Organization Profile

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Chapter 1

Organization profile


ADDRESS : Mahagaonkar Complex , Main Road , Ajara

TELEPHONE NO : 02323246771


AREA OF WORK : Narvekar Furniture Mall.Ajara

Chapter 2



The goal of the project is to get a practical experience in developing web
application. We develop this project for Furniture mall in Ajara .

This system maintains all the paper based record in digital form. To develop this web
application “ASP.NET 3.5 using C#.NET” as front end is tool and “SQL Server
express 2012” as back end. The information is stored in database that can be used for
various tasks.


This system mainly works for produced Furniture Shopping.

• In the manual system various registers are written manually. The Worker
maintains different registers namely purchase register, production, stock and
some other register.
• When the data is scattered multiple registers it become different to track
purchase sale and stock.
• The Narvekar Furniture Mall System prepare bill manually every time even if
there is sale of one rupee.
• The Existing system is time consuming.
• The Manual system works on registers and papers.


The present system is manual so there are number of limitations. We can express this
by following factors.
• As day to day work is carried out on paper, so if you want to see the previous
few years’ records, each time you have to check the register which is also time
• Searching for specific record becomes difficult as should they maintain number
of register and check each register properly.

• Generating reports with various criterira is very difficult.

• In manual system man power is must hence cost factor increases
• In manual system if any record is incorrect then cannot modify quickly.
• In manual system you need to keep many records which are critical and


2.3.1 Objectives of the proposed system

• The basic objective of proposed system is to develop the complete web

application that can satisfy all the needs manual system.
• To overcome drawbacks in the manual system, that can prove the greater
efficiency with a higher speed as compared to manual task.

2.3.2 Goals of computerization

• Planned approached towards working

We cannot achieve success in any work without planning .Hence with the help
of computerization we can give planned approach towards working.
• Large data storage
We can store large amount of data. Each and every details of Customer can be
stored. Once the data is Stored, we can retrieve the data any number of times.
• Easy search
Searching any specific records becomes easier. Just enter the unique code and
you will get the corresponding information very faster. Hence no need to check
the resister even for verifying the product details.
• Accuracy in Process
Computer are very accurate than man. Computers calculate anything without
any mistakes. Hence we can reduce the mistakes that may be caused during
manual works.

• Reliability:
The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there
would be proper storage of information.
• No Redundancy:
In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is repeated
anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage
space and consistency in the data stored.
• Easy and Fast Process:
One of the important features of the computer is its speed. It works very faster
than man. We can easily update, insert and delete data as it is faster we can get
the particular information within no time. It reduces the checking of register for
getting information manually.
• Reports:
Due to computerization getting reports is very easy and printouts of the reports
can be easily taken.
• Cost Factor:

Due to computerization extra manpower for keeping records is not needed.

Chapter 3


3.1 Methodology-Classic Life Cycle

To design a computerized system we have followed the software engineering

approach. We have chosen life cycle approach for software development. This
phenomenon includes System design, System analysis & Testing this is followed by
again first phase i.e. repeating the cycle. System design means understanding the old
system completely and planning a new system or to replace or complement the
existing system. System analysis means identification, understanding and critically
examine the system and its parts (sub system) for the purpose of achieving the goals
set of the system as a whole, through modifications, changed interrelationship of
component, deleting, merging or separating the components.

The methodology of system analysis involves,

1) Identification of system (setting system boundary)

2) Understanding the role and interrelationship of elements with other elements of the
same system.

Outcome of the system analysis job is a set of recommendations towards

creating system, which best meets, its objectives giving due records to cost
effectiveness and risks.

• The Process Model Used For The System :-

The process model used for this system “Classic Life Cycle” as this is
simple and is best for small scale project.

The “Classic Life Cycle” is also called as system development life cycle
(SDLC).It is defined “The growth of an information system is through various
identifiable stages”. These stages are grouped together and referred as SDLC.
The structure of its stages which we used in our project is as follow:

Classic Life Cycle








3.3 Entity relationship diagram (ERD)
Chapter 4

Tool used


To run this software, you must have certain hardware & software installed on
your computer. The minimum system requirements include:

• Software Requirements:
• Server side:
• Web server - Internet Information Services 7.0 or later
• Windows OS -7 or later, Server 2008 or later
• .NET Framework 3.5
• MS SQL Server 2012 – Back end
• Crystal Reports – SAP Crystal report runtime engine
• Client side:
• HTML 5, CSS 3.0 and JavaScript Compatible browser

• Hardware Requirements:
• Server side
• Pentium IV or higher processor
• Minimum 1GB of RAM
• Minimum 5GB of Disk Space
• Client side
• Pentium III or higher processor computer/ Smart phone
• VGA or higher resolution screen supported by Microsoft windows.
• Mouse / Touch screen device
• A Dot matrix or inkjet printer for taking the printouts.


Nowadays, C# is the most popular language in world. C# was developed by

Microsoft within its .NET framework initiative and later approved as a standard by
ECMA (ECMA-334) C# programming language is a general-purpose, OOPS based
programming language. C# development team was led by "Anders Hejlsberg" in
2002.C# programming language is one of the languages designed for the (CLI)
Common Language Infrastructure.

It is based on C++ and Java, but it has many additional extensions used to
perform component oriented programming approach. C# has evolved much
since their first release in the year 2002. It was introduced with .NET
Framework 1.0 and the current version of C# is 4.5.
Microsoft’s aim is to facilitate the exchange of information and services over
the Web, and to enable developers to build highly portable applications. C#
simplifies programming through its use of Extensible Markup Language
(XML) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) which allow access to a
programming object or method without requiring the programmer to write
additional code for each step.

Because programmers can build on existing code ,rather than repeatedly

duplicating it, C# is expected to make it faster and less expensive to get new
products and services to market.

• Features Of C#:

• Simple:
C# is a simple language in the sense that it provides structured approach
(to break the problem into parts), rich set of library functions, data types etc.
• Modern Programming Language:
C# programming is based upon the current trend and it is very powerful
and simple for building scalable, interoperable and robust applications.

• Object Oriented:
C# is object oriented programming language. OOPs makes development and
maintenance easier where as in Procedure-oriented programming language it is
not easy to manage if code grows as project size grow.
• Type Safe:
C# type safe code can only access the memory location that it has
permission to execute. Therefore it improves a security of the program.
• Interoperability:
Interoperability process enables the C# programs to do almost anything that
a native C++ application can do.
• Scalable and Updateable:
C# is automatic scalable and updateable programming language. For
updating our application we delete the old files and update them with new
• Component Oriented:
C# is component oriented programming language. It is the predominant
software development methodology used to develop more robust and highly
scalable applications.
• Structured Programming Language:
C# is a structured programming language in the sense that we can break the
program into parts using functions. So, it is easy to understand and modify.
• Rich Library:
C# provides a lot of inbuilt functions that makes the development fast.
• Fast Speed:
The compilation and execution time of C# language is fast.

ADO.NET is a new data –handling model that makes it easy to handle data
on the internet. There are many new tools & a wizard for handling data in Vb.Net,
including tools to generate datasets from data connection wizard or the server explorer
to drag & drop whole tables from data sources, as well as creating data adapters,
connection objects & more. It support structured exception handling, using an
enhanced version of the Try…Catch…Finally syntax supported by other languages
(such as C++ & java).

• Visual studio .NET IDE:

An IDE (Integrated development Environment) intend to be a single work
environment. It is more than an integrated editor, compiler & debugger. A common
shell that hosts the entire assortment of tools. The Visual Basic 2015 IDE is a robust
working. Components of IDE is shown in above figure that are:

• Toolbox:

It is a most commonly used tool window. It provides a listing of various

user interface components & other elements, which are provided to you to add
into your project. You can add any item from toolbox to your project by
selecting & dragging it on the form or by double clicking it.

2.Server explorer:

This tool provides a visual linking to main resources: Database, Servers.

This window provides you a listing of various database servers to which your
application is connected as well as it also provide a list of servers of which you
are using services

3.Properties window:

Properties window provides us a list of properties of current selected object.

It also provides us facility to set us edit properties.

4.Solution explorer:

The solution explorer window enables you to view the objects or items that
are included in your solution & grouped under layers such as projects, forms.

5.Class view:
Class view window displays all the classes that are used in our application.
By double clicking on any classes listed in class view we can directly go to its

• What is .NET Framework?

In .NET main things are changed, one of the changes is the development of
new foundation to all .NET development tools. This foundation is known
as .NET Framework. .NET Framework provides two things-the basic runtime
environment & set of foundation classes. It is layered architecture components
of framework. Architecture includes following components:

1] .NET Compatible Languages:

VB.NET, C#.NET, Jscript.NET, J#.NET etc. are languages compatible

to .NET Framework. Application templates which are included in layer 3 can be
developed using these languages.

2]Common Language Specification:

These are set of rules defined for all .NET compatible languages. If a
component uses only CLS features then the component is guarantee to be
accessible from any language that support CLS.

3]Common Type System:

CTS define how types are declared, used & managed in the runtime. It is also
an important part of the runtime’s support for cross language integration .It is
also called as superset of CLS.

4]Framework Class Library:

.NET supports some predefined classes; these are put under hierarchy called
as namespace. This is same as MFC. Whenever you start any .NET application
template 3 namespaces will be available by default are system, system. Data,
system. XML.

5]Application Templates:

The application templates are as follows:

• Console Application:

This is an application type where user interacts with console for

submitting I/P & reading O/P.

• Windows Form Application :

These are normal windows application uses the Form control as an


• .NET Remoting:

This is the new technology added to.NET Design distributed


• ASP.NET Web form:

This is web tool available to design web application on .NET.

• XML Services:

This is another new technology available in .NET .These is used for

writing web services.


It is completely disconnected architecture of Client application with


6]Common Language Runtime:

It is heart of .NET framework. It actually takes care of entire execution,
memory management of .NET applications, irrespective of type of application.
Following are some benefits of CLR: -

I. Performance improvement

II. Cross integration

III. Garbage collection

IV. Ability to compile once & run on any CPU


Controls are graphical objects. Each control has their own attributes i.e
Properties and methods. We can use these controls to use user inputs, display
output, to import other applications and to trigger event procedures. These
controls are described briefly below.

• Label

Labels are used to just label. Labels usually are used to display text that
cannot be edited by the user. Probably the most common use of labels is to
identify help information.

• Textbox

Every window user is familiar with text boxes. They are exactly what
their name implies: box-like controls in which you can enter text. Text boxes
can be multiline, have scroll bars, be read-only,& have many other attributes.

• Link Button

Link Button control used to create a hyperlink-style button on a Web

The Link Button control has the same appearance as a Hyper Link control but
has the same functionality as a Button control.

• Drop Down List

Drop Down List control is similar to the differs in that it shows
only the selected item in a box, along with a drop-down button. When user click
the button ,a list of items is displayed.

• Grid View

A grid view or a data grid is a graphical control element that presents a

tabular view of data. A typical grid view also supports some or all of the
following: Clicking a column header to change the sort


I've listed my top 10 favorite SQL Server 2012 features and improvements.

1. Column Store Indexes

2. Business Intelligence
3. Sequence Objects
4. Windows Server Core Support
5. Pagination

1. Column Store Indexes

SQL Server 2012 introduced a new feature Column store indexes that can be
used to improve query performance. It is used in data warehousing. You can
get this feature when you right-click on the indexes folder as "Non-Clustered
Column store Index", as shown in the following figure. The column storage is
the ability to read the values of a specific column of a table without having to
read the values of all the other columns. In row-oriented storage this is
impossible because the individual column values are physically stored grouped
in rows on the pages and reading a page in order to read a column
value must fetch the entire page in memory.
2. Business Intelligence
In SQL Server 2012 Microsoft introduced a new model called Business Intelligence
Semantic Model (BISM) to support a broad range of reporting and analysis needs.
BISM is a relational model. That supports two type of model that meet most of your
reporting and analysis needs.

1. Multidimensional Model
2. Tabular model

Most users are familiar with working with tables and relationships and quickly learn
to implement business logic using the Excel like Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
language. It is is built on your existing relational model, making it faster, easier to use
and quicker to develop than the multidimensional model. If If you require complex
modeling, business logic, or security, or if you need a very large scale solution,
multidimensional modeling may be the best solution for your needs.

3. Sequence Objects

To create a sequence of a number in the past, we have used options of IDENTITY.

But in SQL Server 2012, there is an interesting option to utilize called Sequence.
Sequence is a user-defined object that creates a sequence of a number. It has similar
functionality to an identity column. You can create it with SQL Server Management
Studio or T-SQL.

4. Windows Server Core Support

The Windows Server Core has been around since Windows Server 2008. But could
not do so because it wasn't officially supported. It is supported in SQL Server 2012.
This is also a important new feature of SQL Server 2012. when we run a previous
version of SQL Server on Windows Server Core always seemed difficult. SQL Server
2012's support for Windows Server Core enables leaner and more efficient SQL
Server installations and also reduces potential attack vectors and the need for
patching. So when we talk about SQL Server we would love to run it over an
operating system with minimal features enabled. Windows Server Core is designed for
infrastructure applications such as SQL Server that provide back-end services but
don't need a GUI on the same server. That means It is a GUI-less version of the
Windows operating system.

5. Pagination

In the earlier versions of SQL Server, if you use a GridView then you set its
pagination property. However if you want to do this from the server side then you
need to use the row_number() function and supply the specific range of rows and also
retrieve the current page data from the database using a temp table. The ORDER BY
OFFSET and FETCH NEXT ONLY keywords are one of the major features
introduced in SQL Server 2012.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used to access the

information from RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) i.e. it is a
language that enables the user to create and operate on relational databases
which are set of related information stored in tables. What is query?

A query allows you to retrieve the data from tables of a database in a custom
format. Query is a question. The answer to the queries can help to manage the
organizations operational environment. With queries you can retrieve the data
from multiple tables stored in a specific order. With the help of queries it is also
possible to update data, delete records or append new records in a table. Features of SQL:

• SQL is used to create, maintain and fire query on relational database by
using the regular English words for its commands, which makes it easy to
• SQL is declarative i.e. you specify what kind of data you want, and then
RDBMS is responsible for figuring out the data.
• SQL is based on set theory, relational operators such as AND, OR, NOT are
used to perform operations on the data.
• SQL includes all arithmetic operations, predicates for comparison, string
matching, summary operations, group by and having clause etc.
• SQL provides a view of the specification of database operation that would
produce a desired table.
• SQL is generally used in multi-user system, where user will log in by using
Authentication ID’s. Actions in SQL environments are created to a specific
authorization ID, which usually corresponds to a user.

A report is nothing but the desired output of any software or project. It is an

effective way to present your data in a printed format and display the information in
prescribed format, because you have control over the size and appearance of
everything on report. You can display the sorted information in a report which is
stored in database. You can prepare the reports as you need based on the queries and
cannot be used to edit the data. You can use the reports to group data and show
subtotals and grand totals.

Crystal report has many extensive capabilities and has been designed to
provide you with the most possible flexibility in designing report. Crystal report is
quick and easy to learn. It requires very little time before you will be designing
interesting and informative reports for your needs.

We are going to use a new version of crystal report named “Crystal Report –
SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine”. This new version extends more facilities
than last one. This version very is impressive production for application, can create
richly formatted and powerful reports and we can represent report through mobile
Chapter 5



Table description
1) Table : dbo.admin_mst

Field Name Data Type Constraints

aid int Primary Key
uname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
password nvarchar(50) Allow Null

2) Table: dbo.cat_mst

Field Name Data Type Constraints

cid int Primary Key
cname nvarchar(50) Allow Null

3)Table: dbo.feedback_mst

Field Name Data Type Constraints

fid int Primary Key
uname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
message nvarchar(50) Allow Null
entrydate nvarchar(50) Allow Null

4) Table: dbo.item_mst

Filed Name Data Type Constraints

iid int Primary Key
iname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
description nvarchar(600) Allow Null
price float Allow Null
quantity int Allow Null
image nvarchar(500) Allow Null
cid int Allow Null
aquantity int Allow Null
squantity int Allow Null
entrydate datetime Allow Null
image1 nvarchar(500) Allow Null
image2 nvarchar(500) Allow Null
fuel nvarchar(50) Allow Null
bcolor nvarchar(50) Allow Null

5) Table: dbo.order_mst

Field Name Data Type Constraints

oid int Primary Key
uname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
iname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
quantity int Allow Null
price float Allow Null
totalprice float Allow Null
status int Allow Null
image nvarchar(500) Allow Null
EDate nvarchar(50) Allow Null

6) Table: dbo.payment_mst

Filed Name Data Type Constraints

pid int Primery Key
uname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
amount float Allow Null
type nvarchar(50) Allow Null

bank nvarchar(50) Allow Null

branch nvarchar(50) Allow Null

cardno nvarchar(50) Allow Null

cvvno int Allow Null

entrydate datetime Allow Null

7) Table: dbo.user_mst

Filed Name Data Type Constraints

uid int Primery Key
fname nvarchar(50) Allow Null
lname nvarchar(50) Allow Null

address nvarchar(50) Allow Null

city nvarchar(50) Allow Null

state nvarchar(50) Allow Null

pincode nvarchar(50) Allow Null

mobile nvarchar(50) Allow Null

email nvarchar(50) Allow Null

password nvarchar(50) Allow Null

Chapter 6
(Form layouts)


Home Page (Admin Login)

Admin Dashboard
Add Category

Add Quantity
View Order

View Payment
User Registration
User Login

User Category
User Details

User Order
User Payment

Change Password
User Cart

Buy Product
Payment Method

Order Successful

Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
Chapter 7

User manual

Admin Module:

The project “Narvekar Furniture Mall” is developed by using front-end as

ASP.NET using C#.NET and back-end as MS-SQL Server 2012 to store the
information of their system.

When you run this system, first you will get Admin Login Page where you
have to enter the user Email-ID and password to login to the system. The purpose of
Login Form is to maintain the security. After the Login in Admin Login Page
dashboard will open.

After Login User Menus Will appear. This Contain the following:

• Masters:

This list has following sub menus

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘My Account’ that displays .all
information about customer by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is
automatically generated .After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have
to click on save button to save the data. On the click of black button will clear the

 Order Details:

A click on View Order will load the form ‘Order Details’ that displays. all information
about customer by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is automatically
generated .After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have to click on save
button to save the data. On the click of black button will clear the form.

• Change Password :

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Change Password’ where user can
change his password. There are two columns in the form .first user have to write new
password and to confirm user have to write password again. After filling the all fields
on the form you will have to click on change button to change the password .On click
of Back button user will go to back on Login page again .And on click of Clear button
form will be reset.

• Transactions :

This list has following sub menus

• Purchase Details :

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Purchase Details’ that displays .all
information about purchase product by clicking on new you can insert new data and
ID is automatically generated .After successful insertion of all fields on the form you
have to click on save button to save the data. On the click of black button will clear
the form.

• Product Details :

A click on product will load the form ‘Product Details’ that displays. all information
about product by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is automatically
generated. After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have to click on save
button to save the data. On the click of black button will clear the form.

• View Order:

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘vieworder_mst’ that displays .all
information about Bill by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is
automatically generated. After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have
to click on save button to save the data .On the click of black button will clear the

• Payment Details :
A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Payment Details’ that displays .all
information about payment by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is
automatically generated. After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have
to click on save button to save the data .On the click of black button will clear the

• Receipt Details :

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Receipt Details’ that displays. all
information about receipt by clicking on new you can insert new data and ID is
automatically generated. After successful insertion of all fields on the form you have
to click on save button to save the data. On the click of black button will clear the

• Log Out :

To log out form admin dashboard user have to click on ‘log out’s sub menu.


• Furniture

• Supplier

• Customer

• Purchase
Chapter 8

Objectives, scope and



1) To decrease Paper work.

2) To make work easy and fast.

3) To keep records for longer duration and make them available whenever needed.

4) To simplify the complication in keeping records.

5) Instead of manual work if we computerize it, it saves lots of time

6) To provide software that is GUI based application which is easy to operate and is of
interactive nature so that even a worker highly.


• This application software plays important role in business.

• It is not limited to any particular business. It can be used in any business like
Narvekar Furnitures, Ajara.


After designing and implementation of this system we have come to the following

• Due to computerization we can easily update, delete, or insert the data and hence
retrieval of any record that is stored becomes easier.

• Due to computerization, a lot of time is saved because all the paper work can be
done on computer with greater accuracy
• Changes can be made immediately and efficiently as we require.

• Print-outs of updated records can be taken.

• Due to computerization factory can maintain the details of all customer and
supplier. Hence there is no need to maintain number of registers.
Chapter 9


The four levels that the analyst uses for the quality assurance are:


Quality assurance is review of the software product and relates documents for
completeness, correctness, reliability and maintainability. It includes assurance that
the system needs the specification and requirements for its indented use and

System testing is expensive but critical process that can take as fifty percent of the
budget for program development. The common view of testing held by user that it is
performed to prove that there are no errors in program. However, as indicated alone
cannot prove that software is free and clear of errors.

Therefore the most useful and practical approach is with the understanding that testing
is a process of executing a program with the explicit intension of finding errors, that is
program fails. The tester, who may be analyst, programmer of specialists, trained in
software. Testing is actually trying to make program failsafe.

A successful test is that fined an error. Analyst knows that an effective program does
not guarantee the system reliability. Reliability is the design issue. Therefore
reliability must be designed into system.

Like testing, verification is also indented to find errors executing program in

simulated environment performs it. Validation prefers the process using software in
live environment in order to find errors. The feedback from validation phase generally
produces changes in software to deal with errors and failures and may still need
changes. Software certification is an endorsement of the correctness of the program an
issue that is rising in importance for information system application.
It is planned all above points will be considered for actual testing. It is hoped that
using all above techniques can minimize failures. All the successes of the project
depend up to the users, who are going to use the system. The higher-level staff is
generally interested in the operational level staff.

First all programmers were tested with dummy data at development center. Some bugs
and some procedures were required to be changed to help data entry-level personnel.
All the changes were carried out again system was tested with real data records.
Chapter 10

Limitations of
proposed system


1) User should have minimum knowledge about computer.

2) It requires Internet connectivity.

3) Data entry should be accurate otherwise it will lead to inconsistency.

Chapter 11

• ASP.NET 4.5(using 2015)
Prof. N. S. Kulkarni


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