Exergy-Energy Analysis For A Feasibility Trigenera
Exergy-Energy Analysis For A Feasibility Trigenera
Exergy-Energy Analysis For A Feasibility Trigenera
Research Article
Open Access. © 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
2 Ebru Kolay Kadıoğlu and Meral Altınay
industrialization, increasing energy demands, and for the examined scenarios, by means of a deterministic
growing economy. With regards to electricity generation, mixed integer linear programming algorithm. Çelik and
while Turkey’s installed power was 88,551 MW at the end Kabul [4] carried out energy and exergy analyses by con-
of 2018, it reached 91,270 MW at the end of 2019. While sidering the modeling of a solar energy sourced cogenera-
the total consumption of electrical energy in Turkey tion system in their study. It was determined that the col-
was 22630356.02 MW h in February 2019, it increased lector efficiency of the examined system was 21%, and the
to 24213523.12 MW h in February 2020 [1]. While the thermal efficiency of the ORC system was 6%. It was deter-
cumulative electricity generation in 2020 was mostly mined that the highest exergy loss in the system occurred in
17% with natural gas, the lowest rate was wastes with the parabolic solar collector with 44%. Therefore, it has
2% [2]. In the light of these data, it can be said that the been emphasized that improvement on the parabolic solar
most important factors affecting energy production are the collector should be made. The exergy efficiency of the
inseparable link between energy and economy. Addition- cogeneration system, which should be concentrated and
ally, in Turkey, the natural gas-based supply of electricity also examined, was calculated as 22%. In the article pub-
and heating needs and the ineffective use of existing lished by Aras and Balli [5], exergy and exergoeconomic
energy potentials cause us to import a large part of our analyses applied in a combined heat and power system
energy needs. This situation causes us to be economically with micro gas turbine (MGTCHP) are mentioned. While
dependent on foreign sources and moves away from the determining the exergy consumption and cost of the system,
principle of sustainability in energy supply. For these rea- the exergy and exergy cost balances were found for each
sons, it is essential to prioritize energy efficiency and component of the system. According to the results, the
savings. exergic efficiency of the MGTCHP system was 123 kW with
Cogeneration and trigeneration systems are energy 35.80%. In the study conducted by Özgöztaşı [6] the system
efficient production systems that can be called human and was designed with operating loads of 2,000 kW h electricity,
environment friendly working for this purpose. Trigeneration 3,284 kW h heating, and 1,221 kW h cooling. The flow dia-
means triple production as the word illustrates and it is an grams of the designed system are explained with the basic
added version of the cooling system as an advanced version working principles and the sub-units of the whole system
of the cogeneration systems. It is the simultaneous produc- and exergy and energy analyses are examined. According to
tion of electricity, heat, and cooling with the same fuel input this study, the thermal efficiency of the system was calcu-
as in cogeneration systems. In countries with high energy lated as 49.3%, the electrical efficiency as 43.68%, and the
costs, the use of trigeneration systems is a cost-effective exergetic efficiency as 47.97%.
approach. However, the correct determination of the system Wang et al. [7] carried out performance investigation
capacity, the correct selection of the system components and of a solar-assisted hybrid combined cooling, heating, and
the determination of how the selected system can be oper- power system based on energy, exergy, exergoeconomic
ated at the optimum level are the most important criteria for and exergo-environmental analyses. In this study, the
the efficient and productive operation of Trigeneration sys- energy and exergy analyses with the Sankey diagrams
tems, the basic principle of which is efficiency and energy indicated that the hybrid system achieves annual energy
saving. In order to achieve all these, it is important to perform efficiency of 76.3% and exergy efficiency of 22.4%. Another
exergetic and energetic analyses of the designed system. work by Wang, is investigation of a Mixed Effect Absorp-
Many academic scientific articles have been pub- tion Chiller Powered by Jacket Water and Exhaust Gas
lished and studies have been conducted on energy and Waste Heat of Internal Combustion Engine, Wang and
exergy analysis and optimization for Trigeneration and Wu [8]. A mixed effect absorption chiller (AC), which cou-
Cogeneration area. Piacentino et al. [3] studied the Relia- ples together single effect and double effect processes, is
bility of Optimization Results for Trigeneration Systems investigated to recover these two kinds of waste heat simul-
in Buildings, in the Presence of price uncertainties and taneously in this work.
erroneous load estimation. This study was very guiding Although many exergy and energy studies have been
and helpful academic article. In this study an analysis of the carried out in literature, there is no study very different
influence of erroneous estimation of the uncertain energy campuses based on a real case, consumption values
loads and prices on the optimal plant design and operation which are under in-dependent working conditions included
is proposed. With reference to a hotel building, a number of in a single trigeneration system. There is no study in the
realistic scenarios is developed, exploring all the most fre- literature in which the planning and control of such a
quent errors occurring in the estimation of energy loads and system is questioned with seasonal exergetic and energetic
prices. Then, profit-oriented optimizations are performed analyses.
Exergy–energy analysis for a feasibility trigeneration system 3
Today, it is possible for institutions to maintain their study, final designed and installed system are verified and
sustainability by producing their own energy, and it is an discussed with the highest exergetic and energetic sea-
important indicator of development in institutions that sonal efficiencies. It was emphasized that performing
can achieve this. In this study, a trigeneration system’s exergy and energy analyses and creating mathematical
exergy and energy analyses were made operational at models to determine the feasibility of installation of the
optimum level with natural gas and their feasibility has trigeneration system are the most effective and closest to
been studied, in order to meet the electricity, heating, and the truth method in the decision-making phase of the
cooling needs of all existing buildings such as faculties, med- establishment of the system in this study.
ical school, cafeteria, library, service buildings, institutes, and
the rectorate in Kocaeli University Umuttepe Campus.
In this way, the feasibility of using the trigeneration
system in a university campus will be obtained and it is 2 Materials and methods
planned to perform exergetic and energetic analyses for
the design, size, and sustainability of the system in the In this study, the independent demand values are calcu-
campus that produces its own energy in order to facilitate lated with the necessary assumptions in order to meet all
applications. Using this designed system, the electricity the needs at the highest level for the part of Umuttepe
needs of the campus and the need for heating in the Campus where the faculties and the rectorate buildings
winter and cooling in the summer will be met by utilizing are located and the other part where the hospital and
the electrical energy produced in the system and/or the Faculty of Medicine are located.
waste heat generated as a result of the cycle. The system In the studies carried out for determining the design
has been dimensioned on the basis of minimizing distribu- and energy feasibility of the trigeneration system appli-
tion and transmission losses [9] and data were recorded cation, the possible improvements (revisions) in terms of
for possible improvement and solution suggestions [10]. In thermodynamics in order to maximize the system perfor-
addition, by determining the working conditions and oper- mance and the possibility of increasing the investment
ating load values suitable for the season [11], mathema- cost of the system, and contrarily, if efforts are made to
tical models for summer and winter modes were developed keep the investment cost low, the performance of the
separately [12]. In this study, it is aimed to present the system may decrease at the same rate, have also been
feasibility of a cost-effective, workable, and sustainable taken into account. For this reason, the campus (Part 1)
energy source within the university by selling the excess with 26 buildings such as Kocaeli University, rectorate,
electricity produced to the mains at the current electricity Law, Engineering, etc., and the campus where the hos-
unit prices determined by EPDK (Energy Market Regula- pital and medical faculty are located (Part 2) with dif-
tory Board in Turkey) [13]. ferent operating conditions are considered independent
In the light of all this, as a result of the existing and of each other. All energy analysis values and calculation
requested energy data and campus explorations, the para- results obtained are given in Table 1.
meters of the system under consideration were decided, While determining the optimal working method espe-
and then the design of the system’s units and equipment cially for use in a trigeneration system, many factors affect
were created in accordance with the supply/demand for the determination of the very dynamic working regime
the needs. The performance analyses of the trigeneration such as electricity trading and unit costs determined by
units selected in accordance with the real energy supply/ EPDK [13], working conditions and working environment,
demands were carried out and interpreted, and the deci- city conditions, post-investment maintenance and oper-
sion mechanisms on the energetic and exergic efficiencies ating costs of the units selected in the installed system,
created by thermodynamic theories were verified. In this and fuel costs used in the system [14,15].
Table 1: Umuttepe Part 1 and Part 2 energy analysis results and the demanded hourly average energy need values in the designed system
Thanks to cleverly developed methods, it should be
an improvement in the selected equipment and invest-
Not necessary
Not necessary
gas engine [17].
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
kW h
electricity that may occur, and it will not increase the
investment costs of the equipment operating at higher
capacity and will not increase the amortization times
more than it is [11]. At the same time, it is useful to
draw attention to the fact that the gas motor selected
consumption (kW h)
clearly said that the electrical operating load for part 2,
similar to Umuttepe part 1, can be 2 MW. According to this
information, Tables 2 and 3 clearly show how the elec-
trical load should be chosen.
The electrical loads of both parts can be met from the
trigeneration system, which we have made feasible, and
Table 2: Umuttepe Part 1. Net electricity demand (kW) and gains and losses after trigeneration
3 System description
The system was designed for Kocaeli University Umuttepe
of days
Table 3: Umuttepe Part 2. Net electricity demands (kW) are modified with three phase: (a) day time (T1) (06:00–17:00); (b) peak time (T2)
(17:00–22:00); (c) night (T3) (22:00–06:00)
Year/month Number of days Effective working Hourly consumption Net electricity produced (2,028 kW h)
hours T1 (kW h)
Year/month Number of days Effective working Hourly consumption Net electricity produced (2,028 kW h)
hours T2 (kW h)
Year/month Number of days Effective working hours Hourly consumption T3 (kW h) Net electricity produced (2,028 kW h)
Table 3: Continued
Year/month Number of days Effective working hours Hourly consumption T3 (kW h) Net electricity produced (2,028 kW h)
system in 1 + 1 module was designed for installation on the 3.1 Exergy losses, exergy, and energy
campus, but in a way to keep transmission and distribu- analysis with 2nd law efficiency of
tion leakages at a minimum level in each campus’s own thermodynamics
site [9,19]. Accordingly, 1 ea. gas motor, 1 ea. multi ABS
chiller, 1 ea. cooling tower, 1 ea. HT heat exchanger, 1 ea. Each of the flow point is taken to be “t”.
LT heat exchanger, 1 ea. HT radiator, and 1 ea. LT radiator Since there are 26 pieces of flow values assigned to
were selected in the facility. the system, there will be as much flow as t1, t2, t3, …. t26.
The P&ID performs preliminary explorations and best Each of the unit is taken to be “i”.
possible determinations for the facility with maximum “i” value sometimes forms a unit with only 2 flows,
effort to minimize transmission and distribution losses sometimes in conjunction with 4 flows, and since there
of the facility and ensure that the facility can operate are 10 units in total in the system, there will be as many
effectively (location, noise. level, distance from living as, i1, i2, i3, ….i10 units.
area etc…) [9,19]. Accordingly, the total destruction exergy of all “i”
In this study, since the 1st law efficiency of thermo- values in the system is formulated with the following
dynamics (conversion efficiency) cannot be taken as the equations (1) and (2):
best possible measure, and because it may cause wrong
evaluation of the systems, the 1st law efficiency cannot be (1)
Total destruct exergy = ∑Ėx (kW),
revealed and/or is insufficient [20], and work potentials, i=1
exergy calculations, exergy yields, 2nd law of thermody-
namics yields, and coefficient of performance (COP) ∑Ėxdestruction = Ėxİ 1 + Ėxİ 2 + Ėxİ 3 + Ėxİ 4 + Ėxİ 5 + Ėxİ 6
values were found [21] for 10 ea. units and 26 ea. flows + Ėxİ 7 + Ėxİ 8 + Ėxİ 9 + Ėxİ 10 (kW) ,
with the most realistic working criteria [22]. The men-
tioned engineering solutions, thermodynamic equilibrium
∑Ėxdestruction = ĖxAfter cooler + ĖxLT Heat exchanger
equations, and mathematical modeling have been made in + ĖxJacket water + ĖxHT Heat exchanger
accordance with thermodynamic assumptions as given + ĖxLT + ĖxHT Cooling tower
Cooling radiator
+ ĖxABS,HT Generator (3)
1) All the systems are under thermodynamic, thermal
and mechanical equilibrium. + ĖxABS Chiller,LT generator
2) The fluid circulating is water and the system is closed. + ĖxABS Chiller evaporator
Its specific heat cp is assumed to be constant.
+ ĖCooling tower (kW) .
3) Pumps, possible frictions, and the other pressure
losses are neglected. Accordingly, each value is defined as given below:
4) The flow is continuous. • Ėxİ1 = ĖxAfter cooler,
5) Dead state temperature and pressure are T0 = 25°C and • Ėxİ2 = ĖxLT Heat exchanger,
P0 = 1 atm (101.325 kPa), respectively. • Ėxİ3 = ĖxJacket water,
6) Kinetic, potential, and chemical energies are neglected. • Ėxİ4 = ĖxHT Heat exchanger,
Exergy–energy analysis for a feasibility trigeneration system 7
• Ėxİ5 = ĖxLT Cooling radiator, There are 7 ea. units, assigned to 26 ea. flow points
• Ėxİ6 = ĖxHT Cooling tower, and 10 ea. unit elements in the system [23]. The connec-
• Ėxİ7 = ĖxABS,HT generator, tion between units, unit elements, and the flow points are
• Ėxİ8 = ĖxABS Chiller,LT generator, described in Table 5.
• Ėxİ9 = ĖxABS Chiller,evaporator
• Ėxİ10 = ĖxCooling tower.
All the results obtained by applying the equilibrium 4 Results and discussion
equations to all defined points in the system are substi-
tuted in equations (2) and (3) for the 26 flow points In this study, the control and verification of the design
obtained and the total exergy loss is found as given were provided through the exergic and energetic ana-
below: lyses applied for the trigeneration system. This is a
• Ėxİ1 = 5.99 kW, method that has never been tried in the literature.
• Ėxİ2 = 9.88 kW, First of all, the realistic operating loads of the
• Ėxİ3 = 200.50 kW, designed trigeneration system were clarified for electri-
• Ėxİ4 = 43.58 kW, city, heating, and cooling, after the technical visits to
• Ėxİ5 = 6.62 kW, Umuttepe Campus. Cooling unit designs, efficiency and
• Ėxİ6 = 208.45 kW, all engineering calculations, energy and exergy ana-
• Ėxİ7 = 321.29 kW, lyses of the system were made by considering the appro-
• Ėxİ8 = 200.50 kW, priate system design, the compatibility of the selected
• Ėxİ9 = 95.37 kW, parameters with the production consumption values,
• Ėxİ10 = 78.73 kW. availability, and performance values.
Thanks to the Multi ABS chiller in the system, sea-
Exergy destruction for the entire feasibility system, sonal heating and cooling can be adjusted. According to
i=1 = 1170.96kW is found. this, all flows and units specified in Table 5 and all Ėx
According to the above information, the total exergy values calculated in detail will not be used in all seasons.
losses, loss percentages, and 2nd law efficiencies are In other words, it can be said that the system elements
given in Table 4. The total exergy losses and exergy that create the cooling energy to be obtained in the
loss percentages are given for each defined point in summer season by deactivating some flows and units
Figure 1. 2nd law efficiencies are given for each defined will not be equal to the system elements that should be
point in Figure 2. used in the winter season. Consequently, the Multi ABS
Table 4: Exergy analysis results applied to each point of the feasibility system and 2nd law efficiency findings
After Cooler
ABS Chiller Cooling 0%
Exergy Destruction
Tower LT Exchanger
7% 1%
Percentage ABS Chiller Evaporator
8% HT Exchanger
Jacket Water 4%
ABS Chiller Low
Temp.Generator-LTG LT Cooling Radiator
17% 1%
HT Cooling Radiator
Figure 1: Total exergy losses and exergy loss percentages of each point of the system.
Chiller is adjusted in summer mode in order to obtain The Ėx values of the flows that come into and out of
cooling energy in the summer season by putting. the trigeneration system for summer season are shown in
Table 5: System unit elements and assigned flow points in the Ėxdestruction = (Ėx1 + Ėx8 + Ėx23 + Ėx19 + Ėx23 + Ėx21)
feasibility system (5)
− (Ėx2 + Ėx7 + Ėx24 + Ėx20 + Ėx24
Table 6: Input and output exergic codes during operation in summer season
Input and Output Exergy Input (exergy code) Output (exergy code) Connected flow points Connected units
Table 7: Thermodynamic properties and exergic formation values from points 1–8
Properties After cooler (1–2) LT unit low temperature exchanger (3–6) Jacket water unit (7–8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure, P (bar) 8 8 8 8 5 5 8 8
Temperature, T (°C) 58 60.6 60.6 58 10 16.12 77 92
Temperature, T (K) 331.15 333.75 333.75 331.15 283.15 289.27 350.15 365.15
Enthalpy, hf (kJ/kg) 242.81 251.18 251.18 242.81 42.022 67.168 322.426 385.46
Entropy, sf (kJ/kg) 0.805 0.8313 0.8313 0.805 0.1511 0.2389 1.0397 1.2159
Flow, ṁ (kg/h) 40,860 40,860 40,860 40,860 13,600 13,600 68,705 68,705
Flow exergy, Ψ (kJ/kg) 7.4500 7.9780 7.9780 7.4500 1.6220 0.5906 17.0840 27.5900
Exergy, Ėx (kJ/h) 304407.00 325981.08 325981.08 304407.00 22059.20 8032.16 1173756.22 1895570.95
Ėx destruction (kJ/h) 21574.08 35601.12 721814.73
Ėx destruction (rate) (kW) 5.99280 9.88920 200.50409
2nd law efficiency of 0.93382 0.89771 0.61921
thermodynamics, ƞII
10 Ebru Kolay Kadıoğlu and Meral Altınay
Table 8: Thermodynamic properties and exergic formation values from points 9–16
Properties HT unit high temperature exchanger (9–12) LT unit cooling HT unit cooling radiator (15–16)
radiator (13–14)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure, P (bar) 8 8 5 5 5 5 6 6
Temperature, T (°C) 92 77 50 90 58 60.6 77 92
Temperature, T (K) 365.15 350.15 323.15 363.15 331.15 333.75 350.15 365.15
Enthalpy, hf (kJ/kg) 385.46 322.42 209.34 377.04 242.81 251.18 322.42 385.46
Entropy, sf (kJ/kg K) 1.2159 1.03972 0.7038 1.1929 0.805 0.8313 1.03972 1.2159
Flow, ṁ (kg/h) 68,705 68,705 25,824 25,824 45,161 45,161 71,390 71,390
Flow exergy, Ψ 27.5900 17.0840 4.1520 26.0270 7.4500 7.9780 17.0780 27.5900
Exergy, Ėx (kJ/h) 1895570.95 1173756.22 107221.25 672121.25 336449.45 360294.46 1219198.42 1969650.10
Ėx destruction (kJ/h) 156914.73 23845.01 750451.68
Ėx destruction 43.58743 6.62361 208.45880
(rate) (kW)
2nd law efficiency of 0.92165 0.93382 0.61899
thermodynamic, ƞII
• For the multi ABS chiller, it is stated that 10,360 kg/h of Q = 971.02 kW.
waste heat (flue gas-exhaust gases) can circulate in the • The spent value of COP is 1,203 kW jacket heat +
entire system per hour. 971.02 kW flue gas heat,
• High concentration LiBr + water is used as mixing liquid • If 1,800 kW is the desired value (our aim is the energy).
in multi ABS chiller. In the light of the information given Desired to be achieved
above, our aim is to obtain useful heat from the harmful Spent
and waste heat discharged from the chimney at 421°C, (8)
Cooling effect Q
by applying equation (7) given above. = = L ,
Work entry Wnet
• System is in the adiabatic process
• cp,exhaust = 1,121 kJ/kg K. COPSM = 2,174kW
= 0.82 .
• Q = Expresses the maximum heat energy that can be Cooling energy = ⌊1,800 kW × 0.82 = 1,476 kW⌋
obtained from the flue gas. ≈ 1.5 MW.
Table 9: Thermodynamic properties and exergic formation values from points 17–24
Properties Multi ABS cooling group/high temperature Multi ABS cooling group/low Multi ABS cooling group
generator line–HTG Unit (17–20) temperature generator evaporator unit (23–24)
line–LTG Unit (21–22)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Table 10: Thermodynamic properties and exergic formation values • 985 kW flue gas heat, ƞth (thermal efficiency) spent
from points 25–26 value,
• If 861 kW is ƞth (thermal efficiency) the desired
Properties Multi ABS cooling group/cooling value,
tower (25–26)
η = Net work wchieved
25 26 (10)
/ Total input heat (Thermal efficiency) ,
Pressure, P (bar) 1 1
Temperature, T (°C) 35 29 η = WNet work/ QHeat from flue gas. (11)
Temperature, T (K) 308.15 302.15
Enthalpy, hf (kJ/kg) 146.64 121.55 861 kW
ƞth = = 0.87411.
Entropy, sf (kJ/kg K) 0.5051 0.42288 985 kW
Flow, ṁ (kg/h) 499,000 499,000
Flow exergy, Ψ (kJ/kg) 0.6950 0.1270 ⎢ 1,203 kW( jacket heat of the motor) ⎥
Exergy, Ėx (kJ/h) 346805.00 63373.00 ⎢ + ⎥
⎢ 95 kW(aftercooler temperature of the motor) ⎥
Ėx destruction (kJ/h) 283432.00 ⎢ ⎥
Ėx destruction (rate) (kW) 78.73111 ⎢ + ⎥
2nd law efficiency of 0.95626 ⎣ 752.60 kW( flue gas temperature of the motor)
⎢ ⎥
thermodynamics, ƞII
= 2050.60 kW / h
Table 11: Input and output exergic codes during operation in winter season
Input and Output Exergy Input (exergy code) Output (exergy code) Connected flow points Connected units
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