(%)= Analytical result x 100

Test result

Table 3-7 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of passing through type specimen (positive loading).

Yield storey shear force(kN) Ultimate storey shear force(kN)

Type DuCOM- Experiment Error M DuCOM- Experiment Error M
COM3 (%) (%) COM3 (%) (%)
121.49 124.30 -2.26 97.74 150.20 149.30 0.60 100.60

Table 3-8 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of passing through type specimen (negative loading).

Yield storey shear force(kN) Ultimate storey shear force(kN)

Type DuCOM- Experiment Error M DuCOM- Experiment Error M
COM3 (%) (%) COM3 (%) (%)
-119.09 -128.10 -7.03 92.97 -160.64 -151.70 5.89 105.89
Through Wing plate type specimen

The comparison of the load-displacement hysteretic curve obtained from DuCOM-COM3
compared with the experimental results of the wing plate type specimen is shown in Figure

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Experimental result DuCOM-COM3


Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey displacement: (mm)

Figure 3-11 Analytical and experimental hysteretic response comparison of wing plate type

The load-displacement response of the wing plate type specimen obtained by the DuCOM-
COM3 shows good agreement with the experimental result as displayed in Figure 3-11.
The average maximum load obtained from the DuCOM-COM3 of this specimen is 0.65%
lower than the maximum load reported from the experimental study in the positive loading.
On the other hand, the negative loading is 1.68% lower than the maximum load reported
from the experimental study as shown in Table 3-9 and Table 3-10.

Table 3-9 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of wing plate type specimen. (positive loading).

Yield storey shear force(kN) Ultimate storey shear force(kN)

Type DuCOM- Experiment Error M DuCOM- Experiment Error M
COM3 (%) (%) COM3 (%) (%)
Wing 98. 99.3
124.99 127.00 -1.58 165.92 167.00 -0.65
Plate 42 5

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Table 3-10 Yield and ultimate storey shear force comparisons of DuCOM-COM3 and test
result of wing plate type specimen. (negative loading).
Yield storey shear force(kN) Ultimate storey shear force(kN)
Specimen DuCO
DuCOM Experiment Error M Experiment Error M
Type M-
-COM3 (%) (%) (%) (%)
Wing 98.3
-123.19 -127.80 -3.61 96.39 -164.58 -167.40 -1.68
Plate 2

3.5.2 Failure Patterns

The cracking patterns of the specimen obtained from the finite element software were
compared to the experimental test results and discussed in the following subsection.
However, the experimental study did not report the crack patterns of the passing through
type specimen. As a result, the finite element software crack patterns of the wing plate
type specimen were only compared to the experimental crack pattern. Figure 3-12 shows
the comparison of crack patterns of the wing plate type specimens obtained by DuCOM-
COM3 and the crack patterns of the experimental study.

(a) Experimental crack pattern (Ju & Chun, 2005) (b) DuCOM-COM3

Figure 3-12 Comparison of crack patterns of wing plate type specimen

As shown in Figure 3-12, the crack pattern obtained from the numerical model shows good
agreement with the cracking patterns reported in the experimental study. The predicted
cracking patterns of the wing plate type specimen occurred in an inclined direction from
the transverse axis of the beam to the beam-column joint panel zone which correlates to
the test crack pattern. The accuracy of the finite element model is further approved by this
numerical result and shows its strong capability in predicting the failure patterns of the

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4.1 General

This chapter presents the results and discussion for all simulated specimens. This paper
sets two goals to study. The first objective of the thesis is to compare the structural
performance of the integrated connection type over the passing through and wing plate
connection types on the seismic performance of steel-reinforced composite columns to RC
beam joints. The second objective is to observe the effect of the axial load ratios on the
seismic performance of the three connection types.

The results and discussion of the analytical investigations are presented in two parts. Part
one deals with the structural response under reverse cyclic loading of the integrated type
joints and the two control joint specimens that are previously validated. The details of the
connection types are shown in Figure 4-1. Part two focuses on the investigations and
analysis results of the effects of axial load ratios for all of the three connection types. The
types of the different connections with varying axial load ratios are summarized in Table

(a) Passing through type (b) Wing plate type (c) Integrated type

Figure 4-1 Details of the connection types

Table 4-1Summary of simulated specimens

No Specimen Connection type Axial load ratio
name (ALR)
1 PTT-ALR0 Passing through type 0
2 PTT-ALR0.1 Passing through type 0.1
3 PTT-ALR0.2 Passing through type 0.2
4 PTT-ALR0.4 Passing through type 0.4
5 PTT-ALR0.6 Passing through type 0.6
6 PTT-ALR0.7 Passing through type 0.7
7 WPT-ALR0 Wing plate type 0

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

8 WPT-ALR0.1 Wing plate type 0.1

9 WPT-ALR0.2 Wing plate type 0.2
10 WPT-ALR0.4 Wing plate type 0.4
11 WPT-ALR0.6 Wing plate type 0.6
12 WPT-ALR0.7 Wing plate type 0.7
13 IT-ALR0 Integrated type 0
14 IT-ALR0.1 Integrated type 0.1
15 IT-ALR0.2 Integrated type 0.2
16 IT-ALR0.4 Integrated type 0.4
17 IT-ALR0.6 Integrated type 0.6
18 IT-ALR0.7 Integrated type 0.7

4.2 Analytical result

4.2.1 Part I – Results of Non-linear FE analysis of the three types of connections

The three connection types as shown in Figure 4-1 were modeled using the finite element
software and subjected to reverse cyclic loading with a sinusoidal displacement control
wave. The two specimens, the passing through type and the wing plate type,
experimentally tested by Young-Kyu Ju (Ju & Chun, 2005) which are numerically
modeled and validated against the experimental result in section 3.5 are the control
specimens for the present study. Similar to the experimental study a constant axial load
was applied to the top of the column for the integrated type specimen.

A comparative study was conducted on the seismic performance of these three connection
types based on storey shear strength and ductility. The seismic performance of these
connection types of an interior steel-reinforced composite column to RC beam joint was
evaluated using the storey shear force vs storey displacement hysteretic response. Where
the storey shear force is the lateral reaction at the tip of the beam and the storey
displacement is equal to the lateral displacement history applied at the tip of the beam. The
hysteresis response of the three connection types is shown in Figure 4-2, Figure 4-3, and
Figure 4-4. The load-displacement envelope curve of the three connection types is depicted
in Figure 4-5.

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Passing through type


Storey Shear Force(kN)



-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150



Storey Displacement(mm)

Figure 4-2 Hysteresis response of the passing through type specimen

Wing plate type


Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey displacement: (mm)

Figure 4-3 Hysteresis response of the wing plate type specimen

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Integrated type

Storey Shear Force(kN)



-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150



Storey Displacement(mm)

Figure 4-4 Hysteresis response of the integrated type specimen

Wing plate type Passing through type Integrated type



Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

Figure 4-5 Comparison of envelope curves

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Figure 4-6 Concrete strain of the passing through type specimen at the first cycle

Figure 4-7 Concrete strain of the wing plate type specimen at the first cycle

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Figure 4-8 Concrete strain of the integrated type specimen at the first cycle

(a) Passing through type (b) Wing plate type

(c) Integrated type

Figure 4-9 Concrete strain of the specimens at final loading

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

4.2.2 Part II – Non-linear FE analysis results of the effects of varying axial load
ratio on the different connections
To study the influence of column axial load variation on an interior SRC-RC beam joint
behavior under cyclic loading. A total of 18 interior beam-column joint specimens using
the three connection types are modeled as shown in Table 4-1. Six different column axial
load levels that is (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7) *( Acfcd + Asfyd) were modeled and simulated.
The hysteretic loops obtained from the nonlinear finite element simulation of specimens
with different column axial load ratios are shown in APPENDIX A. The concrete strain
distribution at final storey displacement for all specimens is shown in APPENDIX B.

The effect of different levels of axial loads on the seismic behavior of the joints is
compared in terms of the storey shear strength and ductility for all three connection types.
In addition, the influence of column axial load variation on the seismic behavior of the
wing plate connection type is further discussed in terms of stiffness degradation and energy
dissipation capacity.

4.3 Discussion

4.3.1 Part I – Discussion of Non-linear FE analysis results of the three types of

connections Shear strength

From the finite element analysis of the specimens, it was observed that the ultimate shear
capacity of the passing through, wing plate, and integrated connection type is 150.2 kN,
165.92 kN, and 161.74 kN respectively in the positive loading as shown in Figure 4-10.
The percentage ultimate shear capacity increment of the integrated type specimen over the
passing through type is 7.7 % and shows a 2.5% decrement over the wing plate type.
Whereas in the negative loading, the ultimate storey shear capacity obtained is 160.64 kN,
164.58kN, and 168.28kN for the passing through, wing plate, and integrated connection
type respectively as depicted in Figure 4-11.

As it can be seen, the integrated type specimen shows a percentage ultimate shear capacity
increment of 4.8% and 2.2% over the passing through type and the wing plate type

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

specimen respectively. This result shows that the integrated connection type is better in
the strength perspective.

In the integrated connection type, the edge longitudinal reinforcements will not be bent
and pass through the beam-column joint. The edge reinforcement bars are rather flare
welded to the wing plate. This prevents the cover from spalling at the edge of the column
which had a detrimental effect on the ductility and seismic performance of the column.
The cover spalling problem usually occurs in the passing through connection type since
the edge longitudinal reinforcements create high stress when they are bent to pass through
the column.

Under normal circumstances, Cover spalling is a critical problem when the axial force in
the column increases. The international building codes restrict the normalized axial force
ratio to prevent the adverse effect of cover spalling. For example, for DCM cases, the ES
EN 1998 code limits the normalized axial force ratio of primary seismic columns to be less
than 0.65. It is even more restrictive in the case of composite columns. These kinds of
restrictions are provided to minimize the occurrence of the cover spalling of the column.
The cover spalling problem is the main cause for the exposure of the column core which
leads to the buckling of longitudinal reinforcement and local buckling of steel flanges in
the case of composite columns both of which lead to strength and stiffness degradation.
This normal circumstance will be aggravated by the presence of a bent bar at the edge of
the column. The presence of the bent reinforcement bars accelerates the cover spalling
process by creating high stress in the corner edge of the column. The integrated connection
type does not have a bent reinforcement so there is no high stress in the corner edge of the
column which makes it favorable over other connection types.

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Ultimate Storey Shear Capacity(kN)






Passing through type Wing plate type Integrated type

Connection types

Figure 4-10 Ultimate storey shear capacity of part one specimens (positive loading)

Ultimate Storey Shear Capacity(kN)





Passing through type Wing plate type Integrated type

Connection type

Figure 4-11 Ultimate storey shear capacity of part one specimens (negative loading) Ductility
Ductility refers to a structure's ability to dissipate energy by undergoing large plastic
deformations without significantly reducing strength. When it comes to analyzing the
cyclic performance of structural members, ductility is crucial. The ductility of structural

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

members is an important factor to consider when investigating their cyclic performance.

Ductile structural components help to dissipate plastic energy by resisting seismic
behavior during an earthquake (Paulay & Priestley, 1992).

Ductility is an important parameter to consider when evaluating seismic performance. It is

usually expressed in terms of the ductility factor (𝜇𝛥), which is calculated as the ratio of
the ultimate displacement (𝛥𝑢) to the yielding displacement(𝛥𝑦), as shown in Equation
(4.1) (R Park, 1989).

 = u

Because there is no well-defined yield point on the load-displacement envelope curves,

determining yielding displacement in reinforced concrete structural components may be
subjective. This is primarily due to the nonlinear behavior of materials and yielding in
various parts of structures at different loading levels. To address this issue, an idealized
bilinear force-displacement curve has been widely used to define the ductility parameters
of reinforced concrete components based on reduced stiffness equivalent elasto-plastic
theory, as shown in Figure 4-12. (Li et al., 2019; R Park, 1989)

The yield displacement in this study is determined using an idealized bilinear force-
displacement response with reduced stiffness determined as the secant stiffness at 75% of
the maximum load (Park and Priestley, 1987). The point connecting the coordinate origin
and the point (0.75Pmax, 𝛥 y1) on the envelope curve was used to determine the yielding
point (Pmax, 𝛥 y) based on 75% of the peak load of the specimens as shown Figure 4-12.

The ultimate displacement is defined as the displacement that corresponds to a 15%

reduction in load from the peak (Hu & Kundu, 2019; Mostofinejad & Akhlaghi, 2017). As
a result, the failure load stage of the specimens was determined as the point on the post-
peak branch (P = 0.85Pmax), which corresponded to the ultimate displacement (𝛥𝑢).

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Figure 4-12 Characteristic points on the load-displacement curve (Li et al., 2019)

In terms of ductility performance, the passing through type specimen performs well and
has a good ductility behavior, whereas the wing plate type specimen has a limited ductility
behavior. The integrated type Specimen is expected to have a better ductility capacity than
the Wing plate type specimen. The analytical result also portrays that the integrated model
exhibits a good ductility performance than the wing plate type specimen. As shown in
Figure 4-13, the displacement ductility factor of the passing through type, wing plate type,
and integrated type connection is 5.68, 2.88, and 5.21 respectively.

6.00 5.68
Displacement Ductility factor(μΔ)






Passing through type Wing plate type Integrated type

Connection type

Figure 4-13 Displacement ductility factor of part one specimens

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Compared to the passing through type specimen, the integrated type specimen shows a
decrease in its displacement ductility by 8.3%. however, the integrated type specimen
shows an enhancement in its ductility factor by 80.84% when compared to the wing plate
type specimen. The result shows that the displacement ductility factor of the integrated
Specimen is a little below than the passing through connection type. It can be deduced that
the integrated connection type has an excellent ductility enhancement than the wing plate
connection specimen.

As discussed in section 3.2, in the wing plate specimen the longitudinal rebars stopped at
the face of the Structural steel section. Whereas in the passing through connection type,
the longitudinal reinforcement bars pass through the beam-column joint by getting
sufficient anchorage and bond strength. The fact that the passing through type possesses a
good anchorage and bond strength gives it a good ductility performance (Paulay &
Priestley, 1992). Likewise, the integrated specimen also shows a good ductility behavior
since 50% of the longitudinal reinforcement bars of the reinforced concrete beam pass
through the beam-column joint. Thus, the beam-column joint gains a good anchorage and
bond strength.

4.3.2 Part II – Discussion of Non-linear FE analysis results of the effects of varying

axial load ratio on the different connections Shear strength

The effect of varying axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of the passing through
type specimen is shown in Figure 4-14. From the positive and negative loading direction,
the average ultimate storey shear capacity for specimen PTT-ALR0, PTT-ALR0.1, PTT-
ALR0.2, PTT-ALR0.4, PTT-ALR0.6, and PTT-ALR0.7 is 155.47kN, 161.45kN,
162.51kN, 151.91kN, 145.56kN, and 143.52kN respectively.

As it can be observed the average ultimate storey shear capacity of the passing through
type specimen increased by around 3.85 and 4.53%, as the axial load was enhanced to
0.1*( Acfcd + Asfyd) and 0.2*( Acfcd + Asfyd), respectively, when compared to the specimen
with no column axial load i.e PTT-ALR0. However, any increase in the axial load further
reduced the ultimate storey shear capacity with a percentage of 2.28%, 6.37%, and 7.68%
for specimens PTT-ALR0.4, PTT-ALR0.6, and PTT-ALR0.7, respectively, when

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

compared to specimen PTT-ALR0. This degradation of lateral strength is due to the

formation of higher compressive shear stress in the joint panel zone.

Ultimate Storey Shear Capacity(kN)

180.00 169.86 171.95

158.01 153.07 157.11 153.71
160.00 152.94 153.05
138.14 134.01 133.33
100.00 postive loading
80.00 negative loading

Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-14 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of passing
through type specimens
Figure 4-15 depicts the effect of varying axial load on the ultimate storey shear capacity
of the wing plate type specimen. The average ultimate storey shear capacity for specimens
WPT-ALR0, WPT-ALR0.1, WPT-ALR0.2, WPT-ALR0.4, WPT-ALR0.6, and WPT-
ALR0.7 is 162.75kN, 167.71kN, 162.43kN, 148.50kN, 141.35kN, and 137.95kN,
respectively, when compared to the specimen with no column axial load, i.e. WPT-ALR0,
the wing plate type specimen's average ultimate storey shear capacity increased by around
3.05% as the axial load was increased to 0.1*( Acfcd + Asfyd). However, further
enhancement of axial load led to the reduction in the ultimate storey shear capacity with a
percentage of 0.20%, 8.75%, 13.15%, and 15.24% for specimens WPT-ALR0.2, WPT-
ALR0.4, WPT-ALR0.6, and WPT-ALR0.7, respectively, when compared to specimen

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Ultimate Storey Shear Capacity(kN)

164.30 161.21 168.55 166.88
163.20 161.66
151.12 145.88 142.91
139.79 138.45 137.45
80.00 postive loading

60.00 negative loading


Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-15 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of wing plate type

The effect of varying axial load on the ultimate storey shear capacity of the integrated type
specimen is shown in Figure 4-16. IT-ALR0, IT-ALR0.1, IT-ALR0.2, IT-ALR0.4, IT-
ALR0.6, and IT-ALR0.7 have an average ultimate storey shear capacity of 167.28kN,
174.23kN, 171.98kN, 162.72kN, 154.73kN, and 151.24kN, respectively. The integrated
type specimen's average ultimate storey shear capacity increased by about 4.27% and
2.81% when the axial load was increased to 0.1*( Acfcd + Asfyd) and 0.2*( Acfcd +
Asfyd), respectively, as compared to the specimen with no column axial load, i.e. IT-
ALR0. However, when the axial load was increased further, the ultimate storey shear
capacity decreased by 2.72%, 7.50%, and 9.58% for specimens IT-ALR0.4, IT-ALR0.6,
and IT-ALR0.7, respectively, when compared to specimen IT-ALR0.

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Ultimate Storey Shear Capacity(kN) 200.00 179.68 178.59

180.00 164.05170.51 169.18 165.37
155.69 154.80
160.00 149.43 147.68
100.00 postive loading
80.00 negative loading
Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-16 Effect of column axial load on ultimate storey shear capacity of integrated type
specimens Ductility
The displacement ductility factor is computed as discussed in section The
influence of the column axial load on the ductility performance of the passing through
connection type is shown in Figure 4-17. Compared to the specimen with no axial load
(PTT-ALR0), specimens PTT-ALR0.1, PTT-ALR0.2, PTT-ALR0.4, PTT-ALR0.6 and
PTT-ALR0.7 exhibited a decrease in displacement ductility by 4.2%, 8.2%, 15.3%, 38.3%
and 43.2% respectively.

5.95 5.70 5.46
Displacement Ductility

6.00 5.04
3.67 3.38

ALR-0 ALR-0.1 ALR-0.2 ALR-0.4 ALR-0.6 ALR-0.7

Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-17 Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of passing through
type specimens

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

Figure 4-18 depicts the effect of the column axial load on the ductility of the wing plate
connection type. The displacement ductility of specimens WPT-ALR0.1, WPT-ALR0.2,
WPT-ALR0.4, WPT-ALR0.6, and WPT-ALR0.7 was reduced by 7.9%, 11.5%, 20.7%,
32.3%, and 39.6%, respectively, as compared to the specimen with no axial load (WPT-

3.50 3.13
Displacement Ductility

3.00 2.77
2.50 2.12
factor (μΔ)

ALR-0 ALR-0.1 ALR-0.2 ALR-0.4 ALR-0.6 ALR-0.7

Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-18 Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of wing plate type
The effect of column axial load on the ductility performance of the integrated connection
type is shown in Figure 4-19. In comparison to the specimen with no axial load (PTT-
ALR0), the displacement ductility of specimens IT-ALR0.1, IT-ALR0.2, IT-ALR0.4, IT-
ALR0.6, and IT-ALR0.7 decreased by 7.7%, 11.2%, 25.1%, 32.1%, and 47.6%,

6.00 5.46
Displacement Ductility


ALR-0 ALR-0.1 ALR-0.2 ALR-0.4 ALR-0.6 ALR-0.7

Axial load ratio (%)

Figure 4-19Effect of column axial load on displacement ductility factor of integrated type

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint
connections Stiffness
The accumulation of structural damage is reflected in stiffness degradation, which is an
important part of assessing structural seismic performance. Because of flexural and shear
cracks, shear deformation of the joint core, yielding of longitudinal rebar, nonlinear
behavior, and concrete crushing, the stiffness of reinforced concrete structural components
is gradually reduced. As shown in Equation (4.2) the calculated stiffness was expressed in
terms of secant stiffness in this study, which is the most common method for evaluating
the response of inelastic structures (A. S. Elnashai and L. D iSarno, 2008). The stiffness
was calculated using the positive loading section of the hysteretic curve. Since the ultimate
loading capacity did not differ considerably in the positive and negative loading directions.

Ki = P max, i (4.2)
 max, i

Where 𝐾𝑖 is the cyclic secant stiffness, 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑖 is the maximum storey shear capacity per
cycle, i, and ∆𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑖 is the maximum storey displacement per cycle, i.

The cyclic stiffness degradation of the wing plate type specimen is shown in Figure 4-20.
As it can be seen from Table 4-2, the cyclic stiffness of all specimens exhibited similar
stiffness in the first loading cycle. However, the cyclic stiffness decreased with the increase
of the loading cycle.

Table 4-2 Secant stiffness of wing plate type specimen

Loading ALR0 ALR0.1 ALR0.2 ALR0.4 ALR0.6 ALR0.7
1 6.88 6.95 6.95 6.96 6.97 6.96
2 4.15 4.09 4.08 3.97 3.88 3.85
3 2.28 2.34 2.267 2.10 1.93 1.80

Compared to the specimen with no column axial load (WPT-ALR0) the specimens WPT-
ALR0.1, WPT-ALR0.2, WPT-ALR0.4, WPT-ALR0.6, and WPT-ALR0.7 resulted 1.52%,
-1.78%, -4.33%, -6.49% and -7.39%, respectively in the second loading cycle and
exhibited 2.58%, -0.67%, -8.02%, -15.56% and -20.99% respectively in the third loading
cycle. As it can be seen from the result, with increasing column axial load level the cyclic
secant stiffness decreased.

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Table 4-3 Percentage variation of stiffness about WPT-ALR0

Loading ALR0 ALR0.1 ALR0.2 ALR0.4 ALR0.6 ALR0.7
Stiffness variation about WPT-ALR0 (%)
1 0.00 +0.97 +0.95 +1.11 +1.34 +1.06
2 0.00 -1.52 -1.78 -4.33 -6.49 -7.39
3 0.00 +2.58 -0.67 -8.02 -15.56 -20.99
N.B: A positive value represents a percentage increase, while a negative value represents a
decrease in percentage about specimen WPT-ALR0.




Secant Stiffness(kN/mm)







0 1 2 3 4
Loading Cycle

Figure 4-20 Effect of column axial load on stiffness degradation of wing plate type specimens Energy dissipation capacity

One of the most important parameters to consider when evaluating a structure's seismic
performance is its energy dissipation capacity. It refers to a structure's ability to absorb
seismic energy through its own plastic deformation during an earthquake. According to
previous experimental findings, the plastic energy dissipated by reinforced concrete
structural components comprises of the energy dissipated by reinforcing bars, the friction
of concrete fractures, and during the development of new cracks (Al-Salloum,
Almusallam, Alsayed, & Siddiqui, 2011). Structural members capable of dissipating more

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plastic energy reduce the effects of seismic forces on the structure. The area enclosed
inside the corresponding load-displacement hysteretic loop determines the energy

The accumulated dissipated energy (ADE) was calculated in this study by adding the
product of the storey shear force and storey displacement for each loading cycle, as shown
in Equation (4.3) (Tawfik Essa, Kotp Badr, & El-Zanaty, 2014).

ADE =∑𝐿𝑆 |𝑉𝐸𝐷 ∗ 𝑑| (4.3)

Where “ADE” is the accumulated dissipated energy; “𝐿𝑆𝑖” is the initial loading stage;
“𝐿𝑆𝑓” is the final loading stage; “𝑉𝐸𝐷” is the storey shear force and “d” is the storey

The effect of column axial load on accumulated dissipated energy is shown in Figure 4-21
for the wing plate specimen. As presented in Table 4-4, in the first loading cycle the energy
dissipation was enhanced with a slight extent following the increment of column axial load
ratio. However, for the final loading cycle the specimens WPT-ALR0.2, WPT-ALR0.4,
WPT-ALR0.6, and WPT-ALR0.7 showed a decrease in the plastic energy dissipation than
that of the specimen WPT-ALR0.1 with column axial load of 0.1*( Acfcd + Asfyd).
Therefore, this investigation indicated that the increase of column axial load ratio has a
detrimental effect on the energy dissipation capacity due to axial failure and local crushing
of concrete.

Table 4-4 Accumulated energy dissipation for wing plate type specimen

Accumulated energy dissipation(

ALR0 ALR0.1 ALR0.2 ALR0.4 ALR0.6 ALR0.7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 4370.26 4390.95 4382.72 4405.15 4424.30 4415.46
2 26177.05 26541.09 26337.16 25869.45 25217.43 24685.52
3 85510.96 89395.64 86298.776 80108.16 75192.42 71901.45

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Accumulated energy dissipation
( )

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Loading Cycle

Figure 4-21 Effect of column axial load on accumulated energy dissipation of wing plate type

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5.1 Conclusion

In this study, the behavior of steel-reinforced composite column and reinforced concrete
beam joints for selected connection types have been investigated analytically under
reversed cyclic loading. The strength and ductility structural performance of the two
connections types, passing through and wing plate was thoroughly investigated separately
and their structural performance was compared with the integrated connection type. The
improvement of the integrated connection type over the two separated connection types
was investigated from the perspective of ductility and strength performance. The
specimen’s dimension and materials used in the experimental study conducted by (Ju &
Chun, 2005) were used in this study for modeling the integrated connection type. The
influence of axial load variation on the response of interior steel-reinforced composite
column and reinforced concrete beam joints using the three connection types under cyclic
loading were also examined.

According to the analytical result, the ultimate strength of the wing plate type exceeds the
ultimate strength of the passing through type. On the other hand, from the perspective of
ductility, the passing through type possesses a good ductility behavior. Whereas the
integrated type exhibits improved structural performance from the separated connection
types. The integrated connection type obtains a good ductility behavior from passing
through type since the reinforcement bars of the reinforced concrete beam directly pass
through the beam-column joint which gives it adequate anchorage and sufficient bond

The integrated type acquires good strength performance from the wing plate connection
type because the stress induced in the corner of the column due to the bent reinforcement
bar of the reinforced concrete beam is avoided. This was because the edge reinforcement
bars of the reinforced concrete beam of the integrated connection type are flare welded to
the wing plate. This in turn prevents the cover spalling problem observed in the passing
through type. The elimination of the corner column cover spalling contributes to the
ultimate strength performance of the integrated type. Hence, the integrated connection type
demonstrates increased ductility and strength behavior, that it gets from the two individual

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

connection types which make it a preferable connection type over the other connection

Based on the finite element analysis result, the variation of column axial load on the
integrated type specimen and the two control specimens, passing through type and wing
pate type, exhibited a slight increment in the ultimate storey shear capacity when the
column axial load level was 20%, 20% and 10% of the column capacity, respectively.
However, increasing the column axial load further reduces the ultimate storey shear
because of the adverse effect of axial forces on the lateral stiffness of columns.
Furthermore, increasing the column axial load ratio resulted in a decrease in the ductility
performance of the joints.

For the wing plate type connection, increasing column axial load levels improves the
energy dissipation capacity of joints at the first stage of loading, but has a negative impact
as the loading stages progress owing to axial failure and local crushing of concrete.
Similarly, when the axial load level increased, the cyclic stiffness decreased due to the
degradation induced by the local crushing of concrete in the column.

5.2 Recommendation

This research is not enough to fully comprehend the structural performance of steel-
reinforced concrete composite column and reinforced concrete beam joint under reverse
cyclic loading. The author suggests that more research be done on the following points:

I. This research is carried out on an interior beam-column joint, further studies can be
expanded to other joints such as the knee, exterior, and corner joints.
II. The effect of reinforcement ratio (transverse and longitudinal), concrete
compressive strength, column cross-sectional type, the shape of structural steel
section, and the presence of transverse slab on the performance of steel-reinforced
concrete composite column and reinforced concrete beam joint should be
III. Numerical models that predict the pinching behavior of steel-reinforced concrete
composite columns and reinforced concrete beam joints under cyclic loading are
highly recommended.

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

IV. Stiffness degradation and energy dissipation capacity with increasing axial load
ratio were done only for the wing plate type connection in this study. Further
investigation is needed for the hysteretic response of the passing through and
integrated connection type to be evaluated based on stiffness degradation and
energy dissipation capacity.
V. Further experimental investigation is recommended for the integrated type
connection due to its accuracy compared to the finite element model.

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A.1 Hysteretic response of the three connection types with varying axial load ratio



Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

PTT- ALR-0.1


Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

PTT- ALR-0.2

Storey shear force: (kN) 150



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)


Storey shear force: (kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint

PTT- ALR-0.6

Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150





Storey Displacement(mm)

PTT- ALR-0.7

Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150





Storey Displacement(mm)

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Analytical investigation of composite column and RC beam joint with integrated joint


Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey Displacement(mm)

WPT- ALR-0.1


Storey shear force: (kN)


-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey Displacement(mm)

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WPT- ALR-0.2

Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey Displacement(mm)

WPT- ALR-0.4


Storey shear force: (kN)


-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey Displacement(mm)

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Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100





Storey Displacement(mm)

WPT- ALR-0.7

Storey shear force: (kN)



-75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100




Storey Displacement(mm)

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Storey shear force: (kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150





Storey Displacement(mm)

IT- ALR-0.1

Storey shear force: (kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

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IT- ALR-0.2

Storey shear force: (kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

IT- ALR-0.4


Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

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IT- ALR-0.6

Storey shear force: (kN)



-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

IT- ALR-0.7


Storey shear force: (kN)


-150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150




Storey Displacement(mm)

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B.1 Concrete strain of the three connection types at final loading



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