Emergency Room Thesis

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting an Emergency Room Thesis

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is a significant academic undertaking, and when it
comes to the specialized field of Emergency Room studies, the challenges become even more
daunting. Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis on Emergency Room topics requires a
deep understanding of medical concepts, intricate knowledge of emergency procedures, and the
ability to analyze complex data.

One of the primary difficulties faced by students working on an Emergency Room thesis is the
vastness of the subject matter. Emergency medicine encompasses a wide range of topics, from
trauma care and resuscitation to critical care management and disaster preparedness. Navigating
through this extensive terrain and identifying a specific research focus can be overwhelming for

Moreover, the constantly evolving nature of medical research and advancements poses an additional
challenge. Staying updated with the latest findings, methodologies, and technologies in Emergency
Room care is crucial for producing a thesis that reflects the current state of the field. This demands
extensive literature reviews and a commitment to staying informed about the dynamic landscape of
emergency medicine.

Another obstacle in writing an Emergency Room thesis lies in the need for practical experience.
Unlike theoretical subjects, Emergency Room studies often require hands-on experience to truly
comprehend the nuances of patient care, treatment protocols, and emergency response systems.
Accessing real-world scenarios and practical knowledge can be a hindrance, particularly for students
who may not have direct exposure to clinical environments.

In light of these challenges, many students find themselves seeking assistance in crafting a high-
quality Emergency Room thesis. One platform that has gained recognition for providing reliable
support is ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔. This service understands the intricacies of Emergency Room
studies and offers expert guidance to students facing difficulties in their thesis writing process.

⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ is known for its team of experienced writers with backgrounds in emergency
medicine and related fields. By leveraging their expertise, students can ensure that their theses are
well-researched, logically structured, and aligned with the latest developments in emergency care.
The service also provides a platform for students to collaborate with professionals, allowing them to
incorporate practical insights into their academic work.

In conclusion, writing an Emergency Room thesis is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. However,

with the right support and guidance, students can navigate through the complexities of this field and
produce a thesis that reflects their understanding of emergency medicine. For those in need of
assistance, ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ stands as a reliable resource to ensure a successful and well-
crafted thesis in the challenging realm of Emergency Room studies.
Emergency is easy to understand but difficult to deal with. However, they are not always well
equipped to meet the needs of special populations or of patients with less acute medical conditions.
With the aging of the baby boomers, even greater percentages of seniors are projected to require
ambulance transport in the coming years. With the rate of utilizing the hospital services increases at a
faster rate every day, the building structure and facilited should comfort the people rather making it
difficult for them. Any delay in action may cause permanent brain damage on the victim. When
hospitals go on diversion status, ambulances may have to drive longer distances and take patients to
less appropriate facilities. Trauma system refers to the organized delivery system for trauma care at
the local, regional, state, or national level. Many of them provide their services on a volunteer basis.
Current training and equipment in this regard are inadequate. Moreover, only 45 percent of counties
nationwide have the more advanced 9-1-1 systems that can track the location of cellular callers, even
though this information can be vitally important in responding to various emergency situations. The
process of undercutting was conducted, while the earth pressure redistribution inside the model was
recorded by means of a miniature set of pressure cells. The charge to the EMS subcommittee, which
guided the development of the present report, is shown in Box 1-2. Objective: The aim of the present
study was to investigate the factors that affect the smooth and efficient operation of the EDs in two
state hospitals in Cyprus (Paphos and Paralimni), and to reveal any weaknesses in the PHC services
or the emergency pre-hospital care structures. CPR should immediately be administered if the victim
is not breathing or if a pulse is not felt. Some of them were fishermen so were very familiar with how
the weather conditions could cause major. In the event of a disaster, most EMS communications
systems are not compatible with those of other responders, such as police and fire departments.
These protocols should be based on current and emerging evidence about the appropriate models for
transport given the patient’s condition and location, and should include protocols that, given
appropriate information about the status of facilities, direct patients to less crowded local EDs rather
than to the highest-level center. Once a safety valve to be used in extreme situations, this has now
become a commonplace event. The physician only needs to see the answers to the questions in
determining the patient level of severity. Creating new spaces or renovating old spaces to
accommodate high patient numbers and various patient healthcare needs can also have a positive
effect on safety, wayfinding, and a hospital’s bottom line. In addition, the chapter describes EMS
equipment and training needs, including greater distribution of personal protective equipment and
development of more effective communications systems, as well as improved hospital surge capacity.
Their training also encourages them to keep a solemn tone and demeanor. In Canada, a common type
of ESI is the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS). Although emergency care represents a vital
component of the U.S. Innovations in industrial engineering that have swept through other sectors of
the economy, from banking to air travel to manufacturing, have failed to take hold in health care
delivery—a sector of the economy that now consumes 16 percent of the nation’s gross domestic
product and is growing at twice the rate of inflation. Although the facility and the faculty of the
hospital do not appear to tolerate humor in the workplace, laughter and humor find their way into the
establishment of the ERE in various ways. By 2001, 60 percent of hospitals were operating at or over
capacity. With the mass number of illness, surgery, and death that they are encompassed with,
working n the hospital can wipe out one’s physical energy and mental state of well-being. Divya
Kanojiya Psychedelic Treatment Planning: Opportunities in Integrated Care Psychedelic Treatment
Planning: Opportunities in Integrated Care Brian Peacock ABDULRAHMAN AL RAFIQ
AbdurahmanRafeeq Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock
an. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book.
Not only is ED volume increasing, but patients coming to the ED are older and sicker and require
more complex and time-consuming workups and treatments. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Emergency Medicine. Click here to buy this book in print or
download it as a free PDF, if available. There is greater damage or injury if the emergency is not
acted upon immediately. When EDs are crowded, as is frequently the case, EMS personnel wait with
the transported patient until space becomes available in the ED. When the ED is at full capacity,
treating additional patients who could be cared for in a different environment means fewer
resources—physicians, nurses, ancillary personnel, equipment, and time and space—available to
respond to emergency cases. Emergency is easy to understand but difficult to deal with. In addition,
the Atlas and Database of Air Medical Services indicates that many rural areas still do not have
sufficient access to air ambulance providers. An evaluation of the protective action decision model
using data from a train derailment in casselton north dakota. This is the third of three reports
presenting the committee’s findings and recommendations in these three areas. Moreover, only 45
percent of counties nationwide have the more advanced 9-1-1 systems that can track the location of
cellular callers, even though this information can be vitally important in responding to various
emergency situations. The anxieties due to the unknowns such as how many people will need
medical attention, what the nature of their injuries are, etc. Support for the study was provided by
the Josiah Macy, Jr. One of the most important tools in such an event is negative pressure rooms that
prevent the spread of airborne pathogens. T oday? hospitals are lar gely stafed by pr o?essional
physicians. The second floor will be an expanded intensive care unit; the third floor will be
obstetrics. However, it has been found that coordinating these variables is particularly difficult due
economic crises, healthcare system inadequacies, the primary healthcare (PHC) structure, and a lack
of proper management and coordination in the ED. A district hospital typically is the ma!or health
care ?acility in its region. Analyzing the methods used in current journal articles will almost certainly
result in acceptance into popular emergency management journals like the journal of emergency
management or the journal of homeland security and emergency management. Over time, and over a
number of controlled initiatives, such a process should lead to important insights about what
strategies work under different conditions. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Their training also encourages them to keep a solemn tone and demeanor. These findings and
recommendations address the need to enhance operational efficiency, the use of information
technology, the burden of uncompensated care, inadequate disaster preparedness, the emergency care
workforce, and the need for research in emergency care. A report was produced in each of the three
areas addressed by the subcommittees. Check out our available registered nurse positions,
specifically in the Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit and Surgery Room. As such, Mark J.
Paone, AIA was retained to remodel the existing clinic into an Emergency Room, Physician on Call.
They may have acute services such as an emergency department or specialist trauma centre.
Emergency response thesis emergency response is one of the major aspects relating to homeland
security. The duty of the emergency department is to bring the patients to the emergency service, to
make the first intervention to the patient according to the emergency situation, and to provide the
best care to the patient by directing them to the required unit. Suggestions are given for the
rectification of the emergency exit system.
Dispatch, EMS, ED providers, public safety, and public health should be fully interconnected and
united in an effort to ensure that each patient receives the most appropriate care, at the optimal
location, with the minimum delay. The situation is creating a widening gap between the quality of
emergency care Americans expect and the quality they actually receive. Emergency care providers
wage battles on many fronts, including scheduling diagnostic tests; obtaining timely laboratory
results and drugs; getting patients admitted to the hospital; finding specialists willing to come in
during the middle of the night; and finding psychiatric centers, skilled nursing facilities, or
specialists who are willing to accept referrals. Implementing features with antimicrobial coatings,
such as countertops and door handles, will help reduce the spread of infection. Cost Of Obesity-
Based Heart Risk In The Context Of Preventive And Managed Car. Hyattsville, MD: National
Center for Health Statistics. After some time, smoke was allowed to fill the room. The Macro-
Kjeldhal method was used for protein determination, soxhlet extraction for fat and Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer for mineral element determination. So if you look around, you’ll see
that just about all the available counter space is taken up with computers. When hospitals go on
diversion status, ambulances may have to drive longer distances and take patients to less appropriate
facilities. For example, while controlled studies have yet to be conducted, a growing body of
experience suggests that using queuing theory to smooth the peaks and valleys of patient admissions
can eliminate bottlenecks, reduce crowding, improve patient care, and reduce costs. Clinical Practice
Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chron. The main impediment appears to be
entrenched interests and a lack of vision to motivate change in the current system. Wayfinding is
particularly important for helping to separate emergency department patients from those who are
simply lost on the way to other areas of the hospital. Identifying the source of stress is one way of
dealing with it. (Hoeger and Hoeger, 2011, p. 346) There are many benefits for regular exercise;
some of these include weight loss, muscle mass gain, burned cholesterol and lower cholesterol level,
protection from stroke and cardiovascular arrest (CVA), protection from hypertension and diabetes,
and so forth. (Blatner, 2010, p. 242) 6. What is first aid? What can you do before you reach
emergency room. Diabetics need insulin that should administered in an emergency room. Patient
needs must be properly assessed before being transferred to treatment beds. For example, results of
investigative research by USA Today indicate that the percentage of people suffering ventricular
fibrillation who survive and are later discharged from the hospital with good brain function ranges
from 3 to 45 percent depending on the municipality (Davis, 2003). All of these things affect the
emergency room on a daily basis and many times they are fueled by alcohol which makes the
encounter that much more volatile. A method of first aid is artificial respiration, and the most
common is the mouth-to-mouth method. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Center for the Health
Professions. A system called continuous quality improvement (CQI) has been introduced in the
United States which provides continuous internal and external reviews and auditing. The
subcommittee will consider a wide range of issues, including. The data collection tool was the
California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) form B. The committee was also tasked with taking
a focused look at the state of pediatric emergency care, prehospital emergency care, and hospital-
based emergency and trauma care. The 11-member subcommittee on prehospital EMS was created to
assess the current organization, delivery, and financing of EMS and EMS systems and to advance
NHTSA’s Emergency Medical Services Agenda for the Future (NHTSA, 1996). Focusing on this
broader spectrum of complaints could make the system more patient-centered. By using our site, you
agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. The committee recommends that
hospitals end the practices of boarding patients in the emergency department and ambulance
diversion, except in the most extreme cases, such as a community mass casualty event. Under
industry pressure, however, these requirements were withdrawn and replaced with a weaker standard.
Health workers must wear appropriate protective clothing such as disposable aprons and gloves
when dealing with sick people and in handling body waste. The primary groups of patients they
work with have specific diagnoses that require treatment either inside or outside of the hospital.
Health workers also face considerable health and safety risks. One important factor contributing to
slow response times in some areas is the frequency of ED crowding and ambulance diversion. In the
presence of nifA-ntrA, transcription from pRB5 started predominantly at the site charac. A state or
community that can provide emergency room or emergency health care even to poor citizens has a
very good health care and should be commended. Such regionalization would rationalize the limited
supply of specialists by ensuring coverage at key tertiary and secondary locations based on actual
need, replacing the current haphazard approach that is based on many factors other than need. Also,
in order to check previous disaster experiences in hospitals, several large-scale disasters’ reports,
including the most recent earthquake, which, happened in IRAN on November 12, 2017 have been
reviewed. One approach is to increase collaboration between rural hospitals and regional academic
health centers to foster training, resource sharing, and coordination of care. The limited evidence that
is available shows wide variation nationwide. With the mass number of illness, surgery, and death
that they are encompassed with, working n the hospital can wipe out one’s physical energy and
mental state of well-being. This is especially important in situations where every second counts.
While the demands on emergency and trauma care have grown dramatically, however, the capacity
of the system has not kept pace. Specifically trained staff and a private space to care for patients
showing symptoms of mental illness will help ensure their safety and the safety of other patients and
staff. An injury is acquired during accidents from car wrecks or from fall. The simplest way of
preventing the transfer of microorganisms is by washing of hands. The chapter establishes a vision in
which the various components of the emergency and trauma care system are connected through
improved communications networks and organized through a regionalized system of care. Measures
should evaluate the performance of individual providers within the system, as well as that of the
system as a whole. Because of the large quantity of people in the emergency room at any given time,
humor is a necessity for all individuals in the ERE. Although there have been a small number of
landmark studies in EMS, for the most part the knowledge base is quite limited. In addition to
improving patient care, coordinating the regional flow of patients is a critical tool in reducing
overcrowding in EDs. Analyzing Performance of the Twist Exome with CNV Backbone at Various
Probe D. We have mapped indexed articles in psychology, published in Portuguese in national and
international journals between 2009 and 2013, authored by Brazilian psychologists. Bedside Utility
of Liaoning Score a Non-Invasive As Predictor of Esophageal V. These include carbohydrate, lipids,
Moisture Fibre, Ash, proteins and Minerals such as Ca, Fe, Cd. There is greater damage or injury if
the emergency is not acted upon immediately. Objective: The aim of the present study was to
investigate the factors that affect the smooth and efficient operation of the EDs in two state hospitals
in Cyprus (Paphos and Paralimni), and to reveal any weaknesses in the PHC services or the
emergency pre-hospital care structures. Protections must be instituted so that emergency providers
and EDs do not become the dumping ground for the liability crisis. In some rural communities, the
hospital ED may be the main source of health care for a widely dispersed population. In 2003,
hospital training varied widely among staff: 92 percent of hospitals trained their nursing staff in
responding to at least one type of threat, but residents and interns received any such training at only
49 percent of hospitals (although this represented an improvement over the situation prior to the
terrorist attacks of 2001).
Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. We profile this
workforce now on the front line of the fight against COVID-19. ED staff often confront violence
and deal with an array of social problems that confound their attempts to heal their patients. This
paper will examine domestic violence fueled by alcohol and how it might affect the emergency room.
The committee therefore recommends that Congress establish a demonstration program,
administered by the Health Resources. Ted Herbosa Nurse manager Nurse manager Elon Yunus
Observation medicine nursing considerations Observation medicine nursing considerations mflitcraft
Dr. kiely fpt 2014 without notes Dr. kiely fpt 2014 without notes Samantha Haas Cost Of Obesity-
Based Heart Risk In The Context Of Preventive And Managed Car. Similarly, an Emergency Room
Nurse will chart vitals and monitor the patient’s condition like a typical Registered Nurse (RN).
Specialists have difficulty collecting payment for on-call services, in part because many emergency
and trauma patients are uninsured; nearly 80 percent of specialists in one survey had difficulty
obtaining payment for such services. First, the patient should be relieved of pain because this can
create adverse physical and psychological effects. Following that, disaster and emergency guidelines
and related researches have been studied in order to determine the quality and quantity of required
physical spaces in hospitals during emergencies, and to find proper solutions in architectural design
process, as mitigation measures. The risk of falling should first be recorded in the mobility
assessment for future precaution. A state or community that can provide emergency room or
emergency health care even to poor citizens has a very good health care and should be commended.
Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. It showed the
emotional, physical, and mental ailments of those. Our linking to these sites does not constitute an
endorsement of any products, services or the information found on them. More from Ahmed
Albeyaly ????? ?????-2015? ????? ?????-2015. Studies indicate that many prehospital providers are
less comfortable caring for pediatric patients, particularly infants, than for adult patients. Disaster
management topics include early assessment of disasters their mitigation alleviation of human
suffering particularly vulnerable communities as well as risk management. A method of first aid is
artificial respiration, and the most common is the mouth-to-mouth method. Foundation, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and CDC.
Science Forum on Patient Safety and Human Factors Research. Number of beds in the emergency
department should be as per following criteria. The events of September 11, 2001, and more recent
disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina and the subway bombings in London and Madrid, have further
raised awareness of the need for this type of study. Bedside Utility of Liaoning Score a Non-Invasive
As Predictor of Esophageal V. A teaching hospital combines assistance to people with teaching to
medical students and nurses. EMS system refers to the organized delivery system for EMS within a
specified geographic area—local, regional, state, or national—as indicated by the context. Work-role
of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. A national demonstration
program is proposed in which states and communities would be able to create and test new models
for the delivery of emergency and trauma care services. The subtle differences between these
definitions help. As a result, providers on the front lines of emergency care are increasingly
exhausted, stressed out, and frustrated by the deteriorating state of emergency care and the safety
net it supports.
EMS responders who provide stabilization before the patient arrives at a critical care unit are
sometimes subject to criticism because of a strongly held belief among many physicians that out-of-
hospital stabilization only delays definitive treatment without adding value. Disaster management
topics include early assessment of disasters their mitigation alleviation of human suffering
particularly vulnerable communities as well as risk management. JCAHO and the Department of
Health Services had cited the hospital for having a non-compliant emergency room. While the
evidence is limited, there are strong indications that the current EMS system fails the American
public in significant ways along all of these dimensions of quality care. The clinical engineering and
maintenance unit may consist of functional areas dependent on the operational policy and service
demand. Implementing features with antimicrobial coatings, such as countertops and door handles,
will help reduce the spread of infection. Everyone should have access to emergency health care and
this includes the emergency room or the emergency department of a clinic or hospital. Transcription
from pBR5 started 3 base pairs (bp) upstream of the start site of nif-regulated transcription and could
stem from a canonical promoter sequence generated at the junction between the two copies of the
duplicated sequence. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page
in the book. Well to start it’s the largest and most advanced of its kind in Pennsylvania. USA:
Delmar Cengage Learning. Bisanzo, M. et al., 2006. Emergency management of the trauma patient:
cases, algorithms, evidence. Information is critically important for rapid decision making in
emergency and trauma care. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. First, the patient should be relieved of
pain because this can create adverse physical and psychological effects. Once you link to another site
you are subject to the policies of the new site. In addition, the Public Access Defibrillation trial
found that providing AEDs in the community, along with adequate CPR training, can improve
survival from cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. By using our site, you agree to our
collection of information through the use of cookies. Procedures performed on emergency patients
are inherently risky and expose specialists to an increased likelihood of litigation. For example, while
controlled studies have yet to be conducted, a growing body of experience suggests that using
queuing theory to smooth the peaks and valleys of patient admissions can eliminate bottlenecks,
reduce crowding, improve patient care, and reduce costs. There really isn’t a place to sit down and
write.”. In 2003, nearly 114 million visits were made to hospital emergency departments
(EDs)—more than one for every three people in the United States. T oday? hospitals are lar gely
stafed by pr o?essional physicians. By learning from previous design projects and using the vast
amounts of data hospitals gather, we transform emergency rooms to run as safely and efficiently as
possible. At its best, EMS is a crucial link to survival in the chain of care, but within the last several
years, complex problems facing the emergency care system have emerged. The medical ?acility
smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic. For example, there are still small pockets of the
country that do not offer even basic 9-1-1 coverage, and these are located exclusively in rural or
frontier areas. Case presentation Dr. Shereef Mamdouh. 2nd Annual Nephrology Meeting, CKD-
MBD. Health workers also face considerable health and safety risks. Dr. Madduru Muni Haritha
Psychedelic Treatment Planning: Opportunities in Integrated Care Psychedelic Treatment Planning:
Opportunities in Integrated Care Brian Peacock Seminario biologia molecular Kevin Duque
Seminario biologia molecular Kevin Duque kevinestebanduque GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY
Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field focusing.
A teaching hospital combines assistance to people with teaching to medical students and nurses.
Physicians also refer their patients who are in emergency situations to the nearest emergency facility.
(Annas, 1992, p. 50) 2. When should we access emergency room. Protections must be instituted so
that emergency providers and EDs do not become the dumping ground for the liability crisis. This
book will be of particular interest to emergency care providers, professional organizations, and policy
makers looking to address the deficiencies in emergency care systems. Seminario Biologia Molecular
- Susana Cano V.pdf Seminario Biologia Molecular - Susana Cano V.pdf SEMINARIO VIH
Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. Identifying the
source of stress is one way of dealing with it. (Hoeger and Hoeger, 2011, p. 346) There are many
benefits for regular exercise; some of these include weight loss, muscle mass gain, burned cholesterol
and lower cholesterol level, protection from stroke and cardiovascular arrest (CVA), protection from
hypertension and diabetes, and so forth. (Blatner, 2010, p. 242) 6. What is first aid? What can you
do before you reach emergency room. This is especially true for those with non-acute illnesses.
Concerted, cooperative efforts at all levels of government—federal, state, regional, local—and the
private sector are necessary to finally break through and achieve this vision. In order to avail such
life saving services proper infrastructure facilities needs to be developed. Bedside Utility of Liaoning
Score a Non-Invasive As Predictor of Esophageal V. Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa
sac. Also, the workers who work in the emergency room, such as doctors, nurses, and other care
providers, undergo rigorous training to become professionals in their careers, and are required to act
accordingly. In 2001, 61 percent of all crash fatalities occurred along rural roads, even though only
39 percent of vehicle-miles were traveled in such areas (Flanigan et al., 2005). The process of
undercutting was conducted, while the earth pressure redistribution inside the model was recorded
by means of a miniature set of pressure cells. From the standpoint of patients, delivery of emergency
care services should be seamless. This new book examines the operational structure of EMS by
presenting an in-depth analysis of the current organization, delivery, and financing of these types of
services and systems. By addressing its strengths, limitations, and future challenges this book draws
upon a range of concerns. In areas where trauma systems have developed, EMS and trauma providers
are interdependent, working closely within an established protocol to help ensure that patients are
transported to the most appropriate facility as quickly as possible. Summarized below are the
committee’s findings and recommendations for meeting the challenge of high demand for emergency
care and achieving the vision of a 21st-century emergency care system. The ER is extremely fast-
paced and will always be in action. In this situation, the American Heart Association instructs that
health care providers or first aid medics should take 30 to 45 seconds to feel for a pulse of a
hypothermic victim. Such regionalization would rationalize the limited supply of specialists by
ensuring coverage at key tertiary and secondary locations based on actual need, replacing the current
haphazard approach that is based on many factors other than need. This new book considers the
multiple aspects to the emergency care system in the United States by exploring its strengths,
limitations, and future challenges. There is substantial evidence that the use of regionalization of
services to direct such patients to designated hospitals with greater experience and resources
improves outcomes and reduces costs across a range of high-risk conditions and procedures. They
will be happy to discuss your project with you. A national demonstration program is proposed in
which states and communities would be able to create and test new models for the delivery of
emergency and trauma care services. More than 4 years after the terrorist attacks of 2001, Hurricane
Katrina revealed how far we have is to go in this regard. By providing clear signage, color-coding
areas, providing visual landmarks, and assuring good lines of sight, wayfinding can be improved.
First aid is the first treatment administered when sudden injury or illness happens on a person. While
the evidence is limited, there are strong indications that the current EMS system fails the American
public in significant ways along all of these dimensions of quality care. However, additional analyses
looking at multiple factors at once are discussed in the paper.

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