Granny Conjure
Granny Conjure
Granny Conjure
Denise Alvarado
Tear the page out of a bible that has the 23rd Psalm on it. Lay it
on a piece of yellow tissue paper and anoint the four corners
with pure extra virgin olive oil. Say the 23rd Psalm three times.
Fold both up three times towards you, then turn at a 90 degree
angle and fold three more times towards you. Only the yellow
tissue paper will be showing. Take the folded packet and wrap
in a piece of tin foil and place in a small white bag and keep it in
your right pocket or bra. Every day, take the packet out and un-
fold it carefully and read the 23rd psalm three times from the
torn out page of the Bible. Repeat for nine days. On the ninth
day, do not undo the packet; rather, write the same Psalm 23 on
a piece of brown paper without unfolding your packet and look-
ing at the torn out Psalm from the Bible. If you can write it luid-
ly without looking, any harm that has been done against you will
be nulli ied and you will be protected. Take the brown paper
and place it in the white bag along with a pinch of rue, a pinch of
hyssop and a piece of Devil’s Shoestring for a potent mojo bag
that protects against all harm.
This work is a method of divination using a skeleton key and a
Bible. Tie the skeleton key to a red string so that it hangs like a
pendulum. Open the Bible to Psalm 50. Read Psalm 50 and then
hold that skeleton key from the string, dangling it above Psalm
50. Call out the names of people you suspect of stealing from
Mix up seven tablespoons of white cornmeal, seven tablespoons
of yellow cornmeal, seven tablespoons of salt, seven tablespoons
of sulphur, and seven tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Mix it up
real good and put in a salt shaker. Every morning at sunrise, go
around the perimeter of your home going counterclockwise and
sprinkle some of that mixture all around your home. This will
protect your home and family from psychic and spiritual attacks.
You can also do this around your car to keep it from breaking
down and to prevent accidents, and also at the threshold of your
doorways to keep unwanted people and spirits from entering.
Write the landlord's name nine times on a piece of paper and
place in a bottle. Add some gin, whiskey, and rum. Take two tea-
spoons of sugar (white sugar if the landlord is white, brown sug-
ar if the landlord is not white) and put water from three sources
in the bottle: some river water, water from the faucet and some
well water. Shake well every day at twelve o'clock. Burn nine
green candles—one a day for nine days—and say Psalms 1 and
18 each day. Plant the bottle with the neck down close to the
front door. This is believed to ensure you stay in your home.
Mix the water with 700 parts of the alcohol, and in the mix-
ture dissolve the soap. Add the essence of spring lowers and
birch oil to the remainder of the alcohol, mix well, and to the
mixture add, little by little and with constant agitation, the
soap mixture. Finally, add the glycerin, mix thoroughly and
set aside for 8 days, ilter and color the iltrate with chloro-
phyll, to which is added a little tincture of saffron. To use,
add an equal volume of water to produce a lather. (Hiscox,
1907, p.244).