The Matrix Reimagined ©
The Matrix Reimagined ©
The Matrix Reimagined ©
You have had the red pill, and you are now aboard Morpheus’s flying ship, the Nebuchadnezzar in a liquid-
filled pod among countless other pods, containing other humans. While you recover from a lifetime of
physical inactivity in the pod, Morpheus explains the situation: In the early 21st century, a war broke out
between humanity and intelligent machines. After humans blocked the machines’ access to solar energy,
the machines responded by enslaving humankind and harvesting their bioelectric power while keeping their
minds pacified in the Matrix, a shared simulated reality modeled on the world as it was in 1999. In the years
following, the remaining free humans took refuge in the underground city of Zion, a steampunk civilization.
Morpheus and his crew are a group of rebels who hack into the Matrix to “unplug” enslaved humans and
recruit them. As proof of the intelligence of your teammates and you, you have just been released. By all
accounts, it appears that your team is the One, a group of humans prophesied to free humankind.
After you have recuperated, your team enters the Matrix to visit the Oracle, a prophet-like program who
predicted that the One would emerge. The Oracle gives you an old manuscript called “THE SINGULARITY
PAPERS” with details of technologies which could be used to recreate the human world, and a few other
documents also placed here, here and here to show you how technologies could converge to drive change.
Fully confident you can save humanity from Armageddon, you make a telephone call, promising the
machines that you will show their human prisoners “a world where anything is possible.”
© Debesh Sharma
Morpheus has access codes to the mainframe computer in Zion and has been awaiting your arrival to send
survival instructions to Zion.
You are to now develop blueprints of future environments (and the technologies being used in those) so
that the rest of humanity in Zion understands what awaits them on the surface of the Earth when you, the
One, sets them free.
For the Zionists (and also for you), this is imperative so you can jumpstart a new civilization on terra firma
and adapt from a steampunk world to a bleeding-edge world created by you, the One.
Using “THE SINGULARITY PAPERS” given to you by the Oracle, imagine what the world in 2050 would
Focus ONLY on the space that you have been assigned out of: education, transportation, healthcare,
residence, office, hotel, restaurant, media and entertainment, farm, retail, financial services, factory, food
and nutrition..
Use the maximum number of technologies given in “THE SINGULARITY PAPERS” to imagine, and then
describe how that space will be in 2050.
In addition, there are some other broad-based technologies which you could use such as:
Remember the 3Bs (bending, breaking, blending) when putting these technologies to work.
Do not force fit technologies – the technologies which you use to describe how these future spaces might
appear as should work seamlessly with each other.
“Beam me up, Scotty” is not allowed i.e., you cannot get into the realm of sci-fi when deciding what the
future might be.
© Debesh Sharma