Unit I (Economic Growth and Development) Dr. Suvendu Barik
Unit I (Economic Growth and Development) Dr. Suvendu Barik
Unit I (Economic Growth and Development) Dr. Suvendu Barik
Economics of Development
The economic factors broadly involve social, political, religious and
administrative factors. Here we are to concentrate our discussion on
social and political factors, because they largely shape the course of
a) Social factors:
Education, health, ideological transformation and other such factors
help moulding public opinion for achieving social objectives of
a) Economic Factors:
i) Market economy
ii) Economic Stability
iii) Development Planning
b) Structural factors
i) Labour Population
ii) Stock of Real Capital
iii) Technological Advance
c) External Factors
i) Foreign Trade
ii) Foreign Finance
iii) International Cooperation
4. Measuring Development and Development Gap:
Development Gap: refers to the space between nations
demographically, economically and developmentally.
This gap is measured based on the industrial progress and
infrastructure capabilities of a country and ranks it in
comparison to global standards.
By putting this sort of ranking system in place, it is easy to
determine the countries that are doing best and the countries
that are in need of better management and updating.
4. Measuring Development Gap :
What are some developmental measures?
Here are a few developmental measures. They are:
Basic literacy rate: Any individual above the age of seven who
can read and comprehend in at least one language is deemed
educated. According to the 2011 census, it stands at 74.04 per cent in
Using the above noted three measures of development and applying a formula
(explained below) to data of 175 countries , the HDI puts all these counties
into three categories, Low HDI (0.0 to 0.499), medium HDI (0.50 to 0.799),
and high HDI (0.80 to 1.0). As per the Latest data, there are 195 counties in
the world and the rank of India is 132.
As you can see, despite these countries having the highest ranking in terms of
economic development, they do not maintain the highest ranking in GDP, and
there is a disparity in GDP per capita which is an indicator of economic growth.
This illustrates how a country's level of income and output does not directly
translate to a high level of economic development.
Strengths of the HDI
In economics, the Gini coefficient, also known as the Gini index or Gini ratio, is a
measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income inequality, the
wealth inequality, or the consumption inequality within a nation or a social group. It
was developed by Italian statistician and sociologist Corrado Gini (1912 in his
paper Italian: variability and mutability). Building on the work of American
economist Max Lorenz, Gini proposed that the difference between the
hypothetical straight line depicting perfect equality, and the actual line
depicting people's incomes, be used as a measure of inequality.
The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among the values of a frequency
distribution, such as levels of income. The Gini coefficient is an index for the degree
of inequality in the distribution of income/wealth, used to estimate how far a
country's wealth or income distribution deviates from an equal distribution.
A Gini coefficient of 0 reflects perfect equality, where all income or wealth values
are the same, while a Gini coefficient of 1 (or 100%) reflects maximal inequality
among values, a situation where a single individual has all the income while all
others have none.
Gini coefficient …Continued
Considering the effect of taxes and Transfer payments, the income Gini coefficient
ranged between 0.24 and 0.49, with Slovenia being the lowest and Mexico the
highest. African countries had the highest pre-tax Gini coefficients in 2008–2009,
with South Africa having the world's highest, estimated to be 0.63 to 0.7.
The Gini coefficient is usually defined mathematically based on the Lorenz curve,
which plots the proportion of the total income of the population (y-axis) that is
cumulatively earned by the bottom x of the population . The line at 45 degrees thus
represents perfect equality of incomes.
The Gini coefficient can then be thought of as the ratio of the area that lies between
the line of equality and the Lorenz curve (marked A in the diagram) over the total
area under the line of equality (marked A and B in the diagram); i.e., G = A/(A + B).
If there are no negative incomes, it is also equal to 2A and 1 − 2B due to the fact that
A + B = 0.5.
Assuming non-negative income or wealth for all, the Gini coefficient's theoretical
range is from 0 (total equality) to 1 (absolute inequality). This measure is often
rendered as a percentage, spanning 0 to 100. However, if negative values are factored
in, as in cases of debt, the Gini index could exceed 1. Typically, we presuppose a
positive mean or total, precluding a Gini coefficient below zero.
The Gini coefficient is equal to the area marked A divided by the total area of A
and B, i.e. Gini = A/ A + B . The axes run from 0 to 1, so A and B form a
triangle of area 1/2 and Gini = 2 A = 1 − 2 B .
Max Otto Lorenz was an American economist who developed the Lorenz
curve in an undergraduate essay. His doctoral thesis (1906) was on 'The
Economic Theory of Railroad Rates' and made no reference to perhaps his
most famous paper. The term “Lorenz Curve" for the measure Lorenz
invented was coined by Willford I. King in 1912.
You can think of the horizontal axis as percent of people and the vertical
axis as the percent of income those people receive. Therefore the Lorenz
curves always start and end at the same places, where 0% of people make
0% of the country's income and 100% of people make 100% of the total
Inequality is implied when the curve is below the 45-degree line: At the left,
the percentage of people is higher than the percent of income they receive
(i.e. 10% of the people getting 5% of the total income); at the right, the
percent of income received rises more than the percent of people receiving
The area above the Lorenz curve - marked "A" - is shaded differently from
the area below the curve -- marked "B". This simplifies the mathematical
explanation of the gini coefficient, which is A/(A+B).
Thank You
Dr. Suvendu Barik