FS2 LearningEpisode FINALS WEEK 2

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FINALS WEEK 2: Using Traditional and Authentic Types of Assessment for

Summative Purposes

At the end of this episode, students must be able to:

1. determine if an assessment task is aligned to the intended learning
2. select and evaluate assessment tools used in the learning environment;
3. reflect on the importance of knowledge and skills in the use of different
assessment tools;
4. express one’s views on the use of different forms of assessment; and
5. identify a problem related to traditional and authentic assessment for an
action research

The basic premise of Outcome-based teaching-learning (OBTL) is that the

teaching and learning activities (TLAs) and assessment methods (AMs) are
constructively aligned with the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the subject
matter/content. chtl.hkbu.edu.hk
Depending on the learning outcome to assess, the assessment task that the
teacher formulates can be a traditional assessment task or authentic assessment

Activity 1
Click the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGMF5x-idnM to revisit the
basic concepts that you have learned about traditional and authentic assessment
tools of outcome-based teaching learning. After watching the video, show/draw a
Venn diagram to compare traditional assessment with authentic assessment.
Activity 2

Interview via online or face to face (if permits) with teacher/s either handling
modular or online classes in your locality. Ask and study teacher’s lesson plan for
the week. Focus on the ILO and evaluation part of the lessons. (Teacher’s class
observation (CO) conducted quarterly under DepEd can be an option for an

1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?

Yes, my resource teacher or CT ensured that the assessment tasks were

aligned with the specified learning outcomes .

2. Did teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?

Yes, my resource teacher or CT incorporated both traditional and authentic

assessment tasks to comprehensively evaluate student understanding .

3. Are the traditional and authentic assessment tasks (written tests)

formulated in accordance with principles of test construction?

Yes, the traditional and authentic assessment tasks, including written tests,
were formulated following principles of test construction .

4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for
summative purposes?

Yes, assessment tasks designed for formative purposes were effectively

utilized for ongoing evaluation, providing valuable insights into student
progress and guiding instructional adjustment .

5. Where were assessment results students better – in results of traditional

or authentic assessment?

Students demonstrated a preference for authentic assessment aligned

with process assessment over traditional methods .

6. Which assessment activity/activities did the students like more? Like least?

Students tended to favor authentic assessments activities more, as they

appreciate the practical application and real-world relevance , unlike
traditional one .
Activity 3
Based on the results of observation conducted in Activity 2, make your reflection
on how to make assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable
to students.

I can enhance meaningfulness and acceptance of the assessment

process by incorporating real-world scenarios in assessment tasks, connecting
learning outcomes to practical applications. Additionally, seeking feedback from
students on assessments methods and formats allow me to consider their
preferences and adapt the process to better align with their learning styles .
Activity 4
Assessment of some relevant problems with possible solutions.
Identify a problem related to traditional and authentic assessment for action
research according to your field of specialization.

Field of specialization: Grade 5 , Science ,Langtad Elementary School

1. The specific subject/topic:

2. Assessment tools used in the present topic.
Visual Aids , PowerPoint presentation , Instructional Materials like
trashcan , pictures and etc.
3. Evaluation of assessment tasks. (Requirement not met in light of the
principles of test construction)
Lack of students corresponding or communication. I can used more
methods like, let them create a portfolio or journals regarding to the topic.
4. Your proposed solution to improve assessment practices.
I can reduce or increase length.Make it 'adaptive'–using technology, for
example.Use language or examples more familiar, interesting, amusing, or
otherwise more engaging to the student.Provide substantive student
choice in the assessment–form, items, timing, etc.

Hong Kong Baptist University. Outcome-based Teaching and Learning.

Silmser, L.M. (2021. Traditional and Authentic Assessments.


Lucas, M.R., Borabo, M.,Bilbao,P.,Corpuz,B.( 2021). Field Study 2- Participation

and Teaching Assistantship. Lorimar Publishing Inc.

TEC, DepEd, Ched. (2009).Experiencial Learning Courses Handbook

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