Miroslav Holeček
Preface i
Introduction 1
List of symbols 15
1 Physical systems 21
1.1 Two levels of description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.2 Physical systems and subsystems . . . . . . . . . 25
4 Special structures 87
4.1 Simple systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2 Thermomechanical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.3 Continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.4 State space of a continuum model . . . . . . . . . 106
5 Space 113
5.1 Space as a surrounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.2 Symmetries of space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.3 Special symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.4 Newton space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.5 Complete decomposition of . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.6 Mach space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.7 Adiabatic space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6 Accessibility 141
6.1 Relative motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.2 Definition of ‘accessibility’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.3 Time arrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.4 Adiabatic accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.5 Thermodynamics and entropy . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Bibliography 163
Index 168
dS ≡ , (2)
does not change after a reversible return to initial state. Clau-
sius proposed to call S the entropy (from the Greek word τ%oπη,
change, transformation). It means that the entropy is a state
variable. This quantity thus represents similar characterization
of physical systems as, say, momentum or energy, and gives a
linkage to the way of thinking in the Newtonian spirit.
The problem, however, is that the definition of entropy is
related to the concept of heat via (2). But what is ‘heat’ from
the viewpoint of Newtonian physics? It cannot be identified
with a kind of molecular motion. It is rather an “energy trans-
fer to the hidden molecular modes” as observed by H. B. Callen
([2], p. 8). The essence of ‘heat’ is thus an energetic “communi-
cation” between macroscopic and microscopic scales. However,
the concept of ‘macroscopic scale’ is difficult to be defined. Nev-
ertheless, we can avoid the problem by defining the heat via the
familiar thermodynamic relation5 ,
Notice that in thermodynamics (as well as in quantum mechanics),
the concept of state plays much more important role than in newtonian
mechanics. Surprisingly, the concept of state seems to be rather Cartesian
than Newtonian as noticed, e.g., by L. Kvasz [17].
S, S0 , Si (physical) systems
S0 ⊂ S means that S0 is a subsystem of S
(S1 , S2 ) the composition of systems S1 and S2
Ssur the surrounding as a physical system
≺ the relation of accessibility
≺ the relation of weak accessibility
E energy as a global variable
t time as a global variable
S entropy as a global variable
w the “vector” of work variables
∼ the relation of thermal equilibrium
Chapter 1
Physical systems
scribe any external influence) and the set of parts, which forms
a basement of the description of any system by physical vari-
ables. The parts and manipulations (defining the concept of
‘change’) generalize the standard spatiotemporal description in
which systems are understood as being in empty space with an
(absolute) flowing time.
These two levels of description cannot be mixed together.
At the second one, all concepts and relations are describable in
the framework of set theory (allowing to define various func-
tions, functional spaces, etc.). The first, however, is only in-
tuitive. If we speak about a physical system S we cannot do
much more than to denote it and speak, if necessary, about
some of its subsystems. If we speak about a property P of a
physical system S we denote it simply as P (S). It means that
this property may be (at least partially and approximately) de-
scribed in the common language of the first level. This property
may be a mathematical object (set, function) what means that
this object is assigned to this system (and roughly described in
common language).
A typical example is the state set, Σ, assigned to a concrete
system S, i.e. Σ(S). We can describe various states of the
system in the common language to demarcate roughly its state
set, but it cannot be defined within this language. On the other
hand, the state set is a primitive concept of our approach and
its (approximate) characterization can be done only in common
language. In this language, the state is more or less identified
with some configuration, i.e. with a concrete arrangement of
the structure3 . This description cannot be strict – we put it
more precisely into a mathematical language (by defining vari-
Possibly endowed with vectors determining current velocities of indi-
vidual parts.
ous sets and their relations) but this step is impossible without
a previous pre-understanding done in the common language.
If we study systems being unattainable to human experience
(atoms, elementary particles, black holes, the Universe, etc.)
the concept of state becomes more abstract and its description
in the common language is only very rough and approximate.
Nevertheless, any physical description, whatever abstract,
carries a trace of understanding it in the language of everyday
experience. We speak about an atom as consisting of electrons
occupying various configurations around the nucleus though we
know that it is a very inaccurate picture. The choice of physi-
cal variables is also motivated to be close to our understanding
of the state as a mechanical configuration as much as possible.
That is why we introduce the concept of ‘part’ and describe
systems by specifying them as they are build up from individ-
ual parts. Parts, however, need not be some material “pieces”
– they may be chosen very abstractedly and artificially (e.g.
parts as geometrical points or infinitesimal pieces of matter play
important role in classical physics though they can be hardly
understood as something approachable by our experience).
sub sub
S ⊂ S0 ∧ S0 ⊂ S ⇒ S = S0 . (1.2)
This relation, however, does not only mean that ‘something’ is
included in ‘something larger’. As well as the concept of physi-
cal system means also a special viewpoint from which material
structures are studied, the fact that one physical system is un-
derstood as a subsystem of the other means that they both may
be studied from the same viewpoint. A specification of several
subsystems of a system (in common language) thus determines
much better the way in which we do understand the system.
Therefore, we introduce the concept of a representative
set of subsystems Ξ(S) that includes the system S and such
its subsystems which may be studied from the same viewpoint
as the system alone. This set is thus only fuzzily defined4 be-
cause usually there is no complete list of all “representative”
subsystems5 . From this point of view, it is describable only in
common language. Nevertheless, we will use this concept also
Excepting some special cases, e.g. if the system is formed by only a
few mechanical parts that form a clearly given set subsystems.
The ‘representative set’ is thus rather a semiset in the spirit of the
definition of P. Vopěnka [45], see also Section 3.6.
States and
Surprisingly, similar features are also presented in the Copenhagen
formulation of quantum mechanics where the measuring device plays also
the role of an external ‘thing’ that is nothing but a certain kind of a
In modern formulations of thermodynamics (e.g. [21]), the ‘work’ is
replaced by the concept of ‘adiabatic accessibility’ that also cannot be
defined without supposing existence of some objects outside the system.
surement done on both systems gives the same results. But what
means “any measurement”? What is, for example, a complete set
of measurements saying us whether two glasses of water are in the
same state? In description of simple, microscopic systems such a set
of all measurements could be determined but, surprisingly, we obtain
that measurements performed, say, on two same atoms (in the “same
state”) may give different results as implied by quantum mechanics.
On the other hand, the description of state is clearly defined phys-
ical question. We simply look for a suitable set of quantities that
characterizes nothing else than the state of the system. But it does
not explain the concept of state more than an identity of the system
connected to a “set of properties, qualities, specific interactions with
surrounding, etc.” So we must be careful. We should be aware that
the concept of state is rooted in those philosophical considerations
and is based on acceptance of some “identity” or “interchangeability”
of the system with another one but our effort should be concentrated
into the problem of searching for the best physical description of this
(undefined but accepted) identity.
To avoid many conceptual problems with explaining the mean-
ing of statements like a ‘system is in a state’, we will understand
the ‘state’ as a primitive, undefined concept. Let S be a phys-
ical system. We assume that there is a set Σ, called the state
set, that is assigned to this physical system, i.e. Σ(S). Any
element s ∈ Σ is called the state (of the system S).
At the intuitive level of the description, the state set is
explained by a potentiality of the studied object to occur at
various configurations (whereas individual configurations are
related mutually by the “identity” of studied object). Recall
that ‘physical system’ is not a material structure but rather
a special viewpoint from which we do study such a structure.
The state set is thus not absolutely given but it depends on that
α ⊂ Σ(S) × Σ(S),
(ii) ∅ ∈ M(S).
α = (. . . , α(ι), . . .),
ples [fsub (s), fsub (s0 )]. Nevertheless, the set of manipulations
with a subsystem may not be completely determined by the set
of manipulations with the system. Let us imagine, for exam-
ple, a molecule inside a macroscopic body. Understanding the
body as a system S we can have a broad set of manipulations
with this body, M(S), that may describe various macroscopic
influences on the body (defined by forces on its boundary, exter-
nal fields, heating, etc.). These manipulations, however, may
not describe manipulations with the molecule that is defined
by completely different processes and actions. If the molecule
is understood as a subsystem of S (i.e. the states of S are
sensitive on states of the molecule) then there is an evident
disproportion between the definition of the state set of S (it is
defined very finely) and the definition of the set of manipula-
tions with S which is defined very low. That is why we define:
Let Ξ be the representative set of subsystems and S0 ∈ Ξ.
We say that M(S) is consistent with Σ(S) if there are no
other manipulations in M(S0 ) than those represented by cou-
ples [fsub (s), fsub (s0 )] where the set of couples [s, s0 ] represents
a manipulation from M(S). The consistence of states and ma-
nipulations thus defines a surjective mapping g,
g : M(S) → M(S0 ), (2.3)
so that
g(α) = {[fsub (s), fsub (s0 )], [s, s0 ] ∈ α}. (2.4)
2.3 Processes
There is no idea of flowing time in which changes happen. We
have no temporal determination underlying the concept of ma-
Remark: Notice that the state set is the concept that helps us to fix a
“material identity” of the system. The change of surrounding, defined
by (2.8), thus cannot “destroy” the system in the meaning that some
states “vanish” from the state set or some new ones “appear”. It is ex-
actly that what is supposed in experimental physics – an experiment
means a change of a “natural” surrounding of the studied system.
Nevertheless, we believe that the system can be in same states as be-
fore. Notice also that realizations of experiments is usually intended
to enlarge the set of manipulations, i.e. M(Snew ) ⊃ M(S) in (2.9).
G : D G → BG , (2.10)
feq : Σsur → Σ,
It should be emphasized that if parts are chosen to be individual par-
ticles of a many-particle system we do not need the concept of space in
which they ‘are’. Namely, their positions (as well as velocities and other
spatiotemporal characteristics) may be understood as variables assigned
to them in dependence on concrete states.
The same system is described differently at various scales. The way of
transition between these descriptions plays important role and is studied
by various methods. The most famous is the so-called renormalization
group approach that was systematically introduced by K.G. Wilson for
applications in statistical physics and the quantum field theory [46, 47].
3.1 Structure
Physical systems introduced in Chapters 1,2 are determined
only by their global properties. States from Σ are states of the
whole system, global variables are assigned to the whole sys-
tem and the manipulation causes the change with the whole
system, too. Only the presence of subsystems indicates that
there is some inner structure but there is no idea how subsys-
tems should be put together to form the system. Moreover,
there is no clearly defined set of all subsystems (of a system).
In a standard physical approach a studied system is localized
in space by occupying a region (whereas the region may consist
only from several points as it is in newtonian mechanics of mass
points). Hence a ‘substructure’ of the studied system is simply
given by “data” obtained from various subparts of this region.
Since the idea of ‘space’ in which the system is located is
not introduced in our approach, we choose a ‘structure of de-
scription’ of the system by introducing a formal set, P, whose
elements are various parts. Certain couples of parts (‘disjunct’
parts) may be combined together to form a ‘larger’ part. Thus
larger and larger parts arise till a total (‘largest’) part p0 ∈ P,
including any other parts, is made up. Such a part, however,
may not exist. Parts and their compositions are understood in
an abstract level – there is no spatiotemporal characterization
The first set, Psub , may be identified with a subset of the set
Ξ (a set of representative subsystems of the studied physical
system) and some supplementary parts. The second set, Pch ,
includes some other parts, whose definition will be concretized
First, let us define the part Psub . The idea is as follows.
There is a set Ξ0 , Ξ0 ⊂ Ξ, and a one-to-one mapping Fs from
Ξ0 into a subset of P,
Fs : Ξ0 → P, (3.4)
part. E.g. they are zero or equal those of the water, and so on.
This approach seems rather strange and artificial, but notice that
we do the same when working with spatial background (space exists
permanently only values of physical variables at its individual points
may change and sometime have some special values, e.g. zero mass
density, etc.).
We define the ordered set Q called the set of variables. An
element q̂ ∈ Q, called the variable or local variable, defines
for every state of the system s ∈ Σ the mapping qs ,
qs : Dq,s → Bq , (3.7)
where Bq is a Banach space whose elements are values of the
variable q̂ (e.g. Bq = Rn ). The domain of the mapping, Dq,s ,
is a subset of P.
The question how large is the domain Dq,s plays the crucial
role. Namely, the fact that the composition of parts forms
another part is thus connected with the question whether a
variable can or cannot be defined for this composition (i.e. if
the composition of parts belongs into the domain, too). It is of
the crucial importance. The repeated composition is a passage
to larger scales. Variables which “survive” this passage are
those which play crucial role in the macroscopic description of
The question, if a (local) variable may be identified with
a global one, is nontrivial. For example, the global variable of
the crucial importance is the (global) energy. We believe that it
may be assigned to any state of an arbitrary system (at least in
classical physics) and we are able to measure its changes during
various processes. On the other hand, we are able to define the
(local) energy of various parts of the description (e.g. as the
sum of kinetic and potential energy of a particle). Nevertheless,
q̂ q̂ 0 .
The concept of absolute continuity originates in the measure theory
where it is defined as a comparison of different measures, e.g. [36], see
Chapter 4.
part of the nonstandard model, denoted him by FN, may not reach to
an absolute infinity but only to a horizon fuzzily limiting our ability
to continue each stepwise procedure. Because the way to the horizon
never finishes (we ever may do an other step) he called this phe-
nomenon the natural infinity. Thus in the Vopěnka’s approach, large
p = (p1 , . . . , pn ),
The scale is understood as a characteristic (or smallest) length taken
into account in a physical model. In the last century, this concept started
to play a very important role due to various reasons: the presence of diver-
gences in quantum field theories (the ‘cutoff’ removing these divergences
corresponds to this length – see [19, 33]), the impossibility of managing
microscopic models of systems with many degrees of freedom (e.g. large
fluctuations in critical phenomena have been described by employing the
concept of scale in the works of K.G. Wilson and others [47]), the so-called
”size-scaled” effects in macroscopic physics (e.g. the failure of materials
Sc : R+ → Pow(P), (3.22)
where Pow(P) is a set of all subsets of P. The subset P(l) ≡
Sc(l) is called the l-space if
(see Fig. 3.6). The l-space may be empty because the empty
set belongs to Pow(P), too. Moreover, if the system has the
total part p0 and it belongs into P(l0 ) then for any l > l0 the
subset P(l) = ∅. Let us present the defined concepts on two
simple examples.
Structure of mass points. The set of parts consists of three
parts, P = {p1 , p2 , p3 }, where p3 = (p1 , p2 ) and Comp =
{[p1 , p2 ], [p2 , p1 ]}. We suppose that there are two vector vari-
ables assigned to every part at any state, namely [qi , pi ], i =
1, 2, 3 where the first is a position and the second a momen-
tum. This structure represents two mass points with constant
masses, m1 and m2 . If such description of a real structure is
realistic or not, depends on the set of studied states, Σ, which
represents a physical “background” of the problem.
and structures [4]) and many others. Nevertheless, the scale is usually un-
derstood as only helpful, “artificial” concept enabling us to construct rea-
sonable models describing nature at chosen levels and formulate relations
between these descriptions. An exception is the approach of L. Nottale
[30] who develops the concept of scale relativity being motivated by the
Einstein’s theory of relativity. Another example of grasping the scale as a
more fundamental concept is presented by I.M. Havel [11] who introduces
the concept of ‘scale axis’ (see Fig. 3.6, [12]).
Γ1 = Γ2 = {[qi , pi ]} ⊂ R6 (3.24)
Γf ull = Γ1 × Γ2 . (3.25)
The averaging (3.23) thus can be expressed as
Γf ull → Γ3 , (3.26)
p3 = p1 + p2 . (3.27)
m1 q1 + m2 q2
q3 = . (3.28)
m1 + m2
that projects values from the full state space onto the state
space of the part Ω. For example, by the prescription
V1 Ts (Ω1 ) + V2 Ts (Ω2 )
Ts (Ω) = , (3.32)
V1 + V2
where Vi are volumes of the parts Ωi .
The variable T̂ , however, cannot be understood as a global
variable because it does not obey the definition of generalized
temperature. Namely, if we define a global variable T by the
relation (3.8), i.e. T (s) = Ts (Ω), then T cannot be the gener-
alized temperature because its value generally differs from its
values on subsystems (if Ωi represents subsystems of Ω). Nev-
ertheless, when T̂ is understood as a local variable only then
there is no problem with understanding it as an averaged con-
cept. Any definition of such a ‘non-equilibrium temperature’,
however, needs a careful physical explanation [25, 32].
Chapter 4
Special structures
(ii) the system of parts includes only one part, p, that belongs
to Pch , i.e.
P(S) = Pch = {p}, (4.1)
v(p0 )
r≡ .
If kq = 1 then
qs (p) = rqs (p), (4.3)
i.e. values of extensive variables are r-times scaled. If Γ(p)
is the state space of a simple unit then we usually denote by
Γ(r) (p) the state space of its scaled copy. If Xp ∈ Γ we denote
the corresponding state of the scaled copy as rXp (we take over
the nomenclature from [21]).
Let us form a composition of n simple units, S1 , . . . , Sn ,
that are pairwise mutually isolated. It means that the state set
of this composition is
Patom = {p1 , . . . , pn },
Σeq ⊂ Σ,
so that at every state s ∈ Σeq all simple units have the same
value of the temperature.
σ = Fs (Ssample ). (4.6)
taken into account in the study of the body (the body may
or may not change the phase or chemical constitution, mass,
momentum, energy, etc.), see Fig. 4.3. We also accept various
manipulations with the body that are caused by a chosen sur-
rounding of the discrete system. The set of manipulations, M,
is supposed to be rich enough so that it forms a large set of
Variables of a discrete system split into two categories. The
group of variables defined only on the part σ and the group
defined only on the part ∂σ. Variables from the first group are
called the c-variables. Typical c-variables are mass, energy,
momentum, etc. Variables from the second group are called the
b-variables (they are defined only on oriented boundaries).
Within this category, special process variables play an impor-
tant role. They describe an exchange of a physical property
with surrounding. A typical example is the heat. Another ex-
ample of an eminent importance is the stress that describes the
exchange of momentum between the system and surrounding.
This kind of b-variables will be called the process b-variables.
The great advantage of simple systems (defined in the last
section) consists in a full definability of their states externally.
Namely, the equilibrium guarantees that we always know ‘what
is inside’. It is not the case of discrete systems. Values of c-
variables are not definable externally (see Fig. 4.4). Therefore,
the crucial role plays a special relation between certain c-variables
and process b-variables, whose values are definable externally:
A c-variable q̂ is said to have the balance property if for any
process π there is such a class of parameterizations that if πτ1 ,τ2
belongs to this class then the derivative,
qs(τ ) (σ) ≡ q̇s(τ ) (σ), (4.8)
a discrete system, the resting part of the body belongs to the surrounding
of this discrete system. The boundary is thus no real interface but it is
rather defined by a mental construction. It resembles the composition of
simple units – surroundings that define individual simple units are not
really present but we ever may add them mentally.
4.3 Continuum
Parts defining the structure of a physical system are basic ob-
jects, building blocks, having no further detail specification (the
detail structure of a part is given only by its subparts, i.e. the
way by which they are composed from “smaller” ones). The
only specification is given by various variables assigning to indi-
vidual parts (notice that we do not specify the part correspond-
ing to a ‘mass point’, for instance, otherwise then by values of
A current energy of a body, for example, cannot be determined from
a current state of the surrounding, see Fig 4.4.
4.3. CONTINUUM 101
(i) p0 ⊂ p ⇔ Ms (p0 ) ⊂ Ms (p) ,
Xs0 ≡ Ms (p0 ).
∀s ∈ Σ, ∀u ∈ U : {u} 6∈ Xs . (4.12)
question is, however, how big is this “liberty” if we fix the con-
figuration for one state, say s0 . Namely, other configurations
have to be related to ηs0 by the relation (4.14). The answer is
surprisingly simple:
Lemma 1: If the mapping Ms is a continuum model then the
choice of the configuration for one state from Σ defines uniquely
a configuration for any state from s.
Proof : The state for which the configuration is fixed is denoted by
s0 . Let there be two different sets C1 and C2 . It implies that there is
a state s ∈ Σ so that there are two different configurations, ηs1 ∈ C1
and ηs2 ∈ C2 . It means that there is ξ ∈ Υ so that ηs1 (ξ) 6= ηs2 (ξ).
Hence we have two different elements of U, namely u1 ≡ ηs1 (ξ) and
u2 ≡ ηs2 (ξ). u1 , u2 ∈ Xs0 and thus (4.12) implies that there is p ∈ P
so that u1 ∈ Ms (p) and u2 6∈ Ms (p). Next, we continue by following
consideration. First, we use (4.14) for C1 by identifying s0 → s0 and
obtain that ηs0 (ξ) ∈ Ms0 (p). Second, we use (4.14) for C2 but in
opposite direction, i.e. by identifying s → s0 and s0 → s. Using the
fact that at s0 C1 merges with C2 , we get that u2 ≡ ηs (ξ) ∈ Ms (p)
which is a contradiction.
The set of configurations is thus fixed by a choice of the config-
uration at one state. Moreover, a choice of this configuration
as a one-to-one mapping (it may be always done by a suitable
choice of the index set) guarantees that all configurations are
one-to-one mappings:
Lemma 2: If the mapping Ms realizes a continuum model and
the configuration ηs0 at a state s0 is a one-to-one mapping then
the configuration at every state is a one-to-one mapping.
Proof : Let us suppose that there is a state s, so that there are
two different elements ξ1 , ξ2 ∈ Υ for which ηs (ξ1 ) = ηs (ξ2 ). At s0 ,
however, ηs0 (ξ1 ) 6= ηs0 (ξ2 ) that implies that there are two different
4.3. CONTINUUM 105
χ : < τ1 , τ2 >→ C,
that variables are defined only on parts from P and thus they
are not defined on individual elements of U.
In continuum mechanics, where only configuration depen-
dent variables are used, we may enlarge the set of parts P to
P 0 = P ∪ Patom , with
Patom = Ω0 , (4.19)
Γ = C. (4.21)
(iii) X 0 ∈ A.
(i) µ(∅) = 0 .
(ii) µ ( Xk ) = µ(Xk ) whenever {Xk } is a sequence (infi-
nite or not) of pairwise disjoint subsets of A, i.e. Xi ∩
Xj = ∅ for i 6= j.
Xs ⊂ AXs , (4.23)
µV (Xs ) = Vs (M−1
s (Xs )). (4.24)
Especially, for sets from Xs (i.e. sets that are models of parts),
we can write Z
qs (p) = φqs (u)dµV . (4.30)
Ms (p)
Isn’t space the machine that causes all those size-related miracles?
V. Šedivý1
What is space? There are two main views about the nature
of space in western thinking. Space is understood either as an
entity of its own or as a relation between bodies ([35], p. 38).
Though the second viewpoint was dominant in western culture
(from Aristotle to Descartes, see [18]), physics, eventually, an-
chored its foundations in the idea of independent space which
exists by itself. It was done by I. Newton in his “Principia”,
[29]. This construction has secured physical thinking from an
extreme relativity yielding by the idea of space which is just
a relation between bodies (more in Chapter 6). The Newton’s
conception of absolute space has shown itself as extraordinary
successful. But what is space in the conceptual framework of
our approach?
[38], p. 222.
The first property should model the idea that physical sys-
tems are “in space”. The idea of “being in space” is deeply re-
lated with the main property of space, namely, that it includes
fixed places – spatial points. Physical systems may occupy
these places by various manners while places themselves re-
main always the same. In our approach, only parts introduced
in Chapter 3 are understood as fixed (firmly chosen) elements
of the description. Recall that a special set of parts, Pch , has
been introduced to model the situation when these fixed ele-
ments are defined by the surrounding (e.g., as an external wall
that defines a container with a gas).
Space may be characterized as a “tool” defining special kind
of parts – spatial points. The main idea of our approach is that
the set of parts Pch , defined by E, includes also parts that
may be identified with spatial points. We, however, have no
possibility of determining a concrete point in space otherwise
than by means of another object located in space. Namely,
this object (if it has some suitable properties) may serve as
a referential frame that enables us to describe points by their
coordinates. It motivates us to the following definition:
Let Ssur be an arbitrary surrounding of S. We say that Ssur
defines spatial points for S if there is an integer d and a set
of physical systems, Cd = {a, b, . . .}, so that the composition of
each of them with Ssur (i.e. (Ssur , a), etc.) is the surrounding
of S, too, and each of these surroundings defines sets of parts,
Pch ((Ssur , a)) ⊂ P(S), Pch ((Ssur , b)) ⊂ P(S), etc., so that
for every a ∈ Cd there is a uniquely given one-to-one mapping,
sn → s,
that qsan (x) = qsa (x) within a succession of balls with a fixed center
x0 and increasing radius, Rn → ∞. This sequence converges to qsa
even if values of every field qsan outside the ball with the radius Rn
are chosen arbitrarily.
This convergence enables us to characterize when a manipula-
tion is not sensitive on behavior of fields at infinity:
Let S be in space. We say that the state s ∈ Σ(S) is stable in
the manipulation α ∈ M(S) if for any succession of couples,
[sn , s0n ] ∈ α, holds that whenever sn → s ∈ Σ then there exists
a state s0 ∈ Σ so that s0n → s0 , too.
ψ : Ed → B, (5.5)
These possibilities are thus characterized by a form of mappings in Γa .
They may be continuous, differentiable, integrable, etc.
We will always suppose that the set of variables Q (i.e. the set
of fields) is complete with respect to the state space Σ of an
arbitrary system under study. That means that any concrete
ψ represents one state from Σ.
The set of parts Pch (a) consists of an uncountable num-
ber of spatial points. Every state s is represented by a set of
spatial fields, ψ, whose values are defined at these points. We
understand these fields as “distributions of physical properties
in space”. Points, however, are not some separated parts –
they form an infinitely dense continuum. That means that
we should assume some “correlations” of values of fields at
“nearby” points. For example, the continuity of fields ψ at
a point x means that values at points “infinitesimally near” x
cannot differ arbitrarily from ψ(x). These correlations, how-
ever, are not only properties of individual states alone but also
of their changes. If ψ changes to ψ̃ (a set of fields with different
values) the correlations at x mean that ψ̃(x) depends also on
values of ψ at some circumjacent points, i.e. ψ(x0 ), and not
only on ψ(x). It motivates us to the following definition:
Let α ∈ M be a manipulation with S caused by the surrounding
E. We say that α is the trivial manipulation if there is a
function f : B → B so that for any couple ψ, ψ̃ ∈ Γa , which
represents states s, s̃, the condition
This property says more than that the relation (5.7) is not valid.
Namely, if all states of the system S are represented by fields
that are discontinuous at every point, then any manipulation
is trivial. Therefore the property (S2) claims also that any
physical system in space has a state at which all representing
fields are continuous at least at one point.
In our approach, space is represented by a physical system,
E, though we do not introduce its “material” properties. Its
nonmaterial character underlines the fact that it extends into
infinity (in the sense that there are successions of spatial points,
represented by coordinates xn , so that |xn | → ∞). The space
E is thus a little strange “entity” without a substantial specifi-
How could space be approached by a material substance?
Newton’s space, for example, may be modeled as an infinite,
uniform substance (remember the idea of ether). But no in-
finite substance exists. To guarantee that a sufficiently large
substance behaves like an infinite one, we accept this property
of E:
G(s) = s. (5.10)
Ty : Σ → Σ
RQ : Σ → Σ
Notice that the relation (2.11) implies also that if the Newton
space has the conservative property with respect to a global
variable G then the value of this variable is the same at every
state of the system because ssur = s0sur = s0 .
How does the manipulation act on the state space of a
physical system S for which the Newton space is the surround-
ing? That is, what is the subset of Σ × Σ of various changes?
In Newtonian physics, the system “located in empty space”
if we denote s(0) ≡ s.
Is this conclusion given only by empirical observations (that
physical systems have inner dynamics changing their states into
infinite sequences of states) or has it a deeper origin? Surpris-
ingly, the fact that the Newton space manipulates with any
system in this way is a consequence of its symmetries. To show
it, let us proof the following theorem first.
Theorem: The manipulation caused by the Newton space
cannot be perfect for any system S which is in the Newton
space, i.e., there are states s, s1 , s2 ∈ Σ(S), s1 6= s2 , so that
[s, s1 ], [s, s2 ] ∈ .
Proof : Let us suppose that the manipulation is perfect, i.e., it is
a mapping : Σ → Σ so that [s, s̃] ∈ means that
s̃ = (s). (5.21)
` = F(ssur , αsur ),
so that for any ssur ∈ Σsur the set {fL (ssur , `), ` ∈ <} = Σsur ,
fL (ssur , 0` ) = ssur ,
fL (fL (ssur , `1 ), `2 ) = fL (ssur , `1 + `2 ).
It implies that for any couple of different states, [ssur , s0sur ],
the equation fL (ssur , `) = s0sur defines a unique length |`| (a
positive generalized length).
say (. . . , M M
` . . .). If ` 6= ` then their parallel composition,
M ≡ (. . . , M
` . . .),
but only their couples define the length (we have only one body
in homogeneous field and its position cannot be absolutely de-
termined). We will call this kind of Mach space the adiabatic
The adiabatic space is supposed to have the conservative
property with respect to the global variable called the total en-
ergy. Usually, this variable is defined by the use of an adiabatic
The total energy is a real global variable E so that the adia-
batic space has conservative property with respect to this vari-
able, and the relation,
E(sA A A A
1 ) − E(s2 ) = mg `([s1 , s2 ]), (5.40)
We need to free ourselves from the prejudices associated with the habit
of thinking of the world as “inhabiting space” and “evolving in time”.
C. Rovelli1
The Mach space has also this spatial character (it defines spatial
points) regardless some simple additional objects belonging to it (clocks, a
weight in a gravitation field, etc.).
Physics of R. Descartes represents a transitory stage in the mathema-
tisation of nature, connecting Galileo with Newton [17].
The main point of the programm of quantum gravity is the formulation
of physics without a given spatiotemporal background. Though the quan-
tum gravity is intended to be a fundamental physical theory, its possible
“applications” concern only extreme short scale structure of spacetime. At
The letter “N” emphasizes the fact that the accessibility has
the same basic property as the manipulation with the Newton
space. Namely, that it is ‘identity’. Notice that the identity
manipulation with the Newton space includes only one change,
s0 → s0 , because the Newton space has only one state, s0 . In
the definition of accessibility, the identity manipulation may be
formed by an arbitrary couple of same states.
The definition of accessibility requires to study such manip-
ulations with a system that are caused by the following “mech-
anism”. We find a physical system (e.g. a device) that plays
the role of a surrounding of the system. It means that it is a
source of all manipulations with the system14 . The surround-
ing may be quite arbitrary, the system may interact with an
arbitrary amount of objects but, when it reaches the state s2 ,
the surrounding has to be at the same state as when the system
“was” at the state s1 .
Remark: The logic of the definition is following. We “try” various
surroundings till find (or do not find) the “right” one. Any exchange
of surrounding, however, may change the system (see the end of Sec-
tion 2.4). Nevertheless, if a “testing” surrounding “destroyed” either
the state s1 or s2 of the system then it could not be the “right” one.
It also defines these manipulations – see the end of Section 2.4.
There are some connotations to presence of macroscopic measuring
6.3. TIME ARROW 151
Γ = Γ1 × . . . × ΓN , (6.3)
p0 = (p1 , . . . , pNc ).
The meaning of (A7) in the case of solids is not so clear (ibid., p. 33).
On the other hand, there is no problem to warm up a body by an
adiabatic manipulation, see Fig. 6.1.
In this case, the thermal join is realized without a change of the
total energy, E = E1 + E2 . That means (see (5.41)) that the weight
does not move. Hence it fulfills the stronger condition of the accessibility,
((E1 , w1 ), (E2 , w2 )) ≺ (E1 + E2 , w1 , w2 ).
Writing the last relation as (E1 , w1 ) ∼ (E2 , w2 ), we may formu-
late the third axiom concerning the temperature (ibid., p. 56):
Zeroth law. If X ∼ Y and if Y ∼ Z then X ∼ Z.
When adding five more axioms (ibid., pp. 88,89), we obtain
the group of axioms that implies the validity of the entropy
principle, i.e., guarantees the existence of the entropy function
fulfilling (6.2) for a special class of systems.
The logic of the construction open many interesting ques-
tions. For example, if there is a possibility of reformulating it
for other classes of physical systems. Especially, the construc-
tion of the entropy function for thermomechanical systems, in
this spirit, would be very inviting. The question, however,
is whether it is possible. Namely, is the role of equilibrium
(which defines simple systems and their compositions) crucial?
It opens speculations concerning a relation of the entropy and
time. The fact that time, as a global variable possessing prop-
erties of the generalized temperature, is also defined in “equi-
librium” (see Section 2.6), may be relevant in this context. It
would be also interesting to formulate an analogy of previous
axioms for time ordering, i.e., to find axioms that model the
weak accessibility in clock realization.
ISBN 80-239-6075-X